Sample Prep Tem

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1 Primary fixation Wash Secondary fixation Wash en bloc staining (optional)*** Wash after en bloc staining Dehydration Chemical 2.5% glutaraldehyde in buffer buffer Temperature Time Repetitions 1 3-5 1 3-5 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

room or 0-4C 1-2 hours or microwave* room or 0-4C 10-20 minutes

1-4% osmium tetroxide in room or 0-4C 1-2 hours buffer buffer or distilled water** room or 0-4C 10-20 minutes 0.5% uranyl acetate distilled water 25% ethanol 50% ethanol 70-75% ethanol 90-95% ethanol 100% ethanol Transition solvent if embedding resin is not miscible with ethanol 0-4C overnight

room or 0-4C 10-15 minutes room or 0-4C 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes


1 part resin/2 parts solvent 1 part resin/1 part solvent (optional) 2 parts resin/1 part solvent 100% resin

room room room room

15 minutesovernight 15 minutesovernight 15 minutesovernight 15 minutes-1 hour 1 3-30 minutes > 8 hours

1 1 1 1 1

Embedding Degassing (optional) Polymerization

Place in 100% resin in suitable container

Place in vacuum room-60 C desiccator or vacuum oven 1 60-70 C

* See instructions for microwave fixation. **Wash in water if en bloc staining is used. ** *If omitting en bloc staining, proceed to dehydration at end of washes.


1 Primary fixation Chemical Temperature Time Repetitions 1

2.5% glutaraldehyde in buffer room or 0-4C 2-4 hours or

microwave* Wash Secondary fixation Wash en bloc staining (optional)*** Wash after en bloc staining Dehydration buffer 1-4% osmium tetroxide in buffer buffer or distilled water** 0.5% uranyl acetate distilled water 25% ethanol 50% ethanol 70-75% ethanol 90-95% ethanol 100% ethanol Transition solvent if embedding resin is not miscible with ethanol Infiltration 1 part resin/2 parts solvent 1 part resin/1 part solvent (optional) 2 parts resin/1 part solvent 100% resin room room room room 1 hour-overnight 1 hour-overnight 1 hour-overnight 1 hour 1 3-30 minutes > 8 hours 1 1 1 1 11 room or 0-4C 30 minutes room or 0-4C 2-4 hours room or 0-4C 30 minutes 0-4C overnight 3-5 1 3-5 1 2 1 1 1 1 2

room or 0-4C 10-15 minutes room or 0-4C 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes

Embedding Degassing (optional) Polymerization

Place in 100% resin in suitable 1 container Place in vacuum desiccator or room-60 C vacuum oven 1 60-70 C

* See instructions for microwave fixation. **Wash in water if en bloc staining is used. *** If omitting en bloc staining, proceed to dehydration at end of washes.


1 Primary fixation Wash Secondary fixation Wash en bloc staining (optional)*** Chemical 2.5% glutaraldehyde in buffer buffer 1-4% osmium tetroxide in buffer buffer or distilled water** 0.5% uranyl acetate Temperature Time room or 0-4C 30 minutes or microwave* room or 0-4C 5-10 minutes room or 0-4C 20 minutes room or 0-4C 5-10 minutes 0-4C overnight Repetitions 11 3-5 11 3-5 1

Wash after en bloc staining Dehydration

distilled water 25% ethanol 50% ethanol 70-75% ethanol 90-95% ethanol 100% ethanol Transition solvent if embedding resin is not miscible with ethanol

room or 0-4C 5-10 minutes room or 0-4C 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5-10 minutes

2 1 1 1 1 2


1 part resin/2 parts solvent 1 part resin/1 part solvent (optional) 2 parts resin/1 part solvent 100% resin

room room room room

15 minutesovernight 15 minutesovernight 15 minutesovernight 15 minutes-1 hour 11

1 1 1 1


Place in 100% resin in 1 11 conical BEEM capsule with cap removed 11 11 1 60-70 C

Centrifugation Polymerization

5 minutes > 8 hours

* See instructions for microwave fixation. **Wash in water if en bloc staining is used. *** If omitting en bloc staining, proceed to dehydration at end of washes.

Place glass and grid sheet in microwave with numbered coordinates aligned with left edge of plate. Place 400-ml beaker with 300 ml distilled water in back left corner of the oven. Heat on COOK 1-2 min. Replace heated beaker with fresh beaker of water (same amount and same position in microwave) Place 3 ml of sample in fixative in flat bottom glass tube. Place tube on square at X-18 coordinates. Heat 15 sec on COOK 1.


1 Firm Firm/hard Hard


10 g 6g 26 g 0.5 ml

10 g 5g 26 g 0.5 ml

10 g 4g 26 g 0.5 ml

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