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The Road To Nowhere 7

Who Do You Need To BE To Become A Seven Figure 9

Business Owner.

The Three Phases Of Business 11

Your Unfair Advantage 13

The Maximum Viable Consulting Model 16

We Are In The Middle Of Massive Change 18

Million Dollar Maths 25

The Maximum Viable Consulting Principles 28

Step 1: Unpack Your IP 30

Step 2: Nail Your Niche 38

Step 3: Establish Authority 47

Step 4: Bundle Your Genius 53

Step 5: Automate Your Acquisition 64

Step 6: Enroll in the Future 82

Step 7: Package Your Knowledge 98

Step 8: Build Your Buyers 103

Step 9: Automate and Scale 110



Here’s the reality: You don’t need to be a multi-millionaire to have a great life.


If you want control over your time, energy and impact you need one thing:

A predictable, scalable business.

Because that gives you the one thing that motivates every human on earth


There’s a famous business cliche: “You must work ON your business, rather
than IN it”

While it has an element of truth in it, it’s too simplistic for most of us.

Entrepreneurs are like artists, they love to create, make things, produce.

Sometimes you want to roll your sleeves up and get into it. But the rest of
the time you need to be able to get away from the coal face and create

It’s all about how you choose to spend your time and energy.

Consultants need to pay special attention.

The modern, connected world has created traps.

Barriers to entry in most markets are at an all time low. So is trust.

The very technology that was supposed to save us from the grind has also
trapped many in in nite choice.

That coupled with the pressure to ‘put yourself out there’ or ‘build a personal
brand’ create an unwelcome pressure to be something you’re not.

Consultants are often creating assets and results for other people but not
creating them for themselves.

But there’s good news.

That same technology can be used to build boundaries. Build systems that
do the heavy lifting. Get your message and value out there while not putting
you ‘out there’.

I know because I’ve done it.

And in this book I’m going to show you how you can too.

Why Am I Telling You This?

I’m only going to show you things I’ve done.

In a world of 22 year old life social media gurus and overnight experts, I have
no interest in adding to the noise.

After 10 years doing the entrepreneurship gig, I’ve successfully scaled 2

consulting businesses in different industries and helped hundreds of client
serving pro’s grow predictably.

In the process I’ve generated millions in sales.

But I’ve also left a lot of money on the table.

Because I have other priorities.

I’ve been married to my soul mate for 14 years and together for 21.

I have two young children.

I’ve spent months at a time traveling the world with my young family.

And I didn’t do it by building a giant business with big of ces, high

overheads and lots of staff.

I did it with a tiny team, a few clients and as little complexity as possible.

If you want a ‘big’ business, I’m not your guy.

But if you want a ‘big little business’ with big pro ts, impact, enjoyment and
little overhead, stress and complexity then I’m your man.

The Road To Nowhere
I thought I was the cats pyjamas when I left my last job,

I was Marketing Director for an online business that went from $0 to $120m
in sales in just 4 years.

I was responsible for driving growth and we had put up some big numbers.

I was asked to speak, consult, invest in anything and everything.

So when I decided to become a consultant I though it would be easy.

For a while I was cruising along.

But when I tried to build my business I listened to all the advice.

I got a few clients.

I turned up at their of ces.

I gave them my time.

I gave them my best strategies.

I loved working with clients but the way I was doing it felt a lot like a job.

It wasn’t scalable. It wasn’t predictable

All I ended up with was a confusing spaghetti of different types of clients

and a laundry list of services and offers.

It was hard to tell where business ended and life began and I felt
overwhelmed and way out of my comfort zone.

My Ebook
It seemed the harder I worked and the more I did, the less time I had but
and there didn’t seem to be more money arriving in my bank account.

I was reluctant to hand off work to my team because the gap between their
standards and mine were enormous.

If I’m honest, I had so many services, I didn’t hire well in the rst place so I
had a team that didn’t t together.

I had fallen into The Consulting Trap.

My Ebook
Who Do You Need To BE To Become A Seven Figure Business Owner.
This is the dirty little secret.

You have goals. You have dreams. Aspirations.

The raw ingredients are there you just need to upgrade your immediate

This requires some breaking of conditioning.

From a young age we're conditioned that hard work is noble.

Society admires the grinders and the triers. The ones who never give up.

But the truth is you have to give up many things to reach your true
potential. Thankfully they’re things you probably don’t enjoy.

Entrepreneurs are creatives.

They love to make things. Solve problems. Innovate.

So they put themselves at the centre of everything.

While this gives them control it also makes them the bottleneck.

The biggest asset, while simultaneously being the biggest liability.

I found this out in my consultancy.

12 months into my new business it felt a lot like a job.

It was me myself and I. The clients expected me.

And it felt even worse that I was giving advice that I wasn’t following myself.

My Ebook
Niche down, simplify, measure, scale pro t not complexity.

While it was hard to let go, the grass is greener on the other side.

Having a pro table, leveraged business has given me more time, freedom,
ful lment and happiness than any other point in my life.

I call this a Maximum Viable Consultant.

Big impact, pro t and freedom.

Little complexity, stress and overhead.

My Maximum Viable Consultancy allows me to truly do what I want in life

and paradoxically the less ‘work’ I do the bigger impact I have.

This book lays out the steps you can take to get there too.

The Three Phases Of Business
After growing two seven gure agencies and helping hundreds of other
businesses grow I’ve come to realise there are three key phases.

What you focus on in each one is the difference between thriving and

In Phase One you're just starting out and have got your rst few clients. They
often come from friends or family contacts.

You’re riding solo and it’s just you and your cat.

You say yes to every opportunity as you just want to get going.

Your focus in Phase One should be tting your product to the market.
Validating you have something that people actually want and will pay for.

All the marketing in the world can’t overcome a poor product and

Nailing that means you’ve got something to grow.

If you’re in Phase One focus on results and client delivery.

In Phase Two you are making $10k-$20k a month in revenue with occasional
spikes higher and lower.

You serve a general market and say yes to every opportunity but there are
themes emerging of clients you deliver outsized results for and love to work

Your leads come from referrals and networking and there is no predictability
of where the next one will come from.

You're still riding solo or have a small team of contractors and collaborators.

It never feels like there's enough hours in the day and you can’t see how you
can take on more work and grow without burning out.

In Phase Two focus is on predictable lead generation and building an


In Phase Three everything changes.

Consistent $100k+ months

Predictable inbound leads

Authority positioning attracting premium pricing and clients

Leveraged delivery with no limiting hourly rates
Systems rather than burn out and grind

If you're in Phase Two and ready to move to Phase Three there are three key
transformations you need to make.

But rst you need to decide WHY you’re making these transformations.

Your Unfair Advantage
Let’s get something out of the way:

Life isn’t ‘fair’.

I like Oliver Pemberton’s 3 truths of fairness.

#1. Life is a competition

#2. You’re judged by what you do, not what you think

#3. Our idea of fairness is self interest

Many business owners spend a decent portion of their time looking at the
competition. Scrutinising, judging, comparing.

The thing is: they aren’t you.

You have a unique combination of experience, skills, world view, resources

and ideas.

I don’t want to say you’re a special little snow ake but you are truly one in a

Rather than looking at what others are doing you need to carve out your
own place.

Deploy that unfair advantage that no one can replicate, copy and steal.

AND if they do copy you they will give power back to you as you will always
be the source.

This is why many business owners fail when working with business coaches
or buying courses.

They end up building a business based on someone else’s template rather
than leveraging their unfair advantages.

You do this by understanding your Three E’s.

Here’s an Exercise:

Take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns. At the top of each one

Energy, Experience, Earnings.

These are the Three E’s. When these elements interact something powerful
happens. They are compound leverage points. Getting them right means
they thrive and feed off each other.

Here are the questions you need to ask for each one:


Which clients and relationships energise you? The ones you look forward to.

What work puts you into ow and makes time seem to disappear?

Describe these scenarios

When have you delivered an amazing experience that you loved and others
raved about?

What format was this delivered in? eg. online, in person, both

What time frame do you need to deliver an AMAZING result to a client?

How much monthly pro t do you need to move beyond scarcity and cover
your basic needs?

How much monthly pro t do you need to have an operating surplus and
cash to inject for growth?

What is your next major investment you must make in yourself? eg. new
house, dream car

Find some space and take your time.

When you have laid out your leverage points you have something powerful.
Not only have you uncovered your unique abilities you have framed your
path to get there.

Nothing on your page is impossible.

In fact it’s probable if you invest the time and energy to get there. Next I
show you the Three pillars that you must have to get there as fast as

Nothing makes something real like proclaiming it.

You’re welcome to email them to me so I can cheer you on (that's my personal email)

The Maximum Viable Consulting Model
There are three components to your Maximum Viable Consultancy. If you
successfully build all three and fuel them with a little energy and intention,
you are well on your way to a million dollar business you can run from

These systems aren’t based on theory. They have been battle tested by me
and my clients and have generated millions in sales.

The Three Systems Are:

Magnetise your self to generate predictable leads with The Authority

Funnel - Quali ed leads are the lifeblood of business. The Authority
Funnel attracts your ideal prospect magnetically, invites them into your
tribe, builds trust and transforms them into clients
Grow pro t and freedom by Productising your services- Your business
model dictates your pro t and workload. The ideal model delivers
results to your clients with the minimum of you.
Monetise your IP and create a buyers list with The Money Funnel - This
system makes everyday a payday and positions you as the default
choice in your market and attracts premium clients

There are a lot of challenges you must solve on your way to 7- gures.

But you won’t experience the later problems until you x this major one: not
having enough leads.

Most consultants and experts are on the Six-Figure Hamster Wheel because
they don’t have an automated way to generate leads.

The frustrating thing is it may be exactly what you’re doing for someone

They use referrals and networking (sometimes even cold calling)

and only grow from hustle. Those things work and will give you clients but
they are neither predictable or enjoyable.

The problem is if you don’t have automated lead generation, it’s so dif cult
to grow because you don’t have the #1 thing required in all businesses.


We Are In The Middle Of Massive Change
What underlies the malaise of so many large and successful organisations
worldwide is that their theory of business no longer works

- Peter Drucker

In this rst chapter I'm going to cover:

The North star of building your business.

I'm going to unpack the business model behind the MVC
I'm going to highlight the simple maths behind the million dollar
I'm also going to share with you the MVC operating principles.

I developed the MVC model as a response to this because most theories in

the consulting market no longer work. The MVC model is optimized for
current market conditions. There's been a lot of things happening in the
expert and consulting market over the past few years, but there's some

The traditional consulting model is not aligned with value. What I mean
by that is that the traditional consulting model exchanges time for
money and that is not optimal for the client and it's not optimal for you.
Exchanging time for money inherently is unscalable. Inherently it has
restrictions on where you can deliver your work from, what you can do,
how many people you can work with. It doesn't deliver leverage and
you're delivering. It also is suboptimal for the client because it very
rarely promises results. It just has an exchange for time for money,
which means that the longer you take to do the job, the more that they
are challenged, but results are often pushed to the side.
It's never been easier to reach a new audience has developed a
completely new dynamic because the internet has completely
changed the nature of the consulting market. The internet has meant
that it's just as easy to do business with someone next door to us as
someone on the other side of the world, but this has also lead to the
fact that…

Barriers to entry have never been lower. This new way of distribution,
the new markets that have opened up have meant more and more
people ooding in and differentiation and identi cation of quality is
harder and harder for the marketplace. So the market is more fatigued
because there's more people offering services with those lower barriers
to entry, and that's becoming increasingly important to stand out in
these markets as more and more entrants ood them.
We have moved to a buy now economy. Things like Amazon and online
shopping have meant that we're very used to transacting and buying
things immediately online. And we're seeing some of these trends start
to emerge in the consulting business with services and consulting.
Business can take advantage of this by now economy and the
willingness for our customers to start their relationship with, with us,
with the transaction.
Online communities replacing of ine networks. Things like networking,
things like traditional of ine networks are diminishing, whereas online
communities are ourishing and growing as a place for people to
connect and share and nd their soulmates, uh, to do the things that
they want to do in their business and their life.

Shedding Labels

What’s the job of a consultant?

Simply, deliver value.

It’s the one constant factor that is the North star of your consulting business.

But we’ve become obsessed with labels.

Consulting, services, coaching, agencies.

All seen as binary ideas.

As a consultant you need to have everything in your toolkit.

All these labels that people use are just delivery models.

Here’s the most common delivery models.

Done For You - Delivering the services yourself or using employees
and/or contractors
Done With You - Giving the client some of the work and doing some
1on1 Consulting - Advising the client what to do
Group Coaching - Guiding a group of clients together
DIY Online Course - Giving the client tools and advice to learn and
implement themselves
Digital Product - Assets designed to give a speci c result

Each have their own pro’s and cons

Wealth is created from creating value and the Maximum Viable Consultant
is designed to create maximum value.

Inside the model we only use 4 different offer types:

Illumination Offer - Info - Book, digital assets

Indoctrination Offer - DIY - Online course, SOP’s, digital asset collection
Implementation Offer - DWY offer with a speci c outcome
Insider Offer - Ongoing DWY and support

This gives us the freedom to simultaneously deliver maximum value while

designing an optimum business for you.

To design the best business for ourselves.

One that meets our personal and nancial goals.

We have one primary driver.


Leverage is simply the art of deploying yourself and your ideas in the most
valuable way.

Everything we do inside the MVC is about leverage.

The Triangle Of Insight

Market dynamics are interesting.

Understanding that not all customers are created equal is crucial.

What we use is something called The Insight Triangle because there's
different marketplaces inside marketplaces.

There's four levels of customer and four levels of client that we have inside
our eco system.

In reality, only 60% of people are ever going to give you more than $5 to $100
in a consulting business.

We design a speci c product to serve those people.

We call that an Illumination product. These people are problem and

opportunity unaware.

They're not sure of their problems and not sure of the opportunity to solve
those problems.

We give them information, a book, a bundle or mini training.

The reality is the vast majority of our market sit down there.

The next level up is Indoctrination.

They're problem aware but solution unaware.

They Know the problem they like sales or mindset or any pieces that you can
deliver to them.

To solve the problem with the solution unaware piece, we give them training
courses or templates.

In general, they're in the range of $100 to $1000 dollars as a lifetime value of a


Next there's Implementation.

These people are solution aware and they desire results. The offer we make
to them is a program or service, coaching or event, and in general, these
clients are worth between $1000 and $100,000 dollars to us over their
lifetime and about 15% of our clients get there.

But not all at once.

Then there's the top level.

These are our soulmate clients.

These are the people that we want to spend a very long time with, that we
really value being inside each other's world.

They only get there by an Invitation.

They're committed to longterm transformation and they're committed to

doing it with us.

The offer that we give them would be a program or mastermind mentorship

or a partnership.

These people are worth six gures or more over the life.

As you can see in the diagram there's only a certain number of people in
these ecosystems.

Our job is to drive insight into each market, to turn them from customers
into clients.

We turn the 60% into the 25% of the 25% into the 15% and the 15% into the

As we drive people up the triangle event site, we increase their lifetime

value, we increase their results, and ultimately develop a deeper relationship.

Inside the MVC, we have two classes.

We have customers.

This is a transactional relationship.

We provide value, insight and community to these people.

We have clients.

This is a transformative relationship. We provide energy, time and resources.

Million Dollar Maths
$1 million.

It's still the gold standard and whether you want your next million dollars, or
your rst million dollars, it’s a relatively straightforward path.

$1 million in annual revenue

$83,333 per month

$2,739 per day

Want to get to $83,000 a month, this would be the breakdown.

We have an info product on the front end, a book, which is a digital product.

We offer them an Indoctrination offer or multiple ones between 95 and $495
online courses.

We have an implementation of which is a done with you piece where we

drive to get someone results.

I'm using the example $2000 to $5,000 is a pretty standard range.

Invitation offer, you know, $1000 to $3,000 a month, which provides ongoing
support and also drives recurring revenue.

I’m using these numbers as examples.

Myself and my clients have sold Implementation offers all the way up to

And as you go along the chain, you need to submit more time and effort to
these clients.

Those customers are worth more, they have a higher lifetime value and they
have a higher level of transformation.

When we break down this business model, we realise that it breaks down
into a sales model too.

If we think back at the triangle of insight, we're driving insight between

illumination into indoctrination into implementation. And nally invitation.

We're using products to drive people up the chain so they can get more
results and ultimately we get a higher lifetime value.

Let’s use a different example based on a real case study.

This looks like a $5 book, a $95 course, a $12,000 program up to a $36,000


We're crossing that transition between customers and clients.

The sequence we do these things in is extremely important.

Sequencing and timing is very, very important:

The rst thing we must do is map your unique framework.

Then we get to know your niche.
Then we must establish authority and build audience with your
illumination offer.
Then we've got to design your implementation offer to enroll that
Then we've got to package your knowledge into an indoctrination offer.
Generate buyers and turn customers into clients
Finally automate your customer acquisition and scale

Never forget simple scales.

As Steve jobs said;

Simple can be harder than complex.

You have to work hard to get your thinking clean. To make it simple, it's
worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

The Maximum Viable Consulting Principles
#1 Set Your Knowledge Free

The knowledge economy has matured to the point where information is

everywhere. The best Human Powered businesses put this knowledge into
the hands of their customers. Skills, experience, insight and IP have never
been easier to distribute and leverage in online channels. Doing so is both
rewarding and pro table.

#2 Build A Tribe

Humans crave connection. Human Powered businesses connect their

customers together in communities where they collaborate, support, derive
insight and rally around their common goal. Leverage and power is achieved
through customers helping customers.

#3 Teach Your Tribe To Fish

The gatekeepers are being disrupted. The goals, hopes and dreams of your
customers are driven not just by how, but why. When your customers are
armed with the knowledge and the tools they will spread your value far and

#4 Show Don’t Tell

Demonstration is the path to understanding. Visualise your process and

knowledge to establish your credentials as a practitioner and deliverer of

#5 Illuminate Over Agitate

Empathy is the key to unlocking your prospects attention. Understanding

where they are and meeting them there is the key to turning a prospect
into a customer and a customer into a fan. Illuminate their pains and show
them how to solve them.

#6 Make Frequent Offers

Prove you can help by helping. Be generous with your knowledge,
information and wisdom. Distribute it to the world and invite your tribe to
take action on it regularly.

#7 Pull Not Push

The individual is powerful and sovereign. Let them feel the pull towards you
through value and respect rather than force and constraint.

#8 Be Everywhere

Regularly and congruently appear in front of your people. Consistency and

frequency breed trust, con dence and loyalty. Turn up as yourself.

Omnipresence and retargeting

#9 Lead Yourself to Lead Your Tribe

To lead your tribe, you must rst lead yourself. Have a clear vision, who you
are, what you want and how it is you get it. Your mind, body and spirit will all
be ampli ed in Human Powered business and must be nurtured and

Step 1: Unpack Your IP
To establish yourself as the authority in your market, you must unpack your

You must unpack your magic; your knowledge or your experience or your
skills and put it inside a framework.

What is a framework?

Very simply, it's your unique methodology, your special way of doing things.

It’s proprietary to you, the way you get results, the way you describe it, the
way you present it.

It also utilises and simpli es your own IP and core ideas.

All those things you've built up over the years of implementation of doing for
yourself, for other people and distills them down into something that's IP.

Brandable scalable and licensable.

What it does is it brands you and positions you as an expert.

Some experts understand the problems of the market.

Other experts understand the process to solve the problems, but a true
expert, a true consultant who gets paid to the highest level, understands
the problems and has a process to solve them.

This makes your framework immediately understandable.

Someone can look at it, someone can glance at it and understand that it's
exactly for them and they can get the results from it if they apply your

It drives their credibility and con dence and makes you easy to buy from.

It also alludes to your process, but it doesn't necessarily map it to show that
you have a process to solve someone's problem.

Why do we do them? Well, it's a constant.

You can leverage across all aspects of your service offering and frameworks.

We can build programs, we can build courses, we can build information, we

can build marketing, we can build services around a single element of our
framework or the whole thing in totality.

It's also a memorable concept for your audience that is simple and easy to
remember and a simple process to teach your customers effectively.

Way back in the 70s Bruce Henderson started Boston consulting group and
he based it off the back of a simple thing. The simple thing that we're talking
about right now, which is the growth share matrix. And today he's growing
BCG into a seven and a half billion dollar company.

It's all off the back of that framework.

Having something that's easy to understand and framework, it allowed their
customers to categorise the business units into different categories and
allowed BCG to sell them different consulting services to solve problems and
help them in their various categories.

It helped those customers identify and obviously the power of a framework

can be seen growing a seven and a half billion dollar business.

We see this with things like Stephen Covey's seven habits of highly effective

At its core, it's a framework. It's a list.

If someone follows the process, then they will become highly effective.

It is also fractal because it can be broken down into different areas; manage
yourself, lead others, and ful l your potential.

The habits can also be broken down into tactics that people implement.

It can be graphically represented as well.

When we graphically represent something that makes it signi cantly more

Jeff Walker has The Product Launch Formula and as you can see from The
Product Launch Formula framework, it can form the basis of multiple
products that can form the base of a book and online course, a conference
and a circle, a mastermind, and also coaching one on one clients.

He's developed a framework, developed a unique methodology and turned

it into a multimillion dollar business.

As you start to approach your framework, you have to have some


What result will your framework help someone achieve?

What problems does it solve?

What are the major milestones or steps you take someone through from
beginning to end?

First identify and list all your concepts, deliverables, and the things that you
teach and the things that you do.

Can you group them milestones or steps into broader things?

Then you can actually start to map the sequence that people would take
with your methodology and your framework and they can get a preview of
what it would be like to work with you.

Branding and visualising your framework is extremely important.

We must design it, make it immediately understandable.

Simon Sinek has built a multimillion dollar brand on just three letters.

Find Your Why and The Golden Circle.

He works out from the organisations that know their ‘why’, to the greater
number of organisations that know their ‘what’.

It visually represents that concept to make it easy to understand.

In the excellent book Thought Leaders by Matt church. He starts to position
how we can visually represent those as different types of models.

There's different types from this menu that we can choose from there’s
squares, there's circles, there's triangles that we can use.

Then we must name it.

I've always been a big fan of alliteration.

My rst framework was called Ecommerce Engine.

My second one was called the Authority Architecture.

Easy to remember roll off the tongue and very much symptomatic of what
the market wanted or where the market wanted to go.

I've had clients who've used personal characteristics.

One of them looked like MacGyver, so he used the MacGyver method.

Or you can allude to the evolution, the next level, the 3.0 or use metaphors.

Naming is very, very personal.

There's lots and lots of ways that we can name and brand our framework.

And it's got to be very, very personal to you.

The rst step is brainstorm ideas.

Get creative, go with your gut, you know, feel it. See it.

Boldness always beats boring and it's got to be clear.

It's got to be interesting.

It might not feel perfect, but you've got to own it.

To create your framework design. I recommend

They serve a large selection of shapes and frameworks and layouts.

You can play with it individually to really own it.

Step 2: Nail Your Niche
First, let me ask you a question.

Would you take business advice from a billionaire?

Because Richard Coch, multi multibillionaire said,

‘Choose the niche that you enjoy, where you excel and stand a chance of
becoming an acknowledged leader.’

Let's listen to Richard because it's really important that you choose who
you're going to serve.

There's many, many reasons, but right now attention is limited.

People don't choose the generalists, they choose the person who is most
relevant to them.

When we choose a niche, we choose the relevance and we cut through the
real terms over history is that specialists earn more money and command
more authority.

Whereas generalists get squeezed in the forgotten middle in the attention


With attention being limited, your messaging is just much more powerful.

When you choose and identify the niche that you're going to serve, your
conversations are more speci c, it makes you easy to refer as well because
people know what you specialise in and who you specialise with.

When we choose a niche scale is simple. When you scale the chain. What I
mean by that is business is very much putting a chain together. We have
marketing, we have an offer that we make through our marketing. We have
sales where we make that offer to speci c people and then we have delivery.
The interaction between those four blocks, there's only three things.

The interaction between the relationship between our marketing and our

One interaction between our offer and our sales and our sales and delivery.

When we only focus on three interactions to optimise, it makes our business

very, very simple because we know where the bottleneck is at any one time.

The alternative is that we're marketing to multiple people. We're making

multiple offers all over the place. We're selling with multiple methodologies
in multiple ways to multiple different people and then we're delivering
multiple things.

The alternative is chaos.

When we have multiple things to scale and business is challenging, so we

know if we limit the things that we need to improve and master, then we
limit the number of things that we're focused on and we improve results
much more quickly.

But most people don't choose.

And Sam Walton said, “if everybody is doing it one way, there's a good
chance you can nd your niche by going exactly in the opposite direction.”

And that is proving to be true because there's a new way of choosing our

This is called Niches Evolved.

In many cases when you're talking to people about niches or markets that
they serve, they use some of these phrases.

These things are not niches

They are groups of things, local businesses, small businesses, men, women,
enterprise, high growth businesses.

I've heard them all and you probably have too.

Those aren't niches.

They're not identi able.

They don't have a tangible pain that we can talk to and they don't have a
tangible problem we can x through our product and service.

There's also a problem with traditional niches.

They're vertical or industry orientated and the problem with that is that we
assume that everybody in his chosen niche is the same.

We assume that all dentists are the same, that they think the same. They act
the same, they talk the same.

We assume all enterprise and large customers are the same.

They think the same, they have the same conditions, they want the same

That’s a awed way of looking at it and many traditional issues never move
past demographic characteristics.

They talk about females in certain age ranges and it doesn't acknowledge
that the diversity within those different demographics are very, very high.

Traditional niches also have competition.

Competition erodes pro t.

And while you can have competition and still thrive on a marketplace, it's
better not to have competition.

So we use Evolved Niches because they ful ll a person's deepest desire.

And the critical piece there is the person you're talking to is the person that
you're selling to.

Who's the person that you're delivering to because they have a unique set
of characteristics.

We talk to their future self rather than the current label.

They cross industry boundaries and norms because it focuses on the person
inside those industries.

Here's some examples.

A traditional niche would be, I work with doctors.

An evolved niche would be doctors who work remotely or doctors who want
to work remotely.

Traditional niche would be ecommerce.

An evolved niche will be retailers who want to move online.

They want to evolve, they want to go to the next level.

The traditional niche will be accountants.

You could serve accountants who hate their brand, you can give them
design, you can give them things that solve that painful problem just for a
small number of accountants.

Finding your sweet spot is relatively straightforward because there's a

formula and there's a person you already know that may be your ideal avatar.

Your past self.

In many cases the problems that you solve for other people or problems that
you've solved for yourself in the past.

And if they're not problems you've solved for yourself in the past, the
problems you have solved for other people.

Problems that we know how to solve.

When we dig back in time when we had this problem, we had this
frustration, we can readily understand.

We can have empathy to the marketplace that we're currently in because

we're selling to our past self.

What were we thinking?

What are we feeling?
What did we desire?
What kind of messages did we resonate with?
What did we communicate with?
How did we identify ourselves?

If you’ve solved the problem that you want to solve for others then this is
golden information.

Find your Sweet Spot:

First there’s Skills. The knowledge you have where you can access things
that you can do or even things that your team can do.

Then we have your markets needs and wants.

You know what outcomes and results your people want to get.

Then we have industries, areas you've worked in or know well.

An undervalued currency is reputational leverage.

What are you known for?

It's very powerful because if you have reputational leverage, you have
reputational advantage.

You can quickly hit the ground running with a brand new product or service
because you're known for something.

List these:

What are your skills?

Your personal skills and business skills. Include skills you have direct access

For example, your teams are contractors and build those enters. You have
direct access to them, you know you can ful ll them at the stage.

It's really important not to diminish or judge. It's really important to

remember that the simple things that people do consistently are often the
most powerful ones and you shouldn't diminish or push back skills that you
think are simple or easy for you to do because you'll nd that many people
don't feel the same as you.

What industries have you worked in and what market verticals and
identi able industries can you look at?

Look at both your personal and business experience and catalog them and
see where the intersection is.

Reputation has the heaviest weighting and what I mean by that is what are
you known for?

If you've grown a business, built a business, and done something inside a

business, even if you did it with other people, your reputation is your brand.

What do they need? What do they want?

Not what you want them to want.

It's very important. What results have you delivered?

What language do they use?

What are the deepest desires of your market?

And remember, don't apply your own viewpoint to them. It's not what you
want them to want.

Get crystal clear about the market you are going to serve and their problems
and you will set yourself up to build a powerful business.

Step 3: Establish Authority
What causes someone to buy something?

Con dence that they will

What’s the fastest way to establish authority?

Different people will have different answers but mine is simple.

A book.

Books have stood the test of time.

They have handed down wisdom for generations and are an ef cient way to
communicate an idea.

I’d keep going but you’re reading one right now so I think you get the idea :)

Some people freak out when I tell them we’re going to create a book.

‘I don’t know what to write about’

‘I don’t want to spend 100 hours writing it’

‘I don’t have a book in me’

Technology has now given us the ability to create a book without writing a

As you will see we have developed a process that allows someone to

produce a book in just a few hours.

This book was created with that process.

We also need to re-imagine what a book is.

This is not a New York Times bestseller book.

This is not your life work.

This is a book that transmits a single idea.

A single idea that you want to communicate to your market.

Think of it as a quick start guide to working with you.

Why a book? A book allows you to share your thoughts, knowledge, and
wisdom with the world.

It is an essential business building tool because it establishes and allows you

to be seen as an expert in your market.

You are going to be one of very few in your marketplace with a book and
seen to share ideas and knowledge with wider audience including those
who may not be able to afford your services just yet.

It’s the preview. Many prospects want to see your ideas, feel them, touch
them and understand them before they actually invest in working with you.

It's a powerful way to capture attention and start the rst step in the
customer journey and give away valuable information to entice your
prospects to take the next steps with you.

The book is very digestible, it's very actionable, and it doesn't have a great
deal of narrative.

It doesn't have a great deal of story and it doesn't have any uff like many

Your audience really appreciates that.

It's a collection of your experience and your ideas and your thoughts.

Step one is the Angle.

Deciding the angle for your book. To help you decide to answer the following

Who is your ideal customer?

What value do you bring to your customer?
What is the process and framework of your service delivery?
Break down each step and milestones in each stage.
What is the ultimate outcome of your product and service?
What's the positioning?
Who are you targeting?
Why should they read it?
What are you going to teach them?
What actions will they take away from your book?
What perspective changing information can you give them?
What insight can you give to them to drive that?
What proof or case studies could you give them to demonstrate what
you're talking about is a valid proposition?

So rst we need to decide on a title for your book. I recommend including a

subtitle to provide further context for your reader.

Map out an outline of the book using the 6 steps.

Next is your interview.

Simply, the interview extracts these ideas from you.

The recording is transcribed and the ideas become words.

Most people speak at a rate of 9000-10,000 words per hour.

We have found a 90 minute interview delivers a solid, actionable 70-100

pages book after editing.

Here are the interview questions we used for this book:


Q: Tell us about you, your story, your experience.

Q: Why did you want to write this book? (10,000 foot level view of idea/book)

Q: What are you going to teach us in this book?

Q: What is the key outcome of following these processes?

Where are they now?

Q: Why do Business Owners have trouble getting the success/growth they


Q: What mistakes do you see them making?

Q: What do we need to know about the new ways to getting what we want?

Q: What are some common misconceptions or myths Business Owners have

about growing their business?

Where are they headed?

Q: What have Business Owners tried and failed at?

Q: What key events have occurred in their business that has affected their

Q: What is the cost of NOT having a Plan/Strategy?

How do they get there?

Q: What are the steps to becoming a Maximum Viable Consultant?

Q: How do those steps get us the outcome we desire?

Q: What results can we expect to see when we implement these steps?

(Let’s use some stories and examples here)

Next steps for the reader?

Q: What are the next steps they should take?

Q: Explain how we can start the rst step of the journey.

Q: Any last thoughts or pieces of advice?

Yes it really is that simple.

This is the process we use with clients and use ourselves.

If you want my team to create a book and assets you can schedule a book
strategy session here

The Full Steps:

1. Decide on a Title for your Book (this may also include a subtitle to
provide further context for your reader)
2. Map out the Outline of the Book using our 6 Step Framework
3. Personalise the questions you will answer to extract the content of your
4. Ask a friend or colleague to interview you and record the full interview
with video and audio
5. Transcribe your Book Interview (we recommend
6. Edit and format your Book to produce a nal manuscript
7. Design your Book cover (we recommend using Canva or a high quality
Design program)

A book is a THE fastest way to build authority in your market and rapidly
build an audience of ready buyers.

Step 4: Bundle Your Genius
To deliver results and make pro ts we need to sell something.

We need to make an offer.

Your Implementation offer is the ‘signature’ of your business.

It’s the one that transforms clients results and generates you the most
pro ts.

In this chapter we're going to put together your offer with a value equation
and show you how to deliver with leverage.

Then we’re going to talk about pricing and decide margin on your product.

Firstly, what is an offer?

What is the thing that we actually give to clients?

Because often this can be laboured over and people can make it hard.

It can be dif cult, but very simply, it's a bridge between a present reality and
a desired future.

What is their current situation?

What is the cost of them staying where they are?

What have they tried in the past, to cross the bridge, and what are they
trying right now to cross the bridge?

Because if we understand the current situation, we can clearly

communicate that and clearly design something to give them from the
current situation to the future one.

What is the true cost of them?

What is the nancial, emotional and reputational cost of them staying

exactly where they are and what is their desired situation?

And what is that worth to get there?

How aware are they of the problem versus the solution and what are others
selling them to get there?

And most importantly, what's the minimum amount of work to get them
the desired situation?

I'll tell you a story about how I almost lost a $36,000 deal. A few years ago I
was approached by a nance company who wanted to meet to help them
generate leads as they were selling a B2B nancial product. So they wanted
more business decision makers to come towards them. I have a reputation
about how to generate B2B sales online. So I went in there, I talked to them.
And this is when I had that traditional consulting mindset, I said, I can turn
up, I can consult and we can get the result.

I'm really con dent of their, they were like, we’re not quite sure.

We want something more comprehensive.

So I was forced to look at exactly what they want.

And this was an early stage business.

They were early in the market and they had a relatively young team.

They had a proven product, but their processes in getting leads were less
than certain.

What they actually wanted was a lot more than just a little bit of consulting
and advice.

They wanted a full strategy.

They wanted some services delivered. They didn't have an internal team that
could deliver some of the technology that they needed to do.

They needed some services delivered.

They also importantly wanted their team to be up leveled and upskilled as

they wanted to develop them so they could really own this stuff and take it
forward after they stopped working with an external party like me.

I devised an offer, which was still the $36,000 they had budgeted.

I did a workshop where we laid out a strategy with all the key decision
makers and we agreed the path forward.

We delivered some services, we did some heavy lifting for them, we

implemented the services and I also allocated some time to coach their

My total time allocation was less than when I originally walked in there as a
traditional consultant because there are elements of coaching, there are
elements of service there. There were elements of strategy and traditional

I almost lost that deal because I was thinking like an old school consultant
and in the new way with the MVC model, we must just deliver the value
based on the desired results the client wants because value is relative to the
desired results.

And right now we have an opportunity to promise a desired result to our

marketplace that we know our large amount of people want.

There's some laws that we have in delivery.

Your clients are investing in value, not volume.
Transparency accelerates insight and understanding. We must bring
them together to allow clients to learn from each other and with each
Our offer must have a de ned start, duration and end.
The line between education and services is increasingly blurry. So we
can't judge what we must include in the offer.

You must just focus on getting the results and making sure that we have
the margin to deliver it.

It's also extremely important that we make a single promise from the
implementation program.

So we only made the need to make a single one for that to be attractive to
our marketplace.

For example, my Implementation offer promises we will develop an

authority funnel and attract a new client covering your investment in 90

It’s outcome based.

We include all elements of strategy consulting, services and coaching to get

the result for our client.

A simple way to design an offer is break it into chunks.

We’ve got to chunk the offer into paths. It sets clear expectations about the
timeline that we’re on with the client.

It gets clients thinking in a future pace and it breaks down milestones for

It helps us actually design the offer and design the components of the offer.

It's also possible to fragment later into individual services.

Chunking simply looks like this. We break down the total timeline of the

Say this program is 90 days long.

What’s in phase one, phase two and phase three.

The example with the digital agency as phase one, we built a digital sales
funnel. In phase two we create ads and content. And phase three, we
launched the ads and content into the market.

A business consultant. Phase one you do a cash ow roadmap and phase
two, you extract $10,000 with a pro t. And in phase three you build a
repeatable pro t system.

Chunking helps you greatly in design there and helps you greatly in
presenting it to a prospective customer.

So let's get funky, what's it called?

What's the single outcome promise?

What timeframe do you need to get them this outcome?

And what are the key steps they need to take along that outcome?

What are the chunks that they need to ful ll?

Leveraged Delivery

Remember those delivery laws.

When we're delivering, your clients are investing in value, not volume.

When we follow the laws, there's only three things they really need to get

I call this the C stack

Context, Community and Customisation.

Educating, empowering clients through context increases perceived value

and con dence.

Bringing together clients in a community accelerates learning insight and

increases lifetime value and delivering the optimal amount of customisation
decreases friction and increases results.

Let's dig into what each one of those.

Context is just, you know, it's the teaching is the education.

It's the 'how to’ showing your clients what to do and how to do it.

And even if we're delivering a large element of services, it's really, really
important to educate your clients.

It's really, really important to give them the things that they need to get the
results with or without us.

Options are education, we have video, we have templates, we have scripts,

whatever they need to understand how to do what you do or how to do,
what they need to implement to get the results.

Communities are so underrated.

Community brings your clients together and keeps them accountable.

Communities are amazing and it's increasingly where people are

congregating online, it gives us accountability.

It gives us support, allows the communication, also allows transparency,

transparency of communication and transparency of learning.

We've got options here. We can put them in Facebook groups or we could
put them in a place like Slack.


Guiding your clients to apply coaching and get results.

This is the business end of your offer.

If you're offering services you have you can have a done for you component
within the customisation piece.

Another customisation option is group calls. We can learn. It's an
environment that way everyone can learn together and obviously dedicate
your time.

You can also coach and consult one-on-one.

Your offer may have components of all of these things which make them a
sum of its parts.

All mine do.

Customisation is where most of the transformation really happens because

you know, it turns things from cookie cutter and to transformational.

It’s also where your time, energy and cost is largely born.

The other two components are very much leveraged, whereas the
customisation pieces are delivered. We must think carefully about how
much we include and what, and we break that down in the planning

Pricing your service.

Pricing is an art and a science.

There's a few different pricing factors:

Valuing your time.

It's as much about as con dence a reality
Value is perceived
Velocity matters

Here’s a reality.

If you're charging less than a thousand dollars for a consulting program, it's
very, very dif cult to scale that.

It's very, very dif cult to get the traction in any marketplace.

The cost of selling that is so high.

Under the MVC model a lot of these costs are eliminated but it’s still hard to
scale a highly pro table business on low end consulting offers.

I would strongly encourage you to price everything at a level that you can
dedicate real time and resources to getting clients a result.

Here’s some pricing guidelines:

How fast can you give your clients a nancial return?

If your client measures things or nancial return, if it's marketing or sales or

planning or anything to do with strategy, you know, can you give them their
money back fast.

If you give them a fast return on what they're investing, then you have an
outstanding value proposition.

The fastest I’ve given someone a return on an offer was on the same day.

Con dence shapes everything.

You know what you're con dent in selling, what you're con dent in selling
yourself. And also what the market will bear are all important things.

And I'll say this is just the rst version you will evolve.

There are many people that I have seen evolve and put their prices up over
time and in some cases they put their prices down because the ef ciency of
delivery means that they can access bigger markets.

A key personal factor is how much input will you have on delivery.

You know, if your team is delivering services and you have to get on a group
call every week, your relative input to the transformation of the clients is
relatively minimal.

How much input will you have in delivery?

If you’re currently charging hourly give yourself an immediate pay rise.

Can you charge two to ve of what you're charging hourly?

I recommend intentionally limiting your input, remember that your clients

are paying for the value and the outcome of those things rather than direct
access to you, unless that’s your promise.

Direct access is often not optimal because it means that people ask too
many questions and they have too much time to think. Rather than actually
implementing the strategy.

At the end of the day the single biggest failure in pricing is not believing in
the value. If you don't believe in the value, then your clients won't believe in
the value. You've got to be super con dent that you’re delivering the most
amount of value for your potential client and the result that they want.

This is not a time to overthink.

We've got to come up with our hypothesis.

And really a hypothesis is a fancy word for guessing.

At the end of the day, the market decides you do not need perfection to
make sales and deliver results.

Questions for you again;

How many do you need every month to hit your goal?

What return will your clients see from your offer?

What are the milestones in delivering the offer?

How are others pricing your outcome?

What are you going to sell your implementation offer for?

Step 5: Automate Your Acquisition
Acquiring new clients has two parts:

Having a system to turn prospects into clients

Reaching new prospects to enter the system

First we need to build a system.

Over 5 years I’ve spent millions on marketing and generated thousands of


And I have to tell you this.

Simple works.

The funnel I’m about to show you has just 3 pages

It’s called The Authority Funnel.

This is the rst of the two funnels we use inside the MVC model. And if you're
brand new to funnels, this is how they work.

A funnel very simply attracts perspective people towards it.

The best funnels work of ine. They work online, they work via social media
and they work via email because they all perform the same function.

The rst thing is to get someone's attention and we get attention through
proving we can solve a problem. We understand the problem and proving
that we know what they actually want. And when that's very relevant to the
person, we obviously get their attention.

The next thing is we get their interest, we get their interest by unpacking
and explaining, potentially communicating that problem much better than
they can.

So they become interested in it. Then there's desire.

Once they are problem aware, then they can become solution aware.

Obviously we want them to feel that the solution is you.

Finally to take action.

The action inside a marketing funnel could be book a call or it could be buy a
product, it could be night, take the next step, or it could be send a message,
send an email, and they have moved from the marketing function into the
sales function.

Inside The MVC we choose two funnels.

The rst one is the authority funnel, which we will detail here.

It's used to launch into your market and for direct outreach to prospects.

In this funnel, we give away the information with the desire for someone to
book a call with us so we can sell them our Implementation Offer.

The second one that we will come to is The Money Funnel, and once we
have all the assets inside that which we’re starting to assemble now, the
money funnel is used to generate paying customers and automates your
client acquisition.

First is the authority funnel, and it's super simple the way it works:

The nuance to getting it working in the rst place is the traf c source. So
that could be paid ads, it could be direct outreach, and then we drive them
into a book download. In the rst instance we're going to be sending out
messages to your network and actually launching your book and making
the book available to them for free.

Then we invite them to a call booking.

We sell them to take the next step inside the funnel.

You've proven authority with the book.

You've captured some information from them.

Then we want them to take the next step that would enable them to
schedule a call in our calendar.

Finally a thank you page to close the loop.

It's important you understand that funnels are very much agnostic from the
main website, so we can use them outside the main website and drive into
that. We also want to capture people's information, so we want to capture an
email address so we can follow up with them.

The majority of people don't take action on the rst run through, the
majority of people could book a call within a day or two or three or four or
ve, or even months.

We must have the ability to follow up with those people and start to build an

Once they get to this, all that is automated through the software we use.

Here's a real life version of what we've done here,

We're driving people in through Facebook posts or through ads. And then
we're driving them into a funnel, which allows them to download our book
and invite them into a call.

We then allow them to schedule that call and then we thank them for
booking it and tell them what steps they need to take.

The software that we recommend for this is Kartra (if you're inside the
program we will have rolled out and built this funnel for you)

You also need a Schedule Once account, which allows people to instantly
book into your calendar.

You'll need a Facebook business page if you don't have one yet.

You’ll also need Facebook ad manager and tracking pixel for later on.

So that's an overview of the Authority Funnel, the rst funnels that we use,
and the next stage for us is customising that funnel and making it your own.

Part Two: Reaching new prospects

Next we're going to create your invites and outreach.

By now you have a very clear idea for your market.

You have a book that conveys your authority.

You have a clear idea of the way you want to serve them with your
implementation program.

Now we need to go to market.

There's three simple steps:

We need to develop some content, and we're going to plan and distribute
those to your network.

After 10 years of doing this and studying and working with some of the
greats like Dean Jackson, Taki Moore and Sam Ovens these templates are
proven and powerful.

We're going to outreach to our ideal prospects and we're going to book at
least ve calls.

We've got three different modalities we're going to use.

We're going to make direct offers to our network.

We're going to use the invite content, which brings people towards us.
Then we'll use outreach messages. We're going to reach directly out to
people who will t our ideal clients.

Let's break down each individual one.

Direct offers are exactly that.

Direct offers create some scarcity and create some desire for someone to
join and come and work with you.

The rst one is the pilot program invite.

A pilot program is framed in the fact that you're going to work with a limited
number of people.

There is a de ned start date and they've got to meet some criteria.

As you can see in the example template, I'm starting a new case study group
in July and looking for a few speci c people.

You're already working with clients who making at least $8k, have time to
work with three to ve clients, have at least a hundred people on your email

We're listing their criteria and asking people to reach out to us and actually
take action to join something that's de ned.

The next one is an invite.

Again, we're calling out exactly to our ideal clients.

These are very, very simple.

“I’m looking for a couple of services businesses who are at 10 to 20K a month
and have a pro t stream. I've got two spots”

We're saying exactly what they're going to get.

There's some scarcity in doing it. “I've got two spots for me and my team to
guide you to build a leveraged program for your existing prospects and
clients you are.” Then you describe those criteria.

Then you tell them what you will actually do and ‘message me’ to work out if
it’s a t.

If those people message you, then send your call booking link and invite
them to book a call.

Another level down from that is asking for an application.

This template tells the story “I have an unfair advantage”.

Then I invited seven entrepreneurs to apply.

We have three spots left on the January intake.

Apply here and link directly to the application form and a booking link.


This is where maybe you don't have such a big network and maybe you
need to warm them up.

We use a messaging framework called The Four P’s.

The four P's are very simple.

Pain, Problem, Proof, Philosophy.

Pain, the symptoms of the problem, not the root cause. What your prospect
feels the most. A business owner with a marketing problem might feel the
pains of instability, nancial dif culty, stress, overwhelm, exhaustion and un

We talked to those pains and talked to those feelings to drive empathy, to

drive attention, and then invite them to do something.

The problem. The actual root cause of what is causing your market pain is
the problem.

if you're a health and wellness coach, working with entrepreneurs to help

them get t, their pain might be tight, hip stiffness.

But the problem is actually sitting too much and not having a routine in
place to alleviate the situation. So we actually highlight the problem. We
make them problem aware through telling stories.

The next one is proof.

Proof that their pains and problems can be solved.

How do we do this? You do this by telling stories of your own or your clients
and how you solved it.

For instance, the program that we teach or the process we're utilising to
help solve your marketing problem. We display this by showing results me
and my clients have achieved.

Philosophy, your personal view of the world by exposing your personal


You will strongly attract prospects. You will also strongly repel them.

These days people buy who you are much more than what you do.

My philosophy? I believe the ability to develop a highly pro table leveraged

business model has never been greater and regularly share those views with
our audience.

Now you've got to map your messages.

Free form all the pains, problems, proof and philosophy and keep focused on
your customer avatar.

What are they suffering from?

What are their problems?

How have you proved this before?

What stories can you tell and what do you believe along the way?

Don't discount any ideas at this stage.

Stay really broad.

Develop one piece of content in each area and you can start to stack these
things together as I'll show you in the next templates.

Here's a template for the pain. The pain before I cracked this consulting
game was quite signi cant.

I broke down the 11 steps to do it and I educated people along the way.

Here I'm using elements of pain, but I'm also using elements of proof to
educate them along their journey.

A common problem in the market, there's lots and lots of people that rely on
referrals and rely on networking.

There's a problem that needed to be called out.

When you’re using proof it helps to educate on how you got results.

I really understood how my client got results.

I used them as an example. I showed them.

I proved to other people that I could get results and help someone do it.

But I also educated them along the way.

What steps did my client take to actually get their result?

Then, philosophy.

In this one I talk about the hybrid client model and I tagged someone who
was talking about this model and the Hybrid System we use inside the MVC.

So I talk about the philosophy of that, what MVC is based on that we can
extract every piece of value ultimately from our business, from our
knowledge, from our IP. And I give examples of that.

Finally, Outreach.

Outreach is very, very simple.

Most people don’t like doing it but now you have something valuable to
offer them - a book.

It's templated and it's really to start a conversation.

Outreach can go wrong if you're too robotic and you're too spammy about it.

I like to customise each outreach message.

Where you found them, why you're reaching out, how you’re uniquely
quali ed and what you want them to do.

Now you have such a good asset, like a book, outreach has become that
much more simple.

Here’s a simple template:

Hey (name)

I saw you’re (connected to/doing/part of)

Reaching out, as I’ve just published a book that (book promise)

I’m giving away free copy of it to my connections.

You can grab a copy here:

That simply opens the dialogue.

You could follow up a day or two later to say, how did you nd the book and
what value did you get from it?

Develop ve pieces of content and take some time to do that.

These posts will get you business so they're really important.

You put in some effort and understand the underlying drivers around them
and create an outreach template.

So start reaching out to people and start putting things out to the market
and start giving away copies of your book or other valuable things and plan
and distribute those networks.

Remember the goal is to book at least ve calls so track and measure those
and start offering your Implementation offer to the people you get on those

Step 6: Enroll in the Future
Here’s a stark reality.

Most businesses die because they don’t spend enough time selling.

Sales doesn’t need to be a scary, horrible process.

A system like this.

If you can sell and persuade to a really deep level, you can be anything.

You can do anything.

Selling and persuading is one of the core, human capabilities where we

learned from a young age that we need to sell ourselves to other people.

But along the way, many ideas around selling have been polluted and it's
got a bad reputation.

But the bad reputation from selling only comes from bad people because
they don't know how to do it.

They don't know how to do it well and they don't know how to do it properly
with other human beings.

This means that most sales processes are pretty poor.

They change every time.

They don't get to the core reason people make decisions and they don't get
a yes or no answer and they kind of leave you hanging.

They leave you wondering whether someone's going to become a customer

or not, and that's very, very dif cult to build a business on.

We need predictability, we need clarity.

A successful sales system gets a binary decision.

It's extremely valuable to them even if they don't buy

It doesn't leave you hoping that deals or clients close.

This is important for business owners because we're optimistic.

We think the person who said maybe or the person who said, I'll get back to

We think they'll do that, but in many cases they don't.

And our very best clients are the ones we get the best results for.

The ones who moved forward.

Do one simple thing; commit.

To get commitment, you've got to understand that you've got to give


You see sales as a mirror.

Sales is a mirror of our own decision making because sales is a decision

making process by other people.

If we don't have a good decision making process for ourselves, then we get
substandard decisions from other people.

I’ve seen this over and over again and I can identify it because this was me.

I used to be quite slow at making decisions.

I used to go to a restaurant and look down the menu and be the last one to
make that decision.

Because I doubted whether I was making the right decision all the time

As soon as I was taught, I was showing that my own ability to make decisions
was compromising my ability to get other people to make decisions with

It changed everything.

I changed every single element of my behaviour.

I became more decisive.

I became more sure.

I just committed to things and knew they would work out even if they

Understand this.

If you have traditionally been slow in getting decisions from people, if you've
traditionally been slow to getting people to commit, they leave you hanging.

If you examine your own decisions, you'll nd that pattern there.

You'll nd that you probably do that as well.

When people are more decisive and more committed, they get more
decisions and more commitment from other people.

It's as simple as that.

It is the mirror.

You must operate congruently.

You must be decisive.

You must be con dent with decisions and constantly moving forward.

When you are and become that you will attract people who are and want to
be that.

Understand that the way you make decisions is the way that other people
make decisions for you.

Understand that the way that you buy is the way other people buy off you,
cause you can change this.

You can have the biggest effect over your own behaviour by projecting what
you want to receive.

Go out there, be decisive and you'll get decisions from other people.

Now we're going to go into a process.

The psychology of this that I've just covered needs a good process on top of

This process builds rapport quickly and uncovers the core drivers.

It's valuable and decision orientated

It gets commitment fast.

You need to commit fast to yourself and commit fast to your decisions
because I'm teaching you a process that gets commitment from other
people fast.

But only if you become that.

First we must prepare.

Make sure you're in a quiet room with no interruptions.

Use your phone with headphones so that your hands are free and taking
notes and expressing. You know, we can hear intonation in the voice, we can
hear emotion through voice and if people are feeling constrained and locked
in a box, then the atmosphere won't be good from the start.

Make sure you're recording your phone call and we'll cover why later.

Print out the sales matrix and have it in front of you cause that'll be the key
pieces that we need to capture and feed back to the client.

Have a pen and notepad in front of you.

Don't be distracted by screens.

Dim your screens or close your laptop and move away from it.

You need to be fully focused on that person and release all attachment to
get them saying yes.

If you project neediness. If you project deep need for this person to say yes,
then they'll feel it.

They'll sense it, they'll feel that you're almost reaching into their pocket.

We put all that attachment into accurate diagnosis.

Can I help this person and do we feel like a good t?

Lose all the baggage from previous calls.

I've gone 14 sales calls in a row where I've closed people. I felt amazing.

I've gone 30 sales calls in a row where I didn't close anybody. I felt like crap.

But I needed to reset on every single one because every single one was

Every single one was an opportunity.

Lose all the baggage from what you believe about selling from before.

What you believe about your abilities from before and the stories you tell
yourself and any previous things that you've done or failures, even the wins,
it's just about the person and the situation.

In-person, everything is the same.

But the key thing is no phones or screens on tables. Don't be distracted.

You're being all in on that person.

Scarily, this is a big differentiator these days because people are distracted all
the time.

The matrix I’m giving unpacks over 1500 sales calls from myself and almost
3000 from myself and my team.

It's really, really powerful because it gives you a snapshot of everything you
need to understand from someone.

It gives you a perfect snapshot to give you the best chance to get the result
that you want.

To start with, we take the lead, we say how the next 45 minutes will work is,
and then we ag that we want a decision from them.

I start with “over the next 45 minutes, I'll just ask some questions about you
and your business. If it sounds like I can help and we feel like a t, I'll let you
know what we do, how we do it, and you can make a decision whether to be
part of it.”

I'm very clear of what is going to happen, how it works, and that they're
going to make a decision at the end.

And decision can be yes or no.

Why are they here?

We need to understand their motivation.

If they're just here for a bit of a jolly, a bit of a chat, then we're not really that
into the conversation.

“What motivated you to reach out?”

“Why are we talking now?”

Get some depth from that.

Take some time to understand what are their motivations.

Why are they talking to you and why are they doing it now?

They're very, very important pieces of information that are telling on how
decisive and how con dent and how decision orientated they are.

You will capture that feeling early on and so dig deep on that.

“Why now?”

“What’s changed?”

Has anything changed?

Why are you having this conversation and why are they having it with you
speci cally?

What made them choose you when there are many other options that they
can choose. Get them to tell you.

Understand the current state.

Spend some good quality time here.

We need to know who they are.

We need to know why they got into business.

We need to know who their ideal customers are.

We need to understand exactly what they're doing now.

If they've got a current solution that we want to replace, we want to talk

about that.

We want to tackle head on.

What did they like about it?

What do they dislike about it?

How do they feel about their current situation?

Let them tell you whatever they need to tell you about the current state.

Just let them talk about where they are now, how they got there, what's
happening and what's actually going on right now.

You should spend some good quality time here and a 45 minute

You might spend seven to nine minutes in this phase. Let them speak.

Let them give you a good sense of who they are and where they are.

Now start to get speci c.

In Step Four, we gather data and let the pain unfold.

Do they know how much their current solution costs?

Do they have a plan for what they're doing with it?

Are they comfortable with these things?

Many people are coming to us to try and solve a problem and getting them
to acknowledge that problem and the pain is very important themselves.

We don't need to create it.

They can give it to us.

Let's understand exactly what is substandard about their current situation.

Let them tell you what their frustrations are, what they're dealing with, and
letting them go with that.

It's therapeutic for them to lay them out.

What do you want?

One of my favourite questions is:

“In 12 months, what does this look like"

In my case;

"What does your business look like? What does your life look like?”

Describe it to me.

I want them to visually project into the future about what that is.

To understand the relevance of the job that you can do for them and the job
you're helping them do.

What that means.

What are they, where do they want to be in 12 months?

How much do they want to save?

How would things be different if they got this extra money, extra time, extra
tness, whatever.

Whatever that key thing and that relevant thing you're talking about.

Get very clear and support them in that.

Be very, very supportive and understanding of what they want.

It's not our job to question what they want.

But if it sounds wooly or fuzzy, let's get really clear that that's actually the
thing they want.

Because if they're not clear on that, we can help them get clarity on that and
that is valuable.

Ask them what's in their way.

Get them to take responsibility.

What do they feel is stopping them?

Why wouldn't you get those things? What's stopping you?

Ask them to commit to the things they're saying.

Why not just keep doing what you're doing?

Many times I hear people telling me all these great stories about how
wonderful everything is, but there's always a subtext.

When you actually say, “well, why don't you just keep doing what you're

You're kind of pushing them away a little bit.

“When are you wanting to x this?”

If you're hearing doubt about what they want.

“Do you really want these things?”

It's okay if you don't.

So if you're hearing doubt about the things that they want, ask them, do you
really want these things?

“Are you committed to them?”

“Why don't you just keep doing what you're doing? It sounds ne.”

Then the truth will come out.

Unpack their real commitment and their true desires.

Cause when we get to those we can truly help them and they can truly help

By his stage of a 45 minute calls we're two thirds of the way.

We've really let them unpack the current state, where they want to be and
their desires and their drivers.

Once you've got a good understanding of where they are and where they
want to go, you can inject your piece.

Ask permission to share.

“Would you like me to tell you what I do?”

State what you're an authority in.

“My area of expertise is helping XX, which is them to get xx (the thing they
want) by doing xx. (the thing that you do) I typically work with X,X (which is
them again) and help them get (the thing they want)”

When you use the sales matrix, you're just repeating back the things that
they've said they want.

Because you're customising your interaction to them.

You're customising your area of expertise.

The more you can customise it and the situation, the more powerful this
framing and pitching is because you're getting into the nitty gritty of who
they are. What they want and you’re describing you as perfect for them

Now make your offer.

Unpack the chunks for your offer and the outcome of each stage.

I'd be unpacking your framework and then I'd be unpacking your product
step by step to actually tell them how it works, what they get, what the
outcomes are at each stage.

Because when you break that down by piece by piece, you've got a very
powerful frame.

Then give them the price.

Then shut up.

Wait for their response.

We don't accept any words that don't mean yes or no.

We have to get clarity about when they're going to come back to us.

When they're going to speak to their partner.

We need to push people on giving them an answer.

They may well need to speak to other people.

They may well need to check funds or do other things.

But we must get a timeframe and highlight that this opportunity is rare and

Prices are a common objection.

You can reiterate.

When someone has a pricing objection, you reiterate the thing that they say
they want because many people want big results and if they're not prepared
to invest against those results, they won't achieve them.

Ask them what their alternative is. Well, how are you going to do these
things if you don't invest?

If you keep doing the same thing, will you get the same result?

If something is priced well and there's a clear ROI and they will get a bene t
from it, pricing has never a real factor at this stage.

They are really thinking; will this work for me?

You may want to give them other examples of people that's worked for.

You may want to give them examples of how it's worked for you and
because you have a deep understanding of of exactly where they are and
where they want to go.

You can apply that speci c situation to them no matter how many people
you've worked with.

Many people just wonder, well I'm different, I'm special.

Will this work for me?

You need to give them some personalisation and some customisation to

understand how this would work for you in their current state.

Sold one thing speci cally for them on the call and timing. I'll be ready when
this happens.

That is a false objection.

“I'll be ready when” = I'm not quite emotionally or practically ready to commit
so I'm de ecting it.

You've got to understand what's going to change in the meantime to do it.

It's a similar objection to price. You’ll hear that come up.

This is a process. This process is about practice and doing.

Print out the sales matrix to use as a question prompt cause that will really
guide you through the sales process.

Record your next ve sales calls.

This is quite painful for most people.

They don't want to hear their voice, they don't want to hear it back.

But you understanding where you've gained and lost commitment or a sale
or where you've missed something is really, really important.

Because when you have a process, you can diagnose it piece by piece and
because you're following the same process over and over again, a sales call
will hack your learning.

You can dramatically accelerate your learning and your results if you record
them and listen back to them.

Review those calls, get the key points of interest or where you lost it.

The most important thing is enjoy it.

Many people have many ideas and stories about what selling is.

You are entering into a greatly bene cial sales process.

You are leading people letting them, really, really express themselves about
where they are and where they want to go.

You're forming deep trust with these people.

They will tell you things that will even surprise them.

The things that I've heard on strategy sessions will boggle your mind about
how deep people go.

Because we let them.

In today's world, many people just aren't asking these deep questions about
what they want and where they want to go in any domain.

When we get really personal and when we get really intimate and really
understanding with them.

Then we build great rapport with great trust and we get great clients.

Even if we don't turn these people into a client, we learn something and
they'd go away with valuable perspective and decision making.

This is a highly valuable process and this is a valuable skill to have.

Enjoy it and have fun on your sales calls.

Step 7: Package Your Knowledge
This will be the shortest chapter in this book.

Because it’s very simple.

You need to package your knowledge.

Sweep up all your IP and turn it into digestible bites.

We are in the middle of a boom for e-learning:

Your prospects are in a buying mood.

They want your training, templates, cheat sheets, spreadsheets and ideas.

And you need to package it up to give it to them.

I call these Indoctrination Offers.

They give your customer an insight into your stuff.

Into your thinkings, ideas and results.

And they often want more.

The ‘more’ is becoming a client.

We need to package it up.

And this is crazy simple.

I will illustrate with an example.

My clients inside the MVC program get access to a comprehensive set of


Together with my personal consulting, services delivered by my team and

our community support, form the program.

Together they get our clients results.

But these trainings on their own are very valuable.

Here’s the overview:

Each individual training is a ‘product’ and has a value.

For example the full templates, installation and instructions for The Money
Funnel could create tens of thousands in sales in the right hands.

If someone was presented with the opportunity to buy it for $95 are they
likely to take me up on it?


So every piece of IP you create has value.

Your next task is to choose which ones to package up.

We’ve had clients successfully package video training, spreadsheets, slide

templates, scripts, cheat sheets and everything in between.

The question to ask is can someone get a small (or large) win from your

Here’s some more ideas for you and how they relate to your other offers:

A creative agency could offer masterclasses that complemented your book
and gave a taste of your services.

A coach could offer client attraction training and compliment it with sales

All these offers further Indoctrinate your customers in your way of doing
things while delivering them massive value.

To package your knowledge you need to look inside your methodology and
see which pieces can stand alone.

Which processes you go through that others nd valuable.

Which tools you use that your prospects would like to learn more about.

The options are truly endless.

Choose two and in the next chapter I’ll show you how to sell them.

Step 8: Build Your Buyers
You’ve seen the ads.

You must have a funnel

You need a webinar

This is ‘the secret’

There’s a few problems with all this advice.

The main one is…

…it’s severely limiting.

Let me explain.

Many of your clients either don’t understand what you do or can’t afford your

By driving them down the typical funnel you are limited to their
understanding of your services and their ability to pay.

You’re ghting with one hand tied behind your back.

The alternative to creating leads is creating buyers.

Buyers have a completely different mindset, no matter how much they have

Where leads aren’t compelled to consume anything, buyers are.

They have invested.

We can give them multi ways and modalities you can communicate your
expertise to them, educate them and invite them to take the next step.

The Marketing Mindset

There’s a myth that you have to be shouty and charismatic to attract leads
and prospects.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

While you’ve probably seen many marketers use their own signi cance and
achievement to sell, there’s a simpler and more sustainable way.

Make an offer.

The simplest most effective client generation strategy is making great offers.

Making them an offer that’s a complete no brainer.

This is what you have in in the form of your book.

But that’s just the start.

We are going to add those additional offers we created to your book things
to your book that further

The Money Funnel

Ad costs are rising.

Barriers to entry are falling.

It’s getting harder to win online.

I saw this coming.

After being online for over a decade I could see the writing on the wall for
funnels and overall low trust environment.

I also saw the overwhelm the typical business owner goes through when
faced with keeping up with their clients needs and their own.

So I built the system that is the best of both worlds.

Low tech, high trust and easy to maintain for a time poor consultant.

It’s called The Money Funnel.

It takes all your products and stacks them together.

it makes great offers to your audience and turns them into the customers.

You then work to turn those customers into clients.

Here’s a reminder of the marketplace:

Remember that close to 85% of your market are unlikely to become high
paying clients.

But they still have needs and they are still willing to buy.

The Money Funnel does that.

The ow goes like this:

The Money Funnel does this on autopilot.

All we need to do is feed it with traf c.

I cover that in the next chapter.

The easiest way is to show you what we do.

The $37,000 Funnel

The following pages generated $37,000 during a short test.

Remember the goal on the front end is not to make pure pro t.

It’s to get people to your Implementation Offer.

During this test we generated $8700 on the front end and the rest of
revenue was generated by turning those customers into clients.

On the rst page of the Money Funnel you sell your book.

It has plenty of trust elements and looks like a super valuable offer.

If someone purchases they get to Page Two

On page two they are offered an upsell.

In this case, the offer for $100 worked very well. 21% of people who bought
the book. Generally we want to be in the 5-10% range.

If they accept or decline this offer they are presented with another offer:

In this test we had a $495 offer.

The offer was extremely good value and did very well.

We have found Upsell offers between $55 and $95 perform the best.

In Step 4 you invite your brand new customer to a call.

This can be offered as a strategy call or a bonus for their purchase.

The Money Funnel is a game changer.

Rather than speaking with leads who haven’t made any commitment, you
are speaking with customers who have already bought something from you.

Step 9: Automate and Scale
Con dence From Predictability

Three numbers matter in consulting land.

If you don’t know these numbers you have no control over the growth of
your business.

Cost Per Lead - How much do you need to invest to get permission to
communicate with someone who may become a client in the future?
For example capture their email address
Cost Per Quali ed Lead - How much do you need to invest to book a
meeting or appointment with someone who ts your ideal prospect
Cost Per Acquisition - How much do you need to invest to acquire a
client pro tably?

When you develop an inbound marketing system these numbers are

revealed. Often down to the dollar and the day.

I can attest to the con dence that comes from waking up on a Monday
morning with 10+ booked quali ed appointments in your calendar for the

There is no anxiety about where the next client is going to come from and
you can choose to only work with clients that are an absolute ideal t.

The only way to get con dence over your numbers is to use paid advertising.

I hear all the time “I’m not good at marketing”

But it’s a myth.

Especially when you use The MVC Model.

Because it only requires two things; make offers and tell stories.

In this chapter I’m going to show you how to craft a powerful message.

I’m not going to delve into the nitty gritty or how to run ads or which
platforms to use.

I built my business on Facebook, but if you can make good offers and tell
great stories you will be successful anywhere.

This is one of my favourite things to teach because this is the game changer.

Once you can unpack and tell amazing stories and craft powerful messages,
you really make your customer and client the hero of their own journey

You can create amazing stories and Goodwill and also bring people towards
you in a very powerful way.

We're going to dig into what that actually looks like and we're going to give
you some real tangible examples of that.

Later on I’ll give you some proven templates for you to start to unpack for
you to use in your own marketing.

First, you've got to remember that Facebook is a social platform.

We must seduce people but never sell.

What that means is that we’re always thinking only a few steps ahead of
what we want people to do next.

People don't wake up in the morning and think, “I must go on Facebook to

buy something.” (Not yet, anyway)

We must seduce them by telling stories and driving emotion rather than
selling to them and being pushy or salesy or slimy.

My stories have been very real and one of the stories that I tell a lot is about
the days that I was door knocking on council estates in England. The hard
yards. I knocked on 10,000 doors. When times were tough I took my
pregnant wife out there and my sister who was visiting from New Zealand.

It's really important that you embrace the past.

It's really important that when you're into copywriting that you don't
discount anything that's happened to you or the journey that you've been
on or the journey that your clients have been on.

Because your past is a powerful storyteller.

It's a powerful gift giver of lessons.

When you take the past and you take these stories and put it out there in a
powerful way to get people to bring towards you, you generate massive
empathy, generate understanding.

You really frame that maybe life isn't perfect for some of these people and
especially in the world of social media that very much has overly glossy
image of things.

There are people struggling with things out there, there are people with
problems and that maybe you can solve them.

So don't discount the past.

I've used the stories of my past really effectively in our marketing to prove
that I've been places and I've come through a journey.

That's exactly what we want people to do with our marketing and we want
to take them on a journey and we want to be the guide for them.

One of the key strategies we use is direct response marketing and direct
response is designed to evoke an immediate response and compel
prospects to take a speci c action.

Dan Kennedy, one of the absolute legends of direct response said it best,

“Do not arrive as an interruption or disruption, attempting to divert your

reader's attention from the object it is focused on, ghting to interest him in
something different from what he is already, at this moment, interested in.
Instead, align yourself with the subjects already possessing his attention, the
matters already garnering his interest, the self-talk conversation already
occurring in his mind, and the conversations he is already having around the
water-cooler at work or at the kitchen table at home with peers, friends, and

This is a really important reminder because just like when we're making
products or just like we're doing anything, sometimes we can get too tricky.

Sometimes we can invent problems and pains and even desires that our
market doesn't even really actually possess.

Entering the conversation already occurring in your prospects mind is a key

pillar of effective marketing.

When you've done your customer research and you've got a very, very good
idea of who they are and what they're dealing with, it's much simpler to do

If you haven't done that, now is the time to go back.

Do that deep dive into your customer and to their hopes and dreams into
the things that are keeping them up at night.

Cause if we can enter that conversation that's already happening in their

head, we'll craft a much more powerful message.

Dan Kennedy also has some direct response rules.

There will always be an offer. We've got to get them to do something.
There'll be reason to respond. Right now there are clear instructions,
There'll be tracking and measurement.
Branding will be a byproduct of it.
There will be a followup.
There’ll be copy, strong copy in general, but it will look like mail order
It will be long form and it will command and direct a response.
At the end of the day results rule all.

It's important not to judge too many things in the beginning.

It's important that we judge the results, not what we feel and think will

When we stack some key things together, we craft a powerful message.

And that rst thing is attention.

We must get someone's attention.

We must capture it in the rst place and hold it for a long enough to elicit
the next response was, which is emotion.

We've got to make people feel something.

As people go into the social media landscape, there's lots of debate about
whether it's good or whether it's bad, but many of these debates are
anchored in the fact that it can make people very happy and also very sad.

Anything that elicits an emotion is very powerful because emotion is really

what drives us as human beings.

So when we listen to emotion, we enlist a feeling.

But to do that too, to be congruent and ethical with that, we must deliver
value to start to help someone resolve that emotion.

If we make someone feel a little bit upset or disappointed or if they're

comparing themselves to a result that they're not currently getting, we
must help them show how to get towards that result.

We're potentially promising and offering the result that we've got ourselves
or the result that we've helped our clients get by delivering value.

Finally, we must make an offer.

We must capture those people and take them to the next level.

We’ve elicited emotion, with delivered a bit of value and then we must make
an offer to take them to the next step.

Let’s unpack these more..


As we're scrolling through Facebook certain things stand out, certain things
pay attention.

If you go scrolling through Facebook, what grabs your attention?

What makes you stop, what makes you pay attention?

It’s got to be somewhat congruent. If you're getting attention for attentions

sake that, you might get a few people paying attention but you won't get
many people taking action.

We've got to do enough to interrupt but not annoy people.

Overly ashing lights or stop buttons or anything like that may feel like they
work but they're not going to work with the high quality customers that
we're after.

I'd encourage you to look at the context of how people are consuming it.
You know, if you're looking at imagery, if you're looking at, at things you're
doing with on video or, or, um, anything that you want to powerfully grab
people's attention and look at how that looks in a phone.

Look at how that looks on a desktop, step away from it.

What does it look like in its real environment?

Is it high contrast enough.

Don’t use stock images.

Don't use things that are standard or boring or or look like they've been used
to death.

Use your own images and there is no excuse these days cause we've all got
very high quality cameras in our pocket.

So use your own images even if those images aren't directly congruent with
what you're thinking of selling, you must personalize them and make them
your own.


Empathy is the key emotion.

Copy that I've put here, I talk about being in New Zealand, being a business
owner and how it’s unique.

What is unique about your market?

What are the characteristics of it?

If you immediately show that you understand where they are, then you have
a leg up over everyone else because you're not talking about yourself, you're
talking about them.

We must talk about those feelings, not the features.

I talk about the facts of being down there on the bottom of the earth. There
are a set of opportunities and challenges that occur nowhere else.

I start to talk about the opportunities and challenges showing empathy.

When talking about the feelings of those, when you're creating things, it's
important to have one person in your mind, your customer avatar in your

You're always are your eyes speaking directly.

One person.

You are not communicating to the masses.

The algorithmic nature of of platforms these days.

That means that people have a personal experience of Facebook and their

They do have a personal experience.

We must speak to them personally and amplify the gains and highlight the

We don't need to need be all the pain.

We don't need to agitate them.

We just need to highlight the downside of not paying attention and

highlight the upside of paying attention.

Value is very simple.

Educate, inform or entertain.

In many cases we can give people value straight in the ad.

What insight can we give them?

What education can we give them?
What can they learn from our journey or our customer's journey?

We'll give more tangible examples as we unpack them and also entertain,
you know, speak and use language like someone would speak and use

Be very human, be very real

Even slang terms and those things go across quite well.

In these environments be very clear with what you want them to do next,
but make sure that they understand what's in it for them.

Be very explicit about what you want them to do and make it congruent
with the story.

Use scarcity to promote action and limited numbers.

Don't use false scarcity.

Use real scarcity if you're only putting it up for a certain period of time to do
that, if only a certain number of people the offers available to do that.

Use scarcity in a true and honest way. It will de nitely drive results.

Here's a really valuable formula from Colin Theriot called the Viking
Velociraptor formula that you can just jot down and have as your creating
your stories,

Verify something that, that they have experienced, know, show empathy,
that something they are feeling right now is real and true. Validate their
internal feelings. You know, it's ne to be angry about this, about this
particular thing, use that Vantage term and set your own information. So
now you've highlighted it and you deliver it and side use the vantage point
to insert your own perspective. And that's we deliver value on that express
common values that unite human them.

For me, I tell the stories a lot about what we believe the opportunities are for
businesses and how to live and, and ultimately how to run the business.

Those values are woven through the storytelling and the copy that we
arrived and to decry common villains, you know, the status quo, the system.

Many of these things are the things that people mutually despise. And
there's some big villains in every single market.

So verify, validate, vantage values and villains. And you'll have powerful copy

You have some actions to take.

I want you to go and craft 10 ideas that will hook the attention of your
market and resonate with them immediately.

I also want you to watch the bonus training I included with this book.

It gives you a real insight into what’s working and a ton of real world

At this point in the book, your head is may be spinning.

My suggestion is to take your Three E’s and really ask yourself whether
you’re operating where you should be.

From there, ensure that you are focusing on the most important changes
inside of your business.

7 gures isn’t dif cult, but no one said it was easy.

If you’ have a client serving business and want to add a leveraged product to
your business and scale it past 7 gures, the fastest way to do that is to have
the help of those who have done it before.

I want to ensure you know the step-by-step process in order to properly

implement this so it’s the RIGHT time and RIGHT place.

You Might Be Thinking: What would it be like to have a leveraged business

right now, with all of these problems solved?

But let’s step back to reality for a moment, and address the elephant in the
room: none of this is possible if you don’t take the rst step: getting leads
and taking control of your business.

I’ve successfully built two multi-million dollar businesses and I did it by

starting a conversation with my market.

This framework is how you get the right message to the right person at the
right time, and then make sure they actually fall in love with you and your
message. It’s also the method to be everywhere in front of your chosen
market and be constantly top of mind.

When you implement it, you become the default choice in the eyes of your

It’s the fastest way I know to stop playing small and level up your business.

It’s also the SIMPLEST model I know that offers me the freedom and control
over my time I desire.

If you have existing knowledge and want to generate predictable leads, add
a leveraged product to your business and turn your knowledge into pro t, I
can help.

First we help you Establish Authority and x your lead generation problems.

Remember, of the 3 pillars of business, if you don’t have a ood of quali ed

leads...well, none of the others are really problematic if no one is paying you.

There are 2 kinds of people my team and I mentor in this program:

Agencies and consultancies with a done for you service who have hit a
roadblock in their growth and want to add pro t to their existing business
without burning out.

Consultants and experts who are stuck in delivery and want to pivot to a
leveraged model using the skills and expertise they’ve built up in their
existing business.

You don’t need another program or mentor who gives you the information
and lets you gure it out on your own.

This is Implementation and mentorship from someone who’s done it and

the team that’s carried me here. A line up of experts to keep you
accountable and access to the exact strategies and steps.

The reality is, if you’ you’re only a few months away from a pro table
Maximum Viable Consultancy.

So if you want those kind of results and feel you could bene t from my
mentorship then book a call to see if we are a t.

Will you be one of them?



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