Jyotish 2013 Indrodeep Banerjee Predicting The NIFTY and Sensex

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An Astrological Analysis of

Intraday Price Trend with

Practical Strategies of Stock

Market Prediction

Indrodeep Banerjee

M. A. (Economics)

Astrologer & Stock Market Consultant

List of Contents

Chpt. Contents Page

No. No.

i. Preface ix

1. Practical Strategies to Successfully Predict the 1

Nifty & Sensex Using This Book.

2. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 6

Trthi & Aspects while Sun in Aries. Sun transits through
Aries during 14th April to 14th May.

3. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 49

Tithi & Aspects while Sun in TSurus, Sun transits
through Taurus during IS"1 May to 14th June.

4. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 96

Tithi & Aspects while Sun in Gemini. Sun transits
through Gemini during 15th June to 15th July,

5. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 144

Tithi & Aspects while Sun in Cancer. Sun transits
through Cancer during 16th July to 16th August

6. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 192

Tithi & Aspects while Sun in Leo, Sun transits through
Leo during, 17,}, August to IS"1 September.

7. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 250

Tithi & Aspects while Sun in Virgo. Sun transits
through Virgo during 17th September to 16th October.
viii Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Chpt. Contents Page

No. No.

8. Predicting the Nifty 81 Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 299

Tithi & Aspects while Sun in Libra. Sun transits through
Libra during IT"1 October to 15,h November.

9. Predicting the Nifty 8i Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 342

Tithi 8i Aspects while Sun in Scorpio. Sun transits
through Scorpio during 16th November to 15th

10. Predicting the Nifty 8i Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 391

Tithi 8i Aspects while Sun in Sagittarius. Sun transits
through Sagittarius during 16th December to 13th

.11. Predicting the Nifty 8i Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 433

Tithi 8i Aspects while Sun in Capricorn. Sun transits
through Capricorn during 14th January to 12th

12. Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 479
Tithi 8i Aspects while Sun in Aquarius. Sun transits
through Aquarius during 13* February to 14,h March.

13. Predicting the Nifty 8i Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 522

Tithi 8i Aspects while Sun in Pisces. Sun transits
through Pisces during IS"1 March to IS^ April.

14. Practical Analysis of Predicting the Nifty 8i Sensex. 563


"Predicting th e Nifty & Sensex" is the next elaborate research

work in continuance of my previous book, "Stock Market Astrology
& Astrological Theory of Business Cycles". This book is based on
my years of aggressive research on Stock Market Astrology, in the
study of astrological influences on the financial markets and price
movements especially and specifically in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
This book has been written after more than two decades of my
hard work, research and professional experience in the field of
astrology, and after the 14 years of dedicated aggressive research
in the application of astrological principles in predicting the
movements of indices Nifty & Sensex in the stock market.

This book contains detailed and systematic study of price

movements, upside and downside, in the indices Nifty & Sensex,
which I have practically experimented and it has been verified
and explained with the 10 years of empherical Nifty price data
along with the application of the principles and variables of
astrology. With die application of these findings I have been able
to successfully predict the intraday direction of the indices Nifty &
Sensex, stock markets and the rise and fall in the stock prices for

The entire analysis has been systematically arranged in a

month wise manner with respect to the transit of Sun, or the solar
ingress into the various-signs of zodiac, in order to make the use
of this book and astrological principles simpler to the traders, so
that they may be able to easily select the principles month wise
and apply them easily to predict the market using any ordinary
panchang calendar, where they may be able to find the nakshatra,
yoga and tithi for any particular date.

This analysts has been verified with the empherical data of

the Nifty index and is explained in such a simple manner that
anyone with little knowledge of astrology can easily grasp these
X Predicting the Nifty a Sense*

applications and can tactfully apply them for predicting the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, successfully or use them
accordingly for trading in the stock markets themselves and ensure
the profitability for themselves and their clients.

The Indices, Nifty & Sensex, being most liquid and highly
volumatic in trade, it is considered as the barometer of the economy
of our country. One can evaluate the economic condition of our
country by closely keeping eye on these two indices, namely the
Nifty & Sensex. Good performing Nifty & Sensex index are the
signs of our healthy economy, whereas a poor economic condition
or any economic worry is reflected by the continueous dull
performance of the Nifty and the Sensex index, But as all the
stock markets are highly unpredictable in nature, the indices Nifty
and Sensex are also highly volatile and unpredictable in its nature.

Since for a long period of time economists and the analysts

of the stock markets keep trying to predict the stock markets and
directidn of the indices Nifty & Sensex in advance, by the help of
technical analysis and fundamental analysis, though these tools
of analysis are not fully dependable or reliable. Only astrology can
serve to predict the markets successfully. Hence I aggressively
carried my research in this direction to predict the stock markets
with the application of astrological principles. It was from 1999 to
2009 for almost 11 years of dedicated research, which helped me
to compile.the first book "Stock Market Astrology & Astrological
Theory of Business Cycles" with many of the successful principles
which were helpful in the prediction of the stock markets, all
together in the fbnn of a book. Now after 3 more years of research
since 2009, I am able to compile this book totally dedicated to
predict the direction of the indices Nifty & Sensex.

For a long period of time there has been a persistent demand

through feed bade and phone calls from my readers for some
dependable book to be able predict the indices Nifty & Sensex
with greater accuracy. This book must fill that gap by making a
reliable effort to successfully predict the dynamics of the indices
Nifty & Sensex and the stock markets. Through these feed backs
and expectations of my readers it came into my mind to predict
the indices Nifty & Sensex specifically with the help of my
knowledge in astrology and compile all the successful principles in

the form of this book dedicated specifically to indices Nifty & Sensex.
Although I was motivated to carry this detailed research in
astrologically predicting the stock markets alongwith the indices
Nifty & Sensex, with my success in the prediction of stock market
fall in 1998-99 & 2000-01, which was made as a part of my
mundane predictions for a magazirte published from Chennai in

As a next work in line with predicting the indices Nifty &

Sensex, I am planning to come up with more dedicated stock
specific research works similar to this book on Gold, Reliance
Industries, Tata Steel, BHEL, ACC and other major specific stocks
of the Indian equity markets as well as global market indices.

Predicting the stock market or the indices, Nifty & Sensex, is

the most interesting part of the experimentation with the
astrological principles, since the results and the outcomes are
immediate or instant on daily basis. It can be the most interesting
hobby for an astrologer, a passion for a stock trader and this
research work will form the basis of any further professional
approach in predicting the intraday price movements of the indices
Nifty & Sensex, in the years to come. This branch of astrology, the
stock market astrology, is likely to grow much faster because of
its importance in the modern time and the results of the predictions
being immediate, thus enabling the people to judge the credibility
immediately, without having to wait for a longer period of time.
With the growing use of astrology in prediction of stock markets,
it will be a come back for the science of astrology to play a dominant
role as a predictive science and to establish itself as a major player
among the various methods of stock market analysis in the
prediction of the stock markets.

Since the stock markets are emerging as the most attractive

investment options among the modern youth, coming from all
walks of life and belonging to any field of profession, therefore
any science that can be useful in successfully predicting the stock
markets will soon gain popularity among the investors and traders.
Results in the stock markets are visible immediately, unlike in
Mundane or Natal Horoscopy, so the evaluation of success and
failures also get easier and immediate. Thus the successful
application of astrological principles in predicting the stock markets
2 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Not only this, I have also made many successful mundane

predictions for India, Including the prediction of Bhuj earth quake
and Tsunami in Bay of Bengal using the sign Capricorn as an
ascendant for Indians mundane horoscope, Practicaily I feel more
confident in predicting about India with Capricorn ascendant than
that derived with the day and time of India's Independence. The
fact cannot be denied that India has been in existence much before
or centuries before our independence from the British rule. It also
becomes difficult to deny the authenticity and findings of our
andent classics in astrology, which desaibes Capricorn as an
ascendant for mundane horoscope chart of India.

I fee! confident with the level of accuracy attained in predicting

the Nifty and Sensex with Taurus as an ascendant for Indian
markets and leave the rest to my readers to judge themselves
about which ascendant for Indian markets suit to their style of
prediction and analysis. Here I will love to share some important
facts for the benefit of our readers which I observed in my research
about Indian markets with respect to Taurus ascendant in the
following paragraphs which is of great importance in predicting
our markets.

Whenever Saturn transits through the sign Aries, it happens

to be in the twelfth house from the Taurus ascendant of Indian
markets, from the sign Aries it aspects the second house to destroy
the inflow and deposit of the wealth of the market, hence drying
up the investment scenario of the market spreading fear and crisis
among investors of the market. From the sign Aries it also aspects
the sixth house to destroy the heaith, vigor and confidence of the

markets. This placement of Saturn also aspects the ninth house

to destroy the trade and commence activity of the economy and
drying up the exports and confidence of the foreign investors. It
also disturbs toe discipline of the market and calls for price
manipulation in the market. Hence loosing the investor confidence
and send negative signals to the stock markets and stock markets
react to it by dragging the prices down with the emergence of
selling pressure in the markets. The most recent example of this
is toe stock market crisis of the year 2000-2001.

Whenever Satum transits through the sign Leo, it happens to

be in the fourth house from, the TaUrus ascendant of Indian
Chapter i: Practical Strategies to Successfutty Predict the Nifty & Sensex 3

markets, from the sign Leo it aspects the tenth house of the markets
to dry upthe trading activities of the market, hence drying up the
volumes of trade. From fourth house it also aspects the sixth house
to destroy the health, .vigor and confidence of the markets, as
well as it aspects the ascendant to drag down the face value or

the price of the market indices. Thus it brings down the buying
sentiment and drags the markets into recession, spreading fear
and panic in the investment circle and within the minds of the
investors. The most recent example of this is the stock market
crisis of the year 2008.

Whenever Saturn transits through Sagittarius, it happens to

be the eighth house from the Taurus ascendant of the Indian
markets, from the sign-Sagittarius it aspects the tenth house it
aspects the tenth house of the markets to dry up the trading
activities of the market, hence drying up the volumes of trade.
From the eighth house it also aspects the second house to destroy
the inflow and deposit of the wealth of the market, hence drying
up the investment scenario of the market spreading fear and crisis
among investors of the market. This placement of Saturn also
aspects the fifth house to destroy the trade and commerce activity
of the economy and drying up the liquidity, hence sending negative
signals to the stock markets and stock markets react to it with
pulling the prices down by emerging selling pressure in the markets.
The most recent example of this is the stock market crisis of the
year 1990.

Similarly whenever Mars aspects the ascendant, second, fifth,

seventh, ninth and tenth houses of the Indian markets, it drags
the prices or the market indices down. It causes panic and selling
pressure in the markets and dries up the liquidity from the market.
These negative effects come into play when Mars gets strengthen
by receiving benefic aspect on it from the other planets.

Aspects falling on the Sun and Mars Influence the short term
trend of the market. If the planets Sun and Mars transit through
the friendly signs and receive the aspect from other friendly planets
then the markets witness buying spree for short term. Whereas if
the planets Sun and the Mars transit through the enemy signs and
benefic planets aspect them then the markets witness selling
pressure for the short term.
4 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Likewise if the planets Sun and Mars transit through the friendly
signs and receive the aspect from the malefic planets then the
martcets become dull without any buying interest in the market
for short term, which occasionally ends up in the negative zone.
Whereas if the planets Sun and the Mars transit through the enemy
signs and malefic planets aspect them then the markets become
flat and directionless for the short term.

This bode explains the intraday trend for each nakshatra, yoga
and tithi but this must be judged along with analyzing the aspects
falling upon the Moon. Any adverse aspect falling upon the Moon
minimizes the desired result or may even reverse the prediction
depending upon the strength of the aspect and the aspecting
planets. Whereas if Moon is aspected by the benefic planets then
the prediction for positive momentum i n market gains the strength
and the prediction for negative momentum in market gets
weakened. Similarly if the Moon is aspected by the malefic planets
then the prediction for positive momentum in market gets
weakened and the prediction for negative momentum in market
gains the strength. Likewise final prediction must be made by
taking into account the aspects falling upon the Moon along with
the results of nakshatra, tithi and the yogas.

Along with the aspects on the Moon, the strength of the Moon
is also required to be accertained. The result of the lunar
parameters, namely nakshatra, yoga and tithi, explained in this
book depends upon the strength or the Awasthas of the Moon.
Moon in its Kumar Awastha and Yuva Awastha strongly produce
desired results indicated by the. nakshatra, yoga and tithi. While in

its Baal Awastha and Vriddha Awastha, Moon produces the result
indicated by the nakshatra, yoga and tithi but in a weak sense.
But the Moon fails to produce the desired results indicated by the
nakshatra, yoga and tithi while in its Mrita or dead Awastha. Hence
the Awasthas of the Moon is strongly needed to be taken into
account while judging the strength of the Moon to deliver the
desired results into the markets and its indices.

If the final prediction is reached by taking account of all these

factors along with the short term trend of the market then the
prediction can go unfailingly positive in predicting the intraday
trend of the market indices, namely the Nifty and the Sensex. The
Chapter 1: Practical Strategies to Successfully Predict the Nifty & Sensex 5

art of prediction lies in the judgment of multiple factors altogether

to reach into a conclusion by evaluating the merits and demerits
of all the factors that may influence the prediction.

With proper judgment one may master the art of predicting

the markets accurately, which also comes with the experience
and observation. Experience and observation also plays a major
role because it teaches us which principles are applicable under
which circumstances and which are not. Like however favourable
be the planetary conditions out mangoes cannot be ripened while
Sun transits through Libra and Scorpio, but it can ripen only when
Sun transits through Aries and Taurus, although in both the cases
Sun transits through the signs of Mars and Venus.

Therefore experience in the art of prediction counts a lot in

perfect delivery of the prediction and the experience is always
gained through time and observation of the markets. Knowledge
and experience together plays the magic of accuracy, hence the
knowledge of principles blended with the experience of markets
in bound to deliver the accurate predictions, which in turn may
result into profitable trading.

The intention of compiling this book is only that a true

astrologer equipped with all principles of forecasting need not
have to wait for their Clients to come and then pay him the fees,
but he may earn while sitting in his home or office, by trading
successfully into the markets with the help of his knowledge and
experience. It is intended to equip all the astrologers and the
students of astrology with the astrological principles of forecasting
the markets and making all of them self sufficient so that they
may become self dependent for their earnings and need not
anymore depend only upon their clients.

Although this book has been written with the intention that
the people might make money by trading and investing in the
markets but it is my advice to everyone that before investing into
the markets one must try to attain perfection in the art of predicting
the markets first. Only after attaining perfection in the art of
predicting the markets, one must venture into investing or trading
in the markets, even then it is advisable to start with small amount
and increase the amount with attainment of perfection and
Chapter 2

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects while Sun in Aries

Sun transits through Aries during

14th April to 14th May

Transit of Sun through Aries, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, determines positive momentum for the stock prices of
Automobiles, Pharmaceuticals, Crude, Infrastructure, Capital
Goods, Health Care, Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, Medical and
Surgical Equipments, Lime Stone, Gypsum, Cement, Iron and Steel,
Spices, Copper, Tobaccos, Fire Arms, Explosives and Metals,
Whereas, If this transit is aspected by Mercury, Venus, Saturn or
Rahu then the prices of the above stocks will decline and selling
pressure will mount up by turning the investor sentiments negative.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aries under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Aries aspected by Moon: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

2. Sun in Aries aspected by Mars: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in

the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, yoga, Tithi & 7
Aspects while Sun in Aries

3. Sun in Aries aspected by Mercury: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex.

4. Sun in Aries aspected by Jupiter: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

5. Sun in Aries aspected by Venus: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

6. Sun in Aries aspected by Saturn: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
24 observations out of total 37,

Sun in Aries aspected by Saturn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/05/2007 0 4151.3 4072.45 4134.3 57.65 Positive
| 11/5/2007 0 4094.65 3981.15 4076.65 9.85 Positive
10/5/2007 0 4134.2 4057.55 4066.8 -12.5 Negative
9/5/2007 0 4087.8 4030.55 4079.3 2.3 Positive
8/5/2007 0 4136.05 4066.4 4077 -34.15 Negative
7/5/2007 0 4157.65 4103,6 4111,15 -6,2 Negative
4/5/2007 0 4180.9 4109.7 4117.35 -33.5 Negative
! 3/5/2007 0 4161.2 4080,75 4150.85 62.95 Positive
(30/04/2007 3944.55 4096,9 4028.9 4087.9 4.4 Positive

127/04/2007 | 0 . 4182 4074.3 4083.5 -94.35 Negative

(26/04/2007 | 0 4217,9 4143.25 4177.85 10.55 positive
Predicting die Nifty & Sensex

2ym/2liU? t 11 41/3,3 '4114.35 4X6/. 3 253 Positive

24/04/2007 fl i 4162.15 4057.7 4141,8 56,7 Positive
f 23/04/2007 1 0(4122.35 1 4075.2 1 4085.1 1.55 Positive
20/04/2007 ( 0(4090,05 3995.5 4083.55 85.9 Positive
19/04/2007 1 Ol 4011 3933.35 3997,65 -13.95 Negative
118/04/2007 1 . o ( 4039,251 3981.75 1 4011.6 1 26.65 Positive
17/04/2007 0 4030 3976.25 3984.95 -28.4 Negative
16/04/2007 0 4016.8 3920.5 4013.35 96 Positive
1 12/5/2006 | 3704.15 I 3704.15 3633.85( 3650.05) -51 Negative

I 11/5/2006 | 3755.8 1 3774.15 3687.9) 3701.051 -53.2 Negative

I 10/5/2006 1 3720.75 I 3758.05 3717.25 3754.251 33.7 Positive
J 9/5/20061 3694.65 i 3725.4 3655.65 3720.55| 27.41 Positive
I 8/5/2006 f 3668.651 3708.551 3668.65| 3693.151 29.2| Positive
J 5/5/20061 3649.45 3676.551 3639.551 3663.951 15,55| Positive
I 4/5/2006 I 3630.65 3674,5 3621.55 3648.4| 14.151 Positive
1 3/5/2006 3604.4 3640.8 3581.4 3634.25| 28.8 i Positive
2/5/2006 3557.55 3622.05 3556.9] 3605.45) 97.35! Positive

27/04/2006 J 3554.7 3598.95) 3492.75| 3508.11 -47.65|Negative

26/04/2006 i 3462.651 3562.3] 3454.ll 3555.75| 93.ll Positive|

•25/04/2006 3548,8 3552.65 3433.55 3462.65 -86,25 Negative

24/04/2006 3572.8 3585.35 3536.3 3548.9 -24.15 Negative

21/04/2006 3576.75 3592.751 3517.ll 3573.051 -0,45(Negative!

20/04/2006 3539.8 3578.35| 3527.251 3573.51 37.65 Positive

19/04/2006 3523.65 3570.5i 3502.75] 3535.851 17.75 Positive

3429 3521.95 3429 3518,1 92.95 Positive

3342.15 3425.15 79.65 Positive
17/04/2006 3342.15 3433.65

7. •JWII HI Ani ico aopcctcu uy ••'•r— .

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex,
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 9
Aspects while Sun in Aries

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through

the sign Aries and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Aries: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the

price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not

produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

But if this Moon is in conjunction with the Mercury then it

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove In the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9,

Moon transiting through Aries in conjunction with

Mercury while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/. Trend


13/05/201.0 5157.55 5212.7 5147.95 5178.9 22.25 Positive

12/5/2010 5133.75 5172.85 5098.8 5156.65 20.5 Positive
J16/04/2010 j 5273.41 5283.05 5237.55! 5262.6 -111Negative

15/04/2010 5323.3 5373.15 5265.3 5273,6 -49.35 Negative

21/04/2004 1844.35 1876 1838.6 1873.35 29.1 Positive
20/04/2004 1844.4 1851 1832 1844.25 0.2 Positive
19/04/2004 1868.2 1876.2 1837.4 1844.05 -17.9 Negative
2/5/2003 930.9 940.2 930.8 938.3 4.25 Positive
30/04/2003 935.25 935.55 929.85 934.05 1.75 Positive

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into fell or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 14.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatm, Yoga, llthi & it
Aspects while Sun in Aries

13/05/2005 1992.5 1992.75 1978.9 1988.3 -4.851 Negative

12/5/2005 1985.95 1999.85 1981.95 1993.15 7.2 Positive
15/04/2005 2022,5 2022.5 1952.75 1956.3 -69.15 Negative
7/5/2003 - 950.4 956.65 948.9 950.15 -1.7 Negative
6/5/2003 945.85 955 943.2 951.85 6.45 Positive
5/5/2003 937.45 948.95 936.65 945.4 7,lj Positive

4, Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Aries; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex,

But If this Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results

into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in all 4
observations out of total 4.

Moon transiting through Cancer under aspect from

Satum while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

25/04/2007 0 4173.3 4114.35 4167.3 25.5 Positive
24/04/2007 0 4162.15 4057.7 4141.8 56.7| Positive
5/5/2006 3649.45 3676.55 3639.55 3663.95 15.55 Positive
4/5/2006 3630.65 3674.5 3621.55 3648.4 14.15 Positive

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 10 observations out of total 17.
12 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Leo while Sun Is In Aries

Date Open Hrgh Lew Close Gain/ Trend

13/05/2011 5492.35 5605| 5472.15j 5544.75| 58.61 Positive

12/5/2011 5537.8 5572.51 5476.3 ( 5486.151 -78.91 Negative

15/04/2011 5898.75 5907.35) 5806.45| 5824.55) -86.95| Negative

4/5/2009 3478.7 3664.51 3478.71 3654| 180.05 Positive

14/05/2008 4958.45 5026.11 4932.05| 5011.75 53.95 Positive
13/05/2008 1 5008,61 5066| 4943.75| 4957.81 -54.851 Negative
17/04/2008 4890.6 4964.95 4889.65 4958.4 71.1 Positive
16/04/2008 4881.65 4951.4 4874.05 4887.3 7.65 Positive
15/04/2008 4779,95 4917.1 4708.3 4879.65 101.85 Positive
27/04/2007 0 4182 4074.3 4083.5] -94.35 Negative
26/04/2007 0 4217.9 4143.25 4177.85 10,55 Positive
8/5/2006 3668.65 3708.55 3668.65 3693.15 29.2 Positive
21/04/2005 1930.5 1950 1911.41 1948.55 18.85 Positive
20/04/2005 1908.5 1941.85 1902.9 1929.7 20.3 Positive
19/04/2005 1927.9 1961.15 1902.8 1909.4 -18.4 Negative
30/04/2004 1820.55 1841.45 1788.3 1796.1 -12.85| Negative
29/04/2004 [ 1816.7 1818.9 1793.11 1808.95 -7.6 (Negative

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Aries: This

astroiogical combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 10 observations out of total 14,

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/04/2010 5322.1 5330.55 5301.4 5308.35 -14.1 Negative

26/04/2010 5299.35 5342.35 5299.35 5322.45 18.35 Positive

7/5/2009 3617.15 3692.05 3617.15 3683.9 58.85 Positive

6/5/2009 3662| 3717.05 3608.65 3625.05 -36.85 Negative

5/5/2009 3664.5 3682.2 3618.75 3661.9 7.9 Positive

30/04/2007 3944.55 4096.9 4028.9 4087.9 4,4 Positive

Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects while Sun in Aries

10/5/2006 3720.751 3758.05 3717.251 3754.25 33.71 Positive

9/5/2006 3694.65 3725.4 3655.65 3720.55 27.4 Positive
22/04/2005 1950.6 1972.95 1950 1967.35 18.8 Positive
3/5/2004 1796.1 1801.45 1742.8 1766.7 -29.4 Negative
13/05/2003 936.9 945.8 936.7 944.2 8.2 Positive
12/5/2003 938.5 944.45 934 936 -1.85 Negative
16/04/2003 950.65 961.75 949 958.65 7.45 Positive
i":15/04/2003 951.8| 964.2 938.8| 951.2 1.4 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Aries; This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 15.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close , Gain/ Trend


119/04/2011 5716 5762.95 5693.25 5740.75! 11.65 Positive

118/04/2011 5824.35 5897.9 5722.25 5729.1 -95.45 Negative

129/04/2010 5215.25 5264.75 5214.8 5254.15 38.7 Positive

128/04/2010 5308.2 5308.25 5202.45 5215.45 -92.9 Negative

I 8/5/2009 3681.8 3711.25 3582.85 3620.7| -63.2 Negative)

122/04/2008 5037.05 5074.25 4994.05 5049.3 12.3 Positive |

21/04/2008 4955.9 5053.4 4955.9 5037 78.6 Positive

3/5/2007 0 4161.2 4080.75 4150.85 62.95 Positive!
| 12/5/2006 3704.15 3704.15 3633.85 3650.05 -51 Negative |
| 11/5/2006 3755.8 3774.15 3687.9 3701.05 -53.2 Negative
125/04/2005 1968.45 1974.2 1952.4 1970.95 3.61 Positive
i 5/5/2004 1789.45 1814.35 1788.1 1809.9 16.81 Positive
t 4/5/2004 1769.1 1803.15 1768.8 1793.1 26.4 Positive

114/05/2003 944.2 953.45 943.15 952.15 7.95 Positive

[ 17/04/2003 958.65 958.65 936.7 940.7 -17.951 Negative

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Aries; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects while Sun In Aries

Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/04/2011 5782.5 5804.3 5706.05 5749.5 -35.95 Negative
28/04/2011 5851.35 5856.4 5776.95 5785.45 -48.45 Negative
27/04/2011 5884.2 5892.35 5819.95 5833.9 -34.5 Negative
7/5/2010 5072.3 5085.65 4984.6 5018.05 -72.8 Negative
21/04/2009 3376.85 3414> 3309.35 3365.3 -11.8 Negative
20/04/2009 3384.75 3441.1 3339.45 3377.1 -7.3 Negative
30/04/2008 5198.35 5230.75 5155.85 5165.9 -29.6 Negative
11/5/2007 -0 4094.65 3981.15 4076.65 9.85 Positive
24/04/2006 3572.8 3585.35 3536.3 3548.9 -24.15 Negative
| 4/5/2005 1920.5 1944.45 1920.15 1942.6 21.9 Positive
| 3/5/2005 1916.95 1940.1 1911 1920.7 3.95 Positive
1 2/5/2005 1903.1 1925.6 1898.15 1916.75 14.25 Positive
113/05/2004 1707.95 1750.3 1625.1 1717.5 6.4 Positive
| 12/5/2004 1699.25 1721.35 1689.85 1711.1 11.65 Positive
115/04/2004 1878.5 1884.5 1855 1861.95 -16.5 Negative
125/04/2003 929.45 931.35 921.1 924.3 -5.4 Negative

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend|


1 11/5/2010 5189.75 5206.7 5126.5 5136.15 -57.45) Negative

I 10/5/2010 5026.6 5203.3 5026.6 5193.6| 175.55| Positive)

124/04/2009 3423.6 3491.35 3402.9 3480.75) 57.05| Positive

123/04/2009 3330.5 3439.9 3310.5 3423.7( 93.4) Positive)

|22/04/2009 3364.6 3401.1 3296.9 3330.3 -35 Negative

2/5/2008 5265.3 5298.85 5197.6 5228.2 62.3 Positive

i4/05/2007 0 4151.3 4072.45 4134.3 57.65 Positive

16 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

117/04/2007 1 0 4030 3976.25 3984.95 -28.4 Negative

116/04/2007 0 4016.8 3920.5 4013.35 96 Positive

26/04/2006 3462.65 3562.3 3454.1 3555.75 93.1 Positive
25/04/2006 3548.8 3552.65 3433.55 3462.65 -86.25 Negative

6/5/2005 1962.3 1984.4 1947.3 1977.5 14.2 Positive

5/5/2005 1942.61 1973.35 1942.05 1963.3 20.7 Positive
14/05/2004 1717.05 1722.8 1566.95 1582.4 -135.1 Negative
29/04/2003 929,75 936.9 929.75 932.3 2.8 Positive
28/04/2003 922.85 931.05 920 929.5 5.2 Positive

Following observations have been rYtade in the Intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aries and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac;

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in Aries:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in-the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
. total 6.

Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

1 2/5/2011 5766.9 5775.251 5687.7 5701.3 -48.21 Negative |
1 12/5/2010 5133.75 5172.85 5098.81 5156.65 20.51 Positive |
15/04/2010 5323.3 5373.15 5265.3 5273.6 -49.35 Negative
27/04/2006 3554.7 3598.95 3492.75 3508.1 -47.65 Negative
19/04/2004 1868.2 1876.2 1837.4 1844,05 -17.9 i Negative

30/04/2003 935.25 935.55 929.85 934.05 1.75| Positive |

2- Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 17
Aspects while Sun In Ahes

Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun Is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

1 3/5/2011 5689.7 5710.8 5554.85 5565.25 -136.05 Negative
13/05/2010 5157.55 5212.7 5147.95 5178.9 22.25 Positive
16/04/2010 5273.4 5283.05 5237.55 5262.6 -11 Negative
5/5/2008 5227.25 5254.5 5182.6 5192.25 -35.95 Negative
18/04/2007 0 4039.25 3981.75 4011.6 26.65 Positive
21/04/2004 1844,35 1876 1838.6 1873.35 29,1 Positive
20/04/2004 | 1844.4 185l| 1832 1844.25 0.2 Positive

2/5/2003 930.9 940.21 930.8 938.3 4,25 Positive!

3. Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries; This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphedcal data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the foilowing empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


4/5/2011 | 5567.7 5578.8 5503 5537.15 -28.1 Negative

14/05/2010 | 5180.55 5192.75 5070.95 5093.5 -85.4 Negative
6/5/2008 | 5192.35 5206.5 5110.9 5144.65 -47.6 Negative
19/04/2007 0 4011 3933.35 3997.65 -13.95 Negative
9/5/2005 1978.05 2003.15 1978.05 2000.75 23.25 Positive
[22/04/2004 1 1873.55 1894.6 1871 1889.55 16.2 Positive

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is in Aries:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & J9
Aspects while Sun in Aries

Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/04/2010 5208.3 5257.25 5208.3 5230.1 26.45 Positive
29/04/2009 3371.651 3486.4 3366.7 3473.95 111.6 Positive
9/5/2008 5070.85 5087.65 4969.4 4982.6 -99.1 Negative
2/5/2006 3557.55 3622.05 3556.9 3605.45 97.35 Positive
12/5/2005 1985.95 1999.85 1981.95 1993.15! 7,2 Positive
15/04/2005 2022.5 2022.5 1952.751 1956.31 -69.15 Negative
6/5/2003 945.85 955 943.21 951.85 6.45 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if this Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

8. Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if this Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries; This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
20 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Ldw Close Gain/ Trend

11/5/2011 SS47.2 5574,7 5525 5565.05 23,8 Positive
23/04/2010 5269.55 5311.05 5269.65 5304.1 34.75 Positive
12/S/2008 4981 5021.75 4913.8 5012.65 30.05 Positive
25/04/2007 0 4173.3 4114.35 4167.3 25.5 Positive
5/S/2006 3649.45 3676.55 3639.55 3663.95 15.55 Positive
18/04/2005 1955.5 1959.25 1914.85 1927.8 -28.5 Negative
28/04/2004 1819 1833.95 1801.8 1816.55 -0.7 Negative
9/5/2003 941.6 941.65 935.8 937.85 -3,7 Negative

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements, in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aries: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if this
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra

whiie Sun is in Aries: This astrotogical combination

mostly results into upmove In the price of indlcesNlfty
& Sensex. The following empherlcal data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherlcal data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index In 6 observations out of total 7.
Chapter 2: PredictinQ the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 21
Aspects white Sun in Aries

Moon transiting through Uttaraphalgunl Nakshatra

while Sun Is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

113/05/2011 5492.35 5605 5472,15 5544.751 58.6 Positive
5/5/2009 3664.5 3682.2 3618.75 366L9| 7.9 Positive
17/04/2008 4890.6 4984.95 4889.65 4958.4 71.1 Positive
9/5/2006 3694.65 3725.4 3655.65 3720.55 27.4 Positive
21/04/2005 1930.5 1950 1911.4 1948.55 18.85 Positive
12/5/2003 938.5 944.45 934 936 -1.85 Negative
15/04/2003 951.8 . 964.2 938.8 951.2 1.4 Positive

13. Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aries: Th is astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


26/04/2010 5299.35 5342.35 5299.35 5322.45 18.35 Positive

6/5/2009 3662 3717.05 3608.65 3625.05 -36,85 Negative

30/04/2007 3944.55 4096.9 4028.9 4087.9 4.4 Positive

10/5/2006 3720.75 3758,05 3717.25 3754.25 33.7) Positive

22/04/2005 1950.6 1972.95 1950 1967.35 18.81 Positive

13/05/2003 936.9 . 945.8 936.7 944,2 8.21 Positive]

16/04/2003 950.65 961.75 949 958.65 7.451 Positive)

14, Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is in Aries:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical -data we can observe the
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex in 4
observations out of total 6.
Predicting the .Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/I Trend

18/04/2011 5824,35 5897,9 5722,25 5729.1 -95,45 Neaative
27/04/2010 5322.1 5330.55 5301.4 5308,35 -14.1 Neqative
| 7/5/2009 [ 3617.15 3692,05 3617,15 3683.9 58,85 Positive
I 11/5/2006 3755.8 3774,15 3687.9 3701.05 -53.2 Neaative
3/5/2004 1796.1 1801,45 1742.8 1766.7 -29,4 Neaatave
14/05/2003 944,2 953.45 943.15 952,15 7.95 Positive

15. Moon transiting through Swat! Nakshatra while Sun is in Aries:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But If this Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aries; This combination results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in all 5 observations out of total 5.

Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

LOW Close Gain/ Trend

Date Open High

5214.8 5254.15 38.7 Positive

29/04/2010 5215.25 5264.75
5049.3 12.3 Positive
22/04/2008 5037.05 5074.25 4994.05
4150.85 62.95 Positive
3/5/2007 0 4161.2 4080.75
1952.4 1970.95 3.6 Positive
25/04/2005 1968.45 1974.2
1788.1 1809.9 16,8 Positive
5/5/2004 1789.45 1814.35
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 23
Aspects While Sun In Aries

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries; The implication of this astrological combination Is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if this Moon is
aspected by Satum or Venus then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex in 4
observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/04/2011 5882.85 5912.9 5864.35 . 5884.7 33.05 Positive

11/5/2009 3615.75 3660.2 3534.55 3554.6 -66.1 Negative

24/04/2008 5022.9 5072.7 4991,35 4999.85 •22.95 Neaative

18/04/2006 3429 3521.95 3429 3518.1 92.95 Positive
27/04/2005 1959.45 1962.2 1930.35 1935.4 -21.7 Negative
7/5/2004 1832.85 1833,15 1796.95 1804.45 -28.35 Negative

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aries: This combination results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove In the price of nifty index
in all 6 observations out of total 6.
24 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

12/5/2009 3554,65 3691,65 3534.2 3681.1 126.5 Positive
15/04/2009 3381.45 3497,55 3311.8 3484.15 101.55 Positive
25/04/2008 4999.15 5117.7 4999.15 5111.7 111.85 Positive
119/04/2006 j 3523.65 3570.5 3502.75 3535.85 17.75 Positive
|28/04/2005.| 1935,65 1950.25 1921.05 1941.3 5-9 Positive
121/04/2003 941.5 9497 941.5 947.2 6.5 Positive

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra

while Sun is in Aries: This astrological combination
mostly results into fall or downside in the price of
indices Nifty StSensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 7 observations
out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

3/5/2010 5278.4 5278.7 5210.05 5222.75 -55.25 Negative
114/05/2009 | 3631.9 3631.9 3537.6 3593.45 -41.8 Negative

! 13/05/2009 | 3668.75 3709.6 3610.2 3635.25 -45.85 Negative

16/04/2009 3484-35 3511.25 3354.2 3369.5 -114.65 Negative

7/5/2007 0 4157.65 4103.6 4111.15 -6.2 Negative

20/04/2006 3539.8 3578.35 3527.25 3573.5 37.65 Positive

29/04/2005 1943.2 1943.2 1896.3 1902.5 -38. B Negative

22/04/2003 i 947.1 951.4 937.85 943.5 -3.7 Negative

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra

while Sun is in Aries: This astrological combination
mostly results into fall or downside in the price of
indices Nifty &Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty a Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 25
Aspects while Sun in Aries
Il1 1 U 111
i '' " " """ii I' "i""

downside in the price of nifty index in 7 observations

out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


5/5/2010 5148.35 5148.35 505B.5 5124.9 -23.6 Negative

[ 4/5/2010 5223.9 5250.15 5134.85 5148.5 -74.25 Negative

fl7/04/2009 3369.S 3489.85 3359.25 3384.4 14.9 Positive

(28/04/2008 5112.5 5147.45 5079.15 5089.65 -22.05 Negative

1 8/5/2007 0 4136.05 . 4066.4 4077 -34.15 Negative

j 21/04/2006 3576.75 3592.75 3517.1 3573.05 -0.45 Negative

I 10/5/2004 1804.4 1804.4 1753.8 1769.1 -35.35 Negative

123/04/2003 943.75 951.2 931.5 934.2 -9.3 Negative

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries; This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & SensexrThe following
empherical data accertains this astroioglcal phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend I

126/04/2011 5876.85 5893.2 5791.55 5868.4 -6.1 Negative
125/04/2011 5859.6 5906.6 5857 5874.5 . -10.2 Negative
6/5/2010 5124.4| 5124.9 5037.75 5090,85 -34.05 Negative
29/04/2008 5092.4| 5210.9 5082.15 5195.5 105.85 Positive
| 9/5/2007 0| 4087.8 4030.55 4079.3 2.3 Positive
24/04/2003 | 934.21 943.15 927.8 929.7 -4.5 Negative

23. Moon transitingthroughDhanista Nakshatra while Sun

isin Aries: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
26 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Ohanista Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/04/2011 5884.2 5892.35 5819.95 5833.9 -34,5 Negative
7/5/2010 5072,31 5085.65 4984.6 5018.05 -72.8 Negative
20/04/2009 3384.75 3441.1 3339.45 3377.1 -7.3 Negative
30/04/2008 5198.35 5230.75 5155.85 5165.9 -29.6 Negative
10/5/2007 0 4134.2 4057.55 4066.8 -12.5 Negative
2/5/2005 1903.1 1925.6 1898.15 1916.75 14.25 Positive
11/5/2004 1768.7 1768.7 1692.9 1699.45 -69.65 Negative
25/04/2003 929.45 931.35 921.1 924,3 -5.4 Negative

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Modn transiting through Pootvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aries; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if this
Moon is aspected by Venus then it mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra

while Sun is in Aries: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertalns
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 2: Predktfng the Nifty a Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Titht a 27
Aspects white Sun in Aries

Meon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Aries
mil 1'
Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend
10/5/2010 5026.6 5203.3 S026.6 5193.6 175.55 Positive
23/04/2009 3330.5 3439.9 3310,5 3423.7 93.4 Positive
16/04/2007 0 4016.8 3920.5 4013.35 96 Positive
25/04/2006 3548.8 3552.65 3433.55 34.62.65 -86.25 Negative
5/5/2005 1942,6 1973.35 1942.05 1963.3 20.7 Positive
28/04/2003 922.85 931,05 920 929.5 5.2 Positive

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is in Aries:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


11/5/2010 5189.75 5206.7 5126.5 5136.15 -57.45 Negative

24/04/2009 3423.6 3491.35 3402,9 3480.75 57.05 Positive

(14/05/2007 0 4151.3 4072.45 4134.3[ 57.65] Positive

(17/04/2007 0 4030 3976.25 3984.95 [ -28.4 Negative

126/04/2006 3462.65) 3562.3 3454.1 3555,75( 93.1 Positive
i 6/5/2005 | 1962.31 1984.4 1947.3 1977.5 14.2 Positive
[29/04/2003 | 929.75| 936.9 929.75 932.3 2.8 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aries and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas;

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and itdo not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indites Nifty & Sensex.
28 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

2. Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mercury then
it mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Aries; The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Venus then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun Is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 4 observations out of total 5.

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


4/5/2011 5567.7 5578.8 5503 5537.15 -28.1 Negative

13/05/2010 5157.55 5212.7 5147.95 ( 5178.9 22.25 Positive

20/04/2007 0 4090.05 3995.5 4083.55) 85.9) Positive

22/04/2004 1873.55 1894.6 1871 1889.55) 16.2) Positive

2/5/2003 930.9 940.2 930.8 938.3| 4.25( Positive

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatrs, Yoga, Tithi & 29
Aspects whiie Sun in Aries

Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

bate Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

S/5/2011 5531.6 5560.3 5443.65 5459.85 -77.3 Negative
14/05/2010- 5180.55 5192,75 5070.95 5093.5 -85.4 Negative
27/04/2009 3481.3 3517,25 3435.3 3470 -10.75 Negative
6/5/2008 5192.35 5206.5 5110.9 5144.65 -47,6 Negative
9/5/2005 1978.05 2003,15 1978.05 2000.75 23.25 Positive
[23/04/2004 1890.85 1912.35 1885.75 1892.45 2.9 Positive

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertainsthis astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.

Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is irt Aries

Date Open High LOW Ciose Gain/ Trend


6/5/2011 | 5477.65 55 64,41 5472.45 5551.45 91.6 Positive

19/04/2010 5279.051 5279.05| 5160.9 5203.65 -58.95 Negative

28/04/2009 3469.5 3471.95 3351.5 3362.35 -107.65 Negative

7/5/2008 5156.7 5159.05 5101.25 5135.5 -9.15 Negative

10/5/2005 2001 2007.8 1989.1 1994.3 -6.45 Negative

15/04/2005 2022.5 2022.5 1952.75 1956.3 -69.15 Negative

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical date accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.
30 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/04/2010 5208.3 5257,25 5208.3 5230.1 26.45 Positive
29/04/2009 3371.65 3486.4 3366.7 3473.95 111.6 Positive
8/5/2008 5135.8 5143.05 5062.45 5081.7 -53.8 Negative
2/5/2006 3557.55 3622.05 3556.9 3605.45 97.35 Positive
11/5/2005 1990.55 1991.85 1975.05 1985.95 -8.35 Negative
5/5/2003 937.45 948.95 936.65 945.4 7.1 Positive

8. Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Aries; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in 5 observations
out of total 6.

Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

21/04/2010 5230.3 5266.3 5230.3 5244.9 14.8 Positive
9/5/2008 5070.85 5087.65 4969.4 4982.6 -99.1 Negative
23/04/2007 0 4122.35 4075.2 4085.1 1.55 Positive

3/5/2006 3604.4 3640.8 3581.4 3634.25 28.8 Positive

12/5/2005 1985.95 1999.85 1981.95 1993.15 7.2 Positive

6/5/2003 945.85 955 943.2 951.85 6.45 Positive

9- Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sen'sex with Nakshstra, Yoga, Tfthf & 31
Aspects white Sun in Aries

Shoola Yoga day while Sun Is In Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

9/5/2011 5575.2 5586.05 5502.4 5551.1 -0.35 Negative
22/04/2010 5248.6 5331.8 5221.1 5269.35 24.45 Positive
24/04/2007 0 4162.15 4057.7 4141.8 56.7 Positive
4/5/2006 3630.65 3674.5 3621.55 3648,4 14.15 Positive
13/05/2005 1992.5 1992.75 1978.9 1988.3 -4.85 Negative
18/04/2005 1955.5 1959.25 1914.85 1927.8 -28.5 Negative
27/04/2004 1890.05 1893.1 1814 1817.25 -75.2 Negative
7/5/2003 950,4 956,65 948.9 950.15 -1.7 Negative

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is In Aries; The implication of this
astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data aocertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove In the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

11/5/2011 5547.2 5574.7 5525 5565.05 23.8 Positive
15/04/2011 5898.75 5907.35 5806.45 5824.55 -85.95 Negative
12/5/2008 4981 5021.75 4913.8 5012.65 30.05 Positive
16/04/2008 4881.55 4951.4 4874.05 4887.3 7.65 Positive
26/04/2007 0 4217.9 4143.25 4177.85 10.55 Positive
20/04/2005 1908.5 1941.85 1902.9 1929.7 20.3 Positive
29/04/2004 1816.7 1818.9 1793.1 1808.95 -7.6 Negative
9/5/2003 941.6 941.65 935.8 937.85 -3.7 Negative
32 Predicting theTflfty & Sensex

12, Dhruva Yoga day while Sun Is in Aries; The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex.

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is In Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
3 observations out of total 4.

Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open 1 High Low Close Gain/ Trend

J 12/5/2011 5537.8 5572.5 5476.3 5486.15 -78.9 Negative


5299.35 5342.35 5299.35 5322.45 18.35 Positive
I 8/5/2006 | 3668.65 3708,55 3668.65 3693.15 29.2 Positive
22/04/2005 1950.6| 1972.95 1950 1967.35 18.8 Positive

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in S observations out of total 6.

Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

High Low Close Gain/ Trend

Date Open

5472.15 5544.75 58.6 Positive

13/05/2011 5492.35 5605
3618.75 3661.9 7.9 Positive
5/5/2009 3664.5 3682.2
5026.1 4932.05 5011.75 53.95 Positive
14/05/2008 4958.45
3655.65 3720.55 27,4 Positive
9/5/2006 3694.65 3725.4
944.45 934 936 -1.85 Neqative
12/5/2003 938.5
949 958.65 7.45 Positive
16/04/200.3 950.65 961.75
Chapter?: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 33
Aspects while Sun In Aries

15. Vajra Yoga day white Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Vajra Yoga day while Sun !$ in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

18/04/2011 5824.35 5897.9 5722.25 5729.1 -95.45 Negative
27/04/2010 5322.1 5330.55 5301.4 5308.35 -14.1 Negative
06/05/2009 3662 3717.05 3608.65 3625.05 -36.85 Negative
30/04/2007 3944.55 4096.9 4028.9 4087.9 4.4 Positive
10/05/2006 3720.75 3758.05 3717.25 3754.25 33.7 Positive
03/05/2004 1796.1 1801.45 1742.8 1766.7 -29.4 Negative
13/05/2003 936.9 945.8 936.7 944.2 8.2 Positive

17/04/2003 958.65 958.65 936,7 9407 -17.95 Negative

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericaJ
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 8.

Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

. Loss
19/04/2011 5716 5762.95 5693.25 5740.75 11.65 Positive
28/04/2010 5308.2 5308.25 5202.45 5215.45 -92.9 Negative

07/05/2009 3617,15 3692.05 3617.15 3683.9 58.85 Positive

21/04/2008 4955.9 5053.4 4955.9 5037 78.6 Positive
11/05/2006 3755.8 3774.15 3687,9 3701.05 -53.2 Negative
25/04/2005 1968.45 1974.2 1952.4 1970.95 3.6 Positive
04/05/2004 1769.1 1803.15 1768.8 1793.1 .26.4 Positive

14/05/2003 944.2 953.45 943.15 952.15 7.95 Positive

34 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

17. Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combinalJon mostly results into upmove In the price of indices
Nifty &Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


20/04/2011 5786.05 5857.35 5759.65 5851.65 110.9 Positive

29/04/2010 5215.25 5264.75 5214.8 5254.15 38.7 Positive
08/05/2009 3681.8 3711.25 3582.85 3620.7 -63.2 Negative
22/04/2008 5037.05 5074.25 4994.05 5049.3 12.3 Positive
[03/05/2007 | 0 4161.2 4080.75 4150.85 62,95 Positive
112/05/2006 | 3704.15 3704.15[ 3633.85 3650.05 -51 Negative

18. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

19. Parlgha Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

20. Shiva Yoga is in day while Sun Aries: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Chapter 2: Predfcting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 35
Aspects while Sun In Aries

" " " "

21, Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements In
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to die price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

22, Sadhya Yoga day white Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the
price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in all 6 observations out of total 6.

Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


25/04/2011 5859.6 5906.6 5857 5874.5 -10.2 Negative

04/05/2010 5223.9 5250.15 5134.85 5148.5 -74,25 Negative

13/05/2009 3668.75 3709.6 3610.2 3635.25 -45.85 Negative

08/05/2007 0 4136.05 4066.4 4077 -34.15 Negative

21/04/2006. 3576.75 3592.75 3517.1 3573.05 -0.45 Negative

23/04/2003 943.75 951.2 931.5 934.2 -9.3 Negative

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 6 observations out of total 7.
36 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/04/2011 5876.85 5893.2 5791.55 5868.41 -6.1 Negative
05/05/2010 5148.35 5148.35 5056.5 5124.91 -23.6 Negative
14/05/2009 3631.9 3631.9 3537.6 3593.45 -41.8 Negative
28/04/2008 5112.5 5147.45 5079.15 5089.65 -22.05 Negative
09/05/2007 0] 4087.8 4030.55 4079.3 2.3 Positive
10/05/2004 1804.4 1804.4 1753.8 1769.1 -35.35 Negative
24/04/2003 934.2 943.15 927.8 929.7 -4.5 Negative

24. Shukla Yoga day white Sun is in Aries: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9.

Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

|27/04/2011 5884.2 5892,35| 5819.95 5833.9i -34.5 Negative
I 06/05/2010 5124.4| 5124.9| 5037.75 5090.85 -34.05 Negative

120/04/2009 3384.75 3441.1 3339.45 3377.1 -7.3 Negative

1 29/04/2008 5092.4 5210.9 5082.15 5195.5 105.85 Positive

10/05/2007 0 4134.2 4057.55 4066.8 -12.5 Negative

02/05/2005 1903.1 1925.6 1898.15 1916.75 14.25 Positive

11/05/2004 1768.7 1768.7 1692.9| 1699.45 -69.65 Negative

15/04/2004 1878.5 1884.5 1855| 1861.95 -16.5 Negative

125/04/2003 929,45 931.351 921.1 924.3 -5.4 Negative

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Aries: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical^ data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.
38 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aries and at the same time while different lunar Tithis:

1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is

in Aries: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex.The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

05/05/2011 5531.6 5560.3 5443.65 5459.85 -77.3 Negative
16/04/2010 5273.4 5283.05 5237,55 5262.6 -11 Negative
27/04/2009 3481.3 3517.25 3435,3 3470 -10.75 Negative

07/05/2008 5156.7 5159.05 5101,25 5135.5 Negative


10/05/2005 2001 2007.8 1989.1 1994.3| -6.45] Negative

21/04/2004 1844,35 1876 1838.6 1873,351 29.11 Positive

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Aries:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter, Mercury or Venus then it mostly results
into a fall or downside In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 39
Aspects while Sun in Aries

i n the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The-fbllowing empherical

data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithl while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/04/2009 3469.5 3471.95 3351.5 3362.35 -107.65 Negative

08/05/2008 5135.8 5143.05 5062.45 5081.7 -53.8 Negative
20/04/2007 0 4090.05 3995.5 4083.55 85.9 Positive

12/05/2005 1985.95 1999.85 | 1981.95 1993.15 7.2 Positive |

23/04/2004 1890.85 1912.35 | 1885.75 1892.45 2.9 Positive
05/05/2003 ! 937.45 948.95 936.65 945.4 7.1 Positive

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithl while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla ShashthiTithi while Sun is in Aries:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter or Mars then it mostly results into upmove
i n the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tlthi, while Sun is in Aries:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
40 Predicting the Nitty & Sensex

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtamf Tithi while Sun is in Aries:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tith! while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/04/2010 5248,6 5331.8 5221.1 5269.35 24.45 Positive
12/05/2008 4981 5021.75 4913.8 5012.65 30.05 Positive
24/04/2007 o 4162.15 4057.7 4141.8 56.7 Positive
05/05/2006 3649.45 3676.55 3639.55 3663.95 15.55 Positive
28/04/2004 1819 1833.95 1801.8 1816.55 -0.7 Negative
109/05/2003 1 941.61 941.65 935.8 937.85 -3.7 Negative

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is

in Aries: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5,

Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close! Gain/ Trend

I Loss

12/05/2011 5537.8 5572.5 5476.3 5486.151 -78.91 Negative!

13/05/2008 5008.6 5066 4943.75 4957.8 -54.85 Negative

25/04/2007 0 4173.3 4114,35 4167.3 25.5 Positive

18/04/2005 1955.5 1959.25 1914.85 1927.8 -28.5 Negative

29/04/2004 1816.7 1818.9 1793.1 1808.95 -7.6 Negative

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatta, Yoga, Tfthi & 41
Aspects while Sun in Aries

following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/04/2010 5269.65 5311.05 5269.65 5304.1 34.75 Positive
04/05/2009 3478.7 3664.5 3478.7 3654 180.05 Positive
14/05/2008 4958.45 5026.1 4932.05 5011.75 53.95 Positive
15/04/2008 4779.95 4917.1 4708.3 4879.65 101.85 Positive
26/04/2007 0 4217.9 4143.25 4177.85 10.55 Positive
19/04/2005 1927.9 1961.15 1902.8 1909.4 -18.4 Negative
30/04/2004 1820.55 1841.45 1788.3 1796.1 -12.85 Negative

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


13/05/2011 5492.35 5605 5472.15 5544.75 58.6 Positive

16/04/2008 4881.65 4951.4] 4874.05 4887.3 7.65 Positive

27/04/2007 0 4182] 4074.3 4083.5 -94.35 Negative
108/05/2006 3668.65 3708.55] 3668.65 3693.15 29.2 Positive

120/04/2005 1908.5 1941.85] 1902.9 1929.7 20.3 Positive

|12/05/2003 938.5 944.45 934 936 -1.85 Negative

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Aries: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.
42 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukia Dwadashi Tithi while Sun Is


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

15/04/2011 5898.75 5907.35 5806.45 5824.55 -86.95 Negative
05/05/2009 3664.5 3682.2 3618.75 3661.9 7.9 Positive
17/04/2008 4890.6 4984.95 4889.65 4958.4 71.1 Positive
09/05/2006 3694.65 3725.4 3655.65 3720.55 27.4 Positive
21/04/2005 1930.5 1950 1911.4 1948.55 18.85 Positive
13/05/2003 936.9 945". 8 936.7 944.2 8.2 Positive

13, Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherlcal
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.
Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun
is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/04/2010 1 5299.35 1 5342.351 5299.35| 5322.45 1 18.35 Positive
06/05/2009 3662 3717.05 3608.65 3625.05 -36.85 Negative

30/04/2007 3944.55 4096.9 4028.9 4087.9 4.4 Positive

11/05/2006 3755.8 3774,15 3687.9 3701.05 -53.2 Negative

10/05/2006, 3720.75 3758.05 3717.25 3754.25 33.7 Positive

22/04/2005 1950.6 1972.95 1950 1967.35 18.8 Positive

14/05/2003 944.2 953.45 943.15 952.15 7.95 Positive

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of this astrological combination isneutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive u p or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 43
Aspects while Sun in Aries

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Pumima Tithi while Sun is in Aries: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
, in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherica!
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Aries

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


18/04/2011 5824.35 5897.9 5722.25 5729.1 -95.45 Negative

29/04/2010 5215.25 5264.75 5214.8 5254.15 38.7 Positive
21/04/2008 4955.9 5053.4 4955.9 5037 78.6 Positive
03/05/2007 0 4161.2 4080.75 4150.85 62.95 Positive
25/04/2005 1968.45 1974.2 1952.4 1970.95 3.6 Positive
05/05/2004 1789.45 1814.35 1788.1 1809.9 16.8 Positive
17/04/2003 958.65 958.65 936.7 940.7 -17.95 Negative

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in Aries:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon, is
aspected by Sun then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Aries:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun Is in -

Aries; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

20. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Aries; The implication of this astrological combination Is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

Aries; This astrojogical combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is

in Aries

Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


05/05/2010 5148.35 5148.35 5056.5 5124.9 -23.6 Negative

16/04/2009 3484.35 3511.25 3354.2 3369.5 -114.65 Negative

09/05/2007 0 4087.8 4030.55 4079.3 2.3 Positive

20/04/2006 3539.8 3578.35 3527.25 3573.5 37.65 Positive I

10/05/2004' 1804.4 1804.4 1753.8 1769.11 -35.35 Negative

22/04/2003 947.1 951.4 937.85 943.51 -3.7 Negative
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 45
Aspects white Sun in Aries

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun

is in Aries: This astrological combination mostly results

into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon^ as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

25/04/2011 5859.6 5906.6 5857 5874.5 -10,2 Negative
06/05/2010 5124.4 5124.9 5037.75 5090.85 -34.05 Negative
17/04/2009 3369.5 3489,85 3359.25 3384.4 14.9 Positive
28/04/2008 5112.5 5147.45 5079.15 | 5089.65 -22.05 Negative
10/05/2007 0 4134.2 i 4057.55 4066.8 -12.5| Negative

[ 21/04/2006 | 3576.75 3592.751 3517.1 3573.05 ? -0.451 Negative

[11/05/2004 | 1768,7 1768.7| 1692.9 1699.45| -69.65 Negative
[23/04/2003 | 943.75] 951.21 931.5 934.2 ( -9.3 (Negative

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navaml Tithi while Sun is in Aries;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any dedsive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: This astro logical combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index In A observations out of
total 6.
Chapter 2: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 47
Aspects white Sun in Aries

Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


29/04/2011 5782,5 5804.3 5706.05 5749.5 -35*95 Negative

10/05/2010 5026.6 52033 5026.6 5193.6 175.55 Positive
22/04/2009 3364.6 3401.1 3296.9 3330.3 -35 Negative
02/05/2008 52653 5298.85 5197.6 5228.2 623 Positive
14/05/2007 0 4151.3 4072.45 41343 57*65 Positive

05/05/2005 1942,6 1973.35 1942.05 19633 20.7 Positive

28/04/2003 922.85 93 LOS 920 929.5 5.2 Positive

28. Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Aries: The implication of Oils astroiogical combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while

Sun is In Aries: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data aocertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while

Sun is in Aries

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

02/05/2011 5766.9 5775.25 5687.7 5701.3 -48.2 Negative
12/05/2010 5133.75 5172.85 5098.8 5155.65 20.5 Positive
24/04/2009 3423.6 349135 3402.9 3480*75 57,05 Positive
16/04/2007 0 4015.8 3920,5 401335 96 Positive
26/04/2006 3462.65 35623 3454,1 3555.75 93.1 Positive
30/04/2003 935.25 935.55 929*85 934.05 1,75 Positive
48 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tfthi while Sun is in

Aries; This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty Index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in


Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

03/05/2011 5689.7 5710.8 5554.85 5565.25 -136.05 Neaative

13/05/2010 5157.55 5212.7 5147.95 5178.9 22.25 Positive]

105/05/2008 ; 5227.25 5254v5 5182.6 5192.25] -35.95 Negative]

117/04/2007 1 0 4030 3976.25 3984.95] -28.4 Negative |
127/04/2006 | 3554.7] 3598.95 3492.75 3508.1] -47.65 Negative j
[19/04/2004 | 1868.2| 1876.2 1837.4 1844.05] -17.9 Negative

Chapter 3

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Taurus

Sun transits through Taurus during

15th May to 14th June

Transit of Sun through Taurus, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, brings in strong buying and capital inflow into Banking,
Finance, FMCG, Entertainment, Hotels, Hospitality, Media, Sugar,
Agriculture, Cosmetics, Essential Oils, Perfumeries, Peppermint,
Confectionaries, Jewellery, Garments, Diamond, Silver, Copper,
Paints, Amusement Parks, Tourism, Toys, Investments and
Insurance sector stocks. Whereas if this transit is aspected by
Mercury, Saturn or Rahu then the prices of the above stocks will
dedine and selling pressure.will mount up.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Taurus under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Taurus aspected by Moon: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex, The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
20 observations out of total 33/
rhooter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 51
aspects While Sun in Taurus

2 Sun in Taurus aspected by Mars; This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this

astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in

16 observations out of total 22.

Sun in Taurus aspected by Mars

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


15/06/2011 5494.45 5499.35 5438.95 5447.5 -53 Negative

14/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
13/06/2011 5469.85 5496.7 5436.95 5482.8 -3 Negative
02/06/2005 2087.85 2093.45 2062.55 2064.65 -22.9 Negative

31/05/2005 2072.5 2091.75 2066.55 2087.55 15.15 Positive

30/05/2005 2076.55 2086.85 2064.85 2072.4 -2.3 Negative

26/05/2005 2043.5 2078.65 2025.65 2074.7 30.85 Positive

25/05/2005 2028.55 2047.45 2019 2043.85 . 15.25 Positive
24/05/2005 | 20161 2031.9| 2009.55 2028.6 14.7 Positive
23/05/2005 1 1992.11 2019.35| 1991.7 2013.9 21.5 Positive

20/05/2005 1991.85| 1998.2| 1975.95 1992.4 1.55 Positive

19/05/2005 1983.15| 2008.35| 1983.15 1990.85 0.05 Positive

17/05/2005 2013.1 2024.6| 1984.75 1990.8 -21.8 Negative

16/05/2005 1991.5 2014.95| 1989.7 2012.6 24.3 Positive

13/06/2003 1050.95 1059.45 1050.95 1056.2 4.9 Positive

12/06/2003 1044.2 1052.6 1043.1 1051.3 7.2 Positive

11/06/2003 1038 1048.25 1035 1044.1 6.3 Positive

10/06/2003 1052 1056.55 1033.95 1037.8 -14.3 Negative
09/06/2003 1046 1057.05 1039.85 1052.1 5.7 Positive
06/06/2003 1036.2 1048.85 1035.95 1046.4 11.35 Positive
05/06/2003 1021.1 . 1038.3 1021.1 1035.05 14 Positive

04/06/2003 1010.7 1022.75 1010.1 1021.05 10.4 Positive

3. Sun in Taurus aspected by Mercury: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

4. Sun in Taurus aspected by Jupiter: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The foliowing empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
25 observations out of total 40,

Sun 7n Taurus aspected by Jupiter

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/06/2007 0 4209.45 4153.7 4171.45 1.45 Positive
14/06/2007 0 4174.05 4112.85 4170 56.95 Positive
13/06/2007 0 4161.8 4102.95 4113.05 -42.15 Negative
12/06/2007 0 4166.85 4100.8 4155.2 9.6 Positive
11/06/2007 0 4205.2 4134.95 4145.6 0.6 Positive
08/06/2007 0 4195.15 4126.1 41451 -34.5 [Negative
07/06/2007 0 4230.05 4130.5 4179.5 -18,75 Negative
06/06/2007 0 4324.1 4190.95 4198.25 -86.4 Negative
(05/06/2007 | 0| 4292.5| 4249.1(4284.65 17.6| Positive
04/06/2007 0 4362.95 4256.45 4267.05 -28.75 Negative
31/05/2007 0 4306.75 4250.25 4295.8 46.15 Positive

30/05/2007 0 4301.6 4241.35 4249.65 -43.6 Negative

29/05/2007 0 4298.85 4248.9 4293.25 36.7 Positive

28/05/2007 0 4295.6 4242.8 4256.55 8.4 Positive

25/05/2007 0 4256.4 4141.35 4248.15 43.25 Positive

(24/05/2007 ( 0 4250.851 4189.05| 4204.9 -41.3 Negative

(23/05/2007 | 0 4291.4 4231.05 4246.2 -31.9 Negative

122/05/2007 1 0 4281.6 4234.1 4278.1 17.2 Positive

4217.55 4260.9 46.4 Positive

j 21/05/2007 | 0 4269.35
4228.45 4177 4214.5 -5.05 Negative
18/05/2007 ^ a
4172.1 4219.55 48.6 Positive
17/05/2007 0 4232.45
4113.05 4170.95 50.65 Positive
16/05/2007 0 4181
4102.45 4120.3 -14 Negative
15/05/2007 0 4150.45
2098.7 2112.35 21.75 Positive
14/05/2005 2103,65 2113.85
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Sun in Taurus aspected by Rahu

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/06/2011 5494.45 5499.35 5438.95 5447.5 -53 Negative
14/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
13/06/2011 5469.85 5496.7 5436.95 5482.8 -3 Negative
10/06/2011 5518.05 5521.45 5457.45 5485.8 -35.25 Negative
09/06/2011 5523.55 5540.1 5502.05 5521.05 -5.8 Neaative
08/06/2011 5535.25 5556.6 5514.9 5526.85 -29.3 Negative
07/06/2011 5509.15 5570.1 - 5507.8 5556.15 24.1 Positive
06/06/2011 5504.3 5542,65 5479.85 5532.05 15.3 Positive
03/06/2011 . 5565.7 5604.95 5507.2 5516.75 -33.6 Negative
02/06/2011 5529.9 5568.2 5521.95 5550.35 -41.65 Negative
01/06/2011 5561.05 5597.35 5559.45 5592 31,85 Positive
31/05/2011 5492 5571.6 5489.7 5560,15 87.05 Positive
30/05/2011 5493.75 5509.3 5458.6 5473.1 -3 Neaative
27/05/2011 5413.7 5485.8 5413.6 5476,1 63.75 Positive
26/05/2011 5372.75 5422.2 5356.35 5412.35 63.4 Positive
25/05/2011 5389.1 5389.1 5328.7 5348.95 -45.9 Negative
24/05/2011 5385.1 5422.6 5367.45 5394.85 8.3 Positive
23/05/2011 5456.7 5456.7 5373 5386.55 -99.8 Negative

20/05/2011 5450.65 5517,55 5432.75 5486,35 58.25 Positive

19/05/2011 5448.15 5452.6 5411.25 5428.1 7.5 Positive

18/05/2011 5448.2 5460.5 5401.25 5420,6 -18.35 Negative

17/05/2011 5496.1 5523.85 5421.05 '5438.95 -60.05 Negative

16/05/2011 5541,7 5541-8 5487.65 5499 -45.75 Negative

13/06/2003 1050.95 1059.45 1050,95 1056,2 4,9 Positive

1052.6 1043.1 1051.3 7.2 Positive

12/06/2003 1044.2
1048.25 1035 1044.1 6.3 Positive
11/06/2003 1038
1056.55 1033.95 1037.8 -14.3 Negative
IQ/06/2003 1052
1046 1057.05 1039.85 1052.1 5.7 Positive
1048.85 1035,95 1046.4 11,35 Positive
06/06/2003 1036.2
1021.1 1035.05 14 Positive
05/06/2003 1021.1 1038.3
1010,1 1021.05 10.4 Positive
04/06/2003 1010.7 1022.75
1016.9 1007,65 1010.65 -44 Negative
03/06/2003 1015.9

Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 55
Aspects White Sun in Taurus

'712/06/2003 1006.85 1020.5 1004.7 1015.15 8.35 Positive

^0/05/2003 1000.05 1013.85 994.65 1006,8 4.2 Positive
19/05/2003 990,8 1004.85 989.5 1002.6 11.8 Positive
[28/05/2003 977.65 992.25 977.55 990.8 13.95 Positive
27/05/2003 982,35 990 974.25 976.85 -5.6 Negative
26/05/2003 967.85 983.9 967.1 982.45 14.55 Positive
23/05/2003 963.5 972.9 962.4 967.9 4.65 Positive
22/05/2003 967.95 972.4 960.05 963.25 -4.75 Negative
21/05/2003 972.05 980.75 965.55 968 -3.55 Negative
oC. 20/05/2003 964.65 974.05 959.8 971.55 5 Positive
19/05/2003 973.7 979.85 964.6 966,55 -6.55 Negative
16/05/2003 959.85 974.4 . 959.85 973.1 13.25 Positive

I 15/05/2003 952.15 961.6 951.15 959.85 7.7 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex wfnle Sun transits through
t the sign Taurus and at the same time when Moon transits through
f the various signs of zodiac;

i. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Taurus: This

If, astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 12 observations out of total 18.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

I 31/05/2011 5492 5571.6 5489.7 5560.15 87.05 Positive
u- 30/05/2011 5493.75 5509.3 5458,6 5473.1 -3 Negative
10/06/2010 4999.6 5085.2 4997.6 5078.6 78.3 Positive
09/06/2010 4985.05 5050.6 4980.1 5000.3 13.2 Positive
08/06/2010 5036.7 5071.35 4967.3 4987.1 -46.9 Negative
22/05/2009 4211,85 4249.5 4155.85 4238.5 27.6 Positive

02/06/2008 4869.25 4908.8 4713 4739.6 -130.5 Negative

12/06/2007 0 4166,85 4100.8 4155.2 9.6 Positive (
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 57
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

[95^/2009 4340.75 4488.05 4340.75 4448.95 111.85 Positive

7fl/0S/2009 4276,15 4354.85 4254.85 4337,1 61.05 Positive
71/05/2007 0 4291.4 4231.05 4246.2 -31.9 Negative
72/05/2007 0 4281,6 4234,1 4278.1 17,2 Positive
71/05/2007 0 4269,35 4217.55 4260.9 46.4 Positive

02/06/2006 2961.5 3099.35 2940.2 3091.35 129.1 Positive

01/06/2006 3072,55 3130 2936,6 2962.25 -223.05 Negative

10/06/2005 2103.45 2133.1 2086.3 2090.6 -12.6 Negative

16/05/2005 1991.5 2014,95 1989.7 2012,6 24,3 Positive

26/05/2004 1608,15 1625,7 1587 1598.8 -7.9 Negative
25/05/2004 1608.9 1621.45 1566.4 1606.7 -2.15 Negative
24/05/2004 - 1563.65 1613,6 1563.05 1608.85 48,65 Positive

05/06/2003 1021.1 1038.3 1021.1 1035.05 14 Positive

04/06/2003 1010.7 1022,75 1010,1 1021.05 10,4 Positive

5. Moon transiting through.Leo while Sun is in Taurus; This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe Hie downside in
the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 12.

Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend



09/06/2011 5523.55 5540.1 5502.05 5521.05 Negative

08/06/2011 5535,25 5556.6 5514,9 5526.85 -29.3 Negative
21/05/2010 4946.7 4946.7 4842.3 4931.15 -16.45 Negative
10/06/2008 4522 4522.55 4369.8 4449.8 -51.15 Negative
09/06/2008 4626.45 4626.45 4411.6 4500.95 -126.85 Negative
25/05/2007 0 4256.4 4141.35 4248.15 43,25 Positive
24/05/2007 0 4250.85 4189.05 4204.9 -41.3 Negative
14/06/2005 2103.65 2113.85 2098.7 2112.35 21.75 Positive
17/05/2005 2013.1 2024.5 1984.75 1990.8 -21.8 Negative
28/05/2004 1586.35 1587.1 *1504 1508.75 -77.65 Negative
27/O5/2004 1590.15 1606 1576,05 1586.4 -12,4 Negative
06/06/2003 1036.2 1048,85 1035.95 1046,4 11.35 Positive
58 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

6, Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results Into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
indices Nifty & Sensex in 11 observations out of total 18.

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gein/ Trend

10/06/2011 5518.05 5521.45 5457.45 5485.8 -35.25 Negative
24/05/2010 4944.3 5029.55 4923.45 4943.95 12.8 Positive
03/06/2009 4525.5 4574.9 4478,6 4530.7 5.45 Positive
02/06/2009 4530.45 4586,4 4451.3 4525.25 -4.65 Negative
01/06/2009 4450.4 4545.4 4450.4 4529.9 80.95 Positive
13/06/2008 4539,5 456335 4491.35 4517,1 -22,25 Negative
12/06/2008 4524.4 4550 4392 453935 15.75 Positive
11/05/2008 4469.65 4541.05 4468.05 4523.6 73,8 Positive
16/05/2008 5115,65 5167.4 5106.4 5157.7 42.45 Positive
15/05/2008 5010.9 5118.55 4999.6 5115,25 103.5 Positive
28/05/2007 0 4295.6 4242.8 4256.55 8.4 Positive

07/06/2006 2935.25 2956,9 2819.45 2860.45 -76.85 Neaative

06/05/2006 3015.05 3015.05 29103 29373 -7935 Negative

05/06/2006 3092.6 3125.4 3Q06.4 3016.65 -74.7 Negative

20/05/2005 1991.85 1998.2 1975,95 1992.4 1.55 Positive

19/05/2005 1983.15 200835 1983.15 1990.85 0.05 Positive

10/05/2003 1052 1056.55 1033,95 1037,8 -14.3 Negative

09/06/2003 1046 1057.05 1039.85 1052.1 5.7 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results Into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 10 observations out of total 17.
Chdpter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshaira, Yoga, Vthi & 59 -
Aspects White Sun in Taurus

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open Hfgh Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/06/2011 5469.85 5496.7 5436.95 5482,8 ~3 Negative
17/05/2011 5496.1 5523.85 5421.05 5438.95 -60.05 Negative
16/05/2011 5541.7 5541.8 5487.65 5499 -45.75 Negative
26/05/2010 4807.3 4925.45 4807.3 4917.4 110.65 Positive
25/05/2010 4945.3 4946.6 4786.45 4806.75 -137.2 Negative
05/06/2009 4573.3 4636.85 4561.95 4586.9 14.25 Positive
04/06/7009 4530.3 4582.2 4453.45 4572.65 41.95 Positive
30/05/2007 0 4301.6 4241.35 4249.65 -43.6 Negative
[29/05/2007 j 0 4298.85 ! 4248.9 4293.25) 36.71 Positive
j09/06/2006 | 2721.2| 2875.75) 2707.85 2866.31 141.95 j Positive
08/06/2006 2856.9 2859.4 2683.2 2724.35 -136.1 Negative
23/05/2005 1992.1 2019.35 1991.7 2013.9 21.5 I Positive
01/06/2004 . 1483.9 1529.6 1483.9 1507.9 24.3 Positive
|31/05/2004 1507.05 1,509.05 1456.2 1483.6 -25.15 Negative
i 12/06/2003 1044.2 1052.6 1043.1 10513 7.2 Positive
111/06/2003 | 1038| 1048.251 1035| 1044.1 6.3 Positive
15/05/2003 ] 952.15i 961.6! 951.15! 959.851 7.7 Positive

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 17.

Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open Hfgh Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/06/2011 5494.45 5499.35 5438.95 5447.5 -53 Negative
14/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
19/05/2011 5448.15 5452.6 5411.25 5428.1 7.5 Positive
18/05/2011 5448.2 5460.5 5401.25 5420.6 -18.35 Negative

28/05/2010 1 5005.6| 5077.25] 5005.6] 5066.55] 63.45] Positive

127/05/2010] 4915.15] 5016.6] 4897.6] 5003.11 85.7 Positive
60 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

08/06/2009 4582.35 4611.4 4404.65 4429.9 -157 Negative

21/05/2008 5105.7 5135.55 5048.7 5117.65 12.7 Positive
20/C5/2008 5157 5160.05 5072.4 5104.95 -52.75 Negative
31/05/2007 01 4306.75 4250.25 4295.8 46.15 Positive
15/05/2006 3651 3653 3482.85 3502.95 -147.1 Negative
25/05/2005 2028.55 2047.45 2019 2043.85 15.25 Positive
24/05/2005 2016 2031.9 2009.55 2028.6 14.7 Positive
03/06/2004 1535.8 1566.5 1484.5 1495.1 -40.1 Negative
02/06/2004 1508 1543.3 1508 1535.2 27.3 Positive
13/06/2003 1050.95 1059.45 1050.95 1056.2 4.9 Positive
16/05/2003 959.85 974,4 • 959.85 973.1 13.25 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Taurus:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 14.

Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/05/2011 5450.65 5517.55 5432.75 5486.35 58.25 Positive
31/05/2010 5076.1 5097.6 5038.55 5086.3 19.75 Positive
10/06/2009 4551.7 4688.95 4551.7 4655.25 104.3 Positive

09/06/2009 4427.75 4562.45 4365.1 4550.95 121.05 Positive

23/05/2008 5026.55 5059.05 4940.7 4946.55 -78.9 Negative

22/05/2008 5117 5118.9 5010.7 5025.45 -92.2 Negative

04/06/2007 0 4362.95 4256.45 4267.05 -28.75 Negative

13/06/2006 2773.6 2773.6 2638.1 2663.3 -113.55 Negative

12/06/2006 2867.65 2877.8 2761.85 2776.85 -89.45 Negative

17/05/2006 3525.05 3641.85 3525.05 3635.1 111.8 Positive

16/05/2006 3502.95 3543.5 3382.4 3523.3 20.35 Positive

26/05/2005 2043.5 2078.65 2025.65 2074.7 30.85 Positive

04/06/2004 1494.85 1527 1480.8 1521.1 26 Positive

19/05/2003 973.7 979.85 964.6 966.55 -6.55 Negative

Chapters: Predicting the Nifty & Senses* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Titht & 61
Aspects While Sun In Taurus

JO. Moon transiting through Capricorn white Sun is in Taurus:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the.price of nifty Index in 11 observations out of
total 17.

Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun isiin


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/05/2011 5456,7 5456.7 5373 5386.55 -99,8 Negative

03/06/2010 5020.15 5125.7 5020.15 5110.5 90.65 Positive
02/06/2010 . 4970.75 5031,2 4967.05 5019.85 49.65 Positive

01/06/2010 5086.25 5086.95 4961.05 4970.2 -116.1 Negative

12/06/2009 4637.55 4693.2 4566.15 4583.4 -54.3 Negative
11/06/2009 4657.4 4679.55 4586.15 4637.7 , -17.55 Negative
15/05/2009 3597.85 3686.25 3597.85 3671.65 78.2 Positive
26/05/2008 4953.6 4953.6 4858 4875.05 -71.5 Negative
06/06/2007 0 4324.1 4190.95 4198.25 -86.4 Negative
05/06/2007 0 4292.5 4249.1 4284.65 17.6 Positive
14/06/2006 2665.05 2767.75 2595.65 2632.8 -30.5 Negative

19/05/2006 3391.85 3493.05 3205.25 3246.9 -142 Negative

18/05/2006 3636.45 3636.45 3365.9 3388.9 -246.2 Negative
07/06/2004 1521.6 1557.5 1521.6 1542.55 21.45 Positive
22/05/2003 967.95 972,4 960.05 963.25 -4.75 Negative
21/05/2003 972.05 980,75 965,55 968 -3.55 Negative
20/05/2003 964.65 974,05 . 959.8 971,55 5 Positive

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Taurus: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up, or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside In
the price of nifty Index In 8 observations out of total 12.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is In Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/05/2011 54137 5485.8 . 5413.6 5476.1 6375 Positive
07/06/2010 5132.95 5132.95 5004.25 5034 -101.5 Negative
21/05/2009 427035 4319 4199.2 4210.9 -59,4 Negative
20/05/2009 431875 4362.85 42447 4270.3 -48.15 Negative
30/05/2008 4844.05 4908.85 4833.45 4870.1 34.8 Positive
24/05/2006 3203.5 324975 3091.6 3115.55 -83.8 Negative
23/05/2006 3068.6 3221,05 2997.35 3199.35 118 Positive
22/05/2006 3254.3 3313.9 ' 2896.4 3081.35 -165,55 Negative
02/06/2005 2087.85 2093.45 2062.55 2064.65 -22.9 Negative
11/06/2004 1544.95 1547.4 1504.8 1508.45 -36.3 Negative
27/05/2003 982.35 990 974.25 976,85 -5.6 Negative
26/05/2003 967.85 983.9 967.1 982.45 14.55 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Taurus and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting-through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements In the indices Nifty & jSensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mars then it mostly results
into a fail or downside in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is In

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 63
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

empherlcal data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as

from the following empherlcal data we can observe the upmove
In the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9.

Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

31/05/2011 | 5492| 5571.6 5489.7 5560.15 87.05 Positive
10/06/2010 4999.6 5085,2 4997.6 5078.6 78.3 Positive
02/06/2008 4869.25 4908.8 4713 4739.6 -130.5 Negative
12/06/2007 0 4166.85 4100.8 4155.2 9.6 Positive
16/05/2007 0 4181 4113.05 4170.95 50.65 Positive
25/05/2006 3114.7 3198.35 3012.95 3177.7 62.15 Positive
14/06/2004 1508.15 1509.6 1474.65 1481.35 -27.1 Negative
18/05/2004 1392.95 1517.6 1389.65 1503.95 115.21 Positive |
29/05/2003 990.8 1004.85 989.5 1002.6 11.8 Positive

3. Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon^ as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

1 Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


1/6/2011 5561.05 5597.35 5559.45 5592 31.85 Positive

11/6/2010 5078.75 5139.05 5078.75 5119.35 40.75 Positive

13/06/2007 0 4161.8 4102.95 4113.05 -42.15 Negative

17/05/2007 0 4232.45 4172.1 4219.55 48.6 Positive

26/05/2006 3177.7| 3277.95 3177.7 3209.6 31.9 Positive

19/05/2004 1508.05J 1576.05 1508.05 1567.85 63.9 Positive

1013.85 994.65 1006.8 4.2 Positive

30/05/2003 1000.05
m Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

4. Moon transiting through Rohlni Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into fail
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

2/6/2011 5529.9 5568.2 5521.95 5550.35 •41.65 Negative
25/05/2009 4238.1 4270.05 4205.1 4237.55 -0.95 Negative
1 3/6/2008 4739.3 4739.3 4634 4715.9 [_ -237 Negative
114/06/2007 0 4174.05 4112.85 4170 56.95 Positive
18/05/2007 0 4228.45 4177 4214.5 *5.05 Negative
6/6/2005 2092 2109.1 2087.4 2092.8 28.15 Positive
[20/05/2004 | 1566.5 1591.05 1531.31 1543.85 -24 Negative

5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

& Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun

Is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 65
Aspects While Sun in Taurus
| >M 1

Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

17/05/2010 5093.9 5094.55 4966.25 5059.9 -33.6 Negative
27/05/2009 4117.3 4286.45 4115.25 4276.05 159.35 Positive
5/6/2008 4586.95 4690.6 4536.25 4676.95 91.35 Positive
29/05/2006 3207.25 3255.25 3193.15 3214.9 5.3 Positive
8/6/2005 2094.7 2115,25 2094.05 2112.4 14.25 Positive
2/6/2003 1006.851 1020.5 1004.7 1015.15 8.35 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following emphericardata accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


14/06/2010 5120.15 5201.25 5120.15 5197.7 78.35 Positive

18/05/2010 5059.55 5105.2 5024.25 5066.2 6.3 Positive

6/6/2008 4680.55 4746.3 4614.25 4627.8 •49.15 Negative

30/05/2006 3215.5 3252.1 3167.05 3185,3 -29.6 Negative

| 10/6/2005 | 2103.45 2133.1 2086.3 2090.6 -12.6 Negative

1 9/6/2005 1 2112.25 2118.651 2097.55 2103.2 -9.21 Negative

3/6/2003 ( 1015.9) 1016.91 1007.65) 1010.65 -4.5|Nega«ve

8. Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
66 Predicting the Nifty 3k Sensex

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

6/6/2011 | 5504.31 5542,651 5479.85 5532.05 15.3 Positive
19/05/2010 1 5065.ll 5065.11 4908.15 4919.65 -146.55 Negative
28/05/2009 1 4276.15| 4354.851 4254.85 4337.1 61.05 Positive
2110512007 0| 4269.35| 4217.55 4260.9 46.4 Positive
1/6/2006 3072.55! 3130 2936.6 2962.25 -223.05 Negative
25/05/2004 1608.91 1621.45 1566.4 1606.7 -2.15 Negative
24/05/2004 1563.65! 1613.6) 1563.05 1608.85 48.65 Positive
4/6/2003 } 1,010.7! 1022.751 1010.1 ' 1021.05 10.4 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9.

Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

7/6/2011 5509.15 5570.1 5507.8 5556.15 24.1 Positive
20/05/2010 4924.3 4980.25 4924.3 4947.6 27.95 Positive

29/05/2009 4340.75 4488.05 4340.75 4446.95 111.85 Positive

23/05/2007 0 4291.4 4231.05 4246.2 -31.9 Negative

22/05/2007 0 4281.6 4234.1 4278.1 17.2 Positive

2/6/2006 2961.5 3099.35 2940.2 3091.35 1291 Positive

16/05/2005 1991.5 2014.95 1989.7 2012.61 24.3 Positive

26/05/2004 1608.15 1625.7 1567 1598.8 "7.9 Negative

5/6/2003 1021.1 ' 1038.3 1021.1 1035.05 14| Positive

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall or downside in the price of Indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon/ as from the following
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Vthi & 67
Aspects White Sun in Taurus

empherical data we can observe the downside in the

price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is

in .Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


8/6/2011 5535.25 5556.6 5514.9 5526.85 -29.3 Negative

21/05/2010 4946.7 4946.7 4842,3 4931.15 -16.45 Negative

9/6/2008 4626.45 4626.45 4411.6 4500.95 -126.85 Negative

{24/05/2007 0l 4250.85 4189.05 4204.9 . -41.3 Negative

17/05/2005 2013.1 2024.6 1984.75 1990.8 -21.8 Negative
27/05/2004 1590.15 1606 1576.05 1586.4 -12.4 Negative

6/6/2003 1036.2 1048,85 1035.95 1046.4 11.35 Positive

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra

while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

10/6/2011 5518.05 5521.45 5457.45 5485.8 -35.25 Negative
1/6/2009 4450.4| 4545.4 4450.4 4529.9 80.95 Positive
11/6/2008 4469.65| 4541.05 4468.05 4523.6 73.8 Positive
15/05/2008 5010.9| 5118.55 4999.6 5115.25 103,5 Positive
5/6/2006 3092.6 3125.4 3006.4 3016.65 -74.7 Negative

19/05/2005 198115 2008.35 1983.15 1990.85 0.05 Positive

63 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

13. Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results Into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherlcal data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as .
from the foltowing empherlcal data we can observe the upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex in 5 observations out of
total 7.

Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

[24/05/2010 49443 5029.55 4923.45) 4943.95 12.8 Positive
2/6/2009 4530.45 4586.4 4451.3 4525.25 -4.65 Negative
12/6/2008 4524,4 4550 4392 4539.35 15,75 Positive
16/05/2008 5115.65 5167.4 5106.4 5157.7 42.45 Positive
6/6/2006 3015.05 3015.05 2910.3 2937.3 -79.35 Negative
20/05/2005 1991.85 1998.2 1975.95 1992.4 1.55 Positive
9/6/2003 1046 1057.05 1039.85 1052.1 5.7 Positive

14. Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus; This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherlcal data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


25/05/2010 4945.3 4946.6 4786.45 4806.75 -137.2 Negative

3/6/2009 4525.5 4574.9 4478.6 4530.7 5.45 Positive

13/06/2008 4539.5) 4563.35 4491.35 4517.1 -22.25 Negative

28/05/2007 0 4295.6 4242.8 4256.55 8.4 Positive

7/6/2006 2935.25 2956.9 2819.45 2860.45 -76.85 Negative

31/05/2004 1507.05 1509.05 1456.2 1483.6 -25.15 Negative

1052 1056.55 1033.95 1037.8 -14.3 Negative

Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 69
Aspects White Son in Taurus
I ■ l linnnn fl w.... , I.I. . I ' rr - I 1.1 iiith . "'

15. Moon transiting through Swati Naksltatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

16/05/2011 5541.7 5541.8| 5487.65 5499 -45.75 Neaative
26/05/2010 4807.3 4925.451 4807.3 4917,4 110.65 Positive
4/6/2009 4530.3 4582.2 4453.45 4572.65 41.95 Positive
29/05/2007 o 4298.85 4248.9 4293.25 36.7 Positive
( 8/6/2006 2856.9 2859,4 2683.2 2724.35 -136.1 Negative
1 1/6/2004 1483.9 1529.6 1483.9 1507.9 24,3 Positive
i 11/6/2003 1038 1048.25 1035 1044.1 6.3 Positive
115/05/2003 1 952.15 961.61 951.15 959.85 7.7 Positive

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex in 6 observations out of
total 9.

Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is

iii Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/06/2011 5469.85 5496.7 5436.95 i 5482.8 -3 Negative
17/05/2011 5496.1 5523.85 5421.05 5438.95 -60.05 Negative
27/05/2010 4915.15 5016.6 4897.6 5003.1 85.7 Positive

5/6/2009 * 4573.3 4636.85 4561.95 4586.9 14.25 Positive

30/05/2007 o 4301.6. 4241.35 4249.65 -43.6 Negative

9/6/2006 - 2721.2 2875.75 2707.85 2866,3 141.95 Positive

23/05/2005 1992.1 2019.35 1991J 2013.9 21.5 Positive

70 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

12/6/2003 1044.2 1052.6 1043.1 1051.3 7.2 Positive

16/05/2003 959.85 974,4 959,85 973.1 13.25 Positive

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index In 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

14/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
18/05/2011 5448.2 5460.5 5401.25 5420.6 -18.35 Negative
28/05/2010 5005.6 5077.25 5005.6 5066.55 63.45| Positive
20/05/2008 5157 5160.05 5072.4 5104.95 52.751 Negative
31/05/2007 0 4306.75 4250.25 4295.8 46.15 Positive
24/05/2005 2016 2031.9 2009.55 2028.6 14.7 Positive
2/6/2004 1508 1543.3 1508 1535.2 27.3 Positive
13/06/2003 1050.95 1059.45 1050.95 1056.2 4.9 Positive

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 71
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/05/2011 5450.65 5517.55 5432.75 5486.35 58.25 Positive
9/6/2009 4427.75 4562,45 4365.1 4550.95 121,05 Positive
23/05/2008 5026.55 5059.05 4940.7 4946.55 -78.9 Negative
22/05/2008 5117 5118.9 5010.7 5025.45 -92.2 Negative

12/6/2006 2867.65 2877.8 2761,85 2776.85 -89.45 Negative

16/05/2006 3502.95 3543.5 3382.4 3523.3 20.35 Positive

26/05/2005 2043.5 2078.65 2025.65 2074.7 30.85 Positive

4/6/2004 1494.85 1527 1480.8 1521.1 26 Positive

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in b ie indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or dpwn direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a fail
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturr. then it mostly results into a fail or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 8.
72 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/05/2011 5456.7 5456.7 5373 5386.55 -99.8 Neoafrve
2/6/2010 4970,75 5031,2 4967.05 5019.85 49.65 ' Positive
12/6/2009 4637.55 4693.2 4566.15 4583,4 -54.3 Negative
26/05/2008 4953.6 4953.6 4858 4875,05 -71.5 Neqat'rve
6/6/2007 0 4324,1 4190.95 4198.25 -86.4 Negative
19/05/2006 3391.85 3493.05 3205.25 3246.9 -142 Negative
7/6/2004 | 1521.6 1557,5 1521.6 1542.55 21.45 Positive
21/05/2003 | 972.05 980.75 965.55 968 -3.55 Negative

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is : > Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in .the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 73
Aspects Whife Sun in Taurus

Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/05/2011 5372,75 [ 5422,2 5356.351 5412.35 63.4 Positive
19/05/2009 4324,95 4509.4 4167.65 4318.45 -4.7 Negative
29/05/2008 4926,3 4957,4 4801,9 4835.3 -83.05 Negative
22/05/2006 3254.3 3313.9 2896.4 3081,35 -165.55 Negative
31/05/2005 2072.5 2091.75 2066.55 2087.55 15.15 Positive
10/6/2004 1547.71 1552.75 1535 1544.75 -3.55 Negative

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/05/2011 5413.7 5485.8 5413.6 5476.1 63.75 Positive

20/05/2009 4318.75 4362.85 4244.7 4270.3 -48.15 Negative

30/05/2008 4844.05 4908.85 4833.45 4870.1 34.8 Positive

23/05/2006 3068.6 3221.05 2997.35 3199.35 118 Positive

11/6/2004 1544.95 1547.4 1504.8 1508.45 -36.3 Neaative

26/05/2003 967.85 983.9 967.1 982.45 14.55 Positive

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall or downside in the priceof indices Nifty
& Sensex, The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in all 5 observations out of total 5.
74 Predicting die Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Revatl Nakshatra while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

7/6/2010 5132.951 5132.95 5004.25 5034 -101.5 Negative
21/05/2009 4270.35 4319 4199,2 4210.9 -59.4 Neoative
24/05/2006 3203.5 3249.75 3091.6 3115.55 -83.8 Neaative
2/6/2005 2087.85 2093.45 2062,55 2064.65 -22.9 Neaative
27/05/2003 982.35 990 974.25 976.85 -5.6 Neqative

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Taurus and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The foliowing empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


26/05/2011 5372.75 5422.2 5356.35 5412.35 63.4 Positive

4/6/2010 5112.6 5147.9 5091.6 5135.5 25 Positive

19/05/2009 4324.95 4509.4 4167.65 4318.45 -4.7 Negative |

29/05/2008 4926.3 4957.4 4801.9 4835.3 -83.05 Negative

8/6/2007 0 4195.15 4126.1 4145 -34.5 Negative

22/05/2006 3254.3 3313.9 2896.4 3081.35 -165.55 Negative

2066.55 2087.55 15.15 Positive

31/05/2005 2072.5 2091.75

9/6/2004 1541.6 1548.3 -2.25 Negative

1550.45 1561.6

2. Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in

the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty 8i Sensex.
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshaio, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects White Sun In Taunts

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertainsthis astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 7 observations out of total 8.

Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gam/ Trend

7/6/2010 5132.95 1 5132.95! 5004,25 5034 -101.5 Negative
(21/05/2009 4270.35 4319 4199.2 4210.9 -59.4 Negative 1
115/05/2007 0 4150.45 1 4102.45 4120.3 -14 Negative
24/05/2006 3203.5 3249.75 3091.6 3115.55 -83.8 Negative
2/6/2005 2087.85 2093.45 2062.55 2064.65 -22.9 Negative
11/6/2004 1544.95 1547.4 1504.8 1508.45 -36.3 Negative

27/05/2003 982.35 990 974.25 976.85 -5.6 Negative

26/05/2003 967.85 983.9 967.1 982.45 14.55 . Positive

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by
Venus then it mostly results into upmove i n the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertairis this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 4 observations out of total 5.
Chapter 3: PnxticGng the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 77
Aspects While Sun In fhums

Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

1/6/2011 5561.05 5597.35 5559.45 5592 31.85 Positive
10/6/2010 4999.6 5085.2 4997.6 5078.6 78.3 Positive
25/05/2009 4238,1 4270.05 4205.1 4237.55 -0.95 Negative
3/6/2008 4739.3 4739.3 4634 4715.9 -23.7 Negative
13/06/2007 0 4161.8 4102.95 4113.05 -42.15 Negative
j18/05/2007 0 4228.45 4177 4214.5 -5.05 Negative S
120/05/2004 1566.5 1591.05 1531.3 1543.85 -24 Negative |

8. Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus; The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Sun then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty 81

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

( 3/6/2011 5565.7 5604.95 5507.2 5516.75 -33.6 Negative
118/05/2010 5059.55 5105.2 5024.25 5066.2 6.3 Positive
115/06/2007 0 4209.45 4153.7 4171.45 1,45 Positive
29/05/2006 3207.25 3255.25 3193,15 3214.9 5^3 Positive
7/6/2005 2091.95 2102.85 2084.35 2098.15 5.35 Positive
2/6/2003 1006.85 1020.5 1004.7 1015.15 8.35 Positive
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High tow Close Gain/ Trend


27/05/2009 4117.3 4286.45 4115.25 4276.05 159.35 Positive

5/6/2008 4586.95 4690.6 4536.25 4676.95 91.35 Positive

21/05/200? 1 0 4269.35 J 4217.55 4260.9 46.4 Positive

30/05/2006 3215.5 3252.1 3167.05 3185.3 -29.6 Negative
8/6/2005 20947 2115.25 2094.05 2112.4 14.25 Positive
24/05/2004 1 1563.65 1613.6 1563.05 1608.85 48.65 Positive
j 3/6/2003 | 1015.91 1016.91 1007.65 1010.65 -4.5 Negative

11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus." The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Chapter 3: P/edicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 79
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


1 9/6/2011 | 5523.551 5540.1 5502.05 5521.05 -5.8 Negative

I 1/6/2009 I 4450.4| 4545.4 4450.4 4529.9 80.95 Positive
I 10/6/2008 ( 4522| 4522.55, 4369.8] 4449.8 -51.15 Negative

116/05/2008 ( 5115.651 5167.4| 5106.41 5157.7 42.45 Positive

115/05/2008| 5010.9| 5118.55| 4999.6| 5115.25 103.5 Positive

114/06/2005 | 2103.651 2113.85| 2098.7| 2112.35 21.75 Positive

119/05/2005| 1983.151 2008.35[ 1983.15( 1990.85 0.05 Positive

28/05/2004 | 1586.351 1587.1 1504 1508.75 -77.65 Negative

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

17. Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.
80 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

18. Varlyan Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This astrological

combination.mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty 8t Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside In the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


17/05/2011 5496.1 5523.85 - 5421.05 5438.95 -60.05 Negative

26/05/2010 4807.3 4925.45 4807.3 4917.4 110.65 Positive
4/6/2009 4530.3 4582.2 4453.45 4572.65 41.95 Positive
13/06/2008 4539.5 4563.35 4491.35 4517.1 -22.25 Negative
29/05/2007 0 4298.85 4248.9 4293.25 36.7 Positive
i 7/6/2006 2935.25) 2956.9 2819.45 2860.45 -76.85 Negative
|31/05/2004 1507.05 1509.05 1456.2 1483.6 -25.15 Negative
| 10/6/2003 1052 1056.551 1033.95 1037.8 -14.3 Negative

19, Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: Ibis astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

5/6/2009 4573.3 4636.85 4561.95 4586.9 14.25 Positive

20/05/2008 5157 5160.05 5072.4 5104.95 -52.75 Negative

30/05/2007 0 4301.6 4241.35 4249.65 -43.6) Negative

8/6/2006 2856.9 2859.4 2683.2 2724.35 -136.1 Negative

23/05/2005 2013.9 21.5 Positive

1992.1 2019.35 1991.7
1507.9 24.3 Positive
1/6/2004 1483.9 1529.6 1483.9
11/6/2003 1038 1048.25 1035 1044.1 6.3 Positive

959.85 974.4 959.85 973.1 13.25 Positive

Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 81
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

20. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
7 observations out of total 10.

Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/06/2011 5469.85 5496.7 5436.95 5482.8 -3 Negative
18/05/2011 5448.2 5460.5 5401,25 5420.6 -18.35 Negative
27/05/2010 4915.15 5016.6 4897.6 5003.1 85.7 Positive
21/05/2008 5105.7 5135.55 5048.7 5117.65 12.7 Positive

31/05/2007 0 4306.75 4250.25 4295.8 46.15 Positive

9/6/2006 2721.2 2875.75 2707,85 2866.3 141.95 Positive

15/05/2006 3651 3653 3482,85 3502.95 -147.1 Negative

24/05/2005 2016 2031.9 2009.55 2028.6 14.7 Positive

2/6/2004 150B 1543,3 1508 1535.2 27.3 Positive

12/6/2003 1044.2 1052.6 1043.1 1051.3 7.2 Positive

21. Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend |

114/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
119/05/2011 5448.15 5452.6 5411.25 5428.1 7.5 Positive
(28/05/2010 5005.6 5077.25 5005.6 5066.55 63.45 Positive j
(22/05/2008 5117 5118.9 5010,7 5025.45 •92.2 Negative |
16/05/2006 3502.95 3543.5 3382.4 3523.3 20.35 Positive

25/05/2005 2028.55 2047.45 2019 2043.85 15.25 Positive (

3/6/2004 ' 1535.8| 1566,5 1484.5 1495.1 -40.1 Negative

113/06/2003 1050.95 1059.451 1050.95 1056.2 4.9 i Positive

82 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

22. Sadhya Ybga day while Sun is in Taurus: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data

accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


15/06/2011 5494.45 L 5499.35 5438.95 5447.5 -53 Negative

20/05/2011 5450.65 5517.55 5432.75 5486.35 58.25 Positive

8/6/2009 4582,35 4611.4 * 4404.65 4429.9 -157 Negative
23/05/2008 5026.55 5059.05 4940.7 4946.55 -78.9 [Negative
17/05/2006 3525.05 3641.85 3525.05 3635.1 111.8 Positive
19/05/2003 ( 973.7 979.85| 964.6 1 966.55 -6.55 Negative

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 4 observations out of total 5.

Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

1 Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

9/6/2009 4427.75 4562.45 4365.1 4550.95 121.05 Positive

12/6/2006 2867.65 2877.8 2761.85 2776.85 -89.45 Neaative

26/05/2005 2043.5 2078.65 2025.65 2074.7 30.85 Positive

4/6/2004 1521.1 26 Positive

1494.85 1527 1480,8
20/05/2003 971.55 5 Positive
964.65 974.05 959.8

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 83
Aspects While Sun in Taurus
I'niiniH'"""'''''''''-'''-''''!"'" 1 " -J''t ***** i—

up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mercury or
Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results into foil or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 6 observations but of total 7.

Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/05/2011 5456.7 1 5456.7 5373 5386.55 -99.8 Negative

1/6/2010 5086.25 5086.95 4961.05 4970.2 -116.1 Negative

11/6/2009 4657.4 4679.55 4586.15 4637.7 -17.55 Negative

26/05/2008 4953.6 4953.6 4858 4875.05 -71.5 Negative

j 5/6/2007 0 4292.5 4249.1 4284.65 17.6 Positive

j 14/06/2006 2665.05 2767,75 2595.65 2632.8 -30.5 Negative

119/05/2006 ; 3391.85 3493.05 3205.25 3246.9 -142 Negative

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the pries movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price niovements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into a foil or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.
84 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Taurus

Date Open High tow Close Gain/ Trend

25/05/2011 5389.1 5389.1 5328.7 5348.95 -45.9 Negative
3/6/2010 5020.15 5125.7 502045 5110.5 90,65 Positive
18/05/2009 3673.15 4384.3 367345 4323.15 651,5 Positive
28/05/2008 4862.7 4926.9 4835.65 4918.35 58.55 Positive
7/6/2007 0 4230.05 4130.5 4179.5 48.75 Negative
30/05/2005 2076.55 2086.85 .2064.85 2072.4 -2.3 Negative
8/6/2004 1542.6 1557 1526.45 1550.55 8 Positive
(23/05/2003 963.5 972.9) ,962.4 . 967.9 4.65 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Taurus and at the same time while different lunar Tithis:

1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun Is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combinatjon is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

- Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla DwiHya Tlthi while Sun is in "feurus;
This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following emphencai
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 85
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

3/6/2011 5565.7 5604.95 5507.2 5516.75 -33.6 Negative
14/06/2010 5120.15 5201.25 5120.15 5197.7 78.35 Positive
26/05/2009 4239.55 4256.05 4092.25 4116.7 -120.85 Negative
5/6/2008 4586.95 4690.6 4536.25 4676.95 91.35 Positive
118/05/2007 0 4228.45 4177 4214,51 -5.05 Negative

| 8/6/2005 2094.7 2115.25 2094.05 2112.4| 14.25 Positive

(21/05/2004 1545.05 1566.15 1498.1 1560.21 16.35 Positive
2/6/2003 | 1006.85! 1020.5 1004.7 1015.15 8.35 Positive

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following emphericaldata accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


06/06/2008 4680.55 4746.3 4614.25 4627.8 -49.15 Negative

[29/05/2006 3207.25 3255.25 3193.15 3214.9 5.3 Positive
(09/06/2005 2112.25 2118.65 2097.55 2103.2 -9.2 Negative
03/06/2003 1015.9 1016.9 1007.65 1010.65 -4.5 Negative

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the
Moon is gspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
86 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

06/06/2011 5504.3 5542.65 5479.85 5532.05 15.3 Positive
18/05/2010 5059.55) 5105.2 5024.25) 5066.2) 6.3 Positive 1
28/05/2009 4276.15 4354.85 4254.85 4337.1 61.05 Positive
21/05/2007 0 4269.35 4217.55 4260.9 46.4 Positive
01/06/2006 3072.55 3130 2936.6 2962.25 •223.05 Negative
24/05/2004 1563.65 1613.6 1563.05 1608.85 48.65 Positive
05/06/2003 1021.1 1038.3 1021.1 1035.05 14 Positive

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in Taurus:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in


Low Ciose Gain/ TTend

Date Open High

5556.15 24.1 Positive

07/06/2011 5509.15 5570.1 5507.8

19/05/2010 4908.15 4919.65 ("146.55 Neoative

5065.1 5065.1 - —
4448.95 111.85 Positive
29/05/2009 4340.75 4488.05 4340.75
4278.1 17.2 Positive
22/05/2007 0 4281.6 4234.1
3091.35 129.1 Positive
02/06/2006 2961.5 3099.35 2940.2
16067 -2.15 Nenative
25/05/2004 1608.9 1621.45 1566.4 "13
1046.4 11.35 Positive
06/06/2003 1036.21 1048.85 1035.95
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatm, Yoga, Tithi & 87
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in Taurus;

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

08/06/2011 5535.25 5556.6 5514.9 5526.85 -29.3 Negative
20/05/2010 4924.3 4980.25 4924.3 4947.6 27.95 Positive
09/06/2008 4626.45 4626.45 4411.6 4500.95 -126.85 Negative
23/05/2007 0 4291.4 4231.05 4246.2 -31.9 Negative
14/06/2005 2103.65 2113.85 2098.7 2112.35 21.75 Positive
26/05/2004 1608.15 1625.7 1587 1598.8), -7.9 Negative

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results
Into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertaihs this
astrological phenomenon/ as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations but of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


109/06/2011 5523.55 5540.1 5502.05 5521.05 -5.8 Negative

121/05/2010 4946.7 4946.7 4842.3 4931.15 -16.45 Negative

110/06/2008 4522 4522.55 4369.8 4449.8 -51.15 Negative

|24/05/2007 o 4250.85 4189.05 4204.9 -41.3 Negative

16/05/2005 1991,5 2014.95 1989.7 2012.6 24.3 Positive

27/05/2004 1590.15 1606 1576.05 1586.4 -12.4 Negative

88 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

9. ShuklaPaksha9orShuklaNavamiTithiwhileSunisinTaijrus:
The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

ShuMa Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

02/06/2009 4530.45 4586.4 4451.3 4525.25 -4.65 Negative
13/06/2008 4539.5 4563.35 4491,35 4517.1 -22.25 Negative
12/06/2008 4524.4 4550 4392 4539.35) 15.75) Positive I

06/06/2006 3015.05| 3015,05 2910,31 2937.3! -79.351Negative)

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 3: Predicting die Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi a 89
Aspects White Sun in Taurus

Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Owadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High | Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/05/2010 49443 5029.55 4923.45 4943.95 12.8 Positive
104/06/^009 45303 4582.2 4453.45 4572.65 41.95 Positive
116/05/2008 1 5115.65 i 5167.4 5106.4 5157.7 42.45 Positive

28/05/2007 0 4295.6 4242.8 4256.55 8.4 Positive

08/06/2006 2856.9 2859.4 2683.2 2724.35 -136.1 Negative

20/05/2005 1991.85 1998.2 1975.95 . 1992.4 1.S5 Positive

31/05/2004 150735 1509.05 1456.2 1483.6 -25.15 Negative

11/06/2003 1038 1048.25 1035 1044.1 6.3 Positive

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


13/06/2011 5469.85 5496.7 5436.95 5482.8 -3 Negative

25/05/2010 49453 4946.6 4786.45 4806.75 -137.2 Negative

05/06/2009 4573.3 4636.85 4561.95 4586.9 14.25 Positive

29/05/2007 0 4298.85 4248.9 4293.25 36.7 Positive
09/06/2006 2721.2 2875.75 2707.85 28663 141.95 Positive
01/06/2004 1483.9 1529.6 1483.9 1507.9 24.3 Positive
12/06/2003 1044.2 1052.6 1043.1 1051.3 7.2 Positive

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
In the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.
90 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Shukia Paksha 14 or ShuMa Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun

is in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
116/05/2011| 5541.71 5541.81 5487.651 54991 -45.751 Neaativel

(26/05/2010 1 4807.314925,451 4807.3) 4917.41 110.65 Positive!

(30/05/2007 0| 4301.61 4241,35| 4249.651 -43.6 Negative)
02/06/2004 1508 1543.3 1508 1535.2 27.3 Positive
13/06/2003 1050.95 1059.45 1050.95 1056.2 4.9 Positive
15/05/2003 952.15 961.6 951.15 959.85 7,7 Positive

15. Shukia Paksha 15 or PurnimaTithi while Sun is in Taurus; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitlya Tithi while Sun is in Taurus:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements hi the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun isTaurus:

This astrological combination mostly results
the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The foitowmg empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon,^
following empherical data we can observe e P
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total o.
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 91
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/05/2011 5450.65 5517.55 5432.75 5486.35 58.25 Positive
10/06/2009 4551,7 4688.95 4551.7 4655,25 104.3 Positive
23/05/2008 5026.55 5059.05 4940.7 4946.55 -78.9 Negative
14/06/2006 2665.05 2767.75 2595.65 2632.8 -30,5 Negative
16/05/2006 3502.95 3543.5 3382.4 3523.3 20.35 Positive
26/05/2005 2043.5 2078,65 2025.65 2074.7 30,85 Positive

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun

is in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall or downside in the priceof Indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


31/05/2010 5076.1 5097.6 5038.55 5086.3 19.75 Positive

11/06/2009 4657.4 4679.55 4586.15 4637.7 -17.55 Negative

04/06/2007 0 4362.95 4256.45 4267.05 -28.75 Neoative

19/05/2003 973,7 979.85 964.6 966.55 -6.55 | Neaatlve

20. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.,
92 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High Low] Close Gain/i Trend

01/06/2010 5086.25 5086.95 4961.05 4970.2 -116.1 Neaative
12/06/2009 4637.55 4693.2 4566.15 4583.4 1 -54.3 Negative
105/06/2007 0 4292.5 | 4249.il 4284.65 17.6 Positive'
17/05/2006 3525.05 3641.85 3525.05 3635.1 111.8 Positive
07/06/2004 1521.6 1557.5 1521.6 1542.55 21.45 Positive
119/05/2004 1508.05 1576.05| 1508.05 1567.85 63.9 Positive
120/05/2003 964.65 974.051 959.81 971.55 I 5 Positive

21. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus'. The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptaml Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus; This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following emphericai data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus
- —
High Low Close Gain/ Trend
Date Open

5367.45 5394.85 8.3 Positive

24/05/2011 5385.1 5422,6
5091.6 5135.5 25 Positive
04/06/2010 5112.6 5147,9
4932 4846.2 4859.8 -15.25 negative
27/05/2008 4877.15
4230.05 4130.5 4179.5 -18.75 Negative
07/06/2007 0
3205.25 3246.9 -142 Negative
19/05/2006 3391.85 3493.05
1561.6 1541.6 1548.3 -2,25 Negative
09/06/2004 1550.45
972.4 960.05 963.25 -4.75 Negative
22/05/2003 967.95
Chapter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 93
Aspects While Sun in Taurus

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami. Tithi white Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus

Date Open High „ Low Close Gain/ Trend

25/05/2011 5389.1 5389.1 5328.7 5348.95 -45.9 Negative
28/05/2008 4862.7 4926.9 4835.65 4918.35 58.55 Positive
08/06/2007 0 4195.15 4126.1 4145 -34.5 Negative
30/05/2005 2076.55 2086.85 2064.85 2072.4 -2.3 Negative
10/06/2004 1547.7 1552.75 1535 1544.75 -3.55 Negative
23/05/2003 963.5 972.9 962.4 967.9 4.65 Positive

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Rahu then it rpostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Piedtcting the Nifty & Sensex

27. Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn therrit mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

28. Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun
is in Taurus

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


30/05/20,11 5493.75 5509.3 5458.6 5473.1 -3 Negative

10/06/2010 4999.6 5085.2 4997.6 5078,6 78.3 Positive

22/05/2009 4211.85 4249.5 4155.85 4238.5 27.6 Positive

13/06/2007 0 4161.8 4102.95 4113.05 -42.15 Negative

25/05/2006 3114.7 3198.35 3012.95 3177.7 62.15 Positive

28/05/2003 977.65 992.25 977,55 990.8 13.95 Positive

29. Krishna paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is

in Taurus: This astrological combination mostly results into

upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following

empherical data accertains this astrobgicai phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
^ ^ Wtt> Naksi*>tf& H'sM T»S
*aB^.ts ivwtg &<■> #: Owr^

Kristava Pa^sKi 14or Ktislxwi ChaturtlasM TTtTU wftBtt

Smo is in Taurus

■ "1^ Oywn ' ■v tew Cleta ttenO

nmumi ssyi.« smu
xxmam wm.n USKOS won 409S
Q2M6IMM amt mi ms
wmm* -w tteaative
mw mm
mm-m* ims ISVKt xm-i imn
m.% " SNA lis% f^ssWve
s im-z

30. Krtshna P ksha IS or Anvavasya TUN wNle Sun is in

Taursrt: TNs ostroNgkoi combination mostly r suits
Mo upmovo in tfco pvko of indices Nitty & Sonsox.
Tbo followins «mpberical data accortains this
astvNosical phonomw as from th« following
omphorico) data wo can observe the upw^w m the
price of nifty indox in S observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha IS or Ansavasya Ttthi while Sun is in


Pot* Open Higa Low Close OaW Trend


^ .\>U S561.C5 559^ 5592 54s$5 OfKftJve

XW 4759.3 4mj 4039 47J5.4 )>iea»Wve

t<S\>5» JOT 0 ust 4U3.0S 4170- SU.«S hK*K«e

C^>\Vv-\V> 2092 UObt 1 Ws4 SisiS nosiWve

ts/os ,w* 1592 9S tsiy imw 14S.2 hosinve

30r%. AW 1000.05 lOils^s 9P46S <2 AssWoe

Chapter 4

Predicting thie Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Gemini

Sun transits through Gemini during

15th June to 15th July

Tfansit of Sun through Gemini, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, determines down slide Into the stock prices with investor
sentiments turning weak in Telecommunications, Media, Mobiles,
Export, Insurance, Airlines, Banking, FMCG, Publications, IT, Texdle,
Peppermint, Agro Products, Food Grains, Cotton, Paper, Newsprint
and Internet Services stocks. Whereas, if this transit is aspected
by Mercury, Venus or Rahu, then the selling pressure remain weak
and the damage to the stock prices get lower.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Gemini under aspect from the various other planets:

!• Sun in Gemini aspected by Moon; The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

2. Sun in Gemini aspected by Mars: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

Sensex. The following empherical data accertafns this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty ind^< in
13 observations out of total 21.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ttthi & 97
Aspects White Sun in Gemini

Sun in Gemini aspected by Mars

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/07/2005 2185.1 2216.5 2181.85 2212.55 27.45 Positive
14/07/2005 2204.4 2212.55 2178.6 2185.1 -18.95 Negative
13/07/2005 2221.45 2234.15 2200.05 2204.05 -14.8 Negative
11/07/2005 2195.55 2224,65 2195.55 2218.85 22.65 Positive
08/07/2005 2183.55 2210.7 2179,05 2196.2 16.8 Positive

107/07/2005 | 2228.3 2235.8 2171.25 2179.4 -48.8 Negative |

106/07/2005 | 2211.35 2232.65 2211.3 2228.2 17.45 Positive |

105/07/2005 2231.2 2238.6 2205.1 2210.75 19.91 Negative |

04/07/2005 2212.05 2232.2 2211.4 2230.65 10.05 Positive j

30/06/2005 2191.55 2226.15 2189.45 2220.6 28.95 Positive |

129/06/2005 2170:2 2194.25 2162 2191.65| 21.8 Positive |

28/06/2005 2199.8 2206.8 2165.9 2169.85 -29.95 Negative

27/06/2005 2194.35 2219.65 2188.15 2199.8 5.45 Positive

24/06/2005 2184 2204.45 2162.95 2194.35 10.5 Positive

23/06/2005 2187.35 2192.1 2174.05 2183.85 -3.5 Negative

22/06/2005 2167.8 2196.45 2167.35 2187.35 17,35 Positive

21/06/2005 2144.75 2173.25 2140.15 2170 25.65 Positive

j 20/06/2005 I 2130.8 2150.25 2124.65 2144.35 20.95 Positive

117/06/2005 1 2123.6! 2131.75 2103.9 2123.4 -0.3 Negative

16/06/2005 1 2128.31 2135.ll 2114.55 2123.7 -4.95 Negative

15/06/2005 2110.5| 2131.95| 2110.35| 2128.65 16.3[ Positive)

3. Sun in Gemini aspected by Mercury: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
51 observations out of total 87.
98 Predicting the Nifty 8t Sensex

Sun in Gemini aspected by Mercury

Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

28/06/2011 5548.85 ] 5558.3 5496.35 5545.3 18.7 Positive
27/06/2011 5441.2 5552.651 5434.251 5526.6 55.35 Positive
24/06/2011 5343.4 | 5477.851 5343.41 5471.25 151.25 Positive
23/06/2011 5269.1 I 5330.61 5252.251 5320 41.7 Positive
22/06/2011 5304.65 . 5310.5 5262.5 5278.3 2.45 Positive
21/06/2011 5280.8 5322.45 5257 5275.85 17.95 Positive
20/06/2011 5372.2 | 5377.4*1 5195.9 5257.9 -108.5 Negative
17/06/2011 5412.5 5421.15 5355.85 5366.4 -30.35 Negative
16/06/2011 5419.65 5447.5 5389.8 5396.75 -50.75 Negative
06/07/2010 5236.1 5297.45 5231.5 5289.05 53.15 Positive
05/07/2010 5237 5252.75 5225.85 . 5235.9 •1.2 Negative
02/07/2010 5251.25 5277.25 5225,6 5237.1 -14.3 Negative
01/07/2010 5312.05 5312.55 5232.1 5251.4 -61.1 1 Negative
30/06/2010 5254.25 5320.35 5210 5312.5 56.35 Positive
29/06/2010 5333.55 5334.15 5235.8 5256.15 -77.35 Negative
(28/06/2010 | 5271.1 5339.451 5270.75} 5333.5} 64.45} Positive!
25/06/2010 5320.5 5320.5 5259.9 5269.05 -51.55 Negative
24/06/2010 5323.251 5348.3 5284.55 5320.6 -2.55 Negative
23/06/2010 5316.15 5333.3 5288.15 5323.15 6.6 Positive
14/07/2009 3974.1 4128.9 3974.1 4111.4 137.35 Positive
13/07/2009 4003.4 4003.4 3918.75 3974.05 -29.85 Negative

10/07/2009 4081.4 4i29.95 3976.8 4003.9 -77.05 Negative

09/07/2009 4078.75 4114.9 4039.85 4080.95 2.05 Positive)

08/07/2009 4201.85 4201.85 4061.1 4078.9 -123.251 Negative

07/07/2009 4155.5 4202.15 36.45 Positive

4166 4231.8
06/07/2009 4429.6 4479.8 4133.7 4165.7 -258.55 Negative

4424.25 75.4 Positive

03/07/2009 4347.3 4434.45 4298.95
4348.85 7.95 Positive
02/07/2009 4373.5 4383.65 4288.75
4340.9 49.8 Positive
01/07/2009 4292.3 4362.3 4249.7
3835.5 3861.1 -178.6 Negative
15/07/2008 4039.3 4040.7
4039.7 -9.3 Negative
14/07/2008 4047.45 4118.1 4004.25
4049 -113.2 Negative
11/07/2008 4166 4215.5 4014.45
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Vthi &
Aspects While Sun in Gemini
• *- '...Hi

10/07/20Q8 4155.65 4187.95 4110.4 4162.2j 5.it Positive

09/07/2008 3990.9 4169.4 3990.9 4157.11 168,55 Positive
08/07/2008 4028.7 4028.7 3896.05 3988.55 -41.45 Negative
07/07/2008 4002 4114.5 4002 4030 14 Positive
16/07/2007 0 4521.85 4495.95 4512,151 7.61 Positive
113/07/2007 0 4513.9 4446,05 4504.55 58.4 Positive
[12/07/2007 j 0| 4451,95! 4387.05 4446.15 59 Positive
11/07/2007 0 4411.45 4344.7 4387.15 "18.9 Negative
10/67/2007 0 4434.45 4393 4406.05 -13.35 Negative
[09/07/2007 | 0 4427.55 4385.45 4419.4 34.55 Positive
106/07/2007 0 4411 4304 4384.85 30.9 Positive
05/07/2007 0 4378.55 4311.8 4353.95 -5.35 Negative
04/07/2007 0 4386.45 4342 4359.3 1.75 Positive
[03/07/2007 0 4363.35 4313.55 4357.55 43.8 Positive
02/07/2007 0 4346.75 4305.45 4313.75 -4.55 Negative
29/06/2007 0 4321.35 4280.95 4318.3 36.3 Positive
28/06/2007 0 4291.4 4256.9 4282 18.051 Positive
127/06/2007 0 4294.2 4255.25 4263.95 -21.75 Negative
26/06/2007 0 4296.15 | 4250.1 4285.7 26.3 Positive
25/06/2007 0 4264.25 1 4236.3 4259.4 7.35 Positive
22/06/2007 0 4278.85 1 4242.5 4252.05 -15.35 Negative

21/06/2007 0 4275.35 4220.1 4267.4 18.75 Positive

20/06/2007 0 4257 i 4214.3 4248.65 34.35 Positive

19/06/2007 0 4222.4 4136.15 4214.3 67.2 Positive

18/06/2007 0 4208.15 4140.25 4147,1 -24.35 Negative

20/06/2006 2919 2919 2837.45 2861.3 -55.6 Negative

19/06/2006 2892 2932.9 2846.5 2916.9 284.1 Positive

23/06/2005 2187,35 2192.1 2174.05 2183.85 -3.5 Negative

22/06/2005 2167.8 2196.45 2167.35 2187.35 17.35 Positive

21/06/2005 2144.75 2173.25 2140,15 2170 25.65 Positive

20/06/2005 2130.8 2150.25 2124.65 2144.35 20.95 Positive

17/06/2005 2123.6 2131.751 2103.9 2123.4 -0.3 Negative

16/06/2005 2128.3 2135.1 2114.55 2123.7 -4.95 Negative

15/06/2005 2110.5 2131.95 2110.35 2128.65 16.3 Positive

1506.65 1539.15 1504.55 1537.2 31.6 Positive

100 Predicting the Nifty & Sense?

30/06/2004 1518.7 1532.15 1501.7 1505.6 -12.7 Negative

29/06/2004 1514.35 1528.5 1503.3 1518.3 3.95 Positive
28/06/2004 1488.6 1516u95 1488.6 1514.35 25.85 Positive
25/06/2004 1471.5 1494 1459.55 1488.5 17,75 Positive
24/06/2004 1445.35 1474,3 1437.9 1470.75 24.65 Positive
23/06/2004 1474.8 1481.45 1442.55 1446.1 -28.6 Negative
22/06/2004 1482,85 1489.6 1467.65 1474.7 -7.3 Negative
21/06/2004 1490.75 1499.8 1478.85 1482 -9.2 Negative
18/06/2004 1511.95 1515.05 1485.05 1491.2 -20.85! Negative 1
17/06/2004 1494.7 1519.2 1482.2 1512.05 17.3| Positive
10/07/2003 1146 1163.6 1146 1162.35 21.3 Positive
09/07/2003 1146.35 1155.3 1137.15 1141.051 -4.851 Negative
08/07/2003 1141.45 1153.15 1141.3 1145.9| 5.351 Positive
07/07/2003 1138.9 1145.75 1134.6 1140.55 2.1 Positive
04/07/2003 1145.6 1148.85 1134 1138.45 -6.2 Negative
03/07/2003 1133.8 1150.75 1126.35 1144.65 10.85 Positive
02/07/2003 1131.55 1145.4 1130.2 1133.8 3.1 Positive
01/07/2003 1133.95 1139 1125.75 1130.7 -3.45 Negative

30/06/2003 1125.6 1141.3 1125.5 1134.15 8.6 Positive

27/06/2003 1117.451 1126.81 1109.35 1 1125.55 9 2 1 Positive

1 '

4. Sun in Gemini aspected by Jupiter: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

5. Sun in Gemini aspected by Venusl Thisastrologicai combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
11 observations out of total 17.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatrdr Yoga, Tithi & 101
Aspects White Sun in Gemini

Sun in Gemini aspected by Venus

~ Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

07/07/2008 4002 4114.5 4002 4030 14 Positive
23/06/2005 • 2187.35 2192.1 2174.05 2183.85 -3.5 Negative
22/06/2005 2167.8 2196.45 2167.35 2187.35 17.35 Positive
21/06/2005 1 2144.75 2173.251 2140.15 2170 25.65 Positive
20/06/2005 2130.8 2150.25 2124.65 2144.35 20.95 Positive
[17/06/2005 2123.6 2131.75 2103.9 2123.4 -0.3 Negative |
116/06/2005 2128.3 2135.1 2114.55 2123.7 -4.95 Negative |
15/06/2005 2110.5 2131.95 2110.35| 2128.65] 16.3( Positive]
10/07/2003 1146 1163.6 1146 1162.35 21.3 Positive
09/07/2003 1146.35 1155.3 1137.15 1141.05 -4.85 Negative

08/07/2003 1141.45 1153.15 1141.3 1145.9 5.35 Positive

07/07/2003 1138.9 1145.75 1134.6 1140.55 2.1 Positive

04/07/2003 1145.6 1148.85 1134 1138.45 -6.2 Negative

03/07/2003 1133.8 1150.75 1126.35 1144.65 10.85 Positive

02/07/2003 [ 1131.55] 1145.4 1130.2 1133.8 3.1 Positive

01/07/2003 1133.95 1139 1125.75 1130.7 -3.45 Negative

30/06/2003 1125.6 ' 1141.3 1125.5 1134.15 8.6 Positive

6. Sun in Gemini aspected by Saturn: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
52 observations out of total 91.
102 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Sun in Gemini aspected by Saturn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/07/2011 5602.95 5631.7 5562.75 5581.1 -18.7 Negative
14/07/2011 5569 5653.95 5541.7 5599.81 14.35 Positive
113/07/2011 5542.051 5596.15| 5541.41 5585.451 59.3 Positive
12/07/2011 5556.9 5580.25 5496.95 5526.15 -89.95 Negative
11/07/2011 5648.05 5652.9 5601.7 5616.1 -44.55 Negative
08/07/2011 5734.65 5740.4 5651.05 5660.65 -68.3 Negative
07/07/2011 5633.35 5737.15 5632.95 5728.95 103.5 Positive
06/07/2011 1 5622.71 5655.4| 5610.75| 5625.45 -6.65 Negative
05/07/2011 5659.85 5659.85 5612.3 5632.1 -18.4 Negative
04/07/2011 5679.55 5679.65 5633.1 5650.5 23.3 Positive
101/07/2011 | 5705.75| 5705.8| 5609.75| 5627.2J -20.21 Negative

1 30/06/2011 5614.51 5657.91 5606.l| 5647.41 46.951 Positive

129/06/2011 | 5566.5| 5608.65| 5566.5| 5600.45| 55.15| Positive

28/06/2011 5548.85 5558.3L 5496.35| 5545.31 18.7| Positive!

27/06/2011 5441.2 5552.651 5434.251 5526.6| 55.351 Positive
(24/06/2011 5343.4| 5477.851 5343.4| 5471.25| 151.25| Positive

123/06/2011 | 5269.ll 5330.61 5252.251 5320| 41.71 Positive

122/06/2011 | 5304.651 5310.5] 5262.5] 5278.31 2.45 Positive

121/06/2011 | 5280.8] 5322.451 52571 5275.85] 17.95 Positive
120/06/2011 | 5372.21 5377.41 5195.9 | 5257.91-108.5 Negative

[17/06/2011 f 5412.51 5421.15| 5355.85 5366.4| -30.35 Negative

16/06/2011 5419.65 5447.5 5389.8 5396.75 -50.75 Negative

16/07/2010 5376.65 5401.35 5374.4 5393.9 15.15 Positive

15/07/2010 5387.1 5399.2 5360.61 5378.751 -7.4 Negative

14/07/2010 5402 5453.45 5371.7 5386.15 I -14.5 Negative

13/07/2010 5370.2 5406.2 5357,85 5400.65 | 17.65 Positive

12/07/2010 5352.25 5402.7 5351.6 5383 I 30.55 Positive

09/07/2010 5297.2 5359.05 5297.2 5352.45 1 55.6 Positive

5242 | 5296.85 55.75 Positive

08/07/2010 5242 5320.5
I 07/07/2010 ■ 5293.ll 5296.75 5233.45 | 5241.1 -47.95 Negative

5289.05 53.15 Positive

06/07/2010 5236.1 5297.45 5231.5

5237 5225.85 5235.9 • -1.2 Negative

05/07/2010 5252.75
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 103
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

02/07/2010 5251.25 5277.25 5225.6 5237.11 -14,31 Negative 1

01/07/2010 5312.05 5312.55 5232.1 5251.41 -61.1 (Negative 1
30/06/2010 5254.25 5320.35 5210 5312.51 56.351 Positive!
29/06/2010 5333.55 5334.15 5235.8 5256.151 -77.35J Negative
28/06/2010 5271.1 5339.45 5270.75 5333.5 64,45 Positive
25/06/2010 5320.5 5320.5 5259.9 5269.05 -51.55 Negative
24/06/2010 5323.25 5348.3 5284.55 5320.6 -2.55 Negative
23/06/2010 5316.15 5333.3 5288.15 5323.15 6.6 Positive
22/06/2010 5353,95 5354.35 5311.05 5316.55 -36.75 Negative
21/06/2010 5266.5 5366.75 5266.5 5353.3 90.7 Positive
18/06/2010 5274.95 5302.3 5245.5 5262.6 -12.25 Negative
17/06/2010 5233.65 5285.55 5206.55 5274,85 41.5 Positive
16/06/2010 5225.05 5255.65 5214.9 5233.35 11 Positive
15/06/2010 5201.3 5231.45 5171.05 5222.35 24.65 Positive
115/07/2004 1523.11 1543.25 1 1517.8| 1539.4| 16.65 Positive ]
114/07/2004 1535.1 | 1552.25 1 1519.35 1522.75| -16.55 Negative (
113/07/2004 1560 1 1569.75 i 1530.6 1539.3 -17.65 Negative |
112/07/2004 1548.6 1562.8 1537.7 1556.95 3.75 Positive
109/07/2004 1517.45 1557.75) 1472.55 1553,2 35.05 Positive

08/07/2004 1567.25 1586.55 1504.5 1518.15 -40.1 Negative

06/07/2004 1526.65 1561 1524.15 1558.25 31.4 Positive

(05/07/2004 1537.55 1546 1522.9 1526.85 -10.65 (Negative
02/07/2004 1537.05 1547.65 1516.15 1537.5 0.3 Positive

01/07/2004 1506.65 1539.15 1504.55 1537.2 31.6 Positive

(30/06/2004 1518.7 1532.15 1501.7 1505.6 -12.7 Negative
[ 29/06/2004 1514.35 1528.5 1503.3 1518.3 ' 3.95 Positive
j 28/06/2004 1488.6 1516.95 1488.6 1514.35 i 25.85 Positive
25/06/2004 1471.5 1494 1459.55 1488.5 17.75 Positive
24/06/2004 1445.35 1474.3 1437.91 1470.75 24.65 Positive
23/06/2004 1474.8 1481.45 1442.55 1446.1 -28.6 Negative
22/06/2004 1482.85 1489.6 1467.65 1474.7 -7.3 Negative
21/06/2004 1490.75 1499.8 1478.85 1482 -9,2 Negative
18/06/2004 1511.95 1515.05 1485.05 1491.2 -20.85 Negative
17/06/2004 1494.7 1519.2 1482.2 1512.05 17.3 Positive

16/06/2004 ^ 1500.95 1525.2 1490.45 1494.75 -6.25 Negative

Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatm, Yoga, Tithi & iQ5
Aspects White Sun in Gemini

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Gemini and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Gemini: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai data
aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 14.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Gemini

Date* Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend [

■ Loss
27/06/2011 5441.2 5552.65 5434.25 5526.6 55.35 Positive
07/07/2010 5293.1 5296.75 5233.45 . 5241.1 -47.95 Negative

06/07/2010 5236.1 5297,45 5231.5 5289.05 53,15 Positive

16/07/2009 4223.S 43p5 4205.5 4231.4 -2,1 Negative

19/06/2009 4251.1 4326.2 4206.7 4313.6 62.2 Positive

18/06/2009 4352.95 4375,3 4222.15 4251.4 -104.75 Negative

10/07/2007 0 4434.45 4393 4406.05 -13.35 Negative

09/07/2007 0 4427.55 4385.45 4419.4 34.55 Positive

22/06/2006 2923,75 3017.65 2923,75 2994.75 71.3 Positive

21/06/2006 2861.4 2930.8 2836.4 2923.45 62.15 Positive

30/06/2005 2191.55 2226.15 2189.45 2220.6 28.95 Positive

12/07/2004 1548,6 1562.8 1537.7 1556.95 3.75 Positive

25/06/2003 1085,65 1109.75 1084.35 1106.65 21.3 Positive

24/06/2003 1089.2 1092.65 1079.1 1085.35 -3.85 Negative

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Gemini: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
pric? of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai data
aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 13 observations out of total 20.
106 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/06/2011 5614.5 5657.9 5606.1 5647.4 46.95 Positive
29/06/2011 5566.5 5608.65 5566.5 5600.45 55.15 Positive
28/06/2011 5548.85 5558.3 5496.35 5545.3 18.7 Positive
09/07/2010 5297.2 5359.05 5297.2 5352.45 55,6 Positive
08/07/2010 5242 5320.5 5242 5296.85 55.75 Positive
22/06/2009 4314.2 4352.25 4221.9 4235.25 -78.35 Negative
02/07/2008 3895.3 4107*15 3848;25 4093.35 196.6 Positive
01/07/2008 4039.75 4075.4 3878.2 3896.75 -143.8 Negative
30/06/200S 4136.25 4163 4021.7 4040.55 -96.1 Negative
12/07/2007 0 4451.95 4387.05 4446,15 59 Positive
11/07/2007 0 4411.45 4344.7 4387.15 -18.9 Negative
23/06/2006 2993.55 3063.2 2920.2 3042.7 47.95 Positive
04/07/2005 2212.05 2232.2 2211.4 2230.65 10.05 Positive
14/07/2004 1535.1 1552.25 1519.35 1522.75 -16.55 Negative
13/07/2004 1560 1569.75 1530.6 1539.3 -17.65 Negative
17/06/2004 1494.7 1519.2 1482.2 1512.05 17,3 Positive
16/06/2004 1500.95 1525.2 1490.45 1494,75 -6.25 Negative
15/06/2004 1481.45 1507.85 1481 1501 19.65 Positive
27/06/2003 1117.45 1126.8 1109.35 1125.55 9.2 Positive

26/06/2003 1106.8 1118.9 1106.8 1116.35 9.7 Positive

3- Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Gemini: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Gemini". This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the

price of indices Nifty &. Sensex. The following empherlcal data
accertains this astrotogica! phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 13 observations out of total 19.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 107
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


04/07/2011 5679,55 5679.65 5633.1 5650.5 23.3 Positive

13/07/2010 5370.2 5406.2 5357.85 5400.65 17.65 Positive

12/07/2010 5352.25 5402.7 5351.6 5383 30.55 Positive

16/06/2010 5225.05 5255.65 5214.9 5233.35 11 Positive

15/06/2010 5201.3 5231.45 5171.05 5222.35 24.65 Positive

26/06/2009 4243.95 4383.75 4243.95 4375.5 133.65 Positive

25/06/2009 1 4293.851 4337.95 4221.151 4241.85 -51.1 Negative

104/07/2008 1 3926.651 4033.51 3896.4| 4016 90.25 Positive

116/07/2007 | 0l 4521.851 4495.95 4512.15 7.6 Positive

119/06/2007 1 0| 4222.4| 4136.15| 4214.3 67.2 Positive

i 18/06/2007 1 0| 4208.151 4140.25| 4147.1 -24.35 Negative

129/06/2006 I 2982.91 3049.25| 2982.9] 2997.9 16.8 Positive

128/06/2006 1" 2982.21 3003.651 2909.6| 2981.1 -1.35 Negative

108/07/2005 | 2183.551 2210.7| 2179,051 2196.2 16.8 Positive

122/06/2004 I 1482.851 1489.6| 1467.65| 1474.7 -7.3 Negative

121/06/2004 | 1490.751 1499.8) 1478.85 1482 -9.2 Negative

103/07/2003 | 1133.81 1150.75| 1126.35 1144.65 10,85 Positive

102/07/2003 1 1131.551 1145.41 1130.2 1133.8 3.1 Positive

101/07/2003 | 1133.951 11391 1125.75 1130.7 -3.45 Negative

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Gemini: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Gemini: The

implication of this astrological Combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter, Mars or Saturn then it mostly results into
a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
208 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

7. Moon transiting through libra while Sun is in Gemini: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 15.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/06/2010 5316,15 5333.3 5288.15 5323.15 6.6 Positive

22/06/2010 5353.95 5354,35 5311.05 5316.55 -36,75 Negative
21/06/2010 5266.5 5366.75 5266.5 5353.3 90.7 Positive
02/07/2009 4373.5 4383.65 4288,75 4348.85 7,95 Positive
01/07/2009 4292.3 4362.3 4249,7 4340.9 49,8 Positive
11/07/2008 4166 4215.5 4014.45 4049 -113.2 Negative
26/06/2007 0 4296.15 4250.1 4285,7 26.3 Positive
25/06/2007 0 4264,25 4236.3 4259.4 7.35 Positive
06/07/2006 3197.5 3197.5 3138.4 3156.4 -40.7 Negative

05/07/2006 3136.95 3201.2 3121.8 3197.1 58.45| Positive

15/07/2005 2185,1 2216.5 2181.85 2212.55 27.45 Positive
29/06/2004 1514,35 1528,5 1503.3 1518,3 3.95 Positive
28/06/2004 1488.6 1516,95 1488.6 1514.35 25.85 Positive

09/07/2003 1146.35 .1155.3 1137.15 1141.05 -4.85 Negative

08/07/2003 1141.45 1153.is 1141.3 1145.9 5.35 Positive

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Gemini: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the

price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

9' Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Gemini:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* vyith Nakshatra, Yoga, Tit hi & 109
Aspects Whiie Sun in Gemini

empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as

from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of
total 14.

Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


15/07/2011 5602.95 5631.7 5562.75 5581.1 -18,7 Negative

14/07/2011 5569 5653.95 5541.7 5599.8 14.35 Positive
17/06/2011 .. 5412.5 5421.15 5355.85 5366.4 -30.35 Negative
} 16/06/^Qll | 5419.65 5447.5 5389.81 5396.75 -50.75 Negative |
07/07/2009 4166 4231.8 4155.5 4202.15 36.45 Positive

06/07/2009 4429.6 4479.8 4133.7 4165.7 -258.55 Negative

20/06/2008 4504.2 4532 4333.6 4347.55 -156.7 Negative
19/06/2008 4582.55 4585.7 4488.95 4504.25 -78.15 Negative

111/07/2006 3145.3 3146 3100.4 3116.15) .-25.85|Negative)

110/07/2006 3077.11 3147.7 | 3064.1 3142) 66.15| Positive)

123/06/2005 2187.35 2192.1 | 2174.Q5| 2183.85| -3.51Negative)

(22/06/2005 2167.8 2196.45 1 2167.35) 2187.35) 17.35) Positive!

102/07/2004 1537.05 1547.65 1516.15) 1537.51. 0.3| Positive)

116/06/2003 | 1056-5j 1059.8 1045.55 1051.8| -4.4 Negative

10. Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Gemini:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Gemini: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains (his astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 10 observations out of total 16.
no Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/06/2011 5304,65 5310.5 5262.5 5278,3 2.45 Positive
21/06/2011 5280.8 5322.45 52571 5275.851 17.951 Positive 1
02/07/2010 5251.25 5277.25 5225.6 j 5237.11 -14.3 Neoative
01/07/2010 5312.05 5312.55 5232.1 5251.4 -61.1 Negative
15/06/2009 4584.65 4601.05 4469.6 4484 -99.4 Negattve
25/06/2008 4189,6 4264.55 4093.2 4252.65 61.55 Positive
124/06/2008 4271.05 4305.9 4156.1 4191.1 -75.3 Negative
106/07/2007 0 4411 4304 4384.85 30.9 Positive
105/07/2007 0| 4378.55 4311.8 4353.95 -5.35 Negative
04/07/2007 0 4386.45 4342 4359.3 L75 Positive
14/07/2006 3166.25 3166.25 3089.55 3123.35 -45.95 Negative
27/06/2005 2194.35 .2219.65 2188.15 2199.8 5.45 Positive
06/07/2004 1526.65 1561 1524.15 1558.25 31.4 Positive
16/07/2003 1158.7 1170.45 1148.6 1168,75 8.9 Positive
20/06/2003 1092.65 1101.6 1081.35 1100.25 7.7 Positive
19/06/2003 1085.95 1097 1078.9 1092.55 ' 5.8 Positive

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Gemini; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price

movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Gemini and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac;

' Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in
Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination Is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter* Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatn, Yoga, THh, & u,
Aspects While Sun In Gemini

2, Moon transiting through Bharani.Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex.The following empherlcal data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical date we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Cain/ Trend

|27/06/2011 5441.2 5552.65 5434.25 5526.6 55.35 Positive
07/07/2010 5293.1 5296.75 5233.45 5241.1 -47.95 Negative
19/06/2009 4251.1 4326.2 4206.7 4313.6 62.2 Positive
22/06/2006 2923.75 | 3017.65 2923.75 2994.75 71.3 Positive
25/06/2003 1 1085.65 | 110975 1084.35 I 1106.651 21.3 Positive

3. Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly .results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/06/2011 5548.85 5558.3 5496.35 5545.3 18.7 Positive

08/07/2010 5242 5320.5 5242 5296.85 5575 Positive

30/06/2008 4136.25 4163 4021.7 4040.55 -96,1 Neoative

10/07/2007 0 4434.45 4393 4406.05 -13.35 Negative

23/06/2006 2993.55 3063.2 2920.2 3042.7 47.95 Positive

12/07/2004 1548.6 1562.8 1537.7 1S56.95 375 positive

1481.45 1507.85 1481 1501 19.65 Positive

1118.9 1106.8 1116.35 97 Positive
26/06/2003 HO*-8
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithf & hj
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

8. Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gam/ Trend


04/07/2011 5679.55| 5679.65 5633.1 5650.5 23.3 Positive

16/06/2010 5225.05 5255.65 5214.9 5233.35 11 Positive

26/06/2009 4243.95 4383,75 4243.95 4375.5 133.65 Positive

16/07/2007 0 4521.85 4495.95 4512.15 7.6 Positive

19/06/2007 0 4222.4 4136.15 4214.3 67.2 Positive

29/06/2006 2982,9 3049.25 2982.9 2997.9 16.8 Positive

22/06/2004 1482.85 1489.6 1467.65 1474.7 -7.3 Negative

03/07/2003 1133.8} 1150.75| 1126.35 1144.65 10.85 Positive

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and. it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars,, Jupiter or Saturn then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
114 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini; The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the pries movements in the indices Nifty &Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the pries movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherioai data accertains this' astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations but of total 7.

Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra

while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LDW Close Gain/ Trend


7/7/2011 5633.35 5737.15 5632.95 5728.95 103,5 Positive

16/07/2010 5376.65 5401.35 5374.4 5393,9 15.15 Positive

29/06/2009 4375.4 4439,951 4350.9 4390.95 15.45 Positive

8/7/2008 4028.7 4028.7t 3896.05 3988.55 -41.45 Negative

22/06/2007 0 4278.85! 4242.5 4252.05 -15.35 Negative

15/06/2005 2110.5 2131.951 2110.35 2128.65 16.3 Positive

25/06/2004 1471.5 1494| 1459.551 1488.5 17.75 Positive

13, Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into fail
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty Index in 5
observations out of total 8.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatfa, Yoga, Tithi & as
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


8/7/2011 5734.65 5740.4 5651.05 5660.65 -68.3 Negative

30/06/2009 4391.5 4426.75 4267.35 4291.1 -99.85 Neoative

9/7/2008 3990.9 4169.4 3990.9 4157.1 168.55 Positive

3/7/2006 3128.75| 3160.35 3114.85 3150.95 22.75 Positive

14/07/2005 2204.4 2212.55 2178.6 2185.1 -18.95 Negative

13/07/2005 2221.45 2234.15 2200.05 2204.05, -14.8 Negative

16/06/2005 2128.3 2135.1 2114.55 2123.7 -4.95 Negative

7/7/2003 1138.9 1145.75 1134.6 1140.55 2.1 Positive

14. Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 9.

Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


21/06/2010 5266.5 5366.75 5266.5 5353.3 90.7 Positive

1/7/2009 4292.3 4362.3 4249.7 4340.9 49.8 Positive
1 11/7/2008 4166 4215.5 4014.45 4049| -113.2 Negative
1 10/7/2008 4155.65 4187.95 4110,4 4162.2 5.1 Positive
1 ,5/7/2006 3136.95 3201.2 3121.8 3197.1 58.45 Positive
| 4/7/2006 1 3151.05 3177.4 3130.3 3138.65 -12.3 Negative
115/07/2005) 2185. ll 2216.5 2181.85 2212.55 27.45 Positive
17/06/2005 2123.6 2131,75 2103.9 2123,4 -0.3 Negative
8/7/2003 1141.45 1153.15 1141.3 . 1145,9 5.35 Positive
116 Predicting the Nifty & Seosex

15.'Moon transiting through Swatf Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of. indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/06/2010 5353.95 5354.35 5311.05 5316.55 -36.75 Negative
2/7/2009 4373,5 4383.65 4288.75 4348.85 7.95 1 Positive
26/06/2007 0 4296.15 4250.1 4285.7 26.3 Positive
25/06/2007 0 4264.25 4236.3 4259.4 735 Positive
6/7/2006 3197.5 3197.5 3138.4 3156.4 -40.7 Negative
28/06/2004 1488.6 1516.95 1488.6 151435 25.85 Positive

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Saturn then it mostly results
into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological.combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to

the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex,

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
118 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/06/2010 5333.55 5334.15 5235,8 5256.15 -77.35 Negative
9/7/2009 4078.75 4114,9 4039.85 4080.95 2.05 Positive
3/7/2007 0 4363.35 4313.55 4357.55 43.8 Positive
12/7/2006 3124.95 3201.35 3078.25 3195,9 79.75 Positive
15/07/2003 1171,5 1175.55 1148.8 1159.85 -11.65 Negative
18/06/2003 1082.8 1093.2 1080.9 1086.75 4.8 Positive

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra white Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Rahu then It mostly results into a fell or
downside in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into fail
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Gemini

Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


5257 5275.85 17.95 Positive

21/06/2011 5280.8 5322.45
2/7/2010 5225.6 5237.1 -14.3 Negative
5251.25 5277.25
5312.05 5312.55 5232.1 5251.4 -61.1 Negative
4156.1 4191,1 -75.3 Negative
24/06/2008 4271.05 4305.9
4311.8 ["4353.95 -5.35 Negative
5/7/2007 0 4378.55
3089.55 3123351 -45.95 Negative
14/07/2006 3166.25 3166.25
1558.25 31.4 Positive
6/7/2004 1526.65 1561 1524.15
1100,25 7.7 Positive
20/06/2003 1092.65 1101.6 1081.35
120 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

27. Moon transiting through Revatl Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological comblhation mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherlcal data, accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Revatl Nakshatra while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

5/7/2010 5237 5252.75 5225.85 5235.9 -1.2 Negative
15/07/2009 4120.8 4249.55 4118.75 4233.5 122.1 Positive
17/06/2009 4515.35 4517.81 4332.8 4356.15 -161.65 Negative
27/06/2008 4315.3 4315.31 4119.21 4136.65 -179.2 Negative

20/06/2006 2919 29191 2837.45! 2861.3 Negative

29/06/2005 2170.2 2194.25 2162 2191,65 21.S Positive
9/7/2004 1517.45 1557.75 1472.55 1553.2 35.05 Positive
123/06/2003 1100.6 1106.15| 1087.65 1089.2 -11.05 Negative

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Gemini and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty 8: Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 121
Aspects White Sun in Gemini

Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/06/2011 5372.2 5377.4 5195.9 5257.9 -108.5 Negative
30/06/2010 5254.25 5320.35 5210 5312.5 56.35 Positive
9/7/2009 4078.75 4114.9 4039.85 4080.95 2.05 Positive
23/06/2008 4351.15 4351.15 4225.5 4266.4 -81.15 Negative
3/7/2007 0 4363.35 4313.55 4357.55 43.8 Positive
12/7/2006 3124.95 3201.35 3078.25 3195.9 79.75 Positive

14/07/2003 1161.2 1173.95 1161.2 1171.5 9.85 Positive

19/06/2003 1085.95 1097 1078,9 1092.55 5.8 Positive

2. Priti Yoga day while Sun is-in Gemini: This astroiogicai

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 7 observations out of total 10.

Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/06/2011 5280.8 5322.45 5257 5275.85 17.95 Positive

1/7/2010 5312.05 5312.55 5232.1 5251.4 -61.1 Negative

10/7/2009 4081.4 4129.95 3976.8 4003,9 -77.05 Negative

15/06/2009 4584.65 4601.05 4459.6 4484 -99.4 Negative

24/06/2008 4271.05 4305.9 4156.1 4191.1 -75.3 Negative

4/7/2007 0 4386.45 4342 4359.3 1.75 Positive
13/07/2006 3196.3 3208.85 3148.95 3169.3 -26.6 Negative
5/7/2004 1537.55 1546 1522.9 1526.85 -10.65 Negative
15/07/2003 1171.5 1175.55 1148,8 1159.85 -11.65 Negative
20/05/2003 1092.55 1101.6 1081.35 1100.25 7.7 Positive
122 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

3, Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove In the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9.

Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/08/2011 5304.65 5310.5 5262.5 5278.3 2.45 Positive
2/7/2010 5251.25 5277.25 5225.6 5237.1 -14.3 Negative
16/06/2009 4478.4 4537.95 4405.95 4517.8 33.8 Positive
25/06/2008 4189.6 1 4264.55 4093.2 4252.65 61.55 Positive
5/7/2007 0 4378.55 4311.8 4353.95 •5.35 Negative
14/07/2006 3166.25 3166.25 '3089.55 3123.35 •45.95 Negative
27/06/2005 2194.35 2219.65 2188.15 2199.8 5.45 Positive
6/7/2004 1526.65 1561 1524.15 1558.25 31.4 Positive
16/07/2003 1158.7 1170.45 1148.6 1168.75 8.9 Positive

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination'mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertaihs this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/06/2011 5269.1 5330.6 5252.25 5320 41.7 Positive

17/06/2009 4515.35 4517.8 4332.8 4356.15 -161.65 Negative

26/06/2008 4252.6 4324.75 4230 4315.85 63.2 Positive

6/7/2007 0 4411 4304 4384.85 30.9 Positive

19/06/2006 2892 2916.9 284.1 Positive

2932.9 2846.5
26/06/2005 2199.8 2206.8 2165.9 2169.85 -29.95 Negative

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price

Chapter 4: ^Mng the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, yoga, Tithl &
Aspects While Sun In Gemini

of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data

accertains this astrological phenomenon, asftom the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

24/06/2011 5343.4 5477.85 5343.4 5471.25 151.25 Positive
13/07/2009 4003.4 4003.4 3918,75 3974.05 -29.85 Negative
18/06/2009 4352.95 4375.3 4222.15 4251.4 -104.75 Negative
27/06/2008 4315.3 4315.3 4119.2 4136.65 -179-2 Negative
|20/06/2006 | 2919 2919 2837.45 2861.3 -55,6 Negative
-29/06/2005 2170.2 2194.25 2162 2191.65 21.8 Positive
8/7/2004 1567.25 1586*55 1504.5 1518.15 -40.1 Negative
23/06/2003 1100.6 1106.15 1087.65 1089.2 -11.05 Negative

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend |


5/7/2010 5237 5252.75 5225.85 5235.9 -1.2 Negative

114/07/2009 3974.1 4128.9 3974.1 4111.4 137.35 Positive

19/06/2009 4251.1 4326.2 4206.7 4313.6 62.2 Positive

21/06/2006 2861.4 2930.8 2836.4 2923.45 62.15 Positive

130/06/2005 2191.55 2226.15 2189.45 2220.6 28.95 Positive

I 9/7/2004 1517,45 1557.75 1472,55 1553.2 35.05 Positive

24/06/2003 1089.2 1092.65 1079.1 1085.35 -3.85 Negative

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini; This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Vthi & 125
Aspects White Sun in Gemini

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
aocertains this astrologicai phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
ntfty index irtTT observations out of total 8.

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close | Gain/ Trend

I Loss
30/06/2011 5614.5 5657.9 5606.1 5647.4 46.95 Positive
9/7/2010 5297.2 5359,05 5297.2 5352.45 55.6 Positive
22/06/2009 4314.2 4352.25 4221.9 4235.25 -78.35 Negative

I 1/7/2008 1 4039.75| 4075.4| 3878.2( 3896.75 -143.8 Negative

11/7/2007 0 4411.45 4344,7 4387.15 -18.9 Negative

4/7/2005 2212.05 2232.2 2211.4 2230.65 10.05 Positive

13/07/2004 1560 1569.75 1530.6 1539.3 -17.65 Negative

18/06/2004 1511.95 1515.05 1485.05 1491.2 -20,85 Negative

11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
In the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But If the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in die price of indices Nifty &

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data aocertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9.
126 Pradicting the Nifty & Sense*

Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


1/7/2011 5705.75 5705.8 5609.75 5627.2 -20.2 Negative

15/06/2010 5201.3 5231.45 5171.05 5222.35 24.65 Positive

24/06/2009 4247.3 4307 4218.25 4292.95 45.95 Positive

3/7/2008 4094.6 4097.35 3874.85 3925.75 -167.6 Negative

13/07/2007 0 4513.9 4446.05 4504.55 58.4 Positive |

26/06/2006 .3051.8 3059.85 2928 2943.21 -99,5| Negative |

6/7/2005 2211.35 2232.65 2211.3 2228.2 j 17.45| Positive 1

15/07/2004 1523.1 1543.25 1517.8 1539.4 16.65 Positive

30/06/2003 1125.6 1141.3 1125.5 1134.15 8,6 Positive

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini; This astrological

combination mostly results Into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

116/06/2010 | 5225.05 1 5255.65 5214.9 5233.35 11 Positive
25/06/2009 4293.85 4337.95 4221.15 4241.85 -51,1 Negative
4/7/2008 3926.65 4033.5 3896.4 4016 90.25 Positive
118/06/2007 0 4208.15 4140.25 4147.1 -24.35 Negative
127/05/2006 2943.6 3004.15 2899.25 2982.45 39.25 Positive
I 7/7/2005 2228.3 2235.8 2171.25 2179.4 -48,8 Negative
21/06/2004 1490.75 1499.8 1478.85 1482 -9.2 Negative
1/7/2003 1133.95 1139 1125.75 1130.7 -3.45 Negative

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is In Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6,
128 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

17 Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements

in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

18. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

7/7/2011 5633.35 5737.15 5632.95 5728.95 103.5 Positive
16/07/2010 5376.65 5401.35 5374.4 5393.9 15.15 Positive
29/06/2009 4375.4 4439.95 4350.91 4390.951 15.45 Positive 1
8/7/2008 4028.7 4028.7 3896.05 3988.55 -41.45 Negative
3/7/2006 3128.75 3160.35 3114.85 3150.95 22.75 Positive
117/06/2005 | 2123.6 2131.75 2103.9 2123.4 -0.3 Negative

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

2D. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshaha, Yoga, Tithl & 129
Aspects Wh/ie Sun in Gemini

Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/06/2010 5353.95 5354.35 5311.05 5316.55 -36.75 Negative
1/7/2009 [, 4292.3 4362.3 4249.7 4340.91 49.8 Positive
10/7/2008 4155.65 4187.95 4110.4 4162.2 5.1 Positive
25/06/2007 0 4264,25 4236.3 4259.4 7.35 Positive
5/7/2006 3136.95 3201.2 3121.8 3197.1 58.45 Positive
14/07/2005 2204.4 2212.55 2178.6 2185,1 -18.95 Negative
28/06/2004 1488.6 1516,95 1488.6 1514.35 25,85 Positive

21. Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 8.

Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


23/06/2010 5316.15 5333.3 5288.15 5323.15 6.6 Positive

2/7/2009 4373.5 4383.65 4288.75 4348.85 7.95 Positive

11/7/2008 4166 4215.5 4014.45 4049 -113.2 Negative

16/06/2008 4536,3 4617.7 4536,3 4572.5 55.4 Positive

26/06/2007 0 4296.15 4250. if 4285.7 26.3 Positive

6/7/2006 3197.5 3197.5 3138.4 3156,4| -40.7|Negative|

15/07/2005 2185.1 2216,5 2181.85 2212.55 27.45 Positive

8/7/2003 1141.45 1153,15 1141.3 1145.9 5,35 Positive

22. Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements Jn the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.
130 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini; This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericat data
accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside In the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


11/7/2011 5648.05 ) 5652.9 5601.7 5616.1 -44.55 Negative

16/06/2011 5419.65 5447.5 5389.8 5396.75 -50.75 Neaative

25/06/2010 5320.5 5320.5 5259;9 5269.05 -51.55 Negative

18/06/2008 4652.8) 4679.75) 4569.9) 4582,4 -70.6)Negative

28/06/2007 0 4291.4 4256.9 4282 18.05 Positive
21/06/2005 2144.75 2173.25 2140.15 2170 25.65 Positive
30/06/2004 15187 1532.15 1501.7 1505.6 -127 Negative
10/7/2003 1146 1163.6 1146 1162.35 21.3 Positive

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Yoga day white Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

12/7/2011 ! 5556.9 5580,25 5496.95 5526.15 -89.95 Negative
117/06/2011 5412,5 5421,15 5355.85 5366.4 -30,35 Negative
114/07/2008 4047.45 4118,1 4004,25 4039.7 -9.3 Negative
19/06/2008 4582.55 4585.7 4488.95 4504.25 -78.15 Negative
29/06/2007 0 4321,35 "4280.95 4318.3 36.3 Positive
(22/06/2005 | 2167.8 2196.45 2167.35 2187,35 17.35 f Positive
( 1/7/2004 j 1506,65. 1539.15 1504.55 1537.2 31,6 Positive

11/7/2003 1162.31 1170.75 1157.45 1161,651 -0.7 Negative

Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty a Sense* with Nakshatta, Yoga, Tithi & 231
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, asfrom the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7,

Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

13/07/2011 5542.05 5596.15 5541.4 5585.45 59.3 Positive
6/7/2009 4429.6 4479.8 4133.7 4165.7 -258.55 Negative

15/07/2008 4039.3 4040.7 3835.5 3861.1 -178.6 Negative

20/06/2008 4504.2 4532| 4333.6 '4347.55 -156.7 Negative)
23/06/2005 2187.35 2192.1 2174.051 2183.85 -3.5 Negative [
2/7/2004 1537.05 1547.65 1516.15 1537.5 0.3 Positive j
16/06/2003 1056.5 1059.8 1045.55 1051.8 -4.4 Negative |

26. Indra Yoga day whileSun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in all 6 observations
out of total 6.

Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


14/07/2011 5569 5653.95 5541.7 5599.8 14,35 Positive

28/06/2010 5271.1 5339.45 5270.75 5333.5 64.45 Positive

7/7/2009 4166 4231.8 4155.5 4202.15 36.45 Positive

10/7/2006 3077.1 3147.7 3064.1 3142 66.15 Positive

24/06/2005 2184 2204.45 2162.95 2194.35 10.5 Positive

17/06/2003 1052.3 1083.2 1052.3 1081.95 30.15 Positive

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This

astrological combination mostly results into fell or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
132 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

following empherical data accertains this astrological

phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Lew Close Gain/ Trend


i 15/07/2011 5602.95 5631.7 5562.75 5581.1 -18.71 Negative 1

29/06/2010 5333,55 5334.15 52135.8 5256.15 -77.35 Negative |

8/7/2009 4201.85 4201.85 4061.1 4078.9 -123.25 Negative

2/7/2007 0 4346.75 4305.45 4313.75 -4.55 Negative

11/7/2006 3145.3 3146 3100.4 3116.15 -25.85 Negative

18/06/2003 | 1082.8| 1093-2 1080.9 1086.751 4.8j Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Gemini and at the same time while different lunar Tithis;

1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Sun then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is

in Gemini: This astrofogical combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

134 Pnscfictfng the Nffty & Sensex

Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High tow Close Gain/ Trend

5/7/2011 5659.85 5659.85 5612.3 5632.1 -18.4 Negative
16/06/2010 5225.05 5255.65 5214.9 5233.35 11 Positive
7/7/2008 4002 4114.5 4002 4030 14 Positive
119/06/2007 0| 4222.4 4136.15 4214-3 67.2 Positive
30/06/2006 2993.5 3134.15 -2993.5 3128.2 130.3 Positive
11/7/2005 2195.55 2224.65 2195.55 2218.85 22.65 Positive
23/06/2004 1474.8 1481.45 1442.55 1446.1 -28.6 Negative

4/7/2003 1145.6 1148.85 1134 1138.45 -6.2 Negative

6, Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi whileSun is in Gemini:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data wc can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

6/7/2011 5622.7 5655.4 561075 5625.45 -6.65 Negative
16/07/2010 5376.65 5401.35 5374.4 5393.9 15.15 Positive
17/06/2010 5233.65 5285.55 5206.55 5274.85 41.5 Positive
8/7/2008 4028.7 4028.7 3896.05 3988.55 -41,45 Negative
20/06/2007 0 , 4257| 4214.3 4248.65 34.35 Positive
24/06/2004 1445.35 1474.3 1437,9 147075 24.65| Positive

7, Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in Gemini;

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

136 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
. the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & SenSex.

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Tn/odashl Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty. & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex in 6 observations out of
total 8.
Qiapter 4: Predicting tfte Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Jlthi & 137
Aspects White Sun in Gemini -

Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun

is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/07/2011 5569 5653.95 5541.7 5599.8 14.35 Positive
25/06/2010 5320.5 5320.5 5259.9 5269.05 -51.55 Negative
6/7/2009 4429.6 4479.8 4133.7 4165.7 -258.55 Negative
17/06/2008 4572.5 4664.05 4561.75 4653 80.5 Positive
29/06/2007 0 4321.35 4280.95 4318.3 36.3 Positive
10/7/2006 3077.1 3147.7 3064.1 3142 66.15 Positive
21/06/2005 2144.75 2173.25 2140.15 2170 25.65 Positive
1/7/2004 1506.65 1539.15 1504.55 1537.2 31.6 Positive

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in Gemini:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it.do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6,

Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


16/06/2011 5419.65 5447.5 5389.8 5396.75 -50,75 Negative

8/7/2009 4201.85 4201.85 4061.1 4078.9 -123.25 Negative

19/06/2008 4582.55 4585.7 4488.95 4504.25 -78.15 Neqatlve

11/7/2006 3145.3 3146 3100.4 3116.15 -25.85 Negative

22/06/2005 2167.8 2196.45 2167.35 2187.35 17.35 Positive

14/07/2003 1161.2 1173.95 1161.2 1171.5 9.85 Positive

138 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitlya Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price- of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 10.

Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya tithi while Sun is in


Pate Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


17/06/2011 5412.5 5421.15 5355.85 5366.4 -30.35 Neaative

(28/06/2010 | 5271.1 5339.45 5270.75 5333.5 64.45 Positive

| 9/7/2009 | 4078.75 4114.9 4039.85 4080.95 2.05 Positive

20/06/2008 4504.2 4532 4333.6 4347.55 -156.7 Negative
2/7/2007 0 4346,75 4305.45 4313.75 -4.55 Negative
12/7/2006 3124.95 3201.35 3078.25 3195.9 79.75 Positive
24/06/2005 2184 2204.45 2162.95 2194.35 10.5 Positive
(23/06/2005 2187.35 .2192.1 2174.05 2183.85 -3.5 Negative 1
15/07/2003 1171.5 1175.55 1148.8 1159.85 -11.65 Negative
16/06/2003 1056.5 1059.8 1045.55 1051.8 -4.4 Negative

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Gemini:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to

the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty &. Sensex

and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to

the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Venus then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

140 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptaml TIthi while Sun is

in Gemini

Date < Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/06/2011 5304.65 5310.5 . 5262.5 5278.3 2.45 Positive
14/07/2009 3974.1 4128.9 3974.1 4111.4 137.35 Positive
15/06/2009 4584.65 4601.05 4469.6 4484 -99.4 Negative
25/06/2008 4189.6 4264.55 4093.2 4252.65 61.55 Positive
28/06/2005 2199.8 2206.8 2165.9 2169.85 -29.95 Negative

8/7/2004 1567.25 1586.55 1504.5 1518.15 •40.1 Negative

20/06/2003 1092.65 1101.6 1081.35 . 1100.25 7.7 Positive
19/06/2003 1085.95 1097 1078.9 1092.551 5.8 Positive

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun

Is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherlcal data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 6 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low dose Gain/ Trend

23/06/2011 5269.1 5330.6 5252.25 5320 41,7 Positive
15/07/2009 4120.8 4249.55 4118,75 4233.5 122.1 Positive
16/06/2009 4478.1 4537.95 4405.95 4517.8 33.8 Positive
126/06/2008 i 4252.6 4324.75 4230 4315.85 63.2 Positive

29/06/2005 2170.2 2194.25 2162 2191.65 21.8 Positive |

9/7/2004 1517.45 1557.75 1472.55 1553.2 35.05 Positive (

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherlcal data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8,
Chapter 4; Predicting the Nifty & Sense*- with Nakshata, Yoga, Tithi & mi
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna NavamI Tithi while Sun is in


Date | Open | High tow Close Gain/ Trend

(24/06/2011 | 5343.4 5477.85 5343.4| 5471.25 151.25 Positive
5/7/2010 5237 5252,75 5225.85 5235.9 -1.2 Negative
16/07/2009 4223.5 4305 4205.5 4231.4 -2.1 Negative
117/06/2009 1 4515.35 4517.8| 4332.8| 4356.15 -161.65 Negative

27/06/2008 4315.3 4315.3 4119.2 4136.65 -179.2 Negative

19/06/2006 2892 2932.9 2845 5 2916.9 284.1 Posrtrve
30/06/2005 2191.55 2226.15 2189.45 2220.6 28.95 Positive

23/06/2003 1100.6 1106.15 1087.65 1089.2 -11.05 Negative

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into fell
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


7/7/2010 5293.1 5296.75 5233.45 i 5241.1 -47.95(Negative

6/7/2010 5236.1 5297.45) 5231.5) 5289.05) 53.15) Positive

18/06/2009 4352.95 4375.3 ) 4222.15 4251.4 -104.75 Negative

9/7/2007 0 4427.55) 4385.45 4419.4 34,55 Positive

20/06/2006 2919 2919 2837.45 2861,3 -55.6 Negative

24/06/2003 1089.2 1092.65 1079.1 1085.35 -3.85 Negative

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.
142 Predicting the Nifty & Sen sex

Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/06/2011 5441.2 5552.65 5434.25 5526.6 55.35 Positive
19/06/2009 4251.1 4326.2 4206.7 4313.6 62.2 Positive
10/7/2007 0 4434.45 4393 4406.05 -13.35 Negative
21/06/2006 2861.4 2930.8 2836.4 2923.45 62.15 Positive
12/7/2004 1548.6 1562.8 1537.7 1556.95 3.75 Positive
25/06/2003 1085.65 1109.75 1084.35 1106.65 21.3 Positive

27. Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

28. Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 10.

Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sum

is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

129/06/2011 5566.5 5608.65 5566.5 5600.45 | 55.15 [ Positive
9/7/2010 5297.2 5359.05 5297.2 5352.45 55.6 Positive

1/7/2008 4039.75 4075.4 3878.2 3896.75 -143,8) Negative

12/7/2007 4387.05 1 4446.15 59 Positive
0 4451.95
23/06/2006 2920.2 3042.7 47,95 Positive
2993.55 3063.2
4/7/2005 2230.65 10.05 Positive
2212.05 2232.2 2211.4
15/07/2004 1539.4 16.65 Positive
1523.1 1543.25 1517.8
14/07/2004 1535.1 1552.25 1519.35 1522.75 -16.55 Neoative

1501 19.65 Positive

15/06/2004 1481.45 1507.85 1481
1125.55 9.2 Positive
27/06/2003 1117.45 1126.8 1109.35
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 143
Aspects White Sun in Gemini

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is

in Gemini: The implication of this astrologicai combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in Gemini:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty &'Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 5

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Cancer

Sun transits through Cancer during

16th July to 16th August

Transit of Sun through Cancer, aspected by Mars, Moon, or

Jupiter, results into moderate upsurge in the stock prices of Oil
and Gas, Petroleum, Mineral Water, Shipping, Milk and Dairy
Products, Pearl, Silver, Aluminum, Peppermint, Alcohols, Cold
Drinks, Soft Drinks and Rice Grain. Whereas if this transit is
aspected by Mercury, Venus, Saturn or Rahu then the prices of
the above stocks experience selling pressure with investor
sentiments turning to negative.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Cancer under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Cancer aspected by Moon: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we cari observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
18 observations out of total 26.
146 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Sun in Cancer aspected by Mars

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/07/2007 0 4618.9 4424,25 4445.2 -174,6 Negative

26/07/2007 0 4624.3 4570.8 4619,8 31.1 Positive

25/07/2007 0 4620.5 4555,8 4588.7 -32.05 Negative

24/07/2007 0 4647.95 4609.75 4620.75 .1.4 Fosftive

23/07/2007 0 4628.45 4547.2 4619.35 53.3 Positive

120/07/2007 0| 4600.8 4553.8 4566.05| 3.95 Positive

19/07/2007 0| 45731 4496.21 4562.ll 62.55 Positive

18/07/2007 0l 4510.8| 4452.85| 4499.55| 2.8 Positive

117/07/2007 0| 4550.25| 4488.25! 4496.75) -15.4 Negative

116/08/2005 | 2361.65 2379.4 2356.85| 2369.8) 8.25 Positive

12/8/2005 2381.05 2390.45 2356.9 2361.55 -19.35 Negative
11/8/2005 2358.9 2387-3 2355.5 2380.9 20.75 Positive
| 10/8/2005 1 2322.3| 2364,8 2322.05 2360.15 41.45 Positive
| 9/8/2005 t 2324,75 [ 2342.2 2303.1 2318.7 -5.7 Negative I
I 8/8/2005 [ 2361.951 2386.95 2320.05 2324.4 -36.8 Negative 1
1 5/8/2005 ( 2367.351 2377.1 2355.95 2361.2 -6.6 Negative 1
I 4/8/2005 | 2357,75| 2377.35 2352.05 2367.8 10.8 Positive
3/8/2005 | 2359.11 2377 2345.21 2357 3.35 Positive
2/8/2005 2321.91 2357.15 2319.751 2353.65 35.6 Positive 1
l/8/2005| 2312.0S1 2329,9 2294.25 I 2318.05 S.75 Positive |
29/07/2005 2318.05 2332.55 2280.85 ; 2312.3 -6.8 Negative |
27/07/2005 2304:25 2324 2292.85 2319,1 15.95 Positive
26/07/2005 2289.25 2307.1 2279.8 2303.15 11.4 Positive

25/07/2005 2266.65 2293.95 2266.65 2291.75 26.15 Positive

22/07/2005 2231 2268.55 2223.15 2265,6 35.1 Positive

21/07/2005 2240.95 2251.85 2221.2 2230.5 -11.4 Negative)

20/07/2005 2236.9 2252 2236.9 2241.9 4.6 Positive |

19/07/2005 2234.25 2246.7 2227.2 2237.3 3.3 Positive

18/07/2005 .2212.95 2248.7 2212.95 2234 21.45 Positive

30/07/2004 1618.9 1638.7 1609.9 1632.3 13.6 Positive

29/07/2004 | 1594.71 1624,3 1590.15 1618.7 ,24.55 Positive

28/07/2004 1600.85 1609,45 ' 1586.15 1594,15 -23.85 Negative

26/07/2004 1602.15 1620.35 1584,65 1618 16.41 Positive

148 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

17/07/2009 4231,45 4390,4 4230.15 4374.95 143.55 Positive

6/8/2008 4506.25 4615.9 4503.9 4517.55 14.7 Positive

5/8/2008 4395.8 4515.15 4376 4502.85 107.5 Positive

4/8/2008 4426.1 4436.15 4362.9 4395.35 -18.2 Negative
1/8/2008. 4331.6 4422.95 4235,7 4413.55 80.6 Positive
31/07/2008 4314.35 4342 4285.55 4332.95 19.4 Positive
30/07/2008 4191.2 4327 4191.2 4313,55 123.7 Positive
29/07/2008 4332.2 4332,2 4159.15 4189.85 -142.25 Negative
28/07/2008 4282.25 4352.65 4282.25 4332.1 20.25 Positive
25/07/2008 4440.85 4440,85 4297.15 4311.85 -121.7 Negative
24/07/2008 4476.2 4539.45 4385.85 4433.55 -43.25 Negative
16/08/2007 4366 4366 4171.15 4178.6 •191-6 Negative

14/08/2007 4373.9 4394.3 4354.35 4370.2 -3.45 Negative

13/08/2007 4324.65 4383.8 4324.65 4373.65 40.3 Positive
10/8/2007 0 439S.5 4239.2 4333.35 -69.85 Negative
9/8/2007 0 4530.05 4390.8 4403.2 -58,9 Negative
8/8/2007 0 4472.15 4356.75 4462.1 105.75 Positive
7/8/2007 0 4406.4 4341,5 435635 16.85 Positive
- 6/8/2007 0 4404.05 4267.15 4339,5 -62.05 Negative
3/8/2007 0 4428.1 4355.75 4401.55 45.2 Positive
2/8/2007 0 4399.75 4327 4356.35 10.5 Positive

16/08/2006 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3356.05 42.95 Positive

14/08/2006 3274.95 3317.8 . 3269,15 3313.1 38.75 Positive

11/8/2006 3260,05 3286.5 3236.95 3274.35 14.25 Positive

10/8/2006 3254.6 3274.75 3229.45 3260.1 5.5 Positive

9/8/2006 3211.55 3267.2 3187.85 3254.6 42.2 Positive

8/8/2006 3151.55 3216.75 3151.55 3212.4 61.3 Positive

7/8/2006 3176.7 3178.5 3142.55 3151.1 •25.65 Negative

20/07/2006 2943.65 3041,25 2943.65 3023.05 90.3 Positive

_19/07/2006 2995.85 3045,35 2919.95 2932.75 -60.9 Negative

18/07/2006 3007.15 3038.25 2967.95 2993.65 •13.9 Negative

17/07/2006 3123.65 3125.1 2999.35 3007.55 -115.8 Negative

16/08/2005 2361.65 2379.4 2356.85 2369.8 8.25 Positive

12/8/2005 2381.05 2390.45 2356.9 2361.55 -19,35 Negative

11/8/2005 2358.9 2387.3 2355.5 2380.9 20.75 Positive

10/8/2005 2322.3 2364.8 2322.05 '2360.15 41,45 Positive

15Q Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Sun in Cancer aspected by Venus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

31/07/2008 4314.35 4342 4285.55 4332.95 19.4 Positive
30/07/2008 4191.2 4327 4191.2 4313.551 123.71 Positive
129/07/2008 4332.2 4332.2 4159.15 4189.85 -142.25 Negative
128/07/2008 4282.25 4352.65 4282.25 4332.1 20,25 Positive
25/07/2008 4440.85 4440.85 4297.15 4311.85 -121.7 Negative
24/07/2008 4476.2 4539.45 4385.85 4433.55 -43.25 Negative
16/08/2006 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3350.05 42.95 Positive
14/08/2006 3274.95 3317.8 3269.15 3313.1 38.75 Positive
11/8/2006 3260.05 3286.5 3236.95 3274.35 14.25 Positive
10/8/2006 3254.6 3274.75 3229.45 3260.1 5.5 Positive
9/8/2006 3211.55 3267.2 3187.85 3254.6 42.2 Positive
8/8/2006 3151.55 3216.75 3151.55 3212.4 61.3 Positive
25/07/2003 1135.5 1164.7 1135.05 1162.75 23.3 Positive
24/07(2003 1119.95 1144.35 .1118.55 1139.45 20.4 Positive

5. Sun in Cancer aspected by Saturn: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in die price of nifty index in
28 observations out of total 41.

Sun in Cancer aspected by Saturn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


16/08/2006 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3356.05 42.95 Positive

14/08/2006 3274.95 3317.8 3269.15 3313.1 3875 Positive

11/8/2006 3260.05 3286.5 3236.95 3274.35 14.25 Positive

10/8/2006 3254.6 3274.75 3229.45 3260.1 5.5 Positive

9/8/2006 3211,55 3267.2 3187.85 3254.6 42.2 Positive

8/8/2006 3151.55 3216.75 3151.55 3212.4 61.3 Positive

7/8/2006 3176.7 3178.5 3142.55 3151.1 -25.65 Negative

3189.7 3228.15 3161,8 3176.75 -5.35 Negative

34.3 Positive
2/8/2006 3129.45 3187.85f 3127.9 3182.1
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 153
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

5/8/2008 4395.8 4515.15 4376 4502.85 107,5 Positive 1

4/8/2008 4426.1 4436.15 4362.9 4395.35 -18.2 Negative

1/8/2008 4331,6 4422.95 4235.7 4413.55 80.6 Positive

31/07/2008 4314.35 4342 4285.55 4332.95 19.4 Positive

30/07/2008 4191.2 4327 4191.2 4313.55 123.7 Positive

29/07/2008 4332.2 4332.2 4159.15 4189.85 -142,25 Negative

28/07/2008 4282.25 4352.65 4282.25 4332.1 20.25 Positive

25/07/2008 4440.85 4440.85 4297.15 4311.85 -121.7 Negative

24/07/2008 4476.2 4539,45 4385.85 4433.55 -43.25 Negative

23/07/2008 4246.7 4491.55 4246.7 4476.8 236,7 Positive

27/07/2008 4158,45 4262.45 4137.95 4240.1 80.6 Positive

21/07/2008 4092.2 4168.15 4072.75 4159.5 67.25 Positive

18/07/2008 3962.95 4110.55 3926.3 4092.25 145.05 Positive

17/07/2008 3823.15 .3968.75 3823.15 3947.2 130.5 Positive

16/07/2008 3861.55 3920.05 3790.2 3816.7 -44.4] Negative

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sigh Cancer and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Cancer: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and It do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moon is
aspected by Mare then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected
by Saturn then it mostly results into fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Cancer: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16.
1S4 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/07/2011 5588.55 5591.7 5521.5 5546.8 -28.05 Negative
26/07/2011 5688.45 5702.25 5560.15 5574.85 -105.45 Negative
06/08/2010 5448.25 5471.9 5431.35 5439.25 -7.85 Negative 1
05/08/2010 5470.15 5487.15 5443.1 5447.1 -20.75 Negative
14/08/2009 4605.15 4619 4559.35 4580.05 -24.95 Negative
29/07/2008 4332.2 4332.2 4159.15 4189.85 -142.25 Negative
28/07/2008 4282.25 4352.65 4282.25 4332.1 20.25 Positive
08/08/2007 0 4472.15 4356.75 4462.1 105.75 Positive
07/08/2007 0 4406,4 4341.5 4356.35 16.85 Positive
16/08/2006 I 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3356.05 42.95 Positive
21/07/2006 3025.1 3029.1 2930.15 2945 -78.05 Negative
20/07/2006 2943.65 3041.25! 2943.65 3023.05 90.3 Positive
10/08/2004 1642.75 1656.6 1637.7 1652.15 9.55 Positive
09/08/2004 1633.25 1644.4 1617.05 1642.6 9.2 Positive
25/07/2003 1135.5 1164.7 1135.05 1162.75 23.3 Positive
24/07/2003 1119.95 1144.35 1118.55 1139.45 20.4 Positive

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Cancer: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
acceftains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


29/07/2011 5479 5520.3 5453.95 5482 -5.75 Negative

28/07/2011 5492.4 5512.11 5475.65 5487.75| -59.05 Negative

21/07/2009 4501.5 45241 4436.6 4469.1 -33,15 Negative

4502.25 127.3 Positive

20/07/2009 4377.91 4510.31 4377.9
4332.95 19.4 Positive
31/07/2008 4314.351 43421 4285.55
4313.55 123.7 Positive
30/07/2008 4191.2 43271 4191.2
4333.35 -69.85 Negative
10/08/2007 0 4395.5| 4239.2
156 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

aspected by Jupiter or Mars then it mostly results into upmove

In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Cancer; This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherfcal data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index In 10 observations out of total 15.

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

04/08/2011 5412.4 5434.5 5323.15 5331.8 -73 Negative
03/08/2011 5402 5422.6 5378.85 5404.8 -51.75 Negative
13/08/2010 5420.65 5476.5 5415.5 5452.1 35.65 Positive
27/07/2009 4568.65 4596.75 4528.5 4572.3 3.75 Positive
06/08/2008 4506.25 4615.9 4503.9 4517.55 14.7 Positive

05/08/2008 4395.8 4515.15 4376 4502.85 107.5 Positive

17/08/2007 4171.1 4171.1 4002.2 4108.05 -70.55 Negative

16/08/2007 4366 4366 4171.15 4178.6 -191.6 Negative

20/07/2007 0 4600.8 4553,8 4566,05 3.95 Positive

31/07/2006 3131.35 3179.7 3110.6 3143.2 12.4 Positive

10/08/2005 2322.3 2364.8 2322.05 2350.15 41.45 Positive

09/08/2005 2324,75 2342.2 2303,1 2318.7 -5.7 Negative

23/07/2004 1587,6 1610.85 1587.6 1601.6 3.5 Positive

13/08/2002 977.2 969.9 976.05 6.2 Positive

12/08/2002 971.55 961.15 969.85 959.85 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Cancer: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the

price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in tne
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi a 1S7
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Cancer; This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty &Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 15.

Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open | High Low Close Gain/ Trend

[09/08/2011 | 4947.9 5167 4946.45 5072.85 -45.65 Negative
[08/08/2011 [ 5083.85| 5204.2 5054.05] 5118.5] >92.75 Negative
[22/07/2010 | 5399.15 I 5447.15 5372.2] 5441.95| 42.6 Positive
(21/07/2010 | 5368.85 1 5409.1 5368.85 5399.35] 31.35 Positive!

[31/07/2009 [ 4571.6 4669.75 4571.6 4636.45 65 Positive j

J11/08/2008 I 4529.35 1 4625.2 4529.35] . 4620.4 90.9 Positive!

26/07/2007 0 4624.3 4570.8] 4619.8 31.1 Positive |

25/07/2007 0 4620.5 4555.8 4588.7 -32.05 Negative

04/08/2006 3189.7 3228.15 3161.8 3176.75 -5.35 Negative

18/07/2005 2212.95 2248.7 2212.95 2234 21.45 Positive

.28/07/2004 1600.85 1609.45 1586.15 1594.15 -23.85 Negative

08/08/2003 1199.7 1224.5 1199.71 1222.65 25.7] Positive

07/08/2003. 1170.75 1199.7 1170.75 1196.95 25.9 Positive

(06/08/2003 1184.1 1191.05] 1164.75 1171.05 -13.4 Negative

116/08/2002 970.75j 981.2] 968.35] 979.25 9.6 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Cancer:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Cancer:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 14.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatia, Yoga, Tithi & ^59
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Cancer: This

astrologicai combination mostiy results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data yve can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 8 observations out of total 13.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/07/2011 5576.95 5642.2 5567.1 5633.95 92.35 Positive
21/07/2011 5554.6 5578.9 5532.7 5541.6 -25.45 Negative

11/08/2009 4435 4510.8 4398.9 4471.35 33.7 Positive

10/08/2009 4486.5 4562.5 4399.85 4437.65 -43.751 Negative

24/07/2008 4476.2 4539.45 4385.85 4433.55 -43.25 Negative

23/07/2008 4246.7 4491.55 4246.7 4476.8 236.7 Positive

03/08/2007 0 4428.1 4355.75 4401.55 45.2 Positive

17/07/2006 3123.65 3125.1 2999.35 3007.55 -115.8 Negative

27/07/2005 2304.25 2324 2292.85 2319.1 15.95 Positive

26/07/2005 2289.25 2307.1 2279.8 2303.15 11.4 Positive

25/07/2005 2266.65 2293.95 2266.65 2291.75 26.15 Positive

05/08/2004 1626.4 1656.25 1626.4 1654.95 28.4 Positive

04/08/2004 1631.3 1635.95 1618.2 1626.55 -4.05 Negative

160 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Cancer and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiao

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun Is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra white Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High L.ow Close Gain/ Trend

02/08/2010 5369.55 5438.85 5351.3 5431.65 64.05| Positive
12/08/2009 4473.8 4473.8 4359.4 4457.S -13.85 Negative

25/07/2008 4440.85 4440.85 4297.15 4311.85 -121.7 Negative

14/08/2006 3274.95 3317,8 3269,15 3313.1 38.75 Positive

18/07/2006 3007.15 3038.25 2967.95 2993.65 -13.9 Negative

06/08/2004 1654.85 1658.7 1626.7 1633.4 -21.55 Negative

21/07/2003 1140 1146.4 1112.55 1115,8 -24.2 Negative

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the

Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or

downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter S: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

3. Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun

fs in Cancer: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend j

|25/07/2011 5633.8 5700.55 5616.7 5680.3 46.35] Positive]
104/08/2010 5441.35 5481.9 5428.4 5467.85 28.3] Positive]
114/08/2009 4605.15 4619 4559.35 4580.05 -24.95] Negative]
107/08/2007 0 4406.4 4341.5 4356.35 16.85] Positive]
116/08/2006 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3356.05 42.95] Positive)

20/07/2006 2943.65 3041.25 2943.65 3023.05 90.3) Positive)

09/08/2004 1633.25 1644.4 1617.05 1642.6 9.2 Positive |

24/07/2003 1119.951 1144.35 1118.55 ( 1139.45| 20.4 Positive |

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatrs, Yoga, Tithi & 163
Aspects White Sun in Cancer

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

09/08/2010 5439.8 5492.3 5433.25 5486.15 46.9 Positive
22/07/2009 4469.3 4557.95 4380.45 4398.9 -70.2 Negative
01/08/2008 4331.6 4422.95 4235.7 4413.55 80.6 Positive
25/07/2006 2989.5 3046-95 2987.15 3040.5 54.65 Positive
04/08/2005 2357.75 2377.35 2352.05 2367.8 10.8 Positive
29/07/2003 1169.25 1177.25 1154.8 1174.75 5.55 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results Into
upmove in the pries of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon as
from fr»e following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


10/08/2010 5486.8 5491.45 5445.35 5460.7 -25,45 Negative

23/07/2009 4409.7 4532.4) 4405.95 4523.75 124.85 Positive

13/08/2007 4324.651 4383.81 4324.65 4373.65 40.3 Positive

26/07/2006 3040.45 3121.4 3022.7 3110.15 69.65 Positive

05/08/2005 2367.35 2377.1 2355.95 2361.2 -6.6 Negative

19/07/2004 1559.2 1582.35 1556.55 1571.6 12.8 Positive

30/07/2003 1175.3) 1187.7 1168.45 . 1183 8.25 Positive

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
164 Predicting the Nifty a Sense*

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results Into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical. data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra

while Sun is in Cancer

Date ! Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

02/08/2011 5493.2 5496.3 5433.65 5456.55 -60.25 Negative
12/08/2010 5418.7 5431.1 5372.45 5416.45 -4.15 Negative
04/08/2008 4426.1 4436.15 4362.9 4395.35 -18.2 Negative
18/07/2007 0 4510.8 4452.85 4499.55 2.8 Positive
28/07/2006 3158 3168.5 3109.45 3130.8 •25.35 Negative
08/08/2005 2361.95 2386.95 2320.05 2324.4 -36.8 Negative
21/07/2004 1566.15 1600.7 1562.9 1581.4 15.3 Positive
01/08/2003 1185.8 1198.81 1180.31 1195.751 9.9 Positive!

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer; The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

13. Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer; This astrological combination- mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & its
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

04/08/2011 5412.4 5434.S 5323.15 5331.8 -73 Negative
27/07/2009 4568.65 4596.75 4528.5 4572.3 3.75 Positive
06/08/2008 4506.25 4615.9 4503.9 4517.55 14.7 Positive
17/08/2007 4171.1 4171.1 4002.2 4108.05 -70.55 Negative
20/07/2007 0 4600.8 4553.8 4566.05 3.95 Positive
(31/07/2006 I 3131.35 3179.7 3110.6 3143.2 12.4 Positive
10/08/2005 2322.3 2364.8 2322.05 2360.15 41.45 Positive
23/07/2004 .1587.6 1610.85 1587.6 1601.6 3.5 Positive
112/08/2002 | 961.15 [ 971.55| 961.15] 969.85 969.85 Positive

14. Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun Is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun Is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


05/08/2011 5204.35 5229.65 5116.45 5211.25 •120.55 Negative


4599.9 4529.15 4564.1 Negative


28/07/2009 4572.8
07/08/2008 4515.25 4580.15 44937 4523.85 6.3 Positive

01/08/2006 3128,2 3154.7 3113.6 3147.8 4.6 Positive

11/08/2005 2358.9 2387.3 2355.5 2380.9 20.75 Positive

04/08/2003 S 1196.05 1206.1 1185.95 1203.6 7.85 Positive

13/08/2002 j 970.4 977.2 969.9 976.05 6.2 Positive

166 Predicting the Nifty & Serrsex

15. Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


19/07/2010 5392.7 5409.1 5361.5 5386.45 -7.45 Negative

29/07/2009 4565.8 4573.85 4420.8 4513,5 -50.6 Negative

08/08/2008 4518.35 4546.35 4464 4529.5 5.65 Positive

23/07/2007 0 4628.45 4547.2 4619.35 53.3" Positive

02/08/2006 3129.45 3187.85 3127.9 3182.1 34.3 Positive

12/08/2005 2381.05 2390.45 2356.9 2361.55 -19.35 Negative

05/08/2003 1203.9 1218.5 1181 1184,45 -19.15 Negative

14/08/2002 976.05 976.25 967,25 969.65 -6.4 Negative

16. Moon transiting through Visakha.Nakshatra while Sun is In

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Saturn then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun!is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results Into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 5; Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshafa, T}.h.
rt s
Aspects While Sun In Cancer ' ' *6?

Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


08/08/2011 5083.85 5204.2 5054.05 5118.5 -92.75 Negative"

21/07/2010 5368.85 5409.1 5368.85 5399.35 31.35 Positive

31/07/2009 4571.6 4669.75 4571.6 4636.45 65 Positive
125/07/20071 0 4620.5 4555.8 4588.7 -32.05 Negative

104/08/2006 3189.7 3228.15 3161.8 3176.75 -5.35 Negative

18/07/2005 2212.95 2248.7 2212.95 2234 21.45 Positive

07/08/2003 1170.75 1199.7 1170.75 1196.95 25.9 Positive
16/08/2002 970.75 981.2 968.35 979.25 9.6 Positive

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty Si Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open Gain/ Trend

High Low Close

09/08/2011 4947.9 5167 4946.45 5072.85 -45.65 NegWl

22/07/2010 42.6 positive
5399.15 5447.15 5372.2 5441.95
11/08/2008 Poatiy®.
4529.35 4625.2 4529.35 4620.4 90.9
26/07/2007 Positive
0 4624.3 4570.8 4619.8 31.1
28/07/2004 1600.85 1609.45 1586,15 1594.15 -23.85
08/08/2003 1199.71111
1224.5 XX 25.7 jwitive
" ^
19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun i*
Cancer: This astrological combination mostly "jLfng
upmove in the price of indices Nifty a.Sensex. The roiio ^
empherical data accertains this astrological phenome ' e

from the following empherical data we can observe the tj"g

m the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of tora
268 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

10/08/2011 5196.55 5197.95 5123.35 5161 88.15 Positive
23/07/2010 5441.9 5477.5 5435.15 S449.1 7.15 Positive
12/08/2008 4620.95 4649.85 4525.75 4552.25 -68.15 Negative
16/07/2008 3861.55 3920.05 3790.2 3816.7 •44.4 Negative
27/07/2007 0 4618.9 4424.25 4445.2 -174.6 Neqative
16/08/2005 2361.65 2379.4 2356.85 2369.8 8.25 . Positive
119/07/2005 2234.25 2246.7 2227.2 2237.3 3.3 Positive
{29/07/2004 1594.7 1624.3 1590.15 1618.7 24.55 Positive

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not pro'duce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra white Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mercury, Venus or Saturn then it mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakstmha, Yoga, Tithi & 169
Aspects While Sun In Cancer

Moon is aspected by Sun, Mars or-Jupiterthen ft mostly results

into upmove In the price of-indlces Nifty & Sensex.

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

19/07/20X1 5569.85 5627.65 5557.2 5613.55 46.5 Positive
29/07/2010 5397.85 5415.85 5381.55 5408.9 11.35 Positive

21/07/2008 4092.2 4168.15 4072.75 4159,5 67.25 Positive

01/08/2007 0 4532.9 4339.75 4345.85 -183 Negative

11/08/2006 3260.05 3286.5 3236.95 3274.35 14.25 Positive

13/08/2003 1235,35 1249.35 1229.3 1246.9 12.15 Positive

17/07/2003 ' 1168,85 1175.95 1145.65 1152 -16.75 Negative

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral tothe price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn or Rahu then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if
the Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination
Is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any dedsive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a foil or downside

in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.


170 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra white Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/07/2011 5576.95 5642.2 5567.1 5633.95 92.35 Positive
11/08/2009 4435 4510.8 . 4398.9 4471.35 33.7 Positive
■24/07/2008 4476,2 4539.45 4385.85 4433.55 -43.25 Negative
17/07/2006 3123,65 3125,1 2999.35 3007.55 -115:8 Negative
27/07/2005 2304.25 2324 2292.85 2319.1 15.95 Positive
05/08/2004 1626.4 1656.25 1626.4 1654,95 28.4 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Cancer and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day whiie Sun is in Cancer: This astrologfcat

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the foilowing empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.
172 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sua Is in Cancer: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9.

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer

J Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

119/07/2011 [ 5569.851 5627.65 5557.2 5613.55 46.5 Positive
28/07/2010 5436.1 5447.85 5386.25 5397.55 -33.05 Negative
06/08/2009 4694.35 4718.15 4559,2 4585.5 -108.65 Negative
21/07/2008 4092.21 4168.15 4072.75 4159.5 67.25 Positive
131/07/2007 0| 4534.2 4432.85 4528.85 88.8 Positive
109/08/2006 3211.551 3267.2 3187.85 3254.6 42.2 Positive
102/08/2004 1631.551 1643.8 1627.25 1639.05 6.75 Positive
112/08/2003 1233.951 1249.35 1229.8 1234.75 1.9 Positive
117/07/2003 1168.85| 1175.95 1145.65 1152 -16.75 Negative

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mars
then it mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex.

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.
J74 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into a fell of downside in the price of Indices
Nifty & Sensex.

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

IX. Vriddhi Yoga day white Sun is in Cancer: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6,

Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


26/07/2011 5688.45 5702.25 5560,15 5574.85!-105.45 Negative

04/08/2010 5441.35 5481.9 5428.4 5467.85 | 28.3 Positive

13/08/2009 4458.55 4614.15 4458.55 4605| ' 147.5 Positive

28/07/2008 4282.25 4352.65 4282.25 4332, l| 20.25 Positive

21/07/2006 3025.1 3029.1 2930.15 29451 -78.05 Negative

24/07/2003 1119.95 1144.35 1118.55 1139,45) 20.4 Positive)

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun Is In Cancer: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex.'The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nitty & Sense* with Naksbatra, Yoga, Tithi & 775
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

Ohruva Yoga day white Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

(27/07/2011 ! 5588.55[ 5591.7| 5521.5 5546.S -28.05 Negative
05/08/2010 5470.15 5487.15 5443.1 5447.1 -20.75 Negative
14/08/2009 4605.15 4619 4559.35 4580.05 -24.95 Negative
20/07/2009 4377.9 4510.3 4377.9 4502.25 127.3 Positive
07/08/2007 0 4406.4 4341.5 4356.35 16.85 Positive
16/08/2006 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3356.05 42.95 Positive
09/08/2004 1633.25 1644.4 1617.05 1642.6 9.2 Positive
25/07/2003 1135.5 1164.7 1135.05 1162.75 23.3 Positive

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But rf the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results Into upmove in the price, of indices Nifty &

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty &. Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results:into a fall or downside in the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex.

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.
Prsdlcting the Nifty & Sense*

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer

Dale Open High Low Close Gain/1 Trend

22/07/2009 4469.3 4557.95 4380.45 4398.9 -70.2 Negative
31/07/2008 4314.35 4342 4285.55 4332.95 19.4 Positive
10/08/2007 0 4395.5 4239.2 4333.35 -69.85 Negative
25/07/2006 2989.5 3046.95 2987..15 3040.5 54.65 Positive
03/08/2005 2359.1 2377 2345.2 2357 3.35 Positive
28/07/2003 1163.25 1180.6 1163.25 1169.2 6.45 Positive

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe die upmove in the price of nifty index
in 7 observations out of total 8.

Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

09/08/2010 5439.8 5492.3 5433.25 5486.15 46.9 Positive

23/07/2009 4409.7 4532.4 4405.95 4523.75 124.85 Positive

01/08/2008 4331.6 4422.95 4235.7 4413.55 80.6 Positive

26/07/2006 3040.45 3121.4 3022,7 3110.15 69.65 Positive

04/08/2005 2357,75 2377.35 2352.05 2367.8 10.8 Positive

13/08/2004 1598,2 1612.7 1591.6 1598.2 -23.4 Negative

19/07/2004 1559.2 1582.35 1556.55 1571.6 12.8 Positive

29/07/2003 1169.25 1177.25 1154.8 1174.75 5.55 Positive

17. Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements

in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mercury or
Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend]

04/08/2011 5412.4 5434.5 5323.15 5331.8 -73 Negative
13/08/2010 5420.65 5476.5 5415,5 5452.1 35,65 Positive
27/07/2009 4568.65 4596.75 4528.5 4572.3 3.75 Positive
06/08/2008 4506.25 4615.9 4503.9 4517,55 14.7 Positive
16/08/2007 4366 4365 4171.15 4178.6 -191.6 Negative
31/07/2006 3131.35 3179.7 3110,6 3143.2 12,4 Positive
09/08/2005 2324.75 2342.2 2303.1 2318.7 -5,7 Negative
12/08/2002 961.15 971.55 961.15 969.85 969.85 Positive

22. Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty &Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8,

Shubha Yoga day white Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


20/07/2010 5387 5416.45 5353.6 5368 -18.45 Negative

29/07/2009 4565.8 4573.85 4420.8 4513.5 -50.6 Negative

4493.7 4523.85 6.3 Positive

07/08/2008 4515.25 4580.15

4647.95 4609.75 4620.75 1.4 Positive

24/07/2007 0
3182.1 34-3 Positive
02/08/2006 3129.45 3187.85 3127.9
2380.9 20.75 Positive
11/08/2005 2358.9 2387.3 2355.5
1618 16,4 Positive
25/07/2004 1602.15 1620.35 1584.65

1218.5 1181 1184,45 -19.15 Negative

05/08/2003 1203.9

Shukla Yoqa day while Sun is in tancer; nrc • -•

this asfrological combination is neutral to the price movements
Chaptkr 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & j 79
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter or
Saturn then it mostly results into upimove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. While If the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into a fall or downside In the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
"in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mars
then it mostly results into upmove in the. price of indices Nifty
& Sensex.

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mercury then
it mostly results into a fall or downside In the price of Indices
Nifty & Sensex-

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is In Cancer

Date Open High LOW Close Oain/ Trend


09/08/2011 4947.9 5167 4946,45 5072.85 -45,65 Negative

12/08/2008 4620.95 4649.85 4525,75 4552,25 -68.15 j Negative

17/07/2008 3823.15 3968.75 3823.15 3947.2 130.5 Positive

20/07/2005 2236.9 2252 2236,9 2241.9 4.6 Positive

29/07/2004 1594.7 1624.3 1590.15 1618,7 24.55 Positive

08/08/2003 1199.7 1224.5 1199.7 1222.65 25.7 Positive
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Cancer and at the same time while different lunar Tlthis:
1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithl while Sun is in
Cancer; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter, Venus or Saturn then it mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwltiya Tithi while Sun is in Cancer:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty Index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tlthi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

01/08/2011 5527.5 5551.9 5486.45 5516.8 34.8 Positive
11/08/2010 5460.7 5474.6 5412 5420.6 -404 Negative
23/07/2009 4409,7 4532,4 4405.95 4523.75 124.85 Positive
14/08/2007 4373.9 4394.3 4354.35 4370.2 -3.45 Negative
27/07/2006 3109.85 31674 3109.85 315645 46 Positive

19/07/2004 1SS9.2 1582.35 1555.55 1571.5 12,8 Positive

31/07/2003 1183.3 1198.5 1181,9 1185.85 2.85 Positive

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results

into fail or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as. from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 181
Aspects White Sun in Cancer

Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

02/08/2011 5493.2 5496.3 5433.65 5456.55 -60.25 Negative

12/08/2010 5418.7 5431.1 5372.45 5416.45 -4.15 Negative

124/07/2009 1 4524.8 4578.75 4504.85 4568.55 44.8 Positive

104/08/2008 4426.1 4436.15 4362.91 4395.35 -18.2 Negative

17/07/2007 0 4550.25 4488.25 4496.75 -15.4 Negative

28/07/2006 3158 3168.5 3109.45 3130.8 -25.35 Negative

108/08/2005 1 2361.95 1 2386.95 1 2320.051 2324.4 -36.8 (Negative

1 20/07/2004 I 1571.7 1 1581.05 I 1555.55] 1566.1 -5.5] Negative

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphecical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 9.

Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/I Trend


03/08/2011 5402 5422.6 5378.85 5404.8 -51.75)Negative!

13/08/2010 5420.65) 5476.5 5415.5 5452.1 35.65 Positive

05/08/2008 4395.8 4515.15 4376 4502.85 107.5 Positive

16/08/2007 4366 4366 4171.15 4178.6 -191.6 [Negative

118/07/2007 | 0 4510.8 4452.85 4499.55 2.8 Positive

[09/08/2005 1 2324.75 2342.2 2303.1 2318.7 -5.7 Negative

[21/07/2004 | 1566.15 1600.7 1562.9 1581.4 15.3 Positive

101/08/2003 1 1185.8 i 1198.8 1180.3 1.195.75 9.9 i Positive
I 12/08/2002 | 961.15 | 971.55 961.15 969.85 969.85 Positive

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
182 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

from the following emphericaf date we can observe the upmove

In the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6,

Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

04/08/2011 5412.4 5434.5 5323.15 5331.8 -73 Negative
00/08/2008 4506.25 4615.9 4503.9 4517.55 14,7 Positive
17/08/2007 4171.1 4171.1 4002.2 4108.05 -70.55 Negative
19/07/2007 0 4573 4496.2 4562.1 62.55 Positive
10/08/2005 2322.3 2364.8 2322.05 2360.15 41.45 Positive
22/07/2004 1581.6 1609.55 1580.95 1598.1 16.7 Positive

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following emphericai data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 7 observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/07/2009 4568.65 4596.75 4528.5 4572.3 3.75 Positive

07/08/2008 4515.25 4580.15 4493.7 4523.85 6.3 Positive

20/07/2007 0 4600.8 4553.8 4566.05 3.95 Positive

31/07/2006 3131.35 3179,7 3110.6 3143.2 12.4 Positive

11/08/2005 2358.9 2387.3 2355.5 2380.9 20.75 Positive

23/07/2004 1587.6 1610.85 1587.6 1601.6 3.5 Positive

13/08/2002 970.4 977.2 969.9 976.05 6,2 Positive

7.' Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in Cancer:

This astrological combination mostly results into fail or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data a'ccertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericai. data we can observe the
184 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashamf Tlthi while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashl Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mars then it mostly results
into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Cancer: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


10/08/2011 5196.55 5197.95 5123.35 51611 88.15| Positive

22/07/2010 5399.15 5447.15 5372.2 5441.95 42.6 Positive

13/08/2008 4548.05 4572.6S 4497.25 4529.05 -23.2 Negative

26/07/2007 0 4624.3 4570.8 4619.8 31.1 Positive

18/07/2005 2212.95 2248.7 2212.95 2234 21.45 Positive

1594.7 1624.3 1590.15 1618.7 24.55 Positive


13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ttthf & 185
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in die price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun

is in Cancer

Date Open High Low dose GairV Trend


12/08/2011 5194.4 5194.45 5053.35 5072.95 -65.35 Negative

04/08/2009 4706.25 4731.45 4642,6 4680.5 -30.9 Negative

17/07/2008 3823.15 3968.75 3823.15 3947.2 130.5 Positive

16/07/2008 3861.55 3920.05 3790.21 3816,7 -44.4 Negative

08/08/2006 3151.55 3216.75 3151.55 3212.4 61.3 Positive

20/07/2005 2236.9 2252 2236.9 2241.9 4.6 Positive

30/07/2004 1618.9 1638.7 1609.9 1632,3 13,6 Positive

11/08/2003 1222.6 1240.35 1215.75 1232.85 10.2 Positive

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

05/08/2009 4680.95 4717.2 4629.85 4694.15 13.65 Positive
18/07/2008 3962.95 4110.55 3926.3 4092.25 145.05 Positive
09/08/2006 | 3211.55 3267.2 3187.85 3254.6 42.2 Positive
21/07/2005 2240.95 2251.85 2221.2 2230.5 -11.4 Negative
12/08/2003 1233.95 1249.35 1229.8 1234.75 1.9 Positive
J86 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Prattprada Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Sun then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

28/07/2010 5436.1 5447.85 5386.25 5397.55 -33.05 NeoaOve
27/07/2010 5420.2 5450.95 5407.2 5430,5 12 Positive
07/08/2009 4591.9 4591.9 4463.95 4481.4 -104.1 Negative
31/07/2007 0 4534.2 4432.85 4528,85 88.8 Positive
02/O8/2004 1631.55 1643.8 1627.25 1639.05 6.75 Positive
13/08/2003 1235.35 1249,35 1229.3 1245.9 12.15 Positive

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Trltiya Tithi while Sun is in Cancer:

The implication of this astrological combination Is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is In

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is

neutral to the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & is?
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

20. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


20/07/2011 5642.05 5645,4 5555.1 5567.05 -46.51 Negative)

11/08/2009 4435 4510.8 4398.9 4471.35 33.71 Positive]

23/07/2008 4246.7 4491.55 4246.7 4476.8 236,7) Positive |

03/08/2007 I 0 4428.1 4355.75 4401.55 45.21 Positive)

25/07/2005 2266.65 2293.95 2266.65 2291.75 26,15) Positive)

05/08/2004 1626.4] 1656.25 1626.4 1654.95 28.4[ Positive)

18/07/2003 1151.85 1162.6 1130.45 1140 -121 Negative |

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

21/07/2011 5554.6 5578.9 5532.7 5541.6 -25.45 Negative
12/08/2009 4473.8 4473.8 4359.4 4457.5 -13.85 Negative
24/07/2008 4476.2 4539.45 4385.85 4433.55 -43.25 Negative
14/08/2006 3274.95 3317.8 3269.15 3313.1 3875 Positive
26/07/2005 2289.25 2307.1 2279.8 2303.15 11.4 Positive
06/08/2004 1654.85 1658.7 1626.7 1633,4) -21.55 Negative
188 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptaml Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tlthi while Sun Is

In Cancer

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

22/07/2011 5576.95 5642.2 5567.1 5633,95 92.35 Positive
02/08/2010 5369.55 5438.85 5351.3 5431.65 64.05 Positive
113/08/2009 1 4458.551 4614.15 4458.55 4605 147.5 Positive
25/07/2008 4440.85 4440.85 4297.15 4311.85 -121.7 Negative
17/07/2006 3123.65 3125.1 2999.35 3007.55 -115.8 Negative
27/07/2005 2304.25 2324 2292.85 2319,1 15.95 Positive

23. Krishna Paksha 0 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer; This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


03/08/2010 5432.5 5459.2 5426.4 5439.55 7.9 Positive

14/08/2009 4605.15 4619 4559.35 4580.05 •24.95 Negative

06/08/2007 0 4404.05 4267,15 4339.5 -62,05 Negative

16/08/2006 3314.75 3377.1 3314.75 3356.05 .42.95 Positive

18/07/2006 3007.15 3038.25 2967.95 2993.65 -13.9 Negative

21/07/2003 1140 1146.4 1112.55 1115.8 -24.2 Negative

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
* neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
Chapter S: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshaba, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

and it do not produce any decisive, up or down direction to

the price movements in the indices Nifty &Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun

is in Cancer: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe foe upmove in foe
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close tiain/ Trend


25/07/2011 5633.8 5700.55 5616.7 5680.3 46.35 Positive

05/08/2010 5470.15 5487.15 5443.1 5447.1 -20.75 Negative

17/07/2009- 4231,45 4390.4 4230.15 4374.95 143,55 Positive

10/08/2004 1642.75 1656,6 1637,7 1652.15 9.55 Positive

123/07/2003 1109.6 1124.7 1109.6 1119.05 9.85 Positive

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Saturn then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

27. Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashl Tithi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensax with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & igi
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Hthi while Sun is in

Cancer: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 5 observations out of total 5.

Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


01/08/2008 j 4331.6 4422.95 4235.7 4413,55 80.6 Positive

25/07/2006 2989.5 3046.95 2987.15 3040,5 54.65 Positive

24/07/2006 2944.9 2996.65 2878.25 2985.85 40,85 Positive

04/08/2005 2357.75 2377.35 2352.05 2367.8 10.8 Positive

29/07/2003 1169.25 1177,25 1154.81 1174.75 5.55 Positive

Chapter 6: Predicting die Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 293
Aspects White Sun in Leo

Sun in Leo aspected by Moon

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

12/09/2011 4981.7 4985.6 4911.25 . 4946.8 -112.65 Negative
30/08/2011 4973.25 5016.25 4927.55 5001 81.4 Positive
129/08/2011 1 4806.2 1 4934.4 i 4806.05 [ 4919.6 171.8 Positive
(08/09/2010 | 5604,25 | 5625.3 I 5567.75 1 5607.85 3.85 Positive
107/09/2010 ( 5575.9 I 5625.5 5571.65 1 5604 ] 27.05 1 Positive
26/08/2010 5462.1 5486.55 5454.7 5477.9 15.55 Positive
25/08/2010 5505.3 5506.15 5452.55 5462.35 -42.75 Negative
24/08/2010 | 5541.1 5547.25 5488.45 5505.1 -38.4 Negative
(04/09/2009 | 4608.7 I 4697.2 1 4580.35 4680.4 86.85 Positive
(03/09/2009 | 4608.75 I 4647.35 I 4581.05 4593.551 -14.8 [Negative
[15/09/2008 | 4231.95 1 4237,25 1 3955.4 I 4072.91-155,55 [Neaative
118/08/2008 I 4430.7 | 4447.4 | 4379.85 4393.05 I -37.65 [Negative |
11/09/2007 I 4509.65 1 4538.6 1 4487.15 4497.05 -10.8|Negative]
10/09/2007 4506.85 4515,25 4452.95 4507,85 -1.65 Negative

29/08/2007 4317.7 4368.6 4226.35 4359.3 38.6 Positive

28/08/2007 4302.4 4329.15 4280,6 4320.7 18.1 Positive

08/09/2006 3454.65 3477.95 3442.85 3471.45 16.9 Positive

07/09/2006 3477.15 3478.85 3438.8 3454.55 -22.7 Negative

2510812006 3368.55 3402.7 3368.55 3385.95 15.55 Positive

24/08/2006 3336.65 3379.55 3304.85 3370.4 34.6 Positive

16/09/2005 2524.9 2555.1 2519.05 2552.35 28.4 Positive

14/09/2004 1675.2 1686.8 1668.45 1685.55 10.35 Positive

13/09/2004 1668.25 168L75 1668.05 1675,2 26.2 Positive

31/08/2004 1628.5 1634.8 1618.3 1631,75! 3.3 Positive]

30/08/2004 1609.45 1629.9 1609.2) 1628.45| 19.451 Positive!

18/08/2004 1604.15 1604.15 1577.25 1581,8 -22.55 Negative

17/08/2004 1624 1628.45 1597.45 1604.35 S.2 Positive

11/09/2003 1409.651 1422.41 1399.6] 1403.15 -6.41 Negative 1

10/09/2003 | 1407 1414.1 1389.65 1409.551 2.5 Positive

09/09/2003 j 1417.8 1430.7 1397.65 1407.051 -10.3 Negative

28/08/2003 ( 1340.2 1349 1328.35 1341.05 0.75 Positive

27/08/2003 1318.75 1346.3 1318.75 1340.3 22.1 Positive

06/09/2002 1008.45 1008.45 992.7 995.2 -13.4 Negative

23/08/2002 985.75 996.4 984.7 995.2 9.5 Positive |

Predicting die Nifty & Sense*

2. Sun in Leo aspected by Mars: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of Indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the. price of nifty index in
59 observations out of total 92.

Sun in Leo aspected by Mars

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/09/2007 4530 4582.6 4508.85 4518 -10.95 Negative
13/09/2007 4498.05 4540.6 4498,05 4528.95 32.1 Positive
12/09/2007 4498.65 4531.5 4490.4 4496,85 -0.2 Negative
11/09/2007 4509.65 4538.6 4487.15 4497.051 -10.8 Negative
10/09/2007 4506.85 4515.25 4452.95 4507.85 -1.65 Negative
07/09/2007 1 4518.65 } 4547.75 4499.9 4509.5 -9.1 Negative
06/09/2007 | 4475.7 ! 4522.5 4445.55 4518.6 42.75 Positive
05/09/2007 4479.6 4507.75 4458.55 4475.85 -3.4 Negative
04/09/2007 4481.55 4501.3 4460.4 4479.25 4,5 Positive
03/09/2007 4466.65 4490.55 4452.4 4474.75 10.75 Positive
31/08/2007 4412.6 4471.3 4403 4464 51.7 Positive
30/08/2007 4360.35 | 4422.3 ! 4359,75 4412.3 1 53 I Positive
[29/08/2007 | 4317.7 ( 4368,6 4226.35! 4359.3i 38,61 Positive!

28/08/2007 4302.4 4329.151 4280.61 4320.7 18.1 Positive

27/08/2007 4193.6 43101 4193.6 4302.6 112.45 Positive

24/08/2007 4113.05 4201.45 4110.05 4190.15 • 75.21 Positive

23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative

22/08/2007 4081.251 4165.71 4040.15) 4153.15) 78.25 Positive

21/08/2007 4209.551 4238.1) 4058.55] 4074,9 -134.15 Negative

20/08/2007 4108.95 4262.6| 4108.95 4209.05 101 Positive

29/08/2006 3405.05 3434.95 3396.1 3425.7 24.6 Positive

3386 3405.3 3377.75 3401.1 15.15 Positive

3368.55 3402.7 3368.55 3385,95 15.55 Positive
3304.85 3370.4 34.6 Positive
24/08/2006 3336.65 3379.55
3335.8 -28.8 Negative
23/08/2006 3363.6 3369.65) 3325.1
3364.6 -1.4 Negative
22/08/2006 3369.6 3398.35 3351.5
3366 9.25 Positive
21/08/2006 3356,8 3374.9) 3332.9
Chapter 6; Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Titht & 107
& 197
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Sun in Leo aspected by Mercury

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

> Loss
16/09/2011 5123.35 5143,6 5068.1 5084.25 8.55 Positive
15/09/2011 5062.35 5091,45 4967.45 50757 63.15 Positive
14/09/2011 4965.05 5026.15 4917.4 5012,55 71.6 Positive
13/09/2011 4977.8 5030.15 4911.05 4940.95 -5.85 Negative
12/09/2011 4981.7 4985.6 4911,25 4946.8 -112.65 Negative
09/09/2011 5161.3 516375 5046.8 5059.45 -93,8 Negative
08/09/2011 5139.2 5169.25 5098.25 5153.25 28,6 Positive
07/09/2011 5080.15 5154.5 5076.3 5124,65 60.35 Positive
06/09/2011 4993.35 5072.9 4942.9 5064.3 47.1 Positive
05/09/2011 4998.9 5030.3 4964.45 5017.2 -22.8 Negative
17/08/2011 5030.3 5112.15 5017.25 5056.6 20.8 Positive
16/09/2010 5861.1 5901,65 5815.8 5828.7 -32.25 Necrative

15/09/2010 5795.25 *5869.45 5792.2 5860.95 65.4 Positive

14/09/2010 5760,3 5838.45 5760.3 5795,55 35.55 Positive

13/09/2010 5639.2 5770.6 5639.2 5760 119.95 Positive

09/09/2010 5608.3 5647.45 5608.1 5640,05 32.2 Positive

08/09/2010 5604.25 5625.3 556X75 5607.85 3.85 Positive

07/09/2010 5575.9 5625.5 5571.65 5604 27,05 Positive

06/09/2010 5479.55 5589.4 5479,55 5576.95 97.55 Positive

03/09/2010 5486.3 5510,4 5473.65 5479.4 -675 Negative

02/09/2010 5471.9 5513,95 5471.85 5486.15 14,3 Positive

01/09/2010 5403.05 5478.6 5403.05 5471.85 69.45 Positive

31/08/2010 5413.55 5413,9 S348.9 5402.4 -13.05 Negative

30/08/2010 5408.9 5469 5390.35 5415.45 675 Positive

27/08/2010 5489.6 5495.2 5391:95 54087 -69.2 Negative

26/08/2010 5462.1 5486.55 54547 5477.9 15.55 Positive

25/08/2010 5505.3 5506.15 5452.55 5462.35 -42.75 Negative

24/08/2010 5541.1 5547.25 5488,45 5505,1 -38.4 Negative

23/08/2010 5531,15 5549.P 5519.4 5543.5 12.85 Positive

20/08/2010 5540.8 5546,6 5513.35 5530.65 -9.55 Negative

19/08/2010 5478.25 55447 5478.1 5540.2 ' 61.05 Positive

18/08/2010 5416.25 5487.95 5416.25 5479,15 65 Positive

5422.151 5443.55 5408,8 5414,15) . -4.15 Negative

198 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

17/08/2009 4578.8 4578.8 4374.6 4387.9 -192.15 Neaative

22/08/2008 4283.85 4337 4248 4327.45 43.6 Positive
21/08/2008 4416.2 4418.55 4271.3 4283.85 -131.9 Neaative
20/08/2008 4365.45 4434.9 4365.45 4415.75 47.5 Positive
19/08/2008 4393.1 4393.7 4316.55 4368.25 -24.8 Negative1
18/08/2008 4430.7 4447.4 4379.85 4393.05 -37.65 Neaative
31/08/2007 4412.6 4471.3 4403 4464 51.7 Positive
30/08/2007 4360.35 4422.3 4359.75 4412.3 53 Positive
29/08/2007 4317.7 4368.6 4226.35 4359.3 38.6 Positivel
28/08/2007 4302.4 4329,15 4280.6 4320.7 18.1 Positive 1
27/08/2007 4193.6 4310 4193.6 4302.6 112.45 Positive
24/08/2007 4113.05 4201,45 4110.05 4190.151 - 75.2 Positive
23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.951 -38.2 Negative
22/08/2007 4081.25 4165.7 4040.15 4153.15 78.25 Positive
21/08/2007 4209.55 4238.1 4058.55 4074.9 -134.15 Negative
20/08/2007 4108.95 4262.6 4108.95 4209.05 101 Positive 1
08/09/2006 3454.65 3477.95 3442.85 3471.45 16.9 Positive
07/09/2006 3477.15 3478,85 3438.8 3454.55 -22.7 Negative
06/09/2006 3474.4 3490.7 3465.8 3477.25 3.5 Positive
05/09/2006 3471.4 3488.6 3457.9 3473.75 -3.1 Negative
04/09/2006 3435.55 3483.1 3435.55 3476.85 41.4 Positive
01/09/2006 3414 . 3439.5 3402.9 3435.45 21.55 Positive

31/08/2006 3404.5 3452.3 3403.65 3413.9 -16.45 Neaative

30/08/2006 3425.8 3440.2 3407,75 3430.35 4.65 Positive

29/08/2006 1 3405.05 3434.95| 3396.11 3425.7 24.6 Positive

28/08/2006 1 3386| 3405.3 i 3377.75 [ 3401.1 15.15 Positive

25/08/2006 3368.55 3402.7 3368.551 3385.95 15.55 Positive

16/09/2005 2524.9 2555.1 2519.05 2552.35 28.4 Positive

15/09/2005 2492.85 2527.5 2492.75 2523.95 31.5 Positive

14/09/2005 2500.4 2514.75 2476 2492.45 -7.9 Negative

13/09/2005 2484 2503 2*77.1 2500.35 16.2 Positive

12/09/2005 2455.85 2486.35 2455.85 2484.15 28.7 Positive

2441.9 2455.45 1 Positive

09/09/2005 2448.8 2462.8
2429 2456.9 2429 2454.45 25.8 Positive
2417 2428.65 5.7 Positive
06/09/2005 2422.fl 2436.25
2414.95 2422.95 7.15 Positive
05/09/2005 2417:1 2439.55
2415.8 10.05 Positive
02/fl9/2005.! 2406.45] 2422.1 | 2396.1
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & i oo
Aspects White Sun in Leo

16/09/2004 1683.6 1708 1677.35 1705.7 22.5 Positive

15/09/2004 1685.7 1694.45 1675.85 1683.2 -2.35 Negative
14/09/2004 1675.2 1686.8 1668.45 1685.55 10.35 Positive
13/09/2004 1668.25 1681.75 1668.05 1675.2 26.2 Positive
|09/09/2004 1656.25| 1662.4 1640.25 1649 -7.25 Negative
108/09/2004 1650.6 1658.85 1648.25 I 1656,25 6.1 Positive
(07/09/2004 1643.95 1653.15 1641.8| 1650.15 6.15 Positive
(06/09/2004 1634.6 1649.15 1634.45! 1644 9.9 Positive
(03/09/2004 1629.65 1636.1 1622.11 1634.11 4.8 Positive
| 02/09/2004 1635.5 1641.25 1619.91 1629.31 -6.15 Negative
101/09/2004 1631.7 1640.55 1631.1 I 1635.451 3.7 Positive
131/08/2004 1628.5 1634.8 i 1618.3 i 1631.75| 3.3 Positive
(30/08/2004 1 1609.45 1629.9 ! 1609.2 | 1628.45 19.45 Positive
[27/08/2004 1610.85 1617.25 I 1600.15| 1609 | -1.75 Negative
26/08/2004 1595.75 1613.25 ! 1593.45 1610.75) 15.05 Positive |
25/08/2004 1592.2 1598.55 1586.35 1595.7 4.1 Positive j

24/08/2004 1578.2 1597.9 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive |

J 23/08/2004 1590.9 1595.55 1573.7| 1578.2| -12.15 Negative ]

I 20/08/2004 1609.2 1610.6 1584.05 1590.35 -18.85 Negative

19/08/2004 1581.91 1612.5 1581.9 1609.2 27.4 Positive

18/08/2004 1604.151 1604.15 1577.25 1581.8 -22.55 Negative

17/08/2004 1624| 1628.451 1597.45 1604.35 5.2 Positive

16/09/2.003 1330.15| 1362.1 1299.5 1357.95 28.7 Positive

15/09/2003 1371.75| 1371.85 1322.65 1329.25 -42.85 Negative

12/09/2003 1405.55 1415.651 1367.15 1372.1 -31.05 Negative

11/09/2003 1409.65 1422.4 1399.6| 1403.15 -6.41 Negative!

10/09/2003 1407 1414.1 1389.65 1409.55 2.51 Positive

09/09/2003 1417.8 1430.7 1397.65 1407.05 -10.3 Negative

08/09/2003 1398.4 1420.25 1398.35 1417.35 18.95 Positive

05/09/2003 1373! 1400.9 1372.75! 1398.4 25.7; Positive 1
20/08/2003 1280.8| 1292.95 1280.8 ( 1287.4 9.7) Positive |
19/08/2003 1286.05 1307.6 1268.1 1277.7 -3.7 Negative

18/08/2003 1247.9 1285.7 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive

21/08/2002 988.6 994.25 984.35 988.45 -0.1 Negative j

20/08/2X302 979.75 990.85 979.05 988.55 8.7 Positive)

19/08/2002 979.4 933.55 978.2 979.85 0.6 Positive

200 Predfcting the Nifty & Sense*

4. Sun in Leo aspected by Jupiter; The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

5. Sun in Leo aspected by Venus: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove In the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmoye in the price of nifty index in
14 observations out of total 23.

Sun in Leo aspected by Venus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

09/09/2011 5161.3 5163.75 5046.8 5059.45 -93,8 Negative
09/09/2011 5139.2 5169.25 5098.25 5153.25 28.6 Positive
07/09/2011 5080.15) 5154.5 5076.3 5124.65 60.35 Positive
06/09/2011 4993.35) 5072.9 4942.9 5064.3 47,1 Positive
05/09/2011 4998,9) 5030.3 4964.45 5017.2 -22.8 Negative
17/08/2011 5030.3 5112.15 5017.25 5056.6 20.8 Positive
22/08/2008 4283.85 4337 4248 4327,45 43.6 Positive
21/08/2008 4416.2 4418.55 4271.3 4283.85 -131.9 Negative
20/08/2008 4365.45 4434,9 4365.45) 4415,75 47.5 Positive

19/08/2008 4393.1 4393.7 4316.551 4368.25 -24.8 Negative

18/08/2008 4430.7 4447.4 4379.85 I 4393.05 -37.65 Negative

08/09/2006 3454,65 3477.95 3442.85 3471.45 16.9 Positive

07/09/2006 3477.15 3478.85 3438.8 3454.55 -22.7 Negative

06/09/2006 3474.4 3490.7 3465.8 3477.25 3.5 Positive)

05/09/2006 3471.4 3488.6 3457.9 3473.75 -3,1 Negative |

04/09/2006 3435.55 3483.1 3435.55 3476.85 41.4 Positive)

10/09/2003 1407 1414.1 1389.65 1409.55 2.5 Positive

09/09/2003 1417,8 1430.7 1397.65 1407.05 -10,3 Neaative

08/09/2003 1398.4 1420.25 1398.35 1417.35 18.95 Positive

05/09/2003 1373 1400.9 1372.75 1398.4 25.7 Positive

1280.8 1292.95 1280.8! 1287.4 9.7 Positive

Chapter 6; Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga. Tithi s ?rtf
Aspects While Sun In Leo

119/08/2003 1286.051 1307.6 1268,1 1277.7 -3,7 Negative

j 18/08/2003 1247.9| 1285,7 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive
6. Sun in Leo aspected by Saturn: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
65 observations out of total 111.

Sun in Leo aspected by Saturn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


09/09/2009 4804.9 4825.05 4783,5 4814.25 9 Positive

08/09/2009 4782,85 4842.2 4782.65 4805.25 22.35 Positive

07/09/2009 4682.4 4790 4679.3 4782.9 102.5 Positive

04/09/2009 4608.7 4697.2 4580.35 4680,4 86.85 Positive

03/09/2009 4608.75 4647.35 4581.05 4593,55 -14.8 Negative

102/09/2009 4624 4650.45 4576,6 4608.35 -17 Negative

(01/09/2009 4662,2 4735.9 4600.65 4625.35 -36.75 Negative

(31/08/2009 4730.85 4730.85 4635 4662.1 -70.25 Negative

128/08/2009 4688.4 4743.75 4651,4 4732.35 44.15 Positive

[27/08/2009 1 4679 i 4707.9 4645.15 . 4688.2 7,35 Positive

26/08/2009 4659.45 4697.8 4659.1 4680.85 21.5 Positive

25/08/2009 4641.65 4672.9 4582.5 4659.35 16,55 Positive

24/08/2009 4536.95 4656.3 4536.95 4642.8 254.9 Positive

17/08/2009 4578.8 4578.8 4374.6 4387.9 -192.15 Negative

16/09/2008. 4072.55 4090.1 3919.35 4074.9 2 Positive

15/09/2008 4231.95 4237,25 3955.4 4072.9 -155.55 Negative

12/09/2008 1 4291.6 [ 4323.91 4200,15 4228.45 -61.85 Negative

f 11/09/2008 ( 4397.25) 4399.3 4272.75 4290.3 -109.95 Negative

10/09/2008 4467.5 4467.5 4382.35 4400.25 -68.45 Negative

09/09/2008 4485.15 4497.5 4418.95 4468.7 -13.6 Negative

08/09/2008 4358,3 4558 4358.3 4482,3 130 Positive

05/09/2008 4444.7 4444.7 4328.9 4352.3 -95.45 Negative

04/09/2008 4512.95 4514.6 4419.45 4447.75 -56,25 Negative

02/09/2008 4358.85 4522.4 4343,1 4504 155.35 Positive

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

01/09/2008 4356.1 4365 4281.35 4348.65 -11.35 Negative

29/08/2008 4230.6 4368.8 4230.6 4360 146 Positive
28/08/2008 4290.75 4304,5 4201.85 4214 -78.1 Negative
27/08/2008 4336.85 4364.25 4282.65 4292.1 -45.4 Negative
26/08/2008 4335.2 4345.05 4283.3 4337.S 2.15 Positive
25/08/2008 4317.95 4398.8 4317.95 4335,35 7,9 Positive
22/08/2008 4283.85 4337 L 4248 4327.45 43.6 Positive
21/08/2008 4416.2 4418.55 4271.3 4283.85 -131.9 Negative
20/08/2008 4365.45 4434.9 4365.45 4415.75 47. S Positive
19/08/2008 4393.1 4393.7 , 4316.55 4368.25 -24.8 Negative
18/08/2008 4430.7 4447.4 4379.85 4393.05 -37.65 Negative
14/09/2007 4530 4582.6 4508.85 4518 -10.95 Negative
13/09/2007 4498.05 4540.6 4498.05 4528.95 32.1 Positive
12/09/2007 4498.65 4531.5 4490,4 4496,85 -0.2 Negative
11/09/2007 4509.65 4538.6 4487.15 4497.05 -10.8 Negative
10/09/2007 4506.85 4515.25 4452.95 4507.85 -1.65 Negative
07/09/2007 4518.65 4547.75 4499.9 4509,5 1
-9;1 Negative
05/09/2007 4475.7 4522.5 4445.55 4518.6 42.75 Positive
05/09/2007 4479.6 4507.75 4458.55 4475,85 -3.4 Negative

04/09/2007 4481.55 4501.3 4460.4 4479.25 4.5 Positive

03/09/2007 4466.65 ■ 4490,55 4452.4 4474.75 10.75 Positive

31/08/2007 4412.6 4471.3 4403 4464 51,7 Positive

30/08/2007 4360.35 4422.3 4359.75 4412.3 53 Positive

29/08/2007 4317.7 4368.6 4226.35 4359.3 38.6 Positive

28/08/2007 4302.4 4329.15 4280.6 4320.7 18.1 Positive

4310 4193.6 4302.6 112,45 Positive

27/08/2007 4193.6
24/08/2007 4113.05 4201.45 ■ 4110.05 4190.15 75.2

4150.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative

78.25 Positive
22/08/2007 4081.25 4165.7 4040.15 4153.15

21/08/2007 4209.55 4238.1 4058.55 4074.9 -134.15 Negative

101 Positive
4108,95 4262.6 4108.95 4209.05
1634.1 4.8 Positive
03/09/2004 1629.65 1636,1 1622.1
1629.3 -6.15 Negative
02/09/2004 1635.5 1641.25 1619.9
1635.45 3.7 Positive
1631.7 1640.55 1631.1
1631.75 3.3 Positive
1628.5 1634.8 1618.3
31/08/2004 Positive
1628:451 19.45
1629.9 1609.2
30/08/2004 1609-45
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 203
" • Aspects While Sun in Leo

27/08/2004 1610.85 1617.25 1600.15 1609 -1.75 Negative

26/08/2004 1595.75 1613.25 1593.45 1610.75 15.05 Positive
25/08/2004 1592.2 1598.55 *1586.35 1595.7 4.1 Positive
24/08/2004 1578.2 1597.9 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive
23/08/2004 1590.9 1595.55 1573,7 1578.2 -12.15 Negative
20/08/2004 1609,2 1610.6 1584.05 1590.35 -18.85 Negative
19/08/2004 1581.9 1612.5 1581.9 1609.2 27.4 Positive
18/08/2004 1604.15 1604.15 1577.25 1581.8 -22.55 Negative
17/08/2004 1624 1628.45 1597.45 1604.35 5.2 Positive
16/09/2003 1330.15 1362.1 1299.5 1357.95 28.7 Positive
15/09/2003 1371.75 1371.85 1322.65 1329.25 -42.85 Negative
12/09/2003 1405.55 1415.65 1367.15 1372.1 -31.05 Negative
11/09/2003 1409.65 1422.4 1399.6 1403.15 -6.4 Negative
10/09/2003 1407 . 1414.1 1389.65 1409.55 2.5 Positive
09/09/2003 1417.8 1430.7 1397.65 1407.05 -10.3 Negative

08/09/2003 1398.4 1420.25 1398.35 1417.35 18.95 Positive

05/09/2003 1373 1400.9 1372.75 1398.4 25.7 Positive

04/09/2003 1358.9 1382.6 1355.8 1372.7 13:35 Positive

03/09/2003 1387.2 1394.95 1353.6 1359.35 -26.1 Negative

02/09/2003 1375.95 1388.95 1366.9 1385.45 9.5 Positive

01/09/2003 1356.7 1379.4 1356.65 1375.95 19.4 Positive

29/08/2003 1341.2 1365.8 1340.8 1356.55 15.5 Positive

28/08/2003 1340.2 1349 1328.35 1341.05 0.75 Positive

27/08/2003 1318.75 1346.3 1318.75 1340.3 22.1 Positive

26/08/2003 1270.2 .1322.95 1269.5 1318,2 47.1 Positive

25/08/2003 1311,95 1332.55 1245.85 1271.1 -40.05 Negative

22/08/2003 1301.5 1319.45 .1298.8 1311.15 10.2 Positive

21/08/2003 1288.2 1304.15 1287 1300.95 13.55 Positive

20/08/2003 1280.8 1292.95 1280.8 1287.4 9.7 Positive

19/08/2003 1286.05 1307.6 1268.1 1277.7 -3.7 Negative

18/08/2003 1247.9 1285.7 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive

16/09/2002 991.75 997 983.55 985.75 -6.25 Negative

13/09/2002 1001.4 1001.4 989.85 992 -9.65 Negative

12/09/2002 998.95 1005.15 998.8 1001.65 2.8 Positive

11/09/2002 998.6 1002.35 993.35 998.85 0.3 Positive

09/09/2002 992.05 1005.85 985.25 998.55 3.35 Positive

Chapter 6: Predicting die Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 205
Aspects While Sun In Leo

30/08/2007 436035 4422 3 4359.75 4412.3 53 Positive

29/08/2007 4317.7 4368.6 4226.35 4359.3 38.6 Positive

28/08/2007 4302.4 4329.15 4280.6 4320.7 18.1 Positive

27/08/2007 4193.6 4310 4193.6 4302.6 112.45 Positive

24/08/2007 4113.05 4201.45 4110.05 4190.15 75.2 Positive

23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 - 4100,8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative

22/08/2007 4081.25 4165.7 4040.15 4153.15 78.25 Positive

21/08/2007 4209.55 4238.1 4058.55 4074.9 -134.15 Negative

20/08/2007 4108.95 4262.6 4108.95 4209.05 101 Positive

Fallowing observations have been made !n the Intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Leo and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac;

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty &, Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrologicat phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 18.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

16/09/2011 512335 5143.6 5068.1 5084.25 8.55 Positive
19/08/2011 4859.3 4893.6 4796.1 4845.65 -98,5 Negative
31/08/2010 5413.55 5413.9 5348.9 5402.4 -13.05 Negative
30/08/2010 5408.9 5469 539035 5415.45 6.75 Positive
10/09/2009 4814.35 4889,05 4807.9 4819.4 5,15 Positive
09/09/2009 4804.9 4825.05 4783.5 4814.25 9 Positive
08/09/2009 4782.85 4842.2 4782.65 4805.25 22.35 Positive
22/08/2008 4283.85 4337 4248 4327.45 43.6 Positive
12/09/2006 3363.3 3395.05 3328.45 3389.9 23,75 Positive
11/09/2006 347035 3486.65 3351.3 3366.15 -105.3 Negative
25/08/2005 2323.1 2359.2 2320.7 2354,55 32,05 Positive
24/08/2005 2326.1 2334.9 2300.45 2322.5 -4535 Negative
03/09/2004 1629.65 1636.1 • 1622.1 1634.1 4,8 Positive
206 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

15/09/2003 1371.75 1371.85 1322.65 . 1329.25 -42.85 Neaativp

1307.6 ;
19/08/2003 1286.05

1268.1 1277.7 -3.7

18/08/2003 1247.9 1285.7 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive

29/08/2002 985.85 989.4 981.45 987.25 1.55 Positive
28/08/2002 987.35 988.1 981.1 985.7 -2 Neoative

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Leo:

This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 19 observations out of total 20.

Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/08/2011 4925.15| 4965.8| 4863.8 I 4948.9 50.1 Positive 1
22/08/2011 4843.7| 4910.05) 4808.75 I 4898.8 53.15) Positive)
02/09/2010 | 5471.9| 5513.95| 5471.85 | 5486.15 14.3) Positive)
101/09/2010 | 5403.05| 5478.6 ( 5403.05 t 5471.85 69.45) Positive)

111/09/2009 I 4819.41 4856.15| 4791.55 4829.55 10.15) Positive)

125/08/2008 1 4317.951 4398.8] 4317.95 4335.35 7.9) Positive)

04/09/2007 4481.55) 4501.3) 4460.4 4479.25 4.5) Positive

03/09/2007 4466.65) 4490.55 4452.4 4474.75 10.75) Positive

14/09/2006 3454.6 3484 3454.6 3471.6 17.05) Positive

13/09/2006 | 3389.85 3470.65 3389.8 3454.55 64.65 Positive

18/08/2006 3354.5 3366.25. 3332.2 3356.75 2.85 Positive

17/08/2006 3359.7 3385.15 3328.6 3353.9 -2.15 Negative

2354.6 2368.05 2340.2 2357.05 2.5 Positive

1643.95 1653.15 1641.8 1650.15 6.15 Positive
1634.45 1644 9.9 Positive
06/09/2004 1634.6 1649.15
1299.5 1357.95 28.7 Positive
16/09/2003 1330.15 1362.1
1298.8 1311.15 10.2 Positive
22/08/2003 1301.5 1319.45
1287 1300.95 13.55 Positive
21/08/2003 1288.2 1304.15
1287.4 9.7 Positive
1280.8 1292.95 1280.8
1010.6 23.35 Positive
987.65 1012.75 986.7
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithf & 207
Aspects While Sun in Leo

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly" results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 12 observations out of total 18.

Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/08/2011 4839,25 4872 4720 4747.8 -91.8 Negative
25/08/2011 4914.65 4915.85 4825.05 4839.6 -49.3 Negative
24/08/2011 4934.35 4962.4 4875,3 •4888.9 -60 Neoative
03/09/2010 5486.3 5510.4 5473.65 5479.4 -6.75 Negative
14/09/2009 4830.35 4832.25 4786.25 4808.6 -20.95 Negative

17/08/2009 4578.8 4578.8 4374.6 4387.9 -192.15 Negative

27/08/2008 4336.85 4364.25 4282.65 4292.1 -45.4 Negative

26/08/2008 4335.2 4345.05 4283.3 4337.5 2.15 Positive

07/09/2007 4518.65 4547.75 4499.9 4509.5 -9.1 Negative

06/09/2007 4475.7 4522.5 4445.55 4518.6 42.75 Positive

05/09/2007 4479.6 4507.75 4458.55 4475.85 -3.4 Negative

15/09/2006 | 3471.651 3487.45 3434,55 3478.6 7 Positive

(30/08/2005 I 2337.8] 2373.8 2337.75 2367.75 30.1 Positive

129/08/2005 I 2359.2] 2365.85 2312.6 2337.65 -19.4 Negative

(09/09/2004 | 1656.25 1662.4 1640.25 1649 -7.25 Neoative

108/09/2004 | 1650.6 1658.85 1648.25 1656.25 6.1 Positive

J 03/09/2002 j 1013.65 1014.8 999.4 1001.1 -12.4 Negative

(02/09/2002 | 1010.9 1024.65 1010.851 1013,5 2.9 Positive

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 15.
20B Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

06/09/2010 5479.55 5589.4 5479.55 5576.95 97.55 Positive
16/09/2009 4894.65| 4966.3 ,4894.65 1 4958.4 66.3 Positive
15/09/2009 4808.351 4899.45 4808.35 4892.1 83.5 Positive
29/08/2008 4230.6| 4368.8 4230.61 43601 146 Positive
28/08/2008 4290.75 4304.5 4201.85 4214 -78.1 Negative
23/08/2006 3363.6 3369.65 3325.1 3335.8 -28.8 Negative
22/08/2006 3369.6 3398.35 3351.5 3364.6 1 -1.4 Negative
21/08/2006 3356.8| 3374.9 3332.9 3366 9.25 Positive
02/09/2005 2406.451 2422.1 2396.1 2415.8 10.05 Positive
01/09/2005 2384.7| 2412.35 2382.9 2405.75 21.1 Positive
31/08/2005 2369.05] 2387 2355 2384.65 16.9 Positive
26/08/2003 1270.2] 1322.95 1269.5 1318.2 . 47.1 Positive
25/08/2003 1311.95 1332.55 1245.85 1271.1 -40.05 Negative
05/09/2002 1006.9 1013.45 1004.2 1008.6 1.65 Positive
04/09/2002 1000.7] 1008.8 990.85 1006.95] 5.85] Positive

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
, price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 15.

Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Leo

Dete Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


30/08/2011 4973.25 5016.25 4927.55 5001 81.4 Positive

29/08/2011 4806.2 4934.4 4806.05 4919.6 171.8 Positive

08/09/2010 5604.25 5625.3 5567.75 5607.85 3.85 Positive

5575.9 5625.5 5571.65 5604 27.05 Positive

4509.65 4538.6 4487.15 4497.05 -10.8 Negative
4506.85 4515.25 4452.95 4507.85 -1.65 Negative
3402.7 3368.55 3385.95 15.55 ' Positive
25/08/2006 3368.55
3304.85 3370.4 34.6 Positive
24/08/2006 3336.65 3379.55
Chapter & Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Titht s 209
Aspects While Sun in Leo

14/09/2004 1675.2 1686.8 1668.45 f 1685.551 10.35 Positive

13/09/2004 1668.25 1681.75 1668.05 1675.2 26.2 Positive
18/08/2004 1604.15 1604.15 1577.25 1581,8 -22.55 Negative

17/08/2004 1624 1628,45 1597.45 1604.35 5.2 Positive

28/08/2003 1340.2 1349 1328.35 1341.05 0.75 Positive

27/08/2003 1318.75 1346.3 1318.75 1340.3 22,1 Positive

06/09/2002 1008.451 1008,45 992.7 995.2 -13.4 Negative

5. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results-into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index i n 11 observations out of total 15.

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


09/09/2010 5608.3 5647.45 5608.1 564d.05 32.2 Positive

24/08/2009 '4536.95 4656.3 4536.951 4642.8| 254.9 Positive!

02/09/2008 4358.85 4522.4 4343.1 45041 155.35 ( Positive

01/09/2008 4356.1 4365 4281.35 4348,65 -11.35 Negative

114/09/2007 4530 4582.6 4508.85 4518 -10.95 Negative

113/09/2007 4498.05 4540.6 4498.05 4528.95 32.1 Positive

(12/09/2007 4498.65 4531.5 4490.4 4496.85 -0.2 Negative

|28/08/2006 3386 3405.3 3377.75 3401.1 15.15 Positive

06/09/2005 2422.4 2436.25 2417 2428.65 5.7 Positive

05/09/2005 2417.1 2439.55 2414.95 2422.95 7.15 Positive

16/09/2004 1683.6 1708 1677.35 1705.7 22.5 Positive
15/09/2004 1685.7 1694,45 1675,85 1683.2 -2.35 Negative
20/08/2004 1609.2 1610.6 1584.05 1590.35 -18.85 Negative
19/08/2004 1581.9 1612.5 1581.9 1609.2 27.4 1 Positive

29/08/2003 1341.2 1365.8 1340.8 1356.55 15.5 Positive

09/09/2002 | 992,05 j 1005.851 985.25 998.55 3,35 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
210 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 13.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

02/09/2011 5109.8 5113.7 4993.35 5040 39 Positive
26/08/2009 4659.45 4597.8 4659.1 4680.85 21.5 Positive
25/08/2009 4641.65 4672.9 4582,5 4659.35 16.55 Positive
05/09/2008 4444.7 4444,7 4328.9 4352.3 -95.45 Negative
04/09/2008 4512.95 4514.6 4419.45 4447.75 -56.25 Negative
20/08/2007 4108.95 4262.6 4108.95 4209.05 101 Positive
30/08/2006 3425.8 3440.2 3407,75 3430.35 4.65 Positive
29/08/2006 3405.05 3434.95 3396.1 3425,7 24.6 Positive
09/09/2005 2448.8 2462.8 2441.9 2455.45 1 Positive
08/09/2005 2429 2456.9 2429 2454.45 25.8 Positive
02/09/2003 1375.95 1388.95 1366.9 1385.45 9.5 Positive
01/09/2003 1356.7 1379.4 1356,65 1375.95 19,4 Positive
11/09/2002 - 998.6 1002.35 993.35 998.85 0.3 Positive

8. Moon trahslting through Scorpio while Sun is in Leo: This

astrologicai combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astroiogical phenomenon, as from the foliowing
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 12 observations out of total 19.

Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Ciose Gain/ Trend


05/09/2011 4998.9 5030.3 4964.45 5017.2 -22.8 Negative

5860.95 65.4 Positive

15/09/2010 5795.25 5869.45 5792.2
5838.45 5760.3 5795.55 35.55 Positive
14/09/2010 5760.3
5760 119.95 Positive
13/09/2010 5639.2 5770.6 5639.2
5479.15 65 Positive
18/08/2010 5416.25 5487.95 5416.25

5443.55 5408.8 5414,15 -4.15 Negative

17/08/2010 5422.15
4732.35 44.15. Positive
4688,4 4743.75 4651.4
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nitty & Sen sex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 211
Aspects While Sun in Leo

27/08/2009 4679 4707.91 4645.15 4688.2 7.35 Positive

08/09/2008 4358.3 45581 4358.3 4482.3 130 Positive

22/08/2007 4081.25 4165.71 4040.15 4153.15 78.25 Positive

21/08/2007 4209.55 4238.11 4058.55 4074.9 -134.15 Negative

01/09/2006 3414 3439.51 3402.9 3435.45 21.55 Positive

31/08/2006 3404.5 3452.31 3403.65 3413.9 -16.45 Negative

24/08/2004 1578.2 1597.9! 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive
23/08/2004 1590.9 1595,551 1573.7 1578,2 -12.15 Negative
04/09/2003 1358.9 1382.61 1355.8 1372.7 13.35 Positive
03/09/2003 1387.2 1394.95| 1353.6| 1359.35 -26.1 Negative
13/09/2002 1001.41 1001.41 989.851 992 -9.65 Negative
12/09/2002 998.95| 1005.15! 998.81 1001.65 2.8 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. the following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 12 observations out of total 19.

Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun Is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


07/09/2011 5080.15 5154.5 5076.3 5124.65 60.35 Positive

06/09/2011 4993.35 5072.9 4942.9 5064.3 47.1 Positive
16/09/2010 5861.1 5901.65 5815.8 5828.7 -32.25 Negative

20/08/2010 5540.8 5546.6 5513.35 5530.65 -9.55 Negative

19/08/2010 5478.25 5544.7 5478.1 5540.2 61.05 Positive
31/08/2009 4730.85 4730.85 4635 , 4662.1 -70.25 Negative
10/09/2008 4467.5 4467.5 4382.35 4400.25 -68.45 Negative
09/09/2008 4485.15 4497.5 4418.95 4468.7 -13.6 Negative
24/08/2007 4113.05 4201.45 4110.05 4190.15 75.2 Positive
23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative
04/09/2006 3435.55 3483.1 3435.55 3476.85 41.4 Positive
13/09/2005 2484 2503 2477.1 2500.35 16.2 Positive
12/09/2005 2455.85 2486.35 2455.85 2484.15 28.7 Positive
17/08/200? 2369.8 2406.25 2357.5 2403.15 33.35 Positive
212 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

26/08/2004 1595.751 1613.25| 1593.451 1610.75 15.051 Positive

25/08/2004 1592.2 1598.55 1586.351 1595.7 4.1 Positive
05/09/2003 1373 1400.9 1372.75| 1398.4 25.7 Positive
16/09/2002 991.75 997 983.55 985.75 . -6.25 Negative
19/08/20Q2 979.4 983.55 978.2 979.85 0.6 Positive

10. Moon transiting" through Capricorn while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside.
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains-this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 12 observations out of total 19.

Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

09/09/2011 5161.3 5163.75 5046.8 5059.45 -93.8 Negative

08/09/2011 5139.2 5169.25 5098.25 5153.25 28.6 Positive

23/08/2010 5531,15| 5549.8 5519.4 5543.5 12i851 Positive I

02/09/2009 4624 4650.45 4576.6 4608.35 -17 Negative

01/09/2009 4662.2 4735.9 4600.65 4625.35 -36.75 Negative

12/09/2008 4291.6 4323.9 4200,15 4228.45 -61.85 Negative

11/09/2008 4397.25 4399.3 4272.75 4290i3 -109.95 Negative

27/08/2007 4193,6 4310 4193.6 4302.6 112,45 Positive

0.6/09/2006 3474,4 3490.7 3465.8 3477.25 3.5 Positive

05/09/2006 3471.4 3488.6 3457.9 3473.75 -3.1 Negative

15/09/2005 2492.85 2527.5 2492.75 2523.95 31.5 Positive

14/09/2005 2500,4 2514.75 2476 2492.45 -7.9 Negative

19/08/2005 2400,8 2409.35 2378.45 2383.45 -5 Negative

18/08/2005 2404.65 2426.65 2380.7 2388.45 -14.7 Negative

27/08/2004 1610.85 1617,25 1600.15 1609 -1.75 Negative

08/09/2003 1398.4 1420.25 1398,35 1417.35 18.95 Positive

22/08/2002 1 988.55 995.3 983.45 985.7 -2.75 Negative

988.6 994,25 984.35 988.45 -0.1 Negative

990.85 979.05 988,55 8,7 Positive
20/08/2002 079.75
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 213
Aspects While Svn in Leo

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Leo: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Leo: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Leo and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in Leo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 10,

Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


16/09/2011 5123.35 5143.6 5068.1 5084.25 8.55 Positive

19/08/2011 4859.3 4893.6 4796.1 4845.65 -98.5 Negative

30/08/2010 5408.9 5469 5390.35 5415.45 6.75 Positive

i 08/09/2009 4>82.85 4842.2 4782.65 4805.25 22.35 Positive

22/08/2008 4283.85 4337 4248 4327.45 1 43,6 Positive

11./09/2006 3470.35 3486.65 3351.3 3366.15 -105.3 Negative

24/08/2005 2326.1 2334.9 2300.45 2322.5 -45.35 Negative

03/09/2004 1629.65 1636.1 1622.1 1634,1 4.8 Positive

18/08/2003 1247.9 1285.7 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive

28/08/2002 987.35 988.1 981.1 985.7 -2 Negative

214 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Moon transiting through Krittlka Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in ail 8 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/08/Z01X 4843.7 4910.05 4808.75 4898.8 53.15 Positive

01/09/2010 5403.05 5478.6 5403.05 5471.85 69.45 Positive

10/09/2009 4814.35 4889.05 4807,9 4819,4 5.15 Positive

03/09/200? 4466.65 4490.55 4452.4 4474.75 10,75 Positive

26/08/2005 2354.6 2368.05 2340,2 2357.05 2.5 Positive

16/09/2003 1330.15 1362.1 1299.5 1357.95 28.7 Positive

1280.8 1292.95 1280,8 1287.4 9.7 Positive

987.65 1012.75 . 986,7 1010.6 23.35 Positive

4. Moon transiting through Rohlni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
Into upmove In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astroiogical phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 215
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High tow Close Gain/ Trend

23/08/2011 4925.15 4965.8 4863,8 4948.9 50,1 Positive
02/09/2010 5471.9 5513.95 5471.85 5486,15 14.3 Positive
11/09/2009 4819.4 4856.15 4791.55 4829.55 10.15 Positive
04/09/2007 4481.55 4501.3 4460.4 4479.25 4.5 Positive
13/09/2006 3389.85 3470.65 3389,8 3454.55 64.65 Positive
17/08/2006 3359.7 3385.15 3328,6 3353.9 -2.15 Negative
06/09/2004 1634,6 1649.15 1634.45 1644 9.9 Positive
21/08/2003 1288.2 1304.15 1287 1300.95 13.55 Positive

, 5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. he following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


24/08/2011 4934.35 4962.4 4875.3 4888.9 -60 Negative

03/09/2010 5486.3 5510.4 5473.65 5479.4 -6.75 Neaative

25/08/2008 4317.95 4398.8 4317.95 4335.35 7.9 Positive

05/09/2007 4479.6 4507.75 4458.55 4475.85 -3.4 Neaative

14/09/2006 3454.6 3484 3454.6 3471.6 17.05 Positive

18/08/2006 3354.5 3366.25 .3332.2 3356.75 2.85 Positive
07/09/2004 1643.95 1653.15 1641.8 1650.15 6.15 Positive
22/08/2003 1301.5 1319.45 1298.8 1311.15 10.2 Positive

6, Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun is in Leo;

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
216 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

25/08/2011 4914.65 4915.85 4825.05 4839.6 -49.3 Negative
17/08/2009 4578.8 4578.8 4374.6 4387.9 -192.15| Negative
26/08/2008 4335.2 4345.05 4283.3 4337.5 2.15 Positive
06/09/2007 4475.7| 4522.5 4445.551 4518.6 42.75 Positive
115/09/2006 3471.65 3487.45 3434.55 3478.6 7 Positive
29/08/2005 2359.2 2365.85 2312.6 2337.65 -19.4 Negative
08/09/2004 1650.6 1658.85 1648.25 1656.25 6.1 Positive
|02/09/2002 | 1010.9 1024.65 1010.85 1013.5 2.9 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Punanrasu Nakshatra while

Sun is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall o r downside in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


26/08/2011 4839.25 4872 4720 4747.8 -91.81 Negative!

14/09/2009 4830.35 4832.25 4786.25 4808.6 -20.951 Negative |

27/08/2008 4336.85 4364.25 4282.65 4292.1 -45.4 Negative

07/09/2007 4518.65 4547.75 4499.9 4509.5 -9.1 Negative

Positive y
30/08/2005 2337.8 2373.8 2337.75 2367,75 30,1

09/09/2004 1656.25 1662,4 1640.25 1649 -7.25 Negative

03/09/2002 1013,65 1014,8 999.4 1001,l| -12,4 Negative

8. Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results Into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ttthi & 217
Aspects While Son in Leo

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


15/09/2009 4808.35 4899.45 4808.35 4892.1 83.5 Positive

28/08/2008 4290.75 4304.5 4201.85 4214 -78.1 Negative

21/08/2006 3356.8 3374.9 3332.9 3366 9.25 Positive
1/9/2005 2384.7 2412.35 2382.9 2405.75 21.1 Positive
31/08/2005 2369.05 2387 2355 2384.65 16.9 Positive
25/08/2003 1311.95 1332.55 1245.85 1271.1 -40.05 Negative
4/9/2002 1000.7 1008.8 990.85 1006.95 5.851 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


6/9/2010 5479.55 5589.4 5479.55 5576.95 97.55 Positive

16/09/2009 4894.65 4966.3 4894.65 4958.4 66.3 Positive

29/08/2008 4230.6 4368.8 4230.6 4360 146 Positive

-23/08/2006 3363.6 3369.65 3325.1 3335.8 -28.8 Negative

22/08/2006 3369.6 3398.35 3351.5 3364.6 -1.4 Negative

2/9/2005 2406.45 2422.1 2396.1 2415.8 10.05 Positive

26/08/2003 1270.2 1322.95 1269.5 1318.2 47.1 Positive
5/9/2002 1006.9 1013.45 1004.2 1008.6 1.65 Positive

10, Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical
data accertains this astrological' phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.
218 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is

>in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


29/08/2011 4806.2 4934.4 4806.05 4919.6 171.8 Positive

7/9/2010 5575.9 5625.5 5571.65 5604 27.05 Positive
10/9/2007 4506.85 4515.25 4452.95 4507.85 -1.65 Negative
24/08/2006 3336.65 3379.55 3304.85 3370.4 34.6 Positive
13/09/2004 1668.25 1681.75 1668.05 1675.2 26.2 Positive
27/08/2003 1318.75 1346.3 1318.75 1340.3 22.1 Positive
6/9/2002 1008.45 1008.45 992.7 995.2 -13,4 Neqatave

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra

while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/08/2011 4973.25 5016.25 4927.55 5001 81.4 Positive
8/9/2010 5604.25 5625.3 5567.75 5607.85 3.85 Positive
11/9/2007 4509.65 4538.6 4487.15 4497.05 -10.8 Negative
25/08/2006 3368.55 3402.7 3368.55 3385.95 15.55 Positive

14/09/2004 1675.2 1686.8 1668.45 1685.55 1035 Positive

18/08/2004 1604.15 1604.15 1577.25 1581.8 -22.55 Negative

117/08/2004 | 1624[ 1628.451 1597,45 1604.351 5.2) Positive

128/08/2003 | 1340.2t 13491 1328.35| 1341.051 0.751 Positive

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: The implication of this astrological combination Is

neutral to the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 6: predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthl & 219
Aspects While Sun in Leo

13. Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

2/9/2008 4358.85 4522.4 4343.1 4504 155.35 Positive
13/09/2007 4498.05 4540.6 4498.05 4528.95 32.1 Positive

6/9/2005 2422.4 2436.25 2417 2428.65 5,7 Positive

16/09/2004 1683.6 1708 1677.35 1705.7 22.5 Positive

20/08/2004 1609.2 1610.6 1584.05 1590.35 -18.85 Negative

9/9/2002 992.05 1005.851 985.25 998.55 3.35 Positive

14. Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun isin Leo:
The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter or Saturn then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

15. Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun

isin Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.
220 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gam/ Trend

) 2/9/2011 5109.8 5113.7 4993.35 5040 39 Positive
| 25/08/2009 | 4641.65 4672.9 4582.5 4659.35 16.55 Positive
4/9/2008 4512.95 4514.6| 4419.45 4447.75 -56.25 Negative
29/08/2006 3405.05 3434.951 3396.1 3425.7 24.6 Positive
8/9/2005 2429 2456.9| 2429 2454.45 25.8 Positive
1/9/2003 1356.7 1379.4| 1356.65 1375.95 19.4 Positive

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


13/09/2010 1 5639.21 5770.6 5639.2| 5760 119.951 Positive

1 26/08/2009 1 4659.451 4697.81 4659.l| 4680.851 21.51 Positive)

j 5/9/2008 4444,7 4444.7 4328.9 4352.3 -95.45 Negative

120/08/2007 4108.95 4262.6 4108.95 4209.05 10.1 Positive

| 30/08/2006 3425.8 3440.2 3407.75 3430.35 4.65 Positive

9/9/2005 2448.8 2462.8 2441.9 2455.45 1 Positive

1375.95 1388.95 1366.9 1385.45 . 9.5 Positive

1002.35 993.35 998.85 0.3 Positive
11/9/2002 998.6|

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of tota
222 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the

following empherlcal data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 10,

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

6/9/2011 4993.35 5072.9 4942.9 5064.3 47.1 Positive
(16/09/2010 5861.1 5901.651 5815.81 5828.7 -32.25 Neaatlve
[20/08/2010 5540.8 5546.6 ( 5S13.35| 5530.65 -9.55 Negative
19/08/2010 5478.25 5544.7 5478.1 5540.2 61.05 Positive
9/9/2008 4485.15 4497.5 4418.95 4468.7 -13.6 Negative
24/08/2007 4113,05 4201.45 4110.05 4190.15 75.2 Positive
23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative
12/9/2005 2455.85 2486.35 2455.85 2484.15 28.7 Positive
25/08/2004 1592.2 ( 1598.551 1586.35! 1595.7 4.1 Positive
5/9/2003 13731 1400.91 1372.751 1398.4 25.7 Positive

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

Is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Leo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


5154.5 5076,3 5124.65 60.35 Positive

7/9/2011 5080.15
4730.85 4730.85 4635 4662.1 -70.25 Negative
4467.5 4382.35 4400.25 -68,45 Negative
10/9/2008 4467.5
16.2 Positive
13/09/2005 2484 .2503 2477.1 - 2500.35
2403.15 33.35 Positive
17/08/2005 2369.8 2406.25 2357.5
1610.75 15.05 Positive
26/08/2004 1595.75 1613.25 1593.45
979.85 0.6 Positive
19/08/2002 979.4 983.55 978.2
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshaha, Yoga, Tim & 223
Aspects White Sun in Leo

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 9.

Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

1 8/9/2011 5139.2 5169.25 5098.25 5153.25 28,6 Positive
1 1/9/2009 4662.2 4735.9 4600.65 462535 "36,75 Negative
11/9/2008 4397.25 4399.3 4272.75 42903 -109.95 Negative
4/9/2006 3435.55 3483.1 3435.55 3476.85 41.4 Positive
14/09/2005 2500.4 2514.75 2476 2492.45 -79 Negative

118/08/2005 2404.65 2426.65 2380.7 2388.45 -14.7 Negative

127/08/2004 1610.85 1617.25 1600.15 1609 -1.751 Negative 1
16/09/2002 991.75 997 983.55 985.75 -6.25 (Negative 1
20/08/2002 979.75 1 990.85 979.05 388.55 8.71 Positive

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo; This astrological combination mostly results into fail or
downside i n the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of

total 7.
224 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/08/2010 5541.1 5547.25 5488.45 5505.1 -38.4 Negative
3/9/2009 4608.75 4647,35 4581.05 4593.55 -14.8 Negative
6/9/2006 3474.4 3490,7 3465.8 3477.25 3.5 Positive
16/09/2005] 2524.9] 2555.11 2519.05 2552,35 28.4 Positive
19/08/2005 2400.8 2409.35 2378.45 2383.45 ^5 Negative
9/9/2003 1417.8 1430.7 1397.65 1407.05 -10.3 Negative
22/08/2002 988.55 995.3 983.45 985.71 -2.75|NeaatIve|

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove"
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


25/08/2010 5505.3 5506.15 5452.55 5462.35 -42.75 Negative

4/9/2009 4608.7 4697.2 4580.35 4680.4 86.85 Positive |

18/08/2008 4430.7 4447.4 4379.85 4393.05 -37.65 Negative

28/08/2007 4302.4 4329.15 4280.6 4320.7 18.1 Positive

7/9/2006 3477.15 3478.85 3438.8 3454.55 -22.7 Neaative

30/08/2004 1609,45 1629.9 1609,2 1628.45 19.45 Positive

10/9/2003 1407 1414.1 1389.65 1409.55 2.5 Positive

23/08/2002 ( 985.75 996.4 984,7 995.2 9.5 Positive

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo: The'implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 225
Aspects While Sun in Leo

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 11.

Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close (Sain/ Trend

14/09/2011 4965.05| 5026.15 4917.4 5012.55 71.6 Positive
13/09/2011 4977.8 5030,15 4911.05 4940.95 -5.85 Negative
17/08/2011 5030.3 5112.15 5017.25 5056.6 20.8 Positive
27/08/2010 5489.6 5495.2 5391.95 5408.7 -69.2 Negative
16/09/2008 4072.55 4090.1 3919.35 4074,9 2 Positive
20/08/2008 4365.45 4434.9 4365.45 4415.75 47.5 Positive
30/08/2007 4360.35 4422.3 4359.75 44123 53 Positive
22/08/2005 2383.45 2403.45 2355.75 2367.85 -15.6 Negative

1/9/2004 1631.7 1640.55 1631,1 1635.45 3.7 1 Positive 1

12/9/2003 1405.55 1415.65 1367.15 1372.1 -31.05 Negative

26/08/2002 992.4 1001.45 986.15 998.85 3,65 Positive)

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is in Leo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected fay Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
226 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Fallowing observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Leo and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty Index in
7 observations out of total 9.
Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

| Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

| 5/9/2011 4998.9 5030.3 4964.45 5017.2 -22.8 Neaatlve
j 14/09/2010 i 5760.3 5838.4S 5760.3 5795.55 35.55 Positive
119/08/2010 5478.25 5544.7 5478.1 5540.2 61.05 Positive
28/08/2009 4688.4 4743.75 4651.4, 4732.35 44.15 Positive
23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative

1/9/2006 3414 3439.5 3402.9 3435.45 21.55 Positive

25/08/2004 1592.2 1598.55 1586.35 1595.7 4.1 Positive

4/9/2003 1358.9 1382.6 1355.8 1372.7 13.35 Positive

12/9/2002 j 998.951 1005.15 998.8 1001.651 2.8 J Positive |

2. • Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Leo; This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty Index in
7 observations out of total 9.

Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Open High Low Ciosej Gain/ 1 Trend


5064,3 47.1 Positive

6/9/2011 4993.35 5072.9 4942.9 .
5860.95 65.4 Positive
.15/09/7010 5795.25 5869,45 5792.2
5513.35 5530,65 -9.55 Negative
20/08/2010 1 5540.8 5546.6
4482.3 130 Positive
—8/9/2008 | 4358.3, 4558 4358.3
Chapter 6: Predicting tfie Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthi & 227
Aspects While Sun In Leo

24/08/2007 4113.05 4201.45 4110.05 -4190.15 75.2 Positive

17/08/2005 2369.8 2406.25 2357,5 2403.15 33.35 Positive
26/08/2004 1595.75 1613.25 1593.45 1610.75 15.05 Positive
13/09/2002 1001.4 1001.4 989.85 992 -9.65 Neqatlve
19/08/2002 979.4 983.55 978.2 979.85 0.6 Positive

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon isaspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Leo; This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7,

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


1/9/2009 4662.2 4735.9 4600,65 4625.35 -3675 Negative

10/9/2008 4467.5 4467.5 4382,35 4400.25 -68.45 Negative

4/9/2006 3435.55 3483.1 3435.55 3476.85 41.4 Positive

13/09/2005 2484 2503 2477.1 2500.35 16.2 Positive

18/08/2005 2404.65 2426.65 23807 2388.45 -147 Negative

27/08/2004 1610.85 1617.25 1600.15 1609 -175 Negative

21/08/2002 988.6 994.25 984.35 988.45 -0.1 Negative

5, Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 7 observations out of total 10.
228 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

8/9/2011 5139.2 5169.25 5098.25 5153.25 28.6 Positive
123/08/2010 5531.15 5549.8| 5519.41 5543.5 12.851 Positive!
1 2/9/2009 1 4624 4650.451 4 576,6j 4608.35 -17l Neoativel
I 11/9/2008 ) 4397.25 4399.3| 4272.751 4290.3 -109.951 Negative 1
127/08/2007 | 4193.6i 4310| 4193.61 4302.6 112.45| Positive!
5/9/2006 3471.4 3488.6 3457.9 3473.75 -3.1 Negative
14/09/2005 2500.4 2514.75 2476 2492.45 -7.9 Negative
19/08/2005 2400.8 2409.35 2378.45 2383.45 . -5 Negative
16/09/2002 991.75 997 983.55 985.75 -6.25 Negative
122/08/2002 988.551 995.3! 983.45 985.71 -2.751 Negative 1

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Leo; The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Leo; The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter themt mostly
results into a fail or downside in the price of indices Nifty

8. Dhrit i Yoga day While Sun IsL®°: ?n MidPrS

re u ts
combination mostly * ' jna emphericai

of indices Nifty & Sensex. ™e. Sin^mlnw, as from

dataaa»rtainsthisastrologi a P observe the

the followingernp^Ma^w ^ 4

upmove in the price or

out of total 5.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 229
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

17/08/2011 5030.3 5112.15 5017.25 5056.6 20.8 Positive
26/08/2010 5462.1 5486.55 5454.7 5477.9 15.55 Positive
22/08/2005 2383.45 2403.45 2355.75 2367.85 -15.6 Negative
31/08/2004 1628.5 1634.8 1618.3 1631.75 3.3 Positive
10/9/2003 1407 1414.1 1389.65 1409.55 2.5 Positive

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex arid it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars or Saturn
then it mostly results into fall or downside in the price of
indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter
then it.mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex.

11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The foliowing empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in

5 observations out of total 8.
230 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Vrfddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/09/2011 5062.35 5091.45 4967.45 5075.7 63.15 Positive
(30/08/2010 5408.9 5469 5390.35 5415.451 6.75 . Positive
I 8/9/2009 4782.85 4842.2 4782.65 4805.251 22.35 Positive
(22/08/2008. 4283.85 4337 4248 4327.451 43.6 Positive
24/08/2005 2326.1 2334.9 2300.45 2322.51 -45.35 Negative
3/9/2004 1629.65 1636.1 1622.1 1634.11 4.8 Positive
119/08/2003 1286.05 1307.6 1268.1 1277.71 -3.7 Negative
! 28/08/2002 ! 987.35 988.1 981.1 985.7| -2 Negative

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


16/09/2011 5123.35 5143.6 5068.1, 5084.25 8.55 Positive

5413.55 5413.9 5348.9 5402.4 -13.05 Negative

4804.9 4825,05 4783.5 4814.25 9 Positive
3486,65 3351.3 3366.15 -105.3 Negative
11/9/2006 3470.35
2320.7 2354.55 32.05 Positive
25/08/2005 2323.1 2359.2
1280.8 1287.4 9.7 Positive
20/08/2003 1280.8 1292.95
981.45 987.25 1.55 Positive
29/08/2002 985.85 989.4

13, Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results Into upmove in the Price °f
Nifty & sensex. The following emphericaldataaaertainshis
astrological phenomenon, as from the J9
data we can observe the upmove fn the pnce of fty
8 observations out of total 10.
232 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

| Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/08/2011 I 4934.35 4962.4 4875.3 4888.9 -60 Negative
2/9/2010 | 5471.9 5513.95 5471.85 5486.15 14.3 Positive
11/9/2009 4819.4 4856.15 4791.55 4829.55 10.15 Positive
17/08/2009 4578.8 4578.8 4374.6 4387.9 -192.15 Negative
26/08/2008 4335.2 4345.05 4283.3 4337.5 2.15 Positive
13/09/2006 3389.85 3470.65 3389.8 3454.55 64.65 Positive
7/9/2004 | 1643.95 1653.15 1641.8 1650,15 6.15 Positive

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


25/08/2011 4914.65 4915.85 4825.05 4839,6 -49.3 Negative

3/9/2010 5486,3 j 5510.4 5473.65 5479.4 -6.75 Negative

27/08/2008 4336.85j 4364.25 4282.65 4292.1 -45.4 Negative

5/9/2007 4479.61 4507.75 4458.55 4475.85 -3.4 Negative

14/09/2006 3454.61 3484 3454.6 3471.6 17.05 Positive

29/08/2005 2359.2 2365.85 2312.6 2337.65 -19.4 Negative

1658.85 1648.25 1656.25 6.1 Positive

8/9/2004 1650.6
1013.5| 2.9 Positive
2/9/2002 . 1010.9 1024.65 1010.85

17. Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and It do not produce any decisive
up on down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: The imphcation of this
astrological combination Is neutral to the price ^emente n
• the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthl & 233
Aspects While Sun in Leo

up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices

Nifty & Sensex.

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in 6 observations
out of total 7.

Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

6/9/2010 5479.55 5589.4 5479.55 5576.95 97.55 Positive
15/09/2009 4808.35 4899.45 4808.35 4892.1 83.5 Posftrve
29/08/2008 | 4230.6 4368.8 4230.6 4360 146 Positive
23/08/2006 3363.6 3369.65 3325.1 3335.8 -28,8 Negative
1/9/2005 2384.7 2412.35 2382.9 2405.75 2U Positive
27/08/2003 1318.75 1346.3 1318J5 1340.3 22.1 Positive
5/9/2002 1006.9 1013.45 1004.2 1008.6 1.65 Positive

20. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in 6 observations
out of total 7.

Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


29/08/2011 4806.2 4934.4 4806.05 4919.6 171.8 Positive

7/9/2010 5575.9 5625.5 5571.65 5604 27.05 Positive

16/09/2009 4894.65 4966.3 4894.65 4958.4 66.3 Positive

24/08/2006 3336.65 3379.55 3304.85 3370.4 34.6 Positive

2/9/2005 2406.45 2422.1 2396.1 2415.8 10.05 Positive

17/08/2004 1624 1628.45 1597.45 1604.35 5.2 Positive

6/9/2002 1008.45 1008.45 992.7 995,2 -13.4 Negative

Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 235
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter

then it mostly results into upmove (n the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex,

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun Is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data acceitains this astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in all 5 observations
out of total 5.

Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High iLow Close Gain/ Trend

i . Loss
25/08/2009 4541*65 4672.9 4582.5 4659.35 16.55 Positive
13/09/2007 4498.05 4540.6 4498.05 4528.95 32.1 Positive 1
28/08/2006 3386 3405.3 3377.75 3401,1 15.15 Positive i
16/09/2004 1683.6 1708 1677.35 1705.7 * 22.5 Positive |
9/9/2002 992.05 1005.85 985.25 998.55 3.35 Positive 1

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 8,

Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


2/9/2011 5109.8 5113.7 4993.35 5040 39 Positive

26/08/2009 1 4659.45 4697.8 4659.1 4680.85 21.5 Positive

4/9/2008 4512.95 4514.6 4419.45 444775 -56.25 Negative

14/09/2007 4530 4582.6 4508.85 4518 -10.95 Negative

20/08/2007 4108.95 4262.6 4108.95 4209.05 101 Positive

29/08/2006 3405.05 3434.95 3396.1 3425.7 24.6 Positive

8/9/2005 2429 2456.9 2429 2454.45 25.8 Positive

1/9/2003 1356.7 1379.4 1356.65 1375.95 19.4 Positive

236 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

26. indra Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars, Jupiter
or Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Leo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 8.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/09/2010 5639.2 5770.6 5639.2 5760 119.95| Positive
18/08/2010 5416.25 5487.95 5416.25 5479.15 651 Positive
27/08/2009 4679 4707.9 4645.15 4688.2 7.351 Positive

22/08/2007 4081.25 4165.7 4040.15 4153.15 78.25| Positive

31/08/2006 3404.5 3452.3 3403.65 3413.9 -16.451 Negative

9/9/2005 2448.8 2462.8 2441.9 2455.45 ll Positive]

24/08/2004 1578.2 1597.9 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive

3/9/2003 1387.2 1394.95 1353.6 1359.35 -26.1 Negative

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Leo and at the same time while different lunar Tithis:

Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, 77th/ & 237
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/08/2011 4806.2 4934.4 4806.05 4919.6 171.8 Positive
9/9/2010 5608.3 5647.45 5608.1 5640.05 32.2 Positive
12/9/2007 4498.65 4531.5 4490.4 4496.85 -0.2 Negative
24/08/2006 3336.65 3379,55 3304.85 3370.4 34.6 Positive
15/09/2004 1685.7 1694.45 1675.85 1683.2 -2.35 Negative
28/08/2003 1340.2 1349 1328.35 1341.05 0.75 Positive

2, Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in Leo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


30/08/2011 4973.25 5016.25 4927.55 5001 81.4 Positive

1/9/2008 4356.1 4365 4281.35 4348.65 -11.35 Negative

13/09/2007 4498.05 4540.6 4498.05 4528.95 32.1 Positive

25/08/2006 3368.55 3402.7 3368.55 3385.95 15.55 Positive

5/9/2005 2417.1 2439.55 2414.95 2422.95 7.15 Positive

16/09/2004 1683.6 1708 1677.35 1705.7 22.5 Positive
17/08/2004 1624 1628.45 1597.45 1604.35 5.2 Positive
29/08/2003 1341.2 1365.8 1340.8 1356.55 15.5 Positive

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Leo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Venus then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
240 Predicting the Nffty & Sensex

following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 10.

Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open | High Low Close Gain/ Trend

| 6/9/2011 4993.35 5072.9 4942.9 5064.3 47.1 Positive
16/09/2010 5861.1 5901.65 5815.8 5828.7 -32.25 Negative
18/08/2010 . 5416.25 5487.95 5416.25 5479.15 651 Positive)
28/08/2009 " 4688.4 4743.75 4651.4 4732.35 44.15 Positive
9/9/2008 4485.15 4497.5 4418.95 4468.7 -13.6 Negative
8/9/2008 4358.3 4558 4358.3 4482.3 1301 Positive)
122/08/2007 4081.25 4165.7 4040.15 4153.15 78.25 Positive
| 12/9/2005 | 2455.85 2486.35 2455.85 2484.15 28.7 Positive
124/08/2004) 1578.2 1597.9 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive
| 4/9/2003 | 1358.9 1382.6 1355.8 1372,7 13.35| Positive

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty &.Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


7/9/2011 5080.15 5154.5 5076.3 5124.65 60.35) Positive

19/08/2010 5478.25 5544.7 5478.1 5540,2 61.051 Positive

10/9/2008 4467.5 4467.5 4382.35 4400.25 -68.45 Negative

23/08/2007 4160.1 4249.85 4100.8 4114.95 -38.2 Negative

2503 2477.1 2500.35 16.2 Positive

13/09/2005 2484
1598.55 1586.35 1595.7 4.1 Positive
25/08/2004 1592.2
25.7 Positive
5/9/2003 1373 1400.9 1372.75 1398.4
997 983.55) 985.75 -6.25 Negative
,16/09/2002 991.75
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 241
Aspects While Sun in Leo

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 8.

Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


9/9/2011 5161.3 5163.75 5045.8 5059.45 -93.8 Negative

1/9/2009 4662.2 4735.9 4600.65 4625.35 -3675 Negative

12/9/2008 4291.6 4323.9 4200.15 4228.45 -61.85 Negative

5/9/2006 3471.4 3488.6 3457.9 347375 -3.1 Negative

15/09/2005 2492.85 2527.5 2492.75 2523.95 31.5 Positive

17/08/2005 2369.8 2406.25 2357.5 2403.15 3335 Positive

27/08/2004 1610.85 1617.25 1600.15 1609 -1.75 Negative

19/08/2002 979.4 983.55 978.2 979.85 0.6 Positive

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Ttayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.
242 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Cain/ Trend

2/9/2009 4624 4650.45 4576.6| 4608.35 -171 Negative |
16/09/2005 2524.9 2555.1 2519.05 2552.35 '28.4 Positive
8/9/2003 1398-4 1420.25 1398.35 1417.35 18.95 Positive
20/08/2002 979.75 990.85 979.05 988.55 8.7 Positive

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Leo; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury or Jupiter then it mostly results into a
fail or ddwnside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in Leo: This

astrological combination mostfy results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 9.

Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


12/9/2011 4981.7 4985.6 4911.25 4946.8 -112.65 Negative

24/08/2010 5541.1 5547.25 5488.45 5505.1 -38.4 Negative

4/9/2009 4608.7 4697,2 4580.35 4680.4 86.85 Positive

15/09/2008 4231.95 4237.25 3955.4 4072.9 -155.55, Negative

28/08/2007 * 4302,4 4329.15 4280.6 4320.7 18.1 Positive

7/9/2006 3477.15 3478.85 3438.8 3454.55 -22.7 Negative

19/08/2005 2400.8 2409.35 2378.45 2383.45 -5 Negative

1414.1 1389.65 1409,55 2.5 Positive

10/9/2003 1407
22/08/2002 988.55 995.3 983.45 985.7 -2,75 Negative
Chapter 6, Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Naksbatra, Yoga, Tithi & 243
Aspects While Sim in Leo

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results Into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total.8.

Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/09/2011 4977.8 5030.15 4911.05| 4940.95 -5.85 Negative
25/08/2010 5505.3 5506.15 5452.55| 5462.35 -42.75 Negative
16/09/2008 4072.55 4090.1 3919.35| 4074.9 2 Positive
29/08/2007 4317.7 4368.6 4226.351- 4359.3 38.6 Positive
8/9/2006 3454.65 3477.95 3442.85 3471.45 16.9 Positive
30/08/2004 1609.45 1629.9 1609.2 1628.45 19.45 Positive
11/9/2003 1409.65 1422.4 1399.6| 1403,15 -6.4 Negative
23/08/2002 985.75 996.4 984.7) 995.2 9.5 Positive

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in Leo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty 8t Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon> as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/09/2011 4965.05 5026.15 4917.4 5012.55 71.6 Positive
26/08/2010 5462.1 5486.55 5454.7 5477.9 15.55 Positive
18/08/2008 4430.7 4447.4 4379.85 4393.05 -37.65 Negative

30/08/2007 4360.35 44223 4359,75 4412.3 53 Positive

31/08/2004 1628.5 1634.8 1618.3 163175 33 Positive
12/9/2003 1405.55 1415.65 1367.15 1372.1 -31.05 Negative

2*4 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Leo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury or Saturn then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. Thefollowing empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is.

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

16/09/2011 5123.35 5143.6| 5068.1 5084.25 8.55 Positive |
17/08/2011 5030.3 5112.151 5017.25 i 5056.6 20.8 Positive |

8/9/2009 4782,85 4842.21 4782.65 4805.25 22.35 . Positive |

20/08/2008 4365.45 4434.91 4365.45 4415.75 47,5 Positive

31/08/2007 ' 4412.6 4471.3 4403 4464 51.7 Positive

11/9/2006 3470.35 3486.65 3351.3 3366.15 -105.3 Negative

2/9/2004 1635.5 1641.25 1619.9 1629.3 -6.15 Negative

27/08/2002 998.85 1003.3 985.7| 987.7| -11.15 Negative)

20. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Leo: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericai. data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 7.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Trthi & 245
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

19/08/2011 4859.3 4893.6 4796.1 4845.65 -98.5 Negative
18/08/2011 5077.95 5078.6 4932.15 4944.15 -112.45 Negative
9/9/2009 4804.9 4825.05 4783.5 4814.25 9 Positive
21/08/2008 4416.2 4418.55 4271,3 4283.85 -131.9 Negative
3/9/2004 1629.65 1636.1 1622.1 1634.1 4.8 Positive
15/09/2003 1371.75 1371.85 1322.65 1329.25 -42.85 Negative
28/08/2002 987.351 988.1 981.1 985.7 "2 Neaative

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Leo; This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9. .

Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


31/08/2010 5413.55 5413.9 5348.9 5402.4 -13.05 Negative

30/08/2010 5408.9 5469 5390,35 5415.45 6.75 Positive

10/9/2009 4814.35 4889.05 4807.9 4819.4 5.15 Positive

22/08/2008 4283.85 4337 4248 4327.45 43.6 Positive
12/9/2006 3363.3 3395.05 3328.45 3389.9 23.75 Positive
24/08/2005 2326.1 2334.9 2300.45 2322.5 -45.35 Negative
16/09/2003 1330.15 1362.1 1299.5 1357.95 28.7 Positive
18/08/2003 1247.9 12857 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive
29/08/2002 | 985.85 989.4 981.45 987.25 1.55 Positive

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun

• is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
216 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

1/9/2010 5403.05 5478.6 5403.05 5471.85 69.45 Positive
11/9/2009 4819.4 4856.15 4791.55 4829.55 10.15 Positive
3/9/2007 4466.65 4490.55 4452.4 4474.75 10.75 Positive
13/09/2006 3389.85 3470.65 3389.8 3454.55 64.65 Positive
25/08/2005 2323.1 2359.2 2320.7 2354.55 32.05 Positive
19/08/2003 1286.05 1307.6 1268.1 1277.7 -3.7 Negative
30/08/2002 987.65 1012.75 986.7 1010.6 23,35 Positive

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun

is in Leo: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The fottDWlrig empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 7 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/08/2011 4843,7 4910.05 4808.75 4898.8 53.15 Positive

2/9/2010 5471.9 5513.95 5471,85 5486,15 14.3 Positive

4501.31 4460.4 4479.25 4.5 Positive

4/9/2007 4481.55
3484 3454.6 3471.6 17.05 Positive
114/09/2006 3454.6
2357.05 2.5 Positive
126/08/2005 2354.6 2368.05 2340,2
1644 9.9 Positive
|—6/9/2004 1634.6 1649.15 1634.45
9.7 Positive
1^/08/2003 1280.8 1292.95 1280.81 1287.4

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in Leo:

This astrological combination mostly results into uprwvem

the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The foltow'ng empherfcal
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from me
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 249
Aspects While Sun in Leo

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in Leo: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fell or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Sun then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter ?: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 251
Aspects While Sim in Virgo

Sun in Virgo aspected by Moon

Date Open High Low dose Gain/ Trend


12/10/2011 5011.2 5109.8 4997.65 5099.4 125.05 Positive

11/10/2011 5019,9 5045.1 4964 4974.35 -5.25 Negative

10/10/2011 4886.85 4991.15 4882.05 4979.6 91.55 Positive |

28/09/2011 5005.5 5006.05 4918.45 4945.9 -25.35 Neaative

27/09/2011 4905,15 4982.95 4905.15 4971.25 135,85 Positive

08/10/2010 6121.4 6148.6 6067 6103.45 -16.85 Negative

07/10/2010 6186.85 6199,45 6107.5 6120.3 -66.15 Negative

24/09/2010 5959.45 6029.1 5951.2 6018.3 5875 Positive

23/09/2010 5991.05 6006.8 5932.4 5959.55 -31,45 Negative

16/10/2009 5108.65 5149.65 ■ 5093.2 5142.15 33.3 Positive

05/10/2009 5076,05 5076.05 4991.95 5003.2 -80.2 Negative

14/10/2008 3494.1 3648.25 3491.5 3518.65 27.95 Positive

13/10/2008 3272.9 3510.2 3272.91 3490.7| 210.75 ' Positive

30/09/2008 3848.7 3966.85 3715.05 3921.2 71.15 Positive

29/09/2008 3990.2 3997.55 3777.3 3850.05 -135.2 Negative

17/09/2008 4074.8 4116.7 3974.6 4008.25 -66.65 Neaative

11/10/2007 5438.9 5532.75 5424.25 5524.85 83.4 Positive

10/10/2007 5328,15 5454.7 5328.15 5441.45 114.2 Positive

28/09/2007 4996.45 5055.8 4996,45 5021.35 20.8 Positive

27/09/2007 4942.7 5016.4 4942.7 5000.55 60.05 Positive

06/10/2006 3565.45 3583.75 3560.9 3569.7 4.8 Positive
22/09/2006 ' 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative
17/10/2005 2488.4 2498.6 2459.5 2485.15 075 Positive
04/10/2005 2630 2667.05 2629.6 2663.35 33.3 Positive
03/10/2005 2601 2635 2597.2 2630,05 28.65 Positive
19/09/2005 2555,45 2579.7 2550.45 2567.1 1475 Positive
14/10/2004 1784.8 1805.7 1773 1794.75 7.85 Positive
12/10/2004 1808.45 1820.9 1783.05 1786.9 -20.85 Negative
29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 277 Positive
28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697,4 1700.25 -17.25 Negative
10/10/2003 1507.l| 1527.25 1505.1 [ 1523.1 . 21 Positive
09/10/2003 1487.851 1505.05 1478.4| 1502.1 \23.5 Positive
26/09/2003 ' 1357.55 1389.3 1357.35 1386.95 2^.75 Positive
23/09/2002 \ 969.85 974.75 967.35 970.3 07 Positive
252 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

2. Sun in Virgo aspected by Mars: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertaihs this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
65 observations out of total 102.

Sun in Virgo aspected by Mars

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ 1 Trend

01/10/2009 5087.2 5110.5 5057.05 5083.4 -0.55 Ttegative
30/09/2009 5007,65 5087.6 5004.35 5083.95 77-1 Positive
129/09/2009 1 4959.15 1 5020.25 4959.1 5006.85 47.9 Positive
25/09/2009 4985.1 4994.35 4931.25 4958.95 -27.6 Negative
24/09/2009 4977.15 5016.7 4904,05 4986.55 16.6 Positive
23/09/2009 5019.95 5030.75 4957.05 4969.95 -50.25 Negative
22/09/2009 4977.1 5036.3 4977.1 5020.2 44.15 Positive
118/09/2009 I 4963.95 4980.85 4931.9 4976.05 10.5 Positive
117/09/2009 j 4958.551 5003.05 4944.15 4955.551 7.15 Positive
24/09/2008 4125.75 4207.95 4115.85 4161.25 34.35 Positive
23/09/2008 4223.9 4224.7 4117.9 4126.9 -96.15 Negative
22/09/2008 4248.95 4303.25 4202.4 4223.05 -22.2 Negative

19/09/2008 4040.8 4262.65 4040.8 4245.25 207.1 Positive

18/09/2008 4005.25 4050.1 3799.55 4038.15 29.9 Positive

17/09/2008 4074.8 4116.7 3974.6 4008.25 -66.65 Negative

17/10/2007 5658.9 5658.9 5107.3 5559.3 -108.75 Negative

[ 16/10/2007 ! 5670.65 5708.35 5578.45 5668.05 -2,35 Negative

i 15/10/2007 | 5428.35 5682.65 5419.9 5670.4 242.15 Positive

112/10/2007 | 5525.3 5549.3 5402.6 5428.25 -96.6 Negative

5424.25 5524.85 83.4 Positive

j11/10/2007 | 5438.9 5532.75
5454.7 5441.45 114.2 Positive
10/10/2007 5328,15 5328.15
5327.25 242.15 Positive
09/10/2007 5062.65 5348.7 5000.95
08/10/2007 5186.25 5249.3 5024.75 5085.1 -100.75

5248.55 5164.5 5185.85 -22.8 Negative

05/10/2007 5208.15
5233.1 5126.05 5208.65 -2.15 Negative
04/10/2007 5211.65
5210,8 141.85 Positive
03/10/2007 5069 5261.35 5034.15
47.6 Positive
01/10/2007 5021.5 5089.3 5001.35 5068.95
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty St Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 253
Aspects White Sun in Virgo

28/09/2007 1 4996.45 5055.8 4996.45 5021.35 20.8 Positive

27/09/2007 4942.7 5016.4 4942.7 5000.55 60.05 Positive
26/09/2007 4937.6 4980.85 4930.35 4940.5 1.65 Positive]

25/09/2007 4939.1 4953.9 4878.15 4938.85 6.65 Positive
24/09/2007 4837.15 4941.15 4837.15 4932.2 94.65 Positive
21/09/2007 4752.95 4855.7 4733.7 4837.55 90 Positive
20/09/2007 4734.85 4760.85 4721.15 4747.55 15.2 Positive
19/09/2007 4550.25 4739 4550.25 4732.35 186.15 Positive
18/09/2007 4494.1 4551.8 4481.55 4546.2 51.55 Positive
17/09/2007 4518.45 4549.05 4482.85 4494.65 -23.35 Negative
13/10/2006 3621.65 3682.35 3621.65 3676.05 55 Positive
12/10/2006 3562.55 3626.8 3545.95 3621.05 62.5 Positive
11/10/2006 3581.55 3614.5 3544.25 3558.55 -8.6 Negative
09/10/2006 3570.05 3585.35 3540.45 3567,15 -2.55 Negative
106/10/2006 ( 3565.45! 3583.75 3560.9 3569.7 4.8 Positive
05/10/2006 3515.6 3574.95 3515.6 3564.9 49.55 Positive
04/10/2006 3570.95 3580.05 3508.65 3515.35 -54.25 Negative
03/10/2006 3588.95 3606.2 3561.7 3569.6 -18.8 Negative

29/09/2006 3572.15 3599.8 3564.7 3588.4 16,65 Positive

28/09/2006 3579.95 3589.3 356075 3571.75 -7.55 Negative

27/09/2006 3571.75 3603.7 3568.4 3579.3 7.55 Positive

26/09/2006- 3523.7 3576.75 3517.15 3571.75 48.3 Positive

25/09/2006 3545.1 3568.65 3514.85 3523.45 -20.6 Negative

22/09/2006 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative

21/09/2006 3506.7 3556.35 3506.7 3553.05 50.25 Positive

20/09/2006 3457.85 3509.85 3419.75 3502.8 45.45 Positive

19/09/2006 3493.5 3514.95 3438.8 3457.35 -35.4 Negative

18/09/2006 3478.65 3506.2 3478.4 3492.75 14.15 Positive

14/10/2004 1784.8 1805.7 1773 1794.75 7.85 Positive

12/10/2004 1808.45 1820.9 1783.05 1786.9 -20.85 Negative

11/10/2004 1817.85 1829.45 1803.5 1807.75 -7.95 Negative

07/10/2004 1793 1821.85 1793 1815.7 20.8 Positive

06/10/2004 1811.7 1824.8 1790.6 1794.9 -17.55 Negative

05/10/2004 1805.85 1816.55 1798.6 1812.45 6.8 Positive

04/10/2004 1776.75 1813.9 1775.45 1805.65 30.5 Positive

01/10/2004 1744.4 1778.65 1737.85 1775.15 29.65 Positive

254 Predicting the Nifty A Sensex

30/09/2004 1728.3 1748,2 1728.2 1745.5 17.55 Positive

29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 27.7 Positive
28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697,4 1700.25 -17.25 Negative
27/09/2004 1722.4 1726.15 1707.95 1717.5 -5 Negative
24/09/2004 1726.15 1736,9 1717.2 1722.5 -3.65 Negative
23/09/2004 1753.1 1753.15 1723.4 1726,15 "27:75 Negative
22/09/2004 1749.75 1760.8 1736.3 1753.9 3.7 Positive
21/09/2004 1728.75 1753 1724.7 1750,2 21,4 Positive
20/09/2004 1734.05 1741,55 1725.3 1728.8 -4.85 Negative
17/09/2004 1702.7 1736.4 1702.7 1733.65 27.95 Positive
16/10/2003 1537,3 1563.4 1537.3 1555.7 18,7 Positive
15/10/2003 1521.45 1543,85 1503 1537 16.2 Positive
14/10/2003 1548.7 1562.85 1513,75 1520.8 -25.95 Negative
13/10/2003 1523.35 1550,9 1516.05 1546.75 23,65 Positive
10/10/2003 1507.1 1527.25 1505,1 1523.1 21 Positive
09/10/2003 1487.85 1505.05 1478.4 1502.1 23.5 Positive

08/10/2003 1477.85 1493,05 1460.6 1478,6 0.75 Positive

07/10/2003 1478.95 1498.45 1467.75 1477.85 -1.05 Negative

05/10/2003 1449.45 1481.05 1423.75 1478.9 29.6 Positive

03/10/2003 1420.85 1451.2 1420.85 1449,3 28.45 Positive

01/10/2003 1416.6 1430.9 1407.95 1420.85 3.75 Positive

30/09/2003 1400.7 1418.1 1399.8 1417.1 17.15 Positive

29/09/2003 1386,9 1422.35 1386.1 1399.95 13 Positive

26/09/2003 1357,55 1389.3 1357.35 1386.95 29.75 Positive

25/09/2003 1371.45 1377.25 1352.8 1357.2 -14,85 Negative

24/09/2003 1324.85 1373.9 1322.65 1372.05 43.85 Positive

23/09/2003 1302.85 1333.7 1290,55 1328.2 25.3 Positive

22/09/2003 1319.25 1333.55 1300.25 1302,9 -19.25 Negative

1303.2 1331.05 1285.25 1322.15 19.8 Positive


18/09/2003 1341.45 1342.6 1299.25 1302.35 -39.25 Negative

17/09/2003 1357.95 1377.45 1332.2 1341.6 -16.35 Negative

17/10/2002 973.7 976,05 966,55 973.3 -0,3 Negative

971.7 973.6 1.15 Positive

16/10/2002 972.9 983.6
969 972.45 1.4 Positive
14/10/2002 971,5 976.5
958.45 971.05 12.6 Positive
11/10/2002 958.45 973.5
958.45 3.7 Positive
10/10/2002 954.8 960,45 945
Chapter 7; Predicting the Nifty & Senses with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 255
Aspects White Sun In Virgo

09/10/2002 [ 960,85 968.751 952.95 954.751 -6.05 Negative 1

08/10/2002 | 954.8 963.15 952.5 960.8 6.05 Positive 1
07/10/2002 | 947.8 956.35 946.25 954.75 6.55 Positive |

3. Sun in Virgo aspected by Mercury: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the pries pf nifty index in
66 observations out of total 118. . v

Sun in Virgo aspected by Mercury

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

07/10/2011 4883.65 4922.6 4861.2 4888.05 136.75 Positive
05/10/2011 4791.3 4827.8 4741 4751.3 -20.85 Negative
04/10/2011 4823.5 4869.75 4728.3 [ 4772.15 -77.35 Negative
03/10/2011 4874.4 4879.15 4823.9 I 4849.5 -93.75 Negative
130/09/2011 | 4990.15 5025.55! 4924.3 4943.25[, -72.2[Negative
29/09/2011 4924.2 5034.25 4906 5015.45 69.55 Positive
28/09/2011 5005.5 5006.05 4918.45 4945.9 -25.35 Negative
27/09/2011 4905.15 49fe2.95 4905.15 4971.25 135.85 Positive
26/09/2011 4878.6 4879.8 4758.85 4835,4 -32.35 Negative

23/09/2011 4873.75 4930.25 4829.6 4867.75 -55.9 Negative

15/10/2010 6175.9 6200,6 6050.35 6062.65 ♦114.7 Negative

14/10/2010 6234.3 6284.1 6157.9 6177.35 -56.55 Negative

113/10/2010 1 6091.45 6240.25 6089.75 6233.9 143 Positive.

12/10/2010 6135.95 6144.95 6057.95 6090.9 -44.95 Negative
11/10/2010 6105.95 6187.75 6105.95 6135.85 32.4 Positive
08/10/2010 6121,4 6148.6 6067 6103.45 -16.85 Negative

i 07/10/2010 | 6186.85 6199.45 6107.5 6120.3 -66.15 Negative

[06/10/2010 1 6150.95 6223.4 6148.6 6186,45 40.65 Positive

05/10/2010 6159.45 6188.35 6118.05 6145.8 -13.65 Negative

04/10/2010 6144.7 6222.1 6144.7 6159.45 16.05 Positive

01/10/2010 6030.3 6153.1 6030.3 6143.4 113.45 Positive

30/09/2010 5991,35 6048.45 5963.6 6029.95 38.65 Positive

16/10/2009 5108.65 5149.65 5093,2 5142.15 33.3 Positive

256 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

i nn -■ ■ 1 •' " —

15/10/2009 5118.55 5152.25 5077.1 5108.85 -9.35 Negative

14/10/2009 5054.355 5127,1 5054.35 5118.2 63.95 Positive

12/10/2009 4945.45 5068.05 4945,45 5054.25 109.05 Positive

09/10/2009 4993 5032.6 4934,55 4945.2 -57.05 Negative

08/10/2009 5011.25 5043.05 4971.75 5002.25 16.5 Positive

07/10/2009 5031.7 5077 4972.95 4985,75 -41.65 Negative

06/10/2009 5003.65 5034.7 4921.05 5027.4 24.2 Positive

05/10/2009 5076.05 5076.05 4991.95 5003.2 -80,2 Negative

i 23/09/20091 5019.951 5030.751 4957,05 1 4969.95 -50.251 Negative

22/09/2009 4977.1 5036.3 4977.1 5020,2 44.15 Positive

18/09/2009 4963.95 4980.85 4931.9 4976.05 10.5 Positive

17/09/2009 4958.55 5003,05 4944.15 4965.55 7.15 Positive

16/10/2008 3333.85 3333.85 3099.9 3269,3 -69.1 Negative
15/10/2008 3517.9 3518.5 3324.55 3338.4 -180.25 Negative
114/10/2008 3494.l| 3648.25 1 3491,5 [ 3518.65 27.95 Positive
113/10/2008 3272.9| 3510,2 i 3272,9 ! 3490,7 210.75 Positive
10/10/2008 3502.05 3502,05 3198,95 3279.95 -233.7 Negative
08/10/2008 3604.4 3604.4 3329,45 3513.65 -92.95 Negative
107/10/2008 3606.95 I 3732.65} 3537} 3606.6 4.25 Positive

106/10/2008 j 3817.3 3820.85} 3581.6} 3602,35 -215.95 Negative

03/10/2008 | 3953.55 3969,55} 3804.85 3818.3 -132,45 Negative

01/10/2008 | 3921.851 4000.5} 3861.25} 3950.75} 29,55 Positive

30/09/2008 | 3848.7 3966.85 3715.05} 3921.2 71.15} Positive

29/09/2008 3990,2 3997.55 3777.3 3850.05 -135,2 Negative

26/09/2008 4108.75 4110,7 3970.35 3985,25 -125.3 Negative

25/09/2008 4162.15 4172.6 4077.5 4110.55 -50.7 Negative

24/09/2008 4125.75 4207.95 4115,85 4161.25 34,35 Positive

23/09/2008 4223.9 4224.7 4117.9 4126.9 -96,15 Negative

22/09/2008 4248.95 4303.25 4202.4 4223.05 -22,2 Negative

19/09/2008 4040.8 4262,65 4040.8 4245,25 207.1 Positive

18/09/2008 4005.25 4050.1 3799,55 4038.15 29.9 Positive j

17/09/2008 4074,8 4116.7 3974,6 4008,25 -66.65 Negative

21/09/2007 4752.95 4855.7 4733.7 4837,55 90 Positive

20/09/2007 4734.85 4760.85 4721.15 4747.55 15.2 Positive

19/09/2007 4739 4550.25 4732.35 186.15 Positive

18/09/2007 ! 4494.1 4551.8 4481.55 4546.2 51.55} Positive}
Chapter 7: P/edicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, nth! & 257
Aspects White Sun in Virgo

17/09/2007 4518.45 4549.05 4482.85 4494.65 j -23.35 Negative

27/09/2006 3571.75 3603.7 3568.4 3579.3 1 7.55 Positive
|26/09/2006 3523.7 3576.75 3517.15 3571.75 I 48.3 ( Positive
(25/09/2006 3545.1 3568.65 3514.85 3523.451 -20.6 (Negative
(22/09/2006 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative
(21/09/2006 3506.7 3556.35 3506.7 3553.05 50.25 Positive
(20/09/2006 3457.85 3509.85 3419.75 3502.8 45.45 Positive
119/09/2006 3493.5 3514.95 3438.8 3457.35 -35.4 [Negative
18/09/2006 3478.65 3506.2 3478.4 3492.75 14.15 Positive
04/10/2005 2630 2667.05 2629.6 2663.35 33.3 Positive
03/10/2005 2601 2635 2597.2 2630.05 28.65 Positive
(30/09/2005 I 2607.9! 2623.05 2567.75 2601.4 -9.8 Negative
129/09/2005 I 2598.6| 2633.9 2589.45 2611.2 13,151 Positive
28/09/2005 I 2574.45 2602.95 2559.85 2598.05 23.21 Positive
27/09/2005 ( 2558.5 2592.5 t 2549.85 1 2574.85 17.5 Positive
26/09/2005 | 2477.85 I 2560.85) 2477.85 I 2557.35| 79.6 Positive
23/09/2005 J 2480.5 I 2507.9 I 2453.05 2477.75 1.25 Positive
22/09/2005 2567.85 2580.4 | 2465.85 2476.5 -101.5 Negative

20/09/2005 2567.2 2582.8 2546.6 2578 10.9 Positive

19/09/2005 2555.45 2579.7 2550.45 2567.1 14.75 Positive
11/10/2004 1817.85 1829.45 1803.5| 1807.75 -7.95 Negative

07/10/2004 1793| 1821.85 1793 1815.7 20.81 Positive

06/10/2004 | 1811.7 1824.8 1790.6 1794.9 -17.55 Negative

05/10/2004 1805.85 1816.55 1798.6 1812.45 6.8 Positive

04/10/2004 1776.75 1813.9 1775.45 1805.65 30.5 Positive

01/10/2004 1744.4 1778.65 1737.85| 1775.15 29.651 Positive

30/09/2004 1728.3 1748.2) 1728.2 1745.5 17.55| Positive

29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 27.7 Positive

28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697.4 1700.25 -17.25 Negative

27/09/2004 1722.4 1726.15 1707.95 1717.5 -5 Negative

16/10/2003 1537.3 1563.4 1537.3 1555.7 18.7 Positive

15/10/2003 1521.45 1543.85 1503 1537 16.2 Positive

14/10/2003 1548.7 1562.85 1513.75 1520.8 -25.95 Negative

13/10/2003 1523.35 1550.9 1516.05 1546.75 23.65 Positive

10/10/2003 1507.1 1527.25 1505.1 1523.1 21 Positive

09/10/2003 1487.85) 1505.05 1478.4 1502.1 23.5 Positive

258 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

108/10/2003 | 1477.85 1493.05 1460.6 1478.61 0.751 Positive I

[07/10/2003 | 1478.95 1498.45 1467.75) 1477,85| -l,05l Negative)
06/10/2003 1449.45 1481.05 1423.75 1478.9 29.6) Positivfe
17/10/2002 973.7 976.05 966.55 973.3 -0.3 Negative
16/10/2002 972.9 983.6 971.7 973.6 1.15 Positive
14/10/2002 971.5 976.5 969 972.45 1.4 Positive
11/10/2002 958.45 973.5 958.45 971.05 12.6 Positive
10/10/2002 954.8 960.45 945 -958.45 3.7 Positive
09/10/2002 960.85 968.75 952.95 954.75 -6.05 Negative
08/10/2002 954,8 963.15 952.5 960.8 6.05 Positive
07/10/2002 947.8 956.35 946.25 954.75 6.55 Positive
03/10/2002 955.35 957.9 945.8 948.2 -7 Negative
01/10/2002 961.15 964.2 950.3 955.2 -7.95 Negative
30/09/2002 976.15 976.15 961.55 963.15 -13.3 Negative
27/09/2002 969.95 978 969.25 976.45 6.55 Positive
26/09/2002 970.1 976.25 968.25 969.9 -0.15 Negative
25/09/2002 1 964.65 971.85 960.5 970.05 3.85 Positive
24/09/2002 j 969.95 969.95 960.2 966.2 -4.1 Negative

[23/09/2002 969.85 1 974.75 | 967.35 970.31 0.7 1 Positive!

20/09/2002 975.6 975.6 960.7 969.6 -6.45 Negative

19/09/2002 983.45 985.25 970.8 976.05 -7.55 Negative

(18/09/2002 ( 994.15 994.15 | 981.61 983.6 -11.31 Negative]

(17/09/2002 ( 985.75 996,8| 985.75| 994.9 | 9.15 Positive j

4. Sun in Virgo aspected by Jupiter; This astrological combination

mostfy results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the foltowing empherical
data we can obsen/e the upmove in the price of nifty index in
37 observations out of total 63.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithf & 259
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Sun in Virgo aspected by Jupiter

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


15/10/2010 6175.9 6200.6 6050.35 6062.65 -1147 Negative

14/10/2010 6234.3 6284.1 6157.9 6177.35 -56.55 Negative |

13/10/2010 6091.45 6240.25 6089.75 6233.9 143 Positive

12/10/2010 6135.95 6144.95 6057.95 6090.9 -44.95 Negative

11/10/2010 6105.95 6187.75 6105.95 6135.85 32.4 Positive

08/10/2010 6121.4 6148.6 6067 6103.45 -16.85 Negative

07/10/2010 6186.85 6199.45 6107.5 6120.3 •66.15 Negative
06/10/2010 6150.95 6223.4 6148.6 6186.45 40.65 Positive
05/10/2010 6159,45 6188.35 6118.05 6145.8 -13.65 Negative
04/10/2010 1 6144.71 6222.11 6144;7| 6159.45 16.05 Positive
01/10/2010 6030.3 6153.1 6030.3 6143.4 113.45 Positive
30/09/2010 5991.35 6048.45 5963.6 6029.95 38.65 Positive
129/09/2010 I 6029.151 6071.55! 5979.65| 5991.3 -38.21 Negative
(28/09/2010 6036.051 6049.8 5991.31 6029.5 -6.15 [Negative 1
127/09/2010 6018.3| 6073.5 6018.3| 6035.65 17.351 Positive
124/09/2010 5959.451 6029.1 5951.2| 6018.3 58.751 Positive 1
23/09/2010 5991.05 6006.8 5932.4 5959.55 -31.45 Negative
22/09/2010 6008.4 6037.4 5946.45 5991 -18.05 Negative
21/09/2010 5980.5 6032.8 5961.85 6009.05 28.6 Positive
20/09/2010 5885.05 I 5989.5 5885.05 1 5980.45| 95,5 Positive
117/09/2010 1 5828.7 1 5898.4 58287 I 5884.951 56.25 Positive
16/10/2009 5108.65 5149.65 5093.2 5142.15 33.3 Positive
15/10/2009 5118.55 5152.25 5077.1 5108.85 -9.35 Negative
14/10/2009 5054.35 5127.4 5054.35 5118.2 63.95 Positive
112/10/2009 | 4945.45 1 5068.05| 4945.45 5054.25 109,05 Positive
09/10/2009 4993 5032.6 4934.55 4945.2 -57.05 Negative
08/10/2009 5011.25 5043.05 497175 5002.25 16.5 Positive
07/10/2009 5031.7 5077 4972.95 498575 -41.65 Negative
06/10/2009 5003.65 50347 4921,05 5027.4 24.2 Positive
05/10/2009 5076.05 5076.05 4991.95 5003.2 -80.2 Negative
01/10/2009 5087.2 5110,5 5057.05 5083.4 -0.55 Negative
30/09/2009 5007.65 5087.6 5004.35 5083.95 77.1 Positive
260 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

29/09/2009 4959.15 5020.25 4959.1 5006.85 47,9| Positive)

25/09/2009 4985.1 4994.35 4931.25 4958.95 -27,61 Negative |
24/09/2009 4977.15 5016.7 4904.05 4986.55 16.6 Positivie 1
23/09/2009 5019.95 5030.75 4957.05 4969.95 -50.25 Negative |
22/09/2009 4977.1 5036,3 4977.1 5020.2 44.15 Positive]
18/09/2009 4963.95 4980.85 4931.9 4976.05 10.5 Positive
17/09/2009 4958.55 5003.05 4944.15 4965.55 7.15 Positive
27/09/2005 2558.5 2592.5 2549.85 2574.85 17.5 Positive
26/09/2005 2477,85 2560.85 2477,85 2557.35 79,6 Positive
23/09/2005 2480.5 2507.9 2453.05 2477.75 1,25 Positive
22/09/2005 2567.85 2580.4 2465.85 2476.5 -101.5i Negative 1
20/09/2005 2567.2 2582.8 2546.6 2578 10.9 Positive
19/09/2005 2555.45 2579.7 2550.45 2567.1 14.75 Positive
14/10/2004 1784.8 1805.7 1773 1794.75 7.85 Positive I
12/10/2004 1808.45 1820.9 1783.05 1786,9 -20.85 Negative 1
11/10/2004 1817.85 1829.45 1803.5 1807.75 -7.95 Negative 1
07/10/2004 1793 1821.85 1793 1815.7 20.8 Positive 1
06/10/2004 1811.7 1824.8 1790.6 1794.9 -17.55 Negative 1
05/10/2004 1805.85 1816.55 1798.6 1812.45 6.8 Positive 1
04/10/2004 1776.75 1813.9 1775.45 1805.65 30.5 Positive

01/10/2004 1744.4 1778.65 1737.85 1775.15 29.65 Positive

30/09/2004 1728.3 1748.2 1728.2 1745.5 17.55 Positive

29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 27.71 Positive)

28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697.4 1700.25 -17.251 Negative |

27/09/2004 1722.4 1726.15 1707.95 1717.5 -51 Negative)

24/09/2004 1726.15 1736.9 1717.2 1722.5 | -3,65 Negative

23/09/2004 1753.1 1753.15 1723,4 1726.15 ! -27.75 Negative

22/09/2004 1749.75 1760.8 1736.3 1753.9i 3.71 Positive

21/09/2004 1728.75 1753 1724.7 1750.2 21.4 Positive

20/09/2004 1734.05 1741.55 1725.3 1728.8 -4.85 Negative

1736.4 1702.7 1733.65 27.95 Positive

17/09/2004 1702.7

5. Sun in Virgo aspected by Venus: the implication of this

astrologicat combination is neutral to the price movements in

the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive

up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices

W'fty & Sensex.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 261
Aspects While Sun In Virgo

6. Sun in Virgo aspected by Saturn: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

7. Sun in Virgo aspected by Rahu: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Virgo and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Virgo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 10 observations out of total 18,

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

14/10/2011 5057.35 5141.4 5056.6 5132.3 54.45 Positive
13/10/2011 5130.8 5136.95 5067.65 5077.85 -21.55 Negative
27/09/2010 6018.3 6073.5 6018,3 6035.65 17.35| Positive
07/10/2009 5031.7 5077 4972.95 4985.75 -41.65 Negative
06/10/2009 5003.65 5034.7 4921.05 S027.4 24.2 Positive
16/10/2008 3333.85 3333.85 3099.9 3269.3 -69.1 Negative

15/10/2008 3517.9 3518.5 3324.55 3338,4 -180.25 Negative

19/09/2008 4040.8 4262.65 4040,8 4245.25 207.1 Positive

18/09/2008 4005.25 4050.1 3799.55 4038.15 29.9 Positive
09/10/2006 3570.05 3585.35 3540.45 3567; 15 -2.55 Negative

22/09/2005 2567.85 2580.4 2465.85 2476.5 -101.5 Negative

20/09/2005 2567.2 2582.8 2546.6 2578 10.9 Positive
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

01/10/2004 1744.4 1778.651 1737.851 1775.151 29.65 Positive

30/09/2004 1728.3 1748.2 1728.2 1745.5 17.55 Positive
13/10/2003 1523.35 1550.9 1516.05 1546,75 23.65 Positive
26/09/2002 970.1 976.25 968.25 969.9 •0,15 Negative
25/09/2002 | 964.65 971.85 960.5 970.05 3.85 Positive
24/09/2002 | 969.95 969.95 960.2 966.2 -4.1 Negative

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Virgo: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 11 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

17/10/2011 5156.2 5160.2 5084.5 5118.25 -14.05 Negative

20/09/2011 5042.55 5149.9 5035.25 5140.2 108.25 Positive

119/09/2011 I 5068.4! 5068.4| 5019.25 5031.95 •52.3 Negative

[29/09/2010 6029.15 6071.55 5979.65 5991.3 -38.2 Negative

[28/09/2010 6036.05 6049.8 5991.3 6029.5 •6.15 Negative

09/10/2009 4993 5032.6 4934.55 4945.2 -57.05 Negative

08/10/2009 5011.25 5043.05 4971.75 5002.25 16.5 Positive

5021.5 5089.3 5001.35 5068.95 47-6 Positive

3581.55 3614.5 3544.25 3558.55 -8.6 Negative
2507.91 2453.05 2477.75 1.25 Positive
23/09/2005 2480-5
1775.45 1805.65 30.5 Positive
04/10/2004 1776.75 1813.9
1503 1537 16.2 Positive
15/10/2003 1521.45 1543.85
1513.75 .1520.8 -25.95 Negative
14/10/2003 1548.7 1562.65
1299.25 1302,35 -39.25 Negative
18/09/2003 1341.45 1342.6
1332.2 1341.6 -16.35 Negative
17/09/2003 1357.95 1377.45
976.45 6.55 ( Positive
969.95 978 969.25
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 263
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Virgo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 10 observations out of total 17.

Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/09/2011 5054.45 5059.85 4907.75 4923.65 -209.6 Negative
21/09/2011 | 5153.75 5168.4 5109.85 5133.25 -6.95 Negative
01/10/2010 | 6030.3 6153.1 6030.3 6143.4 113.45 Positive
30/09/2010 5991.35 6048.45 5963.6 6029.95 38.65 Positive
23/09/2008 | 4223.9 4224.7 4117.9 4126.9 -96.15 Negative
22/09/2008 | 4248.95 4303.25 4202.4 •t223.05 -22.2 Negative
04/10/2007 .5211.65 5233.1 5126.05 5208.65 -2.15 Negative
03/10/2007 | 5069 5261.35 5034.15 5210.8 141.85 Positive

13/10/2006 I 3621.65 3682.35 3621.65 3676.05 55 Positive

12/10/2006 3562.55 3626.8 3545.95 3621.05 62.5 Positive

26/09/2005 2477.85 2560.85 2477.85 2557.35 79.6 Positive

07/10/2004 1793 1821.85 ' 1793 1815.7 20.8 Positive

06/10/2004 1811.7 1824.8 1790.6 1794.9 -17.55 Negative

05/10/2004 1805.85 1816.55 1798.6 1812.45 6.8 Positive

16/10/2003 1537.3 1563.4 1537.3 1555.7 18.7 Positive

19/09/2003 1303.2 1331.05 1285.25 1322.15 19.8 Positive

30/09/2002 976.15 976.15 961.55 963.15 -13.3 Negative

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Virgo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16.
264 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/09/2011 4873.75 4930.25 4829.6 4867.75 -55.9 Negative
04/10/2010 6144.7 6222,1 6144.7 6159.45 16.05 Positive
12/10/2009 4945.45 5068.05 4945,45 5054.25 109.05 Positive
25/09/2008 4162.15 4172.6 4077.5 4110.55 -50.7 Negative
24/09/2008 4125.75 4207.95 4115.85 4161.25 34.35 Positive
05/10/2007 5208.15 5248.55 5164.5 5185.85 -22.8 Negative
16/10/2006 3668.9 3729.7 3668.9 3723.95 47.9 Positive
19/09/2006 3493.5 3514.95 3438,8 3457:35 -35.4 Negative
18/09/2006 3478.65 3506.2 3478.4 3492.75 14.15 Positive
29/09/2005 2598.6 2633.9 2589.45 2611.2 13.15 Positive
28/09/2005 2574.45 2602.95 2559.85 2598.05 23.2 Positive
27/09/2005 2558.5 2592.5 2549.85 2574.85 17.5 Positive
23/09/2003 1302.85 1333.7 1290.55 1328.2 25.3 Positive
22/09/2003 1319.25 1333.55 1300.25 1302.9 -19.25 Negative
03/10/2002 955.35 957.9 945.8 948.2 -7 Negative
01/10/2002 961.15 964,2 950.3 955.2 -7.95 Negative

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Virgo; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fail or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Venus then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6, Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Virgo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 15.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, nthi & 265
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/09/2011 5005.5 5006.05 4918.45 4945.9 -25.35 Negative

27/09/2011 4905.15 4982.95 4905.15 4971.25 135.85 Positive

08/10/2010 6121.4 6148.6 6067 6103.45 -16.85 Negative

07/10/2010 6186.85 6199.45 6107.5 6120.3 -66.15 Negative

16/10/2009 5108.65 5149.65 5093.2 5142.15 33.3 Positive

30/09/2008 3848.7 3966.85 3715.05 3921.2 71.15 Positive

29/09/2008 3990.2 3997.55 3777.3 3850,05 -135.2 Negative

11/10/2007 5438.9 5532.75 5424.25 5524.85 83.4 Positive

10/10/2007 5328.15 5454.7 5328.15 5441.45 114.2 Positive

22/09/2006 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative

04/10/2005 2630 2667.05 2629.6 2663.35 33.3 Positive

03/10/2005 2601 2635 2597.2 2630.05 28.65 Positive

14/10/2004 1784.8 1805.7 1773 1794.75 7.85 Positive

12/10/2004 1808.45 1820.9 '1783.05 1786.5 -20.85 Neoative

26/09/2003 1357.55 1389.3 1357.35 1386.95 29.75 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Virgo; This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
acceftains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 8 observations dut of total 13.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/09/2011 4990.15 5025.55 4924.3 4943.25 -72.2 Negative
29/09/2011 4924.2 5034.25 4906 5015.45 69.55 Positive
22/09/2009 4977.1 5036.3 4977.1 5020.2 44.15 Positive
01/10/2008 3921.85 4000.5 3861,25 3950.75 29.55 Positive
12/10/2007 5525.3 5549.3 5402.6 5428.25 -96.6 Negative
26/09/2006 3523.7 3576.75 3517.15 3571.75 48.3 Positive
25/09/2006 3545.1 3568.65 3514.85 3523.45 -20.6 Negative
06/10/2005 2643,8 2643.8 2571.3 2579.15 -65,25 Negative
266 Predicting the Nifty 8t Sense*

05/10/2005 2663.7 2669.2 2636.6 2644.4 -18.95 Negative

17/09/2004 1702.7 1736.4 1702.7 1733.65 27.95 Positive
29/09/2003 ( 1386.9 1422.35 1386.1 1399.95 13 Positive i
08/10/2002 954.8 963.15 952.5 960.8 6.05 Positive
07/10/2002 947.8 956.35 946.25 954.75 6.55 Positive

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Virgo: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty 81 Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty 81 Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty 81 Sensex.

9. Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Virgo: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostSy results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

10. Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Virgo: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fell or downside
in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius While Sun is in Virgo; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moonis
aspected by Saturn or Rahu then it mostly results into upm
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Pisces whNe Sun is l^'^0: T

,nt up
astrological combination mostly results ° nSaMata

price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data

Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 267
Aspects White Sun in Virgo

accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 14 observations out of total 19.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

12/10/2011 5011.2 5109.8 4997.65 5099.4 125.05 Positive
11/10/2011 5019.9 5045.1 4964 4974.35 •5.25 Negative
10/10/2011 4886.85 4991.15 4882.05 4979.6 91.55 Positive
24/09/2010 5959.45 6029.1 5951.2 6018.3 58.75 Positive
|23/09/2010 | 5991.05 6006.8 5932.4 5959.55 -31.45 Negative
05/10/2009 5076.05 5076.05 4991.95 5003.2 -80.2 Negative
14/10/2008 3494.1 3648.25 3491.5 3518.65 27.95 Positive
113/10/2008 3272.9 1 3510.2 3272.9 3490.7 210.75 Positive
117/09/2008 4074.8 4116.7 3974.6 4008.25 -66.65 Negative |
[28/09/2007 4996.45 . 5055.8 4996.45 5021.35 20.8 Positive j
27/09/2007 4942.7 5016.4 4942.7 5000.55 60.05 Positive |
06/10/2006 3565.45 i 3583.75 3560.9 3569.7 4.8 Positive 1
17/10/2005 | 2488.4| 2498.6 2459.5 2485.15 0,75 Positive I
19/09/2005 2555.45 2579.7 2550.45) 2567.1 14.75 Positive
29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 27.7 Positive
28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697.4 1700.25 -17.25 Negative

10/10/2003 1507.1 1527.25 1505.1 1523.1 21 Positive

09/10/2003 1487.85 1505.05 1478.4 1502.1 23.5 Positive

23/09/2002 969.85 [ 974.75) 967.35) 970.3 0.7 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Virgo and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
268 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is

in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/10/2011 | 5057.35 5141.4 5056,6 5132.3 54.45 Positive
27/09/2010 6018.3 6073,5 6018.3 6035.65 17,35 Positive
07/10/2009 5031.7 5077 4972.95 4985.75 -41.65 Negative
16/10/2008 3333.85 3333.85 3099.9 3269,3 -69.1 Negative
19/09/2008 4040.8 4262.65 4040.8 4245.25 207.1 Positive
09/10/2006 3570,05 3585.35 3540,45 3567.15 -2,55 Negative
J 01/10/2004 | 1744.41 1778.65 1737.851 1775.15 29.65 Positive
[25/09/2002 | 964.651 971.85 960.5) 970.05 3.85 Positive

3. Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty Index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Virgo

Low Close 1 Gain/ Trend

Date Open High

6036.05 6049,8 5991.3 6029.5 -6,15 Negative

5002.25 16.5 Positive
08/10/2009 5011.25 5043.05 4971.75

2580.4 2465.85 2476,5 -101.5 Neaatlve

22/09/2005 2567.85
1562,85 1513.75 1520.8 -25,95 Negative
14/10/2003 1548.7
1546.75 23.65 Positive
13/10/2003 1523.35 1550.9 1516.05

976.25 968.25] 969.9f -0.15 Negative

_26/09/2002 970.1
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatrae Yoga, Tithi & 269
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is in Virgo;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo; This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 10.

Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun

is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Tr?nd

i Loss

17/10/2011 1 5156.2 5160.2 5084.5 5118,25 -14.05 Negative

20/09/2011 5042.55 5149.9 5035.25 5140,2 108.25 Positive

30/09/2010 5991.35 6048.45 5963.6 6029,95 38.65 Positive
09/10/2009 4993 5032.6 4934.55 4945.2 -57.05 Negative

22/09/2008 4248.95 4303.25 4202,4 4223.05 -22.2 Negative

12/10/2006 3562.55 3626.8 3S45.95 3621.05 62.5 Positive

05/10/2004 1805.85 1816.55 1798.6 1812.45 6.8 Positive
16/10/2003 1537,3 1563.4 1537.3 1555.7 18.7 Positive
19/09/2003 1303.2 1331.05 1285,25 1322.15 19.8 Positive
18/09/2003 1341.45 1342.6 1299.25 1302.35 -39.25 Negative

6. Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun is in Virgo;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
270 Predicting the Nifty St Sense*

7. Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

8. Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutraf
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and It
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astroiogical combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex, But if the Moon Is
aspected by Venus then It mostly results into upmove In the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is In Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 271
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra

while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/09/2011 4878.6 4879.8 4758.85 4835.4 -32.35 Negative
06/10/2010 6150.95 6223.4 6148.6 6186.45 40.65 Positive
15/10/2009 5118.55 5152.25 5077.1 5108.85 -9.35 Negative
18/09/2009 4963.95 4980.85 4931.9 4976.05 10.5 Positive |
08/10/2007 5186.25 5249.3 5024.75 5085.1 -100.75 Negative I
21/09/2006 3506.7 3556,35 3506.7 3553.05 50.25 Positive |
111/10/2004 1817.85 1829.45 1803.5 1807.75 -7.95 Negative
|25/09/2003 1371.45 1377.25 1352.8 1357.2 -14.85 Negative

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra white Sun

is in Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericaf data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra

while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/09/2011 .4905.15 4982.95 4905.15 4971.25 135.85 Positive

16/10/2009 5108.65 5149.65 5093.2 5142.15 33.3 Positive
09/10/2007 5062.65 5348.7 5000.95 5327.25 242.15 Positive
22/09/2006 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative

12/10/2004 1808.45 1820.9 1783.05 1786.9 -20.85 Negative |

26/09/2003 1357.55 1389.3 1357.35 1386.95 29.75 Positive |

13. Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in Virgo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a fall or
274 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

12/10/2010 6135.95 6144.95 6057.95 6090.9 -44.95 Negative
25/09/2009 4985.1 4994,35 4931.25 4958.95 -27.6 Negative
16/10/2007 5670.55 5708.35 5578.45 5668.05 -2.35 Neaatlve
19/09/2007 4550.25 4739 4550.25 4732.35 186.15 Positive
29/09/2006 3572.15 3599.8 3564.7 3588.4 16,65 Positive
21/09/2004 1728.75 1753 1724.7 1750.2 21.4 Positive
01/10/2003 1416.6 1430.9 1407.95 1420.85 3.75 Positive
11/10/2002 958,45 973.5 958.45 971.05 12.6 Positive

19. Moon transiting through Mooia Nakshatra while Sun is in Virgo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and It do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fell or downside
in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex.

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra.while Sun

is in Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into
fail or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical, data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in
observations out of total 6.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 277
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

11/10/2011 5019.9 5045.1 4964 4974.35 -5.25 Negative
24/09/2010 5959.45 6029.1 5951.2 6018.3 58.75 Positive
23/09/2010 5991.05 6006.8 5932.4 5959.55 -31.45 Negative
13/10/2008 3272.9 3510.2 3272.9 3490.7 210.75 Positive
27/09/2007 4942.7 5016.4 4942.7 5000.55 60.05 Positive
06/10/2006 3565.45 3583.75 3560.9 3569.7 4.8 Positive
28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697.4 1700.25 -17.25 Negative
09/10/2003 1487.85 1505.05 1478.4 1502.1 23.5 Positive

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is in Virgo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 10.

Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is

in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


12/10/2011 5011.2 5109.8 4997.65 5099.4 125.05 Positive

05/10/2009 5076.05 5076.05 4991.95 5003.2 -80.2 Negative

14/10/2008 3494.1 3648.25 3491.5 3518.65 27.95 Positive

17/09/2008 4074.8 4116.7 3974.6 4008.25 -66.65 Negative

28/09/2007 4996.45 5055.8 4996.45 5021.35 20.8 Positive

17/10/2005 2488.4 2498.6 2459.5 2485.15 0.75 Positive

19/09/2005 2555.45 2579.7 2550.45 2567.1 14.75 Positive

29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 27.7 Positive

10/10/2003 1507.1 1527.25 1505.1 1523.1 21 Positive

23/09/2002 969.85 974.75 967.35 970.3 0.7 Positive
278 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Following observations have been made In the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Virgo and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/09/2011 4990.15 5025.55 4924.3 4943.25 -72.2 Negative
23/09/2009 5019.95 5030.75 4957.05 4969.95 -50.25 Negative
12/10/2007 5525.3 5549.3 5402.6 5428.25 -96.6 Negative
17/09/2007 4518.45 4549.05 4482.85 4494.65 -23.35 Negative
27/09/2006 3571.75 3603.7 3568.4 3579.3 7.55 Positive
06/10/2005 2643.8 2643.8 2571.3 2579.15 -65.25 Negative

29/09/2003 1386.9 1422.35 1386.1 1399.95 13 Positive

08/10/2002 .954.8 963.15 952.5 960.8 6.05 Positive

2. Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fell or downside in the price
of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


24/09/2009 4977.15 5016.7 4904.05 4986.55 16.6 Positive

03/10/2008 3953.55 3969.55 3804.85 3818.3 -132.45 Negative

18/09/2007 4494.1 4551.8 4481.55 4546.2 51.55 Positive

28/09/2006 3579.95 3589.3 3560.75 3571.75 -7.55 Negative

07/10/2005 2577.2 2603.25 2547.55 2574.05 -5.1 Negative

Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & 5ens&( with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 279
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

20/09/2004 1734.05 1741.55 1725.3 1728.8 -4.85 Negative j

30/09/2003 1400.7 1418.1 1399.8 1417.1 17.15 Positive 1

09/10/2002 960.85 968.75 952.95 954.75 -6.05 Negative)

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 7 observations out of total 8.

Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

11/10/2010 6105.95 6187.75 6105.95 6135.85 32.4 Positive |
125/09/2009 4985.1 4994.35 4931.25 4958.95 -27.6 Negative!
115/10/2007 1 5428.35 5682.65 5419.9 5670.4 242.15 Positive

119/09/2007 1 4550.25 4739 4550.25 4732.35 186.15 Positive

29/09/2006 ( 3572.15 3599.8 3564.7 3588.4 16.65 Positive
21/09/2004 1 1728.75; 1753 1724.7 1750.2 21.4 Positive
01/10/2003 1416.6 1430.9 1407.95 1420.85 3.75 Positive
10/10/2002 954.8 960.45 945 958.45 3.7 Positive

4, Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter or
Saturn then it mostly results into a fell or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected
by Mars or Rahu then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5, Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

6, Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from thefollowing
empherical data we can obseive the downside in the price of
nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

05/10/2011 4791.3 4827,8 4741 4751.3 -20.85 Negative
14/10/2010 6234.3 6284.1 6157.9 6177.35 -56.55 Negative
07/10/2008 3606.95 3732.65 3537 3606.6 4.25 Positive
10/10/2005 2577.1 2595.15 2561 2566.85 -7.2 Negative
24/09/2004 1726.15 1736.9 1717.21 1722.5 -3.65 Negative
117/09/2002! 985.751 996.8| 985.751 994.91 9.15i Positive!

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo; The Implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedave
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

8. Dhfiti Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Close Gain/ trena

Date Open High Low

4888.05 136.75 Positive

07/10/2011 4883,65 4922.6 4861.2
6009.05 28.6 Positive
21/09/2010 5980.5 6032.8 5961.85
5083.95 77.1 Positive
30/09/2009 5007.65 5087.6 5004.35
4941.15 4837.15 4932.2 F 94.65
_24/09/2007 4837.15
3569.6 -18.8 Negative
. >_
03/10/2006 3588.95 3606.2 3561.7
972.45 1.4 Posftive
976.5 969
_14/10/2002 971.5
976.05 -7.55 Negative
983.45 985.25 970.8
Chapter 7; Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 281
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/09/2010 6008.4 6037.4 5946.45 5991 -18.05 Negative
01/10/2009 5087.2 5110.5 5057.05 5083.4 -0.55 Negative
10/10/2008 3502.05 3502.05 3198.95 3279.95 -233.7 Negative
25/09/2007 4939.1 4953.9 4878.15 4938.85 6.65 Positive
04/10/2006 3570.95 3580.05 3508.65 3515.35 -54.25 Negative
06/10/2003 1449.45 1481.05 1423.75 1478.9 29.6 Positive
20/09/2002 975.6 975.6 960.7 969.6 -6,451 Negative |

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/09/2010 5991.05 6006.8 5932.4 5959.55 -31.45 Negative

26/09/2007 4937.6 4980.85 4930.35 4940.5 1.65 Positive

05/10/2006 3515.6 3574.95 3515.6 3564.9 49.55 Positive
14/10/2005 2537.7 2548 2478 2484.4 -52.9 Negative

27/09/2004 - 1722.4 1726.15 1707.95 1717.5 -5 Neaative

07/10/2003 1478.95 1498.45 1467.75 1477.85 -1.05 Negative

16/10/2002 972.9 983.6 971.7 973.6 1.15 Positive

11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun-is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
282 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in

6 observations out of total 9.

Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

10/10/2011 4886.85 4991.15 4882.05 4979.6 91.55 Positive
24/09/2010 5959.45 6029.1 5951.2 6018.3 58.75 Positive
17/09/2008 4074.8 4116.7 3974.6 4008.25 -66.65 Negative
27/09/2007 4942.7 5016.4 4942.7 5000.55 60.05 Positive
06/10/2006 3565.45 3583.75 "3560.9 3569.7 4.8 Positive
19/09/2005 2555.45 2579.7 2550.45 2557.1 14,75 Positive
28/09/2004 1717.45 1717.9 1697.4 1700.25 -17.25 Negative
08/10/2003 1477.85 1493.05 1460.6 1478.6 0.75 Positive
17/10/2002 973.7 976.05 966.55 973.3 -0.3 Negative

12. Dhmva Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon^ as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in 6 observations
out of total 7.

Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


11/10/2011 5019.9 5045.1 4964 4974.35 -5.25 Negative

13/10/2008 3272.9 3510.2 3272.9 3490.7 210.75 Positive

18/09/2008 4005.25 4050.1 3799.55 4038.15 29.9 Positive

20/09/2005 2567,2 2582.8 2546.6 2578 10.9 Positive

29/09/2004 1700.55 1730.3 1695.7 1727.95 27,7 Positive

09/10/2003 1487.85 1505.05 • 1478.4 1502.1 23,5 Positive

959.85 974.75 967.35 970.3 0.7 Positive


13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun Is In Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove In the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
284 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of

nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9.

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

114/10/2011 |" 5057.35 5141.4 5056.6 5132.3| 54.45| Positive!
119/09/2011 j 5068.4 5068.4| 5019.251 5031.951 -52.31 Neaative 1
128/09/2010 [ 6036.05( 6049.8| 5991.3| 6029,5| -6.15i Negative|
107/10/2009] 5031.71 50771 4972.951 4985.751 -41.651 Neqative

(16/10/2008| 3333.8513333.851 3099.91 3269.31 -69.ll Neaative

09/10/2006 I 3570.05| 3585.351 3540.45( 3567.15 -2.55 Negative
23/09/2005 J 2480.51 2507.91 2453.051 2477.751 1.25 Positive
117/09/2003 1357.95 1377.45 1332.2 1.341.6 -16.35 Negative
j 26/09/2002 970.1 976.25 968.25 969.9 Negative

16. Siddhi Yoga day, while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total ?.

Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


20/09/2011 5042,55 5149.9 5035.25 5140.2 108.25 Positive

29/09/2010 6029.15 6071.55 5979.65 5991.3 -38.2 Negative

5011.25 5043.05 4971.75 5002,25 16.5 Positive

5089.3 5001.35 5068.95 47.6 Positive
01/10/2007 5021.5
1516.05 1546,75 23.65 Positive
13/10/2003 1523.35 1550.9
1341.45 1342.6 1299.25 1302.35 -39.25 Negative
976.45 6,55 Positive
27/09/2002 969,95 978 969.25

Vyatipata Yoga day wnue sun is in vuyu. ^ .

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empheri^l data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as fromthe following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 285
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

21/09/2011 5153.75 5168.4 5109.85 5133.25 -6.95 Negative
30/09/2010 5991.35 6048.45 5963.6 6029.95 38.65 Positive
09/10/2009 4993 5032.6 4934.55 4945.2 -57.05 Negative
22/09/2008 4248.95 4303.25 4202.4 4223.05 -22.2 Negative
11/10/2006 3581.55 3614.5 3544.25 3558.55 -8.6 Negative |
04/10/2004 1776.75 1813.9 1775.45 1805.65 30.5 Positive
14/10/2003 1548.7 1562.85 1513.75 1520.8 -25.95 Negative
19/09/2003 1303.2 1331.05 1285.25 1322.15 19.8 Positive |

18. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9.

Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


17/10/2011 5156.2 5160.2 5084.5 5118.25 -14.05 Negative

22/09/2011 5054.45 5059.85 4907.75 4923.65 -209.6 Negative

01/10/2010 6030.3 6153.1 6030.3 6143.4 113.45 Positive

23/09/2008 4223.9 4224.7 4117.9 4126.9 -96.15 Negative

03/10/2007 5069 5261.35 5034.15 5210.8 141.85 Positive

12/10/2006 3562.55 3626.8 3545.95 3621.05 62.5 Positive

26/09/2005 2477.85 2560.85 2477.85 2557.35 79.6 Positive

05/10/2004 1805.85 1816.55 1798.6 1812.45 6.8 Positive
15/10/2003 1521.45 1543.85 1503 1537 16.2 Positive

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.
286 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

20. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo; The Implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

21. Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

22. Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is In Virgo; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


04/10/2010 6144.7 6222.1 6144.7 6159.45 16.05 Positive

16/10/2006 3668.9 3729.7 3668.9 3723.95 47.9 Positive

20/09/2006 3457.851 3509.85] 3419.75 3502.8 45.45 Positive

30/09/2005 2607.9i 2623.05) 2567.75 2601.4 -9.8 Negative

24/09/2003 1324.85 1373.9 1322.65 1372.05 43.85 Positive

03/10/2002 955.35 957.9 945.8 948.2 -7 Negative

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo; The impfication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the. price movements in the Indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Mars, Jupiter
or Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside In the
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, llthi & 287
Aspects White Sun in Virgo

price of indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by

Venus then it mostly results into upmove in the pries of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

|27/09/2011 4905.15 4982.95 4905.15 4971.25 135.85 Positive
106/10/2010 6150.95 6223,4 6148.6 6186.45 40.65 Positive
115/10/2009 5118,55 5152.25 5077.1 5108.85 -9.35 Negative
08/10/2007 5186.25 5249,3 5024.75 5085.1 -100.75 Negative

22/09/2006 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative

13/10/2005 2584.4 2589.35 2529.05 2537.3 •52,25 Negative
11/10/2004 1817.85 1829.45 1803.5 1807,75 -7.95 (Negative
26/09/2003 1357,55 1389.3 1357.35 1386.95 29.75 1 Positive

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral tothe price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Rahu then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can observe the
upmove in the price of nifty index in 3 observations

out of total 4.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/09/2008 3848.7 3966.85 3715.05 3921.2 71.15 Positive
10/10/2007 5328.15 5454.7 5328.15 5441.45 114.2 Positive
25/09/2006 3545.1 3568.65 3514.85 3523.45 -20.6 Negative
04/10/2005 2630 2667.05 2629.6 2663.35 33.3 Positive
27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove In the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


29/09/2011 4924.2 5034.25 4906 5015.45 69.55 Positive

08/10/2010 6121.4 6148.6 6067 6103.45 -16.85 Negative

122/09/2009 1 4977.ll 5036.3 4977.1 5020.2 44.15 Positive

I 01/10/2008 3921.851 4000.5 3861.25 3950.75 29.55 Positive

5438.9 5532,75 5424.25 5524;85 83.4 Positive

3576.75 3517.15 3571.75 48.3 Positive
26/09/2006 3523.7

2663.7 2669.2 2636.6 2644.4 -18.95 Negative

1773 1794.75 7.85 Positive
14/10/2004 1784.8 1805.7
954.75 6.55 Positive
947.8 956.35 946.25

Following observations have been made in the intraoay phlc

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun fransiteth^g
the sign
oiy 11 Virgo
v II yw and
u i iv- at
« w the samo time while differen ^
.. -vsj.!.: ttikirA Cun is lil
i. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla ^ ™

Virgo: This astrological combination empheHcal

In the price of indices Nifty & Sen^x ^
data accertains this astrological in the
following empherical data we can observe the uP
priceof nifty index in 5 observations out of total
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty S Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 289
■ Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Shukta Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is

in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/09/2011 5005.5 5006.05 4918,45 4945.9 -25.35 Negative

08/10/2010 6121,4 6148.6 6067 6103.45 -16.85 Negative

30/09/2008 3848.7 3966,85 3715,05 3921.2 71.15 Positive

12/10/2007 5525.3 5549,3 5402.6 5428.25 -96.6 Negative

04/10/2005 2630 2667.05 2629.6 2663.35 33.3 Positive

14/10/2004 i 1784:8 1 1805.7 17731 1794.75 7.85 Positive

26/09/2003 1 1357.55 1 1389.3 1357.35 1 1386.95 | 29.75 Positive

107/10/2002 | 947.8 1 956.35 946.25 1 954.75 | 6.55 Positive |

2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in Virgo;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Virgo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiterthen it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
290 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price

movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in Virgo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive, up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

7, Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in Virgo:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 8.

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


03/10/2011 4874.4 4879.15 4823.9 4849.51 -93,751 Negative

14/10/2010 6234.3J 6284.1 6157.9| 6177.35 -56.551 Negative

25/09/2009 4985.1 4994.35 4931.25 4958.95 -27.6 Negative

06/10/2008 3817.3 3820.85 3581.6 3602.35 -215.95 Negative

18/09/2007 4494.1 4551.8 4481.55 4546.2 51,55 Positive

3572.15 3599.8 3564,7 3588,4 16.65 Positive

10/10/2005 2577.1 2595.15 2561 2566.85 -7.2 Neoative

1724.7 1750.2 21.4 Positive

21/09/2004 1728.75 1753

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in Virgo;

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove rn
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in tne
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total a
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga; Tithi & 291
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukia Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Lqw Close Oaln/ Trend

|04/10/2011 4823.5 4869.75 4728.3 4772.15 -7735) Negative
115/10/2010 6175.9 6200.6 6050.35 6062.65 -114.71 Negative
|07/10/2008 3606.95 3732.65 3537 3606.6 4.251 Positive
20/09/2007 4734.85 4760.85 4721.15 4747.55 15.2 Positive
19/09/2007 4550.25 4739 4550.251 4732.35 186.15 Positive
|ll/10/2005l 2569.15 2592 2533.71 2589.55 22.7 Positive
03/10/2003 1 1420.851 1451.2| 1420.851 1449.31 28.45 Positive

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in Virgo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce a ny decisive u p or down di rection to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Shukia Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericai data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty Index in 4 observations out of

total 6.
Predicting the W/fty & sense*

Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/09/2009 5007.65 5087.6 5004.35 5083.95 77.1 Positive
04/10/2006 3570.95 3580.05 3508.65 3515.35 -54.25 Negative
14/10/2005 2537.7 2548 2478 2484.4 -52.9 Negative
06/10/2003 1449.45 1481.05 1423.75 1478.9 29.6 Positive
17/10/2002 973.7 976.05 966.55 973.3 -0.3 Negative
18/09/2002 994.15 994.15 981.6 983.6 -11.3 Negative

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo; This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The fbllpwing empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empiherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

' is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


| 21/09/2010 5980.5 6032.8) 5961.85 6009.05 28,6 Positive

120/09/2010 5885.05 5989.5 5885.05) 5980,45 95.5 Positive

101/10/2009 5087.2 5110.5 5057.05) 5083.4 -0.55 Negative,

124/09/2007 4837.15 4941.15 4837.15) 4932.2 94.65 Positive

05/10/2006 3515.6 3574.95 3515.6 3564.9 49,55 Positive

1477.85 1493.05 1460.6 1478.6 0.75 Positive

07/10/2003 1478.95 1498.45 1467.75 1477.85 -1.05 Negative

983.45 985.25 970.8 976.05 -7.55 Negative


14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo; This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8,
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 293
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun

is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

10/10/2011 4886.85 4991.15 4882.05 4979.6 91.55 Positive
22/09/2010 6008.4 6037.4 5946.45 5991 -18.05 Negative
13/10/2008 3272.9 3510.2 3272.9 3490.7 210.75 Positive
25/09/2007 4939.1 4953.9 4878.15 4938.85 6.65 Positive
06/10/2006 3565.45 3583.75 3560.9 3569.7 4.8 Positive
27/09/2004 1722.4 1726.15 1707.95 1717.5 -5 Negative
09/10/2003 1487.85 1505,05 1478.4 1502.1 23.5 Positive
120/09/2002 975.6 975.6 960.7 969.6 -6.45 Negative

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in Virgo; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. Butif the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Sun then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in Virgo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 295
Aspects While Sun in Virgo

20. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami. Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into fatl or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherica! data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 8.

Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

In Virgo

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

17/10/2011 5156.2 5160.2 5084.5 5118.25 -14.05 Negative
28/09/2010 6036.05 6049.8 5991.3 6029.5 -6.15 Negative
8/10/2009 5011.25 5043.05 4971.75 5002.25 16.5 Positive
19/09/2008 4040.8 4262.65 4040.8 -4245.25 207.1 Positive
11/10/2006 3581.55 3614.5 3544.25 3558.55 -8.6 Negative

22/09/2005 2567.85 2580.4 2465.85 2476.5 -101.5 Negative

15/10/2003 1521.45 1543.85 1503 . 1537 16.2 Positive
26/09/2002 970.1 976.25 968.25 969.9 -0.15 Negative

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is

in Virgo

Date Open • High Low Close Gain/ Trend


29/09/2010 6029.15 6071,55 5979.65 5991.3 -38.2 Negative

9/10/2009 4993 5032.6 4934.55 4945,2 -57,05 Negative

1/10/2007 5021,5 5089.3 5001.35 5068.95 47.6 Positive

12/10/2006 3562.55 3626.8 3545.95 3621.05 62.5 Positive

23/09/2005 2480.5 2507.9 2453.05 2477.75 1.25 Positive

4/10/2004 1776.75 1813.9 1775.45 1805,65 30.5 Positive

296 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

16/10/2003 1537.3 1563.4 1537.3 1555.71 18.71 PosH-h/o)

27/09/2002 969.95 978 969.25 976.45 6.55| Positive I

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun Is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direcbon to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

VirgP: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in Virgo:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna .Ekadashi Tithi While Sun is in

Virgo; The implication of this astrological combinatipn is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove m the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 7: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 297
White Sun in Virgo

27. Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi-Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of
total 9.

Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Virgo .

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ ^ Trend


5/10/2010 6159.45 6188.35 6118.05 6145.8 -13.65 Negative

15/10/2009 5118.55 5152.25 5077.1 5108.85 -9.35 Negative

26/09/2008 4108,75 4110.7! 3970.35 3985.25 -125.3 Negative j

18/09/2006 3478.65 3506.2 3478.4 3492,75 14.15 Positive |

30/09/2005 2607.9 2623.05 2567.75 2601.4 -9.8 Negative

29/09/2005 2598.6 2633.9 2589.45 2611.2 13.15 Positive

11/10/2004 1817,85 1829.45 1803.5 1807.75 -7.95 Negative 1

23/09/2003 1302.85 1333.7 1290.55 1328.2 25.3 Positive |

3/10/2002 955.35 957.91 945.8 948.2 -7 Negative

28. Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Virgo: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is

in Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Predicting the Nifty & sense*

Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while

Sun is in Virgo

Date Open Hfgh Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/09/2011 4878.6 4879.8 4758.85 4835.4 -32.35 Neaatfve
6/10/2010 6150.95 6223.4 6148.6 6186.45 40.65 Positive
17/09/2009 4958.55 5003.05 4944.15 4965.55 7.15 Positive
9/10/2007 5062.65 5348.7 5000.95 5327.25 242.15 Positive
21/09/2006 3506.7 3556.35 3506.7 3553.05 50.25 Positive
25/09/2003 1371.45 1377.25 1352.8 ' 1357.2 -14.85 Negative

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is .In Virgo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/09/2011 4905.15 4982.95 4905.15 4971.25 135.85 Positive
i 7/10/2010 6186.851 6199.45i 6107.5 6120.3 -66.151 Negative
18/09/2009 4963.95 4980.85 4931.9 4976.05 10.5 Positive
29/09/2008 3990.2 3997.55 3777.3 3850.05 -135.2 Negative

ill/10/2007 | 5438,91 5532.75 5424.25| 5524.851 83.4 Positive |

10/10/2007 5328.15 5454.7 5328.15 5441.45 114.2 Positive

22/09/2006 3554.05 3562.45 3525.4 3544.05 -9 Negative

3/10/2005 2601 2635 2597.2 2630.05 28.65 Positive

Chapter 8

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Libra

Sun transits through Libra during

17th October to 15th November

Transit of Sun through Libra, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, results into heavy buying and inflow of capital into Banking,
Finance, FMCG, Entertainment, Hotels, Hospitality, Media, Sugar,
Agriculture, Cosmetics, Essential Oils, Perfumeries, Peppermint,
Confectlonaries, Jewellery, Garments, Diamond, Silver, Copper,
Paints, Amusement Parks, Tourism, Toys, Investments and
Insurance sector stocks. Whereas if this transit is aspected by
Mercury, Saturn or Rahu then the prices of the above stocks will
experience selling pressure and the prices will slide down.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
,the sign Libra under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Libra aspected by Moon: This astrological combination

mostly results into fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 15 observations out of total 27.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, nthi & ?ni
Aspects White Sun in Libra

Sun in Libra aspected by Mars

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

28/10/2011 5341.9 5399.7 5322.8 5360.7 158.9 Positive
26/10/2011 5214.95 5219.25 5196.15 5201.8 10.2 1 Positive
125/10/2011 | 5137.9 5211 5085.55 I 5191.6 93.25 1 Positive
24/10/2011 5114,7 5145.65 5084.75 5098.35 48.4 Positive
21/10/2011 5106.6 5120,75 5037.95 5049.95 -41.95 Negative
[20/10/2011 1 5086,55 5099 I 5033.95 5091.9| -47.25 Negative
19/10/2011 5080.45 5148.05 5075.3 5139.15 101.65 Positive
18/10/2011 5049.45 5057.5 5011,05 5037.S -80.75 Negative
19/10/2010 6114.45 6127.05 6008.15 6027,3 -48.65 Negative
18/10/2010 6112.75 6115.1 5985.1 6075,95 13.3 Positive
13/11/2009 4952.35 5017.9 4942.65 4998.95 46.3 Positive

12/11/2009 5004.4 5014,4 4924,75 4952.65 -51.3 Negative

11/11/2009 4882.3 5016.7 4870.05 5003.95 122.25 Positive

10/11/2009 4898.9 4947.7 4860.1 4881.7 -16.7 Negative |

09/11/2009 4796.15 4905.25 4789.9 4898.4 102.25 Positive

06/11/2009 4767.5 4836,2 4764,85 4796.15 30.6 Positive

05/11/2009 4711.65 4776.35 4610.6 4765.55 54.75 Positive

04/11/2009 4567.3 4717.8 4565 4710.8 146.91 Positive |

03/11/2009 4712.25 4729.85 4538.5 4563.9 -147.8 Negative

(30/10/2009 | 4751.1 4853.65 4687.5 4711.7 -38.85 Negative

(29/10/2009 | 4826.1 ' 4826.1 4738.4 4750.55 -75.6 Negative

(28/10/2009 | 4846.55 4867 4784.1 4826.15 -20.55 Negative

27/10/2009 4970.55 4970.55 4829.5 4846.7 -124.2 Negative

26/10/2009 4997.15 5033.75 4961.35 4970.9 -26.15 Negative

123/10/2009 1 4986.55 5054.95 4983.25 4997.05 8.45 Positive

\ 22/10/2009 | 5063.35 5064.25 4968,45 4988.6 -75 Negative

21/10/2009 5114.85 5117.45 5051,65 5063.6 -50.85 Negative

20/10/2009 5145.6 5181.95 5102.65 5114.45 -27.7 Negative

07/11/2008 2893.25 3010 2860.1 2973 80,35 Positive

06/11/2008 2998.45 3007,8 2860.25 2892.65 -102.3 Negative

05/11/2008 3155.75 3240.55 2971 2994.95 -147.15 Negative

04/11/2008. 3050.25 , 3152.3 29851 3142.1 98.25 Positive

PredtctingMe Mffy a Sensex

03/11/2008 2885.4 3062.05 2885.4J 3043.85 . 158.25 Positive

31/10/2008 2696.3 2921.35 2696.3 2885.6 188.55 Positive
29/10/2008 2685.3 2781.25 2631.9 2697.05 12.45 Positive
28/10/2008 2526.2! 2695.95 2526.2 2684.6 160.4 Positive
27/10/2008 2583.75 2585.3 2252.75 2524.2 -59.8 Negative
— g
24/10/2008 2936.25 2936.25 2525.05 2584 -359.15 Negative
23/10/2008 3064,8 3085.1 2917.15 2943.15 -122 Negative
22/10/2008 3234.7 3235.75 3051.8 3065.151 -169.75 Negative
21/10/2008 3125.4 3254.85 3117.35 3234,9 112.1 Positive
20/10/2008 3108.2 3238.4 3058.95 3122.8 48.45 Positive
17/10/2008 I 3269.05 3335.95 3046.6 3074.35 -194.95 Negative
16/11/2006 3876.4 3900.4 3863.85 3876.85 0.55 Positive
15/11/2006 3865.95 3888.8 3838.25 3876.3 10.4 Positive
14/11/2006 3862 3883 3850.75 3865.9 7.15 Positive
13/11/2006 3834.8 3862.05 3834 3858.75 24 Positive

10/11/2006 3796,05 3842.4 3785.4 3834.75 38.35 Positive

09/11/2006 3777.8 3808.2 3769.8 3796.4 19.1 Positive

08/11/2006 3799.2 3809.95 3737.2 3777.3 -21.451 Negative

07/11/2006 3812.15 3840.45 3789.4 3798.75 -10.5 Negative

06/11/2006 3804.75 3822,4 3798.25 3809.25 3.9 Positive

3793.05 3809.65 3771 3805.35 14.15 Positive

3769.4 3805.5 3761.9 3791.2 24.15 Positive
3744.1 31711 3737 3767.05 22.95 Positive
3770.5 3782.85 3726.75 3744.1 -25 Negative
3769.1 29.75 Positive
30/10/2006 3739.35 3776.05 1 3719.45
3674.8 3739.35 61.8 Positive
27/10/2006 3676.85 3747.35
3677.55 20.25 Positive
3656.2 3686.85 3651.2
3651.2 3657.3 -19.55 Negative
23/10/2006 3683.4 3690.85
3665.5 3676.85 -0.95 Negative
20/10/2006 3678.75 3714.25
3655.05 3677.8 -32.85 Negative
19/10/2006 3711.1 3726.95
3710.65 ! -4.35 Neaative
3715.2 3727 3701.3
2585.95 2559.45 2582.75 | 24.05
16/11/2005 2559.45
10.05 Positive
2576-95 2534.4 2558.7
14/11/2005 2548.55
2500.85 2548.65 ' 47,95
2500.81 2551.4
11/11/2005 11.6 Positive
2480.85 2500.7
2489.1 2504,75
10/11/2005 -3.551 Negative
2475.7 2489.1
09/11/2005 2493.11
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi St 302
Aspects Whiie Sun in Libia

08/11/2005 | 2463.65 2502.9| • 24601 2492.65 31.05 Positive

07/11/2005 2419.25 2464.65 2411.6 2461.6 42.55 Positive
02/11/2005 2386.45 2423.8 2367.75 2419.05 48.1 Positive
31/10/2005 2314.85 2373.4 2314.2 2370.95 54.9 Positive
28/10/2005 2352.65 2355.15 2307.45 2316.05 -36.85 Negative
27/10/2005 2408.95 2416.45 2338.6 2352.9 -55.6 Negative
26/10/2005 2418.45 2434 2401.1 2408.5 -9.7 Negative

25/10/2005 2394.95 2444.6 2390.85 2418.2 23.35 Positive

24/10/2005 2444.2 2460 2388.4 2394.85 -48.9 Negative

21/10/2005 2397.85 2447.85 2384.05 2443.75 48.3 Positive

20/10/2005 2421.4 2463.85 2363.55 2395.45 -17 Negative

19/10/2005 2467.8 2467.85 2394.95 2412.45 -55.75 Negative

18/10/2005 2485.25 2517.7 2452.5 2468.2 -16.95 Negative
12/11/2004 1871.9 1885.05 1866.75 1872.95 2.4 Positive

11/11/2004 1876.45 1884.65 1866.95 1870.55 -5.55 Negative

10/11/2004 1859.65 1878.2 1857.7 1876.1 17.35 Positive

09/11/2004 1863.55 1869.45 1853.45 1858.75 ; -4.05 Negative

08/11/2004 1852.45 1871.05 1852.45 1862.8 10.5 Positive

05/11/2004 1836.05 1854.4 1836 1852.3 17,45 Positive

04/11/2004 1837.8 1853.05 1830.5 1834.85 -2.55 Negative

03/11/2004 1814.15 1838.4| 1814.15 1837.4 23.7 Positive |

02/11/2004 1798.3 1817.11 1798.3 1813.7 15.95 Positive

3. Sun in Libra aspected by Mercury: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

4. Sun 1n Libra aspected by Jupiter: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

5. Sun in Libra aspected by Venus: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex; The following empherical data accertains this
PredMng the Nifty & Sermx

astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherlcal

data we can observe the upmove in the price of ni^TS
33 observations out of total 55,

Sun i n Libra aspected by Venus

Date Open High Low Close GaSp/ Trend

28/10/2011 5341.9 5399.7 5322.8 5360.7 158.9 Positive
26/10/2011 5214.95 5219.25 5196.15 5201.8 10.2 Positive
25/10/2011 5137.9 5211 5085,55 5191.6 93.25 Positive
24/10/2011 5114.7 5145.65 I 5084.75 5098.35 48.4 Positive
21/10/2011 5106.6 5120.75 I 5037.95 5049.95 -41.95 Negative
20/10/2011 5086.55 5099 5033.95 5091.9 -47.25 Negative
i 19/10/2011 | 5080.45 5148.05 5075.3 5139.15 101.65 Positive
18/10/2011 5049.45 5057.5 5011.05 5037.5 -80.75 Negative
04/11/2010 6209.6 6290.15 6199.35 6281.8 121.3 Positive
03/11/2010 ( 6150.61 6182.5 6146.8 6160.5 41.5 Positive
02/11/2010 6127.55 6138.1 6094.4 6119 1,45 Positive
01/11/2010 6092.3 6132.4 6084.75 6117,55 99.85 Positive
29/10/2010 6021.15 6032.65 5937.1 6017.7 30 Positive

28/10/2010 6039.95 6071.1 5968.1 5987.7 -24.95 Negative

27/10/2010 6075.45 6075.95 5987.55 -6012.65 -69.35 Negative

26/10/2010 6116.3 6120.25 6074.65 6082 -23.8 Negative

25/10/2010 6101.25 6151.3 6094.6 6105.8 39.75 Positive

22/10/2010 6113.4 6121.1 6041.35 6066.05 -35.45 Negative

21/10/2010 6008.9 6113.5 5984.9 ♦ 6101.5 119.4 Positive

20/10/2010 ; 6002.951 6038.1 5966.75 5982.1 -45.2 Negative

19/10/2010 1 6114.451 6127.051 6008.15) 6027,3 -48.65 Negative

6075.95 13.3' Positive

18/10/2010 1 6112.75) 6115.l| 5985.1
4870.05 5003.95 122.25 Positive
11/11/2009 4882.3 5016.7
4898.9 4947.7 4860.1 4881.7 -16.7 Negative
4898.4 102.25 Positive
09/11/2009 4796.15 4905.25 4789.9
4796.15 30.6 Positive
06/11/2009 4767.5 4836.2 4764.85
4765.55 54.75 Positive
4711.65 4776.35 4610.6
4710.8 146.9 Positive
4567.3 4717.8 4565
4563.9 -147.8 Negative
4712.25 4729.85 4538.5
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthi &
Aspects While Sun in Libra

10/11/2006 3796.05 3842.4 3785.4 383.4.75 38.35 Positive

09/11/2006 3777.8 3808.2 3769.8 3796.4 19.1 Positive
08/11/2006 3799.2 3809.95 3737.2 3777.3 -21.45 Negative
07/11/2006 3812.15 3840.45 3789.4 3798.75 -10.5 Negative
06/11/2006 3804.75 3822.4 3798.25 3809.25 3.9 Positive
03/11/2006 3793.05 3809.65 37711 3805.35 14.15 Positive
02/11/2006 3769.4 3805,5 3761.91 3791.2 24.15 Positive
23/10/2006 3683.4 3690.85 3651.21 3657.3 -19.55 Negative
20/10/2006 3678.75 3714.25 3665.51 3676.85 -0.95 Negative
28/10/2003 1485.45| 1500.8 1471.31 1481.75 -3.55 Negative
27/10/2003 1522.05| 1524.05 1482| 1485.3 14.85 Positive
23/10/2003 1494.75 1503 1466.25 1470.45 -23.65 Negative
22/10/2003 1506.75 1522.65 1483 1494.1 -12.4 Negative
21/10/2003 i 1546.21 1549.65 1496.95 1506.5 -36.2 Negative
14/14/2002 964,15 974.1 963.5 971.9 9.25 Positive
13/11/2002 960.35 965.75 956.9 962.65 2.8 Positive
12/11/2002 953.9] 960.85 948.05 959.85 5.8 Positive
11/11/2002 957.55| 958.55 952.1 954.05 -2.9 Negative
08/11/2002 960.51 960.951 954.35 956.95 -3.75 Negative

07/11/2002 1 962.351 970.21 957.95 960.7 -1,6 Negative

05/11/2002 1 962.851 963.71 957.2 962.3 0.2 Positive

04/11/2002 | 951.6 965.5 951:6 962.1 10.65 Positive

01/11/2002 I 951.45 956.95 946.4 951.45 0.05 Positive

31/10/2002 | 937.35 953.3 937.05 951.4 13.65 Positive

30/10/2002 I 936.15 944.35 935.9 937.75 0.85 Positive

29/10/2002 1 922.55 | 939.7| 921.65 936.9 | 14.21 Positive

6. Sun in Libra aspected by Saturn: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

7 Sun in Libra aspected by Rahu: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
306 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in

21 observations out of total 37,

Sun in Libra aspected by Rahu

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

12/11/2004 1871.9 1885.05 1866.75 1872.95 2.4 Positive
11/11/2004 1876.45 1884.65 1866.95 1870.55 -5.55 Negative
10/11/2004 1859.65 1878.2 1857.7 1876.1 17.35 Positive
9/11/2004 1863.55 1869.45 1853.45 1858.75 -4.05 Negative
8/11/2004 1852;45 1871.05 1852.45 1862.8 10.5 Positive
5/11/2004 1836.05 1854.4 183.6 1852.3 17.45 Positive
4/11/2004 1837.8 1853.05 1830.5 1834.85 -2.55 Negative
1 3/11/2004 1814.151 1838.4 1814.15 1837.4 23.7 Positive
1 2/11/2004 1798.31 1817.1 1798.3 1813.7 15.95 Positive
1 1/11/2004 1787.3] 1800.25 1776.7 1797.75 -2.35 Negative
[28/10/2004 1783.9] 1808.15 1783.91 1800.1 16.25 Positive
27/10/2004 1781.15 1797.55 1774.2 1783.85 2.8 Positive
26/10/2004 1777.85 1782.1 1750,3 1781.05 23.8 Positive
25/10/2004 1780 1783.55 1753.5 1757.25 -22.5 Negative

121/10/2004 1790.35] 1795.4 1772.4 1779.75 -10.3 Negative

[20/10/2004 1 1808.6] 1815.2 1785.45 1790.05 -18.35 Negative

[19/10/2004 1787.2 1813.9 1787.2 1808.4 22.4 Positive

[18/10/2004 1796.05 1806.15 1782.95 1786 -8.75 Negative

[13/11/2003 1610.4 1616.15 1573.6 1579.95 -23.85 Negative

[12/11/2003 | 1601.3 1617,75 1598 1603.8 2.65 Positive

[ 11/11/2003 ] 1594.5 1608.85 1590.95 1601.15 6.65 Positive

1603.65 15.68.1 1594.5 2.45 Positive

10/11/2003 1603.55
7/11/2003 1612,1 1624.5 1585.35 1592.05 -20.15 Negative

1605.4 1612.2 3.05 Positive

6/11/2003 1610.55 1630.25
1627.6 1592.55 1609.15 -9.55 Negative
5/11/2003 1618.7
1601,3 1618.7 17.05 Positive
4/11/2003 1601.3 1626.4
1601.65 45.75 Positive
3/11/2003 1556.5 1605.6 1556.5
1555.9 39.05 Positive
31/10/2003 1517,1 1559.75 1515.55
1516.85 18.4 Positive
30/10/2003 1499.25 1524.25 1495.8
1498.45 I" 16.7 Positive
29/10/2003 1481.3 1501.7 1477.1
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, 77th/ & 309
Aspects While Sun In Libra

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


26/10/2011 5214.95 5219,25 5196.15 5201.8 10.2 Positive

125/10/2011 5137.9 5211 5085.55 5191.6 93.25 Positive

I 4/11/2010 1 6209.6| 6290.15 6199.35 6281.8 121.3 Positive

I 3/11/2010 6150.6 6182.5 6146.8 6160.5 41.5 Positive

13/11/2009 4952.35 5017.9 4942.65 4998.95 46.3 Positive

27/10/2008 2583.75 2585.3 2252.75 2524,2 -59.8 Negative

7/11/2007 5782.4 5861.35 5744.3 5782.35 -4.15|Negadve

6/11/2007 5847.1 5957.2 5759.95 5786.5 -60.8 Negative

16/11/2006 3876.4 3900.4 3863.85 3876,85 0,55 Positive
20/10/2006 3678.75 3714.25 3665.5 3676.85 -0.95 Negative
31/10/2005 2314.85 2373.4 2314.2 2370.95 54.9 Positive
10/11/2004 1859.65 1878.2 1857.7 1876.1 17.35 Positive
9/11/2004 1863.55 1869.45 1853.45 1858.75 -4.05 Negative
23/10/2003 1494.75 1503 1466.25 1470.45 -23,65 Negative

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 8 observations out of total 13.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/10/2011 5341.9 5399.7 5322.8 5360.7 158.9 Positive

5/11/2010 6321.85 6338.5 6303.1 6312.45 30.65 Positive
20/10/2009 5145.6 5181.95 5102.65 5114.45 -27.7 Neoative
29/10/2008 2685.3 2781.25 2631.9 2697.05 12,45 Positive
28/10/2008 2526.2 2695.95 2526.2 2684.6 160.4 Positive
9/11/2007 5703-45 5794.2 5614.9 5663,25 -35.5 Negative
8/11/2007 5779.3 5780,8 5646.75 5698.75 -83.6 Negative (
23/10/2006 3683.4 3690,85 3651.2 3657.3| -19.55 Negative 1
2/11/2005 2386.45 2423.8 2367.75 2419.05 48.1 Pdsitlve j
Preacting the Niffy & Sensex

12/11/2004 1871,9 1885.05 1866.75 1872,951 2,41 Positive

11/11/2004 1876,45 1884.65 1866.95 1870.55 -5.55 Neaative
5/11/2002 962.85 963.7 957.2 962,3 0.2 Positive
4/11/2002 951,6 965.5 951.6 962.1 10.65 Positive

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 10.

Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

8/11/2010 6335.25 6335.9 6265.35 6273.2 -39.25 Negative
22/10/2009 5063.35 5064.25 4968.45 4988.6 -75 Negative
21/10/2009 5114.85 5117.45 5051.65 5063.6 -50.85 Negative
31/10/2008 2696.3 2921.35 2696.31 2885,6 188.55 Positive
12/11/2007 5660.6 5660.6 5477.5 5617.1 -46.15 Negative
26/10/2006 3656.2 3686.85 3651.2 3677.55 20.25 Positive
18/10/2004 j 1796.05 1806.15 1782.95 17861 -8.75! Neaative

28/10/2003 1485.45 1500.8 1471.3 1481,75 -3.55 Neaative

27/10/2003 1522.05 1524.05 1482 1485.3 14.85 Positive

7/11/2002 962.35 970.2 957,95 960.7 -1.6 [Negative

9. Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Libra; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside

in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 15.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex
I mill"1

"28/10/2009 4846.55 4867 4784.1 4826.15 -20.55 Neqative

7/11/2008 2893.25 3010 2860.1 2973 80.35 Positive
23/10/2007 5185.3 5488.5 5176.85 5473.7 289.7 Positive
22/10/2007 5202.75 5247.4 5070.9 5184 -31.3 Negative
1/11/2006 3744.1 3777.7 3737 3767.05 22.95 Positive
31/10/2006 37705 3782.85 3726.75 3744.1 -25 Neoative
11/11/2005 2500.85 2551.4 2500.85 2548.65 47.95 Positive
10/11/2005 2489.1 2504.75 2480.85 2500.7 11.6 Positive
4/11/2003 1601.3| 1626.4 1601.3 1618.7 17.05 Positive
3/11/2003 1556.5| 1605.6 1556.5 1601.65 45,75 Positive
14/11/2002 964.15! 974.1 963.5 971.9 9.25 Positive
13/11/2002 960.35 965.75 956.9 962.65 2.8 Positive
18/10/2002 973.8 982.5 968.8 971.65 -1.65 Negative

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Libra; This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 15.,

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


8/11/2011 5292.25 5304.25 5252 5289.35 5.15 Positive

22/10/2010 6113.4| 6121.1 6041.35 6066.05 -35.45 Negative

21/10/2010 6008.91 6113.5 5984.9 6101.5 119.4 Positive

20/10/2010 6002.95| 6038.1 5966.75 5982.1 -45.2 Negative

11/11/2008 3147.21 3147.2 2919.45 2938.65 -209.6 Negative

2973.3 3161.25 2973.3 3148.25 175.25 Positive

5605.95 5469.3 5568.95 72.8 Positive
25/10/2007 5499.05
5477.6 5577.9 5419.4 5496.15 22.45 Positive
3771 3805.35 14,15 Positive
3/11/2006 3793.05 3809.65
3761.9 3791.2 24.15 Positive
2/11/2006 3769.4 3805.5
1783.85 2.8 Positive
27/10/2004 1781.15 1797.55) 1774.2
1781.05 23.8 Positive
26/10/2004 1777.85 1782.l( 1750.3
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi S 313
Aspects While Sun in Libra

25/10/2004 1780 1783.55 1>53.5 1757.25 -22.5 Negative

6/11/2003 1610.55 1630.25 1605.4 1612.2 3.05 Positive

5/11/2003 16187 1627.6 1592.55 1609.15 -9.55 Negative

15/11/2002 972.3 992.05 972.3 99035 18.45 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Libra and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1, Moon transting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in Libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 8.

Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High tow Close Gain/ Trend

I 9/11/2011 53097) 5317.5 521175 5221.05 -683 Negative

112/11/2008. 2937.91 2975.2 2794.95 2848.45 -90.2 (Negative

26/10/2007 5564.25 5716.9 5513.35 57023 13335 Positive

14/11/2005 2548.55 2576.95 2534.4 2558.7 10.05 Positive
18/10/2005 2485.25 2517.7 2452.5 2468.2 -16,95 Negative
28/10/2004 1783.9 1808.15 1783.9 1800.1 16.25 Positive
7/11/2003 1612.1 1624.5 1585.35 1592.05 -20.15 Negative
21110/2002 | 97175 976.21 965.65| 967.35 j -431 Negative

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun

is in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in all 4 observations out of total 4.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with NakshatiB, Yoga, Tithi & jjs
Aspects While Sun in Libra

7 Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

8. Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra: This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/10/2011 5106.6 5120.75 5037.95 5049.95 -41,95 Negative

22/10/2008 3234.7 3235.75 3051.8 3065.15 -169.75 Negative

1/11/2007 5903.8 6011.95 5837.2 5866.45 • -34.2 Negative

25/10/2005 2394.95 2444.6 2390.85 2418.2 23.35 Positive

4/11/2004 1837,8 1853.05 1830.5 1834.85 -2.55 Negative

29/10/2002 922.55 939.7 921.65 936.9 14.2 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
318 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

14. Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra white Sun is in Libra;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

15. Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in Libra:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
- price of nifty index in 4 observations oiit of total 5.

Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/10/2011 5341.9 5399.7 5322.8 5360.7 158.9 Positive

20/10/2009 5145.61 5181.95 5102.65 5114.45 ' -27.7 Negative |

12/11/2004 1871.91 1885.051 1866.75 1872.95 2.4 Positive

27/10/2003 1522.051 1524.051 1482 1485.3 14,85 Positive

5/11/2002 962.85| 963.7( 957.2 962.3 0.2 Positive

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral

to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatm, Yoga, Vthi & jjg
Aspects While Sun in Libra

18. Moon transitingthroughJyeshtaNakshatra while Sun

is in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty 81
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

8/11/2010 6335.25 6335.9 6265.35 6273.2 -39.25 Negative
22/10/2009 5063.35 5064.25 4968.45 4988.6 -75 Negative
12/11/2007 5660.6 5660.6 5477.5 5617.1 -46.15 Negative
26/10/2006 3656.2 3686.85 3651.2 3677.55 20.25 Positive
18/10/2004 1796.05 1806.15 1782.95 1786 -8.75 Negative
28/10/2003 1485.45 1500.8 1471.3 1481.75 -3.55 Negative
7/11/2002 | 962.35 970.21 957.95 960.7| -1.6 (Negative

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in Libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

31/10/2011 5358.9 5360.25 5314.6 5326.6 -34.1 Negative
9/11/2010 6281 6310.9 6243.55 6301.55 28.35 Positive
23/10/2009 4986.55 5054.95 4983.25 4997.05 8.45 Positive
13/11/2007 5612.35| 5758.851 5591.6 5695.41 78.3 Positive
27/10/2006 3676.85) 3747.35) 3674.81 3739.35 61.8 •Positive
19/10/2004 1787.2 1813.9 1787.2 1808.4 22.4 Positive
29/10/2003 1481.3 1501.7 1477.1 1498.45 16.7 Positive
8/11/2002 960.51 960.95) 954.35 956.95 -3.75 Negative
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

20. Moon trans! Sng through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Libra: The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

2/11/2011 5216.75 5300.1 5204.95 5258.45 0,5 Positive

12/11/2010 6182.3 6202.5 5056.75 6071.55 -122.6 Negative


6179.5 5194.25 Negative


11/11/2010 6286.35 6296.55

5/11/2008 3155.75 3240.55 2971 2994.95 -147,15 Negative

16/11/2007 5913.15 5948.05 5817.4 5906.85 -5.25 Negative

19/10/2007 5360.35 5390.85 5101.75 5215.3 -135.7 Negative

21/10/2004 1790.35 1795.4 1772.4 1779,75 -10.3 Negative

1559,75 1515.55 1555.9 39.05 Positive

31/10/2003 1517.1

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun Is in

Ubra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. Butif the
aspected by Saturn then It mbstly results into upmove inth
pnaXXs Nifty & Sensex. while If theMoon ,s aspected
by Mars, Rahu or Jupiter then It mostly results into upnwe In

the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex.

Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 321
Aspects White Sun in Libra

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra: The implication.oftyiis astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive op or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Libra: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 9.

Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/11/2010 6079.9 6128.75 6039.4 6121,6 49.95 Positive
19/10/2010 6114.45 6127.05 6008.15 6027.3 , -48.65 Negative

18/10/2010 6112.751 6115.1 5985.1(6075.95 13.3 Positive

29/10/2009 4826.1 j 4826.1 4738.4 4750.55 -75.6 Negative

22/10/2007 5202.751 5247.41 5070.91 5184 -31.3 Negative

1/11/2006 3744.1 3777.7 3737 3767.05 22.95 Positive

10/11/2005' 2489.1 2504.75 2480.85 2500.7 11.6 Positive

3/11/2003 1556.51 1605.6 1556.5 1601.65 45.75 Positive

13/11/2002 960.35] 965.75| 956.9 962.65 2.8 'Positive

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is In Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra

while Sun is in Libra: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
322 Predicting the Nitty & Sense*

emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index In 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Libra

bate Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

21/10/2010 6008.9 6113.5 5984.9 6101.5 119.4 Positive
10/11/2008 2973.3 3161.25 2973,3 3148.25 175,25 Ppsltive
24/10/2007 5477.6 5577.9 5419.4 5496.15 22.45 Positive
3/11/2006 3793.05 3809,65 3771 3805.35 14.15 Positive
26/10/2004 1777.85 1782.1 1750.3 1781.05 23.8 Positive
| 5/11/2003J 1618.7 1627.6 1592.55 1609.15 -9.55 Negative
115/11/2002 972,3) 992.05 972.3 990.35 18.45 Positive

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is in Libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


8/11/2011 5292.25 5304.251 . 5252 5289.35 5.15 Positive j

22/10/2010 1 6113,41 6121.1 6041.35 6066.05 -35.45 Negative

11/11/2008 3147.2 3147,2 2919.45 2938,65 -209.6 Negative

25/10/2007 5499.05 5605.95 5469.3 5568.95 72.8 Positive

27/10/2004 1781.15 1797.55 1774.2 1783.85 2.8 Positive

6/11/2003 1610.55 1630.25 1605.4 1612.2 3.05 Positive

following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through

the sign Libra, and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1- Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Libra; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai data accertains this
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 323
Aspects While Sun in Libra

astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 9.

Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/10/2011 5214.95 5219.25 5196.15 5201.8 10.2 Positive
4/11/2010 6209.6 6290.15 6199.35 6281.8 121.31 Positive
13/11/2009 4952.35 5017.9 4942.65 4998.95 46.3 Positive
28/10/2008 2526.2 2695.95| 2526.2 2684.6 160.4 Positive
27/10/2008 2583.75 25853 2252.75 2524.2 -59.8 Negative
7/11/2007 5782.4 5861.35 5744.3 5782.35 -4.15 Negative
16/11/2006 3876.4 3900.4 3863.85 3876.85 0.55 Positive
31/10/2005 2314.85 2373.4 2314.2 2370.95 i . 54.9| Positive
9/11/2004 1863.55 1869.45 1853.451 1858.751 -4.051 Negative

2. Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Venus then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 4 observations out of total 5.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Vbga, TAhi & 325
Aspects While Sun in Libra

8. Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

9. Shooia Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Mars or Rahu then
it mostly results into a fail or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


3/11/2011 5241.55 5281.6 5201.85 5265.75 7.3 Positive

12/11/2010 6182.3 ' 6202.5 6056.75 6071.65 -122.6 Negative
18/10/2010 6112.75 6115.1 5985.1 6075.95 13.3 Positive
27/10/2009 4970.55 4970.55 4829.5 4846.7 -124,2 Negative
6/11/2008 2998.45 3007.8 2860.25 2892.65 -102.3 Negative
16/11/2007 5913.15 5948.05 5817.4 5906.85 -5.25 Negative
8/11/2005 2463.65 2502.9 2460 2492.65 31.05 Positive
11/11/2002 957.55 958.55 952.1 954.05 -2.9 Negative
•^ '
11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This astrological
combination mostly results into foil or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of

nifty index in S observations out of total 8,

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

uace Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

4/11/2011 5325.4 5326.45 5256.8 5284.2 18.45 Positive
19/10/2010 6114.45 6127.05 6008,15 6027.3 -48.65 Negative
28/10/2009 4846.55 4867 4784.1 4826.15 -20.55 Negative
7/11/2008 2893.25 3010 2860.1 2973 80.35 Positive
22/10/2007 5202.75 5247.4] 5070.9 5184 -31.3 Negative
31/10/2006 3770.5 3782.85] 3726.75 3744.1 -25 Negative
9/11/2005 2493.1 2519.4] 2475.7 2489.1 -3.55 Negative
12/11/2002 953.9 960.85 ] 948.05 959.85 5.8 Positive

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


20/10/2010 6002.95 6038.1 5966.75 5982.1 -45.2 Negative

29/10/2009 4826.1 4826.1 4738.4 4750.55 -75.6 Negative

23/10/2007 5185.3 5488.5 5176.85 5473.7 289.7 Positive

1/11/2006 3744.1 3777.7 3737 3767.05 22.95 Positive

10/11/2005 2489.1 2504.75 2480.85 2500.7 11,6 positive

1556.5 1605.6 1556.5 1601.65 45.75 Positive

960.35 965.75 956.9 962.65 2.8 Positive
973.8 982.5 968.8 971.65 -1,65 Negative

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this

astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
7 observations out of total 9.
Chapter 8: Predicting die Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithf &
Aspects While Sun in Libra

Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High tow Close Gain/ Trend

15/11/2010 6079.9 6128.75 6039.4 6121,6 49.95 Positive
21/10/2010 6008.9 6113.5 5984.9 6101,5 119.4 Positive
30/10/2009 4751.1 4853.65 4687.5 4711.7 -38.85 Negative
24/10/2007 5477.6 5577.9 5419.4 5496.15 22.45 Positive
2/11/2006 3769.4 3805.5 3761.9 3791,2 2445 Positive
11/11/2005 2500.85 2551,4 2500.85 2548.65 47.95 Positive
25/10/2004 1780 1783,55 1753,5 1757.25 -22.5 Negative
4/11/2003 1601.3 1626.4 1601,3 1618.7 17,05 Positive
14/11/2002 96445 974.1 963.5 971.9 9.25 Positive

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Libra; The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Libra; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericaf data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherica!
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7,

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


8/11/2011 5292.25 5304.25 5252 5289.35 545 Positive

10/11/2008 2973.3 3161,25 2973.3 3148.25 175.25 Positive

26/10/2007 5564.25 5716.9 5513.35 5702.3 133.35 Positive

18/10/2005 2485.25 2517.7 2452.5 2468.2 -16.95 Negative

27/10/2004 178145 1797.55 1774.2 1783.85 2.8 Positive

6/11/2003 1610.55 1630.25 1605.4 1612,2 3.05 Positive

22/10/2002. 967.5 976.35 961,65 962.5 -4.85 Negative

Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Senses with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 329
Aspects White Sun in Libra

up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars, Mercury
or Venus then it mostly results into upmove in the price of
indices Nifty & Sensex,

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Libra; The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty 81 Sensex. But If the Moon is aspected by Mercury then
it mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. While if the-Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

20. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

21. Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Libra; The implication erf this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements In
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Rahu then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of Indices Nifty &
Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

22. Sadhya Yoga day While Sun is in Libra; The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in

die indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Predfcting the Nifty & Sense*

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This astrological

combination mostly results intpfall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherfcal data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in S observations out of total 6.

Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

16/11/2011 5059.1 1
5065.2 4989.5 5030.45 -38.05 Negative
J 23/10/2008 3064.8 3085.1 2917.15 2943.15 -122 Negative
i 2/11/2007 5854.85 5944.75 5714.25 5932.4 65.95 Positive
26/10/2005 2418.45 2434 2401.1 2408.5 -9.7 Negative
.4/11/2004 1837.8 1853.05 1830.5 1834.85 -2.55 Negative

20/10/2003 1569.7 1574.1 1536.5 1542.7] -26.75(Negative

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of this
astrofogical combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices
Nifty & Sensex,

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication ofthis
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Libra; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data acxrertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we qan observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty 8l Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 333
Aspects While Sun in Libra

£>,.ukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open . High Low Close Gain/ Trend


8/11/2010 6335.25 6335.9 6265.35 6273.2 -39.25 Negative

20/10/2009 5145.6 5181.95 5102.65 5114.45 -27.7 Negative

31/10/2008 2696.3 2921.35 2696.3 2885.6 188.55 Positive

13/11/2007 5612.35 5758.85 5591.6 5695.4 78.3 Positive

12/11/2007 5660.6 5660.6 5477.5 5617.1 -46.15 Negative

7/11/2002 962.35 970.2 957.95 960.7 -1.6 Negative

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected bySatum then it mostly results into a fall ordownside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Libra; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements fn the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in Libra:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in Libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of

total 8.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty 8l Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 335
Aspects While Sun in Libra

following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Shukia Paksha 9 or Shukia Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low CKose Gain/ Trend
4/11/2011 5325.4 5326.45 5256.8 5284.2 18.45 Positive
15/11/2010 6079.9 6128.75 6039.4 6121.6 49.95 Positive
27/10/2009 4970.55 4970.55 4829.5 4846.7 -124.2 Negative

7/11/2008 2893.25 3010 2860.1 2973 80.35 Positive

31/10/2006 3770.5 3782.85 3726.75 3744.1 -25 Negative

10/11/2005 2489.1 2504.75 2480.85 2500.7 11.6 Positive

13/11/2002 960.35 965.75 956.9 962.65 2.8 Positive

10. Shukia Paksha 10 or Shukia Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Libra: This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomehon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Shukia Paksha 10 or Shukia Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


16/11/2010 6143.45 6144.05 5970.6 5988.7 -132.9 Negative

28/10/2009 4846.55 4867 4784.1 4826.15 -20.55 Negative

1/11/2006 3744.1 3777.7 3737 3767.05 22.95 Positive

11/11/2005 2500.85 2551.4 2500.85 2548.65 47.95 Positive

1 3/11/2003 ! 1556.5 1605.6 1556.5 1601.65| 45.75 Positive

14/11/2002 964.15) 974.1 963.5 971.9 9.25 Positive

11. Shukia Paksha 11 or Shukia Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Jupiter then It mostly results into upmove

in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Libra; The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected
by Mare then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination isneutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by MarsorSaturn then itmostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in Libra: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Sun, Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi While Sun is in

, Libra: The implication of thfe-astrological combination is neuftal

to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Sun then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
338 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

" ' - '

empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as

from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Krishna Paksha S or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

16/11/2011 5059.1 5065.2 4989.5 5030.45 -38.05 Negative
15/11/2011 5131.2 5158.75 5052.85 5068.5 -79.85 Negative
27/10/2010 6075.45 6075.95 5987.55 6012.65 -69.35 Negative
30/10/2007 5917.55 5976 5833.9 5868.75 -37.15 Negative
9/11/2006 3777.8 | 3808.2 3769.8 3796.4 19.1 Positive
2/11/2004 1798.3 1 1817.1 1798.3 1813,7 15.95 Positive!

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tlthi while Sun is in

libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combinahon is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Rahu then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tlthi while Sun

is in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.
Chapter 8: PredkUng the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 339
Aspects Whffe Sun in Libra
U'llfyyui- „ ■-■.m

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

20/10/2011 5086,55 5099 5033.95 5091.9 -47.25 Negative
21/10/2008 3125.4 3254.85 3117,35 3234.9 112.1 Positive
2/11/2007 5854.85 5944.75 5714.25 5932.4 65.95 Positive
13/11/2006 3834.8 3862.05 3834 3858.75 24 Positive
25/10/2005 2394.95 2444.6 2390,85 2418.2 23.35 Positive
5/11/2004 1836.05 1854:4 1836 1852.3 17.45 Positive
29/10/2002 922.55 939,7 921.65 936.9 14.2 Positive

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index In 4 observations out of
total 6.

Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/10/2011 5106.6 5120.75 5037.95 5049.95 -41.951 Negative

10/11/2009 4898.9 4947.7 4860.1 4881.7 -16.7 Negative

22/10/2008 3234.7 3235,75 3051.8 3065.15 -169.75 Negative

14/11/2006 3862 3883 3850.75 3865.9 7.15! Positive

26/10/2005 2418.45 2434 2401.1 2408.5 -9.71 Negative

130/10/2002 936.15] 944.35 935.9 937.75 0.85 f Positive

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Libra: The implication of this astrological combination is neutral
to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it
do not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price •
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 9

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

Sun transits through Scorpio during

16th November to 15th December

Transit of Sun through Scorpio, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, results into positive momentum for the stock prices of
Automobile, Pharmaceutical, Crude, Infrastructure, Capital Goods,
Health Care, Hospitals, Medical Equipments, Diagnostic Centers,
Iron and Steel, Gypsum, Cement, Limestone, Metals, Copper,
Spices, Tobacco, Nuclear Power, Uranium, Radium, Fire Arms and
Explosives. Whereas if this transit is aspected by Mercury, Venus
or Rahu then the prices of the above stocks will decline and selling
pressure will mount up on investor sontiments turning to negative.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Scorpio under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Scorpio aspected by Moon: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertalns this
astrological, phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
21 observations out of total 35.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, T/thi & 343
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio
"" wm n mm ^^

Sun in Scorpio aspected by. Moon

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

9/12/2011 4870.75 4918.35 4841.75 4866.7 -76.95 Negative
25/11/2011 4731.3 4767.3 4693.1 4710.05 -46.4 Negative
6/12/2010 6033.65 6069.45 5981.7 5992.25 -0.55 Negative
23/11/2010 5971.55 5973.35 5824.95 5934.75 -75.25 Negative
122/11/2010 5920.9 6020.25 5905.15 6010 119.7 Positive
15/12/2009 I 5105.75 1 5129.45 1 5018.25 I 5033.051 -72.65Negative

14/12/2009 | 5117.45 f 5156.7 [ 5090.15 I 5105.7( -11.6 (Negative

T 3/12/2009 I 5124.55 1 5181 i 5106.6 1 5131.7 1 8.45 Positive

2/12/2009 5122.75 5161.75 5111.75 5123.25 1.25 Positive

1/12/2009 5039.7 5130.35 5038.85 5122 89.3 Positive

18/11/2009 1 5061.5 I 5079.3 5041.65 I 5054.7 -7.55 Negative

17/11/2009 5058.95 5074 5010.15 5062.25 4.2 Positive

12/12/2008 2915.35 2936.8 2812.55 2921.35 1.2 Positive

11/12/2008 2934.05 2945.3 2861.55 2920.15 -8.1 Negative

28/11/2008 2745.7 2779 2690.3 2755.1 2.85 Positive

10/12/2007 5974 6015.3 5923.35 5960.6 -13.7 Negative

5/12/2006 4001.25 4033.2 4001.25 4015.75 14.75 Positive

4/12/2006 4002.4 4015.25 3991.55 4001 3.4 Positive

22/11/2006 3918.3 3960 3909.6 3954.75 36.5 Positive

21/11/2006 3859.5 3921.7 i 3856.75| 3918.25| 62.1 Positive

15/12/2005 2805.2 2821.5 2763.35 2778.55 -26 Negative

14/12/2005 2812.8 2825.65 2788.3 2804.55 -7.75 Negative

2/12/2005 2699.55 2730.7 2691.5 2697.95 -1 Negative
1/12/2005 2651.6 2705 2641.95 2698.95 46.7 Positive
18/11/2005 2604 2632.35 2595.15 2620.05 16.1 Positive
17/11/2005 2558.45 2608.85 2558.45 2603.95 21.2 Positive
9/12/2003 1646.4 1677.9 1646.4 1675.85 29.6 Positive
8/12/2003 1644.85 1654.35 1631.85 1646.25 0.45 Positive
25/11/2003 I 1543.95| 1572.05 1543.95j 1568.651 24.75 Positive
24/11/2003 I 1541.351 1554.05| 1536.51 1543.91 3.2 Positive
4/12/2002 ! 1055.75| 1055.75 J 1034.11 1036.4 •18.6 Negative
3/12/2002 | 1067.71 1075.751 1051.8j 1055 -12.9 Negative
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

22/11/2002 1009.5 1026 1009.5 1020.15 Positive

21/11/2002 1001.8 1012.75 1001.8 1008.75 Positive
20/11/2002 996.85 1007.2 992.3 1001.6 4.75 Positive
2. Sun in Scorpio aspected by Mars: The Implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the pries movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

3. Sun in Scorpio aspected by Mercury: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericaJ data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
69 observations out of total 125. .

Sun in Scorpio aspected by Mercury

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/12/2011 4712.8 4768.65 4673.85 4746.35 -16.9 Negative

14/12/2011 4788.7 4839.55 4750.4 4763-25 -37.35 Negative

13/12/2011 4733.6 4824.7 4728.5 4800.6 36 Positive

12/12/2011 4906.85 4910.25 4755.55 4764.6 -102-1 Negative

9/12/2011 4870.75 4918.35 4841.75 4866.7 -76.95 Negative

8/12/2011 5037.4 5049.05 4921.45 4943.65 -118.95 Negative

5050.1 5099.25 5032.25 5062.6 23.45 Positive

5/12/2011 5036.5 5055.4 5002.55 5039,15 -11 Negative

5062.55 4918.4 5050.15 113.3 Positive

2/12/2011 4940.85
5011-9 4916.7 4936.85 104.8 Positive
1/12/2011 4970.85
4851.55 4754.8 4832.05 26.95 Positive
30/11/2011 4766.15
4787.1 4805.1 -46.2 Negative
29/11/2011 4864.2 4866.1
4766.4 48513 141.25 Positive
28/11/2011 4769.3 4859.1

4731.3 4767.3 4693.1 ■4710,05 -46.4 Negative

4756.45 50 Positive
24/11/2011 4707.55 4771.1 4639.1
4706.45 -105,9 Negative
4779.5 4779.5 4640.95
481235 34 Positive
4794.85 4854 4782.55
4764.8 477835 -127.45 Negative
4873.8 4873.8
346 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

110/12/2007 | 59741 6015.3[ 5923.351 5960.61 -13.71 Negative

( 7/12/2007 | 5963.61 6042.11 5894.8 5974.31 19.6| Positive
I 6/12/2007 | 5941.05j 6027.05| 5919.8 5954,7! 14.7i Positive
| 5/12/2007 | 5861.91 5949.31 5859.95 59401 81.65 i Positive
| 4/12/2007| 5870.21 5897.251 5840.31 5858.351 -6.65[Negative
3/12/2007 5765,45 ( 5878,8 [ 5754,6 ! 5865 } 102.25 Positive
30/11/2007 5633.S>1 5782,551 5632.65 I 5762.75 I 128,15 Positive
29/11/2007 5617,81 5725 5612.1 I 5634.6 1 17.05 Positive
28/11/2007 5699.55| 5749.95 5595.5 1 5617.55 I -80.6 Negative
15/12/2006 3849.6f 3908,45 | 3845.45 3888.65 45.6 Positive
14/12/2006 | 3765.71 3855.05 I 3763.51 3843.05 1 77.851 Positive
13/12/2006 | 3716.751 3777.6 3657.65 3765.2 48.3 Positive
12/12/2006 | 3849.1 3861.25 3661.6 3716.9 -132.6 Negative
11/12/2006 | 3961,9| 3965.05j 3798.31 3849.5 I -112.5) Negative
8/12/2006 4015.75[ 4046,85( 3948.71 3962 1 -53.35) Negative'
7/12/2006 4015 4027.7 4001.4 4015.35 -0.6 Negative
6/12/2006 4016 4036,2 3982,5 4015.95 0.2 Positive
5/12/2006 | 4001.25| 4033.2 4001.25 I 4015.75| 14,75) Positive

4/12/2006 | 4002.4 4015.25 | 3991.55 40011 3.4| Positive I

115/12/2005 | 2805.2| 2821.5 2763.35 j 2778.55) -26| Negative J

14/12/2005 2812.81 2825,65 | 2788.31 2804.55 -7.75 Negative

13/12/2005 2776.81 2815,3 2764.65 | 2812.3 36.1 Positive

12/12/2005 2756.4 | 2789.35 2756.4 2776.2 19.75 Positive

9/12/2005 2706.75 2761.1 2698 2756.45 49.75 Positive

8/12/2005 2694.95 2711.6 2673.5 2706,7 13.7 Positive

7/12/2005 2662,3 2697.1 2662.3 2693 30,7 Positive

6/12/2005 2661.41 2694,4j 2647.35| 2662.3 L8 Positive

5/12/2005 ) 2697,61 2710.65! 2654.35 2660.5 -37.45 Negative

2/12/2005 I 2699.55 2730.7 2691.5 2697.95 -1 Negative

2651.6 2705 2641.95 2698,95 46.7 Positive

2698.1 2727.05 2647.1 2652.25 -46.05 Negative
2712.351 2713.9 2679.9 2698,3 -13.7 Negative
2717.15 2682.65 2712 47.7 Positive
28/11/2005 2683*6
2668,9 2633.75 2664.3 29,3 Positive
25/11/2005 2635.35
2635| 26.4 Positive
24/11/2005 2608.9 2643.7f 2608.7
2608.6 35.75 .Positive
23/11/2005 2572.85 2613.4| 2563.1)
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 3^7
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

22/11/2005 2603.25 2614 2567.05 2572.85] -29.65] Negative

21/11/2005 2620.1 2626.4 2591.75 2602.5] •17.55 Negative
18/11/2005 2604 2632.35 2595.151 2620.05 16.1 Positive 1
17/11/2005 2558.45 2608.85 2558.45 2603.951 21.2 Positive
15/12/2004 2006.8 2034.35 2006.8 2028.7| 21.9 Positive ]
14/12/2004 1985.2 2008.8 1972.85 2006.8 37.8 Positive
10/12/2004 1990.2 1999.7 ■ 1964.65 1969 -20.95 Negative
9/12/2004 1977.8 1995.7 1964.5 1989.95 12 Positive
8/12/2004 1994.15 2009.7] 1973.15 1977.95 -14.75 Negative |
7/12/2004 1990.6 2002.6] 1981.15] 1992.7 -0.45] Negative]
6/12/2004 1996.3 2012.25] 1989.95 1993.15 -3.05 (Negative]
23/11/2004 1873.35 1900.05] 1873.35 1892.6 19.25] Positive j
122/11/2004 1872.55 1878.05] 1845.1 1873.35 -18.7 Negative
18/11/2004 1890.45 1895.3] 1880.8 1892.05 3.4 Positive
17/11/2004 1879.05 1892.15] 1874.35 1888.65] 9.65 Positive
116/11/2004 1872.8 1881.4] 1862.8] 1879] 6.05 Positive
1 28/11/2003 1598.55 1618.95] 1598.55 1615.25 16.9 Positive
1 27/11/2003 1568.85 1602.6] 1568.7 1598.35 29.7 Positive

125/11/2003 1543.95 1572.05] 1543.95 1568.65 24.75 Positive

I 24/11/2003 1541.35 1554.05 1536.5 1543.9 3.2 Positive

I21/1V2003 ! 1520.4| 1547 1509.151 1540.7 18.4] Positive

120/11/2003 | 1542.85| 1558.15 1517.9 1522.3 -18.3 Negative

119/11/2003 1 1563.95| 1564 1534.35) 1540.6 -23.8 Negative

[18/11/2003 ( 1579.15( 1591.25) 1557.2| 1564.4 -15.5 Negative

117/11/2003 ! 1563.ij 1584.75] 1554.4| 1579.9 -0.05 Negative

I 4/12/2002 | 1055.75i 1055.751 1034. l| 1036.4 -18.6 Negative

i 3/12/2002 | 1067.7j 1075.75| 1051.8| 1055 -12.9 Negative
| 2/12/2002 | 1050.15| 1070.15| 1050.15 1067.9 18.2 Positive
[28/11/2002 1 1031.25] 1051.75] 1031.25 1049.7 18.6 Positive
127/11/2002] 1036.35] 1042.2] 1027.7 1031.1 -5.05 Negative
|26/11/2002| 1026.4] 1040.45] 1026] 1036.15 9.95 Positive
|25/11/2002| 1020.9] 1030.35] 1017.5] 1026.2 6.05 Positive
122/11/2002] 1009.5) 1026] 1009.5] 1020.15 11.4 Positive

21/11/2002 | 1001.8) 1012.75) 1001.8| 1008.75 7.15 Positive

20/11/2002 1 996.85] 1007.2] 992.3] 1001.6 4.75 Positive

18/11/2002 | 990.35] 1000.3] 989.05] 996.85 6.5 Positive

348 Predicting me Nifty & Sensex

4. Sun in Scorpio aspected by Jupiter: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherieaf
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
32 observations out of total 49.

Sun in Scorpio aspected by Jupiter

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/12/2010 5931.15 594275 5865.8 5892.3 -51.8 Negative
14/12/2010 5928.7 5953.95 588875 5944.1 36.45 Positive
13/12/2010 5882.65 5913.8 5795.9 5907.65 50.3 Positive
10/12/2010 5761 5865.5 5721.15 585735 90,85 Positive
9/12/2010 5924.25 5927.3 5742.3 5766.5 -137.2 Negative
8/12/2010 5954,4 5960 5878.6 5903.7 -72.85 Negative
7/12/2010 5995.05 6001 5939.7 5976.55 -15.7 Negative
21/11/2007 5778.8 5790.05 5530.85 5561.05 -219.85 Negative
20/11/2007 5911.25 59237 5755.8 5780.9 -126.75 Negative
119/11/2007 1 5908.05] 5981.8 5893.8 5907.65 0.81 Positive]
115/12/2006 I 3849.61 3908.45 3845.45 3888.65 45.6) Positive

14/12/2006 3765.7 3855.05 3763.5 3843.05 77.85 Positive

13/12/2006 3716.75 3777.6 3657.65 3765.2 . 48.3 Positive

112/12/2006 3849.1 3861.25 3661.6 3716.9 -132.6 Negative

11/12/2006 3961.9 3965,05 3798,3 3849.5 -112.5 Negative

8/12/2006 4015.75 4046.85 39487 3962 -53.35 Negative

7/12/2006 4015 4027.7 4001.4 4015.35 -0,6 Negative

6/12/2006 4016 4036.2 3982.5 4015.95 0.2 Positive

5/12/2006 4001.25 4033.2 4001.25 401575 14.75 1 Positive

4002.4 4015.25 3991.55 4001 3.4 Positive

3955.7 4001.3 3953.95 3997.6 43.1 Positive
3929.4 395415 263 Positive
30/11/2006 1 - 3929.41 3973
3920 3928.2 6.45 Positive
29/11/2006 3922.5 3952.4
3966 3911.55 392175 -47.15 Negative
28/11/2006 3966
3968,9 18.0? Positive
27/11/2006 3974.95 3974.95 3948.85
3935.3 3950.85 ^4 Positive
i ^ 3965.8
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga Tithi a
Aspects mile Sun in Scorpio 349

2o,../2006 3955.3 3976.8 3933.7 3945.451 -9.3 Negative

22/11/2006 3918.3 3960 3909.6 3954,75 36.5 Positive
21/11/2006 3859.5 3921.7 3856,75 3918.25 62.1 Positive
20/11/2006 3852,65 3866.95 3794.3 3856,15 3.35 Positive
17/11/2006 3877 3891.85 3835.7 3852.81 -24.05 Negative
13/12/2002 1074.45 1087,35 1074.45 1086.2| 9.2 Positive
12/12/2002 1069.95 1078.85 1066,8 10771 .7.251 Positive
11/12/2002 1064.1 1076.95 1062.3 1069.75 6.05 Positive
10/12/2002 1058.35 1066.1 1045.65 1063.7 ' 5.05 Positive
9/12/2002 1070.5 1085.75 1054.95 1058.65 -11.15 Negative
6/12/2002 1047.55 1072.25 1047.55 1069.8 23.85 Positive
5/12/2002 1036,75 1052.45 1036.75 1045.95 9.55 Positive
4/12/2002 1055.75 1055.75 1034.1 1036.4 -18.6 Negative
3/12/2002 1067.7 1075.75 1051.8 1055 -12.9 Negative
2/12/2002 1050.15 1070.15 1050.15 1067,9 18.2 Positive
28/11/2002 1031,25 1051,75 1031.25 1049.7 18,6 I Positive
27/11/2002 1036.35 1042.2 1027.7 1031.1 . -5.05 Negative
26/11/2002 1026.4 1040.45 1026 1036.15 9.95 Positive
25/11/2002 1020.9 1030.35 1017.5 1026.2 6.05 Positive

22/11/2002 1009.5 1026 1009.5 1020.15 11.4 Positive

21/11/2002 1001.8 1012.75 1001.8 1008.75 7.15 Positive

20/11/2002 996.85 1007.2 992.3 1001.6 4.75 Positive

18/11/2002 990.35 1000.3 989.05 996,85 6.5 Positive

5. Sun in Scorpio aspected by Venus: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

6. Sun In Scorpio aspected by Saturn; The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

7, Sun in Scorpio aspected by Rahu: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
350 Predicting the Nifty & Seosex

the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

Foliowing observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Scorpio and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac:1

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indites Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove In the price of
nifty index in 8 observations out of total 13.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Oain/ Trend

8/12/2011 5037.4 5049.05 4921.45 4943.65 -118.95 Negative
7/12/2011 5050.1 5099.25 5032.25 5062.6 23,45 Positive
19/11/2010 6011.3 6013.25 5863.95 5890.3 -108.5 Neaative
|30/ll/2009 | 4942.251 5066.35i 4942.251 5032.7 90.951 Positive (
10/12/2008 | 2785.7 2940.15| 2785.7| 2928.25 144.251 Positive 1
23/11/2007 5524.3 5638.6 5514.75) 5608.6 89.25 Positive
22/11/2007 5564.65 5608,65 5394.35 .5519.35 -41.7 Negative
13/12/2005 2776.8 2815.3 2764.65 2812*3 36.1 Positive
12/12/2005 2756.4 2789.35 2756.4 2776.2 19.75 Positive
25/11/2004 1904.25] 1915.8| 1892.6 1901.05 -3 Negative
24/11/2004 j 1893.15] 1907.35! 1889.85! 1904.05 11.451 Positive |
5/12/2003 1 1675.5| 1688.251 1642.05| 1645.8| -29.41 Negative |
18/11/2002 | 990.351 1000.3| 989.05| 996.85| 6.5| Positive

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 14 observations out of total 19,
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yogs, TJthi & 351
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

9/12/2011 4870.75 4918.35 4841.75 4866.7 -76.95 Negative
23/11/2010 5971.55 5973.35 5824.95 5934.75 -75.25 Negative
22/11/2010 5920.9 6020.25 5905.15 6010 119.7 Positive
3/12/2009 5124.55 5181 5106.6 5131.7 8.45 Positive
2/12/2009 5122.75 5161.75 5111.75 5123.25 1.25 Positive
1/12/2009 5039.7 5130.35 5038.85 5122 89.3 Positive

12/12/2008 2915.35 2936.8 2812,55 2921.35 1.2 Positive

11/12/2008 2934.05 2945.3 2861.55 2920.15 •8.1 Negative

5/12/2006 | 4001.25 4033.2 4001.25 4015.75 14.75 Positive

4/12/2006 4002.4 4015.25 3991.55 4001f 3.4 Positive

15/12/2005 2805.2 2821.5 2763.35 2778.551 -26 Negative

14/12/2005 2812.8 2825.65 2788.3 2804.55 -7.75 Negative

18/11/2005 2604 2632.35 2595,15 2620.05 16.1 Positive

17/11/2005 2558.45 2608.85 2558.45 2603.95 21.2 Positive

1 9/12/2003 1 1646.41 1677.9 1646.4| 1675.85 29.6 Positive

8/12/2003 1644.85 1654.35 1631.85 1646.25 0.45 Positive

22/11/2002 1009.5 1026 1009.5 1020.15 11.4 Positive

21/11/2002 1001.8 1012.75 1001.8 1008.75 7,15 Positive

20/11/2002 996.85 1007.2 992.3 1001.6 4,75 Positive

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Scorpio; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements In the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu or Jupiter then it mostly results into A fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if
the Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is In Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into iall or downside
jn the pries of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in

the price of nifty index in 13 observations out of total 22.

352 predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


15/12/2011 4712.8 4768.65 4673.85 4746.35 -16.9 Negative

114/12/2011 | 4788.7 | 4839.55 4750.4 4763.25 -3735 Negative

18/11/2011 4899.15 4915.9) 4837.95) 4905.8 | -28.95 Negative

17/11/2011 5027.1 5036.8 4919.45 4934.75 -95.7 Negative

26/11/2010 5828.55 5838.5 5690.35 5751.95 -47.8 Negative

7/12/2009 5108.85 5131.3) 5051.55) 5066.7) -42.2 Negative

! 15/12/2008 | 2917.91 3012.l| 2917.91 2981.2 59.85 Positive
| 19/11/2008 | 2682.751 2772.41 2617.91 2635 -48.15 Negative
i 18/11/2008 1 2802.451 2802.45| 2664.31 2683.15 -116.4 Negative |
130/11/2007 \ 5633.9) 5782,55) 5632.65) 5762.75 128.15 Positive j
|29/11/2007| 5617.8) 5725) 5612.l| 5634.6 17.05 Positive)
128/11/2007) 5699.55|5749.95| 5595.5)5617.55 -80.6 Negative
| 8/12/2006 4015.75) 4046.85 3948.7 3962 -5335 Negative
| 23/11/2005 2572.85) 2613.4 2563.1 2608.6 35.75 Positive
|22/ll/2005 2603.25| 2614 2567.05 2572.85 -29.65 Negative
|21/ll/2005 2620.1 2626.4 2591.75 2602.5 -17.55 Negative
| 3/12/2004 .1991.9 2011.9 19903 1996.2 -2.8 Negative
1 2/12/2004 1962.75 2001.55 196275 1999 36.95 Positive
1 1/12/2004 1960.75 1971.6 1944.5 1962.05 3.25 Positive
112/12/2003 1695.8 1705.95 1686.45 1698.9 3.5 Positive
1 26/11/2002 1026.4 1040.45 1026 1036.15 9.95 Positive
| 25/11/2002 1020.9 1030.35 1017.5 1026.2 6.05 Positive

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Scorpio: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 553
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio
'—***■*— , „

empherical data we can observe the uprnove in the price of

nifty index in 13 observations out of total 20.

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High low Gose Gain/ Trend


122/11/2011 4794.85 4B54 4782,55 4812.35 34 Positive

121/11/2011 4873.8| 4873.8| 4764,8 4778.35 -127.45 Negative
1 2/12/2010 6023.05| 6029.5 5980.6 6011.7 50.8 Positive
1 1/12/2010 5871 5971 5865.55 5960.9 98.2 Positive
|30/11/2010 5811.6 5892.25 5768.35 5862.7 32.7 Positive
111/12/2009 1 5136.05 5182.55 5088.4 5117.3 -17.35 Negative
[10/12/2009 1 5112.4 5146.45 5084.65 5134.65 22.65 Positive
24/11/2008 2690.85 2740.35 2633.8 2708.25 14.8 Positive
5/12/2007 5861.9 5949.3 5859.95 5940 81.65 Positive
4/12/2007 5870.2 5897.25 5840.3 5858.35 -6.65 Negative
3/12/2007 | 5765.45 5878.8| 5754.6 5865 102,25 Positive
15/12/2006 3849.6 3908.45| 3845,45 3888.65 / 45.6 Positive
14/12/2006 3765.7 3855.051 3763.5 3843.05 77.85 - Positive
13/12/2006 3716.75| 3777.6| 3657.65 3765.2 48.3 Positive
17/11/2006 38771 3891,851 3835.7 3852.8 -24.05 Negative
28/11/2005 2683.6| 2717.15 2682.65 2712 47.7 Positive
7/12/2004 1990.6| 2002.6 1981.15 1992.7 -0.45 Negative I

6/12/2004 1996.3 2012.25| 1989.95 1993.15 -3.05 I Negative

21/11/2003 1520.4 15471 1509.15 1540.7 18.4 1 Positive

20/11/2003 1542.85 [ 1558.15 1517.9 1522,3 -18.3 Negative

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Scorpio: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensed. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

8, Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical

data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the

Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoaa Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio 355

Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

28/11/2011 4769.3 4859.1 4766.4 4851.3 141.25 Positive
8/12/2010 5954.4 5960 5878.6 5903.7 -72.85 (Negative
7/12/2010 5995.05 6001 5939.7 ( 5976.55 -15.7 (Negative
20/11/2009 4988.75 5063.31 4932.8 5052.45 63.45 Positive
19/11/2009 5043.95 5053.45 4963.7 4989 -65.7 Negative
1/12/2008 2755.15 2832,85 2669.5 2682.9 -72.2 Negative
12/12/2007 6067.05 6175.65 6005.45 6159.3 62.05 Positive
111/12/2007 | 5960.4 6111.21 5960.4 6097.25 136.65 Positive
(24/11/2006 3945.45! 3965.81 3935.3 3950.85 ,5.4 Positive
23/11/2006 . 3955.3 3976.8 3933.7 3945.45 -9.3 Negative
14/12/2004 1985.2 2008.8 1972.85 2006.8 37.8 Positive
16/11/2004 1872.8 1881.4 1862.8 1879 6.05 Positive
27/11/2003 1568.85 1602.6 1568.7 1598.35 29.7 Positive
6/12/2002 1047.55 1072.25 1047.55 1069.8 23.85 Positive
5/12/2002 1036.75 1052.45 1036.75 1045.95 9.55 Positive

10, Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Scorpio;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn or Jupiter then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Scorpio:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 12 observations out of total 16.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra whiie Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is

in Sporpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

8/12/2011 5037.4 5049.05 4921.45 4943.65 -118.95 Negative
30/11/2009 4942.25 5066.35 4942.25 5032.7 90.95 Positive
10/12/2008 2785.71 2940.15 2785.7 2928.25 144.25 Positive
23/11/2007 5524.3 5638.6 5514.75 5608.6 89.25 Positive
12/12/2005 2756.4 2789.35 2756.4 2776,2 1975 Positive
25/11/2004 1904.25 1915.8 , 1892.6 1901.05 -3 Negative

3. Moon transiting through Krlttika Nakshatra while Sun Is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results Into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6,

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


9/12/2011 4870.75 4918.35 4841.75 4866.7 -76.95 Negative

5039.7 5130.35 5038.85 5122 89.3 Positive

11/12/2008 2934.05 2945.3 2861.55 2920.15 -8.1 Negative

4002.4 4015.25 3991.55 4001 3.4 Positive

2815,3 2764.65 2812.3 36.1 Positive
13/12/2005 1 2776.8
1007.2 992.3 1001.6 475 Positive
20/11/2002 1 996.85

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun

is in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove In the, price of indices Nifty &

Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this

Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 353
Aspects White Sun in Scorpio

Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun Is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

2/12/2010 6023.05 6029.5 5980.6 6011.7 50.8 Positive
24/11/2008 2690.85 2740.35 2633.8 2708,25 14.8 Positive
5/12/2007 5861.9 5949.3 5859.95 5940 81.65 Positive
15/12/2006 3849.6 3908,45 3845.45 3888.65 45.6 Positive
28/11/2005 2683.6 2717.15 2682.65 2712 47.7 Positive
8/12/2004 1994.15 2009,7 1973.15 1977.95 -14.75 Negative
21/11/2003 1520.4 1547 1509.15 1540.7 18,4 Positive

15. Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon isaspected by Venus then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, While If the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fell or downside
In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Nenus or Saturn then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
Predicting the Nitty & Sensex

neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex

and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to.
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Saturn then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological phenomenon/ as
from the following emphericai data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/11/2011 4769.3 4859.1 4766,4 4851,3 141.25 Positive

8/12/2010 5954.4 5960 5878.6 5903.7 -72.85 Negative

1/12/2008 2755.15 2832.85 2669.5 2682.9 -72.2 Negative

12/12/2007 6067.05: 6175.65 6005.45 6159.3 62.05 Positive

24/11/2006 3945.451 3965.8 3935.3 3950.85 5.4 Positive

16/11/2004 1 1872.81 1881.4 1862.8 1879 6.05 Positive

27/11/2003 ! 1568.851 1602.6 1568.7 1598.35 29.7 Positive

6/12/2002 1 1047.55] 1072.25i 1047.55 1069.8| 23.85 Positive

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results Into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The
following emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon/ as from the following emphericai data we can
observe the downside In the price of nifty index In 5
observations out of total 7.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, nthi &
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/11/2011 4864.2 4866.1 4787.1 4805.1 -46.2 Negative
9/12/2010 5924.25 5927.3 5742.3 5766.5 -137.2 Negative
2/12/2008 2672,9 2672.9 2570.7 2657.8 -25.1 Negative
13/12/2007 6159,25 6185.4| 6040.4 6058.1 -101.2 Negative
5/12/2005 2697.6 2710.65 2654.35 2660.5 -37.45 Negative
14/12/2004 1985.2 2008.8 1972.85 2006.8 37.8 Positive
17/11/2004 1879,05| 1892.151 1874.35 1888.65 9.65 Positive

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmdve in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data wecan observe the upmove
In the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9,

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gam/ Trend


30/11/2011 4766.15 4851.55 4754.8 4832.05 26.95 Positive

10/12/2010 5761 5865.5 5721.15 5857.35 90.85 Positive

23/11/2009 5052.95 5113.1 5052.1 5103.55 51.1 Positive

3/12/2008 2657.5 2693.65 2611.95 2656.45 -1.35 Negative

14/12/2007 6056.2 6078.55 6015.05 60477 -10.4 Negative

6/12/2005 2661,4 2694.4 2647.35 2662.3 1.8 Positive

15/12/2004 2006.8 2034.35 2006.8 20287 21.9 Positive

18/11/2004 1890.45 1895.3 1880.8 1892.05 3.4 Positive

28/11/2003 1598.55 1618.95 1598.55 1615.25 16.9 Positive

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty.index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Jithi & 3S7
Aspects Whiie Sun in Scorpio

Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/12/2010 5882.65 5913.8 5795.9 5907.65 50.3 Positive
26/11/2009 5116.45 5116.45 4986.05 5005.55 -102.6 Neaative
20/11/2007 5911.25 5923.7 5755.8 ' 5780.9 -126.75 Negative
29/11/2006 3922.5 3952.4 3920 3928.2 6.45 Positive
2/12/2003 1657.65 1671.85 1639.65 1658.5 0.85 Positive
1/12/2003 1615.85 1660.55 . 1615.7 1657.65 42.4 Positive
}12/12/2002 1069.95 1078.85 1066.8 1077 7.25 Positive

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty '& Sensex.

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra, while Sun

is in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


5/12/2011 5036.5 5055.4 5002.55 5039.15 -11 Negative

18/11/2010 6075.95 6076.2 , 5906.75 5998.8 10.1 Positive

8/12/2008 2714,7 2861.55 2714.7 2784 69.6 Positive

1/12/2006 3955.7 4001.3 3953.95 3997.6 43.1 Positive

23/11/2004 1873.35 1900.05 1873.35 1892.6 19.25 Positive

4/12/2003 | 1670.65 1683.75 1656.1 1675.2 4.7 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Scorpio and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:
370 Pivdicting the Nifty & Sensex

Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/11/2011 4707.55 I 4771.1 4639.1 1 4756.45 50 Positive
3/12/2010 6013.351 6025.4 5964.25 1 5992,8 1 -18.9 Neoative
17/11/2009 5058,95 5074 5010.15 5062.25 4.2 Positive
26/11/2008 -2652.45 2762.6 2643.35 2752.25 98.25 Positive
6/12/2007 5941.05 6027.05 5919.8 5954.7 14.7 Positive
15/12/2006 3849.6 3908.45 3845.45 3888.65 45.6 Positive
20/11/2006 3852.65 3866.95 3794.3 3856.15 3.35 Positive
29/11/2005 2712.35 2713.9 2679,9 2698.3 -13.7 Negative
2/12/2002 1050.15 1070.15 1050.15 1067.9 18.2 Positive

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
i n th e Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Venus then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. Butif the Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is In Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Sun, Mercury
or Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the price of
indices Nifty & Sensex.

8. Ohrlti Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data ac^ertains this astrological
phenomenon/ as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 6 observations out of total 7.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 371
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

6/12/2010 6033.65 6069.45 5981.7 5992.25 -0.55 Negative
15/12/2009 5105.75 5129.45 5018.25 5033.05 -72.65 Negative
19/11/2009 5043.95 5053.45 4963.7 4989 -65.7 Negative
23/11/2006 3955.3 3976.8 3933.7 3945.45 -9.3 Negative
2/12/2005 2699.55 2730.7 2691.5 2697.95 -1 Negative
25/11/2003 1543.95 1572.05 1543-95 1568.65 24.75 Positive
4/12/2002 1055.75 1055-75 1034-1 1036.4 48.6 Negative

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


7/12/2010 5995.05 6001 5939.7 5976.55 -15.7 Negative

20/11/2009 4988,75 5053.3 4932.8 5052.45 63.45 Positive

10/12/2007 5974 6015.3 5923.35 5960.6 -13.7 Negative

24/11/2005 3945.45 3965.8 3935.3 3950.85 5.4 Positive

16/11/2004 1872.8 1881.4 1862.8 1879 6,05 Positive

5/12/2002 1036.75 1052.45 1036.75 1045.95 9.55 Positive

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following emphericai data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.
372 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

28/11/2011 4769.3 4859.1 4766.4 4851.3 141.25 Positive
1/12/2008 2755.15 2832.85 2669,5 2682.9 -72,2 Negative
11/12/2007 5960,4 6111.2 5960.4 6097,25 136.65 Positive
17/11/2004 1879.05 1892.15 1874.35 1888.65 9.65 Positive
27/11/2003 1568.85 1602.6 1568.7 1598,35 29.7 Positive
6/12/2002 | 1047.55 1072.25 1047.55| 1069.8 23.85| Positive

11. Vrlddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty &Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter
then it mostly results into upmove i n the price of indices Nifty
6 Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Rahu then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
7 observations out of total 10.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 373
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


1/12/2011 4970.85 5011.9 4916.7 4936.85 104.8 Positive

10/12/2010 5761 5865.5 5721.15 5857.35 90.85 Positive

25/11/2009 [ 5091.55 5138 5078.35 5108.15 17.6 Positive

4/12/2008 2656.5 2793.8 2646.35 2788 131.55 Positive

14/12/2007 6056.2 6078.55 6015.05 6047.7 -10.4 Negative

19/11/2007 5908.05 5981.8 5893.8 5907.651 0.8 Positive

128/11/2006 1 3966 3966 3911.55 3921.75| -47.15 Negative

1 6/12/2005 | 2661.4 2694.4 2647.35 2662.3| 1.8 Positive

115/12/2004 1 2006.8 2034.35 2006.8 2028.7) 21.9 Positive

I 9/12/2002 i 1070.5 1085.75 1054.95 1058.65) -11.15 Negative

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close 1 Gain/ Trend

13/12/2010 5882.65 5913.8 5795.9 5907.65 50.3 Positive
27/11/2009 5005.05 5005.05 4806.7| 4941.75 -63.8 Negative
29/11/2006 3922.5 3952.4 3920 3928.2 6.45 Positive
8/12/2005 2694.95 2711.6 2673.5 2706.7 13.7 Positive
22/11/2004 1872.55 1878.05 -1845.1 1873.35 -18.7 Negative
2/12/2003 1657.65 1671.85 1639.65 1658.5 0.85 Positive
11/12/2002 1064.1 1076.95 1062.3 1059.75 6.05 Positive
J76 Predicting me Nifty & Sense*

Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/11/2010 5946.8 5976.65 5833.5 5855.75 -69 Negative
3/12/2009 5124.55 5181 5106.6 5131.7 8.45 Positive
12/12/2008 2915.35 2936,8 2812.55 2921.35 1.2 Positive
26/11/2007 5611.3 5772.55 5608.95 5731.7 123.1 Positive
15/12/2005 2805.2 2821.5 2763.35 2778.55 -26 Negative
29/11/2004 18993 1942.95 1894.6 1939.65 38.6 Positive
9/12/2003 1646.4 1677.9 1646.4 1675.85 29.6 Positive

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produfce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter, Mars
or Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio; This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the fbliowing
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 7 observations out of total 10.

Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


12/12/2011 4906.85 4910.25 4755.55 4764.6 -102.1 Negative

17/11/2011 5027.1 5036.8 4919,45 4934.75 -95.7 Negative

26/11/2010 5828.55 SB38.S 5690.35 5751.95 -473 Negative

18/11/2008 2802.45 2802.45 2664.3 2683.15 -116,4 Negative

28/11/2007 5699.55 5749.95 5595.5 5617.55 -80.6 Negative

7/12/2006 4015 4027.7 4001.4 4015.35 -0.6 Negative

2620.1 2626.4 2591.75 2602.5 -17.55 Negative

1971.6 1944.5 1952.05 3.25 Positive
1/12/2004 1960.75
1678.35 1695.4 8.5 Positive
11/12/2003 1688.35 1701.7

1030.35 1017.5 1026.2 6.05 Positive

25/11/2002 1020.9
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 37?
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio:. The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and It do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of .indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside inthe price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


14/12/2011 4788.7 4839.55 4750.4| 4763.25 •37.35 Negative |

15/12/2008 2917.9 3012,1 2917.9| 2981.2 59.85 Positive |
20/11/2008 2634.2 2634.2 2502.9 ) 2553.15 -afL85 Negative 1
30/11/2007 I 5633.9 5782.55 5632.65 ) 5762.75 128.15| Positive t

23/11/2005 2572.85 2613.4 2563,1 2608.6 35,75 Positive!

3/12/2004 1 1991.9 2011.9 1990.3 1996.2 -2.8 Negative I

18/11/2003 i 1579.15 1591,25 1557.2 1564,4 •15.5 Negative 1

27/11/2002 | 1036,35 1042.2 1027.7 1031.11 -5.05 (Negative I

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices
Nifty & Sensex.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Scorpio and at the same time while different lunar Tithis:

1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as

from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Paksha 1 orShukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

6/12/2010 6033.65 6069.45 5981.7 5992,25 -0.55 Negative
17/11/2009 5058.95 5074 5010.15 5062.25 4.2 Positive
?8/l 1/2008 2745.7 2779 2690,3 2755.1 2.85 Positive
10/12/2007 5974 60153 5923.35 5960.6 -13.7 Negative
21/11/2006 3859.5 3921.7 3856.75 3918.25 62.1 Positive
2/12/2005 2699,55 2730.7 2691.5 2697.95 -1 Negative
24/11/2003 1541.35 1554.05 1536.5 1543.9 3.2 Positive
5/12/2002 1036.75| 1052.45 1036*75 1045.95 9.55 Positive

2. Shukla Paksha 2 orShukla Owitiya Tithi while Sun is in Scorpio:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Sun or Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Shukla Paksha 3 orShukla Tritiya Tithi While Sun is in Scorpio:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter or Saturn then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the Indices Nifty & SenseX
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Satum then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga. Tithi & 170
Aspects While Sun In Scorpio

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6, Shukla Paksha 6 orShukla Shashthi Tithi while SUn is

in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


30/11/2011 4766.15 4851.55 4754.8 4832.05 26.95 Positive

23/11/2009 5052.95 5113.1 5052.X 5103.55 51.1 Positive

4/12/2008 2656.5 2793.8 2646.35 ■ 2788 131.55 Positive

6/12/2005 2661.4 2694.4 2647.35 2662.3 1.8 fteftive

17/11/2004 1879.05 1892,15 1874.35 1888.65 9.65 Positive

9/12/2002 1070.5 1085.75 1054.95 1058.65 -11.15 Negative

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in Scorpio:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.
382 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

7/12/2011 5050.1 5099.25 5032.25 5062.6 23.45 Positive
18/11/2010 6075,95 6076.2 5906.75 5998.8 10.1 Positive

12/12/2005 2756.4 2789.35 2756.4 2776.2 19.75 Positive

23/11/2004 1873.35 1900.05 1873.35 1892.6 19.25 Positive

5/12/2003 1675.5 1688.25 1642.05 1645.8 -29.4 Negative

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashf Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside In the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun

Is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

9/12/2011 4870.75 4918.35 4841.75 4866.7 -76.95 Negative
1/12/2009 5039.7 , 5130.35 5038.85 5122 89.3 Positive

11/12/2008 2934.05 2945.3 2861.55 2920.15 -8.1 Negative

23/11/2007 5524.3 5638.6 5514.75 5608.6 89.25 Positive

114/12/2005 . 2812,8 2825.65 2788.3 2804.55 -775 Negative I

25/11/2004 1904.25 1915.8 1892.6 1901,05 -3 Negative

18/11/2002 990.35 1000.3 989.05 996.85 6.5 Positive

Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 3Sj
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in Scorpio:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter, Venus, Mars or Saturn then it mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 5 observations out of total 5.

Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/11/2010 5920.9 6020.25 5905.15 6010 119.7 Positive

3/12/2009 1 5124.55 j 5181 5106.6 5131.7 8.45 Positive

5/12/2006 4001.251 4033.2 4001.25) 4015.75) 14.751 Positive

9/12/2003 1646.4| 1677.9! 1646.4 -1675.85 29.6 Positive

20/11/2003 996.85| 1007.2 992.3 1001.6 4.75 Positive

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.
354 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

12/12/2011 4906.85 4910.25 475^.55 4764.6 -102.1 Negative
23/11/2010 5971.55 5973.35 5824.95| 5934.75 -75.25 Negative j
26/11/2007 5611.3 5772.55 5608.95 5731.7 123.1 Positive
6/12/2006 4016 ■ 4036.2 3982.5 4015.95 0.2 Positive
17/11/2005 2558.45 2608.85 2558.45 2603.95 21.2 Positive
10/12/2003 1675.75 1697.3 1672.65 1686.9 11.05 Positive
22/11/2002 1009.5 1026 1009.5 1020.15 11.4 Positive
j21/ll/2002 1001.8 1012.75 1001.8 1008.75 7.15 Positive

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna TritiyaTithi while Sun isin Scorpio:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty &. Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty Index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


13/12/2011 4733.6 4824.7 4728.5 4800,6 36 Positive

24/11/2010 5946.8 5976.65 5833;6 t 5865.75 -69 Negative

t 4/12/2009 | 5131.7 5161.8 5081.85 5108.9 -22.8 Negative

15/12/2008 2917.9 3012.1 2917.9 2981.2 59.85 Positive

7/12/2006 4015 4027.7 4001.4 4015.35 -0.6 Negative

118/11/2005 2604 2632.35 2595.15 2620.05 16.1 Positive

29/11/2004 1899.3 1942.95 1894.6 1939.65 38.6 Positive

11/12/2003 1688.35 1701.7 1678.35 1695.4 8.5 Positive

Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 335
Aspects While Sun In Scorpio

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
artd ft do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

20. Krishna Paksha S or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into fell
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Cain/ Trend

15/12/2011 4712.8 4768.65 4673.851 4746.35 -16.9 Negative

26/11/2010 5828.55 5838.5 5690.35 5751.95 -47.8 Negative

17/11/2008 2813,4 2835.7 2694.5 2799.55 -10.8 Negative

28/11/2007 5699.55 5749.95 5595.5 5617.55 -80,6 Negative

2/12/2004 1962.75 2001.55 1962.75 1999 36.95 Positive
25/11/2002 1020.9 1030.35 1017.5 1026.2 6.05 Positive

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into fell
or downside In the price of indices Nifty ,& Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 9.
386 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

17/11/2011 5027.1 5036.8 4919.45 4934.75 -95.7 Negative
7/12/2009 5108.85 5131.3 5051.55 5066.7 -42.2 Negative
18/11/2008 2802.45 2802.45 2664.3 2683.15 -116.4) Negative
29/11/2007 5617.8 5725 5612.1 5634.6 17.05) Positive
22/11/2005 2603,25 2614 2567.05 2572.85 -29.65) Negative

21/11/2005 2620.1 2626.4 •2591,75 2602,5 -17.55 Negative

3/12/2004 1991.9 2011.9 1990.3 1996.2 -a.8 Negative
15/12/2003 i 1699.7 1728 1699.7 1723.95 25.05) Positive
j 26/11/2002 | 1026.4 1040.45) 1026 1036.15 9.95) Positive

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into fell
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Ybga, Tlthi & jg?
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/11/2010 5789.95 5843.15 5754.7 5830 78.05 Positive
9/12/2009 5147.65 5147.65 5090.6 5112 -35.95 Negative

tn 1
H* :
20/11/2008 2634.2 2634,2 2502.9 2553.15 Negative

12/12/2006 3849.1 3861.25 3661.6 3716.9 -132.6 Negative

24/11/2005 2608.9 2643.7 2608.7 2635 26.4 Positive

17/11/2003 1563.1 1584.75 1554.4 1579.9 -0.05 Negative
27/11/2002 1036.35 1042.2 1027.7 1031.1 -5.05 Negative

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
fram the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 9.

Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


30/11/2010 5811.6 5892.25 5768.35 5862.7 327 Positive

10/12/2009 5112.4 5146.451 5084.65 5134.65 22,65 Positive

21/11/2008 2553.6 2718.6 2539,8 2693.45 140.3 Positive

14/12/2006 3765.7 3855.05 3763.5 3843.05 77.85 1 Positive

13/12/2006 371675 3777.6 3657.65 3765.2 48.3 Positive

25/11/2005 2635.35 2668.9 263375 2664.3 29.3 Positive
6/12/2004 1996.3 2012.25 1989.95 1993.15 -3.05 Negative
18/11/2003 1579.15 1591.25 1557.2 1564,4 45.5 Negative
28/11/2002 1031.25 105175 1031.25 1049.7 18.6 Positive
388 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

•. Loss
11/12/2009 5136.05 5182.55 5088.4 5117.3 -17.35 Negative
4/12/2007 5870.2 5897.25 5840.3 5858.35 -6.65 Negative 1
3/12/2007 5765.45 5878.8 5754.6 5865 102.25 Positive |
15/12/2006 3849.6 3908.45 3845.45 3888.65 45.6 Positive |
7/12/2004 1990.6 2002.6 1981.15 1992.7 -0.45 Negative |
19/11/2003 1563.95 1564 1534.35 1540.6 -23.8 Negative)

26, Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

27. Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Scorpio: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi S 389
Aspects White Sun in Scorpio

Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/11/2011 4794.85 4854 4782.55 4812.35 34 Positive
2/12/2010 6023.05 6029.5 5980.6 6011.7 50.8 Positive
24/11/2008 2690.85 2740.35 2633.8 2708.25 14.8 Positive
! 6/12/2007 5941.05 6027.05 5919.8 5954.7 14.7 Positive
17/11/2006 3877 3891.85 3835.7 3852.8 -24.05 Negative

28/11/2005 2683.6 2717.15 2682.65 2712 47.7 Positive

i 9/12/2004 1977.8 1995.7 1964.5 1989.95 12 Positive

121/11/2003 1520.4 1547 1509.15 1540.71 18,4 Positive

28. Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio; This astrological combination mostly results into fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/11/2011 4779.5 4779.5 4640.95 4706.45 -105.9 Negative

3/12/2010 6013.35 6025.4 5964.25 5992.8 -18.9 Negative

14/12/2009 5117.45 5156.7 5090.15 5105.7 -11.6 Negative

25/11/2008 2708,3 2790.7 2638.2 2654 -54,25 Negative

7/12/2007 5963,6 6042.1 5894.8 5974.3 19.6 Positive

29/11/2005 2712,35 2713.9 2679.9 2698.3 -13.7 Negative
10/12/2004 1990,2| 1999.7 1964.65 1969 -20.95 Negative

I 2/12/2002 lOSO.lsi 1070,15 1050.15 1067.9 18.2 Positive

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is

in Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
390 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tlthl while Sun is In Scorpio:

The Implication of this astrological combination Is neutral to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements In the Indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results Into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 10

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in


Sun transits through Sagittarius during

16th December to 13th January

Transit of Sun through Sagittarius, aspected by Moon, Mars

or Jupiter, results into upsurge and positive price momentum in
the stock prices of Insurance, Banking, Financial, FMCG, Bronze,
Gold, Textile, Eatable Oils, Exports, Shipping, Jewellery, Garments,
Wheat, Mustard and Food Grain stocks. Whereas if this transit is
aspected by Saturn or Rahu then the prices of the above stocks
will decline and selling pressure will mount up by turning the
investor sentiments negative.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Sagittarius under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Moon: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

2. Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Mars: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex.

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

3. Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Mercury; The implication of

this astrological combination is rieutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices
Nifty & Sensex.

4. Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter: This astrological

combination mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices,
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
37 observations out of total 59.

Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/01/2(512 4861.95 4898.85 4834.2 4866 34.75 Positive
12/1/2012 4840.95 4869.2 4803.9 4831.25 -29.7 Negative
11/1/2012 4863.15 4877.2 4841.6 4860.95 11.4 Positive
10/1/2012 4771.85 4855.9 4768.25 4849.55 95.45 Positive
6/1/2012 4724,15 4794,9 4686,85 4754.1 4.15 Positive
5/1/2012 4749 4779.8 4730.15 4749.95 0,3 Positive
4/1/2012 4774.95 4782.85 4728.85 4749.65 -15.65 Negative

3/1/2012 4675.8 4773.1 4675.8 4765.3 128.55 Positive

2/1/2012 4640.2 4645.95 4588,05 4636.75 12,45 Positive

30/12/2011 4659.95 4690.45 4608.9 . 4624.3 -21.95 Negative

29/12/2011 4681.15 4701.8 4639.05 4646.25 -59,55 Neaative

28/12/2011 4756.2 4756,2 4685.65 4705.8 -44.7 Negative

27/12/2011 4780.2 4800.5 4723.65 4750,5 -28.5 Negative

26/12/2011 4718.15 4787.25 4718.15 4779 65 Positive

23/12/2011 4763.2 4763.45 4693.2 4714 -19,85 Negative

22/12/2011 4636.9 4740.6 4632.95 ,4733.85 40,7 Positive

4636.45 4707.35 4601,95 4693,15 148.95 Positive

4635.8 4637.25 4531.15 4544,2 -68.9 Negative
4623.15 4623.15 4555.9 4613.1 -38.5 Negative
4818.85 4628.2 4651,6 -94.75 Negative
16/12/2011 4752.5
6172 6206.S 6.7 Positive
14/01/2008 6208.8 6244.15
6112.55 6200,1 43.15 Positive
11/1/2008 6166.65 6224.2 —
6347 6142.9 £156.95 -115.051 Negative 1
10/1/20Q8 6278.1
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Naksbatm, Yoga, Tithi & 393
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

' 9/1/2008 6287.55 6338.3 6231,25 6272 -15.85 Neoative

8/1/2008 6282.45 6357.1 6221.6 6287.85 8.75 Positive

7/1/2008 6271 6289.8| 6193.35 6279.1 4.8 Positive

1 4/1/2008 6179.1 6300.05 6179.1: 6274.3 9575 Positive

3/1/2008 6184.251 6230.15| 6l26.4| 6178.55 -0.85 Negative

2/1/2008 6144.71 6197] 6060.85) 6179.4 35.05 Positive

1/1/2008 6136.75| 6165.351 6109.85| 6144.35 5.75 Positive

31/12/2007 60951 6167.75| 6095 6138.6 58.9 Positive

28/12/2007 6079.551 6098.61 6021.9 ) 6079.7 -1.81 Negative

27/12/2007 60591 6110.85! 6060.2! 6081.5 10.75 Positive

26/12/2007 5988.45 6085.25 5988.45 6070.75 85.65 Positive

24/12/2007 5771.31 6001.05 5771.3 5985.1 218.6 Positive

20/12/2007 5751.751 5799.5 5742.75 5766.5 15.35 Positive

19/12/2007 5730.251 5840.8) 5676.7 5751.15 8.85 Positive

18/12/2007 5777.61 5874.61 5710.6 5742.3 -34.7 Negative

17/12/2007 6037.95| 6039.951 5740.6 5777 -270.7 Negative

14/01/2004 1987.4| 1995.2 1970.1 1982,15 18.55 Positive

13/01/2004 1944.71 1967.85| 1926.l| 1963.6 18 Positive
12/1/2004 19721 1980.551 1936.75| 1945.6 -26.3 Neoative
9/1/2004 1969[ 2014.651 1957.45| 1971.9 3.35 Positive
8/1/2004 1918.ll 1973.451 1918.l| 1968.55 51.8 Positive
7/1/2004 1927.951 1930.951 1888.l| 19i6.75 -9.95 Negative

6/1/2004 1955. ll 1979.051 1908.751 1926.7 -28.3 Neoative

5/1/2004 1946.31 1969.21 1930.75| 1955 8.951 Positive

2/1/2004 1912.251 1951.71 1911.05| 1946.05 33.81 Positive
1/1/2004 1880.351 1917.051 1880.35| 1912.25 32.5i Positive

31/12/2003 1868.91 1895.651 1852.51 1879.75 6.S| Positive

30/12/2003 1878.9| 1914.4 1858.55 1873.25 -0.81 Negative

29/12/2003 1838.051 18761 1837.651 1874.05 371 Positive
26/12/2003 1804.7| 1840.35| 1804.71 1837.05 28.351 Positive
24/12/2003 i 1788.451 1815.6| 1780.3| 1808.7 28.41 Positive
23/12/2003 | 1789.11 1800,9|r 1751,051 1780.3 -8.851 Negative
22/12/2003 ! 1778.85] 1794.3| 1778.41 1789.15 10.6 Positive
19/12/2003 1 1757 1783.7) 1755.4| 1778.55 22.45 Positive
18/12/2003 1733.2 1759 1725.85 1756.1 22.85 Positive

17/1212003 1736.35 1746.2 1725.4 1733.25 -3 Negative

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

5, Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Venus: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherfcal data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
14 observations out of total 24.

Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Venus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/01/2010 5212.6 5239,2 5169.55 5233.95 23.55 Positive
12/1/2010 5251.1 5300.5 5200.95 521£h4 -39 Negative
11/1/2010 5263.8 5287.2 5227.8 5249.4 4.65 Positive
8/1/2010 5264.25 5276.75 5234.7 5244.75 -18.35 Negative
7/1/2010 5281.8 5302.55 5244.75 5263.1 -18.7 Negative
6/1/2010 5278.15 5310.85 5260.05 5281.8 3.9 Positive
| 5/1/2010 5277.15 5288.35 5242.4 5277.9 45.7 Positive
| 4/1/2010 5200.9 5238.45 5167.1 5232.2 31.15 Positive
31/12/2009 5171,2 5221.85 5168.75 5201.05 31.6 Positive
30/12/2009 5188.75 5197.05 5160.1 5169,45 -18.5 Negative

29/12/2009 5180.75 5214.6 5175.85 5187.95 9.55 Positive

24/12/2009 5144.8 5197,9 5129.05 5178.4 33.8 Positive

123/12/2009 I 4990.05 5150,6 4990.05 5144.6 158.75 Positive

\ 22/12/2009 1 4953.35 4997.3 4953.35 4985.85 33.25 Positive

29/12/2006 3971.65 3991.6 3960.45 3966.4 ■4.15 Negative

28/12/2006 3974.2 3997.35 3961,95 3970.55 -3.7 Negative

27/12/2006 3942.75 3986.75 3937,7 3974.25 33.75 Positive

26/12/2006 3871.3 3946.1 3870.45 3940.5 69.35 Positive

13/01/2005 1922.5 1963.4 1916.95 1954.55 40.95 Positive

12/1/2005 1953.6 1966.65 1900.85 1913.6 -38.45 Negative

11/1/2005 1982.7 1988,9 1947.35 1952.05 -29.95 Negative

10/1/2005 2016.75 2025.9 1974.8 1982 -33,5 Negative

1998.25 2021,45 1992.55 2015,5 17.15 Positive

2035.65 1984,25 1998.35 -33,85 Negative
6/1/2005 1 2031.55
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with NakshatiB, Yoga, llthi S 395
/Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

6. Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Saturn: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmoveTn tfie price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe die upmove in the price of nifty index in

32 observations out of total 56.

Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Saturn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


13/01/2012 4861.95 4898.85 4834.2 4866 34.75 Positive

12/1/2012 4840.95 4869.2 4803.9 4831.25 -29.7 Neaative

11/1/2012 4863.15 4877.2 4841.6 4860:95 11.4 Positive

I 10/1/2012 4771.851 4855,91 4768.25 ! 4849.55 95.45 Positive

6/1/2012 4724.15| 4794.9! 4686.85 4754.ll 4.15 Positive

I 5/1/2012 47491 4779.8| 4730.15 4749.951 0.3 Positive

| 4/1/2012 4774.95 4782.85 4728.85 4749.65 -15.65 Neaative

3/1/2012 4675.8 4773.1 4675.8 4765.3 128.55 Positive

2/1/2012 4640.2 4645.95 4588.05 4636.75 12.45 Positive
30/12/2011 4659.95 4690.45 4608.9 4624.3 -21.95 Negative

29/12/2011. 4681.15 4701.8 4639.05 4646.25 -59.55 Negative

28/12/2011 4756.2 4756.2 4685.65 4705.8| -44,71 Negative |

27/12/2011 4780.2 4800.5 4723.65 4750.5 -28.5 Negative

26/12/2011 4718.15 4787.25 4718.15 4779 65 Positive

23/12/2011 4763.2 4763.45 4693.2 4714 -19.85 Negative

22/12/2011 4636.9 4740.6 4632.95 4733.85 40.7 Positive

21/12/2011 4636.45 4707.351 4601.95 4693.15 148.95 Positive
20/12/2011 ! 4635.81 4637.251 4531.15 4544.2 -68,9 [Negative
19/12/2011 4623.15 4623.15 4555.9 4613.1 -38.5 Negative
16/12/2011 4752.5 4818.85! 4628.2 4651.6 -94.75 Negative
13/01/2005 1 1922.5| 1963.4 1916.95 1954.55 40.95 Positive
14/01/2004 I 1987,41 1995.2 1970.1 1982.15 18.551 Positive
13/01/2004 1 1944.7] 1967.85 1926.11 1963.6 181 Positive
12/1/2004 1972 1980.55 1936.75 1945.6 -26.3 Negative
9/1/2004 1969 2014.65 1957.45 1971.9 3.35 Positive
8/1/2004 1918.1 1973.45 • 1918.1 1968.55 51.8 Positive
Predicting the Nifty &Sensex

7/1/2004 1927.95 1930.95r 1888.1 1916.751 -9.95 Negative

6/1/2004 1955.1 1979.05 1908.75 1926.7 1 -283 Negative
5/1/2004 1946.3 1969.2 1930.75 1955 8.95 Positive
2/1/2004 1912.25 1951.2 1911.05 1946.05 33.8 Positive
1/1/2004 1880.35 1917.05 1880.35 1 1912.25 32.5 Positive
31/12/2003 1868.91 1895,651 1852.51 1879.75 6.5 Positive
30/12/2003 1 1878.91 1914.4 1858.55 1873.25 -0,8 Negative
129/12/2003 ( 1838.051 1876 1837.65 1874.05 37 Positive
126/12/2003 1804.7 1840.35 1804.7 1837.05 28.35 festive
124/12/2003 1788.45 1815.6 . 1780.3 1808.7 28.4 Positive
123/12/2003 | 1789.1 1 1800.91 1751.05 17803 -8.85 Negative
22/12/2003 1778.85 1794.3 1778.4 1789.15 10.6 Positive
19/12/2003 1757 1783.7 1755.4 1778.55 22.45 Positive
18/12/2003 1733.2 1759 1725.85 1756.1 22.85 Positive
17/12/2003 1736.35 1746.2 1725.4 1733.25 -3 Negative
1 6/1/2003 | 1089.751 1093.05| 1081.251 1084.35 -5.25| Negative |
1 3/1/2003 1094.45| lb99.85| 1087.3| 1089.6 -3.451 Negative 1
2/1/2003 1100.55 1105.6 1091.2 1093.05 -7.1 Negative
1/1/2003 1093.6 1102.1 1093.6 1100.15 6.65 Positive

31/12/2002 1091.85 1100.11 1091.7| 1093.5| 1.55| Positive 1

30/12/2002 1095.8 1095.8 f 1084.351 1091.95! -6.45| Negative!

27/12/2002 1095.65 1103.95 1095.6 1098.4 3.6 Positive

26/12/2002 1085.05 1100.4 1085.05 1094.8 9.8 Positive

24/12/2002 1075.95 1087 1072.65 1085 9 Positive

23/12/2002 1079.3 ' 1082.6 1073.35 1076 -3.3 Negative

20/12/2002 1075.45 1084.95 1075.4 1079.3 33 Positive

19/12/2002 1077.85 1079.9 1070.5 1076 -1.95 Negative

1073.21 1083.65 1072.85 1077.95 4.7 Positive

1078.7 1084.95 1069 1073.25 -5.2 Negative
1089 1100 1075.55 1078.45 -7.75 Negative

7. Sun in Sagittarius aspected by Rahu: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any derive

up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ttthi & 397
Aspects While Sm In Sagittarius

Following observations have been made jn the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Sagittarius and at the same time when Moon transits
through the various signs of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 10 observations out of total 16-.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

4/1/2012 4774.95 4782.85 4728.85 4749.651 -15.65 Negative
3/1/2012 4675.81 4773.1 4675.8 4765.3 128.55 Positive

14/01/2011 5752.lt 5833.651 5639.65 5654.551 -97.35 Negative

13/01/2011 5850.75 5857.75| 5736.7 5751.9 -111.35 Negative

7/1/2009 3112.8 3147.2 2888.2 2920.4 -192.4 Negative

6/1/2009 3121.5 3141.8 3056.1 3112.8 -8.65 Negative j.

20/12/2007 5751.75 5799.5 5742.75 5766.5 15.35 Positive |

29/12/2006 3971.65 3991,6 3960.45 3966.4 -4.15 Negative

9/1/2006 2913.35 2927.25 2898.25 2910.1 -3.9 Negative

23/12/2004 2035.6 2049.3 2031.9 2045.15 9.8 Positive

22/12/2004 2040.6 2053.9 2029.85 2035.35 -9.3 Negative

21/12/2004 2027.8 2047.5 2025.25 2044.65 17.8 Positive

2/1/2004 1912.25 1951.7 1911.05 1946.05 33.8 Positive
1/1/2004 1880.35 1917.05 1880.35 1912.25 32.5 Positive
13/01/2003 1080.25 1080,4 1070.75 1073.75 -6.5 Negative
16/12/2002 1089 1100 1075.55 1078.45 -7.75 Negative

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is In Sagittarius:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 14.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun Is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

6/1/2012 4724.151 4794.9 4686.85 4754.1 4.15 Positive
5/1/2012 4749| 4779.8 4730.15 4749.95 0.3 Positive
20/12/2010 5926.85 5985 5900.25 5947.05 -1.7 Negative
30/12/2009 5188.75 5197.05 5160.1 .5169.45 -18.5 Negative
29/12/2009 5180.751 5214.6 5175.85 5187.95 9.55 Positive
1 9/1/2009 2919.95 2929.85 2810.25 2873 -47.4 Neqative
2/1/2007 3966.25 4016.65 3964.95 4007.4 41 Positive
10/1/2006 2910.15 2913.05 2865.6 2870.8 -39.3 Neqative
24/12/2004 2045.35 2065.6 2045.3 2062.7 17.55 Positive
5/1/2004 1946.3 1969.2 1930.75 * 1955 8.95 Positive 1
14/01/2003 1072.7 1080.8 I 1070.3 1078.95 5.2 Posidve
19/12/2002 1077.85 1079.9 1070.5 1076 -1.95 Negative
18/12/2002 1073.2 1083.65 1072.85 1077.95 4.7 Positive
17/12/2002 1078.7 1084.95 1069 1073.25 -5.2 Negative

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Sagittarius:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

4, Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Sagittarius;

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in

Sagittarius ,

High Low Close Gain/ Trend

Date Open

4877.2 4841.6 4860.95 11.4 Positive

11/1/2012 4863.15
4768.25 4849.55 95.45 Positive
10/1/2012 4771.85 4855.9
6011.6 31.6 Positive
24/12/2010 5940.25 6017-35 5940.25
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthl & 399
Aspects White Sun in Sagittarius

23/12/2010 6005.91 6006.45| 5964.6 j 5980 -4.4 Negative

13/01/2009 2775 2802.6 2720.8 2744.95 -28.15 Negative

12/1/2009 2868.85 2869.2 2748.55 2773.1 -99.9 Neoatlve

16/12/2008 1 2983.6 3052,55 2963.3 3041.75 60.55 Positive

27/12/2007 6069 6110,85 6060.2 6081.5 10.75 Positive

26/12/2007 5988.45 6085.25 5988.45 6070.75 85.65 Positive

5/1/2007 3990,15 4011.45 3969.65 3983.4 -5.4 Negative

20/12/2005 2843.15 2853.1 2815.2 2826.2 -16.4 Negative

19/12/2005 2808.35 2846 2803.45 2842.6 32.45 Positive

30/12/2004 i 2070,551 2088.451 2052.25| 2059.81 -9.8 Negative

29/12/2004 1 2071.55 2086.15 2062.351 2069,6t 7 Positive

9/1/2004 1969 2014.65 1957.45 1971.9 3.35 Positive

23/12/2002 1079.3 1082.6 1073.35 1076 -3.3 Negative

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Sagittarius: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination 'mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertsins this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 11 observations out of total 18.

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

19/12/2011 4623.15 4623.15 4555,9 4613.1 -38.5 Negative
29/12/2010 600515 6067.55 6002,851 6060.35 64.351 Positive
28/12/2010 6005.35 6010.9 5982.25) 5996 -2.1 Negative
7/1/2010 5281.8 5302,55 5244.75 5263.1 -18.7 Negative
6/1/2010 5278.15 5310.85 5260.05 5281.8 3.9 Positive
19/12/2008 3063 3106.8 3036.3 3077.5 16.75 Positive
1/1/2008 ,.6136,75 6165.35 6109,85 6144.35 5.75 Positive
31/12/2007 6095 6167.75 6095 6138.6 58.9 Positive
40Q Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

1 11/1/2007 1 3852.151 3953.H 3833.6 3942.25 91.95 Positive

10/1/2007 3910.95 3911,95 3841,7 3850.3 -61.1 Negative
23/12/2005 2835.7 2857 2799.7 | 2804.85) -30.41 Neaative
4/1/2005 2116.95 2120.15 2100.55 2103.75 -11.25 Negative
| 3/1/2005 [ 2080 2118.6 2080 2115 34.5 Positive
! 14/01/2004 1 1987.4 1995.2] 1970,1 1982.15 18.55 Positive
113/01/2004 | 1944.71 1967.851- 1926.1 1963.6 18 Positive
|18/12/2003 1733.2 1759 1725.85 1756.1 22,85 Positive
17/12/2003 1736.35 1746.2 1725,4 1733.25 -3 Negative
27/12/2002 1095.65 11Q3.95 1095.6 1098.4 3.6 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun Is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination mostly results Into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

21/12/2011 4636,45 4707.35 4601.95 4693.15 148.95 Positive
120/12/2011 I 4635.8 4637.25 4531.15 | 4544.2 -68.9 1 Negative

31/12/2010 6105.1 6147.3 6103.55 6134,5 32.65 Positive

30/12/2010 6062.35 6106.4 6062.35 6101.85 41.5 Positive

8/1/2010 5264.25 5276.75 5234.7 5244.75 -18.35 Negative

23/12/2008 3039.25 30401 2957.05 2968.65] -70.65 Negative

22/12/2008 3077,25 3110.45 3027.8 3039.3 -38.2 Negative

3/1/2008 6184.25 6230.15 6126.4 6178.55 -0,85 Negative

2/1/2008 6144.7 6197 6060.85 6179.4 35.05 Positive

I 12/1/2007 I 3944,551 4059,15| 3944.55] 4052.45 110.2 Positive

27/12/2005 1 2746.25] 2812,61 2725,7] 2805,9 56.3 Positive

26/12/2005 2804.3 2804.3 2741,8 2749.6 -55.25 Negative

6/1/2005 2031.55 2035.65 1984.25 . 1998.35 -33.85 Negative

5/1/2005 1 2103.75| 2105.1 1990.15 2032.2 -71.55 Negative

1783.7| 1755.4 1778,55 22.45 Positive

19/12/2003 1757
1095.8! 1084.35 1091.95 -6,45 Negative
30/12/2002 1095.8
402 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The foilowing

empherical data aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 11 observations out of
total 16.

Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

28/12/2011 4756.2 4756.2 4685.65 4705.8 -44.7 Negative
27/12/2011 4780,2 4800.5 4723.65 4750.5 -28.5 Negative
7/1/2011 6030.9 6051.2 5883.6 5904.6 rl43.65 Negative
6/1/2011 6107 6116.15 6022,3 6048.25 -31.55 Negative
21/12/2009 4983.65 4997.85 4943.95 4952-6 -35,1 Negative
31/12/2008 2979,8 3002.65 2937.35 2959-15 -20.35 Negative
30/12/2008 2922.55 2999.15 2899.75 2979.5 57.3 Positive
29/12/2008 . 2857,15 2931.8 2812.9 2922.2 64:95 Positive
11/1/2008 6166.65 6224.2 6112.55 6200.1 43.15 Positive
10/1/2008 6278.1 6347 6142.9 6156.95 -115.05 Negative
9/1/2008 6287.55 6338.3 6231.25 6272 -15.85 Negative
2/1/2006 2836.8 2849.45 2825.4 2835.95 -0.6 Negative
12/1/2005 1953.6 1966.65 1900.85 1913.6 -38.45 Negative

11/1/2005 1982.7 1988.9 1947.35 1952.05 -29,95 Negative

16/12/2004 2028.8 2039.2 2019.5 2033.2 4.5 Positive

26/12/2003 .1804.7 1840.35 1804.7 1837.05 28.35 Positive

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius white Sun is in Sagittarius:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex, The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
foiiowing empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 10 observations out of total 16.
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 403
Aspects White Sun in Sagittarius

Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


30/12/2011 4659.95 4690.45 4608.9 4624.3 -21.95 Negative

29/12/2011 4681.15 4701.8 4639.05 4646.25 -59,55 Negative

23/12/2009 4990.05 5150.6 4990.05 5144.6 158.75 Positive

22/12/2009 4953.35 4997.3 4953.35 4985.85 33.25 Positive

2/1/2009 3034.6 3079.85 3021.8 3046.75 13.3 Positive

1/1/2009 2963.3 3039.25 2963,3 3033.45 74.3 Positive

117/12/2007 1 6037.951 6039.951 5740.61 57771 -270.7} Negative |

126/12/2006 1 3871.3! 3946.l! 3870.45} 3940.5} 69.35 Positive}

I 4/1/2006 I 2883 I 2909.35} 28831 2904.4} 21.05 Positive

1 3/1/2006 | 2835.95 1 2887.2} 2832.05 1 2883.35} 47.4 1 Positive
113/01/2005 1 1922.5 | 1963.4 1916.95 1954.55} 40.95 1 Positive
|17/12/2004 1 2032.85 | 2037.7 j 2007.2 2012.1} -21?ll Negative

129/12/2003 I 1838.05 | 1876 1 1837.65 1874.05 37} Positive

I 8/1/2003 | 1082,4 I 1091.45 1 1082.3 I 1089.35 S 7.551 Positive

| 7/1/2003 } 1084.4 t 1089.85 1 1078-95 | 1081,8 1 -2.55} Negative
| 6/1/2003 | 1089.75 | 1093.05 1 1081.25 | 1084.35 -5.25} Negative

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Sagittarius;

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 12 observations out of total 19.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

2/1/2012 4640.2} 4645.95 4588.05} 4636.75 12.45 Positive
12/1/2011 5800.05} 5874.2 5711.3} 5863.25 109.15 Positive
11/1/2011 5767.95 5842.6 5698.2 5754.1 -8.75 Negative
10/1/2011 5901.3 5907.25 5740.95 5762,85 -141.75 Negative
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

16/12/2010 5910.55 5956.15 5855.05 5948,75 \ 56.45 Positive

24/12/2009 5144.8 5197.9i 5129.051 5178.4 33.8 Positive
5/1/2009 3058.75 3131.95 3056.451 3121.45 74.7 Positive
14/01/2008 6208.8 6244.15 6172 6206.8 6.7 Positive
19/12/2007 5730.25 5840.8 1 5676,7 5751.15 8.85 Positive
18/12/2007 5777.6 5874.6 I 5710.6 5742.3 -34.7 Negative I
28/12/2006 3974.2 3997.35 1 3961.95 3970.55 -3.7 Neaatlve I
27/12/2006 3942.75 3986.75 3937.7 3974.25 33.75 Positive 1
6/1/2006 2899,85 2921.7| 2877.25 2914 j 14.15 Positive j
5/1/2006 2904.45 2916.21 2884.8 2899.851 -4.55 Negative |
j 20/12/2004 2012.5 2029.5 2007.15 2026.851 14,75 Positive |
131/12/2003 1868.9 1895.65 1852.51 1879.75 6.5 Positive |
1.30/12/2003 1878.9 1914.4 1858.55 1873.25 -0.8 Negative |
I 10/1/2003 1097.6 1103.25 1077.4) 1080.25 -17.1 Negative |
1 9/1/2003 1089.75 1099.15 1087.75| 1097.35] 8 , Positive |

Following observations have been made in the intraday pries

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Sagittarius and at the same time when Moon transits
through the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1, Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low ©• ■/« Gain/ Trend


3/1/2012 4675.8 4773.1 4675*8 4765,3 128.55 Positive

13/01/2011 5850.75 5857.75 ** 5751,9 -111.35 Neaative

20/12/2007 5751.75 5799.5 57^.75 5766.5 15.35 Positive

29/12/2006 3971.65 3991.6 3960,45 3966.4 -4,15 Negative

2047.5 2025.25 2044.65 17,8 Positive

21/12/2004 2027.8
1880.35 1912.25 32,5 Positive
1/1/2004 1880.35 1917.05
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatta, Yoga, Tlthi & 407
Aspects White Sun in Sagittarius

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


10/1/2012 4771.85 4855.9 4768.25 4849.55 95.45 Positive

24/1^/2010 5940.25 6017,35 5940.25 6011.6 31.6 Positive

12/1/2009 2868.85 2869.2 2748.55 2773.1 -99.9 Negative

26/12/2007 5988.45 6085.25 5988.45 6070.75 85.65 Positive

5/1/2007 3990.15 4011.45 3969.65 3983.4 -5.4 Negative

19/12/2005 2808.35 2846 1 2803.45 2842.6 32.45 Positive
129/12/2004| 2071*55) 2086.15| 2062.35) 2069.6) 7) Positive
| 9/1/2004 { 196912014.651 1957.451 1971.9[ 3.35} Positive j

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fell or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn, Mars orJupiter then ft mostly
results into upmoa fall or downsideve in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and ft do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupfter then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if
the Moon is aspected by Saturn or Rahu then it mostly results
into a fell or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is (n Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

13. Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly resuits into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherioaf data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 10.

Moon transiting through Hasta Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close ^ Gain/ Trend

19/12/2011 4623.15 4623.15 4555.9 4613.1 -38,5 Negative
28/12/2010 6005.35 6010.9 5982.25 5996 -2.1 Negative
I 7/1/2010 J 5281.8 5302.55 5244.75| 5263.1 -18.7 Negative:
31/12/2007 6095 6167.75 6095 6138.6 58.9 Positive

11/1/2007 3852.15 3953.1 3833.6 3942.25 91.95 Positive

10/1/2007 3910.95 3911.95 3841.7 3850.3 -61.1 Negative

3/1/2005 2080 2118.6 2080 2115 34.5 Positive

14/01/2004 1987.4 1995.2 1970.1 1982.15 18.55 Positive

18/12/2003 1733.2 1759 1725.85 1756.1 22.85 Positive

27/12/2002 ! 1095.65( 1103.95| 1095.6 1098.4 3.6 Positive

14. Moon transiting through Chitra Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in thd indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter then it.mostly results
into a fell or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

15. Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 409
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to

the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphencal data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

3/1/2011 6177.45 6178.55 6147.2 6157.6 23.1 Positive
13/01/2010 5212,6 5239.2 5169.55 5233.95 23.55 Positive
17/12/2009 5046.65 5064,2 5013.15 5041.75 -0.3 Negative
7/1/2008 6271 6289.8 6193.35 6279.1 4.8 Positive
21/12/2006 3814.75 3851.2 3768,8 J 3833.5 17.95 Positive
30/12/2005 2823.95 2845.55 2812.75j 2836.55) 14,6 Positive
23/12/2003 1789.1 1800.9 1751.05 1780.3 -8.85 Negative
2/1/2003 1100,55 1105.6 1091.2 1093.05 -7.1 Negative
410 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

* ♦•
20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra white Sun
is in Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & "Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/12/2011 4780.2 4800.5 1 4723.65 4750.5 -28.5 Negative j

6/1/2011 6107 6116.15 6022.3 6048.25 -31.55 Negative

30/12/2008 2922.55 2999.15 2899.75 2979.5 57.3 Positive

10/1/2008 6278.1 6347 6142,9 6156.95 -115.05 Negative

2/1/2006 2836.8 2849.45 2825.4 2835.95 -0.6 Negative

12/1/2005 1953.61 1966.65J 1900.85 1913,6 -38.45 Negative

1840.35 1804,7 1837.05 28.35 Positive

26/12/2003 1804.71
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun In Sagittarius

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun

is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

28/12/2011 4756.2 4756,2 4685.65 4705.8 -44.7 Negative
7/1/2011 6030.9 6051.2 5883.6 5904.6 -143.65 Negative
21/12/2009 4983,65 4997.85 4943.95 4952.6 -35.1 Negative
31/12/2008 2979.8 3002.65 2937.35 2959,15 -20.35 Negative
11/1/2008 6166.65 6224.2 6112.55 6200.1 43.15 Positive

3/1/2006 2835.95 2887.2 2832.05 2883.35 47.4 Positive

16/12/2004 2028.8 2039.2 2019.5 2033.2 4.5 Positive

6/1/2003 1089.75 1093,05 1081.25 1084.35 -5,25 Negative

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in 6 observations
out of total 10.
414 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

11/1/2012 4863.15 4877.21 4841.6 4860.95 11.4 Positive
18/12/2008 2955.35 3072.55 2922.651 3060.75 106.4 Positive 1
28/12/2007 6079.55 6098.6 6021.9 6079.7 -1.8 Negative
22/12/2005 2826.7 2846.65 2818.65 2835.25 9.05 Positive
31/12/2004 2059.85 2083 2059.85 2080.5 20.7 Positive

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination mostiy results into fall or downside
in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

12/1/2012 4840.95 4869.2 4803.9 4831.25 -29.7 Negative
27/12/2010 6013.3 6045.75 5991,1 5998.1 -13.5 Negative
4/1/2010 5200.9 5238.45 5167.1 5232.2 31.15 Positive
13/01/2009 2775 2802.6 2720.8 2744.95 -28.15 Negative
19/12/2008 3063 3106.8 3036.3 3077,5 16.75 Positive
23/12/2005 2835.7 2857 2799.7 2804,85 -30.4 Negative
17/12/2003 1736.35 1746.2 1725.4 1733.25 -3 Negative
26/12/2002 1085.05 1100.4 1085.05 1094.8 9.8 Positive

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon Is aspected by
Mars then it mostly results into upmove In the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Satum then
it mostly results into a fell or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter JO: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 41s
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittacius: This astrological

combination mostly result? Into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Shobhana Yoga day while.Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Op«n High low Close Gain/ Trend

20/12/2011 1 4635.8 4637.25 4531.15 4544.2 -68.9 Negative
i28/12/2010 | 6005.35 6010.9 5982.25 5996 -2.1 Negative
6/1/2010 | 5278.15 5310.85 5260.05 5281.8 3.9 Positive
131/12/2007 1 6095 6167.75 6095 6138.6 58.9 Positive
i 9/1/2007 1 3933.3 3963.75 3890,75 3911.4 -22 Negative
! 3/1/2005 ! 2080 2118.61 2080 2115| 34.5 Positive

13/01/2004 1944.7 1967.85 1926.1 1963.6 18 Positive

27/12/2002 1095.65 1103.95 1095.6 1098.4 . 3.6 Positive

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty 8i Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.
Pnxmng the Nifty & Sense*

Sukarma Yoga day whita-Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

21/12/2011 4636.45 4707.35 4601,95 4693,15 148.95 Positive
30/12/2010 6062.35 6106.4 6062.35 6101.85 41.5 Positive
8/1/2010 5264.25 5276.75 5234.7 5244.75 -18.35 Neaative
23/12/2008 3039.25 3040 2957.05 2968.65 -70.65 Negative
2/1/2008 6144.7 6197 6060.85 6179.4 35.05 Positive
12/1/2007 3944.55 4059.15 3944.55 4052.45 110.2 Positive
27/12/2005 2746.25 2812.6 2725.7 2805.91 56,3 Positive!
I 5/1/2005 2103.75 2105.1 1990.15 j 2032.21 -71.55 Negative!

8. Dhrltl Yoga day while Sun is In Sagittarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside In the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/12/2011 i 4636.9 4740.61 4632.95| 4733,85) 40.71 Positive

131/12/2010 6105.11 6147.31 6103.55| 6134.5| 32.65 Positive

124/12/2008 2967.4 2968 2900,45 2916.85 -51.8 Negative

I 3/1/2008 '6184,25 6230,15 6126,4 6178.55 -0,85 Negative

VlB/n/2006 3888.2 3934 3828.15 3928.75 40.1 Positive

2806.8 2824.3 2780 2794.05 -11.85 Negative

2031.55 2035.65 1984.25 1998.35 -33.85 Negative
1095,8 1095.8 1084.35 1091.95 -6.45 Negative

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun Is in Sagittarius; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertalns this

astrological phenomenon/as from the followl^ ^^cBi

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index

5 observations out of total 7.

Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatm, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


6/1/2011 6107 6116.15 6022.3 6048.25 -31.55 Negative

21/12/2009 4983.65 4997.85 4943.95 4952.6 -35.1 Negative

30/12/2008 2922.55 2999.15 2899.75 2979.5 57.3 Positive

9/1/2008 6287.55 6338.3 6231.25 6272 -15.85 Negative

2/1/2006 2836.8 2849.45 2825.4 2835.95 -0.6 Negative

11/1/2005 1982.7 1988.9 1947,35 1952.05 -29.95 Negative

16/12/2004 2028.8 2039.2 2019.5 2033.2 4-5 Positive

26/12/2003 1804.7 1840.35 1804.7 1837.05 28.35 Positive

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon{ as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/12/2011 4756.2 4756.2 4685.65 4705.8 -44.7 Negative

7/1/2011 6030.9 6051.2 5883.6 5904.6 -143.65 Negative

22/12/2009 4953.35 4997.3 4953.35 4985.85 33.25 Positive

31/12/2008 2979.8 3002.65 2937.35 2959.15 -20.35 Negative

10/1/2008 6278.1 6347 6142.9 6156.95 -115.05 Negative

3/1/2006 2835.95 2887,2 2832.05 2883.35 47.4 Positive

12/1/2005 1953.6 1966.65 1900.85 1913.6 -38.45 Negative

17/12/2004 2032.85 2037.7 2007.2 2012.1 -21.1 Negative

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: The impiication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive

up or down direction to the price movements in the indices

Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

17. Vyatlpata Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This astrological

combination mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty &. Sensex, The fbllowlng empherlcal data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherlcal
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date | Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/12/2011 | 4659.95 4690,45 4608.9 4624.3 -21.95 Negative
24/12/2009 | 5144.8 5197.91 5129.05 5178.4 33.81 Positive
2/1/2009 | 3034.6 3079.851 3021.8 3046.75 13.31 Positive
18/12/2007 | 5777.6 5874.6 i 5710.6 5742.3 -34.71 Negative I
4/1/2006 | 2883 2909.351 2883 2904,4 21.05 Positive |
13/01/2005 | 1922.5 1963.4| 1916.95 1954.55 I 40.95 Positive 1
29/12/2003 | 1838,05 1876| 1837.65 1874.05 | 37 Positive
7/1/2003 | 1084.4 1089.85| 1078.95 1081.8j -2.55 "Negative

18. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty &. Sensex, The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the pirice of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8.

Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


I 10/1/2011 5901.3 5907.25 5740.95 5762.85 -141.75 Negative

16/12/2010 5910.55 5956.15 3855.05 5948.75 56.45 Positive

19/12/2007 5730.25 5840.8 5676.7 5751.15 8.85 Positive

27/12/2006 3942.75 3986.75 3937.7 3974.25 33.75 Positive

5/1/2006 2904.45 2916,2 2884.8 2899.85 -4.55 Neoative

20/12/2004 2012.5 2029.5 2CU7.15 2026.85 14.75 Positive

1878.9 1914.4 1858.55 1873,25 -0.8 Negative

1091.45 1082.3 1089.35 7,55 Positive
1 8/1/2003 1082.4
422 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The

following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside In the price of nifty Index
in 4 observations out of total 5.

Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

6/1/2012 4724.15 4794.9 4686.85 4754.1 4.15 Positive

20/12/2010 5926.85 5985 5900.25 5947.05 Negative

10/1/2006 2910.15 2913.05 2865.6 2870.8 - -39.3 Negative
13/01/2003 1080.25 1080.4 1070.75 1073.75 -6.5 Negative
19/12/2002 1077.85 1079.9 1070.5 1076 -1.95 Negative

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as horn the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 7 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/12/2010 5960.4 6007.45 5960.05 6000.65 53.6 Positive

30/12/2009 5188.75 5197.05 5160.1 5169.45 -18.5 Negative

24/12/2007 5771.3 6001.05 5771.3 5985.1 218.6 Positive

2/1/2007 3966.25 4016.65 3964.95 4007.4 41 Positive

16/12/2005 2778.65 2814.9 2766.5 2810.15 31.6 Positive

5/1/2004 1946.3 1969.2 1930.75 1955 8.95 Positive

14/01/2003 1072.7 1080.8 1070.3 1078.95 5,2 Positive

20/12/2002 1075.45 1084.95 1075.4 1079.3 3.3 Positive

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This astrological

combination mostly results Into fell or downside in the price
of indices Nifty &. Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 423
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of

nifty Index in 5 observations out of total 7,

Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/12/2010 6019 6023.8 5958 5984,4 -16.25 Negative
31/12/2009 5171,2 5221.85 5168.75 5201.05 31,6 Positive
9/1/2009 2919.95 2929.85 2810.25 2873 -47,4 Negative
3/1/2007 4007.7 4029,8 3985 4024.05 16.65 Positive
12/1/2006 1 2869,35 2869.35 2824 2850.7 -20.1 Negative
27/12/2004 2061.6 2079.05 2046,25 2062,6 -0.1 Negative
6/1/2004 1955.1 1979.05 1908,75 1926.7 -28,3 Negative

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination most'v results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
In all 4 observations out of total 4.

Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/12/2010 6005,9 6006,45 5964.6 5980 -4.4 Negative

4/1/2007 4027,3 4041 3979.8 3988.8 -35.25 Negative

13/01/2006 2851.4 2878.35 2846.7 2850.55 -0,15 Negative

I 7/1/20041 1927.951 1930.95 1888.1 1916,75 -9.95 Negative

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Sagittarius: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 6 observations out of total 7.
424 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Valdhritl Yoga day while Sun Is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/12/2010 5940.25 6017.35 5940.25 6011.6 31.6 Positive
16/12/2008 2983.6 3052.55 2963.3 3041.75 60.55 Positive
26/12/2007 5988.45 6085.25 5988.45 6070.75 85.65 Positive
19/12/2005 2808.35 2846 2803.45 2842.6 32.45 Positive
29/12/2004 2071.55 2086.15 2062.35 2069.6 7 Positive
8/1/2004 1918.1 1973.45 1918.1 1968.55 51.8 Positive

23/12/2002 1079.3 1082.6 1073.35 1076 -3.31 Negative |

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Sagittarius and at the same time while different lunar

1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is

in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

5/1/2011 6141.35 6141.35 6062.35 6079.8 -66.55 Negative
17/12/2009 5046.65 5064.2 5013.15 5041.75 -0.3 Neaadve

9/1/2008 6287.55 6338.3 6231.25 6272 -15.85 Negative

21/12/2006 3814.75| 3851.2 3768.8 3833.5 17.95 Rslttve

11/1/2005 1982.7 1988.9 1947.35 1952'.051 -29.95 Negative.

24/12/2003 1788.45 1815.6 1780.3 1808.7 28.4 Positive

3/1/2003 | 1094.45! 1099.85 1087.3 1089.6 -3.45 Neoative


2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitlya Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the nrire movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 42s
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove

in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithf while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside In the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Shukia Paksha 3 or Shukia Tritiya Tlthi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/12/2011 4780,2 4800.5 4723.651 4750,5 -28,5 Negative

7/1/2011 1 6030.9 6051.2 5883.61 5904.6 -143.65 Negative
30/12/2008 2922,55 2999.15 2899.75 2979.5 57.3 Positive
11/1/2008 6166.65 6224.2 6112.55 6200.1 ' 43.15 Positive
2/1/2006 2836.8 2849.45 2825.4 *2835.95 -0.6 Negative
12/1/2005 1953,6 1966.65 1900.85 ' 1913.6 -38.45 Negative

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The Implication of this astrological combination Is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptaml Tithi while Sun is

in Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices. Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptaml Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

11/1/2011 5767.95 5842.6 5698.2 5754.1 -8.75 Negative
24/12/2009 5144.8 5197.9 5129.05 5178.4 • 33.8 Positive
23/12/2009 4990.05 5150.6 4990.05 5144,6 158.75 Positive
6/1/2006 2899.85 2921.7 2877.25 2914 14.15 Positive
|29/12/2003 1838.05 1876 1837.65 1874.05 37 Positive
( 9/1/2003 1089.75 i 1099.15! 1087.75 1097.35 8 Positive

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements i n the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
, and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements In the indices Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars-then it mostly results Into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun Is in

Sagittarius; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
and it do not produce anyrtteclsive up or down direction to
the price movements In the' indices Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Saturn then It mostly results
into upmove In the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Pumima Tithl while Sun is in Sagittarius:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The fbflowing
empherlcal data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
iram the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Sagittarius

Data Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

10/1/2012 4771.85 4855.9 4768.25 4849.55 95.45 Positive
22/12/2010 6019 6023.8 5958 5984.4 -16.25 Negative
24/12/2007 5771.3 6001.05 5771.3 5985.1 218,6 Positive
A/1/2007 4027.3 4041 3979.8 3988.8 -35.25 Negative
16/12/2005 2778.65 2814.9 2766.5 2810.15 31.6 Positive
27/12/2004 2061.6 2079.05 2046.25 2062.6 -0.1 Negative
8/1/2004 1918.1 1973.45 19184 1968.55 51,8 Positive
120/12/2002 | 1075.45 f 1084.95] 1075.4 1079.3] 3.3 Positive

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results
Chapter 10: PtedicOng the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 429
Aspects While Sun In Sagittarius

into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is

in Sagittarius

| Date Open| High Low Close Gain/ Trend

113/01/2012 \ 4861.95| 4898.85 4834.2 4866 34.75 Positive
124/12/2010 | 5940.251 6017.35 5940.25 6011.6 31.6 Positive
| 4/1/2010 5200.9 5238.45 5167.1 5232,2 31.15 Positive
|27/12/2007 6069 6110.85 6060.2 6081.5 10.75 Positive
19/12/2005 2808.35 2846 2803.45 2842.6 32.45 Positive

30/12/2004 2070.55 2088.45 2052,25 2059.8 -9.8 Negative

23/12/2002 1079,3 1082,6 1073.35 1076 -3,3 Negative

20. Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
tine price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

empherical data accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as

from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
In the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 9.

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is

In Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/12/2010 6013.3 6045.75 5991.1 5998.1 -13.5 Negative
6/1/2010 5278.15 5310,85 5260.05 5281.8 3.9 Positive
118/12/2008 2955.35 3072.55 2922.65 3060.75 106,4 Positive
| 10/1/2007 3910.95 3911.95 3841.7 3850.3 -61.1 Neoative
23/12/2005 2835.7 2857 2799.7 2804.85 -30.4 Neoative
22/12/2005 2826.7 2846.65 2818.65 2835.25 9.05 Positive
3/1/2005 2080 2118.6 2080 2115 34.5 Positive
14/01/2004 1987.4 1995.2 1970.1 1 1982.15 18.55 Positive
26/12/2002 1085.05 ( 1100.4 1085.05 1094.81 9.8 Positive

25. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtaml Tlthl while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex,

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any dedsive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any dedsive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 10: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Sagittarius

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

27. Krishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Dwadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Sagittarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

28. Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while

Sun is in Sagittarius: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/12/2011 4636.9 4740.6 4632.95 4733.85 40.7 Positive
12/1/2010 5251.1 5300.5 5200.95 5210.4 -39 Negative
18/12/2006 3888.2 3934 3828.15 3928.75 40.1 Positive
29/12/2005 2792.75 2829.4 2792.75 2821.95 27.9 Positive
31/12/2002 1091.85 1100.1 1091.7 1093.5| 1.55 Positive

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is

in Sagittarius: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in 6 observations

out of total 9.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while

Sun is in Sagittarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

123/12/2011 4763.2 4763.45 4693.2 4714 -19.85 Neoative
i 3/1/2011 I 6177.45 6178.55 6147.2 6157.6 23.1 Positive
113/01/2010 5212.6 5239.2| 5169.55 5233.95 23.55 Positive
(26/12/2008 2919.85 2960.95 2844.8 2857.25 -59.6 Neoative
1 7/1/2008 6271J 6289.8 6193.35 6279.1 4.8 Positive
(19/12/2006 3928.85 i 3931.9 3783.45 3832 -96.75 Negative
30/12/2005 2823.95 2845.55 2812.75 2836.55 14.6 Positive 1
22/12/2003 1778.85 1794.3 j 1778.4 1789.15 10.6 Positive 1
1/1/2003 1093.6 1102.11 1093.61 1100.15 i 6.651 Positive 1

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in Sagittarius:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 7.

Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Lowj Close Gain/ Trend


4/1/2011 6172.75 6181.05 6124.4 6146.35 -11.25 Negative

116/12/2009 ' 5032.95 5067.25 5001.8 5042.05 9 Positive

6282.45 6357.1 6221.6 6287.85 8.75 Positive

1 8/1/2008

3832.15 3886.1 3787.55 3815.55 -16.45 Negative

2025.9 1974.8 1982 -33.5 Negative
10/1/2005 2016.75
1800.9 1751.05 1780.3 -8.85 Negative
23/12/2003 1789.1
>1091.2 1093.05 -7.1 Negative
2/1/2003 1100.55 1105.6
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Sun in Capricorn aspected by Moon

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/01/2012 5064,8 5141.05 5049.8 5127.35 81.1 Positive
23/01/2012 5025.35 5059.55 5021.35 5046-25 -2.35 Negative
3/2/2011 5430.45 5532.65 5418 5526.75 94.75 Positive
2/2/2011 5469.55 5490.6 5415.65 5432 14.8 Positive
21/01/2011 5692.05 5717.55 5674.5 5696.5 -15.1 Neoative
20/01/2011 5656 5729.45 5634.5 5711.6 20.55 Positive
9/2/2009 2843.05 2926.75 2840.15 2919.9 76.8 Positive
27/01/2009 2686.05 2777.3 2685,25 2771.35 92.8 Positive
7/2/2008 5322.55 5344.6 5113.85 5133.25 -189.3 Negative
6/2/2008 j 5470.4 5470.4| 5257.05 i 5322.55 -161.35 Negative!
23/01/2008 | 4903.05| 5328.051 4891.6 5203.41 304.1 Positive J
122/01/2008 5203.35 5203.35 4448.5 4899.3 -309.5 Negative
| 2/2/2007 0 4198.7 4132.95 4183.5 46.3 Positive
1/2/2007 0 4141,6 "4081.1 4137.2 54.5 Positive
19/01/2007 0 4137.15 4058.35 4090.15 -18.9 Negative
30/01/2006 2983.3 3002.2 2963.65 2974.5 -8.25 Negative
16/01/2006 2851.35 2855.7 2824.05 2833.1 -17.45 Negative
8/2/2005 2055 2065 2043.6 2055.15 0.05 Positive
25/01/2005 1908.85 1934.25 1894.4 1931.85 6.55 Positive
6/2/2004 1804.35 1837.95 1797.95 1833.65 29.15 Positive
| 5/2/2004 1823.5 1846.75! 1787.15 1804.5 -17,7 Negative

23/01/2004 | 1771. l| 1858.5 1771.1 1847.55 77.05 Positive

22/01/2004 1824.7 1854.55 1756.25 1770.5 -54.1 Negative

31/01/2003 1034.75 1044.25 1026.2 1041.85 7.25 Positive

20/01/2003 ( 1086.25| 1087| 1074.2j 1076.35 -10.15 Neoative


2. Sun in Capricorn aspected by Mars: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price

of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 34 observations out of total 58,
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 435
Aspects Whife Sun in Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn aspected by Mars

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


11/2/2011 5219.65 5319.4S 5177.7 5310 84.2 Positive

1 10/2/2011 1 5246.051 5272.6 5196.8 5225.8 -27.75 Negative

1 9/2/2011 1 5293.051 5339.451 5225.65 5253.55 -59 Negative

! 8/2/2011 I 5432.351 5432.35| 5303.4| 5312,551 -83.45 Negative

7/2/2011 5430.15 5440.35 5376.95 53961 0.25 Positive

4/2/2011 5519.9 5556.3 5369.05 5395.75 -1311 Negative

3/2/2011 5430.45 5532.65 5418 5526.751 94.75| Positive

2/2/2011 5469.55 5490.6 5415.65 5432 14.8! Positive

1/2/2011 5537.3 5539.15 5402 5417.2 -88.7 Negative

1 -6.25 Negative
131/01/2011 5452.551 5526.851 5416.65 5505.9|

28/01/2011 5614 5614.4 5459.55 5512.15 -92.15 Negative

27/01/2011 5725.3 5726.1 5594.95 5604.3 -83.1 Negative

25/01/2011 5763.3 5801.551 5680.65 5687.41 -55.851 Negative

24/01/2011 5717.1 5756| 5697.75 5743.25| ,46.751 Positive.

21/01/2011 5692.051 5717.55 5674.5 5696.51 -15.11 Negative

20/01/2011 56561 5729.45 5634.5 5711.6 20:55 Positive

19/01/2011 5737.35 5747.65 5662.55 5691.05 -33 Negative

18/01/2011 5682.55 5730.5 5671.25 5724.05 69.3 Positive
17/01/2011 5648.8] 5696.15 5624.15 5654.75| 0.2 Positive
11/2/2010 4757.25 4843.8 4757.25 4826.85 -398.8 Negative

19/01/2010 5274.2 5287.8 5218.65 5225.65 -49.2 Negative

18/01/2010 5253.65 5292.5 5228.95 5274.85 22.65 Positive
15/01/2010 5259.9 5279.85 5242.45 5252,2 -7.7 Negative
14/01/2010 5234.5 5272.85 5232.5 5259.9 25.95 Positive
12/2/2009 2927.4 2939 2886.55 2893.05 -32.65 Negative
11/2/2009 2933 2937.5 2877.6 2925,7 -8.8 Negative
10/2/2009 2919.7 2957.4 2891.75 2934.5 14.6 Positive
I 9/2/2009 1 2843.05 2926.751 2840.15| 2919.91 76.8 Positive
1 6/2/2009 i 2779.35 2852,51 2778.651 2843.11 63.05 Positive
5/2/2009 2802.75 2816.8 2754.85 2780.05 -23 Negative
4/2/2009 2780.7 2842.2 2780.7 2803.05 19.15 Positive
3/2/2009 1 >2773.5 2831.7 | 2752.9 1 2783.9 17.25 Positive
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 437
Aspects While Sun In Capricorn

5. Sun in Capricorn aspected by Venus: This astrological

combination mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The fbllowing empherlcal data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherlcal
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
11 observations out of total 18.

Sun in Capricorn aspected by Venus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/02/2008 4836.551.4986.55 4836.551 4929.45 91,2 Positive

23/01/2007 0| 4105.1 4056.45| 4066.1 -36.35 Negative

22/01/2007 01 4114.5 4069.951 4102.45 12.3 Positive

19/01/2007 0 4137.15 4058.351 4090.15 -18.9 Negative

18/01/2007 0 4140.25 4075.21 4109.05 32.6 Positive

17/01/2007 0 4096.75 4071.55| 4076.45 -4.05 Negative

16/01/2007 0 4107.45 4067.91 4080.5 2.1 Positive |

15/01/2007 0 4099.65 4052.4| 4078-.41 25.95 Positive)

11/2/2005 2063,35 2084.5 2063.35! 2082.05| 18.7 Positive |
10/2/2005 2070.1 2075.1 2049.85| 2063.35| -6.65) Negative|
9/2/2005 2055.2 2077.7 2055.21 20701 14.851 Positive
8/2/2005 2055 2065 2043.6|. 2055.15| 0.05| Positive
7/2/2005 2097.45 2098 2049.85) 2055.1) -22.851 Negative
4/2/2005 2079.4 2099.2 2060.8) 2077.951 -l.sl Negative
3/2/2005 2052.35 2083.75 2052.35 2079.45 1 27.2) Positive
2/2/2005 2062.15 2074.5 2045.5 2052.25 -7.6 | Negative
1/2/2005 2057.75 2072.5 2045.25 2059.85 2.25 1 Positive
31/01/2005 2008.45| 2060.4 2006.35) 2057.6) 49.3 1 Positive

6. Sun In Capricorn aspected by Saturn: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The fbllowing emphericai data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
19 observations out of total 35.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Following observations have been made In the intreday price

movements of. Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Capricorn and at the same time when Moon transits

through the various signs of zodiac:

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into fell or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in

the price of nifty index in 11 observations out of total 17.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/01/2012 5163.55 5166.15 5076.7 5087,3 -117.4 Negative
11/2/2011 5219.65 5319.45 5177.7 5310 84.2 Positive

10/2/2011 5246.05 5272.5 5196.8 5225.8 -27.75 Negative

9/2/2011 5293.05 5339.45 5225,65 5253.55 -59 Negative

3/2/2009 2773.5 2831.7 2752.9 2783.9 17.25 Positive

2/2/2009 2872.35 2873.45 2760.7 2766.55 -108.15 Negative

13/02/2008 4836.55 4986.55 4836.55 4929.45 91.2 Positive

12/2/2008 4877.85 4949.6 4820,45 4838.25 -18.75 Negative

17/01/2008 5937.95 6013.15 5880.3 5913.2 -22.55 Negative

16/01/2008 6065 6065 5825.75 5935.75 -138.5 Negative

4157,95 4090.1 4147.7 57.8 Positive

25/01/2007 3944,55
19/01/2005 1945.65 1922.35 1926.65 -7.4 Negative
1925.35 1934.05 1.15 Positive
18/01/2005 1933.05 1956.95
1902.45 1932.9 1.8 Positive
17/01/2005 1931.75 1944.55

30/01/2004 1860.4 1804.3 1809.75 -33.85 Negative

1827.25 1843,6 -19.5 Negative
29/01/2004 1863 1883.1
1846.35 1863.1 -41.6 Negative
28/01/2004 1903.9 1918.45

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Capricorn.

This astrological combination mostly resultslnto fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

21/01/2011 5692.05 5717.55 5674.5 5696.5 -15.1 Negative
20/01/2011 5656 5729.45 5634.5 5711,6 20.55 Positive
9/2/2009 2843.05 2926,75 2840.15 2919.9 76,8 Positive
23/01/2008 4903.05 5328.05 4891.6 5203.4 304.1 Positive
22/01/2008 5203.35 5203.35 4448.5 4899.3 -309.5 Negative
2/2/2007 0 41987 4132.95 4183.5 46,3 Positive

1/2/2007 0 4141.6 4081.1 4137.2 54.5 Positive

16/01/2006 2851.35) 2855.71 2824.05 2833.1) -17.45 iNegativel

25/01/2005 1908.85) 1934.25) 1894.4 1931.85 ) 6.55) Positive 1
6/2/2004 1804.35 1837.95 1797,95 1833.65) 29.15). Positive J
5/2/2004 1823.5 1846.751 1787.15 1804.5) -17.7[fteaatJvel
20/01/2003 1086.25 j 10871 1074.2 1076.35) -10.15 Negative)

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we, can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 13.

Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


2877.6 2925.7 Negative


11/2/2009 2933 2937.5

10/2/2009 2919.7 2957.4 2891.75 2934.5 14.6 Positive

15/01/2009 2832.3 2832.3 2701.75 2736.7 -98.6 Negative

14/01/2009 2748.4 2853.25 2748.4 2835,3 90.35 Positive

5383.35 349.9 Positive

125/01/2008) 5035.05) 5399.25) 5035.05

24/01/2008 5208) 5357.2] 4995.81 5033,45 -169.95 Negative

Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results iiito fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty&Sensex. The following empherical
date accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical date we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 13.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

8/2/2011 5432.35 5432.35 5303.4 5312.55 -83.45 Negative
( 7/2/2011 | 5430.15 | 5440.35) 5376.95| 5396 0.25 Positive
130/01/2009 i 2824.05 1 28811 2774. l( 2874.8 50.85 Positive
1 11/2/2008 I 5120.55 5126.4) 4803.61, 4857 -263.35 Negative
(15/01/2008 6226.351 6260.45) 6053.3 ) 6074.25 -132.55 Negative
24/01/2007 0 4098.25 4065.75 .4089.9 23.8( Positive)

23/01/2007 0 4105.1 4056.45 4066.1 -36.35 Negative

3/2/2006 2968.1 2973.9 r 2931.85 2940.6) -26.85 Negative

! 2/2/2006 2972.2 i 2997.25 2957.55| 2967.45) -4.1 Negative

(27/01/2004 1 1847.9] 1911.31 1844.65( 1904.7 ) 57.15 Positive

i 7/2/2003 ( 1063,751 1065.81 1055.5| 1057.5) -6.1 Negative

6/2/2003 1047.25 1065.95 1043.7 1063,6 16.2 Positive 1

5/2/2003 . 1054.3 1054.65 1041.75 1047.4 -7.4 Negative |

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Capricorn and at the same time when Moon transits
through the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aswinf Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 8.
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Vthi &
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High . Low Close Gain/ Trend

04/02/2009 2780.71 2842.2 2780.7} 2803.05 19.15 Positive
18/01/2008 5907,75 5908.75 5677 5705,3 -207.9 Negative
06/02/2006 2940.95 3009.45 2928.1 3000.45 59.85 Positive
20/01/2005 1928.1 1940.95 1900.05 1925.3 -1.35 Negative
19/01/2005 1934.1 1945.65 1922.35 1926.65 -7.4 Negative
10/02/2003 1058.2 1058.75 1047.15 1048.6 -8.9 Negative

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon Is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nffty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astralogical combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon Is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherlcal data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can obseh/e the downside in the
price of nifty index In 3 observations out of total 4.
Chapter XI: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatre, Yoga, Vthi & 459
Aspects While Sun in Caprfcom

empherlcal data accertalns this astrological

phenomenon, as from the following empherlcal data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
m 5 observations out of total 6.

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun Is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


09/02/2009 2843.05 2926.75 2840.15 2919.9 76.8 Positive

14/01/2009 2748.4 2853.25 2748.4 2835.3 90.35 Positive

18/01/2006 2809.9 2840.1 2783.85 2809.2 -23.9 Negative

27/01/2005 1931.9 1961.75 - 1929 1955 23.15 Positive

06/02/2004 1804.35 1837.95 1797.95 1833.65 29.15 Positive

21/01/2003 1076.3 1080.5 1074.1 1077.9 1.55 Positive

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherlcal data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Sato/ Trend


10/02/2009 2919.7 2957.4 2891.75 2934.5 14.6 Positive

15/01/2009 2832.3 2832.3 2701,75 2736.7 ■98.6 Negative
25/01/2008 5035.05 5399.25 5035.05 5383.35 349.9 Positive
19/01/2006 2811.1 2875.95 2811.1 2870.85 61.65 Positive
28/01/2005 1955.25 2014.25 1950.85 2008.3 53.3 Positive
22/01/2003 1078.45 1086.2 1073.6 1082.9 5 Positive

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun Is in Capricorn: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the Indices Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moon is aspected by
Jupiter then it mostiy resufts into upmove in the price of indices

Nifty & Sensex,

Chapter II: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Vthi & 461
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

08/02/2007 0 4245,3 4188,45 4223.4 "0.85 Negative

23/01/2006 2900.3 29003 2870.95 2884.05 13.2 Positive
01/02/2005 2057.75 2072.5 2045.25 2059.85 2.25 Positive
111/02/2004) 1891.8) 1894.8) 1874.5 1891.5) 10.75) Positive

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn; This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertainsthisastrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close | Gain/ Trend


27/01/2011 5725.3 5726.1 5594.951 5604.31 -83.11 Negative

20/01/2009 2842.9 2842.9 2758 ) 2796.6) . -49.6) Negative

130/01/2008 1 5283.75 5314.3 5142.25 1 5167.6 -113.2 Negative

09/02/2007 0 4239.2 4171.8 4187.4 >36 Negative

15/01/2007 0 4099.65 4052.4 4078.4 25.95 Positive

24/01/2006 2886.35 2914.25 2885.75 2908 23.95 Positive

02/02/2005 2062.15 2074.5 2045.5 2052.25 -7.6 Negative

12/02/2004 1892.2 1906.1 1869.25 1885.3 -6.2 Negative

11. Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: The implication of,
this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty 8i Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of Indices Nifty &

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.
462 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Dhmva Yoga day whife Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low [ Close Gain/ Trend

20/01/2012 5044.85 5064.15 5004.3 5048.6 30.2 Positive
122/01/2009 271V 2744.85 2681.4 2713.8 7.65 Positive
01/02/2008 5140.6 5339.95 5090.75 5317.25 179.8 Positive


17/01/2007 0 4096.75 4071.55 4076.45 -4.05

04/02/2005 2079.4 2099.2 2060.8 2077.95 -1.5 Negative
119/01/2004 1 1901.9] 1943.ll 1874.951 1935.351 34.71 Positive
|28/01/2003 | 1036.35] 1047.95] 1026.75| 1046.2 ( 8.551 Positive

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This astrological

combination mostly results into fell or downside In the pries
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Vyaghata Yoga day whi/e Sun is in Capricorn

Date | Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


j 14/01/2010 I 5234.5 5272.85 5232.5 i 5259.9 25.95 Positive

J 23/01/2009 I 2705.45 2765,55 2661.65 2678.55) -35,251 Neqative

12/02/2007 0 4187.2 4044.35 4058.3 -129.1 Negative

27/01/2006 2941.9 2989.7 2941.9 2982.75 42.4 Positive

20/01/2004 1928.8 1957.65 1876.85 1893.25 -42.1 Negative

29/01/2003 1059.8 1059.8 1033.3 1037.2 -9 Negative

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This astrological

combination mostly results into fell or downside in the pries
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical. data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6".
466 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

phenomenon, as from the following empheiical data

we can observe the downside In the price of nifty Index
in all 6 observations out of total 6.

Shubha Yoga day while Sun Is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

09/02/2011 5293.05 5339.45 5225.65 5253.55 -59 Negative
02/02/2009 2872.35 2873.45 2760.7 2766.65 -108.15 Negative
12/02/2008 4877.85 4949.6 4820.45 4838.25 -18.75 Negative

19/01/2005 1934.1 1945.65 1522.35 1926.65 -7.4 Negative

29/01/2004 1863 1883.1 1827.25 1843.6 -19.5 Negative

07/02/2003 1063.75 1065.8 1055.5 1057.5 -6.1 Negative

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This astrological

combination mostty results into fall or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherlcal data
accertafns this astrological phenomenon, as horn the following
empherlcal data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty Index in 4 observations out of total 6.

ShuMa Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High low Close Gain/ Trend

|l0/02/2011 J 5246.05) 5272.6 5196.8 5225.8 -27.75) Negative
03/02/2009 2773,5 2831.7 2752.9 2783.9 17.25 Positive
13/02/2008 4836.55 4986.55 4836.55 4929.45 91.2 Positive
118/01/2008 ( 5907.75 5908.75 5677 5705.3 -207.9) Negative I
20/01/2005 1928.1 1940.95 1900.05 1925.3 -1.35 Negative

30/01/2004 1843.7 1860.4 1804.3 1809.75 -33.85 Negative

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherlcal data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherlcal data

we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index

in 5 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatta, Yoga, Tithi& ^57
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

11/02/2011 5219.65 5319.45 5177.7 5310 84.2 Positive
17/01/2011 5648.8 5696.15| 5624,15 5654.75 0,2 Positive
04/02/2009 2780.7 2842.2 2780.7 2803.05 19,151 Positive
06/02/2006 2940.95 3009.45 2928.11 3000.45 59.85 Positive 1
10/02/2003 1058.2 1058.75 1047.15 1048.6 -8.9 Negative
15/01/2003 1077.9 1087.5 1077,8 1085 6.05 Positive

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: The implication of

this astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mercury then
ft mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

27. Vaidhrlti Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
fallowing empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in all 5 observations out of total S.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


19/01/2011 5737.35 5747.65 5662.55 5691.05 •33 Negative |

21/01/2008 5705 5705 4977.1 5208.8 -496.5 Negative
08102/2006 3018.2 3021.25 2984.9 3008.05 -11.15 Negative
12/02/2003 1048.15 1051 1040.4 1044.45 -3.55 Negative

17/01/2003 1089.3 1090.25 1083,2 1086.5 -1.85 Negative

A68 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Capricorn and at the same time while different lunar

1. Shukla Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then It mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tfthf while Sun is in

Capricorn: Trie implication of this astrological combihation is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Capricorn;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is

aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or downside

in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: Trie implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Venus then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun

is in Capncom: This astrological combination mostly
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatm, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

results into fall ordownside in the price of indices Nifty

& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukia Panchami Tlthl while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

08/02/2011 5432.35 5432.35 5303.4 5312.55 •83.45 Negative
11/02/2008 5120.55 5126.4 4803.6 4857 -263.35 Negative
23/01/2007 0 4105.1 4056.45 4066.1 -36.35 Negative
02/02/2006 2972.2 2997.25 2957.55 2967.45 -4.1 Negative
14/01/2005 1954.9 1961.4 1922.85 1931.1 -23.45 Negative
06/02/2003 1047.25 1065.95 1043.7 1063.61 16.2 Positive

6. Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6,

Shulda Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low 1 Close Gain/ Trend


09/02/2011 5291.05 5339.45 5225.65 5253.55 -59 Negative

12/02/2008 4877.85 4949.6 4820.45 4838.25 •18.75 Negative

24/01/2007 0 4098.25 4065.75 4089.9 23.8 Positive

03/02/2006 2968.1] 2973.91 2931.85 2940.6j -26.85 Negative

27/01/2004 1847.9 1911.3 1844.65 1904.7 57.15 Positive

07/02/2003 1063.75 1065.8 . 1055.5 1057.5) -6.1 Negative

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shlikla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
470 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

following empherical data accertains this astrological

phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptaml Tithi while Sun is in


Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

- Loss
30/01/2012 5163.55 5166.15 5076.7 5087.3 -117.4 Negative
10/02/2011 5246.05 5272.6 5196.8 5225,8 -27.75 Negative
02/02/2009 2872.35 2873.45 2760,7 2766.651-108.15 Negative
13/02/2008 4836.55 4986.55 4836.55 4929.45 91.2 Posfcrve
15/01/2008 6226.35 6260.45 6053.3 6074.25 -132.55 Negative
25/01/2007 3944.55 4157.95 4090.1 4147.7 57.8 Positive |
28/01/2004 1903.9 1918.45 1846.35 1863.1 -41.6 i Negative (

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But If the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downade in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in tiie indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun

is in Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly
results Into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the

price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5,

Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi TithI while Sun

is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low • Close Gain/ Trend

|17/01/2011 5648.8 5696.15 5624,15 5654.75 0.2 Positive
131/01/2007 0 4137.85 4068.55 4082.7 -41,75 Neaative
j10/02/2006 3009.15 3031.75 3009.1 3027,55 18,6 Positive
104/02/2004 1769.1 1829.65 1761.75 1822.2 53.2 Positive
116/01/2003 1085.05 1091,35 1 1083,95 1088.35 3.35 Positive

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Caprfcom: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But If the
Moon is aspected by Satuim then it mostly resultsinto upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Pumima Tithi while Sun Is in Capricorn:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
* price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Shukla Paksha 15 or Purnima Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


5737.35 5747.65 5662.55 5691.05 -33 Negative

2926.75 2840,15 2919.9 76.8 Positive
09/02/2009 2843.05
5203.35 4448,5 4899.3 -309.5 'Negative
22/01/2008 5203.35
4198.7 4132.95 4183.5 463 Positive
02/02/2007 0
1894.4 1931.85 635 Positive
25/01/2005 1908.85 1934.25
1797.95 1833.65 29.15 Positive
1804.35 1837.95
476 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is In

Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low ■ Close Gain/ Trend


18/01/2012 4977.75 4980.65 4931.05 4955>8| -U.5 Negative 1

28/01/2011 5614 5614.4 5459.55 5512.151 -92.15 (Negative [

20/01/2009 2842.9 2842.9 2758 2796.6 -49.6 Negative

01/02/2008 5140,6 5339.95 5090.75 5317.25 179.8 Positive

12/02/2007 J 0 4187.2 4044.35 4058.3 -129.1 Negative

24/01/2006 | 2886.35 2914.25| 2885.75 2908 [ 23.951 Positive |

04/02/2005 2079.4 20992 2060.8 2077.95 -1.5 Negative

27/01/2003 1057.8 1059.35 1030,35 1037.65 -18.4 Negative

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna EkadashiTlthi while Sun

is in Capricorn; This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna ikadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


19/01/2012 ! 4995 5023.8 4991.4 5018;4 62.6 Positive

21/01/2009 2777.4 2787.3 2690.2 2706.15 -90.45 Negative

15/01/2007 0 4099.65 4052.4 4078.4 25.95 Positive

25/01/2006 2908.75 2949.1 2871.25 2940.35 32.35 Positive

28/01/2003 1036.35 1047.95 1026.75 1046.2 8.55 Positive

478 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithl while Sun is

in Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while

Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


01/02/2011 5537.3 5539.15 5402 5417.2 -88.7 Negative

14/01/2010 5234.5 5272.85 5232.5 5259.9 25.95 Positive

05/02/2008 5463.75 5500.6 5412.951 5483.9 20,41 Positive

18/01/2007 0 4140.25 4075.21 4109.05 32.6| Positive

20/01/2004 1928.8 1957.65 1876.85 1893-25 -42. l| Negative
[31/01/2003 | 1034.751 1044.251 1026.2 1041.85 7.251 Positive

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in Capricorn:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.

Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun Is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

123/01/2012 [ 5025.35 5059.55 5021.35 5046.25 -2.35 Negative
02/02/2011 5469.55 5490.6 5415.65 5432 14.8 Positive
15/01/2010 5259.9 5279.85 5242.45 5252.2 -7.7 Negative
06/02/2008 5470.4 5470.4 5257.05 5322.55 -161.35 Negative
08/02/2005 2055 2065 2043.6 2055.15 0.05 Positive
21/01/2004 1895.45 1899.55 1811.35 1824.6 j -68.65 Negative
Predicting the Nifty & Semex

Sun in AquaHus aspected by Moon

Date Open High ' tow Close Gain/ Trend

04/03/2011 5586.2 5608.2 5524.1 5538.75 2.55 Positive
18/02/2011 5557.55 5599.25 5441.95 5458.951 -87.5 Neoatlve
16/02/2010 4801.8 4880 4791.35 4855.75 53.8 Positive
15/02/2010 4827.9 4845.6 4783.9 4801.95 -24.9 Negative
26/02/2009 2762.2 2797.8 2731.9 2785.65 23.15 Positive
25/02/2009 | 2733.45 2789.35 2733.45 2762.5 28.6 Positive
|24/02/2009 | 2737.25 2746.2 . 2677.55 2733.9 -2.55 Negative
07/03/2008 1 4918.3 4918.3 4672.2$ 4771.6 -149,8 Neoatlve
22/02/2008 5183.4 5184 5092.8 511075 -81.05 Neoatlve
21/02/2008 5156.9 5241.35 5120.05 5191.8 37.35 Positive
19/02/2007 0 4177.7 4149.25 4164.55 18.35 Positive
114/03/2006 1 3197.2 3223.45 3184.05 3195,35 -7.3 Negative
13/03/2006 ! 3184.1 1 3221.3 3174.05 3202.65 18.75 Positive
28/02/2006 3067.9 1 3090.3 I 3031.8| 3074.7 7.251 Positive
27/02/2006 3050.3 3070.35 3050.3 i 3067.45 17.41 Positive
15/02/2006 3001.4 3048.8 2995.3 3022.2 4.65 Positive
14/02/2006 3040.25 3051.7 3009.9 3017.55 -23,6 Negative

13/02/2006 3026.15 3042.75 3018.5 3041.15 13.61 Positive

09/03/2005 2169.1 2183.45 2141.35 2160.8 -8.15 Negative

25/02/2005 2057.3 2081.85 2051.2 2060.9 5.6 Positive

24/02/2005 2057.75 2070.5 2052.4 2055.3 -1.8 Negative

20/02/2004 1858.25 1872.85 1831.15 1852.65 -5.65 Negative

03/03/2003 1063.55| 1070.85 1057.55 1058.85 -4.55 Negative

18/02/2003 1058.95| 1065.15 1057.6 1059.3 1.1 Positive

17/02/2003 1036.2j 1060.5 1036.2 1058.2 22.2 Positive

2. Sun in Aquarius aspected by Mars: This astrological

combination mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherlcal data accertalnsthis
astroiogical phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in

31 observations out of tptal 46.

Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatfa. Yoga, nthi & w
Aspects White Sun in Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius aspected by Mars

Date Open High . Low Close Gain/ Trend

*' Loss
14/03/2011 5436.5 5537.3 5434.25 5531.5 86.05 Positive
11/03/2011 5456.15 5502.7 5411.55 5445.45 •48.95 Negative
10/03/2011 5516.1 5516.3 5468.45 5494.4 -36.6 Negative
09/03/2011 5542.4 5563.3 5477.45 5531 10.2 Positive
08/03/2011 5466.1 5530.55 5464.75 5520.8 57.65 Positive
07/03/2011 5490.05 5491.25 5408.45 5463,15 -75.6 Negative
04/03/2011 5586.2 5608.2 5524.1 5538.75 2.55 Positive
03/03/2011 5478.45 5570.75 5468.25 5536.2 13.9 Positive

01/03/2011 5382 5533.05 5373.55 5522.3 189.05 Positive

28/02/2011 5330.15 5477 5308.6 5333.25 29.7 Positive
25/02/2011 5321.05 5338.2 5232.75 5303.55 40.85 Positive
24/02/2011 5408.75 5423.4 5242.5 5262.7 -174.65 Negative
23/02/2011. 5452.45 5495.2 5427.55 5437.35 -31.85 Negative

22/02/2011 5504.4 5519.45 5437.31 5469.2 -49.4 (Negative]

21/02/2011 5456.6 5526.25 5413.l| 5518.6 59,651 Positive

18/02/2011 5557.55 5599.25 5441.95 5458.95 -87.5 Negative

17/02/2011 5501.7 5553 5463.4 5546.45 64.75 Positive

16/02/2011 5467.6 5504.8) 5460.35 5481.7) 0.7| Positive

12/03/2010 5131.8 5158.1 5122,1 5137 3.6 Positive

(11/03/2010 | 5116.35 5152.6 5102.1 5133.4 17.15 Positive

110/03/2010 | 5101.6 5137.4 5092.05 5116.25 14.75 Positive

I 09/03/2010 | 5121.05 5131.8 5094.35 5101.5 -22.5 Negative

1 08/03/2010 | 5092.15 5147,1 5092.15 5124 35.3 Positive

(05/03/2010 I 5080.55 5118.65 5068.05 5088.7 8.45 Positive

(04/03/2010 I 5096.95] 5096.95] 5049 5080.25 -7.85 Negative

(03/03/2010 | 5015.8) 5093.25] 5015.1 5088.1 71,1 Positive

(02/03/2010 | 4935.5) 5029.45| 4935.35 5017 94.7 Positive

[26/02/2010 | 4858.5| 4992 4858.45 4922.3 62.55 Positive

125/02/2010 | 4859 f 4880.15 4835.6 4859.75 1.15 Positive

24/02/2010 4869.55 4880.55 4834.65 4858.6 -11.45 Negative

23/02/2010 4856.6 4884.1 4833.15 4870.05 13.65 Positive

22/02/2010 4849.35) 4912.051 4845.9 4856.4 11.5 Positive

m Predicting ttje Nifty & Sense*

08/03/2004 1868.15 1891.95 1867.95 1885.25 17.55 Positive

05/03/2004 1843.9 1871.1 1843.9 1867.7 23.85 Positive
04/03/2004 1859.3 1867.95 1831.2 1843.85 -16.55 Negative
03/03/2004 1852.45 1868a25 1842.45 1860.4 7.7 Positive
01/03/2004 1798.35 1856.45 ' 1795.35 1852.7 52.4 Positive
27/02/2004 1765.9 1807.45 1763.95 1800.3 34.5 Positive
26/02/2004 1787.45 1818.6 1760.55 1765.8 -21 Negative
25/02/2004 1833.65 1834.1 1779 1786.8 -34.55 Negative
24/02/2004 1808.4 1826.85 1780.35 1821.35 13.15 Positive
23/02/2004 1853 1867.25 1800.2 1808.2 -44.45 Negative
20/02/2004 1858.25 1872.85 1831.15 1852.65 -5.65 Negative
19/02/2004 1916.65 1919.7 1851.8 1858.3 -58.15 Negative
18/02/2004 1920 1935.8 1912.6 1916.45 -3.65 Negative

17/02/2004 1913.55 1926.15 1905.5 1920,1 6.55 Positive

j 16/02/2004 1 1914.451 1929.51 1909.451 £#3.55 -O.OSlNegativel

5. Sun In Aquarius aspected by Venus; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data aocertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
9 observations out of total 14.

Sun In Aquarius aspected by Venus

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


02/03/2010 4935.6 5029.45 4935.35 5017 94.7 Positive

26/02/2010 4858.5 4992 4858.45 4922.3 62.55 Positive

13/03/2008 4868.7 4868.8 4580.15 4623.6 -248.4 Neoative

112/03/2008 4869.75 5019.2 4854.75 4872 6.1 Positive

4796.3 4888.5 4732.85 4865.9 65.5 Positive

3944.55 4155.7 4046.8 4146.2 99.1 Positive
0 4057.35 3965.2 4047.1 2.55 Positive
0 4132.7 3998.3 4044.55 -13.75 Neoative
2115.1 2073.8 2084.4 -18.85 Negative
01/03/2005 2103.1
2047.7 2103.25 42.35 Positive
28/02/2005 2061.2 2106.2
2060.9 5.6 Positive
2057.3 2081.85 2051.2
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 489
Aspects While Sun in Aquarius

116/02/2005 3023.1 3036.651 3013.7 3021*. 6 -0.6 Negative

09/03/2004 1884.5 1898.7 1843 1866.05 -19.2 Negative
08/03/2004 1868.15 1891.95 1867.95 1885.25 17.55 Positive

120/02/2003 1064.15 1071.71 1058.35 1065.6 1.3 Positive

119/02/2003 1059.3 1068.8] 1059.3 1064.3 5 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun Is in Aquarius: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High Law Close Gain/ Trend

23/02/2011 5452.45 5495.2 5427.55 5437.35 -31.85 Negative

22/02/2011 5504.4 5519.45 5437.3 5469.2 -49.4 Negative

05/03/2010 5080.55 5118.65 5068.05 5088.7 8.45 Positive

f04/03/2010 1 5096.95 1 5096.95 5049 5080.25) -7.85 Negative I

115/02/2009 2948.25 l 2953.2 2839.11 2848.5] -99.85 Negative 1

27/02/2008 5271.4 5368.15 5249.75 5268.4 -1.65 Negative 1

26/02/2008 5200.8 5281.2 5200.8 5270.05 69.35 Positive 1

09/03/2007 0 3795.7 3684.25 3718 -43.65 Negative

08/03/2007 0 3779.5 3626.8 3761.65 134.8 Positive
20/02/2006 2982.35 3010.65 2955.85 3005.85 24.35 Positive
02/03/2005 2084.6 2096.35 2P80.55 2093.25 8.85 Positive
01/03/2005 2103.1 2115.1 2073.8 2084.4 -18.85 Negative
28/02/2005 2061,2 2106.2 2047.7 2103.25 42.35 Positive
11/03/2004 1843.95 1843.95 1798.45 1805.4 -38.95 Negative
10/03/2004 1866,3 1866.4 1835.8 1844.35 -21.7 Negative
21/02/2003 1065.6 1069.2 1061.1 1066.15 0.55 Positive

8. Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Aquarius;

This astrological combinatiorr mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex'. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 10 observations out of total 14.

492 Predicting the Nifty & Sensor

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is In Aquarius

Date Open High Low Cioso Gain/ Trend

08/03/2011J 5466.1 5530.55] 5464.75 5520.8 57.65 Positive
07/03/2011 5490.05 5491.25 5408.45 5463.15 -75.6 Negative
18/02/2010 4915.1 4922.05 4873.7 4887.75 -26.25 Negative
17/02/2010 4858.65 ] 4929.7 | 4857.6 4914 58.25 Positive
27/02/2009 2785.7| 2787.2] 2708.45 2763.65 -22 Negative 1
10/03/2008 4767.81 4814.95 ] 4620.5 4800.4 28.81 Positive 1
21/02/2007 0] 4132.8] 4080.9 4096.2 -10.751 Negative 1
20/02/2007 0] 4175.45] 4099.55 4106.95 -57.61 Negative 1
02/03/2006 | 3124.25| 3170.351 3124.25 3150.7 27.61 Positive I
01/03/2006 | 3074.6| 3127.251 3064 3123.1 48.41 Positive I
11/03/2005 i 2167.7| 2182.lj 2148.7 2154 -6.^1 Negative!
(24/02/2004 1 1808.41 1826.851 1780.35 1821.35 13.15| Positive i
(23/02/2004 | 18531 1867.251 1800.2 1808.2 -44.451 Negative 1
(06/03/2003 ( 1040.3| 1040.751 1029.55 1031.25 -9.451 Negative I
105/03/2003 ( 1046.55 f 1046.551 1029.9 1040.7 -5.91 Negative 1
j 04/03/2003 | 1058.7] 1058.7] 1045.2 1046.6 -12.251 Negative |

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aquarius and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac;

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.
Pftdlcdng the Nifty ft Sense*

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun Is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

Moon transiting through Ardra Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive tjp or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into upmove
In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

7. Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius; This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the fbllowing emphericai data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4
Observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Punarvasu Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


5467.6 5504.8 5460.35 5481.7 0,7 Positive

4835.6 4859.75 1.15 Positive
25/02/2010 4859 4880.15

5348.6 5224 5275.9 -26 Negative

18/02/2008 5304.45
3893.4 3674.85] 3745.3 -148.6 Negative
128/02/2007 0
3069.85 3129.1 -53.7 Negative
i 09/03/2006 3116.75 3132.65
1034.1 1036 -8.45 Negative
114/02/2003 i 1044.45 1047.05
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthi & 49s
Aspects While Sun in Aquarius

8. Moon transiting through Pushyaml Nakshatra while Sun is In

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The fbliowing
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

26/02/2010 4858,5 4992 4858.45 4922,3 62.55 Positive
19/02/2008 5278.4 5368.45 5262 5280.8 3.9 Positive
01/03/2007 0 3818.75 3718.15 3811.2 65.9 Positive
10/03/2006 3129.05 3189.35 3128.6 3183.9 54.8 Positive

21/02/2005 2055.15 2065.75 2039.9 2043.2 -12,35 Negative

04/03/2004 1859,3 1867.95 1831.2 1843.85 -16.55 Negative
03/03/2004 1852,45 1868.25 1842.45 1860;4 . 7.7 Positive

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination Is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
pnd it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalgunl Nakshatra while Sun

is. in Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & qg?
Aspects White Sun In Aquarius

Moon transiting through Swati Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/02/2011 5452.45 5495.2 5427.55 5437.35 •31.85 Negative
04/03/2010 5096.95 5096.95 5049 5080.25 •7.85 Negative
26/02/2008 5200.8 5281.2 5200.8 5270.05 69.35 Positive
08/03/2007 0 3779.5 3626.8 3761.65 134.8 Positive
01/03/2005 2103.1 2115.1 2073.8 2084.4 -18.85 Negative
10/03/2004 1866.3 1866.4 1835.8 1844,35 -21.7 Negative

16. Moon transiting through Vlsakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherlcal data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend.

24/02/2011 5408.75 5423.4 5242.5 5262.7 ■474.65 Negative

05/03/2010 5080.55 5118.65 5068.05 5088.7 8.45 Positive

16/02/2009 2948.25 2953.2 2839.1 2848.5 -99.85 Negative

27/02/2008 5271.4 5368.15 5249.75 5268.4 •1.65 Negative

109/03/2007 I 0 3795.7 3684.25 3718 -43.65 (Negative
20/02/2006 2982.35 3010.65 2955.85 3005.85 24.35 Positive
02/03/2005 2084.6 2096.35 2080.55 2093.25 8.85 Positive
11/03/2004 1843.95 1843.95 1798.45 1805.4 -38.95 Negative

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Predicting tte Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius

Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

25/02/2011 5321.05 5338.2 5232.751 5303.55 Positive
17/02/2009 2853.85 2854.65 2757.31 2770.5 -78 Negative
28/02/2008 5266,35 5302.85 5227.15 5285.1 16.7 Positive
03/03/2005 2093.4 2132.75 2093.35 2128.85 35.6 Positive
12/03/2004 1805.2 1820.95 1775.9 1812.2 6.8 Positive

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove In the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove In the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aquarius

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


08/03/2010 5092.15 5147.1 5092.15 5124 35.3 Positive

118/02/2009 2755.15 ! 2806,5 2736.65 2776.15 5,65 Positive

! 29/02/2008 5285 5290.8 5098.35 5223.5 -61.6 Neoative

12/03/2007 0 3781.45 3713.9 3734.6 16.6 Positive

22/02/2006 3035.65 3055.65 3032.5 3050.8 44.95 Positive

04/03/2005 2129.1 2152.75 2129.1 2148.15 19.3 Positive

2A/02/2003 1066.2 107S.S 1066.2 1070.15 4 Positive

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 12: Predfcting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 499
Aspects While Sun in Aquarius

20. Moon transiting through Pooivashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius; The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Rahu then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the upmove in the priceof nifty index in 5 observations
out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Aquarius

Dale Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

01/03/2011 5382 5533.05 5373.55 5522.3 189.05 Positive
11/03/2010 5116.35 5152.6 5102.1 5133.4 17.15 Positive
04/03/2008 4958.55 49767 4812.95 4864.25 •88.75 Negative
15/021/2007 3944.55 4155.7 4046.8 4146.2 99.1 Positive
07/03/2005 2148.25 2166.85 2143.05 2160.1 11.95 Positive
18/02/2004 1920 1935.8 1912.6 1916.45 -3.65 Negative
27/02/2003 1049.6 1057.45 1044.9 1052.95 3.3 Positive

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun

is in Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex.The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
priceof nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.
500 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Aquarius .

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

112/03/2010 5131.81 5158.11 5122.11 5137 3.6 Positive
05/03/2008 4866.85 4936.751 4847.251 4921.4 57.15 Positive
19/02/2004 1916.65 1919.7 1851.8 1858.3 -58.15 Negative
28/02/2003 1053.65 1068.65 1053.65 1063.4 10.45 Positive

23. Moon transiting through Dhahista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication, of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is -
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Venus then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra

while Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aquarius and at the same time while formation of 27

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: Tbe implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Priti Yoga day while Sunls in Aquarius: The implication of this

astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon Is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and It do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon Is aspected by
Jupiter or Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by
Mars then it mostly results into a fell or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of Indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertalns this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
506 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon/ as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Vajra Yoga day white Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

19/02/2009 2776.7 2802.15 2767.6 2789.35 13.2 Positive
14/02/2007 0 4057.35 3965.2 4047.1 2.55 Positive
23/02/2006 3050.85 3078.4 3050.85 3062.1 11.3 Positive
04/03/2005 2129.1 2152.75 2129.1 2148.15 19.3 Positive
16/02/2004 1914.45 1929.5 1909.45 1913.55 -0.05 Negative
25/02/2003 . 1070.1 1073.25 1054.9 1055.55 -14.6 Negative

16. Slddhl Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to tiie price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter or
Saturn then it mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

17. vyatipata Yoga day while Sun Is in Aquarius: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex.

. 18. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius; The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any deo'sive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
f*edktsng the Nifty & Sens&c

Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tlthl while Sun is in


Date Open High low Close Gain/ . Trend

11/03/2011 5456,15 5502.7 5411.55 5445.45 -48.95 Negative
02/03/2009 2764.6 2764.6 2659.55 2674.6 -89.05 Neoative
22/02/2007 0 4126.9 4023.15 4040 -56.2 Neoative
14/02/2005 2083.05 2110.15 2083.05 2098.25 16.2 Positive
26/02/2004 1787.45 1818.6 1760.55 1765.8 -21 Neoative

7. Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukia Saptami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

1 III! tJ0SS
103/03/2009 1 2672.15] 2688.5] 2611.55.1 2622.4 -52.2 Negative

113/03/2008 4868.7 ] 4868.8 ] 4580.15 4623.6 -248.4 Negative

123/02/2007" 0 4065.45 3918.2 3938.95 -101,05 Negative

106/03/2006 3147.25 3194 3147.2 3190.4 43.05 Positive

15/02/2005 2098.25 2101.6 2081.2 2089.95 -8.3 Negative

27/02/2004 1765.9 1807.45 1763.95 1800.3 34.5 Positive

10/03/2003 1017.1 1021.5 1004.35 1006.7 -10.4 Negative

8. Shukia Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty 8lSensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatm, Yoga, Tithl & 513
Aspects White Sun in Aquarius

Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithl while Sun Is in


Date Open High Low dose Gain/ Trend

22/02/2010 484935 4912,05 4845.9 4856.4 11.5 Positive
04/03/2009 2611.95 2655.7 2611.95 2645.2 22,8 Positive
14/02/2008 4944.65 5220.25 4944.65 5202 272.55 Positive
07/03/2006 3190.45 3192.95 3166.75 31823 -7.6 Negative
16/02/2005 2090 2103.4 2059.45 2068.8 -21.15 Negative
11/03/2003 1006.65 1016.7 998.95 1014.55 7.85 Positive

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithl while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then ft mostly results.into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertalnsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tlthl while Sun is

in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

|14/02/2011 5340.25 5463.8 5340.25 5456 146 Positive
125/02/2010 ] 4859 4880.15 4835.6 4859.75 1.15 155551
127/02/2007 1 0 3958 3873.85 3893.9 -48.1 Neaative
110/03/2006 1 3129.05! 3189.35 3128.6 3183.9 54.8 Positive

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tlthi while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashl Tlthi while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tlthi while

Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological combination
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

516 Predicting the Mtfiy St Sense*

Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Aquarius

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

21/02/2008 5156.9 5241.35 5120.05 5191.8 37.35 Positive
14/02/2006 3040.25 3051.7 3009.9 3017.55 -23.6 Negative
25/02/2005 2057.3 2081.85 2051.2 2060.9 5.6 Positive
117/02/2003 1036.2 1060.5 1036.2 1058.2 22.2 Positive

17. Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwltiya Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the followihg empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitaya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

02/03/2010 4935.6 5029.45 4935.35 5017 94.7 Positive
12/03/2009 2574.5 2646.1 2574.5 2617.45 44.3 Positive
22/02/2008 5183.4 5184 5092.8 5110.75 -81.05 Negative
05/03/2007 0 3726.65 3554.5 3576.5 -150.25 Negative
15/02/2006 3001.4 3048.8 2995.3 3022.2 4.65 Positive
08/03/2004 1868.15 1891.95 1867.95. 1885.25 17.55 Positive
18/02/2003 1058.95 1065.15 1057.6 1059.3 1.1 Positive

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination Is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

19. Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chatgrthf Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price.of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index In 6 observations out of totai 9.
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi a 517
Aspects While Sun in Aquarius

Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithj while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/02/2011 5456.6 5526.25 5413.1 5518.6 • 59.65 Positive

04/03/2010 5096.95 5096.95 5049 5080,25 -7.85 Negative

13/02/2009 2896.95 2969.75 2896.85 2948.35 55.3 Positive

25/02/2008 5112.25 5212.35 5053.15 5200.7 89.95 Positive

08/03/2007 0 3779,5 3626.8 3761.65 134.8 Positive

17/02/2006 3021.65 3038.8 2976.7 2981.5 -40.1 Negative

28/02/2005 2051.2 2106.2 2047,7 2103.25 42.35 Positive

10/03/2004 1866.3 1866-4 1835.8 1844.35 -21.7 Negative

20/02/2003 1064.15 1071.7 1058.35 1065.6 1.3 Positive

20, Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi white Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fell or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the" downside in the price of nifty index in 4
observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is

in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/02/2011 5504.4 5519.45 5437.3 5469,2 -49.4 Negative

26/02/2008 5200.8 5281.2 5200.8 5270.05 69.35 Positive
09/03/2007 0 3795.7 3684,25 3718 -43.65 Negative
01/03/2005 2103.1 2115.1 2073.8 2084.4 -18.85 Negative
11/03/2004 1843.95 1843.95 1798.45 1805.4 -38.95 Negative
21/02/2003 1065.6 1069.2 1061.1 j 1066.15 0,55 Positive

21. Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi white Sun is in

Aquarius; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements In the Indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty &. Sensex. But if the
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into uomovp

P 6
m the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is in

implication of this
L pnce
neutral to the movements inastrological
the indices combination is
Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostfy results into upmove
in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is

in Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


09/03/2010 5121.05 5131.8 5094.35 5101.5 -22.5] Negative

08/03/2010 5092.15 5147.1 5092.15 5124 35.3 Positive

2806.5 2736.65 2776.15 5.65 Positive

18/02/2009 2755.15
3717.15 3770.55 35.95 Positive
13/03/2007 0 3775.85

3055.65 3032.5 3050.8 44.95 Positive

22/02/2006 3035.65
1066.2 1070.15 4 Positive
24/02/2003 1066.2 1075.5
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ttthl & 519
Aspects White Sun in Aquarius.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Jithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

26. Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadasht Tithi while Sun is in

Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6
observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 11 or Krishna Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/02/2011 5330.15 5477 5308.6 5333.25 29.7 Positive

11/03/2010 5116.35 5152.6 5102.1 .5133.4 17.15 Positive

20/02/2009 2789.3 2789.3 2709.3 2736.45 -52.9 Negative

03/03/2008 5222.8 5222.8 4936.05 4953 -270.5 Negative

13/02/2007 0 4132.7 3998.3 4044.55 -13.75 Negative

24/02/2006 3061.7 3072 3041.6 3050.05 -12.05 Negative

16/02/2004 1914.45 1929.5 1909.45 1913.55 -0.05 Negative

26/02/2003 1055.6 1059.6 1048.2 1049.65 -5.9 Negative

27. fOishna Paksha 12 or Krishna Owadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Aquarius: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.
Chapter 13

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Pisces

Sun transits through Pisces during

15th March to 13th April

Transit of Sun through Pisces, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, determine upsurge and positive momentum in the stock
prices of Insurance, Banking, Financial, FMCG, Bronze, Gold, Textile,
Eatable Oils, Exports, Shipping, Jewellery, Garments, Oil and Gas,
Pharmaceutical, Methanol, Ethanol, Alcohols, Soft and Cold Drinks,
Mineral Water, Wheat, Mustard and Food Grain stocks. Whereas if
this transit is aspected by Saturn or Rahu then the prices of the
above stocks will decline and selling pressure will mount up by
turning the investor sentiments negative.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Pisces under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Pisces aspected by Moon: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
19 observations out of total 29.
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshaba, Yoga, vthi & 523
Aspects While Sun in

Sun in Pisces aspected by Moon

' Date Open HSgh Low Close Gain/ Trend

04/04/2011 I 5842| 5918.7| 5833.2i 5908.45 82.4 Positive
21/03/2011 5408.75 5413.3|. 5348.21 5364.75 -8.95 Negative
13/04/2010 5340.85 5356.5| 5301.7 5322.951 -16.75 Negative I
12/04/2010 5354.15 5382.15| 5324.9 5339.71 -22.05 Negative |
30/03/2010 5302.95 5325| 5251.35| 5262.45) -40.4 Negative
129/03/2010 | 5283.91 5329.55| 5242.151 5302.851 20.85 Positive
118/03/2010 1 5232.551 5255.65 5214.4 5245.9 14 Positive
117/03/2010 | 5198,451 5260.5 5177.15 5231.9 33.8 Positive
116/03/2010 5128.95| 5209.251 5125.71 5198.1 69.2] Positive}
| 09/04/2009 3346 3401.151 3307.051 3342.05 -0.9] Negative I
| 08/04/2009 3255.35 3357.05) 3149.25) 3342.95 86.35] Positive]
127/03/2009 3079.4 3123,35 3055.91 3108.65 26.4] Positive 1

|26/03/2009 2982.25 3103.35 2982.25] 3082.25 97.9] Positive]

103/04/2007 1 0 I 3703.05 3632.2] 3690.65 57;05i Positive]

102/04/2007 0| 3820 3617] 3633.6] -187.95| Negative |

120/03/2007 O) 3725 3676.65] 3697,6 18.7 Positive

119/03/2007 0l 3683.35 3602.85] 3678.9 70.35 Positive

113/04/2006 3380.4] 3391.05 3290.35 3345.5 -132.95 Negative

130/03/2006 1 3354.25 3433.85 3354.25 3418.95 139,15 Positive

! 17/03/2006 1 3226.91 3258.3 3226.9 3234.05 7.45 Positive

{ 16/03/2006 3197.3 3230,4 3196.95 3226.6 31.25 Positive

2057.5 2024.8 2031.2 -21.65 Negative

108/04/2005 1 2053.05
2069.15 2084.9 2048.05 2052.85 -16.45 Negative
1841.1 1878.8 1840 1856.6 15.5 Positive
1726.3 1726.35 1678.4 1685 -40.1 Negative
984.45 999.4 15.1 Positive
02/04/2003 | 984.451 1002.1
977.4 992.05 973.5 984.3 6.1 Positive
1028.9 1001.75 1025.25 21.35 Positive
20/03/2003 1003.45
•992.9 1003.9 10.9 Positive
19/03/2003 993.35 1011.45
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthi & 525
Aspects White Sun in Pisces

119/03/2010 t 5246.81 5269.951" 5237.ll 5262.8) 16.9 Positive)

118/03/2010 1 5232.551 5255.651 5214.41 5245.9| 14) Positive

117/03/2010 1 5198.451 5260.51 5177.151 5231.91 33.8| Positive

i 16/03/2010 | 5128.951 5209.251 5125.71 5198,1| 69.21 Positive

115/03/2010 i 5134.451 5151.051 5101.21 5128.9) -8.1 [Negative

06/04/2009 i 3211.351 3303.91 3211.35! 3256.6) 45.551 Positive

02/04/2009 | 3061.051 3228,751 3061.051 3211.05) 150.71 Positive |

01/04/2009 1 3023.85) 3069.31 2965.7] 3060.35) 39.4| Positive

131/03/2009 1 2981.71 3054.31 2966.4) 3020.951 42.8| Positive

I 30/03/2009 | 3108.751 3110.21 2962.4! 2978.15| -130.51 Negative)

127/03/2009 1 3079.41 3123.351 3055.91 3108.65) 26.4| Positive 1

26/03/2009 1 2982.251 3103.351 2982.25) 3082.25) 97;9| Positive)

25/03/2009 I 2938.8j 2996:5] 2923.3) 2984.35 45.65) Positive)

24/03/2009 2923.8| 3017.4 2914.5] 2938.7| -1.2) Negative)

23/03/2009 2807.251 2949.75 2807.25] 2939.9) 132.851 Positive)

11/04/2008 4734.35 4817.4 4727.25 4777.8| 44.8) Positive 1

10/04/2008 1 4747.55 4799.5 4720.9: 4733) -14.05) Negative)

09/04/2008 4707.051 4758.25 4667.5 4747.05) 37.41 Positive |

08/04/2008 | 4760.651 4769.55 4677.8 4709.65) -51.55] Negative
07/04/2008 4631.351 4798.55 4628.8 4761.2) 114.21 Positive
04/04/2008 4766.7 4791.7 4632.7 4647) -124.6) Neaatlve

03/04/2008 4753.9 4833.25 4738.2 4771.6 17.4 Positive

02/04/2008 4741.4 4916.75 4741.4 • 4754.2 14.65 Positive
01/04/2008 4735.65 4800.75 4628.75 4739.55 5.05 Positive
31/03/2008 4942.15 4947 4703.85 4734.5 -207,5 Negative
13/04/2007 0 3924.55 3828.45 3917.35 87.5 Positive
112/04/2007 1 o : 3861.851 381L25t 3829,851 -32.8 [Negative
111/04/2007 I 0 i 3876.351 3844.751 3862.65 14.5 1 Positive
110/04/2007 | 0 3858.35) 3819.31 3848,15 4.65 1 Positive
109/04/2007 ! 0 I 3850.9 1 3747.251 3843.5 91.5 1 Positive
|13/04/2006 1 3380.4 I 3391.051 3290.351 3345.5 -132.951 Negative
113/04/2005 1 2024,9 I 2038,851 2018. ll 2025.45 t 0.5 1 Positive
[12/04/2005 I 2002.75 I 2027.81 2002.75 1 2024.95 1 -6,251 Negative
108/04/2005 | 2053.05| 2057.5 I 2024.8 I 2031.2 -21.651 Negative
107/04/2005 1 2069.15| 2084.9 I 2048.05 1 2052.85 -16.45 fNeoative
(06/04/2005 I 2054| 2073.1 I 2051.3 1 2069.3 16.75 1 Positive
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

05/04/2005 2063.2 2077.95 2043.7 2052.55 -10.85 Negative

04/04/2005 2067.65 2076.6 2054.9 2063.4 -4.25 Negative
01/04/2005 2035.9 2071.2. 2024.25 2067.65 32 Positive
31/03/2005 1994.5 2043.6| 1994.5 2035.65 41.95 Positive
30/03/2005 1983.65 2000.45] 1971,15 1993.7 9.85 Positive
29/03/2005 2029.4 2032.65 1971.55 1983.85 -45.6 Negative
28/03/2005 2015.75 2046.85 2015.25 2029.45 14.05 Positive
(24/03/2005 2026.6 2042.45 2007.35 2015.4 -11 Negative
23/03/2005 2061.2 2067.45 2019.85 2026.4 -35.2 Negative
22/03/2005 2096,75 2099 2056.5 2061.6 -35 Negative
21/03/2005 2117.95 2124.8 2089.35 2096.6 -12.55 Negative
18/03/2005 2097.75 2112.25 2077.2 2109.15 -16.4 Negative
116/03/2005 I 2129.35] 2158.91 2121.1 2125.55 -3.4 Negative)
115/03/2005 I 2146.551 2151.351 2122 2128.95] -17.4 Negative |
25/03/2004 1691.95 1720.65 1691.95 1704.45 12.35 Positive
24/03/2004 1697.4 1700.65 1676.4 1692.1 -4.3 Negative
23/03/2004 1685.15 1710.45 1669.7 1696.4 11.4 Positive

122/03/2004 I 1726.3 1726.35] 1678.4 1685 -40.1 Negative

119/03/2004 t 1716.31 1738.6 1703.55 1725.1 8.45 Positive

[18/03/2004 1750 1754.95 1708.3 1716.65 -33.2 Negative

17/03/2004 1749.6 1765.05 1738.85 1749.85 0.5 Positive

16/03/2004 1763.35 1769.5 1730.1 1749,35 -14.05 Negative

15/03/2004 1812.45 1836 1751.8 1763.4 -48.8 Negative

1002.1 984.45 999.4 15.1 Positive
977.4 992.05 973.5 984.3 6.1 Positive
01/04/2003 i
1000.6 1000.6 974.1 978.2 -22.4 Negative
31/03/2003 I
1002.8 1006.3 996.75 1000.6 -2.1 Negative
1013.9 1013.9 999.6 1002.7 -11.15 Negative
1013.85 2.55 Positive
26/03/2003 1011.55 1019.9 1004.85

1013.5 998.4 1011.3 -2.6 Negative.

25/03/2003 1013.5
1011.95 1013.9 -11.35 Negative
24/03/2003 1037.15 1038.55
21.35 Positive
1028.9 1001.75 1025.25
20/03/2003 1003.45
10.9 Positive
1011.45 992.9 1003.9
19/03/2003 993.35
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Vbga, Tithi & 527
Aspects White Sun in Pisces

Sun in Pisces aspected by Jupiter: The Implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

Sun in Pisces aspected by Vlenus: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
25 observations out of total 42.

Sun in Pisces aspected by Venus

Date Opeii Hlgl1 LOWt Closi! Gain/ Trend

Loss *

26/03/2010 5260.515 5293,7;5 5260.5;> 528;I 21.6 Positive

25/03/2010 5225.: 5267.;} 5202.9£ 5260.4 35.1 Positive

23/03/2010 5205.8S 5243. f> 5193.4 5225,: 20.1 Positive

• 22/03/2010 5260.95 5260.95 5187.05 5205.2 -57.6 Negative

19/03/2010 5246.8 5269.95 5237.1 5262.8 16.9 Positive

18/03/2010 5232.55 5255,65 5214.4 5245.9 14 Positive

17/03/2010 5198.45 5260.5 5177.15 5231.9 33.8 Positive

16/03/2010 5128.95 5209.25 5125.7 5198.1 69,2 Positive

15/03/2010 5134.45 5151.05 5101.2 5128.9 -8,1 Negative

106/04/2009 3211.35 3303.9 3211.35 3256,6 45.55 Positive

02/04/2009 3061.05 3228.75 3061,05 3211.05 150.7 Positive

01/04/2009 3023.85 3069.3 2965.7 3060.35 39.4 Positive

31/03/2009 2981.7 3054.3 2966.4 3020,95 42.8 Positive

30/03/2009 3108.75 3110.2 2962,4 2978i 15 -130.5 Negative

27/03/2009 3079.4 3123,35 3055.9 3108.65 26,4 Positive

26/03/2009 2982.25 3103.35 2982.25 3082.25 97,9 Positive

2938,8 i 2996.5 2923.3 2984.35 45.65 Positive

2923.8 3017.4 2914.5 2938.7 -1.2 Negative
2807.25 2949.75 2807.25 2939.9 132.85 Positive
4817.4 4727.25 4777.8 44,8 Positive
11/04/2008 4734,35
4799.5 4720.9 [ 4733 -14.05 Negative 1 ,
10/04/2008 4747.55
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

09/04/2008 4707.05 4758.25 4667.5 4747.05 37.4 Positive

08/04/2008 4760.65 4769.55 4677.8 4709.65 -51.55 Negative
07/04/2008 4631.35 4798.55 4628.8 4761.2 114.2 Positive
04/04/2008 4766.7 4791.7 4632.7 4647 -124.6 Negative
03/04/2008 4753.9 4833.25 4738,2 4771.6 17.4 Positive
02/04/2008 4741.4 4916.75 4741,4 4754.2 14.65 Positive
. 08/04/2005 2053.05 2057.5 2024.8 2031.2 -21.65 Negative
07/04/2005 2069,15 2084.9 2048.05 2052.85 -16.45 Negative
06/04/2005 2054 2073.1 2051.3 2069.3 16.75 Positive
05/04/2005 2063.2 2077.95 2043.7 2052.55 -10.85 Negative
04/04/2005 2067.65 2076.6 2054.9 2063.4 -4.25 Negative
01/04/2005 2035.9 2071.2 2024.25 2067.65 32 Positive
31/03/2005 1994,5 2043.6 1994.5 2035.65 41.95 Positive
30/03/2005 1983.65 2000.45 1971.15 1993,7 9.85 Positive
29/03/2005 2029.4 2032.65 1971.55 1983.85 -45,6 Negative
28/03/2005 2015.75 2046.85 2015.25 2029.45 14.05 Positive
24/03/2005 2026.6 2042.45 2007.35 2015.4 -11 Negative
23/03/2005 2061.2 2067.45 2019.85 2026.4 -35.2 Negative
22/03/2005 2096.75 2099 2056.5 2061.6 -35 Negative
21/03/2005 2117.95 2124.8 2089.35 2096.6 -12.55 Negative
18/03/2005 2097.75 2112.25 2077.2 2109.15| -16.4 Negative

6. Sun in Pisces aspected by Saturn: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

7. Sun in Pisces aspected by Rahu: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Pisces and afthe same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac;
Predicting the Nifty & Sensor

Moon transiting through Gemini white Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High low Close Gain/ Trend

11/04/2011 5805.35 5830.3 5777.9 5785,7 -56.3 Negative
15/03/2011 5420 5497.85 5373.65 5449.65 -81,85 Negative
23/03/2010 5205.85 5243.6 5193.4 5225.3 20.1 Positive
02/04/2009 3061.05 3228.75 3061.05 3211.05 150.7 Positive
111/04/2008 | 4734.35 4817.4 4727.25 4777.8 44.8 Positive
I 26/03/2007 | 3944.55 3885.45 3768.25 3819,95 -41.1 Negative
[05/04/2006 | 3483.15 3513,95 3483.15 3510.9 27.75 Positive
104/04/2006 | 3473.1 3508.25 3463.85 3483.15 ,9,85 Positive
18/03/2005 2097.75 2112.25 2077.2 2109.15 -16,4 .Negative
30/03/2004 1762.15 1775.4 1746.25 1750.15 -11.9 Negative
29/03/2004 1747.35 1766.15 1739.5 1762.05 14.55 Positive
10/04/2003 1003.8 1003.8 958.2 962.2 -42.65 Negative!
09/04/2003 1018 1018 1002,3 1004.85 -13.25 Negative
108/04/2003 10321 10321 1016.6 1018.1 -13.4 Negative

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Pisces: The

implication of this astrological combination Is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
diownside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun Is in Pisces: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury or Venus then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of

nifty index in 8 observations out of total 13. ,

Chapter J3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthi & 531
Aspects WhHe Sun in Pisces

Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


21/03/2011 5408.75 5413.3 5348.2 5364.75 -8.95 Negative

30/03/2010 5302.95 5325 5251.35 5262.45 -40.4 Negative

29/03/2010 5283.9 5329.55 5242.15 5302.85 20.85 Positive

09/04/2009 33461 3401.15 3307.05 3342.05 -0.9 Negative

08/04/2009 3255.35 3357.05 3149.25 3342.95 86.35 Positive

03/04/2007 0 3703.05 3632.2 3690.65 57.05 Positive

02/04/2007 0 3820 3617 3633.6 -187,95 Negative |

13/04/2006 3380.4 3391.05 3290.35 3345.5 -132.95 Neoative

17/03/2006 3226.9 3258.3 3226.9 3234.051 7.45 Positive

16/03/2006 3197.3 3230.4 3196.95 3226.61 31.25 Positive

05/04/2004 1841.1 1878.8 1840 1856.6 15.5 Positive

20/03/2003 10Q3.45 1028.9 1001,75 1025,25 21.35 Positive

19/03/2003 993.351 1011.451 992.9{ 1003.9 10.9 Positive

7. Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results Into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
acoertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 7 observations out of total 11.

Moon transiting through Libra while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High •LOW Close Gain/ Trend

23/03/2011 5411.4| 5484.95 5401.951 5480.25 66.4 Positive
22/03/2011 5390.85! 5428.15 5376.151 5413.85 49.1 Positive
01/04/2010 5249.2 5298.6 5249.2 5290.5 41.4 Positive
31/03/2010 5260.4 5293.9 5235.15 5249.1 -13.35 Negative
25/03/2008 4616.8 4896.8 4616.8 4877.5 303.55 Positive
05/04/2007 1 3944.55 3771.451 3709.15 3752 18.75 Positive
04/04/2007 | 01 3751.4 3689.75 3733.25 42.6 Positive
29/03/2005 2029,4 2032.65 1971,55 1983.85 -45.6 Negative
28/03/2005 2015.75 2046.85 2015.25 2029.45 14,05 Positive
07/04/2004 • 1856.4 1865.2 1833.95 1848.7 -2.45 Negative

06/04/2004 1870,8 1876.15 1836.9 1851.15 •5.45 iNeoative

Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ifthl & 533
Aspects White Sun in Pisces

Moon transiting through Sagittarius .while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


06/04/2010 5369.65 5388,65 5351.7 5366 -2.4 Negative

05/04/2010 5291.41 5377.55 5291.4 5368,4 77.9 Positive |

20/03/2009 2807.35 2816.1 2773.65 *2807.05 -0.1 Negative

19/03/2009 2797.05 2822.25 2771.35 2807.15 12.45 Positive
10/04/2007 o 3858.35) 3819.3 3848.15 4.65 Positive)
09/04/2007 0 3850.91 3747.25 3843.5| 91.5 I Positive 1
24/03/2006 | 3247.15 3286.2) 3242.6 I 3279.81 32.65 I Positive
23/03/2006 | 3240.85 3265.6 I 3225.2 | 3247.15 71 Positive
|01/04/2005 | 2035.9 | 2071.2 j 2024.25 | 2067.65 i 32| Positive
112/04/2004 1 1860.3 | 1873.75 1828.95 | 1838.2 I -15.35(Negative
115/03/2004 j 1812.45 | 1836 1751.8 1763.4 | -48.8 [Negative
[26/03/2003 | 1011.55 | 1019.9 | 1004.85 | 1013.85 2.551 Positive
25/03/2003 | 1013.5 | 1013.5 1 998.4 1 1011.3 | -2.6 Negative

10. Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price.of indices Nifty &Sensex. The following empherlcal data
aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 13 observations out of total 22.

Moon transiting through Capricorn while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

30/03/2011 5755.8 5803.15 5753.9 5787.65 51.3 Positive
29/03/2011 5686.5 5770.35 5680.7 5736.35 49.1 Positive
28/03/2011 5645.25 5709.1 5643.2 5687.25 33 Positive
09/04/2010 5302.4 5377.45 5302.25 5361.75 57.3 Positive
08/04/2010 5376.3 5383.65 5290.25 5304.45 -70.2 Negative
07/04/2010 5365.7 5399.65 5345.05 5374.65 8.65 Positive
23/03/2009 2807.25 294975 2807.25 2939.9 132.85 Positive
102/04/2008) 4741.4) 4916.75) 4741.4) 4754.2) 14.65) Positive
01/04/2008 4735.65) 4800.75 4628.75) 4739.55) 5.05 Positive
534 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

31/03/2008 4942.15 4947| 4703.851 4734.5( ~207.5l NeoaGvel

13/04/2007 0 3924.551 3828.45| 3917.351 87.5 Positive
12/04/2007 0| 3861.85 3811.25 3829,85 -32.8 Negative
11/04/2007 0| 3876.35 3844.75 3862.65 14.5 Positive
16/03/2007 0 3683.6 3573.85 3608.55 -35.05 Negative
15/03/2007 0 3711.05 3630.55 3643.6 2.5 Positive
04/04/2005 2067.65 2076.6 2054.9 2063.4 -4.25 Negative:
13/04/2004 1838.5 1885.15 1819.8 1878.45 40.25 Posfttve
18/03/2004 1750 1754.95 1708.3 1716.65 -33.2 Negative
17/03/2004 1749.6 1765,05 1738,85 1749.85 0.5 Positive
16/03/2004 1763,35 1769.5 1730.1 1749,35 -14.05 Negative
28/03/2003 1002.8 1006.3 996.75 1000.6 -2.1 Negative
27/03/2003 1013.9 1013.9 999.6 1002.7 -11.15 Negative

11. Moon transiting through Aquarius while Sun is in Pisces; The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
aocertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty Index in 11 observations out of total 16.

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open Higli Low Close Gain/ Trend


04/04/2011 5842 5918,7 5833.2 5908.45 82.4 Positive

113/04/2010 t 5340.85 } 5356.5} 5301.71 5322.95! -16,751 Negative j

112/04/2010 5354,151 5382.151 5324.91 5339.7} -22.05 Neoatxve
m*** ■ ■
18/03/2010 5232.55 5255.65 5214.4 5245,9 14 Positive

17/03/2010 5198,45 5260.5 5177.15 5231,9 33.8 Positive

16/03/2010 5128.95 5209.25 5125.7 5198.1 69.2 Positive

3079.4 3123.35 3055.9 3108.65 26.4 Positive

3103.35 2982.25 3082.25 97.9 Positive
26/03/2009 2982.25
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty 8t Sensex with Nakshatm, Yoga, Tlthi & 535
Aspects While Sun in Pisces

20/03/2007 0] 3725 3676.65 3697.6 18,7 Positive

19/03/2007 Ol 3683.35 3602.85 3678.9 70.35 Positive

30/03/2006 3354.25 3433.85 3354.25 3418.95 139.15 Positive

08/04/2005 2053.05 2057.5 2024.8 2031.2 -21.65 Negative

07/04/2005 2069.15 2084.9 2048.05 2052.85 -16.45 Negative

22/03/2004 1726.3 1726.35 1678,4 1685 -40.1 Negative

02/04/2003 1 984.45] 1002.1] 984.45] 999.4] 15.1 Positive

01/04/2003 1 977.4] 992.05] 973.5] 984.3] 6.1 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Pisces and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the prir ; of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


05/04/2011 5923,85 5928.65 5855.85 5910,05 . 1.6| Positive

19/03/2010 5246.8 5269.95 5237.1 5262.8 16.9 Positive

07/04/2008 4631.35 4798.55 4628.8 4761.2 114.2 Positive
21/03/2007 Ol 3771.2 3680.6 3764.55 66.95 Positive
31/03/2006 3420 55 3425.45 3381.9 3402.55 -16.4 Negative
23/03/2004 1685.15 1710,45 1669.7 1696.4 11.4 Positive
03/04/2003 999.55 1010,75 999.55 1009.15 9.75 Positive

2. Moon transiting through Bharani Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
538 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 4

observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Pushyami Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

16/03/2011 5475.95 5535.1 5475.95 5511.15 51.5 Positive
28/03/2007 0 3830.3 3752.95 3751,1 .-58,85 Negative
07/04/2006 3525.6 3555.5 3445.9 3454.8 -56.1 Negative
21/03/2005 2117.95 2124.8 2089.35 2096.6 -12.55 Negative
31/03/2004 1744.6 1775.3 1740.2 1771.9 21.75 Positive
11/04/2003 958.9 965.15 935.7 949.8 -12.4 Negative

9. Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is In

Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The foflowfng
emphericaf data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericai data we ran observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


18/03/20X1 5475.35 5483,05 5366.4 5373.7 -72.95 Negative

06/04/2009 3211.35 3303.9 3211.35 3256.5 45.55 Positive

19/03/2008 4534.75 4718.4 4533.9 4573.95 40.95 Positive

30/03/2007 0 3832.2 3785.3 3821.55 23.45 Positive

23/03/2005 2061.2 2067.45 2019.85 2026.4 -35.2 Negative

1856.1 1856.3 1809 1841.1 21.45 Positive


11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphaiguni Nakshatra while Sun

is In Pisces; The implication of this astrological combination is
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the up move in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Swatl Nakshatra while Sun is in


Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

22/03/2011 5390.85 5428.15 5376.15 5413.85 49.1 Positive
01/04/2010 5249.2 5298.6 5249.2 5290.5 41.4 Positive
.25/03/2008 4616.8 4896.8 4616.8 4877.5 303.55 Positive
(05/04/2007 3944.55 3771.45 3709.15 3752 18.75 Positive
128/03/2005 2015.75 2046,85 2015.25 2029.45 14.05 Positive
(07/04/2004 | 1856.4 1865.2 1833.95 1848.7 -2.45 Negative

16, Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into up move in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces

Date Open 1 High Low Close | Gain/ Trend


5501.8 5529 5496.1 5522.4 42.15 Positive

3417.8 3334.15 3382.6 40.55 Positive
13/04/2009 3342.2
2805.6 2738.7 2757.45 -19.8 Negative
17/03/2009 2776.35
2701.95 2777.25 58 Positive
16/03/2009 2716.05 2781,95
4830.25 1.4 Positive
27/03/2008 4828,8 4863.75 4769,6
3265.65 31.6 Positive
3234.2 3268.25 3234.2
1971.15 1993.7 9.85 Positive
30/03/2005 1983.65 2000.45
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces: The Implication of this astrological combination Is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars, Jupiter or Saturn then it mostly
results into a (ail or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results Into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical date accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty Index in 5 observations out of total 7,

Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

30/03/2011 5755.8 5803.15 5753.9 5787.65 513 Positive
09/04/2010 5302.4 5377.45 5302.25 5361.75 57.3 Positive
23/03/2009 2807.25 2949.75 2807.25 2939,9 132.85 Positive
02/04/2008 4741.4 4916.75 4741.4 4754,2 14.65 Positive

13/04/2007 0 3924.55 3828,45 3917.35 87.5 Positive

05/04/2005 2063.2 2077.95 2043.7 2052.55 -10.85 Negative

18/03/2004 1750 1754.95 17083 1716,65 -33.2 Negative

24. Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price ofr indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Chapter 13: PrBdlcting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 543
Aspects WN!e Sun in Pisces

Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


31/03/2011 5803.05 5872 5778.65 5833.75 46.1 Positive

24/03/2009 2923.8 3017.4 2914.5 2938.7 -1.2 Negative

03/04/2008 4753.9 4833.25 4738.2 4771.6 17.4 Positive

06/04/2005 2054 2073.1 2051.3 2069.3 16.75 Positive

19/03/2004 I 1716.3 1738.6 1703.55 1725.1 8.45 Positive

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra

while Sun is in Pisces: This astrological combination
mostly (results into fall or downside in the price of
indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertainsthis astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 6 observations
out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


01/04/2011 5835 5860.2 5810.4 5826.05 -7.7 Negative

12/04/2010 535445 538245 5324.9 5339.7 -22.05 Negative
15/03/2010 5134.45 5151.05 5101.2 5128.9 -8.1 Negative
25/03/2009 2938.8 2996.5 2923.3 2984.35 45.65 Positive
04/04/2008 4766.7 4791.7 4632.7 4647 424.6 Neaatlve
07/04/2005 206945 2084.9 2048.05 2052.85 46.45 Negative
31/03/2003 1000.6 1000.6 974.1 978.2 -22.4 Negative

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty'Si Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ 1 Trend

Loss 1.
13/04/2010 5340.85 5356.5 5301.7 5322.95 -16.75 Negative
16/03/2010 5128.95 5209.25 5125.7 5198.1 69.2 Positive
26/03/2009 2982.25 3103.35 2982.25 3082.25 97.9 Positive
19/03/2007 0 3683.35 3602.85 3678.9 70.35 Positive
08/04/2005 2053.05 2057.5 2024.8 2031.2 -21.65 Negative
01/04/2003 977.4 992.05 973.5 984.3 6.1 Positive

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun

is In Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty St
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 7 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


04/04/2011 5842} 5918.7 5833.2 5908.45 • 82.4 Positive

18/03/2010 5232.55 5255.65 5214.4 5245.9 14 Positive

5198.45 5260.5 5177.15 5231.9 33.8 Positive

3079.4 3123.35 3055.9 3108.65 26.4 Positive
0 3725 3676.65 3697.6 18.7 Positive
3354.25 3418.95 139.15 Positive
30/03/2006 3354.25 3433.85

1726.35 1678.4 1685 -40.1 Negative

22/03/2004 1726.3
984.45 999.4 15.1 Positive
02/04/2003 984,45 1002.1
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 545
Aspects While Sun in Pisces

Following observations have been made In the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Pisces and at the same time while formation of 27 Yogas:

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex.

2. Pritf Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 4 observations out of total 5.

Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date j Open High Low CKo^e Gain/ Trend


07/04/2011 1 5888.55 5906.1 5866.25 5885.7 -6.051 Negative

30/03/2009 I 3108,75 3110.2 2962.4 2978.15 -130.51 Negative
08/04/2008 1 4760.65 4769.55 4677.8 4709.65 -51.55 Negative

16/03/2005 S 2129.35 2158.9 2121.1 2125.55 -3,41 Negative [

26/03/2004 1 1704.451 1755.45] 1703.8 1747.51 43.05 | Positive 1

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction, to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun..is in Pisces; This astrological

combination mostly resultS into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun Is In Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/03/2010 5205.85 5243.6 5193.4 5225.3 20.1 Positive
101/04/2009 3023.85 3069.3 2965.71 3060.35 39.4 Positive
110/04/2008 1 4747.55! 4799.5 4720.9 ( 4733 -14.05 Negative
103/04/2006 3403.151 3478.25 3402.45 3473.3 70.75 Positive
13/04/2005 2024.9 2038.85 2018.1 2025,45 0.5 Positive
18/03/2005 2097.75 2112.25 2077.2 2109.15 -16.4 Negative
07/04/2003 1017.05 1033.45 1017,05 1031.5 14.55 Positive

5. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun Is in Pisces: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mars
then it mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex.

Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. While if the Moon is .aspected by Saturn then it mostly
results into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &

7. Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into fall or downside in the price

of indices Nifty & Sensex. The foUowmg empherica data

accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as from thefollwing

empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of

nifty Index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Vriddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High * Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/03/2010 5283.9 5329.55 5242.15 5302,85 20.85 Positive
j 10/04/2006 3455 3489.05 3430.4 3478.45 23.65 Positive!
116/03/2006 3197.3 i 3230.4 3196.95 3226.6 31.251 Positive)
119/03/2003 993.35 1011.45 992.9 1003,9 10,9) Positive!

12. Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces; The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
. Nifty & Sensex.

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Stensex and It do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mercury, Venus
or Jupiter then it mostly results into a fail or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 6 observations out of total 7.

Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date . Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


5411:4 5484.95 5401.95 5480.25 66.4 Positive

5249.2 5298.6 5249.2 5290.5 41.4 Positive
2781.95 2/01.95 2777.25 58 Positive
16/03/2009 2716.05
4616.8 4877.5 303.55 Positive
25/03/2008 4616.8 4896.8
3689.75 3733.251 42.6 Positive
04/04/2007 0 3751.4
2015.25 2029.45 14.05 Positive
28/03/2005 2015.75 2046.85
1836.9 1851.15 -5.45 Negative
06/04/2004 1870.8 1876.15
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithl & 54g
Aspects While Sun in Pisces

15. Vajra Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces; The.implication of this

astrological combination is neutrai to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex,

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun Is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from
the following empherical data we can obseWe the
upmove in tlie price of nifty index in 4 observations
out of total 5.

Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

18/03/2009 2757,65 2836.05 2752.25 2794.7 37.25 Positive
27/03/2008 4828.8 4863.75 4769.6 4830.25 . 1.4 Positive
21/03/2006 3264.65 3292.15 3247.25 3262.3 -3.35 Negative
130/03/2005 1 1983.65 2000.45 1 1971,15 1993.7 9.85 Positive
108/04/2004 | 1854 1 1864,95 1839.7 1853.55 1 4.851 Positive

17. Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7,

Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


25/03/2011 5588.65 5667.1 5560.95 5654.25 131.85 Positive

13/04/2009 3342,2 3417.8 3334.15 3382.6 40.55 Positive

19/03/2009 2797.05 2822.25 2771,35 2807.15 ' 12.45 Positive

28/03/2008 4830 4970.8 4796.35 4942 111.75 Positive

22/03/2006 3263.35 3267.95 3221.95 3240.15 -22.15 Negative

31/03/2005 • 1994.5 2043.6 1994.5 2035,65 41.95 Positive

1037.15 1038.55 1011.95 1013.9 -11,35 Negative

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

18. Nferiyan Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove In the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

| Date Open High Low Close Gam/ trend

)06/04/2010 | 5369,65| 5388.65 5351.7 53661 -2.4 Negative
f 09/04/2007 | 0| 3850.S 3747.25 3843.SI 91.5 Positive
(l5/03/2007.| 0( 3711.05 3630.55 3643.61 2.5 Positive
(24/03/2006 | 3247.15| 3286.2 3242.6 3279.8! 32.65 Positive
(16/03/2004 | 1763.35| 1769.5 1730.1 1749.351 -14.05 Negative
(26/03/2003 | 1011.55| 1019.9 1004.85 1013.85| 2.55 Positive

20. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up" or dowri direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

21. Siddha Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of this
astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

22. Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This astmlogical

' combination mostly results into upmove in the Price°^'?*

Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertams this

astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherlca
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 551
Aspects While Sun In Pisces

data we can observe the upmove In the price of nifty index in

5 observations out of total 8.

Sadhya Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/1 Trend

30/03/2011 5755.8 5803.15 5753.9 5787.65 51.3 Positive
09/04/2010 5302.4 5377.45 5302.25 5361.75 57.3 Positive
15/03/2010 5134.45 5151.05 5101.2 5128,9 -8.1 Negative
24/03/2009 2923.8 3017.4 2914.5 2938.7 -1.2 Negative
02/04/2008 4741.4 4916,75 4741.4 4754.2 14.65 Positive
12/04/2007 0 3851.85 3811.25 3829.85 -32.8 Negative
13/04/2004 1836-5 1885.15 1819.8 1878.45 40.25 Positive
19/03/2004 1716.3 1738.6 1703,55 1725,1 8.45 Positive

23. Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 5 observations out of total 6.

Shubha Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


31/03/2011 5803,05 5872 5778.65 5833.75 46.1 Positive

16/03/2010 5128.95 -5209.25 5125.7 5198.1 69.2 Positive
25/03/2009 2938,8 2996.5 2923.3 2984.35 45.65 Positive
03/04/2008 4753.9 4833.25 4738.2 4771.6 17.4 Positive
13/04/2007 0 3924.55 3828.45 3917.35 87.S Positive
05/04/2005 2063.2 2077,95 2043,7 2052.55 -10.85 Negative

24. Shukla Yoga day while Sun is In Pisces: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements In
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Sun, Mercury
or Jupiter then it mostly results ihto upmove in the price of

indices Nifty & Sensex.

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

25. ^hma Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun Is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertalns this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

04/04/2011 5842 5918.7 5833,2 5908.45 82.4 Positive
13/04/2010 5340.85 5356.5 5301,7 5322.95 -16.75 Negative
21/03/2007 0 3771.2 3680.6 3764.55 66.95 Positive
30/03/2006 3354,25 3433.85 3354,25 3418,95 139.15 Positive
08/04/2005 2053.05 2057.5 2024.8 2031.2 -21,65 Negative
23/03/2004 1685.15 1710.45 - 1669.7 1696,4 11,4 Positive
02/04/2003 984,45 • 1002.1 984.45 999.4 15.1 Positive

27.. Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
4 observations out of total 6.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces

High tow Close Gain/ Trend

Date Open

5855.85 5910.05 1.6 Positive

05/04/201 \ 5923.85 5928.65
5262.8 16.9 Positive
19/03/2010 5246.8 5269.95 5237.1
3875.9 111.35 Positive
0 3881 3764.5
3381.9 3402.55 -16.4 Negative
31/03/2006 3420.55 3425.45
1676.4 1692.1 -4.3 Negative
1697.4 1700.65
9.75 Positive
1010.75 999.55 1009.15
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty a Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tlthi a 555
Aspects While Sun in Pisces

6, Shukla Paksha 6 or Shukla Shashthi Tithi while Sun is in Pisces;

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But If the Moon is
aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

7, Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is

in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results
into toll or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/03/2010 ( 5260.95 5260.95 5187.05 5205.2 -57.6 Negative |

04/04/2006 3473.1 3508.25 3463.85 3483.15 9.85 Positive |

16/03/2005 2129.35 2158,9 2121.1 2125.55 -3.4 Negative

09/04/2003 1018 1018 1002.3 1004.85 -13.25 Negative

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in Pisces:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is

In Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &.
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in all 2 observations out of total 2.
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga Tithi & 557
Aspects While Sun in Pisces

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithif while Sun is in

Pisces; The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mercury or Venus then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Shukla Paksha 14 or Shukla Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Sun then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

15. Shukla Paksha 15 or Pumima Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results
into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

Shukla Paksha 15 or Pumima Tithi While Sun is in Pisces

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ ' Trend


09/04/2009 3346 3401.15 3307.05 3342.05 -0.9 Negative

02/04/2007 0 3820 3617 3633.6 -187.95 Negative

13/04/2006 3380.4 [ 3391.05 3290.35 3345.5 -132.95 Negative

05/04/2004 1841,11 1878.8 1840 1856.6 15.5 Positive

16. Krishna Paksha 1 or Krishna Pratiprada Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Rahu then it mostfy results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

17, Krishna Paksha 2 or Krishna Dwitjya Tithl while Sun is in Pisces:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any dedsive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon Is
aspected by Mars, Mercury or Jupiter then it mostly results
into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is

in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 6 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 3 or Krishna Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/03/2011 53.90.85 5428.15 5376.15 5413.85 49.1 Positive

01/04/2010 5249.2 5298.6 5249.2 5290.5 41.4 Positive

05/04/2007 3944.55 3771.45 3709.15 3752 18.75 Positive

17/03/2006 3226.9 3258.3 3226.9 3234.05 7.45 Positive

28/03/2005 2015.75 2046.85 2015.25 2029.45 14.05 Positive

20/03/2003 1003.45 1028.9 1001.75 1025.25 21.35 Positive

19. Krishna Paks ha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun

is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty. &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Vbga, Tithi & 559
Aspects White Sun in Pisces

Krishna Paksha 4 or Krishna Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


23/03/2011 5411.4 5484.95 5401.95| 5480.25| 66.4| Positive

13/04/2009 3342.2 3417.8 3334.151 3382.61'40.551 Positive

25/03/2008 4616.8 4896.8 4616.8| 4877.5 303.55| Positive

129/03/2005 2029.4 2032.651 1971.55} 1983.85j -45.61 Negative
08/04/2004 | 1854| 1864.95| 1839.71 1853.551 4.851 Positive |

20. Krishna feksha 5 or Krishna Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the pries movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex,

21, Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun

is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 7.

Krishna Paksha 6 or Krishna Shashthi Tithi while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

|24/03/2011 | 5501.8| 5529 5496.1 5522.4 42.15 Positive
116/03/2009| 2716.051 2781.95 2701.95 2777.25 58 Positive
128/03/2008 4830) 4970.8 4796.35 4942 111.75 Positive
127/03/2008) 4828.8)4863.75 4769.6 4830.25 1.4 Positive
09/04/2007 [ 0) 3850.9 3747.25 3843.5 91.5 Positive
21/03/2006) 3264.651 3292.15 3247.25 3262.3 •3.35 Negative
31/03/2005 ( 1994.5| 2043.6 1994.5 2035.65 41.95 Positive
PrsdicHhg the Nifty & Sense*

22. Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptamt Tithl while Sun Is in

Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Krishna Paksha 7 or Krishna Saptami Tithi while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open. High Low | Close 1 Gain/ Trend

25/03/201.1 5588.65 56674 5560.95 5654.25 131.85 Positive
05/04/2010 5291.4 5377.55| 5291.4 5368.4 77.9 Positive
18/03/2009 2757.65 2836.051 2752.25 2794.7 37.25 Posttive
17/03/2009 2776.35 2805.6 2738.7 2757.45 -19.8 Negative
10/04/2007 0 * 385835 3819.3 384845 4.65 Positive
22/03/2006 326335 3267.95 3221.95 324045 -22.15 Negative
01/04/2005 2035.9 2071.2 2024.25 2067.65 32 Positive
24/03/2003 | 103745| 1038.55! 1011.95 1013.9 -11.35 Negative

23. Krishna Paksha 8 or Krishna Ashtami Tithl while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrdogical combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex.

24. Krishna Paksha 9 or Krishna Navami Tithl while Sun is in Pisces:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any dedsive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a tall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.

25. Krishna Paksha 10 or Krishna Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter then it mostly results
into a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex.

results into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty

& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Krishna Paksha 13 or Krishna Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Pisces

Date Open High Low 1 Close Gain/ Trend

01/04/2011 5835 5860.2 5810.4 5826.05 -7.7 Negative
12/04/2010 5354.15 5382.15 5324.9 5339.7 -22.05 Negative
24/03/2009 2923.8 3017.4 2914.5 2938.7! -1.2 Negative
04/04/2008 4766.7 4791.7 4632.7 46471 -124.6 Negative 1
06/04/2005 2054 2073.1 2051.3 2069.11 16.75 Positive
18/03/2004 1750 1754.95 1708.3 1716.651 -33.2 Negative 1

29. Krishna Paksha 14 or Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi while Sun is

in Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Sun or Venus then it mostly results into
a fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

30. Krishna Paksha 15 or Amavasya Tithi while Sun is in Pisces:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Sun then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is aspected
by Rahu then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 14

Practical Analysis of Predicting

the Nifty & Sensex

Like every science, learning the science of Astrology also

require practical experience, hence some practical experiences of
predicting the intraday Nifty is being discussed below for the help
and guidance of our readers.


.Ke a Ra


Ra Sa

Practical 1: Nifty

Trade Date; 01.02.2012

Opening Time: 09:00:00

Exchange Placet Mumbai.

Sun: Capricorn

Moon: Aries (Awastha: Mjrita)

Aspects on Moon: Jupiter & Saturn

Nakshatra & Prediction: Krittika - Down

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Yoga & Prediction: ShuWa - Down

Tithi & Prediction: Shukla Paksha 9 - Neutral

• ji Concluded Prediction; The two important lunar parameters

indicated downside, but the Moon being in Mrita Awastha, will fail
to bring desired result into the market. Therefore we dedded to
remain neutral.

Result; Nifty moved up to dose with gains.



Practical 2: Nifty

Trade Date: 02.02.2012

Opening Time: 09:00:00

Exchange Place: Mumbai.

Sun: Capricorn

Moon: Taurus (Awastha: Vriddha)

Aspects on Moon: Rahu & Ketu

Nakshatra & Prediction: Rohini - Neutral

Yoga & Prediction: Brahma - Up

Tithi & Prediction: Shukla Paksha 10 - Down

Concluded Prediction: The one important parameter indicated

downside and the other indicated upside. The aspect of Rahu and
Ketu Is weakening the strength of Moon and not helping it to
create selling pressure in Taurus. Therefore we decided to go by
Chapter 14; Practical Analysis of Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

the weak strength of Moon to give any downside and hence

predicted an upmove.

Ke Su

MaR Sa

Ra Sa

Practical 3; Nifty

Trade Date: 03.02.2012

Opening Time: 09;00;00

Exchange Place; Mumbai.

Sun: Capricorn

Moon: Taurus (Awastha: Kumar)

Aspects on Moon: Rahu & Ketu

Nakshatra & Prediction; Rohini - Neutral

Yoga & Prediction; Indra - Neutral

Tithi & Prediction: Shukla Paksha 11 - Down

Concluded Prediction; The one important lunar parameter

indicated downside and the other two indicated neutral. The aspect
of Rahu and Ketu is weakening the strength of Moon and not
helping itto create selling pressure in Taurus. Therefore we decided
to go by the weak strength of Moon to give any downside and
hence predicted an upmove especially because similar moon gave
upside yesterday.

Result: Nifty moved up to close with gains as per our prediction.

Chapter K; Practical Analysis of Predicting the Nifty & Sense* 571

Looking at the complexity and the time consuming nature, of

these calculations, an attempt has been made to configure the
principles given in this book in the form of a web based software
which may, be helpful for the readers to get the forecast easily
through our website www.NiftyandSensex.com, without loss of
time and free from the chances of manual errors in making the
calculations. The astrological principles given in this book has been
so far tested with this software for 70 % accuracy on an average
basis while testing with the past historical data as well as with up
to date forecasting trials.

Inwaep v. w w&TBn rfr—il ■ 4 ikMn *


-166 —w


1 i

IMpCO (**¥.33

Screen Shot of software predicting 14th April 2003 to 15th

May 2003. Green/Dark bars are representing up prediction &
Orange/Light bars representing down predictions. Solid candles
are representing uptrendin Nifty & Hollow candles are representing
down trend in Nifty, with 16 out of 23 trend predictions coming
true i.e. 70% accuracy,
S72 Predicting the Nffty&Sensex
X ?r51.

ItekJ *** xtmmm Nt-IMMWI' * * 3

***** i >i«# r=
'▼■ ••

• »*«» >VIUN«

- IK* 3
mmM ***.<» mrM ^myxa. WU*«

Screen Shot of software predicting 14th April 2005 to 15th

May 2005. Green/Dark bars are representing up prediction &
Orange/Light bars representing down predictions. Solid candles
are representing up trend in Nifty & Hollow candles are representing
down trend in Nifty, with 16 out of 21 trend predictions coming
true i.e. 76.2% accuracy.

Forecasts made through the principles of this book through
the software shows 70% accuracy while back testing with the
historical data of 14th April 2003 to 15th May 2003, and 76.2%
accuracy while back testing with the historical data of 14th April
2005 to 15th May 2005 In forecasting the Nifty & Sensex.

Hence this high rate of accuracy in predicting the Nifty &

Sensex through the principles given in this book itself establishes
the usefulness and reliability of the astrological principles given in
this book. Any attempt made by the readers to forecast the markets
with the principles given in this book is likely to fetch the desired
results if properly blended with his or her experience in forecasting
the markets by looking into the strength of the Moon and the
strength of the aspects falling on the Moon while during the market
hours i.e. 9:15 AM to 15:30 PM,


Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, mi &
Aspects While Sun In Scotpto

Moon transiting through Pisces while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

5/12/2011 5036.5 5055.4 5002.55 5039.15 -11 Negative
15/12/2010 5931.15 5942.75 5865.8 5892.3 -51.8 Negative
14/12/2010 5928.7 5953.95 5888.75 5944.1 36.45 Positive
18/11/2010 6075.95 6076,2 5906.75 5998.8 10.1 Positive
27/11/2009 5005.05 5005.05 4806.7 4941.75 -63.8 Negative
8/12/2008 2714.7 2861.55 2714.7 2784 69.5 Positive
21/11/2007 5778.8 5790.05 5530,85 5561.05 -219.85 Negative
20/11/2007 5911.25 5923.7 5755.8 5780.9 -126.75 Negative
1/12/2006 3955.7 4001.3 3953.95 3997.6 43.1 Positive
30/11/2006 3929.4 3973 3929.4 3954.5 26.3 Positive
9/12/2005 2706.75 2761.1 2698 2756.45 49.75 Positive
23/11/2004 1873.35 1900.05 1873.35 1892.6 19.25 Positive
22/11/2004 1872.55 1878.05 1845.1 1873.35 -18.7 Negative
4/12/2003 1670.65 1683.75 1656.1 1675.2 4.7 Positive

3/12/2003 1660.7 . 1676.2 1655.9 1670.5 12 Positive

2/12/2003 1657.65 1671.85 1639.65 1658.5 0.85 Positive

13/12/2002 1074,45 1087.35 1074.45 1086.2 9.2 Positive

12/12/2002 1069.95 1078.85 1066.8 1077 7.25 Positive

Following observations have been made In the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Scorpio and at the same time when Moon transits through
the 27 Nakshatras or the constellations of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aswini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio; The impiication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 81 Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn or Mars then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshdtra, Yoga, Titbi & ssi
Aspects- While Son In Scorpio

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun Is in Scorpio;

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/12/2010 5931.15 5942.75 5865.8 5892.3 -51.8 Negative
14/12/2010 5928.7 5953.95 5888,75 5944.1 36.45 Positive
26/11/2009 5116.45 5116,45 4986.05 5005.55 -102.6 Negative
19/11/2007 5908.05 5981.8 5893.8 5907.65 0.8 Positive
29/11/2006 3922.5 3952.4 3920 3928.2 6.45 Positive
9/12/2005 2706.75 2761.1 2698 2756.45 49.75 Positive
2/12/2003 1657.65 1671,85 1639.65 1658.5 ,0.85 Positive
13/12/2002. 1074.45 1087.35 1074.45 1086.2 9.2 Positive

10. Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio: The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do- not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is in

Scorpio; The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Scorpio; This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. Hie following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Titht & 453
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

16. Moon transiting through Visakha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results Into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn thai it mostly results into a fall or downside
In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

17. Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any dedsive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Venus or Saturn then it mostly results
into a faii or downside in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex.

18. Moon transiting through tyeshta Nakshatra while Sun

is in Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The foiiowing empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the foiiowing
emphericat data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High low Close Gain/ Trend

20/01/2012 5044.85 5064.15 5004.3 5048.6 30.2 Positive
22/01/2009 2714.7 2744.85 2681.4 2713.8 7.65 Positive
12/02/2007 0 4187.2 4044.35 4058.3 -129.1 Negative
16/01/2007 0 4107.45 4067.9 4080.5 2.1 Positive
19/01/2004 1901,9 1943.1 1874.95 1935.35 34.7 Positive
28/01/2003 1035.35 1047.95}'1026.75 1046.2 8,55 Positive
Ctepter It: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Ttthi &
Aspects While Sun In Capricorn

27. Moon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun is in

Caprioom; This astrological combination Itiostly results into
fali or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following emphericai date we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

MOon transiting through Revati Nakshatra while Sun Is

In Capricorn

Date Open High Low dose Gain/ Trend

08/02/2011 5432.35 5432.35 5303.4 5312.55 -83.45 Negative
11/02/2008 5120,55 5126.4 4803.6 4857 -263.35 Negative
15/01/2008 6226.35 6260.45 6053.3 6074.25 -132.55 Negative
03/02/2006 2968.1 2973.9 2931.85 2940.5 -26.85 Negative
27/01/2004 1847.9 1911.3 1844.65 1904,7 57.15 Positive

07/02/2003 1063.75 1065.8 1055.5 1057.5 -6.1 Negative

06/02/2003 1047.25 1065,95 1043.7 1063,6 16.2 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Capricorn and at the same time while formation of 27

1. Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is In Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the dovimside in the price of nifty index
in 3 observations out of total 4.

Vishkumbha Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


06/02/2009 2779.35 2852.5 2778,65 2843.1 63.05 Positive

22/01/2008 5203.35 5203.35 4448.5 4899.3 -309.5 Negative

31/01/2007 0 4137.85 4068.55 4082.7 -41.75 Negative

03/02/2004 1809.3 1815,95 1755.65 1769 -40.75 Negative

Chapter 12

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Aquarius

Sun transits through Aquarius during

13th February to 14th March

Transit of Sun through Aquarius, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, determines meft down in the stock prices with investor
sentiments turning weak in Leather, Footwear, Realty,
Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Cement, Metais, Iron and Steel, Mining,
Coal, Gypsum, Tin, Limestone, Telecommunication, Internet,
Nuclear Power, Uranium, Radium, Soft and Cold Drinks, Alcohols,
Aviation, Agriculture and Livestock stocks. Whereas, if this transit
is aspected by Mercury, Venus, Saturn or Rahu, then the seillng
pressure remain weak and the damage to the stock prices get

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Aquarius under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Aquarius aspected by Moon; This astrological

combination mostfy results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericaf data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
14 observations out of total 25.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

mostiy ®ut if
m'Sn? results Into 1116
upmove Woon
In Is
theaspected byindices
price of JupiterNifty
then &it


10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun Is in Aquarius: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
In the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherica) data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherica I data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
In 6 observations out of total 7,

Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

22/02/2011 5504.4 5519.45 5437,3 5469.2 -49.4 Negative
03/03/2010 5015.8 5093.25 5015.1 5088.1 71.1 Positive
12/03/2009 2574.5 2646,1 2574.5 2617.45 44.3 Positive
25/02/2008 5112.25 5212.35 5055,15 5200.7 89.95 Positive
06/03/2007 0 3679.15 3576.65 3655; 65 79.15 Positive
08/03/2004 1868.15 1891,95 1867.95 1885.25 17,55 Positive

21/02/2003 1065.6 1069.2 1061.1 1066.15 0.55 Positive

11. Vriddhl Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius; The Implication of

this astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

12. Dhruva Voga day while Sun Is in. Aquarius: This astrological
combination mostly results Into fdll or downside 'in the price
of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The .following empherica! data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical date we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty Index in 6 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Ndkshatra, Yoga, Ttihi & 505
Aspects White Sun in Aquarius

Dhruva Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

23/02/2011 5452.45 5495.2 5427.55 5437,35 -31.85 Negative
04/03/2010 5096.-95 5096.95 5049 5080.25 -7.85 Negative
16/02/2009 2948.25 2953.2 2839.1 2848.5 -99.85 Negative
27/02/2008 5271.4 5368.15 5249.75 5268,4 -1.65 Negative
08/03/2007 0 3779.5 3626.8 3761.65 134.8 Positive

20/02/2006 2982.35 3010,65 2955.85 3005.85 24.35 Positive

01/03/2005 2103;l 2115.1 2073.8 2084.4 -18.85 Negative

10/03/2004 1866.3 1866.4 1835,8 1844.35 -21,7 Negative

13. Vyaghata Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: The implication

of this astrological combination is neutral to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce
any decisive up or down direction to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex.

14. Harehana Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological

combination mostly results into up move in the price of Indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
6 observations out of total 8.

Harshana Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend


25/02/2011 5321.05 5338.2 5232.75 5303.55 40.85 Positive

18/02/2009 2755.15 2806.5 2736.65 ,2776.15 5.65 Positive

29/02/2008 5285 5290.8 5098.35 5223.5 -61,6 Negative

13/02/2007 0 4132.7 3998.3 4044.55 -13.75 Negative

22/02/2006 3035.65 3055.65 3032.5 3050.8 44.95 Positive

03/03/2005 2093-4 2132.75 2093,35 2128.85 35,6 Positive

12/03/2004 1805.2 1820.95 1775.9 1812.2 6.8 Positive

24/02/2003 1066.2 1075.5 10662 1070.15 4 Positive

Chapter 1

Practical Strategies to

Successfully Predict the

Nifty & Sensex

Using This Book

Applying the astrological parameters in prediction is a complex

method as there is multiple numbers of aspects on various planets
and signs are taking place every day. Keeping all these aspects in
mind, judging for the resultant result becomes difficult, especially
because of different magnitude of strengths of different aspects.
These aspects often influence the resultant result in a dramatical
manner in many cases. The success of any prediction lies in
profidency of judging the influence of these aspects from different
planets felling on different planets and signs of zodiac and the
houses of mundane horoscopic chart drawn for the opening bell
time of the concerned market.

In order to study the general market phenomenon of the

Indian stock markets we use Taurus as the ascendant for the
mundane chart of the Indian markets. Taurus being the fifth house
from the mundane chart of India's horoscope with Capricorn
Ascendant, it represents the stock markets of India. People will
.love to know the reason behind using Capricorn a's-the ascendant
of India's mundane horoscope, and not the Ascendant of the India's
•Independence Day / Time horoscope, The reason behind this is
the stock market transactions as well as Bombay Stock Market of
India has been in existence from much before our independence
in the year 1947. And Capricorn is mentioned as the ascendant of
India in many ancient classics of astrology,
50 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Sun in Taurus aspected by Moon

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/06/2011 5494,45 5499.35 5438,95 5447.5 -53 Neaative
14/06/2011 5485.6 5520.15 5484.2 5500.5 17.7 Positive
02/06/2011 5529.9 5568.2 5521.95 5550.35 -41.65 Negative
01/06/2011 5561.05 5597.35 5559.45 5592 31,85 Positive
19/05/2011 5448.15 5452.6 5411.25 5428.1 7.5 Positive
18/05/2011 5448.2 5460.5 5401.25 5420.6 -18.35 Negative
11/06/2010 5078.75 5139.05 5078.75 5119.35 40.75 Positive
28/05/2010 5005.6 5077.25 5005.6 5066.55 63.45 Positive
27/05/2010 4915.15 5016.6 4897.6 5003.1 85.7 Positive
08/06/2009 4582.35 4611.4 4404.65 4429.9 -157 Negative
25/05/2009 4238.1 4270.05 4205,1 4237.55 -0.95 Negative
04/05/2008 4718.7 4731.5 4564.5 4585.6 -130.3 Negative
03/06/2008 4739.3 4739.3 4634 4715.9 -23.7 Negative
21/05/2008 5105.7 5135.55 5048.7 5117.65 12.7 Positive
20/05/2008 5157 5160.05 5072,4 5104.95 -52.75 Negative
14/06/2007 0 4174.05 4112.85 4170 56.95 Positive
13/06/2007 0 4161,8 4102.95 4113.05 -42.15 Negative
31/05/2007 0 4306.75 4250.25 4295.8 46.15 Positive

18/05/2007 0 4228.45 4177 4214.5 -5.05 Negative

17/05/2007 0 4232.45 4172.1 4219.55 48.6 Positive

15/05/2006 3651 3653 3482.85 3502.95 -147.1 Negative

07/06/2005 2091.95 2102.85 2084.35 2098.15 5,35 Positive

06/06/2005 2092 2109.1 2087.4 2092.8 28.15 Positive

25/05/2005 2028.55 2047.45 2019 2043.85 15.25 Positive

24/05/2005 2016 2031.9 2009.55 2028,6 14.7 Positive

03/06/2004 1535.8 1566.5 1484.5 1495.1 -40.1 Negative

02/06/2004 1508 1543.3 1508 1535.2 27.3 Positive

1545,05 1566.15 1498.1 1560.2 16.35 Positive

1566.5 1591.05 1531.3 1543.85 -24 Negative
1508.05 1576.05 1508.05 1567.85 63.9 Positive
13/06/2003 1050,95 1059.45 1050.95 1056.2 4,9 Positive

1000.05 1013.85 994,65 1006.8 4.2] Positive

■ 959.85 974.4 959.85 973.1 13.25 Positive
r/ydpter 3: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 53
Aspects White Sun in Taurus

10705/2005 2103.45 2133.1 2086.3 2090.6 -12.6 Negative

09/06/2005 2112.25 2118,65 2097.55 2103.2 -9.2 Negative
08/06/2005 2094.7 2115.25 2094.05 2112.4 14.25 Positive
07/06/2005 2091.95 2102.85 2084.35 2098.15 5.35 Positive
05/06/2005 2092 2109,1 2087.4 2092.8 28.15 Positive
02/06/2005 2087.85 2093,45 2062.55 2064.65 -22.9 Negative
31/05/2005 2072.5 2091,75 2066.55 2087.55 15.15 Positive
30/05/2005 2076.55 2086.85 2064.85 , 2072,4 -2.3 Negative
26/05/2005 2043.5 2078.65 2025.65 2074.7 30.85 Positive
25/05/2005 2028.55 2047.45 2019 2043.85 15.25 Positive
24/05/2005 2016 2031.9 2009.55 2028.6 14.7 Positive
23/05/2005 1992.1 ■ 2019.35 1991.7 2013.9 21.5 Positive
20/05/2005 1991.85 1998,2 1975.95 1992.4 1.55 Positive
19/05/2005 1983.15 2008.35 1983.15 1990.85 0.05 Positive

17/05/2005 2013.1 2024.6 1984.75 1990.8 -21.8 Negative

16/05/2005 199i;5 2014.95 1989.7 2012,6 24.3 Positive

i >
5. Sun in Taurus aspected by Venus: The implication of this
astroiogica! combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty &, Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

6. Sun in Taurus aspected by Saturn: The implication of this

astroiogica! combination Is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty &. Sensex.

7. Sun in Taurus aspected by Rahu: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
26 observations out of total 45.
56 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

11/06/2007 0 4205.2 4134.95 4145.6 0.6 Positive

16/05/2007 0 4181 4113.05 4170.95 50.65 Positive
15/05/2007 0 4150.45 4102.45 4120,3 -14 Negative
26/05/2006 3177.7 3277.95 3177.7 3209.6 31.9 Positive
25/05/2006 3114.7 3198.35 3012,95 3177.7 62,15 Positive
14/06/2004 1508.15 1509.6 1474.65 1481.35 -27.1 Negative
18/05/2004 1392.95 1517.6 1389.65 1503,95 115.2 Positive
17/05/2004 1582.5 1583.8 1292.2 1388.75 -193.65 Negative
29/05/2003 990.8 1004.85 989.5 100-2.6 11.8 Positive
28/05/2003 977.65 992.25 977.55 990.8 13.95 Positive

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Taurus: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fell or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Taurus: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Taurus: This

astrological combination mostly results Into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, astfom the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove fn the price of
nifty index in 12 observations out of total 18.

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is In Taurus

Low Close Gain/ Trend

Date Open High

5507.8 5556.15 24.1 Positive

07/06/2011 5509.15 5570.1
5479.85 5532.05 15.3 "Positive
06/06/2011 5504.3 5542.65
4924.3 4947.6 27.95 Positive
20/05/2010 4924.3 4980.25
5065.1 4908.15 4919.65 -146.55 Negative
19/05/2010 5065.1
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, yoga, 77th/ & 117
Aspects White Son In Gemini

and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to

the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fell or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

20, Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data "we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty Index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


14/07/2011 5569 5653.95 5541.7 5599.8 14.35 Positive

17/06/2011 5412,5 5421.15 5355.85 5366.4 -30.35 Negative

7/7/2009 4166 4231.8 4155,5 4202.15 36,45 Positive

20/06/2008 4504.2 4532 4333,6 4347.55 -156.7 Negative

11/7/2006 3145.3 3146 3100.4 3116,15 -25.85 Negative

23/06/2005 2187.35 2192.1 2174,05 2183.85 -3,5 Neaative

16/06/2003 1056.5 1059.8 1045.55 105L8 -4.4 Negative

21, Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But If the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mercury then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Chapter 4: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 119
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra. Nakshatra while Sun

is in Gemini: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the foilowing emphericai data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/06/2011 5304.65 5310.5 5262.5 5278.3 2.45 Positive

13/07/2009 4003.4 4003.4 3918.75 3974,05 -29.85 Negative

15/06/2009 4584,65 4601,05 4469.6 4484 -99.4 Negative

25/06/2008 4189.6 4264.55 4093.2 4252.65 61.55 Positive

6/7/2007 0 4411 4304 ,4384.85 30.9 Positive

27/06/2005 2194,35 2219.65 2188.15 2199.8 5.45 Positive

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra white Sun

is in Gemini: This astrologicai combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. TTie following
emphericai data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericai data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 6 observations out of total 8.

Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra white

Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

4 Loss
24/06/2011 5343.4 5477.85 5343.4 5471.25 151.25 Positive
23/06/2011 5269,1 5330,6 5252.25 5320 41.7 Positive
14/07/2009 3974.1 4128.9 3974.1 4111.4 137.35 Positive
16/06/2009 4478.1 4537.95 4405.95 4517.8 33.8 Positive
26/06/2008 4252,6 4324.75 4230 4315.85 63.2 Positive
19/06/2006 2892 2932.9 2846.5 2916.9 284.1 Positive
28/06/2005 2199.8 2206.8 2165.9 2169.85 -29.95 Negative
8/7/2004 1567.25 1586,55 1504.5 1518.15 -40.1 Negative
124 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

phenomenon, as from the following emphericai data

we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty Index
In ail 6 observations out of total 6.

Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

27/06/2011 5441.2 5552.65 5434,25 5526.6 55.35 Positive
6/7/2010 5236.1 5297.45 5231,5 5289.05 53.15 Positive
15/07/2009 4120.8 4249.55 4118.75 4233,5 122.1 Positive
22/06/2005 2923.75 3017.65 2923.75 2994.75 71.3 Positive
15/06/2004 1481-45 1507.85 1481 1501 19.65 Positive

25/06/2003 1085.65 1109.75 1084.35 1106.65 21.3 Positive

8. DhriU Yoga day while Sun Is in Gemini; The implication of this

astrologicai combination is neutral to the price movements in
the Indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

9. Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Shoola Yoga day while Sun is in Gemini

Date Open High LOW Close Cain/ Trend

29/06/2011 5566.5 5608.65 5566.5 5600.45 55.15 Positive
8/7/2010 5242 5320.5 5242 5296.85 55.75 Positive
30/06/2008 4136.25 4163 4021.7 4040.55 -96.1 Negative
10/7/2007 0 4434.45 4393 4406,05 -13.35 Negative
12/7/2004 1548.6 1562.8 1537.7 1556.95 3.75 Positive

17/06/2004 1494.7 1519.2 1482.2 1512.05 17.3 Positive

27/06/2003 1117,45 1126.8 1109.35 1125.55 9.2 Positive

Chapter Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 133
Aspects While Sun in Gemini

Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwltiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

13/07/2010 5370.2 5406.2 5357.85 5400.65 17.65 Positive
24/06/2009 4247.3 4307 4218.25 4292.95 45.95 Positive
4/7/2008 3926.65 4033.5 3896.4 4016 90.25 Positive
16/07/2007 0 4521.85 4495.95 4512.15 7.6 Positive
27/06/2006 2943.6 3004.15 2899.25 2982.45 39.25 Positive

8/7/2005 2183.55 2210.7 2179.05 2196.2 16.8 Positive

1/7/2003 1133.95 1139 1125.75 1130.7 -3.45 Negative

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukla Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in Gemini:

The implication of this astrological combination is neutral to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Gemini; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

1/8/2006 3128.2 3154.7 3113.6 ' 3147.8 4.6 Positive

31/07/2006 3131.35 3179.7 3110.6 3143.2 12.4 Positive
28/07/2006 3158 3168.5 3109.45 3130,8 -25.35 Negative
27/07/2006 3109.85 3167.1 3109.85 3156.15 46 Positive
26/07/2006 3040.45 3121.4 3022.7 3110.15 69,65 Positive
25/07/2006 2989,5 3046.95 2987.15 3040.5 54.65 Positive
24/07/2006 2944.9 2996.65 2878.25 2985.85 40.85 Positive
21/07/2006 3025.1 3029.1 2930.15 2945 -78.05 Negative
20/07/2006 2943.65 3041.25 2943.65 3023.05 90.3 Positive
19/07/2006 2995.85 3045.35 2919.95 2932.75 -60.9 Negative
18/07/2006 3007.15 3038.25 2967.95 2993.65 -13.9 Negative
17/07/2006 3123.65 • 3125.1 2999.35 3007.55 -115.8 Negative
16/08/2005 2361.65 2379.4 2356.85 2369.8 8.25 Positive
12/8/2005 2381.05 2390.45 2356.9 2361.55 -19.35 Negative

11/8/2005 2358.9 2387.3 2355.5 2380.9 20.75 Positive

10/8/2005 2322.3 2364.8 2322.05 2360.15 41.45 Positive

9/8/2005 2324.75 2342.2 2303.1 2318.7 -5.7 Negative

8/8/2005 2361.95 2386.95 2320.05 2324.4 -36.8 Negative

5/8/2005 2367.35 2377.1 2355.95 2361.2 -6.6 Negative

4/8/2005 2357.75 2377.35 2352.05 2367.8 10.8 Positive

3/8/2005 2359.1 2377 2345.2 2357 3.35 Positive

2/8/2005 2321.9 2357.15 2319.75 2353.65 35,6 Positive

1/8/2005 2312.05 2329.9 2294.25 2318.05 5.75 Positive

29/07/2005 2318.05 2332.55 2280.85 2312.3 -6.8 Negative

27/07/2005 2304.25 2324 2292.85 2319.1 15.95 Positive

26/07/2005 2289.25 2307.1 2279.8 2303.15 11.4 Positive

25/07/2005 2266.65 2293.95 2266.65 2291.75 26.15 Positive

22/07/2005 2231 2268.55 2223.15 2265,6 35.1 Positive

21/07/2005 2240.95 2251.85 2221.2 2230.5 -11.4 Negative

20/07/2005 2236.9 2252 2236.9 2241.9 4.6 Positive

19/07/2005 2234.25 2246.7 2227.2 2237,3 3.3 Positive

18/07/2005 2212.95 2248.7 2212.95| 2234 21.45 Positive

7. Sun in Cancer aspected by Rahu: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &
Aspects While Sun in Cancer

09/08/2007 0 4530.05 4390,8 4403.2 -SS^1 Negative

24/07/2006 2944.9 2996.65 2878.25 " 2985.85 40.85 Positive
03/08/2005 2359.1 2377 2345.2 2357 3.35 Positive
02/08/2005 2321.9 2357.15 2319.75 2353.65 35.6 Positive
01/08/2005 2312.05 2329.9 2294.25 2318.05 5.75 Positive
13/08/2004 1598.2 1612.7 1591.6 1598.2 -23.4 Negative
11/08/2004 1652.1 1658.9 1616.85 1621.6 -30.55 Negative
16/07/2004 1538.15 1562 1533,65 1558.8 19.4 Positive
28/07/2003 1163.25 1180.6 1163.25 1169.2 6.45 Positive

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Cancer: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 9 observations out of total 12.

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


10/08/2010 5486.8 5491.45 5445.35 5460.7 -25.45 Negative

09/08/2010 5439,8 5492.3 5433.25 5486.15 46,9 Positive

23/07/2009 4409.7 4532.4 4405.95 452175 124.85 Positive

22/07/2009 4469.3 4557.95 4380.45 4398.9 -70.2 Negative

01/08/2008 4331.6 4422.95 4235.7 4413.55 80,6 Positive

26/07/2006 3040.45 3121.4 3022.7 3110.15 69.65 Positive

25/07/2006 2989.5 3046.95 2987.15 3040.5 54.65 Positive

05/08/2005 2367.35 2377.1 2355.95 2361.2 -6.6 Negative

04/08/2005 2357.75 2377.35 2352.05 2367.8 10.8 Positive

19/07/2004 1559.2 1582.35 1556.55 1571,6 12.8 Positive

30/07/2003 1175.3 1187.7 116845 1183 8.25 Positive

29/07/2003 1169.25 1177.25 1154.8 1174.75 5.55 Positive

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Cancer: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
Chapter 5: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatre, Yoga, Tithi & ^77
Aspects While Sun In Cancer

18. Variyan Yoga day whife Sun is in Cancet: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove In the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index In
6 observations out of total 8.

Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

01/08/2011 5527.5 5551.9 5486,45 5516.8 34.8 Positive
10/08/2010 5486.8 5491,45 5445.35 5460.7 -25.45 Negative
13/08/2007 4324.65 4383.8 4324,65 4373.65 40.3 Positive
19/07/2007 0 4573 4496.2 4562.1 62,55 Positive
18/07/2007 0 4510.8 4452.85 4499.55 2.8 Positive
28/07/2006 3158 3168.5 3109.45 3130.8 -25.35 Negative
21/07/2004 1566.15 1600.7 1562.9 1581.4 15.3 Positive

31/07/2003 1183.3 1198.5 1181.9 1185.85 2.85 Positive

19. Parlgha Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of

this astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements injtie indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Venus then it
mostly, results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

20. Shiva Yoga day while Sun is in Cancer: The implication of this
astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex,

21. Siddha Yoga day while Sun is In Cancer; This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 8. *
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 195
Aspects While Sun in Leo

18/08/2006 3354.5 3366.25 3332,2 3356.75 2.85 Positive

17/08/2006 3359.7 3385.15 3328.6 3353.9 -2.15 Negative
16/09/2004 1683.6 1708 1677.35 1705.7 22.5 Positive
15/09/2004 1685.7 1694.45 1675.85 1683.2 -2.35 Negative
14/09/2004 1675.2 1686.8 1668.45 1685.55 10.35 Positive
13/09/2004 1668.25 1681.75 1668.05 1675.2 26.2 Positive
09/09/2004 1656.25 1662.4 1640.25 1649 -7.25 Negative
08/09/2004 4650.6 1658.85 1648.25 1656.25 6.1 Positive
07/09/2004 1643.95 1653.15 1641.8 1650.15 6.15 Positive
06/09/2004 1634.6 1649.15 1634.45 1644 9.9 Positive
03/09/2004 1629.65 1636.1 1622.1 1634.1 4.8 Positive
02/09/2004 1635.5 1641.25 1619.9 1629.3 -6.15 Negative
01/09/2004 1631.7 1640.55 1631.1 1635.45 3.7 Positive
31/08/2004 1628.5 1634.8 1618.3 1631.75 3.3 Positive
30/08/2004 1609.45 1629.9 1609.2 1628.45 19.45 Positive
27/08/2004 1610.85 1617.25 1600.15 1609 -1.75 Negative
26/08/2004 1595,75 1613,25 1593.45 1610.75 15.05 Positive

25/08/2004 1592.2 1598.55 1586.35 1595.7 4.1 Positive

24/08/2004 1578.2 1597.9 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive

23/08/2004 1590.9 1595.55 1573.7 1578.2 -12.15 Negative

20/08/2004 1609.2 1610.6 1584.05 1590.35 -18.85 Negative

19/08/2004 1581.9 1612.5 1581.9 1609.2 27.4 Positive

18/08/2004 1604.15 1604.15 1577.25 1581.8 -22.55 Negative

17/08/2004 1624 1628.45 1597.45 1604.35 5.2 Positive

16/09/2003 1330.15 1362.1 1299.5 1357.95 28.7 Positive

15/09/2003 1371.75 1371.85 1322,65 1329.25 -42.85 Negative

12/09/2003 1405.55 1415.65 1367.15 1372.1 -31.05 Negative

11/09/2003 1409.65J 1422.4 1399.6 1403.15 -6.4 Negative

10/09/2003 1407 1414.1 1389,65 1409.55 2.5 Positive

09/09/2003 1417.8 1430.7 1397.65 1407.05 -10.3 Negative

08/09/2003 1398.4 1420.25 1398.35 1417.35 18.95 Positive

05/09/2003 1373 1400.9 1372.75 1398.4 25.7 Positive

04/09/2003 1358.9 1382.6 1355.8 1372.7 13.35 Positive

03/09/2003 1387.2 1394.95 1353.6 1359.35 -26.1 Negative

02/09/2003 1375.95 1388.95 1366.9 1385.45 9.5 Positive

01/09/2003 1356.7 1379.4 1356.65 1375.95 19.4 Positive

196 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

29/08/2003 1341.2 1365.8 1340.8 1356.55 15,Sj Positive

28/08/2003 1340.2 1349 1328.35 1341.05 0,75 Positive

27/08/2003 1318.75 1346.3 1318.75 1340.3 22.1 Positive

26/08/2003 1270.2 1322.95 1269.5 1318.2 47.1 Positive

25/08/2003 1311.95 1332.55 1245.85 1271.1 -40.05 Negative

22/08/2003 1301-5 1319,45 1298.8 1311.15 10.2 Positive
21/08/2003 1288.2 1304.15 1287 1300.95 13.55 Positive
20/08/2003 1280.8 1292.95 1280.8 1287.4 9.7 Positive
19/08/2003 1286.05 1307.6 1268.1 1277.7 -3.7 Negative
18/08/2003 1247.9 1285.7 1247.9 1281.4 33.65 Positive
16/09/2002 991.75 997 983,55 985.75 -6.25 Negative
13/09/2002 1001.4 1001.4 989.85 992 -9.65 Negative
12/09/2002 998.95 1005,15 998.8 .1001.65 2.8 Positive
11/09/2002 998.6 1002.35 993.35 998.85 0.3 Positive
09/09/2002 992.05 1005.85 985.25 998.55 3.35 Positive
06/09/2002 1008.45 1008.45 992.7 995.2 -13.4 Negative
05/09/2002 1006.9 1013.45 1004.2 1008.6 1.65 Positive
04/09/2002 1000.7 1008.8 990,85 1006.95 5.85 Positive
03/09/2002 1013.65 1014.8 999.4 1001,1 -12.4 Negative
02/09/2002 1010.9 1024.65 1010.85 1013.5 2.9 Positive
30/08/2002 987.65 1012.75 986.7 1010.6 23.35 Positive

29/08/2002 985.85 989.4 981.45 987.25 1.55 Positive

28/08/2002 987.35 988.1 981.1 98S.7 -2 Negative

27/08/2002 998.85 1003.3 985.7 987.7 -11.15 Negative
26/08/2002 992,4 1001.45 986.15 998.85 3.65 Positive

23/08/2002 985.75 996.4 984.7 995.2 9.5 Positive

22/08/2002 988.55 995.3 983.45 985,7 -2.75 Negative

21/08/2002 988.6 994.25 984.35 988.45 -0.1 Negative

20/08/2002 979.75 990.85 979.05 988.55 8,7 Positive

3. Sun in Lea aspected by Mercury: This astrological combination

mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following emphericai data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following emphericai
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
79 observations out of total 106.
Chapter 6: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 221
Aspects While Sun in Leo

Moon transiting through Anuradha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Leo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

14/09/2010 5760,3 5838.45 5760.3 5795.55 35.55 Positive
17/08/2010 5422.15 5443.55 5408.8 5414.15 -4.15 Negative
27/08/2009 4679 4707.9 4645.15 4688.2 7.35 Positive
21/08/2007 4209.55 4238.1 4058,55 4074,9 -134.15 Negative
31/08/2006 3404,5 3452.3 3403.65 3413.9 -16.45 Negative
23/08/2004 1590,9 1595.55 1573.7 1578.2 -1-2.15 Negative
3/9/2003 1387.2 1394.95 1353.6 1359.35 -26.1 Negative
12/9/2002 998.95 1005,15 998.81 1001,65 2.8 Positive

18. Moon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra white Sun is in

Leo; This astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The fotlowing empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 8 observations out of total 10.

Hoon transiting through Jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is

in Leo

Date Open High Low Closet Gain/ Trend


5/9/2011 4998,9 5030.3 4964.45 5017.2 -22.8 Negative

15/09/2010 5795.25 5869,45 5792,2 5860,95 65,4 Positive

18/08/2010 5416.25 5487.95 5416.25 5479.15 65 Positive
28/08/2009 4688.4 4743.75 4651,4 4732.35 44.15 Positive
8/9/2008 4358.3 4558 4358.3 4482.3 130 Positive
22/08/2007 4081.25 4165.7 4040,15 4153.15 78.25 Positive
1/9/2006 3414 3439,5 3402.9 . 3435.45 21.55 Positive
24/08/2004 1578.2 1597.9 1578.05 1591.6 13.4 Positive
4/9/2003 1358.9 1382.6 1355.9 1372.7 13,35 Positive
13/09/2002 1001.4 1001.4 989.85 992 -9.65 Negative

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is in Leo:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
276 Predicting the Ntfty & Sensex

Moon transiting through Satabhisha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Virgo

Date 1 Open Hfgh LOW Close Gain/ Trend

21/09/2010 5980.5 6032.8 5961.85 6009.05 28.6 Positive
01/10/2009 5087.2 5110.5 5057.05 5083.4 -0.55 Negative
25/09/2007 4939.1 4953.9 4878.15 4938.85 6.65 Positive
14/10/2005 2537.7 2548 2478 2484.4 -52.9 Neqative
07/10/2003 1478.95 1498.45 1467.75 1477.85 -1.05 Negative
17/10/2002 973.7 976.05 966.55 973.3 -0.3 Negative
20/09/2002 975.6 975.6 960.7 969.6 -6.45 Negative

25. Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while Sun

is in Virgo; This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex; The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
In the price of nifty Index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Poorvabhadra Nakshatra while

Sun is in Virgo

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


10/10/2011 4886.85 4991,15 4882.05 4979.6 91.55 Positive

22/09/2010 6008.4 6037.4 5946.45 5991 -18,05 Negative

26/09/2007 4937.6 4980-85 4930,35 4940.5 1.65 Positive

3515.6 3574,95 3515.6 3564.9 49.55 Positive

27/09/2004 1722.4 1726.15 1707.95 1717.5 -5 Negative

1460.6 1478.6 0.75 Positive

08/10/2003 1477.85 1493.05

26. Moon transiting through Uttarabhadra Nakshatra whiie Sun

Is in Virgo: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The foliowing
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can Qbserye the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total a.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 307
Aspects While Suh in Libra

28/10/2003 1485.45 1500.8 1471.3 1481.75 -3.55 Neaative

27/10/2003 1522.05 L 1524.05 1482 1485.3 14.85 Positive
23/10/2003 1494.75 1503 1466.25 1470.45 -23.65 Negative
22/10/2003 1506,75 1522.65 1483 1494.1 -12.4 Negative
21/10/2003 1546.2 1549.65 1496.95 ■ 1506.5 -36.2 Negative
20/10/2003 1569.7 1574.1 1536.5 1542.7 -26,75 Negative
17/10/2003 1565,2 1574.1 1552.15 1569.45 13.75 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Libra and at the same time when Moon transits through
the various signs of zodiac:

1. Moon transiting through Aries while Sun is in Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into fail or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The fdilowing empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
following empherical data we can observe the downside in
the price of nifty index in 10 observations out of total 14.

Moon transiting through Aries while Sun Is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


11/11/2011 5159.75 5198.6 5142.25 5168.85 -52.2 Negative.

9/11/2011 5309.7 5317.5 5211.75 5221.05 -68.3 Negative

3/11/2009 4712,25 4729.85 4538.5 4563.9 -147.8 Negative

12/11/2008 2937.9 2975.2 2794.95 2848.45 -90.2 Negative

26/10/2007 5564.25 5716.9 5513.35 5702.3 133.35 Positive

6/11/2006 3804.75 3822.4 3798,25 3809,25 3.9 Positive

14/11/2005 2548.55 2576.95 2534.4 2558.7 10.05 Positive

19/10/2005 2467.8 2467.85 2394.95 2412.45 -55.75 Negative
18/10/2005 2485.25 2517.7 2452.5 2468.2 -16.95 Negative
28/10/2004 1783.9 1808.15 1783.9 1800.1 . 16.25 Positive
7/11/2003 1612,1 1624.5 1585.35 1592.05 -20.15 Neaative

23/10/2002 962.9 963.75 955.45 957.35 -5.15 Negative

22/10/2002 967.5 976.35 961.65 962.5 -4.85 Negative

21/10/2002 971.75 976.2 965.65 967.35 -4.3 Negative

308 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

2. Moon transiting through Taurus while Sun is in Libra: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury then it mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if the Moon is
aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fait or downside
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

3. Moon transiting through Gemini while Sun is in Libra: The

implication- of this astrologicai combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun Is in Libra: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutral to the
price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is
aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Libra: The

implication of this astrological combination is neutrai to the
price movements In the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not
produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements In the Indices Nifty & Sensex.

6. Moon transiting through Virgo while Sun Is In Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the
price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index in 8 observations out of total 14.
324 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

• Loss
21/10/2009 5114.85 5117.45 5051.65 5063.6 -50.85 Negative
31/10/2008 2696.3 2921.35 2696,3 2885,6 188.55 Positive
12/11/2004 1871.9 1885.05 1866.75 1872.95 2.4' Positive
27/10/2003 1522.05 1524.05 1482 1485.3 14.85 Positive
5/11/2002 962.85 963,7 957.2 962.3 0.2 Positive

S. Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This

astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following empherica) data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 3 observations out of total 4.

Shobhana Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


22/10/2009 5063.35 5054.25 4968,45 4988,6 -75 Negative

26/10/2006 3656.2 3686.85 3651.2 3677.55 20.25 Positive

18/10/2004 1796.05 1806.15 1782,95 1786 -8.75 Negative

28/10/2003 1485,45 1500.8 1471.3 1481.75 -3.55 Negative

6. Atiganda Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars or Jupiter
then it mostly results into a fall or downside in the pries of
indices Nifty & Sensex.

- Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: The Implication of
this astrotogical combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the pfice movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mostly results into a fell or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.
Chapter 8: Predicting the Nifty 8 Sensex with Nakshatra, Yogaf Tfthi &
Aspects White Sun in Libra

Zndra Yoga day whife Sun is In Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

24/10/2011 5114.7 5145.65 5084.75 5098.35 48.4 Positive
2/11/2010 6127.55 6138,1 6094.4 6119 1.45 Positive
11/11/2009 4882.3 5016.7 4870.05 5003.95 122.25 Positive
5/11/2007 5931.9 5948.55 5819.6 5847.3 -85.1 Negative
14/11/2006 3862 3883 3850.75 3865.9 7.15 Positive
20/10/2006 3678.75 3714.25 3665.5 3676,85 -0.95 Neaative
23/10/2003 1494.75 1503 1466.25 1470.45 -23,65 Negative
1/11/2002 951.45 956.95 946.4 951.45 0.05 Positive

27. Vafdhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Libra: This astrofogicai

combination mostly results into upmove in die, price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
5 observations out of total 7.

Vaidhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Libra

Date Open High LOW Close Cain/ Trend


25/10/2011 S137.9 5211 5085.55 5191.6 93.25 Positive

3/11/2010 6150.6 6182.5 6146.8 6160.5 41.5 Positive

12/11/2009 5004.4 5014.4 4924.75 4952.65 -51.3 Negative

4/11/2009 4567.3 4717.8 4565 4710.8 146.9 Positive

6/11/2007 5847,1 5957.2 5759,95 5786,5 ■ -60.8 Negative

15/11/2006 3865.95 3888.8 3838.25 3876.3 10.4 Positive

8/11/2004 1852.45 1871.05 1852.45 1862.8 10.5 Positive

Following observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Libra and at the same time while different lunar Tithis:

1. Shukia Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tithi while Sun

is in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove In the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following empherical data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
332 Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the

price of nifty index in 3 observations out of total 4.

Shukia Paksha 1 or Shukla Pratiprada Tfthi while Sun is

in Libra

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

29/10/2008 2685.3 2781.25 2631.9 2697.05 12.45 Positive
23/10/2006 3683.4 3690.85 3651.2 3657.3 -19.55 Neaative
2/11/2005 2386.45 2423.8 2367.75 2419.05 48.1 Positive
5/11/2002 962.85 963.7 • 957.2 962.3 0.2 Positive

2. Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is

in Libra: This astrological combination mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.
The following emphericai data accertains this
astrological phenomenon/ as from the following
emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in all 2 observations out of total 2.

Shukla Paksha 2 or Shukla Dwitiya Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


28/10/2011 5341.9 5399,7 5322.8 5360.7 158.9 Positive

27/10/2003 1522,05 1524.05 1482 1485,3 14.85 Positive

3. Shukla Paksha 3 or Shukia Tritiya Tithi while Sun is in libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following emphericai data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of
total 6.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Shukla Paksha 7 or Shukla Saptami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ 1 Trend

2/11/2011 5216.75 5300.1 5204.95 5258.45 0.5 Positive
12/11/2010 6182.3 6202.5 6056,75 6071.65 -122.6 Negative
5/11/2008 3155.75 3240.55 2971 2994.95 -147.15 Negative
18/10/2007 5551.1 5736.8 5269.65 5351 -208.3 Negative
8/11/2005 2463.65 2502.9 2460 2492.65 31.05 Positive
20/10/2004 1808.6 1815.2 1785.45 1790.05 -18.35 Negative
31/10/2003 1517.1 1559.75 1515,55 1555,9 39.05 Positive
11/11/2002 957.55 958.55 952.1 954.05 -2.9 Negative

8. Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in Libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the
downside in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of
total 8.

Shukla Paksha 8 or Shukla Ashtami Tithi while Sun is in


Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


3/11/2011 5241.55 5281.6 5201.85 5265.75 7.3 Positive

26/10/2009 4997,15 5033.75 4961.35 4970.9 -26.15 Negative

6/11/2008 2998.45 3007.8 2860.25 2892.65 -102.3 Neoative

r, - i ^
5360.35 5390.85 5101.75 5215.3 -135.7 Negative
3776.05 3719,45 3769.1 29.75 Positive
30/10/2006 3739.35
2493.1 2519.4 2475.7 2489.1 -3.55 Negative
1790.35 1795.4 1772,4 1779.75 -10.3 Negative
953.9 960.85 948.05 959.85 5.81 Positive

9. Shukla Paksha 9 or Shukla Navami Tithi while Sun is in Libra:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
Chapter 9: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga Tithi & ^c-
Aspects While Sun in Scorpio

18/11/2011 4899.15 4915.9 4837.95 4905.8 -28.95 Negative

17/11/2011 5027.1 5036.8 4919.45 4934.75 -95.7 Negative
25/11/2010 5883.95 5907.1 5780.35 5799.75 -66 Negative
24/11/2010 5946.8 5976.65 5833.6 5865.75 -69 Negative
23/11/2010 5971.55 5973.35 5824.95 5934.75 -75.25 Negative
22/11/2010 5920.9 6020.25 5905,15 6010 119.7 Positive
19/11/2010 6011.3 6013.25 5863.95 5890.3 -108.5 Negative
18/11/2010 6075.95 6076.2 5906.75 5998.8 10.1 Positive
30/11/2009 4942,25 5066.35 4942.25 5032.7 90.95 Positive
27/11/2009 5005.05 5005.05 4806.7 4941.75 -63.8 Negative
26/11/2009 5116.45 5116.45 4985.05 5005.55 -102.6 Negative
25/11/2009 5091.55 5138 5078.35 5108.15 17.6 Positive
24/11/2009 5105 5112.85 5053.5 5090.55 -13 Negative
23/11/2009 5052.95 5113.1 5052.1 5103.55 51.1 Positive
20/11/2009 4988.75 5063.3 4932.8 5052.45 63.45 Positive
19/11/2009 5043.95 5053.45 4963.7 4989 -65.7 Negative

18/11/2009 5061.5 5079.3 5041.65 5054.7 -7.55 Negative

17/11/2009 5058.95 5074 5010.15 5062.25 4.2 Positive

16/11/2009 4996.5 5073.2 4994 5058.05 59.1 Positive

8/12/2008 2714.7 2861.55 2714,7 2784 69.6 Positive

5/12/2008 2786.65 2821.15 2701.35 2714.4 -73.6 Negative

4/12/2008 2656.5 2793.8 2646.35 2788 131.55 Positive

3/12/2008 2657.5 2693,65 2611.95 2656.45 -1.35 Negative

2/12/2008 2672.9 2672.9 2570.7 2657.8 -25.1 Negative

1/12/2008 2755.15 2832.85 2669.5 2682.9 -72.2 Negative

28/11/2008 2745.7 ,2779 2690.3 2755.1 2.85 Positive

26/11/2008 2652.45 2762.6 2643.35 2752.25 98.25 Positive

25/11/2008 2708.3 2790.7 2638.2 2654 -54.25 Negative

24/11/2008 2690.85 2740.35 2633.8 2708.25 14.8 Positive •

21/11/2008 2553.6 2718.6 2539.8 2693.45 140.3 Positive

20/11/2008 2634.2 2634.2 2502.9 2553.15 -81.85 Negative

14/12/2007 6056.2 6078.55 6015.05 6047.7 -10.4 Negative

13/12/2007 6159.25 6185.4 6040.4 6058.1 -101.2 Negative

12/12/2007 6067.05 6175.65 6005.45 6159.3 62.05 Positive

, 11/12/2007 5960.4 6111.2 5960,4 6097.25 136.65 Positive

354 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

following emphericai data we can observe the downside in

the price of nifty index in 9 observations out of total 16,

Moon transiting through Scorpio while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

25A1/2011 4731.3 4767.3 4693.1 4710.05 -46.4 Negative
5/12/2010 6033.65 6069.45 5981.7 5992.25 -0.55 Negative
15/12/2009 5105.75 5129.45 5018.25 5033.05 -72.65 Negative
14/12/2009 5117.45 5156.7 5090.15 5105.7 -11.6 Negative
18/11/2009 S061.5 5079.3 5041.65 5054.7 -7.55 Negative

17/11/2009 5058.95 5074 5010.15 5062.25 4.2 Positive

28/11/2008 2745.7 2779 2690.3 2755.1 2.85 Positive

10/12/2007 5974 6015.3 5923.35 5960.6 -13.7 Negative
22/11/2006 3918.3 3960 3909.6 3954.75 36.5 Positive
21/11/2006 3859.5 3921.7 3856.75 3918.25 62.1 Positive

2/12/2005 2699.55 2730.7 2691.5 2697.95 B Negative

1/12/2005 2651.6 2705 2641.95 2698.95 467 Positive
25/11/2003 " 1543.95 1572.05 1543.95 1568.65 2475 Positive
24/11/2003 1541.35 1554.05 1536.5 1543.9 3.2 Positive

4/12/2002 1055.75 1055.75 1034.1 1036.4 -18.6 Negative

3/12/2002 1067.7 1075.75 losi.e 1055 -12.9 Negative

9. Moon transiting through Sagittarius while Sun is in Scorpio:

This astrological combination mostly results into upmove in
the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following emphericai
data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the
foliowing emphericai data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in ,10 observations out of total 15.
ewer S.- gggg -W ^ 77ft, S 36,

Moon transiting through Aslesha Nakshatra while Sun is

in Scorpio

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

15/12/2011 4712.8 4768.65 4673.85 4746.35 -16.9 Negative
18/11/2011 4899.15 4915.9 4837.95 4905.8 -28.95 Negative
7/12/2009 5108.85 5131.3 5051.55 5066.7 -42.2 Negative
19/11/2008 2682.75 2772.4 2617.9 2635 -48.15 Negative
30/11/2007 5633.9 5782.55 5632.65 5762.75 1-28.15 Positive
23/11/2005 2572.85 2613.4 2563.1 2608.6 35.75 Positive
22/11/2005 2603.25 ' 2614 2567.05 2572.85 -29.65 Negative
3/12/2004 1991.9 2011.9 1990.3 1996.2 -2,8 Negative
26/11/2002 1026.4 1040,45 1026 1036.15 9.95 'Positive

10. Moon transiting through Magha Nakshatra while Sun is in

Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Moon transiting through Poorvaphaiguni Nakshatra while Sun

is in Scorpio: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up of down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aSpected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

12. Moon transiting through Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra while Sun

"is In Scorpio: This astrologicai combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the fbilowing empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

16. Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astroioglcai
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 7 observations out of total 8.

Siddhi Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio

Date Open High LOW Close Gain/ Trend

14/12/2010 5928.7 5953.95 5888.75 5944.1 36.45 Positive
18/11/2010 6075.95 6076.2 5906.75 5998.8J 10.1 Positive
21/11/2007 5778.8 5790.05 5530.85 5561.05 -219.85 Negative
30/11/2006 3929.4 3973 3929.4 3954.5 26.3 Positive
9/12/2005 2706.75 2761.1 2698 2756.45 49.75 Positive
23/11/2004 1873.35 1900.05 1873.35 1892.6 19.25 Positive
3/12/2003 1660.7 1676.2 1655.9 1670.5 12 Positive
12/12/2002 1069,95 1078.85 1066.8 1077 7.25 Positive

17. Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
In the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

18. Variyan Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: The implication of

this astrologicai combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is aspected by Rahu then it
mostly results Into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex,

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Scorpio: This

astrologicai combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrologicai
phenomenon, as from the following empherical data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in all 3 observations out of total 3.
Chapter 11

Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi &

Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

Sun transits through Capricorn during

14th January to 12th February

Transit of Sun through Capricorn, aspected by Moon, Mars or

Jupiter, determines down slide into the stock prices with investor
sentiments turning weak in Leather, Footwear, Realty,
Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Cement, Metals, Iron and Steel, Mining,
Coal, Gypsum, Tin, Limestone, Agriculture and Livestock stocks.
Whereas, if this transit is aspected by Mercury, Venus, Saturn or
Rahu, then the selling pressure remain weak and the damage to
the stock prices get lower.

Foliowing observations have been made in the intraday price

movements of Indices Nifty & Sensex while Sun transits through
the sign Capricorn under aspect from the various other planets:

1. Sun in Capricorn aspected by Moon: This astroiogical

combination mostly results Into upmove in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex. The following empherica! data accertains this
astrological phenomenon, as from the following empherical
data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in
14 observations out of total 25..
436 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

2/2/2009 2872.35 2873,45 2760.7 2766.65 -108.15 Negative

30/01/2009 2824.05 2881- • 2774.1 2874.8 50,85 Positive
29/01/2009 2849.35 2873.85 2795.35 2823.95 -25.55 Negative
28/01/2009 2771.1 2855.4 2765.6 2849.5 78.15 Positive
13/02/2008 4836.55 4986.55 4836.55 4929.45 91.2 Positive
12/2/2008 4877.85 4949.6 4820,45 4838,25 -18.75 NeaaBve
11/2/2008 5120.55 5126.4 4803.6 4857 -263.35 Negative
8/2/2008 5132.1 5173.85 5034.25 5120.35 -12.9 Negative
7/2/2008 5322.55 5344.6 5113.85 5133.25 -189.3 Negative
6/2/2008 5470.4 5470,4 ■5257.05 5322.55 -161,35 Negative
5/2/2008 5463.75 5500.6 5412.95 5483,9 20.4 Positive
4/2/2008 5315.55 . 5545.2 5315.55 5463,5 146.25 Positive
1/2/2008 5140.6 5339.95 5090.75 5317.25 179.8 Positive
31/01/2008 5172.25 5251.65 5071.15 5137.45 -30.15 Negative
30/01/2008 5283.75 5314.3 5142.25 5167.6 -113.2 Negative
29/01/2008 5279.55 5391.6 5225.25 5280.8 6.7 Positive
28/01/2008 5380.95 5380.95 5071 5274.1 -109.25 Negative
25/01/2008 5035.05 5399.25 5035.05 5383,35 349.9 Positive
24/01/2008 5208 5357.2 4995.8 5033.45 -169.95 Negative
23/01/2008 4903.05 5328.05 4891.6 5203.4 304.1 Positive
22/01/2008 5203.35 5203,35 4448,5 4899.3 -309.5 Negative
21/01/2008 5705 5705 4977.1 5208.8 -496.5 Negative

18/01/2008 5907.75 5908.75 5677 5705.3 •207.9 Negative

17/01/2008 5937.95 6013.15 5880,3 5913.2 -22.55 Negative

16/01/2008 6065 6065 5825.75 5935.75 -138.5 Negative

15/01/2008 6226,35 6260,45 6053.3 6074.25 -132.55 Negative

3. Sun In Capricorn aspected by Mercury: The implication of this

astrological combination Is neutral to the price movements In
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

4. Sun in Capricorn aspectedhy 3! >piter; The implication of this

" astrological combination is neutral to the price movements In
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any dedsive
up or down direction to the price movements In the indices
Nifty & Sensex.
Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun

is in Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly
results into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty

& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains

this astrological phenomenon, as from the following

empherical data we can observe the downside in the

price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

31/01/2011 5452.55 5526.85 5416.65 5505.9 -6.25 Negative
23/01/2009 2705.45 2765.55 2661.65 2678.55 -35.25 Negative
17/01/2007 0 4096.75 4071.55 4076.45 -4.05 Negative

27/01/2006 2941.9 2989.7 2941.9 2982.75 42.4 Positive

20/01/2004 1928.8 1957.65 1876.85 1893.25 -42f.l Negative

(29/01/2003 1059.8 1059.8 1033.3 1037.2 -9 Negative

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

Is in Capricorn: The implication of this astrological combination
is neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Capricorn; This astrological combination mostly results

into fall or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

The following empherical data accertains this astrological

phenomenon, as from the following empherical data we can

observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 6

observations out of total 9.

Chapter 21: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 455
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while

Sun is in Capricorn

Pate Open High Low Cose Gain/ Trend

23/01/2012 5025.35 5059.55 5021.35 5046.25 -2.35 Negative
02/02/2011 5469.55 5490.6 5415.65 5432 14,8 Positive
11/02/2010 4757.25 4843.8 4757.25 4826.85 -398,8 Negative
15/01/2010 5259.9 5279.85 5242.45 5252.2 -7.7 Negative

05/02/2008 5463,75 5500.6 5412.95 5483.9 20.4 Positive

19/01/2007 a 4137.15 4058.35 4090.15 -18.9 Negative
07/02/2005 2097.45 2098 2049.85 2055.1 -22.85 Negative
21/01/2004 1895.45 1899.55 1811.35 1824.6 -68.65 Negative

31/01/2003 1034.75 1044,25 1026.2 1041.85 7.25 Positive

22. Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex, The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Moon transiting through Sravana Nakshatra while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


24/01/2012 5064.8 5141.05 SG49.8 512735 61.1 Positive

03/02/2011 5430.45 5532.65 5418 5526.75 94.75 Positive

27/01/2009 2686.05 2777.3 2685.25 2771.35 92.8 Positive

06/02/2008 5470.4 5470,4 5257.05 5322,55 -161.35 Negative

08/02/2005 2055 2065 2043.6 2055.15 0.05 Positive

22/01/2004 | 1824.7 1854.55 1756.25 1770.5 -54,1 Negative

23. Moon transiting through Dhanista Nakshatra while Sun is in

Capricorn: This astrologicai combination mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical fata accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the following empherical data we can observe the upmove
in the price of nifty index In 5 observations out of total 8.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

2. Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices .Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following emphericai data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in 6 observations out of total 7.

Priti Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ J Trend

20/01/2011 5656 5729.45 5634,5 5711.6 20.55 Positive
23/01/2008 4903.05 5328.05 4891.6 5203.4 304.1 Positive
01/02/2007 0 4141.6 4081.1 4137.2 54.5 Positive
10/02/2006 3009.15 3031.75 3009.1 3027.55 18.6 Positive
16/01/2006 2651.35 2855.7 2824.05 2833.1 -17.45 Negative
25/01/2005 1908.85 1934.25 1894,4 1931.85 6.55 Positive
04/02/2004 1769.1 1829,65 1761.75 1822.2 53.2 Positive

3. Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly resuits into fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The
following emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following emphericai data
we can observe the downside in the price of nifty index
in 4 observations out of total 5.

Ayushman Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

j Date j Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


121/01/2011 5692,05 5717,55 5674.5 5696.5 -15.1 Negative

J 24/01/2008 5208 5357.2 4995.8 5033.45 -169.95 Negative

4198.7 4132.95 4183.5 46.3 Positive

02/02/2007 0

1846.75 1787.15 1804.5 -17.7 Negative

105/02/2004 1823.5
1087 1074.2 ,1076.35 -10.15 Negative
(20/01/2003 1086.25

4. Saubhagya Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove

In the price of indices Nifty a Sensex- The following

Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

data we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index in

6 observations out of total 8.

Vyatipata Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

25/01/2012 5151.5 5174.15 5130.25 5158.3 30.95 Positive
03/02/2011 5430.45 5532.65 5418 5525.75 94.75 Positive
18/01/2010 5253.65 52923 5228.95 5274,85 22.65 Positive
27/01/2009 2686.05 2777.3 2685.25 2771.35 92.8 Positive
06/02/2008 5470.4 5470.4 5257.05 5322.55 -161.35 Negative
30/01/2006 2983.3 3002.2 2963.65 2S74.5 -8.25 Negative
08/02/2005 2055 2065 2043.6 2055.15 0.05 Positive
23/01/2004 1771,1 1858,5 1771.1 1647.55 77.05 Positive

18. Varryan Ybga day while Sun is in Capricorn; The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But ff the Moon is aspected by Mars then it
mbstiy results into a fell or downside in toe price erf indices
Nifty & Sensex.

19. Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn: This astrological

combination mostly results Into fell or downside in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The folfowing empherical data
accertains this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in toe price of
nifty index in 5 observations out of total 7.

Parigha Yoga day while Sun is in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


27/01/2012 5216.75 5217 5162.4 5204.7 46,4 Positive

29/01/2009 2849.35 2873.85 2795.35 2823.95 -25.55 Negative

08/02/2006 5132.1 5173.85 '5034,25 5120.35 -12.9 Negative

23/01/2007 0 4105.1 4056,45 4066.1 -36.35 Negative

3001.3 3011.05 2960.9 2971.55 -29.55 Negative

2075.1 2049.85 2063.35 -6,65 Negative
[10/02/2005 2070.1
1036.5 1055.3 13.45 Positive
103/02/2003 1040.25 1056.6
Chapter 11: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Vthi &
Aspects While Sun in Capricorn

Shukla Paksha 10 or Shukla Dashami Tithj while Sun iis

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

05/02/2009 2802.75 2816.8 2754.85 2780.05 -23 Negative
07/02/2006 3001.15 3025.1 2991.25 3020.1 19.65 Positive
19/01/2005 1934.1 1945.65 1922.35 1926.65 -7.4 Negative
11/02/2003 1048.6 1055.8 1044.55 1048 -0.6 Negative

11. Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun

is in Capricorn; This astrological combination mostly
results into fail or downside in the price of indices Nifty
& Sensex. The following empherical data accertains
this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the
price of nifty index in all 5 observations out of total S.

Shukla Paksha 11 or Shukla Ekadashi Tithi while Sun is

in Capricorn

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

18/01/2008 5907.75 5908.75 5577 5705.3 -207.9 Negative
29/01/2007 3944.55 4167.15 4115.75 4124.45 -23.25 Negative

08/02/2006 3018.2 3021.25 2984.9 3008.95 -11.15 Negative

20/01/2005 1928.1 1940.95 1900.05 1925.3 -1.35 Negative

12/02/2003 1048.15 1051 1040.4 1044.45 -3.55 Negative

12. Shukla Paksha 12 or Shukla Dwadashl Tithi while Sun is in

Capricorn: The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifly & Sensex
and ft do not produce any dedsive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter or Mars then it mostly results
into upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

13. Shukla Paksha 13 or Shukla Trayodashi Tithi while Sun

is in Capricorn; This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertains this
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty & Senas* with Nakshstra, Yoga, Tlthi &
Aspects White Sun In Aquarius

Moon transiting through Cancer while Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

17/02/2011 5501.7 5553 5463.4 5546.45 64.75 Positive
16/02/2011 5467.6 5504.8 5460.35 5481.7 0.7 Positive
26/02/2010 4858.5 4992 4858.45 4922.3 62.55 Positive
09/03/2009 2620.1 2621.25 2555.6 2573.15 -47 Negative
20/02/2008 5267.15 5267.15 5116.3 5154.45 -126.35 Negative
19/02/2008 5278.4 5368.45 5262 5280.8 3.9 Positive
02/03/2007 0 3842.05 3711.05 3726.75 -84.45 Negative
01/03/2007 0 3818,75 3718.15 3811.2 65.9 Positive

28/02/2007 0 3893.4 3674.85 3745.3 -148,6 Negative

10/03/2006 3129.05 3189.35 3128.6 3183.9 54.8 Positive

23/02/2005 2058.7 2065.15 2051.35 2057.1 -1.3 Negative

22/02/2005 2043.4 2061.65 2036.6 2058.4 15.2 Positive

21/02/2005 2055.15 2065.75 2039.9 JH3.2 -12.35 Negative

05/03/2004 1843.9 1871,1 1843.9 1867.7 23.85 Positive

04/03/2004 1859.3 1867.95 1831.2 1843.85 -15.55 Negative

03/03/2004 1852.45 1868.25 1842.45 1860.4 7.7 Positive

5. Moon transiting through Leo while Sun is in Aquarius: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove in the

price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data

aocertains this astrological phenomenon; as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the price of
nifty index In 7 observations out of total 12.
Chapter 12: Predicting the Nifty S Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & 509
Aspects White Sun in Aquarius

Shukla Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


07/03/2011 5490.05 5491.25 5408.45 5463.15 -75.6 Negative

19/02/2010 4887.3 4887.3 4805.55 4844.9 -42.85 Negative

22/02/2007 0 4126.9 4023.15 4040 -56.2 Negative

14/02/2005 2083.05 2110.15 2083.05 2098.25 16.2 Positive

24/02/2004 1808.4 1826.85 1780.35 1821.35 13.15 Positive

06/03/2003 1040.3 1040.75 1029.55 1031.25 -9.45 Negative

25. Brahma Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But if the Moon is aspected by Rahu then it
mostly results into a fall or downside in the price of indices
Nifty & Sensex.

26. Indra Yoga day while Sun is in Aquarius: This astrological

combination mostly results Into fall or downside In the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following empherical data
accertalns this astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the downside in the price of
nifty index in 4 observations out of total 6.

Indra Yoga day while Sun Is in Aquarius

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


09/03/2011 5542.4 5563.3 5477.45 5531 10.2 Positive

02/03/2009 2764.6 2764.6 2659.55 2574,6 -89.05 Negative

11/03/2008 4796.3 4888.5 4732.85 4865.9 65.5 Positive

23/02/2007 0 4065.45 3918,2 3938.95 -101.05 Negative
16/02/2005 2090 2103.4 2059.45 2068.8 -21.15 Negative
26/02/2004 1787.45 1818,6 1760.55 1765.8 -21 Negative

27. Vaidhriti Yoga day white Sun is in Aquarius: The implication of

this astrological combination is neutral to the price movements
in the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the Indices

Nifty & Sensex.

Pwflcting the Nlfy& Sense*

a PeC by :,Upiter then mostl

or H in^
downside the price of indices^Nifty &ySensex,
results into a fell

3. Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results into fell

or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The

following empherical data accertains this astrological
phenomenon^ as from the following empherical data we can
observe the downside in the price of nifty index in 5
observations out of total 7.

Moon transiting through Krittika Nakshatra while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend

07/04/2011 5888.55 5906.1 5866.25 5885.7 -6.05 Negative
30/03/2009 3108.75 3110.2 2962.4 2978.15 -130.5 Negative
09/04/2008 4707.05 4758.25 4667.5 4747.05 37,4 Positive
23/03/2007 0 3901.75 3850.8 3861.05 -14.85 Negative
12/04/2005 2002.75 2027.8 2002.75 2024.95 -6.25 Negative
15/03/2005 2146.55 2151.35 2122 2128.95 -17,4 Negative
25/03/2004 1691.95 1720.65 1691.95 1704.45 12.35 Positive

4. Moon transiting through Rohini Nakshatra while Sun is in

Pisces: The implication of this astrofogical combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and. It do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Moon transiting through Mrigasira Nakshatra while

Sun is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of in^Nifty a
Sensex. The following empherical data acce^ nstms
astrological phenomenon, as from the ?*/!"9
empbericaf data we can observe the P"Ji^e

price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sensex with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tithi & S41
Aspects White Sun m Pisces

. >
18. Moon transiting through jyeshta Nakshatra while Sun is in
Pisces: Hie impiication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the
Moon is aspected by Mars then it mostly results into a fall or
downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

19. Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun

Is in Pisces: This astrological combination mostly
results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &
Sensex. The following empherical data accertainsthis
astrological phenomenon, as from the following
empherical data we can observe the upmove in the
price of nifty index in 4 observations out of total 5.

Moon transiting through Moola Nakshatra while Sun is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ trend

05/04/2010 5291.4 5377.55 5291.4 5368.4 77.9 Positive
19/03/2009 2797.05 2822.25 2771,35 2807.15 12.45 Positive
09/04/2007 0 3850.9 3747,25 3843.5 91.5 Positive
01/04/2005 •2035.9 2071.2 2024.25 2067.65 32 Positive
25/03/2003 1013.5 1013.5 998.4 1011.3 -2.6 Negative

20. Moon transiting through Poorvashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
die price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex.

21. Moon transiting through Uttarashadha Nakshatra while Sun

is in Pisces: The implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty 8i Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
die price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if the
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results Into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty 8i Sensex.
Chapter 13: Predicting the Nifty & Sense* with Nakshatra, Yoga, Tfthi & 547
Aspects Whlfe Sun m Pisces

Sukarma Yoga day while Sun is in.Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


17/03/2011 5455.4 5510.05 5435.3 5446.65 -64.5 Negative

26/03/2010 5260.55 5293.75 5260.55 5282 21.6 Positive
18/03/2008 4519.9 4617.95 4468.55 4533 -212.8 Negative

28/03/2007 0 3830.3 3752,95 3761.1 -58.85 Negative

22/03/2005 2096.75 2099 2056.5 2061.6 -35 Negative

31/03/2004 1744.6 1775.3 1740.2 1771.9 21.75 Positive

10/04/2003 1003.8 1003.8 958.2 962.2 -42.65 Negative

8. Dhriti Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements In
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or'down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex.

9. Shoola Yoga day whiie Sun is in Pisces: The implication of this

astrological combination is neutral to the price movements in
the indices Nifty & Sensex and it do not produce any decisive
up or down direction to the price movements in the indices
Nifty & Sensex. But1 If the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it
mostly results into upmove in the price of indices Nifty &

10. Ganda Yoga day while Sun is in Pisces: This astrological

combination mostly results into upmove in the price
of indices Nifty & Sensex.

11. Vriddhi Yoga day whiie Sun is in Pisces: This

astrological combination mostly results into upmove
in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
emphericai data accertains this astrological
phenomenon, as from the following emphericai data
we can observe the upmove in the price of nifty index
in all 4 observations out of total 4.
Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

3 9 3
' Th^mSSl rrthis
The implfcatlon of ihuk,a Tritiya Tithi while
astrological combinationSun is
is neutral
in Pisces:
the pnce movements in the Indices Nifty & Sensex and It do
not produce any decisive up or down direction to the price
movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex, But if the Moon is
aspected by Mercury or Venus then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

4. Shukla Paksha 4 or Shukla Chaturthi Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: The Implication of this astrological combination is
neutral to the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex
and it do not produce any decisive up or down direction to
the price movements in the indices Nifty & Sensex. But if toe
Moon is aspected by Jupiter then it mostly results into a fall
or downside in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex. While if
the Moon is aspected by Saturn then it mostly results into
upmove in the price of indices Nifty & Sensex.

5. Shukla Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun is in

Pisces: This astrological combination mostly results into
upmpve in the price of Indices Nifty & Sensex. The following
empherical data accertains this astrological phenomenon, as
from the followfng empherical data we can observe toe upmove
in the price of nifty index in 5 observations out of total 8.

Shuida Paksha 5 or Shukla Panchami Tithi while Sun Is

in Pisces

Date Open High Low Close Gain/ Trend


08/04/2011 5885.75 5926.95 5822 5842 -43.7 Negative

31/03/2009 2981.7 3054.3 '2966.4 3020.95 42.8 Positive

10/04/2008 4747.55 4799.5 4720.9 4733 -14.05 Negative

23/03/2007 0 3901.75 3850.8 3861.05 -14.85 Negative

2024.9 2038.85 2018.1 2025.45 0.5 Positive

1755,45 1703.8 1747.5 43,05 Positive
26/03/2004 1704.45
1720.65 1691,95 1704.45 12.35 Positive
25/03/2004 1691.95
1017.05 1031.5 14.55 Positive
07/04/2003 1017.05 1033.45
Chapter 14: Practical Analysis of Predicting the Nifty & Sense* 567

Ju Ke

As Mo

Me MaR

Ra Sa

Practical 5: Nifty

Trade Date: 07.02.2012

Opening Time: 09:00:00

Exchange Place: Mumbai.

Sun: Capricorn

Moon: Cancer (Awastha: Yuva)

Aspects on Moon: Saturn, Sun & Mercury

Nakshatra & Prediction: Pushya - Up

Yoga & Prediction: Ayushman - Down

Tithi & Prediction; Shukla Paksha 15 - Up

Concluded Prediction: The one important parameter Indicated

Downside and the other two Indicated Upside. The aspect of two
planets Sun and Mercury is strengthening the Moon in its own
sign Cancer showing Upside and the only aspect of Saturn is trying
to weaken the Moon. Therefore we decided to evaluate the strength
of the Saturn and found Saturn being very strong today since
Moon is within the nakshatra of Saturn and at the same time
strength of aspect from Saturn on Moon today was strongest being
almost near same degrees hence we decided to overlook the
positive signal from the parameters nakshatra and tithi, and dedded
to remain neutral.

Result: Nifty moved down to dose negative.

568 Predicting the Nifty & Sense*

Ve He
Vfe Ju Ke Su

Ju As

As Mo
/ Ke Ra
Su MaR


Ra SaR /
/ MO

Practical 6: Nifty

Trade Date: 08,02.2012

Opening Time: 09:00:00

Exchange Mace: Mumbai.

Sun: Capricorn

Moon: Cancer (Awastha: Baal)

Aspects on Moon: Saturn, Sun & Mercury •

Nakshatra & Prediction; Ashlesha - Neutral

Yoga & Prediction; Saubbagya - Up

Tithi & Prediction: Krishna Paksha 1 - Up

Concluded Prediction: The two important parameters indicated

Upside and the other one indicated neutral. The aspect of two
planets Sun and Mercury is strengthening the Moon In Its own-
sign Cancer showing Upside and the only aspect of Saturn is trying
to weaken the Moon. Therefore we decided to predict an upmove.

Result: Nifty moved up to dose with gains as per our prediction.

Chapter 14: Practical Analysis of Predicting the Nifty & Sense* 569

Ve lu Ke



Su Mo
Me MaR

Ra SaR

Practical 7: Nifty

Trade Date: 09.02,2012

Opening Time: 09:00:00

Exchange Place: Mumbai.

Sun: Capricorn

Moon: Leo (Awastha: Kumar)

Aspects on Moon: Mars & Jupiter

Nakshatra & Prediction: Magha - Up

Yoga & Prediction: Atiganda - Neutral

Tithl & Prediction: Krishna Paksha 2 - Down

Concluded Prediction; The one important parameter indicated

Upside and the other one Indicated Downside. The aspect of two
planets Mars and Jupiter is strengthening the Moon in the sign
Leo showing Upside. Therefore we decided to predict an upmove.

Result; Nifty moved up to close with gains as per our prediction.

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