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Lecturer: Nguyen Hong Anh



Question 1 : The role of Tax agency and what kind of organizations ( size and
types) suitable for using Tax agency services ? Expain
- A tax agency, also known as a tax authority or revenue agency, is a governmental
organization responsible for administering and enforcing tax laws within a specific
jurisdiction. Its primary function is to collect taxes from individuals, businesses, and
organizations in accordance with the applicable tax laws and regulations. Tax collection:
1. Tax registration: Registering individuals, businesses, and organizations for tax
purposes and issuing taxpayer identification numbers.
2. Tax filing and assessment: Receiving and processing tax returns, assessing tax
liabilities, and calculating tax refunds or payments.
3. Tax enforcement: Conducting audits, investigations, and enforcement actions to
ensure compliance with tax laws, including detecting and preventing tax evasion
or fraud.
4. Taxpayer assistance and education: Providing information, guidance, and support
to taxpayers, answering inquiries, and educating the public about tax obligations
and benefits.
5. Tax policy and legislation: Advising the government on tax policy matters,
contributing to the development of tax laws and regulations, and recommending
changes or updates to the existing tax system.
- Tax agency services are generally suitable for a wide range of organizations, regardless
of their size or type. Here are some examples:
1. Individuals: Tax agencies offer services tailored to individual taxpayers. Whether
you're an employee, self-employed professional, freelancer, or retiree, tax agencies
can assist you in understanding your tax obligations, preparing and filing your tax
returns, maximizing deductions and credits, and addressing any tax-related
questions or concerns you may have.
2. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): SMEs often lack dedicated in-
house tax departments or resources to handle complex tax matters. Tax agencies
can provide valuable support to SMEs by helping them navigate tax compliance,
ensuring accurate and timely tax filings, managing payroll taxes, advising on
deductible expenses, and providing guidance on tax planning strategies that can
optimize their tax positions.
3. Government Entities: : Tax agencies may also cater to government entities at
various levels. Government organizations often deal with specific tax rules and
regulations that apply to them. Tax agencies can provide support to government
entities in managing their tax compliance, assisting with tax reporting
requirements, and ensuring efficient tax management within the government
4. International Organizations : Multinational companies and organizations engaged
in cross-border activities face complex international tax issues. Tax agencies with
expertise in international tax matters can guide these organizations through
intricate regulations, including transfer pricing, tax treaties, cross-border
transactions, and global tax planning strategies to optimize their tax positions
while ensuring compliance with the laws of multiple jurisdictions.
2. Why companies need to have appropriate software and applications. Look at
the case of Company Hanh Trinh Doanh Nghiep Viet , what kind of soft ware
and applications they offered. Desribe the functions and benefits of each one .
- Reason why companies need to have appropriate software and application.
 Increase productivity: Software and applications help increase employee
productivity. They can automate workflows, reducing effort and time, allowing
employees to focus on more important tasks.
 Efficient data management: Software and applications that help manage data in a
company efficiently. They allow storing, organizing and retrieving information
quickly and accurately, making it easy for departments and employees to find the
information they need.
 Enhance interaction and communication: The company needs software and
applications to enhance interaction and communication internally and with
customers. Applications such as email, internal messaging systems, and project
management software help improve communication and information exchange
among company members.
 Improve customer experience: Software and applications help improve customer
experience. With the development of technology, customers increasingly expect to
access services and products quickly and conveniently. Mobile apps, interactive
websites, and customer management (CRM) systems help create a better customer
experience and enhance their satisfaction.
- Soft ware and applications company HTDNV offered :
 Accounting software ( Fast Accounting ):
Financial Management: Fast Accounting provides tools for managing income,
expenses, assets, liabilities, profits, and other financial aspects of a business. It
helps track and analyze critical financial information for making business
Reporting and Analysis: This software allows the creation of financial reports,
profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and other management reports. It
provides data analysis tools to understand and evaluate the financial performance
of the business.
Invoice Management: Fast Accounting helps create and manage invoices,
including invoice templates, automated invoicing, sending invoices via email or
printing. This enhances accuracy and saves time in the payment and collection
Tax Management: The software supports calculation and management of taxes,
including VAT/GST, corporate income tax, and other taxes relevant to business
operations. It provides tools for maintaining compliance with tax regulations.
Integration and Compatibility: Fast Accounting can integrate with other software,
such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, inventory
management software, and other applications, to create a comprehensive
management system for the business.
 Invoicing software ( Hilo Invoice ) :
Create Invoices: Allows creating e-invoices from pre-existing or custom invoice
Send Invoices: Support sending e-invoices via email or online portal.
Invoice management: Allows storing and managing a list of invoices, including
looking up, sorting and filtering invoices.
Tax calculation: Integrate automatic calculation of VAT or other taxes into
Payment Tracking: Allows you to track the payment status of your invoices and
notify you when bills are paid.
3. In the case of Lua Viet. What factors impact on the success of Lua Viet?
In the case of Lua Viet, the key to success is: "Professional operation with the
standard process, streamlined apparatus, control of service quality"
- Professional activities: Lua Viet Picnic Co., Ltd changed its name to Lua Viet Travel
Co., Ltd. After changing the name, customers can easily identify this as a professional
travel company, easier to recognize and trust.
- Streamlining the apparatus: With a tight and efficient process, the company has
operated very smoothly with a lean number of employees so that operating costs are
reduced, making Lua Viet's products better quality.
- Quality control:
+ Lua Viet uses 100% of the guides who are official guides, thereby better controlling
the quality of services that the company provides.
+ Lua Viet Not just an internal self-assessment, Lua Viet manages and evaluates
service quality by an independent 3rd party to most objectively evaluate service
quality with the purpose of identifying and finding ways to improve service quality
- And standard processes to maximize customer service before, during and after the
service is completed.
- Lua Viet succeeds due to its focus and service quality.
Instead of spending a lot of money on MKT, Lua Viet focuses on service quality,
building a large number of loyal customers, and marketing by word of mouth method.
Thanks to that, the operating costs are low, and the product price is good compared to
the quality.
- During the Covid pandemic, thanks to less dependence on MKT, Lua Viet did not
spend too much money to maintain operations, and did not lose much. Besides, thanks
to the number of loyal customers after the pandemic, Lua Viet recovered and returned
to normal very quickly.
4. What to do when your business gets used ? ( List the concerns and explain )
(local business )
Immediately contact the legal department or an outside consultant:
- Contact the company's legal department for guidance on the business being sued and
the appropriate course of action.
- Contact a lawyer: If the company does not have a legal department, please contact a
lawyer with professional qualifications in corporate law in Vietnam. For guidance in
the legal process, explain the rights and obligations of the business.
- Contact the insurance company to see if the extent of the incident is covered by
insurance. The insurance company will provide support and guidance
- Prepare relevant documents and evidence: Gather and preserve all documents,
records, and evidence related to the case.
Responding to Complaints: Work closely with your legal counsel to prepare a
thorough response to the case. This response will address your allegations and present
your defense [1]. It is important to adhere to any legal deadlines for submitting
responses or other required actions.
- Consult a lawyer before preparing a contract:
- Important terms such as the scope of service, term, price, rights, and obligations of
the parties should be clearly mentioned.
2. Determine liability and purchase insurance if necessary: The contract clause should
clearly define the liability and compensation of the parties in case of the scope of
contract conditions.
3. Dispute Settlement Provisions: Include in the contract dispute settlement
provisions, eg the use of arbitration or international arbitration.

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