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World History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

World History – Christianity

Using the information provided in class, from the video and information from the textbook (pages 168 –
172, 286, 382, 488 - 501), answer the following questions using a complete sentence.

1. The rise of Christianity was one of many factors which led to the decline of the Roman Empire.
Why were citizens of the Roman Empire drawn to Christianity? AND how were Christians
viewed by many non-Christians?

2. Explain who Constantine was and his impact on Christianity. Is this a good or bad thing for
Christianity? Explain

3. People who follow Christianity are referred to as what?

4. What is the Holy Trinity?

5. What TWO things do followers of Christianity believe?

6. What do each of the two parts of the Bible represent?

7. Leadership of the Christian would include who?

8. What does the symbol of the Fish represent to Christianity?

9. Explain what Protestants are in Christianity

10. What was the Reformation?

11. What was the Council of Trent?

12. Who is the Pope in the Christian faith? Explain the role/significance of a Pope. Has this changed
in history?

13. What were the Crusades?

14. Who were the apostles (disciples)?
World History Mr. Kassube Room #5

15. What is Baptism and its significance to Christianity?

16. What is Holy Communion for Christians? Explain

17. Who was Martin Luther and what did he do against the Catholic Church? Also, what invention
helped him and other protestants spread their word?

18. Who was the angel that spoke to Jesus’s mother and what other religion is this connected to?

19. Why was Jesus sentenced to death?

20. Are there any major wars or conflicts associated with this religion? If so, against what other
religion or country and why?

21. Are the followers of this religion expected to embark on a holy pilgrimage? If yes, explain why
and the significance and/or importance of it

22. In regard to religion, what is a sect? Does this religion have any major sects? If yes, what are
they and how do they align with each other?

23. Prior to this assignment, what did you know about this religion? What came to mind when you
heard about, or people mention it?

24. In your opinion, what is the biggest misconception about this religion? Explain why

25. What is one key thing you want others to know about this religion?

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