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World History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

World History – Hinduism

Using the information provided in class, from the video and information from the textbook (pages 66 –
67, 288 - 289), answer the following questions using a complete sentence.

1. Hinduism is the major religion of what country?

2. The followers of Hinduism are referred to as what?

3. What is the key belief of Hinduism?

4. How old is Hinduism? Where in the world does it originate?

5. Who is the one single founder of Hinduism?

6. The actions, work or deeds of one, which influence or cause and affect future outcomes is
known as what?

7. What are the Upanishads?

8. What are the Vedas?

9. Who or what is Shiva in Hinduism?

10. Who or what is Vishnu in Hinduism?
World History Mr. Kassube Room #5

11. What role does Brahma serve in Hinduism?

12. Are there any major wars or conflicts associated with this religion? If so, against what other
religion or country and why?

13. Does this religion have a special place of worship (building)? If so, what is it called and explain
what it looks like?

14. Are there any specific or special holidays associated with this religion? If so, explain what they
are, their purpose/symbolism and when they occur?

15. Are the followers of this religion expected to dress a certain way? If so, explain

16. What does the leadership of this religion look like? Who are they and what are their roles? What
makes them unique and what special responsibilities may they have?

17. Does this religion share a similarity with another major world religion? If yes, explain

18. Who would you think is the most famous person from this religion (or a well-known follower of
it)? Make sure to support your answer with evidence.

19. Does this religion have a God? If so, whom and briefly explain. Are they monotheistic or

20. Are the followers of this religion expected to embark on a holy pilgrimage? If yes, explain why
and the significance and/or importance of it

21. In regard to religion, what is a sect? Does this religion have any major sects? If yes, what are
they and how do they align with each other?

22. Prior to this assignment, what did you know about this religion? What came to mind when you
heard about, or people mention it?

23. What importance does the sound “Om” and “Aum” have in Hinduism?

24. In your opinion, what is the biggest misconception about this religion? Explain why

25. What is one key thing you want others to know about this religion?

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