1st Periodical Test

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First Periodical Test

Directions: Read and understand the statement. Shade the letter of the correct
answer from the given choices.
1. Philosophy is defined as the _________.
a. Love of reason b. Love of knowledge c. Love of wisdom
2. The two Greek term where philosophy came from are
a. Philos and Sofia c. Philo and Sophia
b. Philos and Sophia d. Philo and Sofia
3. A philosopher whose desire is to know the ultimate stuff of the universe. He is the
Father of Philosophy.
a. Thales b. Miletus c. Socrates d. Aristotle
4. Religion: faith ; Philosophy: ___________
a. Reason b. Logic c. Statements d. None of the above
5. Which of the following are the characteristics of philosophical activity?
I. Philosophy is driven by the desire to integrate things in to one coherent whole.
II. Philosophy is all about the root cause that explains almost everything in a given
III. The scope of philosophy involves the widest generalization.
a. I and II only b. II and III only c. I and III only d. I, II and III
6. The study of the universe as a whole is called?
a. Ontology b. Metaphysics c. Epistemology d. Anthropology
7. __________ the birthplace of philosophy in the West.
a. Greece b. Greek c. Italy d. Philippines
8. Thales lived between __________ and ______ BCE
a. 624 and 564 b. 642 and 546 c. 624 and 546 d. 524 and 646
9. Turkey is the precise birthplace of philosophy, what is the old name of Turkey?
a. City of Miletus b. City of Greece c. City of Mulan d. Not listed
10.What do we call a person who loves wisdom?
a. Philosophy b. Philosoper c. Philosopher d. Philosophy
11.The three parts of module 1 that was discuss were:
i. The Nature and Functions of Philosophy
ii. Philosophical Activity
iii. Philosophical Tools and Processes
iv. Philosophical Reflection
a. i,ii,iii b. i,iii,iv c,ii,iii,iv d. none of the above
12.It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and
actions and learn from experience.
a. Reflection b. Questioning c. Wondering d. Reasoning
13.What is the science and art of correct thinking?
a. Ethicsb. Aesthetics c. Metaphysics d. Logic
14.The type of philosophical reflection which trains the mind to think logically. It is also
the ability of the mind to construct and evaluate arguments
a. Secondary Reflection c. Primary Reflection
b. Tertiary Reflection d. All of the above
15.One of the triumvirate Greek philosophers who pioneered a method of argument
called dialectic
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Pythagoras d. Aristotle
16.The supreme importance of knowledge that gave rise to the branch of philosophy
known as ____________
a. Epistemology b. Ontology c. Knowledge d. Truth
17.Who defines the branch of philosophy which studies the nature of knowledge as a
science devoted to the discovery of the proper method of acquiring and validating
a. Bingswanger b. Ayn Rand c. John Locke d. David Hume
18. The following are the purpose of epistemology,
i. To show how we acquire knowledge
ii. To never give us a method of demonstrating whether the knowledge we acquired is
really knowledge (i.e., true).
iii. To provide us a method of demonstrating whether the knowledge we acquired is
really knowledge (i.e., true).
a. i,ii b. ii, iii c. i,iii d. none of the above
19.According to Ayn Rand knowledge is a “mental grasp of ______ reached either by
_____________ or by a __________ based on perceptual observation”
a. Reality: Perceptual observation: Process of reason
b. Reality: Proposition: Inference
c. Truth: Reality: Perceptual observation
d. Truth: Reality: Proposition
20.The first way in acquiring knowledge is through the use of our senses and this method
is called _________
a. Rationalists b. Empiricism c. Rationalism d. Empiricists
21.Among the advocates who believes that we acquire knowledge through our senses are
i. David Hume
ii. John Locke
iii. Baruch Spinoza
a. i,ii b. ii,iii c. i,iii d. only iii
22. ________ is just half of the story of knowing.
a. Reality b. Knowledge c. Thinking d. Truth
23.If nothing exists ____________ is impossible.
a. Reality b. Knowledge c. Thinking d. Truth
24.There are five ways on how to acquire knowledge, which is the correct sequence?
a. Inference, Proposition, Reality, Concept, Perception
b. Reality, Proposition, Concept, Perception, Inference
c. Reality, Perception, Concept, Proposition, Inference
d. Inference, Proposition, Concept, Perception, Reality
25.Which of the following shows a characteristic of an opinion?
a. The Duterte administration is much better than the one we have now.
b. Our class on Philosophy is on Tuesday.
c. Cagdianao National High School is located at Poblacion, Cagdianao, Dinagat
Islands Province
d. Today is our exam in philosophy.
26.“Forgive me officer, there are lot of boarders in this apartment including myself. Only
the owner was issued a quarantine pass. We don’t have food, we can’t give our ATM
to the owner. That’s why I went out. So I did not violate the Bayanihan Act Heal as
a. a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Force c. Appeal to Tradition
27.All of us in the family, from our ancestors up to now, are devout Catholics, so it is
only right that you will be baptized as a Catholic
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Force c. Appeal to Tradition
28.TV Patrol is the best news program on TV. If you don’t believe me, I won’t let you
watch the TV.
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Force c. Appeal to Tradition
29.“I’m sure you want to have an i-phone. Almost 80% of your schoolmates are using it.”
a. Appeal to people b. Attacking the Person c. Appeal to Ignorance
30.“How can we believe him when he talks about social distancing, he is a lawyer who is
a liar.”
a. Appeal to people b. Attacking the Person c. Appeal to Ignorance
31.According to Zecharia Sitchin, the author of the book “Cosmic Code, “Adam was the
first test tube baby. Since nobody proves otherwise, therefore it is true.”
a. Appeal to people b. Attacking the Person c. Appeal to
32.Our neighbor who is a police officer was convicted of being a drug dealer, therefore,
all police officers are drug dealers.
a. Hasty Generalization b. Fallacy of Composition c. Cause and Effect
33.“My teacher didn’t collect the homework two weeks in a row when my friend was
absent. Therefore, my friend being absent is the reason why my teacher doesn’t collect
the homework.”
a. Hasty Generalization b. Fallacy of Composition c. Cause and Effect
34.“You are a doctor, therefore you came from a family of doctors.”
a. Fallacy of Tradition b. Fallacy of Composition c. Fallacy of Equivocation
35.“Humans walk by their legs. The table has legs. Therefore the table walks by its legs.”
a. Fallacy of Tradition b. Fallacy of Composition c. Fallacy of Equivocation
36.It states forsaking undesirable states of mind that have already arisen.
a. Right View b. Right Speech c. Right Effort
37.It means single-mindedness
a. Right View b. Right Concentration c. Right Effort
38.It is eliminating thoughts of attachment, detestation, and harmful intent,
a. Right Intention b. Right Speech c. Right Effort
39.It means abstaining from verbal offenses such as lying, divisive speech, unforgiving
speech, and irrational speech.
a. Right View b. Right Speech c. Right Effort
40.It shows consciousness of body, feelings, thought, and phenomena.
a. Right View b. Right Speech c. Right Mindfulness
41.It is the ability of one’s consciousness to look inward thus discovering the presence of
a self.
A. Self - awareness B. Ego C. Dignity d. Ethics
42.There are two general kinds to distinguish a human person namely:
A. Cognitive and Emotional Self C. Physical and Social Self
B. Physical and Cognitive Self D. Emotional and Social Self
43.It is typically with a body which is tangible and has a three components composed of
A. Human B. Human Person C. Person D. Human Being
44.It is something within and cannot be physically seen.
A. Cognitive Self C. Social Self
B. Physical Self D. Emotional Self
45.It deals with the essential features of the human way of life.
A. Cognitive Self C. Social Self
B. Physical Self D. Emotional Self
46. He described the universe as living embodiment of nature’s order, harmony,
and beauty.

a. Anaximander b. Pythagoras c. Herbert Mead d. Immanuel Kant

47. “Human have power over nature.”

a. Anaximander b. Pythagoras c. Herbert Marcused. Immanuel Kant

48.This view believes that humankind is a part of a greater biological system or
community and that we have a significant role as stewards or guardians of nature.
a. Ecocentrism b. Biocentrism c. Anthropocentrism d. None
of the above
49.It refers to conserving our natural resources so that the future generations will still be
able to use it
a. Economic Efficiency b. Environmental Integrity c. Equity d. None of the
50.It is considered as the first and most vital among the four cardinal virtues, which
include justice, fortitude, and temperance
a. Equity b. Ecofeminism c. Prudence d. Frugality

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