Chronic Hunger Affects A Very Large Number of

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Chronic hunger affects a very large number of individuals worldwide which is almost 11% of the

global population. According to the United Nations, the number of people going to bed hungry is

rapidly increasing. Even though enough food is produced for all the world's inhabitants and

more, a small but significant portion of it is wasted. This happens mostly in developing countries

which is a major cause of hunger in those countries. There are multiple solutions given to cope

with this social issue. Every field of study offers its own solution to this problem. We will look

into how computer science, Biology and Physics can help to end this problem.

Computer science can play its role to eradicate this problem by application of Internet of Things

(IoT). IoT are basically networks of physical objects that work with the help of sensors and soft

wares to transfer information among each other through internet. With the help of IoT, we can

use agricultural devices connected to IoT to understand crop health so that we can increase

production of food. The reduction of lost and damaged foodstuffs can also be achieved

conveniently by implementing IoT monitoring devices throughout the distribution ecosystem. It

will also provide real-time data which will help to monitor demand, supply and wastage.


The other field that we can resort to for solving this particular problem of hunger and food

shortage is biotechnology. Biotechnological solution of the problem revolves around utilizing

different techniques to increase and speed up production of edible crops. For example, the

genetic modification techniques can play a vital role in increasing the production of crops in the

world. Genetically Modified techniques have proved beneficial for increasing the production of

crops such as rice. It also offers unique ways to produce the same crop. The methods in

Genetically Modified techniques not only increase production but are also environment friendly.

The main difference between solutions offered by computer science and biotechnology is that in

solutions offered by computer science, IoT helps to manage the already existing food sources

while biotechnology offers new methods of increasing production.

Physics, particularly electronics also provides some interesting insight to how food production

can be increased. There has been researches from students, especially from Finland which prove

that protein-rich food can be produced from electricity and air. "In practice, the air provides all

of the basic elements. In the future, the technology could be carried to deserts and other famine-

stricken countries "VTT Principal Scientist Juha-Pekka Pitkänen said in a release. (Arthur)

Though, this technique is not yet as extensive as it should be in order to end this issue

completely, there is potential that this can grow and really prove to be beneficial. Another

interesting fact is the energy i.e. electricity used in this process is renewable. So, the raw material

is recoverable which makes it even advantageous. Compared to the solution provided by

computer science, this one guarantees increasing of production rather than managing the

distribution only.

Arthur. Scientists Aiming To End World Hunger Create Food From Electricity And Air. 29 Sep
2021. 25 May 2022 <
Jamil, Kaiser. Biotechnology – A Solution to Hunger? 25 March 2021. 25 May 2022
Toesland, Finbarr. Five tech solutions to global problems. 19 Sep 2018. 25 May 2022

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