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108 TORY PROJECTS IMENS OF INVESTIG Project 1 The Mapping of Magnetic Field : Worth pole Pointing magnetic north) in laced in the magnet (Zo map the magnetic tines of force surrounding a bear magnet pla cain the magnetic 1g magnetic north of the earth and, henc: ermine meridian with its north pole pointin the moment of the magnen) Materials and apparatus The given bar magnet, compass needle, brass fixing pins, drawing board, drawing Paper ete, Procedure (D To draw the magnetic meridian 7 te A sheet of drawing paper is fixed on a drawing board. A straight line is ie Scion tically on the paper. The compass needle is placed on the line. The ca ae < ee yi fumed till the line becomes parallel to the ma netic needle in the ci b : " cle always cone te Ne uth direction, the line is magnetic needle always comes to rest along fhe magnetic north-so th cular to the magnetic merid. in the figure. Arrow marks are put on the lines © . It is found that there are two points, N and No, symmetrically situated on either side of the magnet on the uten aii a cnet is dle placed at these points will remain in : no lines of force. The compass nee | n y dition i The distance 2d between E ints (Refer the note given below). oe bit aecued a d, the distance of a null point from the centre of the bar mag! points is 7 Ie ef ‘asured usi Fi is, the half found out. The length 2 of the magnet is measured using a metre scale, From this found out. 199 ‘oth J of the magnet is determined. At null poi 2 t points, the hori i agnetic field and the field due to the bar magnet ema intensity By, of the and opposite. ie, Bn =10 Sete ee h (e+ PPP m= Bd + PY? x 197, ne Hem’ east’ The moment 77 of the bar magnet is calculated assuming the value of B; hs Notei- ‘The null pon may ies marked conveniently as follows:- * compass box is placed on the equatorial lit ; gee the field due to the bar ‘abn! is Sede ti an arise, te te iat Teale in the compass box becomes ‘parallel to the bar magnet with its seat Codie south pole of the bar magnet, which is towards the earth’s magnetic at a cia = soevsg moved slowly along the equatorial line away from the bar Soagnet. When i jut to we the null point, the magnetic needle turns so that ts north ple points the rapsell orth pole. This is because the earth's horizontal field By, becomes greater than that due to the bar magnet. The position of the compass box is marked. Now, the compass box is moved along the equatorial line towards the magnet. When it just crosses the null point, the magnetic needle turns as the field due to the ‘bar magnet becomes greater. The position of the compass box is marked again. The midpoint between the two positions of the compass box marked on the drawing paper is marked as Nj, the null point. Ina similar way the null point Ne is noted along the equatorial Hine on the other side of the bar magnet. North pole pointing north Fig. 1 200 Observations em ar - em=.. es Length of the magnet facie : .em oon ™ y = ade 2 Np sh Distance between the null points Ni ie ze : -em oy m ‘ 4 Horizontal intensity of earth's By = 0.38 x 10-4 T field at the By (a? +P)? x 107 a eed Anne Moment of the magnet, c Result Moment of the magnet = Project 2 The Mapping of Magnetic Field 2 (North pole pointing magnetic south) (Jo map the magnetic lines of force surrounding a bar magnet placed in the magnetic meridian with its north pole pointing earth magnetic south and, hence to determine the moment of the magnet.) Materials and apparatus _ The bar magnet, compass needle, drawing board, drawing paper, brass fixing pins etc. Procedure As in the project 1 the magnetic’ meridian is drawn on a drawing paper fixed on the drawing board. The bar magnet is placed on the meridian with its north pole pointing earth’s magnetic south. The lines of force are drawn as explained above. The general Pattern is shown in the figure. The null point Ny and Np are obtained on the axial line of the magnet. The distance 2d between the null Points and hence d is found out. The length 2/ of the magnet is determined using a meter scale, From this half the length / of the magnet s calculated. The moment of the magnet is calculated from the equation, 2md Bald? — 22)? x 197 @= By mae 201 pole pointing south orth Fig. 2 Observations Length of the magnet, 21 = ..... om wi ES veces cm=..... m elas Moment of the magnet, m= Ba — 2)? x 10° /2d Ss Am? Result 2 Moment of the magnet = ---+-70""" Am Project 3 The Damped Oscillations tun aaed haard nieces of difforont cizoe at ite

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