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Choose the right answer!

(Questions number 1-10 are about Conditional Sentence Type 1)

1. If Rudi's firm goes bankrupt, ...
A. he will lose his job
B. he would lose his job
C. he loses his job
D. he is losing his job

2. If the twins are put in different classes at school, ...

A. they will be unhappy
B. they would be unhappy
C. they are unhappy
D. they have been unhappy

3. If the moon is shining, ...

A. it is night
B. it was night
C. it will be night
D. it would be night

4. If petrol is rationed, (motorist cannot) ...

A. they will buy as much as they want
B. bought as much as they wanted
C. buying as much as they want
D. they would buy as much as they wanted

5. If you fall into the river here, (be drowned) ...

A. you will drown
B. you would drown
C. you are drowned
D. you have drowned

6. If you leave your car here, (parking ticket) ...

A. you will get a parking ticket
B. you would get a parking ticket
C. you are getting a parking ticket
D. you have got a parking ticket
Jawaban: A

7. Even if I work till midnight, ...

A. I haven't finished the report
B. I wouldn't finish the report
C. I don't finish the report
D. I will not finish the report

8. If the doctor isn't satisfied with Husein's condition, (must) ...

A. he stays in the hospital longer
B. he would stay in the hospital longer
C. he will stay in the hospital longer
D. he has stayed in the hospital longer

9. If you want to take those three bottles of perfume into England, ...
A. you would declare them
B. you will declare them
C. you are declaring them
D. you have declared them

10. Even if you leave here in the morning, ....

A. you haven't arrived there till evening
B. you wouldn't arrive there till evening
C. you don't arrive there till evening
D. you will not arrive there till evening

(Questions number 11-20 are about Conditional Sentence Type 2)

11. If I ... (own) an automobile, I would take a trip to California.
A. own
B. owned
C. will own
D. would own

12. If she ... (work) harder, she would probably get a better salary.
A. work
B. worked
C. will work
D. would work

13. If Utsman ... (know) more grammar, he would make fewer mistakes.
A. know
B. knew
C. will know
D. would know
Jawaban: B

14. If I ... (know) how to drive, I would buy a car.

A. know
B. knew
C. will know
D. would know

15. If ... not ... (waste) so much time in class, he would make better progress.
A. do / waste
B. does / waste
C. did / waste
D. had / wasted

16. If today ... (be) Saturday, I would not have to work.

A. be
B. was
C. will be
D. were

17. If he prepared his homework every night, he ... (get) better grades.
A. get
B. got
C. will get
D. would get

18. If they were really poor, they ... not ... able to live as they do.
A. are / be
B. were / be
C. are / were
D. were / were

19. I am not in Jakarta, but if I ...

A. were, I would visit you
B. am, I will visit you
C. would be, I will visit you
D. will be, I would visit you
Jawaban: A

20. I don't like to swim, but if I ...

A. did, I would go with you
B. do, I will go with you
C. would do, I will go with you
D. will do, I would go with you

(Questions number 21-30 are about Conditional Sentence Type 2)

21. If he had learned the truth, he ... (be) very angry.
A. would be
B. would have been
C. will be
D. will have been

22. If I had known that you needed me, I ... (come) at once.
A. would have come
B. would come
C. will come
D. will have come

23. If they had invited us naturally we ... (go) to the party.

A. would go
B. will have gone
C. will go
D. would have gone

24. If you had worn your overcoat, you ... not ... (catch) cold.
A. would not catch
B. would not have caught
C. will not catch
D. will not have caught

25. If I had had your address, I ... (write) to you.

A. would write
B. will have written
C. will write
D. would have written

26. If I ... (know) about this yesterday I would have worried all day long.
A. know
B. knew
C. will know
D. would have known

27. If the weather ... (be) nice yesterday, we would have gone to the beach.
A. is
B. was
C. will be
D. would have been

28. I would have looked you up if I ... (know) you were living in Jakarta.
A. know
B. knew
C. will know
D. would have known

29. I wouldn't have gotten wet if I ... (wear) a raincoat.

A. wear
B. wore
C. will wear
D. would have worn

30. If he ... (study) more, he would have gotten better grades.

A. study
B. would have studied
C. will study
D. studied

Answer the question below correctly!

1. What would you do if you won the lottery? (Conditional Sentence Type 2)

2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? (Conditional Sentence
Type 2)

3. Have you ever experienced a situation where you wished you had studied harder?
(Conditional Sentence Type 3)

4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? (Conditional Sentence Type 2)

5. What would you do if you saw someone stealing something? (Conditional Sentence Type

“You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

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