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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for gathering here today.

I stand before you to talk about a flame that can be hidden but not
extinguished. Yes, I am here to discuss goodness.
In this fast-paced world, it is often easy to lose sight of what truly matters.
However, goodness is a constant flame that burns within each and every
one of us. It may be hidden by life's challenges or overshadowed by
negativity, but it can never be completely extinguished.

As human beings, we are innately capable of love. It is a remarkable

emotion that comes more naturally to the human heart than any other. Love
has the power to transform lives, mend broken hearts, and inspire
incredible acts of kindness and compassion.
But where does this love stem from? It stems from goodness. Goodness
resides within all of us, waiting to be revealed and shared with the world. It
is through acts of goodness that we create a ripple effect, leaving a lasting
impact on the lives of others.
We live in a world that can sometimes seem bleak, with countless
examples of hatred and cruelty. However, it is essential to remember that
even the smallest act of goodness can make a significant difference. A
smile to a stranger, a helping hand to someone in need, or even a kind
word can ignite a flame of hope and positivity.
As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "The best way to find yourself is to lose
yourself in the service of others." It is through acts of selflessness and
kindness that we tap into the immense power of goodness within us.
Let us all strive to be the bearers of goodness in the world. Let us be the
spark that ignites positive change. Together, we can create a society where
goodness shines brightly, leaving no room for darkness to prevail.

In conclusion, goodness is a flame that can be hidden but not extinguished.

It is an inherent part of our human nature, just waiting to be kindled. So, let
us nurture this flame within ourselves and inspire others to do the same.
Let us be the agents of change, spreading goodness far and wide.
Thank you for your time.

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