Prof Prac 2 History of Uap Ver2

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History of UAP

Dates & ABCs of the UAP History

1903 - Academia de Arquitectura y Agremensura de Filipinas was transformed as the Academia de

Arquitectura Ingenieria y Agremnsura de Filipinas (AIAAF).

1921 - the founding of the architectural profession in the Philippines was formalized by virtue of Philippine
Assembly Act No. 2985.

1933 - Academia de Arquitectura Ingenieria y Agremnsura de Filipinas (AIAAF) was transformed as the
Philippine Architects’ Society. Its Constitution and Bylaws of the Society was patterned after the American
Institute of Architects.

1938 - the Society drafted Bill Number 1850, proposing the separate statute for the practice of Architecture
from that of Engineering, which was approved in the second reading by the National Assembly.

1941 - the Society’s National Convention, with 96 members, was celebrated with a message from President
Manuel L. Quezon, speeches from Vice President Sergio Osmena and the Manila Mayor Eulogio Rodriguez,

1941 - The Professional Services of the Philippine Architects Society was promulgated. The architects in
government service were allowed to become members of PAS, thus, Juan Arellano, Antonio Toledo and Elias
Ruiz joined the society.

1945 - the Philippine Architect’s Society re-organized and its name changed to the Philippine Institute of
Architects and Planners (PIAP) and was later changed to Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA).

1947 - the first Architectural Exhibition was held at the lobby of the Consolidated Investment Building at Plaza
Goiti as part of the 3-day PIA Annual Convention, which was held at the Manila Hotel. The highlight of the
Convention was in the Convention’s Honor Dinner wherein the first Architect of the country Carlos Barretto,
one of the founders of PAS and surviving member of AAIF, was elevated as PIA Fellow.

1948 - the Congress enacted Republic Act No. 472, amending Administrative Code, Section 1901.

1948 - PIA presented to the President of the Philippines Elpidio Quirino a resolution offering professional
services of its members to the government to assist in the preparation of plans for public works projects under
the War Damage Commission.

1949 - the Law which separates the statutes of the Architects from the Engineers was passed as Republic Act
No. 544 and Republic Act No. 545 (R.A. 545 has been repealed as R.A. 9266, as R.A. 544 still governs).

1951 - the Standards of Professional Practice prepared by the PIA was printed and released.

1953 - President Quirino hosted a cocktail party in Malacanang during the 20th Annual Convention of PIA,. It is
the first time the Architects were honored as guests by the President of the Philippines.

1954 - Carlos da Silva was honored as AIA Honorary Member during the 96th Anniversary of the American
Institute of Architects which serves as a recognition and honor.

1957 - PIA and LPA had joint meetings to reach an agreement on the Standard Schedule of Fees through the
initiative of the PIA Committee on Professional Practice.

January 23, 1957 - PIA was officially admitted as the National Section of the Union Internationale Des
Architects (UIA).

1958 - the Architects employed in the government formed themselves into Association of Philippine
Government Architects (APGA).

1965 - APGA, LPA and PIA unanimously approved the Architects’ National Code, the Architects’ Services and
Schedule of Fees which were later approved by the Board of Examiners for Architects.

1969 - a memorable joint fellowship was held during the presidency of Manuel T. Manosa, PIA; Librado
Macalinao, LPA; and Luciano Aquino, APGA.
1971 - a committee was formed on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Profession an
Ad-Hoc Committee held in Manila Polo club and were young architects composed of the following persons:

Carmencita L. Rosales as Chairman (PIA) 14 young architects from the 3 organizations

Maximo P. Candelaria (LPA) Vice Chairman Margie Poblete of Architect Scope was the Overall
Remigio G. Abello (PIA) as Secretary Coordinator.
Luzdivina Barawed (APGA) as Treasurer

Others: Pablo Ocampo, Cesar H. Concio, Juan Nakpil, Gines Rivera, Eric Nubla Ariston Nakpil Otillo
Arellano,, Anastacio Bernal, Edilberto Florentino, Manuel Manosa, Deogracias Atienza, Contantino Agbayani,
Jose Herrera, Aquiles Paredes, Luciano Aquino, Norberto Nuke, Gabriel Formoso, Leandro Locsin, and Felipe

1973 - the year when the illusive goal of professional unity was explicitly conceptualized in the organization.

April 1973 - formed the Panel of Negotiators. The LPA President Arch. Edilberto Florentino invited PIA
President Ariston Nakpil to a meeting which started a series of conferences between the two organizations and
eventually with Deogracias Atienza, APGA President.

June 1973 - President Ferdinand Marcos issued PD 223 creating the Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC) for the purpose of regulating the practice of all professions.

July 13, 1973 - APGA-LPA-PIA Fellowship Affair was held at the Architectural Center Club Inc. (ACCI).

September 4, 1973 - the Panel of Negotiators signed the Joint Communique after the approval of each of the
Boardsof the 3 Organizations and defining the principles and guidelines of the integration headed by the
incumbent Presidents.

October 13, 1973 - the Council of Filipino Architects endorsed the integration move.

October 24, 1973 - the Panel of Negotiators formally communicated with the Board of Architecture on the
proposed integration.

December 9-10, 1973 - the Architecture Week was jointly celebrated by APGA-LPA-PIA.
December 16, 1973 - the Joint Resolution was ratified without objection in a joint general assembly at the
Architectural Center in Makati.

December 19, 1973 - approved date of the Constitution and By-Laws of the proposed new organization.

January 1, 1974 - the Ad-Hoc Commission assumed its function and formulated the Constitution and By-Laws
of the proposed new organization.

January 15, 1974 - ratified the organization by the membership of APGA, LPA, and PIA.

June 8, 1974 - a Committee on Organizational Name was constituted which was composed of Architects
Felipe M. Mendoza (PIA), Jose V. Herrera (LPA) and Deogracias Atienza (APGA). They were tasked to submit
to the Ad-Hoc Commission a list of names from which one may be chosen, suitable for adoption by the new
national organization.

December 12, 1974 - after the Ad-hoc Commission completed its task, the Boards of all three founding
organizations unanimously approved the Constitution and By-Laws of the United Architects of the Philippines.

1975 - United Architects of the Philippines was founded.

March 26, 1975 - UAP was incorporated and was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission
with Registration No. 60782.

May 12, 1975 - the Professional Regulation Commission with Architect Eric Nubla as the first Commissioner,
issued Certificate No. 001 to UAP as the duly accredited professional organization of architects in the

December 12, 1975 - the members of the UAP elected the First Regular Board of Directors.
1976 - UAP became one of the founding members of the Philippine Federation of Professional
Organizations (PFPA), the Philippine Technological Council (PTC), and the Philippine Council for
Planning and Housing (PCPH).

1979 - UAP became one of the founding members of the Architects Regional Council of Asia.

1988 - UAP became the National Section of UIA.

2nd Week of December - start of the Nationwide Architecture Week as endorsed by the members of LPA and
APGA under the name of CFA and approved by President Ferdinand E. Marcos.


Academia de Arquitectura y Agremensura de Filipinas (AAAF) - the first organization of architects formed
with the surveyors.

Act No. 2985 - approved by the Congress and President Quirino under the 6th President of the PIA Cesar H.

Ad-Hoc Commission - became the Interim Board to take over the task of administering the affairs of UAP
until the first Regular Board of Directors would have been elected.

Andres Luna de San Pedro - received the first Gold Medal Award for a Filipino Architect for the famous
“Crystal Arcade“ last 1950.

Antonio Asiniero of Marblecraft - acted as the Moderator in all the meetings of the Panel of Negotiators and
hosted the group together with other concerned members present at the Architectural Center Club Inc.
(ACCI) at the ABC Building, Ayala Avenue.

Carlos Arguelles - served as a member of the 32nd Armored regiment, First Reconnaissance Battalion of the
U.S. Army stationed in the Philippines.

Carlos da Silva - presented a resolution to change the name of PIAP to Philippine Institute of Architects

Council of Filipino Architects (CFA) - the previous PCA last 1962 which conceived to be the umbrella
organization under which the three societies would come under one banner but PIA did not affiliate with it.

Escuela Practica y Professional de Artes Oficios de Manila - first school of Maestro de Obra was founded
by the Spanish government.

Felix Roxas y Arroyo - the First Filipino Architect who was schooled in London and began his architectural
practice in 1858. In 1877-1880, he was employed by the Spanish government as the Municipal Architect of

First 100 architects - acknowledged and awarded in 50th Anniversary of the Profession an Ad-Hoc

Harold Keyes - formed a civilian group stationed in Fort Santiago as appointed by the U. S. Army Corps
during the Second World War. The civilian group included Gabino de Leon, Angel Nakpil, Edmundo Lucero,
and Arsenio Topacio.

Joint Board Resolution - laid down the objectives and concepts of the integration and created the Ad-Hoc
Commission to implement the terms of integration and to prepare the constitution and bylaws of the proposed

Jose V. Herrera - League of Philippine Architects’ first elected president.

League of Philippine Architects (LPA) - formed by 15 members of PIA and headed by Pablo S. Antonio,
Antonio V. Bañas, Pablo D. Panlilio, Jose L. Reynoso and Elias L. Ruiz.

Maestro de Obra - the closest a Filipino could aspire to the title of an Architect or practice Architecture.

Maestro de Obras-Academico - the academic title received after graduating in Architecture school.
Maestro de Obras-Practico - who acquired their expertise through practical experience licensed by the
Ayuntamiento de Manila.

Molave - another group of young architects that tried to organize another architects’ group in the early sixties
but failed.

Philippine Assembly Act No. 2985 - an Act to Regulate the Practice of the Professions of Engineers and
Architects that was signed into law on February 23, 1921 and prepared by the AIAAF. This law created a
separate Board of Examiners for Architecture and Civil Engineering and allowed practicing Maestro de
Obras to be automatically registered as Architects.

Oscar Mapua - represented his father being awarded as the holder of the number one Architectural license in
the country.

Panel of Negotiators - created by the 3 incumbent Presidents: Deogracias Atienza of APGA; Edilberto
Florentino of LPA and Ariston Nakpil of PIA. They are also with Benjamin Meamo and Alfredo Tungpalan from
APGA; Luisito Guiang and Ricardo Poblete from LPA and Otillo Arellano and Carmencita L. Rosales from PIA.

Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA) - working on the preparation of the Documents for the Practice of the
Profession, such as the standard Forms of Membership, Architectural Competition, Awards, etc. for five years.

Republic Act No. 472 - legalized the awarding of the design of public works and buildings to private architects
and engineers, and the magna carta of the practice of private architects against bureaucratic architecture and

Santo Domingo Church and the Ayuntamiento de Manila - outstanding works of Ar. Felix Roxas y Arroyo
but were unfortunately both destroyed during the Second World War.

Senator Helena Z. Benitez - recognized as a special friend in the government and was later given a UAP
Honorary Membership.

Spanish time - there were no schools of Architecture in the Philippines.

Tarifa de Honorios - the first standards of professional practice for the practice of civil engineering and
architecture promulgated by the academia. It is patterned from the AIA documents.

The Architect’ Bowling Club (ABC) - organized with the members of the 3 organizations actively having
tournaments and playing in teams decided by handicaps and “barcadahan” rather than the affiliation with the
Architects’ organizations. There was also the Philippine Standard Invitational Ten-Pin Bowling Tournament
joined in by the architects

The Philippine Council of Architects (1962) - a short-lived organization of LPA and APGA.

United Architects of the Philippines - the name that was chosen for the new national organization because it
directly expressed the central concept on which the organization was founded: unity.

United Architects, Inc. - a group of members of the PIA united as a corporate body so that the members of
the Institute composed of selected members can enter into Agreement with the Department of National
Defense on the Design of the Veteran’s Memorial Hospital. However, it was awarded to another group of
architects and engineers.

● The first Filipino graduates were Julio Hernandez (1891), Isidro Medina (1894), Arcadio Arellano
(1894) and Juan Carreon (1896).
● A group of PIA members led by Adolfo Benavides and some members of the Board of the PIA, did not
choose to become members of the United Architects of the Philippines.
● PIA did not dissolve but some members, while registered as members of UAP, remained as its
● During the presidency of Felipe Mendoza, UAP drafted a Board Resolution that became a part of the
Bylaws of UAP, which invalidates dual membership.
● PIA became another separate Professional Organization because of the board resolution.
who studied in abroad
Tomas Mapua - title holder of the first license as an architect
Carlos Barreto - title holder of the number 2 license as an architect
Antonio Toledo - title holder of the number 3 license as an architect


Guillermo Gardiner (Maestro de Obras and Surveyor) as President
Arcadio Arellano (Maestro de Obras and Surveyor) as Vice President
Jose Perez Siguereza (Surveyor) as Secretary
Tomas Arguelles (Maestro de Obras and Surveyor) and Jose Paras (Maestro de Obras and Surveyor) as


Don Juan Nakpil as President Harold Keyes as Secretary-Treasurer
Tomas Mapua as Vice President Carlos Baretto and Fernando Ocampo as Directo


Fernando Ocampo as President Luis Ma. Araneta as Treasurer
Cesar H. Concio as Vice President Juan Nakpil, Andres Luna de San Pedro, Gines
Jose Zaragoza as Secretary Rivera and Gabriel Formoso as Directors.


Adolfo Benavides (PIA Norberto Nuke (LPA President) Deogracias Atienza (APGA
President) Edilberto Florentino President)
Ariston Nakpil Aquiles Paredes Benjamin Meamo
Otillo Arellano Victor Tiotuyco Alfredo Tungpalan
Felipe Mendoza Jose Herrera Benjamin Feliciano
Cesar Canchela Luciano Aquino


Norberto Nuke (President) Alfredo Tungpalan (Treasurer)
Cesar Canchela (VP for Private Practice) Luciano Aquino, Otilio Arellano, Benjamin
Deogracias Atienza (VP for Government Services) Feliciano, Edilberto Florentino, Bernandino Lozad,
Aquiles Paredes (VP for Allied Fields) Arturo Mañalac, Ariston Nakpil, Victor Tiotuyco and
Benjamin Meamo (Secretary) Evelio Valdes as Directors


Jose Herrera (President) Librado Macalinao (Treasurer)
Manuel Mañosa, Jr. (VP for Private Practice) Felipe Mendoza, Ricardo Poblete, Constantino
Ruperto Gaite (VP for Government Service) Agbayani, Corazon Tandoc, Jesse Mackay, Antonio
Cesar Concio (VP for Allied Fields) Ascalon, Johnny Sulit as Directors
Urbano Caasi, Jr. (Secretary) Norberto Nuke as ex-officio

Norberto M. Nuke (Interim UAP President, 1975) Jaime C. Marquez (11th UAP President, 1992-94)
Jose V. Herrera (1st UAP President, 1976) Nestor S. Mangio (12th UAP President, 1994-96)
Ruperto C. Gaite (2nd UAP President, 1977-78) Emmanuel P. Cuntapay (13th UAP President,
Felipe M. Mendoza (3rd UAP President, 1979-80) 1996-98)
Otilio A. Arellano (4th UAP President, 1981) Yolanda David-Reyes (14th UAP President,
Leandro V. Locsin (5th UAP President, 1981-82) 1998-2000)
Manuel T. Manosa (6th UAP President, 1983-84) Prosperidad C. Luis (15th UAP President, 2000-02)
Cesar V. Canchela (7th UAP President, 1985-86) Robert S. Sac (16th UAP President, 2002-04)
Froilan L. Hong (8th UAP President, 1987-88) Enrique O. Olonan (17th UAP President, 2004-05)
Angel R. Lazaro (9th UAP President, 1989) Edric Marco C. Florentino (18th UAP President,
Richeto C. Alcordo (10th UAP President, 1990-91) 2005-06)

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