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Choose the word with the different stress syllable.
1. A. divorce B. divide C. finance D. present
2. A. encourage B. gratitude C. develop D. addition
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
3. A. relaxed B. reached C. supposedly D. crossed
4. A. machine B. stomach C. architecture D. chorus
Indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE is meaning to the underlined part.
5. In my view, husbands should contribute to the household duties in order to reduce burden on their wives.
A. minimize B. lower C. decrease D. increase
6. We try to create an atmosphere of comfort and security for our children.
A. safety B. harmony C. danger D. shelter
Identify the word/ phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
7. I hope (A) that she (B) is going to win the (C) game (D) next Friday.
8. She (A) gave (B) a box (C) full (D) of chocolate by Tom.
Indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST is meaning to the underlined part.
9. We always split the housework equally - my mom cooks, my dad cleans the house and I do the washing-up.
A. join B. break C. share D. pick up
10. Parents are recommended to collaborate with teachers in educating children.
A. part B. cooperate C. separate D. disagree
Indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.
11. Doing housework brings great benefits to children ______ it helps them develop necessary life skills.
A. but B. because C. or D. therefore
12. What can you do to make life easier and make sure that you stay on good terms ______ your parents?
A. with B. at C. for D. to
13. Instead of giving me answers to questions, she often ______ me to think for myself.
A. encourages B. encouraging C. encouragement D. encouragingly
14. Doing housework brings great ______ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills.
A. benefits B. hard work C. results D. practices
15. Nick and Dave ______ their parents twice a month.
A. visit B. visited C. is visiting D. have visited
16. I can’t go out with you tonight. I ______ on an important project.
A. will work B. have worked C. worked D. am going to work
17. - A: Listen! There's someone at the door. - B: I ______ the door for you.
A. am going to open B. am opening C. open D. will open
18. Some contestants manage ______ the fame from the TV game shows.
A. gain B. gaining C. gained D. to gain
19. As the patient could not walk he ______ home in a wheel chair.
A. has carried B. was carrying C. was carried D. has been carried
20. I usually ______ my younger sisters when my parents are away on business.
A. pick up B. take care of C. look for D. take charge of
Read the passage then choose the most suitable word to fill in the blanks.
Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe (21) ______ can support human life. Yet, human activities are
making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources
while half of the world's population do so just to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the very resource we have by
which all people can (22) ______ and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is either built on or washed into the sea.
Renewable resources are exploited(khai thac) so much that they will never be able to recover completely. We
discharge pollutants (23) ______ the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences(ket qua). (24) ______,
the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption
are (25) ______ increasingly heavy demands on it.
21. A. who B. that C. what D. whose
22. A. survive B. survival C. survivor D. survivable
23. A. in B. to C. into D. onto
24. A. As a result B. In addition C. By contrast D. On the other hand
25. A. doing B. having C. taking D. making
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Family types vary in different countries and among different cultures. In Western, industrialized societies, the
nuclear family ranks as the most common family type. It consists of a father, a mother and their children. But nuclear
families exist together with many other types of family units. In the single-parent family, for example, a mother or a
father heads the family alone. A blended family is formed when a divorced or widowed parent remarries. As divorce
rates have risen, the number of single-parent and blended families has increased.
In many parts of the world, parents and children live together with other family members under the same roof.
These complex families usually contain several generations of family members, including grandparents, parents and
children. They may also include brothers or sisters and their families, uncles, aunts and cousins. Even when relatives
do not live together, they still consider themselves members of the same extended family includes grandparents,
uncles, aunts and cousins.
26. The nuclear family ranks as the most common family type ______.
A. in many industrialized countries B. in countries with nuclear weapons
C. that consists of more than two generations D. that leads to the divorce of parents
27. In the single-parent family, ______.
A. there are often no children
B. children live with their grandparents
C. only one parent lives with his or her child or children
D. the number of blended children has increased
28. Grandparents, parents and children are mentioned as ______.
A. the three typical generations of an extended family
B. three branches of a family tree
C. the closest and happiest relatives in family units
D. a complex combination
29. The second paragraph is about ______.
A. American culture B. relatives and family members
C. the relationship between family members D. the extended family
30. The word “blended” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. complex B. married C. mixed D. formed
Rewrite the sentences without changing the meanings.
31. Why did they invite you to the party? (Change into passive voice)
 why was you invited to their party?
32. I am not allowed to use the mobile phone. (Rewrite the sentence with the words given)
 My parents don’t let me use the mobile phone
33. Although he invested a lot of money in this business, it went bankrupt in a very short time. (Using BUT)
 he invested a lot of money in this business, but it went bankrupt in a very short time
34. Many people like going around the West Lake in early mornings because the air is fresh. (Using SO)
 the air is fresh, so Many people like going around the West Lake in early mornings
Task 1. Listen and choose the correct answer.
35. What did Mai do on her weekend?
A. She went to the beach with her family.
B. She went to swim with her classmates at the beach.
C. She carried out a community project at the beach.
36. How long did it take Mai’s class to collect all the litter?
A. A half of day B. All day C. Three hour and a half
37. How much rubbish did they pick up?
A. A ton of rubbish B. 12 kilograms C. A lot of rubbish
38. What did Mai’s group do after finishing collecting rubbish?
A. They assisted the other groups.
B. They had some free time to relax on the beach.
C. They took photos of their achievement.
39. What is the purpose of the project?
A. To help students relax after studying
B. To improve the marine environment as well as public engagement and awareness
C. To do charity by selling plastic rubbish collected
Task 2. Listen to a talk about music and complete the note. Decide the statements are True or False.
40. Increase anxiety and cheer people up.
41. Shorten the boring time when people are doing domestic chores.
42. Help to work better on study or work.
43. Improve children’s development and health.
44. Note:
Some may find music a complication when they are trying to study.
Write a passage of about 100 to 130 words to answer the question: “Should family members share
housework together?”
Choose the word with the different stress syllable.
1. A. strengthen B. predict C. protect D. connect
2. A. family B. connection C. opinion D. together
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
3. A. mature B. pasture C. gesture D. creature
4. A. individual B. considerate C. education D. procedure
Indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE is meaning to the underlined part.
5. It is important to create a daily routine so as to improve your work-life balance today.
A. a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same
B. a state that things are of equal weight or force
C. a state that things are of importance
D. a situation that things change frequently in amount
Identify the word/ phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
6. (A) He (B) is punished by (C) the teacher (D) yesterday.
7. (A) I think she (B) is going to visit her (C) close (D) friend.
Indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST is meaning to the underlined part.
8. He gets on with the girl very well despite having the appearance of an old man.
A. has a relationship with B. walks out on
C. puts up with D. keeps in touch with
Indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.
9. ______ the rubbish in the early morning is a part of my daily routine.
A. Putting out B. Coming out C. Pulling out D. Bringing out
10. My mother and I often go to the supermarket to shop for ______ at weekends.
A. cook B. groceries C. heavy lifting D. the chores
11. When all members of the family share housework, the family ______ will become stronger.
A. joys B. happiness C. life D. bonds
12. What are you cooking? The food ______ so good!
A. smells B. is smelling C. has smelled D. smelled
13. Why ______ you always ______ over spilt milk? I am tired of what you say.
A. are – crying B. do – cry C. have – cried D. did – cry
14. - A: “Look at those dark clouds!” - B: “Yes, it ____ in some minutes.”
A. will rain B. is going to rain C. are going to rain D. is raining
15. The teacher wanted ______ the poor children in the village.
A. to teach B. teach C. teaching D. taught
Rewrite the sentences without changing the meanings.
16. Who wrote this essay? (Change into passive voice)
 This essay written by whom?
17. They allow him to enter the hall without a ticket. (Rewrite the sentence with the words given)
 They let him enter the hall without a ticket
18. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill still arrived late for school. (Using BUT)
 Bill took a taxi but he still arrived late for school

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