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K Ė= ṁ ⃗v ṁ=ρA ⃗v
1 3
Therefore Pfluid =Pavailable = ρA ⃗v
Swept area  area which air hits sa turbine

1 3
Pextracted =C p Pfluid =C p ρA ⃗v
Betz Limit = 16/27 highest theoretical Cp

Power generation

- Lift and drag are all dependent to the relative velocity

- Twist
- F tangential=F lift sinψ−F drag cosψ
- F axial =F lift cosψ + F drag sinψ
- Torque T =F tan ,res∗R res Pextracted =N∗T∗ω
P extracted N∗T∗ω ⃗v tip ω∗R
- C p= = TSR= =
Pavailable 0.5 ρA ⃗v 3
⃗v wind ⃗v wind

#1: derive betz limit

#2: prove what happens sa angle as you move from tip to spine. Show geometrically how angle of attack
is kept constant

#3. Good airfoil for wind turbine application. Explain why. Cannot be 44xx


#4. solidity (sigma) parameter. N proportional to sigma. Why?


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