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Ejercicios condicionales en inglés para resolver

1. If I ______ (know) the truth I wouldn’t have said that.

2. If you don’t hurry up, you _____(be) late.

3. If I ______(win) the lottery, I would travel around the world.

4. Water _____(boil) if you heat it enough.

5. If he ______(speak) better English, he would move to London.

6. If Peter ______(study) more, he would have passed the exam.

7. If Anna was taller, she _____(not wear) heels so much.

8. _______you_____(go) to the park if it doesn’t rain?

9. I would be so happy if I _____(be) to get married.

10. If we miss the plane, we ______(go) by bus.

Completa las siguientes oraciones con el tipo de condicional correcto:

1. If I _____ (know) the truth I wouldn’t have said those stupid words.

2. If I _____ (have) more money I would buy a new house.

3. John _____ (come) if Mary calls him.

4. If I _____ (be) you, I would visit Ann.

5. You _____ (not arrive) on time unless you hurry up.

6. If I _____ (study) harder I will pass my two exams tomorrow.

7. Rose _____ (come) if you hadn’t been so stupid with her.

8. If you heat the water, it _____ (boil).

9. Maria’s baby _____ (sleep) if you kept silence.

10. Vanessa _____ (pass) her exams if she feels confident.

Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra
entre paréntesis.

Q1 of 8

If we spoke better English, we ____ (move) to the United States.

Q2 of 8

If it ____ (rain), we should go to the movies.

Q3 of 8

They ____ (wait, not) in the rain, had you called them to tell them you
were going to be


Q4 of 8

If Peter ____ (work) less, he would have more time to study.

Q5 of 8

It would have been a nice holiday, if I ____ (break, not) my leg.

Q6 of 8

_____ you _____ (go) to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les

You_____(go) to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les


Q7 of 8

If she were shorter, she ____ (wear) high heels more often.

Q8 of 8

_____ you _____ (be) angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late?

You________(be) angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late?

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