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Engineering Specifications [ exsoso | Significant Characteristics 4. SCOPE The requirements outlined in this specification apply to all parts/components/assemblies made by elther internal or external suppliers for all production and/or service parts. Significant Characteristics are not typically applied to wholegoods. 2, PURPOSE 2.1 This specification describes component Classifications and significant characteristics and lists the requirements necessary to ensure compliance by internal and external suppliers of parts/components/assemblies. 22 This specification is not intended to provide the processes, methods and tools Tequired in establishing —_ component classifications and significant characteristics, 3. RELATED SPECIFICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS: 3.1 CNH STANDARDS/PROCEDURES ENPJ100 (86619032)—Significant Characteristics—Engineering Procedure 3.2 REPLACED STANDARDS This standard replaces the following standards: New Holland 86508263 (FNHA-3-B-104,00) New Holland NHT-GS-006 Case D534 ‘Some parts of the 3 above-listed standards were replaced by Engineering Procedure ENPJ100 (88619032). 4, ACRONYMS/DEFINITIONS: 44 ACRONYMS CID—Communicazione D'inoltro Designi ECN—Engineering Change Notice FIMEA—Failure Mode and Effect Analysis ISIR—Initial Sample Inspection Report PAP—Parts Approval Process QA— Quality Assurance ‘SPC—Statistical Process Control ‘SQA—Supplior Quality Assurance SREA/RECIECRIPDM—All refer fo documents and records used for requesting and documenting @ permanent engineering change toa drawing. 4.2 DEFINITIONS 42.1. Characteristio—Any individual aspect of a part, assembly, system or specification which effects performance or conformance. 4.2.2 Contractual Control Plan—A written agreement between CNH and the supplier which defines how significant characteristics. will be controlled in production, 42.3 Supplier—Refers to either an internal or ‘extemal source, In all cases, the primary supplier is responsible for ‘meeting the requirements ‘of significant characteristics_on CNH engineering drawings/specifications. This includes parts and/or services they subcontract in delivering finished product to CNH. 424 SQA ApprovediPreferred — Supplier— Includes both CNH SQA catagories of A- Approved and P-Preferred. These are CNH designations based on an evaluation of the suppliers quality system and performance. weave ev oR. ane svn _eucca | sTDO341 SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION TePROVED BY Re. PAE ‘CNH NUMBER sw _ssyovos D 10F 9 86620212 THE REORUATIONFEREON & 7 CONFDEUTA\ NO PROPRETARY PROPERTY OF CA GLOBAL WY, BOR Engineering Specifications [ exsooet ] 5. COMPONENT CLASSIFICATIONS. 5.1 Each new and revised CNH drawing has a component classification code as established through the design review process. The classification codes are CNHO, CNH1, and CNH, 6.1.1. The codes appear in the component classification box located in the drawing title block, or immediately above/adjacent to it See Figure 1 for an example of the style and placement of classification codes. 5.1.2 Assemblies will be considered CNHO, even if the drewing is not marked, unless they contain significant characteristics resulting from the assembly process. 5.2 CNHO—NORMAL COMPONENT A normal component designation signifies that the par¥assembly has standard functionality and historically has not caused any particular problems. Components with this classification cannot have any significant characteristics. ISIR's for CNHO parts are approved by CNH Quality Assurance. 5.3 CNH1—IMPORTANT COMPONENT ‘An important component classification signifies that the parvassembly is of average complexity and is associated with some risk of partiprocess instability or failure. Components classified as CNHI + Have one or more important characteristics + SPC may be specified by the Contractual Controi Pian ‘+ Externally sourced parts are sourced to SQA, Approved Suppliers ‘+ Ate subjected to the design review process involving the manufacturer + Require the development of a Contractual Control Plan (see Figure 2 for a sample ‘Control Pian} ‘* Purchased parts are approved for production by CNH SQA and require CNH Engineering ‘approval when so stated on the drawing. ‘+ Internal manufactured parts ere epproved by CNH QA and require CNH Engineering approval when so stated on the drawing, * Do net have any critical characteristics 54 — CNH2—Critical Component A critical component classification signifies that this partfassembly is usually very complex and Performs critical and complex functions, failure ‘of which would result in serious consequences for the entire vehicle and serious operator ‘concern. Components classified as CNH2: ‘+ Have one or more critical characteristios ‘+ Externally sourced parts are to be sourced to Preferred Suppliers * Are subjected to the design review process: involving the manufacturer © SPC may be specified by the Contractual Control Plan + Recuire the development of a Contractual Control Pian (see Figure 2} + ISIR’s for purchased parts are approved for production by CNH SQA at the supplier site, and also approved by CNH Engineering, when so stated on the drawing, ‘+ _ISIR’s for intemally manufactured parts are approved for production’ by CNH QA and also approved by CNH Engineering, when so stated on the drawing, * Are traceable in accordance with standards or the methods specified on the drawing (see 2.2.4) + If the component is @ supplier designed part (black box), CNH Engineering will request to analyze and approve the supplier's Design FMEA and may decide to create an installation FMEA, SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION PACE ca NOUR 20r9 | 86620212 jo 8 Engineering Specifications [ exseoor | 6. CHARACTERISTICS 6.1 NORMAL CHARACTERISTIC All characteristics and/or dimensions on an engineering drawing or in a technical specification that are not marked as significant are considered to be normal characteristics and must match the _ requirements/tolerances identified on drawings and/or technical specifications. 62 SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS. Significant characteristics are those characteristics that have been identified by CNH for special attention due to the potential impact they might have on the performance, reliability manufacturablity and/or regulatory compliance of a component, assembly or entire machine. ‘These characteristics are designated “important” and “ertical Important Characteristic - Noncompiiance of an important characteristic may cause a real Possibility of componentisystem functionality loss or failure, but the machine is operable. Important characteristics: * Ate identified with a single quality flag (P ) (see Figure 1) * Can be directly measurable or can be measured by destructive or non-destructive testing + SPC may be specified via a control plan, Control Plan achievements, all ISIR and current production documentation must be kept on file and retrievable for CNH review upon request. 62.2 Critical Characteristic - Noncompliance of a critical characteristic ‘may cause functionality loss or failure making the machine inoperable or out of compliance with regulations. Critical characteristics: + Are identified with a double quality flag (8). (620 Figure 1) Are directly measurable Must be controlled in such a manner as to center the process mean between the specification limits and to continuously reduce variability around the mean + Require 2 minimum Cy of 1.33 (4 sigma). 100% inspection is required until the tninimum Cyx is attained (this is intended to be a transitory state only). ‘The drawing title block will record the number of, critical characteristics and the total number of, SCs Control plan achievements, all ISIR and current production Statistical Process Control (SPC) documentation must be kept on file and retrievable for CNH review upon request. 6.3 PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS 6.3.4. Previous New Holland Designation The previous New Holland standard on significant characteristics identified all such Characteristics with a single quality flag. In accordance with this standard, these should be treated as single quality ‘flags signifying important characteristics. 6.3.2. Previous Case Designation The previous Case standard on significant characteristics identified some characteristics as "major using the symbol In acoordance with this standard, these Pea oe esten as single quality flags signifying important characteristics. 63.22The previous Case standard on significant characteristics identified some characteristics as “critical” using the symbol In accordance with this standard, these should be treated as double quality flags signifying critical characteristics. Wane SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION p | sore Rev, | PAGE CRANE 86620212 Engineering Specifications [ exscoos | to the ‘major’ and “tical” designations, Case IH used a single level of significant characteristics designated as a key characteristic or . As with the former New Holland practice, “any of these remaining on drawings should be treated as single quality flags signifying important characteristics. 7. _ISIR__ SUBMISSION AND SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS, 7.1 ISIR SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 741.1. An ISIR is required in the following situations: INITIAL, (1) Anew part or product (2) _ In all cases where there would be an impact on @ characteristic or specification such as ‘A change in part number revision level (ast modification update) ‘+ Use of optional construction methods or material that were not previously approved for that part + Production from new or modified tools {except perishable tools), dies, molds, patterns, etc, that would have an effect on a characteristic or specification requirement + Production following refurbishment, major maintenance, or relocation of machines or tooling * A significant change in the process or method of manufacture * Production from machines or tooling transferred to a different manufacturing location * Production from afferent ‘manufacturing focation © Change in suppliers or when parts are outsourced from a CNH manufacturing location ‘+ Change in source of subcontracted parts, materials or services; ie. heat treating, plating, and painting NOTE: In all cases the primary supplier is responsible for initial approval and production ‘quality of subcontracted parts and/or services. 7.1.2 All supporting documentation for part approval, including auxiliary drawings, sketches, test results, FMEAs, Control Plans and other equired elements shail show the CNH part number, revision level, drawing date, supplier's name, Suppliers part number and manufacturing faclity as @ minimum requirement on the face of the documents. 7.1.3. Required submissions due to engineering changes will be evaluated based on the extent of the change. For guidance on specific changes, contact the responsible part approval activity, 7.2 INITIAL SAMPLE APPROVAL 7.2.1. Initial Sample Inspection Report (ISIR) approval is required prior to first production shipment. 7.2.2. Suppliers must submit an ISIR_ with sample parts from production tooling for approval. Supporting documentation, as required, must also be submitted with the sample (see Figure 3). 7.2.3 Parts may be accepted under a deviation, but the correction must be verified before the ISIR is approved. (Submittal of a new ISIR is required.) 7.24 Parts with a CNHO component classification are approvedirejected by the using plant Quaity Control activity. 7.2.5 Internally manufactured parts with ‘component classification codes of CNH1 or ‘CNH? are approvedirejected by CNH Quality ‘Assurance and CNH Engineering, as required. 7.2.6 Purchased parts with component classification codes of CNH1 or CNH2 are approvedirejected by CNH Supplier Quality Assurance (SQA) and CNH Engineering as required. ‘SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION p | sore Re | PACE oer nunEE 86620212 G:H Engineering Specifications [ exsoser ] 8. _ RESPONSIBILITIES 81 SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITIES (see 42.3) 8.1.1 The supplier is responsible for complying with the requirements of this specification. 8.4.2 The supplier is responsible for obtaining {SIR approval prior to first production shipment. 8.1.3 In conjunction with CNH, the supplier is responsible for participating in the design review process and assisting CNH Engineering in the elimination of significant characteristics related to @ componentisystem they are producing for use on CNH end products. 6.1.4 if significant characteristics cannot be avoided, the supplier, in conjunction with CNH, will perform process (and, if @ black box, design} FMEAs, develop control plans (particularly Contractual Control Pians for SC’s) and obtain CNH approval to comply with stated quaiily levels within this specification 8.1.5 _ The supplier is responsible for notifying ‘CNH Purchasing before implementing any of the ‘changes defined in Section 7.1 81.6 The supplier is responsible for maintaining pertinent records and making them available to CNH upon request. 82 — ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITIES 8.2.1 Engineering is responsible for the design, identification of preliminary. significant characteristics, establishment of component classification code and recording of this classification on drawingsidocuments, as Tequired. This includes the establishment of component code classification for supplier designed parts (black boxes). 8.2.2 Platform/Engineering will organize design reviews a5 needed for the review of rawings/cesigns with Manufacturing, Quality Control, Purchasing and suppliers, and play an active role in identifying and removing the need {or significant characteristics when possible 8.2.3 Test specifications, acceptance criteria and other technical documentation needed to ‘support the significant characteristic process will be written and released by Engineering, 8.24 To meet traceability requirements, Engineering will identify the area on the parvcomponentiassembly where traceability information is to be placed. Type of information, size and depth of marking, plus acceptable marking method will be specified on the drawing/documient by Engineering 8.2.5 Engineering will review initial sample feports 2s required or specified by the drawingidocumentation. 83 PURCHASING/SUPPLIER QUALITY ASSURANCE (SQA) RESPONSIBILITIES 8.3.1 Purchasing, SQA and plant QA will assist in the communication, manufacture, and control of parts/assemblies supplied by the intemal and external suppliers alike, relating to the requirements associated with significant characteristies. 83.2 Purchasing will arrange for potential suppliers to participate in design reviews. 8.3.3 Purchasing will source CNH1 parts, and all assemblies containing CNH1 parts, with SQA Approved or Preferred Suppliers. 8.3.4 Purchasing will source CNH2 parts, and all assemblies containing CNH2 parts, to Preferred Suppliers. SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION p | sore Re | PAGE Can RHE 86620212 Engineering Specifications [ exsooos | 83.5 The SQA or Plant QA activity that approved the ISIR will maintain records of all documentation associated with the manufacture of parts/assemblies having significant characteristic requirements. Particular attention is to be given to manufacturing methods and processes, the manufacturing FMEAS and Control Plan, plus the documentation and traceability of parts/assemblies designated as having significant characteristics. 8.3.6 Purchasing will notify intemal and external suppliers of intemally initiated design changes to parts and specifications having significant characteristics and are supplied, in part or in total, by an extemal supplier. Tae REV. | PAGE Ear NORER SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION o | coro | 96620212 G:h Engineering Specifications ENS0301 FIGURE 1: Placement of Symbols and Notes 2rd 1 @ = EET) 6 EXAMPLE?| 3iv0 Tae REV. | PCE Ca NNER ‘SIGNIFICANT GHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION dD | zor | 86620212 FIGURE 2: Control Plan Example wore neato a Samar a soqanuiea eb Fd ° tins iivtd TOULNOD TWALSVALNOD 86620212 BOF 8 Fev [PRE © SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION G:h Engineering Specifications [ exsooot FIGURE 3: CNH Parts Approval Requirements: Requirement ‘CNHO ‘CNHt ‘CNH2 Drawing—Numbered s s s R if Preferred Supplier ISIR—Numbered s § 8 Rif Preferred Supplier Dimensional s s 8 R if Preferred Supplier — Material Ss 8 8 R If Preferred Supplier Finish (plating, s s s paint, tc.) Rif Preferred Supplier Performance s s s R If Preferred Supplier ‘Sample Parts Per ISIR Letter ‘AS requested by SQA _| As requested by SQA Engr. Approval of SIR * ‘As required on drawing | S Process Flow As requested R R : Process Control Plan As requested ce Contractual Control Pian Ss s CNH Approved Design Sf supplier designed _| S if supplier designed FMEA Process FMEA R CNH Approved Process: = 5 FMEA* Process Capability ® As requested R 'S (ongorg SPC mendston) Traceability ® As required Mandatory, as specified on drawing Measurement System aR s Analysis plies Seen = Submit. The supplier is to complete the required documentation and send to CNH. External Suppliers of CNHT and CNH2 parts, send to SQA representative; CNHO parts, send fo Plant Receiving Inspection. R= Retain. The supplier is to complete, approve and retain the required documentation, wich must be available for CNH review. if a non-compliance to a specification is found which cannot be corrected, PAP documentation ‘must be sent to CNH. If CNH approves a deviation or SREA/REC/ECR/POM the PAP documentation must be sentto CNH. The supplier will be notified if SQA on-site verification is required, J CNH Engineering will approve the ISIR when so required on the drawing or specification for CNHt parts 2 CNH SQA must review and approve the documents. * CNH Engineering must review and approve the documents. ‘CNH Design Review Team must review and approve the documents. ® Process capability: Long term = Cpk 1.33; Short term = Ppk 1.67. On-going process capabilly is required for all Critical (double flag) characteristics. The capabilty index must be reported to CNH on a yearly basis. * Traceability must be defined on the drawing and shall be agreed to by the supplier and CNH Tae REV | Pace CAH NOMBER SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION p | sore | 86620212

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