CVD Casestudies

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Case Study 1:

Female, age 21 yrs, smokes socially on weekends (about 10-20 cigarettes). Drinks alcohol 1-2
nights a week, usually on weekends. Height = 63 inches; weight = 124 lbs; BMI = 22 kg/m2;
RHR = 76 bpm; RBP = 118/72 mmHg. Total cholesterol = 178 mg/dL; LDL = 98 mg/dL; HDL
= 62 mg/dL; FBG = 96 mg/dL. Currently taking oral contraceptives. Attends a 45 minute
moderate intensity group exercise class 2-3 times per week. Both parents are living and in good

Age 0
Family Hx 0
Cigarette Smoking +1
Physical Inactivity 0
Obesity 0
Dyslipidemia 0
Diabetes 0
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dL -1

Total Number of CVD Risk Factors: 0

Medical Clearance for Low to Moderate Exercise? No clearance needed.

Medical Clearance for Vigorous Exercise? No clearance needed.

Case Study 2
Male, age 45 yrs, nonsmoker. Height = 72 inches; weight = 168 lbs; BMI = 22.8 kg/m2. RHR =
64 bpm; RBP = 124/78 mmHg. Total cholesterol = 187 mg/dL; LDL = 103 mg/dL; HDL = 39
mg/Dl; FBG = 88 mg/dL. He is a recreationally competitive runner and runs 4-7 days/week. He
completes 1-2 marathons and numerous other road races every year. No medications other than
OTC ibuprofen as needed. Father died at age 51 yrs of a MI. Mother died at age 81 yrs of

Age +1
Family Hx +1
Cigarette Smoking 0
Physical Inactivity 0
Obesity 0
Dyslipidemia +1
Diabetes 0
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dL 0

Total Number of CVD Risk Factors: 3

Medical Clearance for Low to Moderate Exercise? No clearance is needed as he is showing no

signs or symptoms of CV, metabolic, or renal disease and he participates in regular exercise.

Medical Clearance for Vigorous Exercise? No clearance is needed as he is showing no signs or

symptoms of CV, metabolic, or renal disease and he participates in regular exercise.
Case Study 3
Male, age 44 yrs. Nonsmoker. Height = 70 inches; weight = 216 lbs; BMI = 31.0 kg/m2. RHR
= 62 bpm; RBP = 128/84 mmHg. Total cholesterol = 184 mg/dL; LDL = 106 mg/dL; HDL = 44
mg/dL; FBG = 130 mg/dL. He reports that does not have time to exercise. His father had Type
II Diabetes and died at the age of 67 yrs of a MI. His mother is still living and has no CVD and
takes no prescribed medications.

Age 0
Family Hx 0
Cigarette Smoking 0
Physical Inactivity +1
Obesity +1
HTN 0 (only taken once)
Dyslipidemia 0
Diabetes +1
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dL 0

Total Number of CVD Risk Factors: 3

Medical Clearance for Low to Moderate Exercise? No, but recommended

Medical Clearance for Vigorous Exercise? No, but recommended

Case Study 4
Female, age 36 yrs. She is a nonsmoker. Height = 64 inches; weight = 108 lbs; BMI = 18.5
kg/m2. RHR = 61 bpm; RBP = 142/86 mmHg. Total cholesterol = 174 mg/dL; blood glucose is
normal with insulin injections. She was diagnosed as a Type I Diabetic at the age of 7 yrs. She
teaches a high intensity kickboxing class 3x per week and walks at a moderate intensity for
approximately 45 minutes 4x per week. Both of her parents are in good health with no history of

Age 0
Family Hx 0
Cigarette Smoking 0
Physical Inactivity 0
Obesity 0
HTN 0 (only taken once)
Dyslipidemia 0
Diabetes +1
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dL 0

Total Number of CVD Risk Factors: 1

Medical Clearance for Low to Moderate Exercise? No, clearance is not required since she
participates in high intensity exercise weekly but it is recommended based on her risk factor for
cardiovascular disease.

Medical Clearance for Vigorous Exercise? No, but progress as needed from light to moderate to
Case Study 5
This is a 38 yr old sales representative, height is 5’3”, weight is 185 lbs. His RBP is 150/80
mmHg; Total cholesterol is 245 mg/dL; HDL is 60 mg/dL; triglycerides are 80 mg/dL. He
volunteers his time as an emergency medical technician on an ambulance crew, which
necessitates responding to calls at odd hours. He smokes recreationally and drinks at least 2-3
beers per day. He has suffered from chronic low back pain for the past 2 yrs which occasionally
necessitates missing work. His father had a double bypass surgery at the age of 62 yrs and his
sister has Type II Diabetes. He initiated a strength training program in his home 2 months ago
and is now ready to continue his exercise program at a facility.

Age 0
Family Hx 0
Cigarette Smoking +1
Physical Inactivity +1 (risk factors are about aerobic and say nothing about strength training)
Obesity +1 (used BMI equation with height and weight)
HTN 0 (only taken once)
Dyslipidemia +1
Diabetes 0
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dL -1

Total Number of CVD Risk Factors:

He has a total of 3 CVD risk factors. He presented 4 positive and 1 negative risk factors.

Medical Clearance for Low to Moderate Exercise?

No clearance is needed for low to moderate exercise.

Medical Clearance for Vigorous Exercise?

No but should progress to vigorous exercise from light to moderate.
Case Study 6
This is a 59 yr old insulin dependent diabetic for the past 4 yrs. She is well controlled through
diet, insulin shots and occasional walking. Mary is 5’2”, 105 lbs and very anxious. Her total
cholesterol is 220 mg/dL, HDL is 38 mg/dL, Triglycerides are 170 mg/dL and fasting blood
sugar is 120 mg/dL. She has been an administrative assistant for 25 yrs. Her leisure time
activities include frequent trips with a social group at her church and visiting with her
grandchildren frequently. Her RHR is 82 bpm and RBP is 110/88 mmHg. Her father died at the
age of 60 yrs of a MI and her mother is an active insulin dependent diabetic at the age of 81 yrs.
Mary is meeting with you at the request of her PCP who recommended that she exercise
regularly - basically given medical clearance.

Age +1
Family Hx 0
Cigarette Smoking 0
Physical Inactivity +1
Obesity 0 (BMI = 19.2)
HTN 0 (only taken once)
Dyslipidemia +1
Diabetes +1
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dL 0

Total Number of CVD Risk Factors: 4

Medical Clearance for Low to Moderate Exercise? Not necessary

Medical Clearance for Vigorous Exercise? Should progress as needed from light to moderate.

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