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Competency 14 COURSE OUTLINE

Module title and code: Start date: June – 22- 2022 Duration: 72 hrs.

Antennas and Propagation End date: Aug – 12-2022

#790 435

Teacher: Geoffrey Alleyne Contact

Schedule: AM (Mon-Fri 8:15 -9:45, 9:55 –11:25) PM (12:05 -1:05, 1:05–1:35, 1:45-3:15)

Morning Recess: 9:45-9:55, Lunch: 11:25-12:05, Afternoon Recess: 1:35-1:45

Rooms: Lectures: E128 Demonstrations: E127 (RF Lab) Practical: Outside (RF Cage)

Description of Competency
This course, “Antennas and Propagation,” is designed for students with little or no experience in
the installation and testing of antennas used in various wireless deployments such as
conventional radio systems, mobile telephone systems, and microwave systems. Topics covered
include: antennas ( Hertz, Marconi, several arrays, and special), wave motion, sound-wave
terminology, light waves, properties of electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic
spectrum, radio-wave propagation, including components of radio waves, electromagnetic
fields, and effects of the Earth's atmosphere and terrain on radio waves, transmission line
theory, including terminology, types of lines, losses, length of lines, and discussions on
characteristic impedance, electromagnetic fields, line reflections, standing waves, and standing-
wave ratio.


This course initially introduces antenna theory, wave propagation, and transmission lines. Secondly
students are given practice in the design, build, install and test of an antenna system. After
completing this module, students will have a good grasp of antennas and propagation and be able
to install and test antenna systems.


a. Preparation for a possible career as a Rigger (Install and test various antenna systems)
b. Participate in workplace communication
c. Working in a team environment
d. Practicing career professionalism
e. Practicing occupational health and safety procedures

Teaching Methodology
 Lecture periods
 Demonstrations where concepts are introduced and illustrated
 Lab periods when the students will apply their knowledge to build, test, and
analyse antenna systems using various tests (frequency response, return loss,
gain, and radiation pattern). and equipment

Company Statement: Elements:
To install and check an antenna in accordance
with the following conditions, criteria, and
1. Read and understand specifications Proper understanding of:
− manufacturer’s instructions
− regulations and the procedure
− the scope of work
− propagation mode
− type of antenna and transmission line
2. Select and prepare equipment -Proper selection of the antenna and
transmission line according to specific
performance criteria
-Appropriate choice of measuring instruments
-Careful verification of:
− safety equipment
− equipment necessary for installation
3. Assemble, install, and connect -Wearing of appropriate protective equipment
antennas -Safe use of tools and equipment
-Adherence to:
− assembly, fastening and connection
− regulations and the procedure
− the scope of work
− site-specific instructions
4. Check the installation - Appropriate use of measuring instruments
- Correct comparison of measured values with
specified values
-Precise adjustments according to parameters
-Systematic identification of irregularities
-Proper corrective measures
-Precise record of measurements and
corrective measures

Workshop/Lab Safety: ● All students are required in labs to wear
appropriate PPE as directed by their teacher
● Long hair must be tied back
● Students must free of any jewelry deemed a
safety risk when operating tools/equipment
● Due to CNNEST safety regulations open toe
shoes/ sandals /flip flops as well as shorts
are not permitted in labs
Required material and equipment: Uniform: PEC Uniform required at all times or
adherence to PEC dress code
Printed material:
Other equipment:
Methods of Evaluation:
1. Evaluation in support of learning A. Quizzes
B. Hands-on
C. Direct observation
D. Practical demonstration
E. Lab reports
F. Assignments
G. Participation
2. Evaluation for certification Exam Date of Code 1: Aug 05 & 11, 2022
Duration: 3 Hours
Date of remediation: Friday, Aug 12, 2022
Exam date Code 8: Tuesday, Aug 12, 2022
Passing mark: __75%_______
Evaluation procedure: This practical examination evaluates the students' ability to first of all
understand instructions, then based on those instructions complete a purchase order/invoice to
select the equipment necessary to install and test an antenna. After that students will assemble and
install Antennas. Finally, students will check their installation visually and electrically by performing a
series of tasks determined by the instructor. To make students aware of the importance of working in
a clean and safe environment together with respect for their tools and equipment a grade will be
assigned. The time recommended for this practical examination is 3 hours
Marks are allotted as follows:
Practical Examination
● Read and understand the specification 20 marks
● Select and prepare the equipment 15 marks
● Assemble, set, and connect antennas 40 marks
● Check the installation 25 marks

Evaluation Guidelines & Procedures: 6. Students must respect examination
1. Passing grade is 75% percent conditions. Students who violate
2. Students who fail an exam must participate examination conditions will be expelled from
in remediation to access a retake of the the exam and will receive an automatic fail.
exam. 7. “Students who arrive more than 30 minutes
3. Students who fail the retake must redo all of after the scheduled start time of an exam
the modular hours. will not be admitted to an exam (Guide de la
4. During an exam, students may not have gestion de la sanction des études et des
access to Cell phones, notes or USB keys. épreuves ministérielles 2014-2015, Section
5. Health and safety measures must be 4.2.4). They will be allowed a code 1 on
respected. A student who violates health retake day.”
and safety guidelines will not be allowed to 8. Students who fail to take a scheduled
complete the exam. examination without a validated medical or
legal reason will only be allowed one exam
without a retake.
9. Students should refer to the PEC Student
Handbook for further information on
examination procedures.

P.E.C. Professional Code of Conduct: 1. UNIFORM

Students should refer to the Student Handbook
for more detailed information on our policies 5. HEALTH & SAFETY
located on your Google Classroom Homeroom. 6. PROFESSIONALISM

DAY 1 Wednesday June 22 ACTIVITY
20 min Intro - welcome and greetings N/A
Both teachers should explain what their roles
will be for the lesson

Clarify procedures (attendance, assignments)

this info should also be in your revised course

Communicating with teacher outside of class

time – establish a pre-set time frame for
responding to students’ emails and inquiries

Students questions and concerns

Taking attendance – at beginning and end of
70 min Working in the Cage mounting Antennas
10 min Break
90 min Working in the Cage mounting Antennas Assignment
40 min Lunch
90 min Working in the Cage mounting Antennas
10 min Break
70 min Working in the Cage mounting Antennas
20 min Review and plan for next session

DAY 2 Thursday June 23 ACTIVITY
30 min Review Quiz Quiz
20 min Course Outline
40 min Exploration Assignment
One Group of Students each, will research the
following: Decimal Numbering System,
Indices/power, Logarithms, and Decibels.
10 min Break
30 min Presentations on Assignment
30 min Lecture/ Numbering schemes and Logarithms
30 min Quiz on Logarithms
40 min Lunch
30 min Lecture/Presentation on Decibels
30 min Quiz on Decibels Quiz

30 min Show & Tell on RF Adapters & Components

10 min Break
30 min Quiz on RF Adapters & Components
30 min Exploration Assignment
Each Group of Students will research
Electromagnetic waves with emphasis on
20 min Presentations on Assignment
10 min Review and plan for next session

DAY 3 Monday June 27 ACTIVITY
20 min Review of yesterday’s topics
30 min Kahoot Quiz on Decibels Quiz
40 min Demo on use of the CSA & Spectrum Analyzer
10 min Break
90 min Decibels Lab using the CSA & Spectrum Lab 1
40 min Lunch
30 min Exploration Assignment
Each Group of Students will research different
type Antennas
30 min Presentations on Assignment
30 min Lecture on Antennas
10 min Break
45 min 3 short videos on Antenna fundamentals
15 min Critique of videos
15 min Explanation on Lab Activity 2
15 min Q & A on Lab Activity 2

DAY 4 Tuesday June 28, LAB 2 ACTIVITY
30 min Lecture on Equipment
30 min Exploration Assignment
Each Group of Students will research Antenna
30 min Presentation on Assignment
10 min Break
30 min Kahoot Quiz on Antennas
60 min Groups of Students will modify a number of Lab 2
Yagi Antennas
40 min Lunch
90 min Groups of Students will modify a number of Lab 2
Yagi Antennas
10 min Break
90 min Groups of Students will modify a number of Lab 2
Yagi Antennas

DAY 5 Wednesday June 29, ACTIVITY
30 min Housekeeping
30 min Exploration Assignment
Each Group of Students will research Types,
properties, and applications of transmission
30 min Presentation on Assignment
10 min Break
30 min Kahoot Quiz on Transmission lines
30 min 2nd Kahoot Quiz on Transmission lines
30 min 2nd Kahoot Quiz on Transmission lines
40 min Lunch
30 min Exploration Assignment
Each Group of Students will research
propagation with respect to radio waves.
30 min Presentation on Assignment
30 min Lecture/Presentation on Propagation
10 min Break
30 min Quiz Quiz
30 min Short Videos on propagation
30 min Explanation on Lab Activity 3 30 min

DAY 6 Monday August 01, LAB 3 ACTIVITY
90 min Students will perform tests on the antennas Lab #3
they modified(Alignment & Frequency
10 min Break
60 min Students will tabulate their result, plot Lab #3
frequency response curve and deduce 3-dB
bandwidth and frequency range
30 min Critique of results
40 min Lunch
30 min Explanation on Lab Activity 3
30 min Students will perform tests on the antennas Lab #3
they modified (Radiation pattern)
30 min Students will tabulate their result, plot the
radiation pattern, deduce 3-dB beamwidth and
Front/Back ratio
10 min Break
30 min Critique of results
20 min Explanation on Lab Activity 3
40 min Students will perform tests on the antennas
they modified (Gain) using a reference

DAY 7 Tuesday August 02, LAB 3 ACTIVITY
30 min Students will research measuring the gain of
an Antenna using the 3 Antennas method
60 min Students will perform tests on the antennas
they modified (Gain) using 3 Antennas method
10 min Break
30 min Students will tabulate their result, for the Gain Lab #3
of the antenna using both methods
30 min Critique of results
30 min Short videos on Cross-Polarization and
VSWR/Return Loss
40 min Lunch
30 min Students will perform tests on the antennas
they modified (X-Pol & VSWR/Return Loss)
30 min Students will tabulate their results
30 min Students will change the polarity of their
10 min Break
30 min Exploration Assignment
Each Group of Students will research Tower
safety (handling ladders, putting on a full body
harness, and precautions when climbing.
30 min Presentation on Assignment
30 min Show and Tell on putting on a full body harness

DAY 8 Wednesday August 03, LAB 4 ACTIVITY
90 min Teams of Students will install parabolic
antennas on the 2 towers
10 min Break
90 min Teams of Students will install parabolic
antennas on the 2 towers
40 min Lunch
60 min Teams of Students will install parabolic
antennas on Masts
30 min Students will perform tests on parabolic
antennas (Radiation pattern)
10 min Break
30 min Students will tabulate their result, plot the
radiation pattern, deduce 3-dB beamwidth and
Front/Back ratio
30 min Students will perform tests on parabolic
antennas (Frequency Response)
30 min Students will tabulate their result, plot
frequency response curve and deduce 3-dB
bandwidth and frequency range

Day 9 Thursday August 04, LAB 5 ACTIVITY
30 min Review of Lab Activity 5 30 min
60 min Students will perform tests on the antennas Lab #5 different polarization
they modified (Alignment & Frequency
10 min Break
60 min Students will tabulate their result, plot Lab #5
frequency response curve and deduce 3-dB
bandwidth and frequency range
30 min Critique of results
40 min Lunch
30 min Explanation on Lab Activity 5
30 min Students will perform tests on the antennas Lab #6
they modified (Radiation pattern)
30 min Students will tabulate their result, plot the
radiation pattern, deduce 3-dB beamwidth and
Front/Back ratio
10 min Break
30 min Critique of results
60 min Course Review and Exam preparation

Day 10 Friday August 05 , Exam ACTIVITY
AM EXAM Group 1
PM EXAM Group 2
Day 11 Thursday August 11, Exam ACTIVITY
AM EXAM Group 3
AM Remediation
PM Retake


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