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If Clause

4. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions based on the

previous text.
a. The miners will be dead or not survive
b. No, because the miners are still trapped in the mine for 12 hours
c. The miners will lose hope
d. - They cannot use explosives. Otherwise, they will trigger the roof of the mine
to collapse and the miners won’t survive.
- If the drilling runs well, the miners will be evacuated in time.
- The team doesn’t tell the hardship they are facing, or else the miners will lose
e. Put the underlined sentences into this table
Condition Result
They cannot use explosives. Otherwise, they will trigger the roof of
the mine to collapse and the miners
won’t survive.
If the drilling runs well, The miners will be evacuated in time.
The team doesn’t tell the hardship or else the miners will lose hope.
they are facing,

f. that conditional sentences indicate something that might happen in the future.
g. 1) Yes, after drilling a hole
2) Yes, if the drilling not done in time
h. 1) The miners would survive
2) The miners won’t survive
12. Work in pairs. Answer these questions based on the previous
a. about natural disaster
b. it means that Mount Sinabung has erupted several times
c. Yes, its know from TV according to “Zaenab”
d. They wont survive
e. the situation will not be worse over time
f. By watching a tv, hearing a radio, and looking at internet
g. 1) Yes, because it express situations in which the outcome is likely (but not
guaranteed) to happen in the future.
2) it is function to a possible condition and its probable result.
3) the meaning is that in case of natural disaster hits, people will know from
satellite radio, TV, or internet. Soon victims will be given aid after natural disaster
h. If you study hard, you will able to pass the exam

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