T&T Guardian - October 10, 2023

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Trinidad & Tobago $4 PAGE

Neighbour 6
in court for
Palestinians inspect the rubble of a mosque, which was
girl’s murder
destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City yesterday.
Israel’s military yesterday battled to drive Hamas
fighters out of southern towns and seal its borders, as
it pounded the Gaza Strip from the air. PICTURES AP

her with
Another national
stays despite
Gaza attacks

Israelis evacuate a site

struck by a rocket fired from
the Gaza Strip in Ashkelon,
southern Israel, yesterday.

Hinds apologises to family of crime victims 5
2 Tuesday, October 10, 2023
3 Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Teen Trini student
flees war-torn Israel
PM on witness stand Senior Taliban Ibis T&T Performers
host In Between
The in lawsuit brought officials visit villages
As fighting intensifies in Israel, by Moonilal struck by earthquake Ibis T&T Performers presented In
Minister of Foreign and Caricom Between at Naparima Bowl, San

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley A senior Taliban delegation visited
Affairs Dr Amery Browne has was in the witness stand yesterday western Afghanistan’s Herat prov- Fernando, on September 30.
confirmed a T&T national in a defamation suit brought ince yesterday in the aftermath The show was set on a fictional
colonial plantation, and followed

studying there has been safely against him by Opposition MP Dr of the powerful earthquake that
evacuated from that country. Roodal Moonilal. killed at least 2,000 people over the lives of a community of
Dr Browne did not identify the In the lawsuit, which was filed the weekend and flattened entire enslaved people in various dance
student because he did not have three years ago, Moonilal claimed villages, a statement said. scenes, ending with the rebellion
permission from her parent to Rowley sullied his character in against their master.
Today’s stories do, but did indicate she was a statements alluding to corruption
Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake
hit a densely populated area in Ibis, which stands for
in capsule teenager studying in Israel.
By 4 pm local time yesterday,
by persons associated with the
United National Congress (UNC)
Herat and was followed by strong
aftershocks in what was one of the
I n d iv i d u a l s Blended
Synergy, was founded in 2005

the teen was on a flight out of Tel at the Eden Gardens Housing deadliest trembles to strike the by professional dancer and
OPINION Aviv bound for London. Development in Freeport. country in two decades. choreographer Sherma Burke-
—Page 5 —Page 8 —Page 14 Ford and has... —Pages 20, 21
The six-foot rule
D oes anyone remember
some of the advice given
by the Ministry of Health dur-
“If we as a people realised
ing the COVID outbreak? It the greatness from which we
went something like this: Stay came we would be less likely
indoors; mask if you go out- WEATHER
side; take your temperature to disrespect ourselves.”
before entering stores; wash BRIEF SHOWERS
your hands for 20 seconds; Brief showers
—Marcus Garvey will interrupt an
sterilise surfaces; do not touch
otherwise hot,
your face and if you have to go sunny and slightly
outside stay six feet away from hazy day. There is
everyone. also a 30% (low)
We now know that all of this chance of the
was based on poor science. isolated afternoon heavy shower
Very early on, the Japanese or thunderstorm favouring western
showed that you were 2 0 coastal areas of Trinidad.
times more likely
to get COVID in- Piarco Max 34°C Min 25°C
doors than out- Crown Point Max 33°C Min 26°C




—Page 12 10.30 am: 2 (Old Lady)
1 pm: 30 (House Cat)
4 pm: 22 (Rat)
7 pm: 18 (Water Boat)
10.30 am: 24, 15
1 pm: 32, 34
4 pm: 7, 18
Port-of-Spain: 7pm: 4, 2
22–24 St Vincent Street,
(PO Box 122)
10.30 am: 2, 1, 9, 4
Telephone: 1 pm: 2, 7, 5, 1
235-5668 Exts 5133,
5135, 5116, 4 pm: 4, 0, 8, 4
5174, 5113, 5115 7 pm: 2, 4, 6, 0
San Fernando Bureau:
235-5668 Exts 5224, A boy pulls up a tilapia which he caught in the Malabar River along Subero Street, Arima, on Sunday. 1, 6, 7, 12, 16 M: 3

St Stephen’s College seeks $$ for rehab project

SASCHA WILSON of the project, which comprises to the compound,” Bowen told St Stephen’s College so we could two cabanas and 50 to 75 feet of
Senior Reporter 200 feet of lay-by and a retain- Guardian Media. have that safe access to the St Ste- steps. The cabanas are also to
sascha.wilson@guardian.co.tt ing wall, they have already spent He said the project started phen’s College compound. add to the aesthetic of the school.
$100,000 in materials, and the under the former PTA adminis- PTA vice president Anand Over the years, the back of the
Major construction works costing PTA is now appealing to corpo- tration led by Marlon Mohammed Deonarine said the idea for the school has become inaccessible.
hundreds of thousands of dollars rate T&T and the public to invest and continues under his succes- project came from a vision in This project is going to light up
are ongoing at St Stephen’s Col- in this worthy project. sor Narine Rampersad. He said 2020, and they were hoping to the entire surroundings of the
lege in Princes Town. Principal Andre Bowen ex- the Ministry of Education had not complete it by next year. school.”
The project is being undertaken plained that the project was im- given any funding but supported Deonarine, who also designed Deonarine said that they were
by the college’s Parent Teacher portant for the students’ safety the project. However, the Princes the project, said they were also also constructing a security
Association (PTA). and to ease traffic congestion out- Town Regional Corporation is widening the road. booth that would give the guards
Through fundraisers and do- side the compound. providing labour and equipment. He explained, “So the first part a greater vantage point to see the
nations from parents, past stu- “The population here is nearly He said, “We are in dire need of of it is a lay-by. We are construct- entire compound.
dents and well-wishers, the PTA 700 and on mornings in terms of funds at this time. We went for- ing a retaining wall that would Also appealing for assistance,
last year embarked on a covered drop-off of students, especially ward with faith and we said in support the lay-by and we are he said, “Come and support this
walkway and lay-by project that post-COVID the congestion has terms of the parents and com- removing 16 feet on the inside of project. We are asking for your
was estimated to cost more than increased. Here we have the PTA munity helping us, but we are it. After the lay-by is completed, help to make this project a reality
$300,000. coming up with a solution to ease appealing to those persons out we are going to start the covered for us to finish it in a timely man-
While they are still in phase one that and to ensure the safe access there, especially our alumni of walkway, which will incorporate ner.”
4 Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt news 5
Teen Trini student flees war-torn Israel
... another stays on, hoping peace will prevail eventually
KEJAN HAYES AND Consular Affairs Division in col- massacre of civilian life on record tragedy, however, Alena said she
MATTHEW CHIN laboration with our diplomatic there. will remain in Israel, and is hope-
team in London at our high com- Alena, who has been in Israel ful peace will prevail between the
As fighting intensifies in Israel, mission there, as well as some for 20 years building a new life for Israelis and Palestinians in the
Minister of Foreign and Caricom excellent contacts with the Eu- herself and her family, described end.
Affairs Dr Amery Browne has con- ropean Union via the EU ambas- what has happened since the at- Meanwhile, Caricom yesterday
firmed a T&T national studying sador in Port-of-Spain,” Browne tacks started, saying one man she condemned the violence in Israel
there has been safely evacuated explained. knew lost six members of his fam- saying, “The savage nature of the
from that country. But he was mostly grateful the ily. attacks and counter-attacks are
Dr Browne didn’t identify the girl’s mother reached out early. “It hits hard in every direction the antithesis of civilised life and
student because he did not have “The mother has been in regu- ... whole villages had to be evacu- living.”
permission from her parent to lar contact with me and our con- ated—they’re now battlegrounds. “(Caricom) abhors the attacks
do so, but did indicate she was a sular team throughout, and has People are displaced all across the in Israel and the counter-attacks
teenager studying in Israel. demonstrated excellent attributes country, looking for places to stay. in the Palestinian territory of
By 4 pm local time yesterday, and actions as a concerned par- We got word from one gentleman Gaza. Further, the savage nature
the teen was on a flight out of Tel ent,” he said. that lost six members of his family of the attacks and counter-attacks
Aviv bound for London. Browne said if any national in one of the kibbutzim. are the antithesis of civilised life
“She will be met by our dip- has a family member seeking as- “Grandparents and children are and living. Innocent lives are
lomatic staff, and subsequently sistance given the dire circum- being literally murdered in their being lost amidst the fervour and
safely conveyed to her mother’s stances in Israel, they can email homes, without mercy,” she said violence of the actual combatant,”
arms here in Trinidad and To- israel@foreign.gov.tt or call 285- in tears. a statement said.
bago,” Browne said in an inter- 5029, ext 219. Moreover, fears of the eco- Caricom also said the recent
view with Guardian Media. But the teenager was not the nomic consequences that will round of hostilities reflects the
He said he spent the weekend only Trinidadian who experi- spring during and after the war pain and suffering of ancient
working to have her safely re- enced the trauma of the attacks alarm her. quarrels, adding the ongoing
moved after her mother reached in Israel. “The economic backlash of this harsh conditions under which the
Alena, the Trinidad and Tobago
out to him, given the outbreak of One national, who only wanted is going to be severe. Nobody’s Palestinians live will contribute to
national resident in Israel.
military hostilities between the to be identified as Alena, lives in PICTURE COURTESY ALENA working right now, we can’t…” a cycle of violence until those re-
Israelis and Palestinians in that a town not far from the capital of she said. alities are definitively addressed.
country. Jerusalem. peaceful world has turned upside Remembering her time in Trini- It said it will continue to push
“We have been working on this With Saturday’s surprise incur- down. dad, she confessed the thought of for a two-state solution as the best
issue with the Ministry of For- sion of Hamas militants into Israel Describing the escalation of returning home had crossed her way to achieve comprehensive
eign and Caricom Affairs, via the leading to the murders of hun- violence by Hamas, Alena said it mind due to the current conflict. peace, security and tranquillity
permanent secretary and our dreds of innocent civilians, her is unprecedented and the worse Despite the ongoing trauma between Israel and Palestine.

Hinds apologises to T&T’s crime victims

... says Government will fight like hell to pull back criminals
GAIL ALEXANDER demics. those who are traumatised by harmonious balance between
Senior political reporter “Most of these threats mani- some of our citizens—and per- trade and interdiction on our
fest themselves in transnational haps others—in home invasions, ports, through increased use of
National Security Minister Fitzger- organised crime. They’re expan- in rapes, in incest. That woman surveillance and inspection tech-
ald Hinds yesterday delivered sive, well-organised and well- who was dragged on Charlotte nologies,” he added.
heartfelt apologies to the people oiled. They kill, destroy, extort, Street a few days ago pained all of
of T&T and those who have suf- bribe and threaten even public of- our hearts,” he said. Caricom arrest warrant
fered from the crime onslaught ficials in order to have their way,” “I, on behalf of those of us who
and assured that Government
treaty, CCTV being settled
Hinds said. behave in those ways, who choose
will continue “to fight like hell” to He said threats are predomi- crime in some cases as a business
On other measures, he said leg-
protect the public from criminal nantly coming from outside of model: I apologise to the rest of
islation is being drafted for the
elements. T&T. us and give you the assurance that
Forensic Science Centre to test for
“We want the criminals to “Most narcotics passing as National Security Minister—the Minister of National Security
precursor chemicals. He said the
know—we are getting stronger and through here come from South lead in National Security—we’ll Fitzgerald Hinds makes his
recent trend of a methamphet-
we’re getting better. And we are America. We’re also seeing an in- continue to put up the walls and contribution to the Budget debate
amine factory highlights need
coming to get you!” Hinds added crease in synthetic drugs—ecstasy, fences and fight like hell to pro- in Parliament yesterday.
for this, since some of the things
during his contribution to yester- ketamine, fentanyl and hybrid tect you from that!” PICTURE OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT
found had not yet been manufac-
day’s 2024 Budget debate in Par- marijuana from North American To fight the problem, Hinds
tured into the drug. Legislation
liament. and other places.” said Government has a security model law on the Caricom Ar-
is being prepared on precursor
Hinds said the Budget—in which He said the small arms/light framework of simultaneous local, rest Warrant Treaty and are on
National Security received $6.912 weapons problem is predomi- bilateral and multilateral engage- the “cusp” of settling that issue,
With strengthened T&T-Cari-
billion—was a people’s budget and nantly from the US and people ment. which will help find fugitives.
com-US collaboration on small
a crime-fighting approach made trafficked to T&T are usually from He detailed plans for 2024, Government also intends “re-
arms trafficking and intelligence
simple. He said Government South America. gave updates on issues and con- turning terrorist fighters from
sharing, Hinds said, “We’re gain-
thrusts on the problem demon- “Human trafficking is real— demned certain Opposition an- conflict zones” and children, or
ing insight into the tracing of the
strates its cohesive and coherent we’re addressing that. The one ti-crime proposals and former others who weren’t fighters, he
origin of firearms—who manu-
public health approach to citi- known terrorist plot we had in police commissioner Gary Grif- said. The Nizam Mohammed team
factured it, distributed it and the
zens’ safety and security. 2018 had links outside of T&T,” he fith. is assisting Project Nightingale on
Detailing causes of T&T’s crime, added. Hinds said during the upcoming this.
The ministry is also collaborat-
Hinds said the whole of Govern- Citing the threats and informa- year, the ministry intends further Under the Returnees’ Bill, an
ing with the UN Office on Drugs
ment and society approach is tion that there are about 32,000 focus on border security through assessment centre will assess re-
and Crime (UNODC) for donation
part of the management of seven firearms around, Hinds said the implementation of various land, turnees.
of additional metal detectors in
threats the ministry recognises same transnational organised air and sea measures. CCTV cameras will also be fur-
T&T is confronted with: nar- criminal networks “that do guns” “The ministry completed a Bor- ther enhanced. Installation is
“Illegal weapons are hidden
co-trafficking, small arms and also do human trafficking and der Security Policy (2023) which ongoing and five Port-of Spain
in the strangest places, some are
light weapons trafficking, irregu- drugs”. is now ready for Cabinet consid- areas will have them by weekend
even buried,” he explained,
lar migration (human trafficking), Hinds continued, “I want to eration. It’s hoped this would be and from October 16, installation
Hinds said the T&T and Barba-
terrorism, cyber attacks, climate apologise to the people of T&T, part of a broader border manage- at the rate of 75 per area will be
dos’ Attorneys General drafted
change and global health pan- those who have lost dear ones, ment system that seeks to find done across T&T.
6 news Tuesday, October 10, 2023

CoP lauds officers who laid charges in murders of teens

‘Our strategies are working’
SHANE SUPERVILLE acts as “repulsive”, but noted “This in no way means that we
Senior Reporter they triggered a strong police re- are comfortable with the current
shane.supervilel@guardian.co.tt sponse. state of affairs, particularly in
In addition to the investiga- relation to homicides and home
Police Commissioner Erla Hare- tions into the recent murders, invasions, but I give the national
wood-Christopher has com- she said several crime-fighting community the assurance that
mended the work of Homicide strategies were yielding benefits. every day that we show up for
Investigators who brought She stressed that while such de- work that we do our best and we
charges against three men who velopments were encouraging, work diligently to counter the
Murder victim Andrea Lallan
are suspects in two sets of unre- the police were not satisfied. criminal elements in our society.”
lated murders. “Notwithstanding the contin- Harewood-Christopher also
In an audio clip sent to Guard-
ian Media, Harewood-Christo-
uing incidence of homicides,
the TTPS has been experiencing
thanked the public for their sup-
port and assistance.
pher said the charges were the
result of intense, thorough inves-
some positive anti-crime results
over the past few months, which
During a police media briefing
last week, Snr Supt Rishi Singh,
charged with
tigations. She noted that the work
of the officers was an example of
Commissioner of Police Erla
have been effective in suppress-
ing what could easily be a much
of the Homicide Bureau of In-
vestigations, confirmed that the
teen girl’s murder
the police as their “very best” worse crime situation. police had a Homicide detection Less than two weeks after 13-year-
and lauded the investigators for September 21 and the murders “This outcome bears testa- rate of about 13.5 per cent. old Andrea Lallan and her dis-
their commitment to duty. of 13-year-old Andrea Lallan and ment to the confidence we have As of yesterday afternoon, abled uncle were fatally shot, a
Referring to the murders of her relative Sylvan Lallan, eight that our strategies are working there were 459 murders for the 27-year-old man from their neigh-
the four Peterkin siblings at La days later in Rio Claro, Hare- and are delivering the results,” year thus far, compared to 460 bourhood yesterday appeared
Retreat Extension, Arima, on wood-Christopher described the The CoP said. for the same period last year. in court charged with their mur-
Tafaire “Taffy” Bain was denied

Minister: TTPS solving more bail and remanded into custody

after appearing before Rio Claro
Senior Magistrate Ava Vanden-

murders but needs public’s help burg-Bailey. He faced additional

charges of attempting to murder
Andrea’s father Eddy, 51, and pos-
session of a gun and ammunition.
National Security Minister there were 10,180 serious crimes criminals’ hands, the less like- but due to the murder rate, it’s
Fitzgerald Hinds says the T&T Po- and so far this year 9,412. lihood we’d have to cry every not so easily evident, which is Andrea, her uncle Sylvan, 49,
lice Service, which has a comple- He said a national gun re- Monday morning outside of the why gun/ammunition and bor- who moved around in a wheel-
ment of 10,000 including SRPs, trieval exercise is on and so far, Forensic Science Centre. I have der security are so critical. chair, and her father were at their
has T&T Defence Force soldiers 7,000 have been ordered for to account as Minister and I Hinds added to citizens,”If Old Mayaro Road, Libertville, Rio
supporting them, including on destruction. Some 521 firearms, want the public’s support...” he you want to live in a litter-free Claro home around 2 am on Sep-
job sites and in other ways. including 11 sub machine guns added. country, you can’t be littering tember 29, when a man entered
Hinds said murders are run- and 62 rifles using 7.62 and 5.56 Hinds said the Guanapo yourself; if you see someone lit- the house and shot them. Andrea
ning close to what occurred in ammunition, were also found. murders of the four Peterkin tering, speak to them - meaning and her uncle died at the scene
2022—605 at the end of 2022 and “I must make a plea to enlist children resulted from “nice col- if you tell us and help us clean while her father remains warded
458 now. the public’s assistance– if you laboration” between different up the litter of firearms, am- at the Sangre Grande Hospital.
There are so far 572 wound- know something tell us! I’d like TTPS elements and the use of munition, drugs and filth that’s Andrea attended the St Therese
ings/shootings an increase over to see the (521 guns found) quin- science. around your children, you’ll be RC Primary School. Hours after
2022/23, with rapes, incest, sex- tipled. The more the public as- He said he was satisfied the doing yourself, community and the murders, a couple appeared
ual offences and fraud. In 2022, sists police getting guns out of TTPS is solving more murders country a great service.” in court charged with allegedly
committing two counts of sexual
penetration against the teenager.

2 men remanded for Peterkin siblings’ murders

Two Guanapo men were remanded into cus-
The woman got bail in the sum
of $500,000, while the man was
denied bail. Bain was arrested
last Monday following inquiries
tody when they appeared before an Arima by a team from the Homicide Bu-
magistrate to face charges of murder, shooting reau Region II, supervised by Snr
with intent and possession of guns yesterday. Supt Rishi Singh, ASP Victor, Insp
Jodel Noel, 24, and Jelani Rivers, 22, both Ramjag and Sgt Ramsahi Singh.
from the Heights of Guanapo, appeared jointly Last Saturday, Director of Pub-
charged with the murders of Faith Peterkin, lic Prosecutions Roger Gaspard
10, Arianna Peterkin, 14, Shain Peterkin, 17, instructed the officers to charge
and Tiffany Peterkin, 19. the accused.
They were also charged for shooting with in- The magistrate yesterday ad-
tent in relation to the wounding of five others. vised Bain of his right to apply
The siblings were gunned down while at to the High Court for bail and re-
their La Retreat Extension, Arima home on manded him into custody. He is
September 21. expected to reappear on Novem-
Their murders prompted nationwide outcry ber 6.
and increased police exercises in and around
Noel and Rivers were arrested at a house in
Aripo last Monday. Also found at the house
was an AK-47 and a Beretta pistol.
Police confirmed the men were detained at
the Arima Police Station and appeared virtu-
ally before Magistrate Natalie Diop.
The murder charges were laid indictably
and the men were not called upon to enter a
plea. They are expected to return to court on
November 6.
The third man who was held at the house
with Noel and Rivers was charged for an un- Superintendent Carty of the Northern Division Task Force at the home of the Peterkin siblings in
related murder. September. PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ Sylvan Lallan
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt news 7

Hinds knocks former

CoP for ammo imports
GAIL ALEXANDER We’re finding a lot of 7.62mm position Leader might think, we
Senior Political Reporter ammunition on the scene. In must engage the crime fight on
one case recently, 94 shells were land, sea and air,” Hinds added,
National Security Minister Fitzger- found, all of which, 5.56 and 7.62, citing the September 22 seizure
ald Hinds yesterday launched the T&T military no longer use. of vessels with “dirty cargo” that
“blows” at former police com- “But diversion is the issue. netted 10.5 tonnes of cocaine and
missioner Gary Griffith, who he We’ve had significant importation 5,744 pounds of marijuana.
claimed allowed the importation of that through the hands of who Hinds called for the Opposition
of more 7.62mm and 5.56mm I consider now to be a reckless to “gang up” with Government in
ammunition than all the commis- former police commissioner. Be- a civilised way to fight criminals.
sioners added together since In- cause the record shows that he al- He said some people said the solu-
dependence. lowed for the importation of more tion is more guns and ammuni-
Hinds also said T&T is working 7.62 and 5.56 ammunition than tion following the policy adopted
on full compliance in terms of its all the commissioners of police by the last CoP, but Government
ranking on the US Trafficking In added together since Independ- is focused on a restrictive policy NATUC general secretary Michael Annisette, left, and NUGFW president
Persons Watchlist and is expect- ence,” Hinds said. where guns are granted to peo- James Lambert at a media conference on the 2024 Budget in
ing good things in 2024. “And when we find them on ple who demonstrate they need Port-of-Spain yesterday. PICTURE SHIRLEY BAHADUR
He spoke on these matters crime scenes now, the question of them.
in his contribution to the 2024
Budget debate in Parliament.
diversion gets to me and diversion
also includes where they’re sold
“Some people feel the solu-
tion is ‘Stand your ground, shoot NATUC, NUGFW unhappy
Hinds said Cabinet recently ap-
proved the Regional Roadmap for
addressing Caribbean priority ac-
or are allowed to be imported le-
gally to firearms dealers and pos-
sibly, they end up in the wrong
back, knock it and ‘matic’. If law
enforcement takes that bad ad-
vice, you know what chaos we’ll
over Budget measures
tions on the illicit proliferation of hands too. But these matters are have? So I’d reject that,” he said. OTTO CARRINGTON Chief Personnel Office, and the
firearms and ammunition in a sus- under TTPS investigation, so I “If we strengthen and profes- Senior Reporter Ministry of Public Utilities were
tainable way by 2030. The main don’t want to say too much more sionalise the TTPS, tool them with otto.carrington@cnc3.co.tt also part of the committee. It is
goals are to reinforce regulatory about them.” intelligence and come together a very large committee, and in
frameworks governing firearms Hinds said the Joint Maritime and pass the right laws to sup- The National Trade Union Cen- the Budget speech for 2023, not
and ammunition, reduce the illicit Control Unit and Maritime Inter- port law enforcement, we could tre (NATUC) and National Union one word was mentioned,” Lam-
flow and systematically decrease diction Unit was coordinated by fight that without the madness of Federated Workers Union bert said.
the risk of diversion from govern- the National Operations Fusion of ‘matic and shoot up and clip it (NUGFW) have expressed their He pointed out that the
ment and legal stock piles. Centre (NOFC) in conjunction and all kinds of foolishness!” dissatisfaction with the 2024 NUGFW represents workers in
He explained that “diversion” with the Transnational Organised However, he said he didn’t want Budget. central and local government,
means when weapons leave Crime Unit TOCU). to say too much more about those At a media conference in Port- as well as the Tobago House of
legal stockpiles and end up in “Yes, this is the same NOFC and matters, as they were still under of-Spain yesterday, NUGFW Assembly, who have been af-
criminals’ hands and referred the same TOCU that the Opposi- intense police investigations. president general James Lam- fected by the lack of implemen-
to reports of T&T Defence Force tion Leader misleadingly ques- He said the ministry is working bert, who represents the largest tation.
(TTDF) and T&T Police Service tioned in her feeble, weak-kneed to improve T&T’s Tier 2 watchlist union for daily-rated workers, “You’re not even asking what
(TTPS) bullets found at crime address,” he said. rank in the US State Department’s said the union had expected to has happened to what was in
scenes. “Also, contrary to what the Op- Trafficking in Person’s report. see more favourable provisions. the previous two budgets. We
“Diversion is the problem there. One of the primary concerns didn’t hear anything, and noth-
raised by Lambert was the in- ing has come into fruition, so we
Labour Minister: crease in the retirement age. He
argued that Finance Minister
are still here, and they owe that
to us because they have signed

Govt saved businesses, jobs by raising minimum wage Colm Imbert should have estab-
lished a contributory pension
on the principle. All the docu-
ments are there and they have
DAREECE POLO forced to fire staff as an employee plan specifically tailored for dai- been given to them in the cur-
Senior Reporter making a minimum wage of $30 ly-rated workers. rent administration,” he said.
dareece.polo@guardian.co.tt an hour would cost their organi- Currently, daily-rated workers NATUC president Michael
sations at least $2,000 more every are required to work up to age Annisette was critical of what
Government’s move to raise the four weeks. He said this would 60 and his union supports the he described as deceptive tac-
minimum wage by $3 from Jan- have increased operational costs increase in the retirement, as it tics aimed at enticing workers.
uary 1 was a responsible one, exponentially. will assist his members. He said the announcement of a
says Labour Minister Stephen “Imagine a business place that Lambert said in 1991, during billion-dollar payment for pub-
McClashie who defended the in- has contributed to the commu- the administration of former lic sector workers is merely a
crease from $17.50 to $20.50. nity by employing ten young per- Prime Minister Patrick Man- strategic manoeuvre. He said
In his contribution to the budget sons. This means an additional ning, there was an agreement despite the sizable financial al-
debate yesterday, McClashie said $20,000 has to be found. The to adjust the retirement age for location, it is not the workers
the increase was carefully thought Labour Minister Stephen McClashie logical expectation would be that daily-rated workers with the who are benefiting from this
out in the best interest of the na- PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ should the business be unable to intention of providing them initiative.
tional workforce. in entry-level positions as well withstand this shock, they will re- with a pension. However, more “I want you all to understand
“The increase was not pulled as low and semi-skilled work- duce staff and increase the work- than two decades later, those that and not be fooled by the
out of a hat but was based on a ers. Some middle-level positions load on those that remain. The workers are still waiting for the fact that it’s a billion dollars for
recommendation from our mini- would now find their remunera- alternative for many businesses promised pension benefits to back pay for Christmas. I ask a
mum wage fixing machinery – in tion package in close proximity may not be bright and they may materialise. question, why for Christmas?
this instance the Minimum Wages to the minimum wage. Contract actually have to close down alto- “In August 2022, we received We don’t often ask ourselves
Board,” he said. workers would increase their gether,” he said. a letter from the Finance Min- these questions. What is the
He said while Opposition wage demands even though they “The decision of $20.50 is re- ister’s Permanent Secretary, reason for giving that money
Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar exist in higher brackets currently sponsible from the perspective of indicating the formation of for Christmas? Do you know
wanted a $25 increase and some in order to maintain the differen- economic realities. There are sec- a committee named the Fa- the psychological effect of that?
trade unions requested as much tials,” he said. tors that can afford to pay persons cilitates and Implementation Who will benefit when you pay
as a $30 hike, that was not feasible McClashie said government em- more but there are many sectors Planning Committee. We had that money for Christmas? We
and would have put the Govern- ployees would have also sought that simply cannot afford it. The approximately four meetings. I should think about it, but we
ment under increased pressure to wage hikes, which would have put decision would result in an out- am a member of that commit- have a crisis,” he said.
increase salaries across multiple added pressure on National Insur- come that on the face of it seems tee, and Mr Streete is another The NUGFW is also expected
sectors. ance Fund recipients who would to have the workers in mind yet, member. The ministry sent to continue their legal action at
“This, Madame Speaker, would likely want more money. in reality, because of the expected representatives, along with the Industrial Court over wages
have created significant pressure Moreover, he said, many busi- job losses, works against workers’ other unions and stakehold- and other matters in their col-
and demands for wage increases ness owners would have been best interest,” he added. ers, representatives from the lective agreement.
8 news Tuesday, October 10, 2023

PM on witness stand in defamation suit filed by Moonilal

ANNALISA PAUL not referring to the minister as
Senior Reporter an operative.”
anna-lisa.paul@guardian.co.tt He explained his interpretation
of the word operative, which he
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley defined as a person or entity ben-
was in the witness stand yester- efiting from any deals or projects
day in a defamation suit brought involving public assets or monies.
against him by Opposition MP Dr Rowley confirmed that he
Roodal Moonilal. had been contacted by Ram-
In the lawsuit, which was filed dass about a call by UNC MPs
three years ago, Moonilal claimed for Camille Robinson-Regis to be
Rowley sullied his character in fired for alleged financial impro-
statements alluding to corruption priety and said he directed her
by persons associated with the to contact Waithe for his (Row-
United National Congress (UNC) ley) comments on what he had
at the Eden Gardens Housing alleged was the thievery that oc-
Development in Freeport. The curred under the UNC.
alleged comments were made at He said operatives were, in his
a People’s National Movement opinion, beneficiaries of wrong-
(PNM) media reception on Janu- Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, centre, with attorneys Opposition MP Dr Roodal Moonilal, centre, makes a doing, and he was not aware of
ary 8, 2020. Douglas Mendes, left, and Michael Quamina, make victory sign on his way to court with lawyers Vashisht who had benefited but he knew
their way to court at the International Waterfront Seepersad, left, and Larry Lalla. PICTURES KERWIN PIERRE
Moonilal is also contending that those who had facilitated it.
Centre, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.
irresponsible journalism by the Witness statements were ten-
Trinidad Express contributed to Lalla expressed concern that ited the proposed site with HDC to the Cabinet and participating dered into evidence from HDC of-
his public image being tarnished. Rowley and his team might at- officials during his tenure, but in discussions. ficials Kenesha Lightbourne and
Rowley’s legal team, led by tempt to use this matter for “an insisted, “I gave absolutely no di- When asked why he had not Deborah Cheesman, before Lyder
Douglas Mendes, SC, argued that improper purpose”, which could rective.” sought to obtain a third quota- was called to the witness stand to
the Prime Minister did not specif- see Moonilal named as a party to “I suggested the HDC and the tion, Moonilal said, “I did not defend publication of the article
ically identify Moonilal as a “UNC the AG’s matter later on. He also Ministry of Housing consider the consider it wise at that moment written by Ramdass.
operative” but maintained the sought to show that the Express site,” he added. to get another valuation.” During cross examination by
Oropouche East MP had ques- Newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief, Pressed to say what instruc- He explained that such a direc- Lalla, Lyder said the allegations
tions to answer in his former Omatie Lyder, and senior polit- tions he had given, Moonilal was tive could have been interpreted of corruption against Moonilal by
position as housing minister and ical reporter Anna Ramdass did unable to recall directing former as undermining the Finance Min- Rowley were serious and while
head of the Housing Develop- not do diligent checks to verify HDC managing director Jearlean istry’s representative, who was al- it may have warranted corrobo-
ment Corporation (HDC). that information received from John to prepare a note for the ready considered an independent ration by Rowley, Ramdass had
In opening statements before Fixing T&T’s Kirk Waithe about board to purchase the parcel of entity. acted on his directive to get his
Justice Carol Gobin in the Port-of- messages between himself and land. When Rowley took the stand responses from Waithe, which
Spain Civil Court, Larry Lalla, SC, Rowley were legitimate. Regarding the proposed cost, around 1.15 pm, Lalla waded she had done.
said the ordinary reader would Under cross examination by which included a $52 million into a series of questions about Lyder rejected Lalla’s claim that
not have dissected Rowley’s Mendes, Moonilal denied giving price tag by chartered valuation WhatsApp messages he ex- the newspaper acted irresponsi-
statement and examined it in the any directive or recommendation surveyor Linden Scott and As- changed with Waithe about Eden bly and had only been interested
context of how he might have in- to the HDC regarding the Eden sociates Ltd, as well as a $180 Gardens and the alleged cor- in generating headlines to sell pa-
tended. Gardens project. He said he had million tag submitted by the ruption, which was the basis of pers.
While two separate lawsuits asked them to consider the tract Commissioner of Valuations at the alleged defamation against Confronted with the copy of a
have been filed by the Attorney of land which had “potential for the Ministry of Finance, Mendes Moonilal. related editorial that appeared in
General in relation to Eden Gar- development” and adjoined asked Moonilal why he had not Rowley maintained that he the newspaper days later, Lyder
dens, Moonilal has not been sued lands awarded to former Caroni queried the staggering difference had generalised the issue of UNC said the content was taken from
in those matters, which are still (1975) workers as part of their between the two quotes. wrongdoing and that Moonilal the information gleaned from
pending before the court and are VSEP package. Moonilal said he had done his still had questions to answer. Ramdass’ story.
sub judice. Moonilal admitted that he vis- duty by submitting both figures However, he clarified, “I was The matter resumes today.

Deyalsingh asked to probe discrimination claims at Arima Hospital

KEVON FELMINE but most went from receiving one-year Looking at the Public Sector Invest- chines is because this is what is happen-
Senior Reporter agreements to locum contracts without ment Programme (PSIP) allocation for ing, so I just throw this out for an answer.
kevon.felmine@guardian.co.tt reason. This, he said, means the doctors medical equipment upgrades for the If I look at the SWRHA PSIP allocation, I
have no vacation days or sick leave and South-West Regional Health Author- see no mention of the Phacoemulsifica-
Fyzabad MP Dr Lackram Bodoe has asked Min- get lower pay without gratuity and also ity (SWRHA), he said there was a list tion machine, so I take it the Ministry of
ister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh to look into diminishes their chances of accessing of equipment for replacement. Bodoe Health is taking it upon itself to procure
allegations of discrimination at the North Central loans. said while he likes to see allocations these two machines and disburse them
Regional Health Authority (NCRHA). He said there are allegations of repres- for new equipment, he did not see the to the RHA,” he said.
Bodoe asked about the process for engaging sion, and those who speak out being Phacoemulsification machines doctors Bodoe said all the programmes dis-
unemployed doctors during his contribution to transferred or forced to resign. He asked requested for cataract surgeries and cussed by Deyalsingh require adequate
debate on the 2024 Budget in the House of Repre- if the NCRHA’s most senior administrator there was no mention of how the Gov- staff. He noted the World Health Or-
sentatives yesterday. does not have to report to Deyalsingh. ernment intends to deal with the back- ganization’s recommendation was 4.45
Deyalsingh acknowledged there were unem- “I want to further ask the Minister of log of those surgeries. doctors, nurses and midwives per 1,000
ployed physicians in his presentation, saying there Health, through you, Madame Speaker, A Guardian Media report from July population. However, up to 2021, there
was a saturation of junior doctors. to investigate claims that at the Arima showed that 200 cataract patients was a ratio of one doctor, nurse and mid-
Bodoe said junior doctors got promises of job se- Hospital, contracts were awarded to were awaiting surgery at San Fernando wife per 1,000 population. Of 17,682 jobs
curity for working during the COVID-19 pandemic certain junior doctors ahead of those General Hospital (SFGH), as the two across four RHAs, 37.6 per cent of estab-
in line with longer service because they Phacoemulsification machines had lished positions were vacant up to 2021.

have friends in management and other broken down. Bodoe said the SWRHA “So Madame Speaker, again, one
high places. I was just told this, Madame repaired the old machines but doctors would have expected and hoped the

CERTIFICATE Speaker. I am just asking the question.

Surely this cannot be the policy of the
found them unsafe.
Although the SWRHA advertised ten-
Honourable Member for St Joseph would
have come with some sort of plan to tell
The following stock certificate(s) NCRHA or indeed at any other RHA,” ders for replacements with a deadline of us what the Government was going to
have been reported lost. Bodoe said. August 25, Bodoe said cataract surgeries do to address this shortage in the health
Name of Company: The West Indian Bodoe said although Deyalsingh had are yet to resume. He asked whether it sector.”
Tobacco Company Limited boasted about numerous medical pro- was true that stakeholders at the SFGH He said ministry data presented in
grammes, there are still public com- got a request to modify the specifica- Parliament showed 24 vacancies in radi-
plaints and media reports about the tions for the machines to facilitate a par- ology, 54 in laboratory services, four in
Sandora Powdhar 35595 2880 poor maintenance of medical equip- ticular supplier. supply chain management, and nine in
ment, which often results in the post- “I have been reliably informed that the quality improvement at the Arima Hos-
Please be guided accordingly.
ponement of surgeries. delay in procurement of these two ma- pital.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt news 9
ANSA Bank Limited seeks to reclaim millions Truck driver killed
Court freezes assets of seven after tyre explodes
employees, six used car dealers A 38-year-old truck driver em-
ployed with the Namalco Group
died when a tyre on a truck he
JENSEN LA VENDE was driving exploded yesterday.
Senior Reporter-Investigative Police described this as a freak
jensen.lavende@guardian.co.tt accident.
The victim was identified as
Seven people and six car companies have been or- Rakesh Ramnarine, 38, of Cap de
dered by the court to inform attorneys represent- Ville, Point Fortin.
ing ANSA Bank Limited when they are spending According to reports, Ram-
money and where the money is coming from after narine was driving a truck west
their assets were frozen. along the Eastern Main Road
High Court Judge Justice Frank Seepersad yes- in Sangre Grande around 9.15
terday ordered that the assets of seven employ- am, when he started experi-
ees (and the wife of one) of ANSA Bank Limited, encing mechanical problems. Rakesh Ramnarine, 38,
six roll-on roll-off car dealerships be seized as the He reportedly stopped the truck of Cap de Ville, Point Fortin.
bank seeks to recoup millions of dollars borrowed and went to check on the brakes.
through questionable means. While checking, a back tyre gre Grande Hospital, where
In granting the injunction, Seepersad agreed blew off, throwing him from he was pronounced dead.
that the risk of injustice to the bank is greater if under the truck. Ramnarine was employed as
the order was not granted. After an ambulance the po- a truck driver at Namalco.
Seepersad further ruled that his order does not lice contacted failed to respond, His body will be taken to the Fo-
prohibit any of them from spending money on liv- officers put Ramnarine in a ve- rensic Science Centre, St James,
ing expenses and legal services. hicle and took him to the San- for a post mortem.
“However, before spending any money, the re-
spondents must inform the applicant’s legal rep- Justice Frank Seepersad
resentatives where the money is to come from,”
Seepersad ruled, adding that the defendants can
dispose of their assets through the proper course
ier and Company who represented the bank. They
also have seven days to file and serve affidavits
Third man charged with
of their business.
Seepersad said if the defendants put the value
listing the information to the court.
The order stemmed from a claim filed by the double murder in Carenage
of their assets into the courts to hold, pending the bank which stated that on or about June 27, the A Carenage man has been charged The two victims were killed. The
outcome of the case, or give security in some form director of the bank, Larry Howai, was given a with the murders of Elijah Brewster gunmen escaped.
amounting to what the value of their assets are, letter by a whistleblower who reported alleged and Leon Sylvester, who were both A suspect was arrested by of-
then the order will be lifted. misconduct and “disrespect for duty”. fatally shot on August 14. ficers of the Homicide Bureau of
According to the order, the employees Randy A day later, a preliminary investigation was The TTPS said Jonathan Clyne, Investigations (HBI), Region One,
Gottsleben and his wife Adriana Ramsingh, launched. After certain information was uncov- also known as “Reddo”, 36, of Scor- on October 4 in connection with
Dwyane Rojas, Zaria Sankar, Navindra Rambar- ered, a further and deeper investigation was pion Alley, is also charged with pos- the incident.
ran, Reyvaan Rampersad and Kerry Ramsaroop, launched, which the court was told is still ongo- session of firearm and possession Two other people—Martin Dedier
along with Ceylon Marketing Limited, Joalex Auto ing. of ammunition. He was charged and Kenniatha Glasgow—were pre-
Limited, Miva Import Export Consultancy Lim- The investigation found that there were loan following advice from acting Direc- viously charged in relation to the
ited, Arnold Ramjass T/A Arnold Ramjass Auto transactions not in accordance with company tor of Public Prosecutions Subrina murders and appeared in court on
Mechanical and Painting Garage, Diamond Con- policy. Dougdeen-Jaglal, on Sunday September 18.
ception Company Limited and It’s A Deal Limited, A wider investigation was done at the Chagua- Brewster, also called “Dada”, The investigation was super-
were ordered not to dispose of, deal with or di- nas branch of the bank where the discrepancies 20, and Sylvester, 39, both of Care- vised by acting ASP Bridglal, Insps
minish the value of any of their properties. were found, where a conspiracy was uncovered nage, were in the district around Lynch and Mongroo and Sgt Ram-
The total value of their assets was where the bank sustained losses of almost $30 10.45 pm on August 14, 2023, when sumair, all of the HBI Region One,
$69,000,296.87, according to the court order. million in two-and-a-half years involving 35 vehi- they were approached by a group along with Insp Grant and officers
They were also ordered to file within 24 hours cles and properties. of armed men who opened fire on attached to the Western Division
all their assets in the country exceeding $10,000 The order was sought to prevent the defendants them. Task Force.
whether they are part or full owner of said asset, from concealing assets if they were made to per-
detailing the value, location and details of the as- sonally account for the losses.
sets. The defendants will also have to pay the costs
This must be handed over to the office of JD Sell- of the bank.

Man killed crossing IN LOVING

Valencia stretch 127,&(
A man, who police have only identified as
“Pappy”, of Swan Quarry Road, Valencia, died on ,6+(5(%<
the spot after being hit by a car travelling along 127,),('7+$7
the Valencia stretch yesterday. +$'&2/,0,7('
The victim’s neighbour, Shyam Rocky Moham- 3URSRVHVWRDSSO\WRWKH
med, told Guardian Media that around 4.50 am, $XWKRULW\ (0$ IRUD
Pappy and himself were standing at the corner of 9DULDWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK
Swan Quarry Road, Valencia, waiting to cross the
While they were crossing, a white vehicle head- Sunrise: 15.03.1945
'DWHRI(YHQW:HGQHVGD\ Sunset: 10.10.2005
ing west struck Pappy, throwing him into the air. -DQXDU\
He died on impact. 'HVFULSWLRQ+$'&2¶V Today we celebrate the
Mohammed said Pappy was going to pray at the $QQXDO&RUSRUDWH1LJKW life of a beautiful Mother,
Arima Mosque. &HOHEUDWLRQ Sister, Aunt and Friend.
%\,QYLWDWLRQ2QO\ We miss You but we know
Neighbours said Pappy arrived in Valencia to $GGUHVV+DPLOWRQ that your love continues
live recently and repaired fridges and washing 6WUHHW:RRGEURRN to bless us daily.
machines. One man said he was originally from 'XUDWLRQSP
WRDP From your loving Son
Enterprise, Chaguanas. He also said his daughter Mark, Daughter -in -law
lost her life in a motor accident. 7KHSXEOLFLVLQYLWHGWR Anisha, Grandson Zinedine,
A female driver is assisting the police with their VXEPLWFRPPHQWVWRWKH Nephew Andrew,
(0$DWQRLVH#HPDFRWW Sister Michelle, Brother
Darryl and all your nieces
Constable Castellano is continuing the investi- RIWKHSXEOLFDWLRQRI and nephews and friends.
gation. WKLV1RWLFH
10 news Tuesday, October 10, 2023

UK pensioner offers $20,000 reward

for info leading to missing wife
RADHICA DE SILVA He said Interpol and the Brit-
Senior Multimedia Reporter ish Embassy had been contacted
radhica.sookraj@guardian.co.tt about his wife’s disappearance
and were liaising with local po-
Convinced that not enough is lice, who appeared to have made
being done to find his missing no headway into the case.
wife, Englishman Kelvin Adsett is He claimed officers from the
now offering a $20,000 reward for Penal Police Station had not up-
information leading to her where- dated him on the case and an in-
abouts. formant who gave police certain
In an interview with Guardian information had since been re-
Media, Kelvin said although his leased.
wife, Christina Adsett, 60, has Saying Englishmen were not
been missing since September 11, meant to cry, Kelvin said it was
he is disturbed the Defence Force, heartbreaking not knowing his
police and other arms of law en- wife’s whereabouts.
forcement have not joined to find He recalled how his wife loved
her. T&T and had contributed to the
Concerning the reward, he said, British national Kelvin Adsett is now upliftment of her community and
“I am a pensioner. I am 71 years offering a reward for info leading to country.
old, this is all I can afford. Some- the location of his wife, Christina, “So why now, when she is in
one must have seen or heard who was last seen at her Suchit trouble, nobody is concerned?
something and we want people to Trace, Penal home on September 11. Is this how elderly people are
come out and help us find her.” PICTURE KRISTIAN DE SILVA treated here?” he asked.
FILE: Police vehicles at the Penal home of British citizen Christina Adsett
Describing the ongoing po- posed to be doing,” he said. Kelvin said they were married (inset), who was reported missing from her home on September 11.
lice investigation as “an absolute He said the only politician who for 30 years and planning to retire
nightmare”, he raised questions contacted him was Oropouche in the United Kingdom. the front of her property, which the Penal police to verify infor-
about the absence of a dedicated West MP Davendranath Tancoo, The couple had met while Chris- houses her residence and busi- mation suggesting that Adsett had
police liaison with his family, as he who promised to assist in what- tina worked in London and have ness, Christina’s Foot Spa, at Su- been kidnapped.
would expect in the United King- ever way possible. one daughter, Kelly Adsett. chit Trace, Penal. Upon visiting her home, the
dom. However, as the days turn into Kelvin said Kelly has been over- She was wearing brown pants police found the back door open,
“We do not know what is weeks, Kelvin said he was appalled whelmed with grief and anguish and a yellow T-shirt at the time of but there were no visible signs of
happening. The hunters have by the lack of concern from local since her mother was reported her disappearance. forced entry.
searched all over and are actually authorities, especially given that missing. Two days later, the Special In- Christina’s cellphone and car
doing what the police are sup- his wife is a British citizen. Christina was last seen cleaning vestigation Unit (SIU) contacted keys were found inside the house.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt 11
12 Tuesday, October 10, 2023

D and D Auto
World owner
Denice Ramdhan,
left, shows Melissa

Fermin, in driver’s
seat, her father
Martin Fermin,
right, and children
Shaheedeh, Shaler
and Shaheed
Smith the Nissan
Note e-power at
Established 1917
Republic Bank’s
Deals on Wheels
Higher rates must equate Car Sale Show at
the Centre of
to a better water supply Excellence,
Macoya, on
Issues surrounding the supply of water to residents of Trinidad Saturday. PICTURE
dominated the front pages of the country’s three newspapers ANISTO ALVES
There was the fiery protest by the residents of the village of Does anyone remember some of
Granville in Cedros over the lack of water in their taps. And there

The six-foot rule

the advice given by the Ministry
was the warning by Kelvin Romain, the acting CEO of the Water and of Health during the COVID out-
Sewerage Authority (WASA), that some 10,000 residents served by break? It went something like
the Navet Reservoir in Valencia could face water curtailment. this: Stay indoors; mask if you go
The availability of potable water has been a frontburner issue in outside; take your temperature
T&T for decades.
The main underlying causes of T&T’s failure to ensure a reliable
before entering stores; wash your
hands for 20 seconds; sterilise Dr David Bratt
supply of water to its residents are the significant underinvestment surfaces; do not touch your face CMT, MD, MPH
in new infrastructure by administrations for decades and the and if you have to go outside stay
pathetic inability of the utility to maintain the infrastructure it has six feet away from everyone. dvd_bratt@yahoo.com
in place. We now know that all of this
These factors, according to the 2021 document ‘Strategic was based on poor science. conditions that caused them do air, float around for a while and
Very early on, the Japanese not recur. As far as I can see, peo- end up being deposited on the
Action Plan for water supply improvement to the population over
showed that you were 20 times ple still believe this advice. This inside of your nose or mouth,
the short to medium term’, resulted “in several of the facilities
more likely to get COVID indoors re-emphasises the anxiety we feel where they cause infection.
operating significantly below capacity and subject to frequent than outdoors. whenever we remember those You can breathe the COVID
breakdowns, and the existence of non-functional assets.” Masks are useless outdoors. awful days. virus in at a much longer distance,
WASA has not built a new water treatment plant in years. Its The virus quickly disperses into The problem from the begin- 30 to 40 feet, especially in closed,
booster stations, meant to ensure that water gets to houses on hills the surrounding air. ning was that the medical pro- crowded spaces where concen-
or at the end of pipelines, are in shambles and its pipelines are Temperature taking is noto- fession had a flawed idea of how trated viruses from an infected
ageing and therefore prone to leakage. riously inaccurate, even when COVID virus viruses spread. The person can move throughout an
In delivering the 2024 Budget speech last week, Minister of taken at home. public was advised, wrongly, that entire indoor space and linger in
Finance Colm Imbert said Government was in the process of Washing hands is always good the COVID virus could travel only the air for hours.
establishing WASA as a modern utility delivering efficient water and but does not prevent transmission six feet when coughed up from an By mid-2020, all of this was
wastewater services to the population. of respiratory viruses. infected person. known. WHO and CDC did not
One aspect of its plan to transform WASA is a $1.05 billion capital The cleaning surfaces advice Conventional wisdom was that acknowledge this until mid-2021.
investment programme for the utility over the next two years. was based on stringently con- because the tuberculosis bacteria The reasons why have never been
That programme, which is meant to go a long way to address both trolled laboratory conditions was spread by large droplets that explained publicly. The six-foot
WASA’s maintenance issues and its infrastructure, will be partly (temperature, humidity, metal people cough out of their mouths rule was probably the single worst
surfaces, huge amounts of virus and land on someone else’s nose recommendation made. The
funded by a US$80 million ($544 million) loan from the Inter-
planted on surfaces). There, the or mouth within a six-foot ra- whole thing was arbitrary and not
American Development Bank (IDB).
virus was able to live for many dius, the same happened with science-based.
The IDB loan will be used to refurbish and upgrade existing water hours. Not so in real life. the COVID virus. The TB cough The mistake was that everyone
treatment plants (WTP) at Guanapo, Navet and North Oropouche. Do not touch your face. Hu- studies from over 80 years ago looked up to medical doctors and
It is estimated that the plant upgrades will improve the amount mans instinctively touch their showed that if you stayed six feet public health officials for guid-
and reliability of water supplied to an estimated 477,433 customers. faces around 23 times an hour. away from an infected person, ance. But it wasn’t the doctors or
Also on the cards are new water treatment plants in Santa Cruz and How does one in practice stop your chance of getting infected scientists or public health experts
Tobago. that? was much reduced. Because of who realised this error, it was
In the Budget speech, Mr Imbert revealed that the Government’s And then there was the six-foot these studies that had nothing aerosol and civil engineers who
subvention to WASA between 2019 and 2023 amounted to $8.118 rule. This particular piece of ad- to do with the COVID virus, we had been initially shut out of the
billion, which averages at $1.62 billion a year over the five-year vice was based on the assump- were forced to stay indoors, wear discussion because it was thought
period. tions of public health “experts” masks and stay six feet away from that their experience on the me-
Importantly, Mr Imbert then added: “In the process, we expect that they did not need to consult people for years. chanics of viral transmission was
the net deficit of WASA to be substantially narrowed following the anyone outside the medical field. Most respiratory viruses, like not relevant.
completion of the WASA price review by the Regulated Industries Many of the social isolation hard- measles or chickenpox and the That decision, to allow very
Commission.” ships experienced stemmed from coronavirus, travel much further small groups of doctors to make
that six-foot rule. than six feet. These viruses travel the decisions about the pan-
This is as clear a signal as possible that part of the Government’s
The six-foot story deserves to as aerosols, not droplets. Telling demic, without taking into ac-
plan to turn WASA into a modern utility includes increasing water
be told. Strangely, it has not been people to maintain a separation count educators, businessmen
rates. until recently. One accepts that of six feet does not work because and financial experts (who are the
The fact is that WASA has not had a rate increase since 1993 and mistakes will be made at the be- the COVID virus travels more than ones who understand risk taking),
it is expected that if the population receives a better, more reliable ginning of a new crisis but they six feet. engineers, psychologists, media
water service, that it should be prepared to pay more for it. need to be corrected as soon as When people talk or cough, consultants, lay people and many
But the majority of the population is not likely to abide with discovered and this one, the six- they breathe out large droplets other groups, was the basis of the
Government attempting to foist higher water rates on the public foot rule, went on for too long. that we can see but they also emit COVID theatre we lived with for
before a demonstrable improvement in the water supply. These measures caused untold thousands of tiny particles that we far too long and which caused in-
Government must also ensure that short-term measures are put hardship. Errors made need to cannot see and carry the COVID numerable hardships.
in place to alleviate the plight of communities such as Granville. be openly ventilated so that the virus. They stay suspended in the It must never happen again.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt opinion 13
Review of Cassandra
Gajadhar’s ‘Dear Youth’
On Saturday, October 21, 2023, between
9.30 am and 12 pm, Cassandra Gajadhar
will launch her new book at the Church on Jonathan Bhagan
the Rock, Morvant. Admission to the event
is free and books will be available for sale Attorney At Law • President, Christian Youth Foundation
starting at $100. https://www.facebook.com/ ChristianYouthFoundationTT/ DO YOU SUPPORT WASA’S WATER
Cassandra is a youth leader in her 30s
with over a decade of experience working
Chairman, Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes RATIONING PLANS?
https://www.facebook.com/ CaribbeanCommitteeAgainstSexCrimes/
with young people in various positions. PICTURES ABRAHAM DIAZ
Cassandra has published three books,
including I Declare, The Chronicles of a “Courtship should be the time when as a
Christian and now, Dear Youth. couple, you discuss with each other the en- Azim Ali, 60, Tunapuna
I have the privilege of reviewing her vironments you are from. I cannot express “That’s been going on for years.
book Dear Youth. Dear Youth is an inspira- enough how important this is before en- Every time dry season reach,
tional Christian book aimed at youths 12 to tering into marriage. The reality is that as they say they rationing. Going
35 years of age. It is geared towards at help- into the rainy season, same
young people, we often think about when
ing young people answer questions critical we get our own homes and how we would
to their development. The opening chap- do things. Imagine this mindset times two
ter “Who am I?” deals with helping young (x2) comes into one space (a new home)
people find their identity in God instead of without a prior discussion on these expec-
in what society stereotypes them to be. Cassandra Gajadhar tations for that same space. Val Ramsingh, 54, Oropune
“I have learned that you have to love PICTURE COURTESY CASSANDRA GAJADHAR Now, can you understand why the first “Anything with WASA,
yourself into the version of yourself you year of marriage is tumultuous for most a waste of time.”
would love. In other words, when you money, blood, or sacrifice can do what couples? The couple has arguments about
look in the mirror, instead of stating all Jesus did for us. Any other way is a distor- how the clothes should be folded, when
your flaws, say what God said: “Assured tion of the truth!” to make groceries, and in which direction
and secured.” Again, this may sound silly Chapter 4 encourages young people should the end of toilet paper fall—over or
Stephen Goindoo, 63,
to you because some flaws simply won’t to Re-present Jesus. “As a young person, under. All these stuff can be addressed in San Juan
disappear from the image in the mirror. I fellowship is of vital importance to your courtship which can help with a more cor- “It is always a good thing to
understand completely! I have struggled Christian walk. Do not let the enemy make porate effort in the coming together of two cut back because they need to
with acne most of my life and at the age you think you have to walk this Christian environments into one.” spread the water to everybody
of thirty-two, I still do and have the marks journey alone.” This chapter on relationships is critical, and everybody can’t get a 100
to prove it.” In my situation, self-love was Chapter 5 encourages young people that as I have seen young men get involved per cent of the time.”
produced when I realised that who I am God has a plan for their life. with gangs because they felt lonely after
goes beyond my body (shell). After a while, “Once you have decided to live accord- breaking up with a girlfriend. Given T&T’s
the flaws in the mirror were no longer a big ing to God’s blueprint for your life, it is a high rate of domestic violence and regular Stacy Alfred, Arouca
issue. Did the acne and its marks say, ‘Ok, beautiful experience to see His sovereignty murder/suicides of married couples, it is “We need to improve in our
she knows who she is now and loves her- orchestrate things, situations, and people extremely important to train young people water service because it is very
hectic for us you know, and
self, so let’s leave’? I really wish that state- in your life.” how to have healthy relationships. it is three times a week water
ment were true, but we all know it is not.” Chapter 7 is one of the most relevant Dear youth is also important because going.”
The second chapter breaks down the chapters, as it encourages young people of the toxicity young people are exposed
biblical doctrine of mankind’s fall in the to avoid being “baited” by negative in- to on social media. Cassandra condenses
Garden of Eden. Here, Cassandra says. fluences. Given the out-of-control crime many years of wisdom gained from coun-
“Dear Youth, God’s laws are like guard- rate and the increasing number of gangs selling young people into her latest book. I Pilmacee Balkaran, 65,
rails keeping us safe from the conse- operating in Trinidad, I fully support Cas- highly recommend that parents/guardians Caroni
quences after we have benefited from what sandra’s decision to be a positive influence purchase it for their children and that peo- “People suffering for water all
He gave us.” and steer young people away from nega- ple who work with youth use it as a refer- about the place. Water is very
Chapter 3 is a short breakdown of the tivity. ence text. essential, flush toilets, children
Gospel plan of redemption, as taught by In Chapter 9, Cassandra gives very good to go to school. I don’t agree
Persons interested in purchasing a copy of with cutting back on that so
the New Testament. advice on relationships, including the Dear Youth can call Gajajdhar at 379 7872 or I’m not for that.”
“Dear Youth, there is no other way man- steps that should be taken while dating and reach her on social media. Cassandra’s IG and
kind can be cleansed from sin. No ritual, before getting married. Tiktok are @iamcg_21.
Janey Francis, Tunapuna
“If they are the water authority

0257*$*((6$/( 'LVFODLPHU1RWLFH and they ask us to cut back, I

would assume there is a reason
to do it and we waste water
any how. As Trinidadians, we’re
1,66$1127(3(& careless with the use of water.”

+21'$9(==(/3(' 050$5.60$// Of the 516 online respondents,

below is a tally of the answers
+21'$*5$&(3($ 2)2/'67-26(3+
6HQG6HDO%LGVWR ,612/21*(5 16.5%
(03/2<('$7 YES
&8183,$ 75$',1*&2/7'
  %LGVFORVH &203$1<´
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
14 guardian.co.tt

Trinidad & Tobago

US raises death toll of citizens

World Digest
killed in Hamas attacks on Israel
to nine, several still missing
The State Department said yes-
terday that at least nine Ameri-
can citizens have been killed in
ISLAMABAD the weekend Hamas attacks on
Israel, raising the toll from four.
Senior Taliban officials visit villages It says an undetermined num-
ber of American citizens re-

struck by earthquake that killed at main missing and unaccounted

for. On Sunday, an official said
that number was fluid and had
least 2,000 people ranged from between six to 12. It
is not clear whether the missing
A senior Taliban delegation vis- by three very strong aftershocks, had been taken hostage, were
ited western Afghanistan’s Herat measuring magnitude 6.3, 5.9 killed or are in hiding.
province yesterday in the after- and 5.5, as well as lesser shocks. The State Department is in
math of the powerful earthquake Residents of the city rushed out touch with families “and pro-
that killed at least 2,000 people of their homes again yesterday to viding all appropriate consular
over the weekend and flattened stay on the streets after another assistance,” said spokesman
entire villages, a statement said. aftershock hit. The USGS said the Matthew Miller.
Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 aftershock was magnitude 4.9. The attack by Hamas has left
quake hit a densely populated “I have lost five members of more than 1,000 dead on both
area in Herat and was followed my family; three daughters, my sides.
by strong aftershocks in what was mother, my sister-in-law, and Defence Secretary Lloyd Aus-
one of the deadliest trembles to three from my uncle’s family,” tin said Sunday he has ordered
strike the country in two decades. said Asadullah Khan. He added the Ford carrier strike group to Palestinians inspect the rubble left in the Rafah refugee camp along the
Disaster authority spokesper- that a total of 23 people in his vil- sail to the Eastern Mediterra- Gaza Strip yesterday. A Hamas strike on the weekend killed over 1,000
son Janan Sayiq told reporters in lage were killed. nean to be ready to assist Israel. people. PICTURE AP
Kabul that so far around 4,000 Dozens of teams have scram- The USS Gerald R Ford, the Na- against Hamas. resources, including munitions.
people killed and injured—with- bled to help with rescue efforts, vy’s newest and most advanced Along with the Ford, the US The first security assistance will
out giving a breakdown—and including from the military and aircraft carrier, and its approxi- is sending the cruiser USS Nor- begin moving today and arriving
nearly 2,000 houses have been non-profit groups. Sayiq, from mately 5,000 sailors and deck of mandy and destroyers USS in the coming days,” Austin said.
completely destroyed in 20 vil- the disaster authority, said that warplanes will be accompanied Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, The Norfolk, Virginia-based
lages. The United Nations esti- more than 35 teams alongside by cruisers and destroyers in a USS Carney, and USS Roosevelt, carrier strike group already
mated the dead and injured to be local people were involved in res- show of force that is meant to be and the US is augmenting Air was in the Mediterranean. Last
closer to 2,500 people. cue operations. ready to respond to anything, Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 week it was conducting naval
The Taliban-appointed dep- A global response to the Af- from possibly interdicting addi- fighter aircraft squadrons in the exercises with Italy in the Ionian
uty prime minister for economic ghanistan quake has been slow, tional weapons from reaching region. Sea. The carrier is in its first full
affairs, Abdul Ghani Baradar, with much of the world wary of Hamas and conducting surveil- “The US maintains ready deployment.
and his team are visiting the dealing directly with the Taliban lance. forces globally to further rein- Senior officials from the Pen-
quake-affected region on Mon- government and focused on the The large deployment reflects force this deterrence posture if tagon and State Department
day to deliver “immediate relief deadly escalation between Israel a US desire to deter any regional required,” Austin said in a state- briefed senators Sunday night,
assistance” and ensure “equitable and the Palestinians in the after- expansion of the conflict. But ment. and Majority Leader Chuck
and accurate distribution of aid,” math of the surprise attack by the Israeli government formally In addition, the Biden admin- Schumer said they were assured
according to a statement from the Gaza militants on Saturday that declared war Sunday and gave istration “will be rapidly pro- that the United States was giving
capital, Kabul. has left more than 1,100 dead the green light for “significant viding the Israel Defense Forces Israel “everything they need.”
The quake also trapped hun- in fighting so far and thousands military steps” to retaliate with additional equipment and (AP STORIES)
dreds and people have been wounded on both sides.
digging with their bare hands Aid agencies and non-govern-
and shovels to pull victims—both mental groups have appealed for YAOUNDE
dead and alive—from under the the international community to
rubble. Authorities said yesterday
they were still waiting for an up-
date on the latest casualties from
come forward but only a handful
of countries have publicly offered
support, including neighbouring
Death toll from floods in Cameroon’s capital reaches
The US Geological Survey said
China and Pakistan.
Some countries, such as Den-
27 as search for missing continues
the quake’s epicentre was about mark and Norway, have said they At least 27 people were killed the death toll has reached 27 Ousmanou said. Other people
40 kilometres (25 miles) north- will work with international part- and more than 50 were injured and that all the injured would be drowned as they were swept away
west of the city of Herat, the pro- ners and humanitarian agencies in floods set off by heavy rains in treated for free. “I have come to by floodwaters.
vincial capital. It was followed on the ground. Cameroon’s capital, authorities extend the condolences of Cam- Ernest Zebaze, a 24-year-old
said yesterday as rescuers intensi- eroon President Paul Biya to the university student, said he identi-
Afghan fied the search for those missing bereaved families,” he said. fied the bodies of his mother and
people carry
following the deluge the previous Flooding has been frequent in two siblings. “I am still looking for
the body of
a relative to day. Cameroon in recent years, with my father who was in the house
a burial site The rains unleashed floodwa- experts often blaming climate during the downpour,” Zebaze
after an ters in the district of Yaounde 2 of change, and its impact has been said.
earthquake the country’s capital on Sunday, exacerbated by shoddy construc- Bodies of the victims have been
in Zenda Jan sweeping away buildings and re- tion that often circumvents regu- laid out at a morgue, while the
district in ducing many to rubble. lations. injured were rushed to hospitals.
Herat Rescue workers are still dig- The latest floods were wors- The Yaounde General Hospital
province, ging through the mud and rubble ened after a dike in a man-made said it received 12 injured, includ-
western “with the hope of saving lives,” lake gave way, sweeping struc- ing a seven-year-old girl.
Afghanistan, Daouda Ousmanou, the top gov- tures down the hill, the govern- Authorities in Cameroon have
on Sunday. ernment official in the district, ment said. been demolishing houses in high-
said yesterday. In the city’s Mbankolo neigh- risk zones susceptible to floods
Cameroon Territorial Adminis- bourhood, at least 30 houses and landslides. Many of the build-
tration Minister Paul Atanga Ngi, were swept away while several ings that collapsed on Sunday had
who visited the site, announced collapsed on residents inside, been marked for demolition.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Young: Dragon is well on the way

GAIL ALEXANDER ested in Venezuela. since, as happens with all energy sions with the Venezuelans, and
Senior political reporter “When I was in Venezuela a sector commercial agreements, in particular President Maduro
couple of weeks ago at PDVSA there are terms of confidential- and Vice President Rodriguez,
The Dragon natural gas agree- headquarters, as I walked out ity,” he said. they’re looking at Loran coming
ment with Venezuela includes of the boardroom to strategise, He explained this was because to Trinidad and Tobago.”
allocations for domestic gas as there were literally a number of if many parties were negotiating, Young said as the Dragon, Man-
well as LNG. The agreement is multinational companies meeting Venezuela wouldn’t want each atee and Calypso arrangements
not only for the pursuit of Dragon them. There are other countries party to know the terms of the come on stream, companies like
field gas, but details can’t be given in the world wanting to do busi- deal. Haliburton and others that left
due to confidentiality terms, En- ness with Venezuela, but what “Dragon is well on the way,” he will return.
ergy Minister Stuart Young said we’ve done is manage the rela- declared. On the Atlantic LNG agreement,
yesterday. tionship to ensure we’re the pri- Young said the agreement is he said: “Thousands of pages are
In his contribution to debate on ority.” not only for the pursuit of gas, now being reviewed to a restruc-
the 2024 Budget in the House of Young said a commercial term dismissing claims it was only for tured Atlantic LNG that would
Representatives, Young also said sheet was negotiated and signed LNG. mean better shareholding for the
Government hopes to sign the in 2018. Minister of Energy and Energy “There’s an allocation for do- people of Trinidad and Tobago.
final agreement on the restruc- He dismissed Opposition que- Industries Stuart Young speaks mestic gas! And we’ve had a num- We also managed to negotiate
turing of Atlantic, the liquefied ries about the many agreements during the Budget debate in ber of meetings and we’re now third-party access to gas so that
natural gas (LNG) in Point Fortin signed, pointing out that this was Parliament yesterday. negotiating the pricing,” he said. means that not only NGC, Shell
within the next month. “because the US put sanctions!”. PICTURE OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT On other issues, the minister and BP can bring gas to ALNG in
The minister spent half of his Young added: “And that’s what President Delcy Rodriguez into said the Manatee field, which is the future but others can as well.”
contribution criticising the for- stopped it otherwise the Dragon Trinidad and Tobago. Thank God part of the Loran-Manatee field He said that now presents
mer People’s Partnership ad- gas would have been in Trinidad I did!” between T&T and Venezuela, was opportunities for deepwater,
ministration’s management of and Tobago since 2020! The US Young said the agreement that part of a unitisation agreement Woodside, regional gas and
the energy sector and listing the put sanctions and stopped the was signed between him and Ven- but when the Government saw cross-border gas.
achievements of the PNM Govern- project.” ezuela’s Minister of the People’s what was occurring as a result of Other endeavours outlined by
ment. He also recalled that the Op- Power of Petroleum was for the the US sanctions, they negotiated Young include a memorandum of
Commenting on Opposition position wrote the US seeking promotion of joint projects in the and “got President Maduro to understanding and meetings with
questions about the Dragon field sanctions on him and the Prime gas hydrocarbon sector. allow us to produce the Manatee Suriname, the Lara solar project,
agreement with Venezuela, Young Minister “because they were sup- “And it is not only for Dragon field, so that is going to happen”. the pursuit of wind for electricity
pointed out: “Trinidad and To- porting ‘President Guaido’ and but also as part of that agreement “And it’s only natural that Loran generation and the first green hy-
bago isn’t the only place inter- asking why I let Venezuelan Vice ... I cannot get into the terms of it will follow. In my recent discus- drogen project.

Central Bank annual report:

35.1% rise in forex sales in 2022
GEISHA KOWLESSARALONZO introduction of exchange-traded
Senior multimedia reporter funds (ETF’s).
geisha.kowlessar@guardian.co.tt “The composite portfolio lost
1.57 per cent compared with a
Over the 12 months ended Sep- return of 0.20 per cent one year
tember 30, 2022, total purchases earlier. The portfolio losses were
of foreign exchange by authorised driven by the poor performance
dealers from the public amounted of the bond market as major cen-
to US$5.356 billion, which repre- tral banks increased their policy
sented an increase of 52.1 per cent rates to combat rising inflation
when compared with the previ- and the resultant losses made
ous financial year. on the portfolio’s bond holdings
This was revealed in the Central more than outweighed the posi-
Bank’s 2022 annual report, which tive earnings on the fixed depos-
was posted on its website yester- its,” the report explained.
day. It also noted that net official re-
It also noted that energy sector serves decreased to US$6.8 billion
conversions, which remained the as at September 30, 2022, from
primary source of inflows to the US$7.1 billion at the end of Sep-
market, rose by 66 per cent and tember 2021.
contributed 74.2 per cent of the The Central Bank, left, is part of the Eric Williams Financial Complex on Independence Square in Port-of-Spain. Energy sector inflows totalling
dealers’ total purchases from the PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ US$2.6 billion were more than
public for the year. the TTD/US$ weighted average in significant financial market vol- board approved a strategic asset offset by interventions in the do-
According to the annual report, exchange rate depreciated slightly atility during the FY2021/22. allocation for the period 2021 to mestic foreign exchange market
the bank maintained its regular over the year with the selling rate Moreover, global growth pros- 2024, underpinned by the invest- amounting to US$1.3 billion, dis-
interventions in the market, sell- standing at TT$6.7803/US$1.00 as pects were negatively impacted ment philosophy of capital pres- bursements of US$0.9 billion to
ing a total of US$1.25 billion to at September 30, 2022, compared as most major developed central ervation, maintaining adequate various foreign exchange facil-
the authorised dealers during the to TT$6.7795/US$1.00 at the end banks raised interest rates to curb liquidity to meet obligations ities, Central Government debt
year. of September 2021. inflation— the Fed raised rates and an acceptable return within payments of US$0.5 billion and
It added that sales of foreign The report also spoke on for- five times over the year to bring well-defined risk parameters. other Government payments to-
exchange by authorised dealers eign currency reserve manage- its federal funds target range to During FY2021/22, the board talling US$0.2 billion.
to the public reached US$6.257 ment. between 3.00 to 3.25 per cent in also approved adjustments to the During the year, the Govern-
billion during FY2021/22, an in- It stated that unrelenting high September 2022. approved framework, to allow in- ment deposited US$164 million
crease of 35.1 per cent from the inflation, ongoing disruptions to On the issue of foreign reserve vestments in ESG (environment, into the Heritage and Stabilisation
US$4.631 billion sold in the previ- trade stemming from Russia’s in- management, the Central Bank social, governance) securities, in Fund (HSF), which also contrib-
ous financial year. vasion of Ukraine and worsening noted that against the backdrop keeping with the bank’s commit- uted to the overall decline in the
The report further noted that energy shocks in Europe resulted of expected market volatility, the ment to climate change and the reserve portfolio.
16 stocks Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Daily Report on Trading, Monday, October 9, 2023 Nine

ALL T&T INDEX: 1,841.30
CHANGE: -2.86
CHANGE: -1.74
BOUGHT/SOLD: $689,674.57
($) ($) ($) ($) VOL. ($)
Overall market activity resulted
ORDINARY SHARES from trading in 14 securities of
AGOSTINI’S LTD 68.00 67.15 3,000 68.00 812 68.00 06-10-2023 68.00 which zero advanced, nine de-
ANGOSTURA HOLDINGS 22.98 22.98 22.98 22.97 167 22.98 940 22.98 09-10-2023 60 22.98
ANSA MERCHANT BANK 42.63 42.50 6,618 44.50 6 42.50 06-10-2023 42.63
clined and five traded firm.
ANSA MCAL 57.20 57.20 57.20 57.00 2 57.20 2,715 57.20 09-10-2023 91 57.20 Trading activity resulted in
FIRST CITIZEN GROUP FINANCIAL HOLDINGS 49.05 49.50 49.00 49.05 204 49.07 20 49.00 09-10-2023 7,212 49.03 -0.02 the following movements of the
FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL 7.00 7.00 6.98 6.97 55 6.98 2,000 6.98 09-10-2023 5,909 7.00 TTSE Indices:
GUARDIAN HOLDINGS 19.05 19.00 19.00 19.00 6,869 19.10 10,660 19.00 09-10-2023 100 19.00 -0.05 • The All T&T Index declined
GRACE KENNEDY & CO 3.40 3.43 10,000 3.75 13,000 3.40 05-10-2023 3.40 by 2.86 points (0.16 per cent) to
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 2.01 2.01 3,895 2.30 19,828 2.01 03-10-2023 2.01
close at 1,841.30;
JMMB GROUP LTD 1.41 1.41 1.40 1.40 358,678 1.41 31,500 1.41 09-10-2023 8,602 1.41
LJ WILLIAMS A 0.21 0.20 1,012 0.21 03-10-2023 0.21
• The Composite Index de-
LJ WILLIAMS B 2.44 2.43 1,000 2.44 29-09-2023 2.44 clined by 1.74 points (0.14 per
MASSY 4.87 4.85 4.85 4.88 1,500 4.90 34,591 4.85 09-10-2023 100 4.85 -0.02 cent) to close at 1,209.40;
NCBFG 3.00 2.99 2.99 2.95 345 2.99 8,354 2.99 09-10-2023 1,646 2.99 -0.01 • The Cross-Listed Index de-
NATIONAL ENTERPRISES LTD 3.55 3.55 3.51 3.55 29,962 3.60 47,078 3.55 09-10-2023 88 3.51 -0.04 clined by 0.07 points (0.09 per
NATIONAL FLOUR MILLS 1.52 1.53 2,515 1.60 2,000 1.52 06-10-2023 1.52 cent) to close at 74.65; and
TTNGL 12.99 13.00 12.90 12.90 5,452 13.00 16,299 12.90 09-10-2023 10,588 12.91 -0.08
• The SME Index remained at
ONE CARIBBEAN MEDIA 3.78 3.30 16,100 3.82 4,803 3.78 05-10-2023 3.78
PRESTIGE HOLDINGS 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.21 8,180 8.50 3,040 8.50 09-10-2023 143 8.50 79.75.
POINT LISAS DEV 3.50 3.07 1,614 3.60 4,999 3.50 05-10-2023 3.50 National Enterprises Ltd led
RFHL 119.99 119.98 119.75 119.00 24 119.74 750 119.75 09-10-2023 499 119.76 -0.23 declining stocks, dropping by
SCOTIABANK 72.50 71.40 110 72.50 2,819 72.50 06-10-2023 72.50 1.13 per cent, and losing $0.04m
T’DAD CEMENT LTD 3.13 2.67 10 3.10 50,000 3.13 04-10-2023 3.13 to close at $3.51.
UNILEVER CARIB LTD 11.60 11.60 11.55 11.21 200 11.60 249 11.55 09-10-2023 1,031 11.56 -0.04 Trading activity on the First-
WEST INDIAN TOBACCO CO 10.10 10.10 10.00 10.00 1,190 10.29 200 10.00 09-10-2023 5,846 10.05 -0.05
Tier Market registered a volume
of 41,915 shares crossing the
PREFERENCE SHARES floor of the Exchange valued at
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 65.85 65.85 968 65.85 22-08-2023 65.85 $689,674.57.
WILLIAMS LJP 3.79 3.79 4,955 3.79 29-09-2023 3.79 T&T NGL was the volume
leader with 10,588 shares
SECOND TIER SHARES changing hands for a value of
MORA VEN HOLDINGS 12.00 12.00 14-12-2018 12.00
$136,715.13, followed by JMMB
MUTUAL FUND UNITS Group Ltd with a volume of
CALYPSO MACRO INDEX FUND 22.50 23.00 214 24.90 1,728 22.50 06-10-2023 22.50 8,602 shares being traded for
CLICO INVESTMENT FUND 27.46 28.00 30-12-2022 27.46 $12,127.80.
EPPLEY CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND 0.71 0.71 09-05-2023 0.71 The Mutual Fund Market did
EPPLEY CARIBBEAN VALUE FUND 1.60 1.60 10-02-2023 1.60 not record any activity.
The Second Tier Market did
SME SHARES not record any activity.
CINEMAONE LIMITED 7.40 7.35 473 7.40 28-07-2023 7.40
ENDEAVOUR HOLDINGS LTD 14.95 13.00 468 15.00 2,643 14.95 06-10-2023 14.95 The SME Market did not re-
cord any activity.
USD EQUITY SHARES The USD Equity Market did
MPC CARIBBEAN CLEAN ENERGY LIMITED 0.98 0.95 500 0.98 20-01-2023 0.98 not record any activity.

Lee-Chin awarded US$44M from Dom Rep arbitration

Jamaican business mogul, Mi- lic took military control of the of Lee-Chin. “no pattern of reasonableness
Michael Lee-Chin
chael Lee-Chin has been awarded landfill and also brought local ac- In the Final Award, the Tribu- or plausible justifications may
more than US$43.59 million in an tions to nullify and terminate the nal found that the Dominican be discerned in [the Dominican
investment dispute with the Do- concession based on an alleged Republic violated its obligations Republic’s] changing attitudes
minican Republic. environmental emergency. under the Treaty regarding ex- throughout the investment.”
Lee-Chin obtained a Final Lee-Chin initiated investment propriation and fair and equita- Consequently, the Arbitral Tri-
Award from a UNCITRAL Arbitral arbitration against the Dominican ble treatment, as well as breached bunal concluded that the Domin-
Tribunal in the case that involved Republic as a result of what he the Treaty’s umbrella clause. In ican Republic “must compensate
issues of first impression under alleged was the state’s multiple reparation for these violations, Claimant for the damages it actu-
the Caricom-DR Free Trade violations of the Treaty, which the Arbitral Tribunal ordered the ally caused as a result of violating
Agreement (Treaty). included various arbitrary acts Dominican Republic to pay Lee- its obligations under the terms of
Lee-Chin had brought the claim intended to force him to operate Chin a sum in excess of US$43.59 the Treaty.”
against the Dominican Republic the landfill without receiving a million, plus interest. Upon review of the Final
under the Treaty in relation to fair tipping fee. Agreeing with the arguments Award, Lee-Chin said he “was
his interest in Lajun Corporation After more than five years of made by Lee-Chin, the Tribunal very pleased with the result and
SA, a Dominican company, which arbitral proceedings, multiple rejected all remaining jurisdic- that he was finally vindicated.”
held a long-term concession con- rounds of substantive briefs ( ju- tional objections filed by the He added that he “expects the
tract to manage a landfill in Santo risdictional and merits), two Dominican Republic, and held Dominican Republic to immedi-
Domingo. document production phases, a that “the termination of the Con- ately satisfy the Final Award and
The concession was managed two-day jurisdictional hearing, a cession Agreement was part of a evidence to the investor commu-
by Lee-Chin’s son, Adrian Chris- six-day final hearing on the mer- larger effort by the State to actu- nity, including all Jamaican inves-
topher Lee-Chin, who served as its, and significant post-hearing ally eject Claimant from the oper- tors, that the Dominican Republic
Lajun’s general manager. briefings, the Arbitral Tribunal ation of the investment.” once found liable honours its in-
In 2017, the Dominican Repub- issued its Final Award in favour The Tribunal further found that ternational obligations.” (CMC)
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt opinion 17
We cannot flout the Constitution
There have been different ideas to determine an issue with the Rev-
floated for constitutional reform. enue Authority. This comes on the
One is for an executive presidency. heels of his consultations with a Gov-
Another for proportional representa- ernment committee.
tion. Yet another for absolute powers The Chief Justice seems to be doing
for the Prime Minister. away altogether with rule of law and
On the other hand, ways of ap- impartiality and separateness of the
proaching this topic vary too. You bench. Of course, he cannot do that
have categories of non-stop commen- and he further has no place to under-
tary in the press. A while back, there write the two-seat majority by nod-
was the Commonwealth grouping in ding to them and the Government
Bermuda suggesting changes for Trin- or members of the Bench. By doing
idad and Tobago. Very odd indeed. At what he did, he has, in my opinion,
present, the ruling Government, with offered himself for resignation irre-
a two-seat majority, is trying to alter trievably. Some time ago, someone
the framework of delegated powers tried to drag him down in a scandal.
and separation of powers allocated One can only hope that neither he
in the Constitution—via institution of nor any of the other judges is peren-
the Revenue Authority; which it can nially affected. Is it all connected?
not do. While Trinidad and Tobago has
Then last week, the strangest thing its Constitution, we are duty-bound
happened. The Chief Justice decided to fulfil it. It cannot be that because
to use his platform at the opening of there are fractured ruminations
the law term, to suggest to all and about reform, that we can simply
sundry in the civil service that things flout the highest laws of the land “on
needed to be done another way as on their behalf”. That ALSO IS NOT the
his say so; at the same time, as there Constitution.
is a matter before the courts aiming E GALY

Home fire prevention

Here are some home fire prevention cooking.
tips T&T: • Never leave candles or lamps light-
• Buy and learn how to use a fire ex- ing and go to bed.
tinguisher competently. • Install smoke detectors in your
• Teach all the basics of fire safety home.
and how to prevent fires. • Have an escape plan in case of a
• Keep fire hazards out of the risk of fire.
all. Fire is a great servant but a mean
• Keep flammable items at least master. Safety is first, second and
three feet away from anything hot. third. Are we clear? I kid you not.
• Smoke outside. This is not a drill.
• Stay in the kitchen while cooking
in case something catches fire AV RAMPERSAD
• Shut off the stove completely after

Park and ride at the airport

Creating additional parking spaces hance access to essential services
at the San Fernando Hospital and and ensure smoother travel experi-
implementing a car park and ride ences. These initiatives would align
shuttle service at the airport could with international standards, mak-
significantly alleviate the parking ing the hospital and airport more us-
issues and improve overall conveni- er-friendly and convenient. Given the
ence for visitors and travellers. ample land around both facilities,
Converting grassy areas at the hos- these changes could be feasible and
pital into parking lots is a practical greatly benefit the community and
solution to address the shortage of travellers alike.
parking spaces. Similarly, at the air-
port, making use of available land GORDON LAUGHLIN
for designated pick-up
and drop-off areas and
implementing a shuttle
service would enhance
the airport experience.
Efficient parking
solutions not only ease
congestion but also en-

Proposes to apply to the Environmental
Management Authority (EMA) for a
variation in accordance with the Noise
Pollution Control Rules for the Event/
Activity described below:

Date of event/ activity:

19TH. NOVEMBER, 2023
Description of event/ activity:

Address of event/ activity:


Duration of event/ activity:

2:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

The public is invited to e-mail:

submit comments to the EMA
at noise@ema.co.tt within
five (5) working days of the
publication of this Notice.
18 opinion Tuesday, October 10, 2023

reported that he was a suspect in sev- serious in nature, and given that he

The scales of justice

eral home invasions in South Trini- was on bail and in possession of a
dad and at the time of the incident, firearm, clearly had easy access to
he was in possession of a firearm. It illegal items. How was the discretion
was further reported that he failed weighed?

Pavitra Ramharack to make a court appearance last

Wednesday. I must question what
matters were taken into considera-
The Privy Council, in their 2022
decision, made reference to the de-
plorable conditions of our prisons,
Attorney at Law, Senior Committee Member
tion when granting bail. the considerable delays in our justice
of Assembly of Southern Lawyers
This situation made me consider system and the removal of the discre-
Lady Justice is famously known for being blind- delivered a decision whereby it was determined granting bail to this individual and tion afforded to judges to grant bail.
folded and holding a scale in one hand and a sword that individuals accused of murder could apply for our constitutional rights. As a cit- These are all matters that can be ad-
in the other. Her blindfold allows for everyone to bail. Since 1917 or thereabout, individuals accused izen of this country, I am also enti- dressed and remedied to ensure we
be equal before the court with no biases towards of murder were not to apply for bail. At that time, tled to my constitutional rights and all enjoy our constitutional rights.
a person’s outer appearance. The scale and sword I considered the new landscape that this would to my right to life, liberty, security of Strategic planning, proper funding
represent the weighing of evidence and punishing bring in criminal law, but, I reserved opinion until person and enjoyment of property. and allocations can result in better
of wrongdoing. The sword is double-bladed and I could properly consider the ramifications of the In one brazen act of home invasion prison conditions. The restoration of
signifies that justice can rule against either party decision. where someone is beaten or killed, our courtrooms, additional judicial
on the evidence presented and can also protect On October 6, 2023, at approximately 12.20 pm, the entirety of that constitutional officers and proper utilisation of re-
and defend innocent parties. The balancing act by there was a confrontation between police officers right is trampled on. So how then sources can allow for a speedier judi-
the scales of justice is difficult in the best of times and an individual known to them at Palmiste Park have the scales of justice properly cial process. We should also consider
and one must question whether we are able to in south Trinidad. The individual was shot and weighed the risks of granting bail to amendments to the existing laws so
properly strike that balance. killed during the confrontation. The area where someone with a criminal record such that collectively, they work better
The Constitution of T&T extended certain rights the shooting occurred contains a children’s play as this, with the interest of the public safeguarding rights and freedoms.
and freedoms to its citizens, the first two being park which is usually busy; there are various busi- or our safety? In protecting the con- Our crime situation worsens every
the right of the individual to life, liberty, security nesses and a primary school and pre-school within stitutional rights of someone accused day. There are few if any areas in
of the person and enjoyment of property and the a stone’s throw away. I am amazed and thankful of a horrendous crime, we failed to Trinidad we can now consider safe
right not to be deprived thereof, except by due that no innocent bystanders were hurt. Just two protect the constitutional rights of all or free from criminals. We live with
process of law, and the right of the individual to months prior, the individual was accused of mur- others who fell victim to his contin- almost constant fear of being the vic-
equality before the law and the protection of the der and had been granted bail. At the time of bail ued criminal activity. tim of crime.
law. In July 2022, this constitutional right to life, being granted, his criminal record showed he was I acknowledge there are persons Now, to consider that individuals
liberty, security of the person was viewed in a new charged with cocaine trafficking, motor vehicle who may be wrongfully accused of being granted bail have such flagrant
light. The Privy Council, our highest court of law, larceny and firearm-related offences. It has been a crime, or those who have commit- disrespect for our laws and our judi-
ted serious crimes in bursts of rage cial system, that they walk straight
or passion and may not necessarily out of prison and back into criminal
be considered hardened criminals activities. It may well mean every
with the potential of repeating. In time we feel a sense of relief that
such instances, it is arguable that our police have finally caught and
they should have access to bail. In charged someone, we must wonder
accessing bail, there should be set how many days until they are back
standards considered in exercising on the streets continuing their reign
discretion to grant or not grant bail. of terror.
Taking an example from the individ-
ual killed on Friday, he did not attend Pavitra Ramharack is head of chambers
court as required, which indicated at Pavitra Ramharack attorneys-at-law
there may have been a flight risk, had and can be reached at ramharack_
a prior record of crimes which were pavitra@outlook.com
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt opinion 19
The Death Penalty: Weighing the scales of justice in a complex world
Following is a joint Op-Ed marking glaring when juxtaposed with the to rising crime rates. However, death penalty becomes evi- of justice continues to evolve,
International Day against the Death potential for systemic biases in em- if we look to countries that dent. A justice system rooted in so too must our approach to
Penalty, which is being observed ploying the death penalty, which have low crime rates, such as compassion, rehabilitation and punishment. The death penalty
today. can disproportionately affect mar- Norway, which abolished the fairness is not just a marker of is not conducive to the progres-
ginalised low-income communi- death penalty back in 1905, a progressive society, but also sive society every member of
Throughout human civilisation, the ties. This inherent bias challenges they prioritise rehabilitation a beacon of hope for a better the international community
death penalty has been presented as the fundamental principle of equal within their criminal justice world. strives to be.
a stark symbol of justice, retribution, justice under the law, highlighting systems. In countries that have As advocates for abolition, Although abolishing the
and seeming societal protection. systemic injustices that need urgent abolished capital punishment, we remain persistent in our as- death penalty may not dimin-
However, in recent times, as our rectification. there is a prevailing belief that sertion that investments in edu- ish the severity of crimes, it
understanding of justice and the In recent decades, a global shift justice should focus on reform cation, mental health services, reflects our unrelenting com-
paramount primacy of the right to away from the death penalty has and reintegration, rather than and poverty alleviation—which mitment to humanity, empa-
life evolves, the complexities sur- been evident. As of 2023, 112 coun- revenge and retribution. all address the root causes of thy, and the pursuit of a justice
rounding the death penalty demand tries have abolished capital punish- A critical part of the discus- crime rather than resorting to system that truly embodies
a critical re-evaluation. ment, recognising it as a violation of sion on the death penalty must an outdated practice that fails the principles of fairness and
The ethical, social, and legal as- human rights. be about not only how crime is to address the complexities of equality for all.
pects associated with capital punish- The international consensus addressed through rehabilita- criminal behaviour, and, more
ment have sparked intense debates, against the death penalty has grown tion, but also about how crime importantly, does not actually Greater Caribbean for Life
amid rising levels of crime, ques- stronger, and continues to do so, can be prevented in the first prevent it—are the most profit- Australian High Commission
tioning whether the death penalty is with various international and re- place. Overwhelmingly, coun- able in the long-term. British High Commission
the solution to our problems. gional organisations tirelessly advo- tries with low levels of crime An emphasis on restorative Port-of-Spain
Examining the societal impact of cating for its abolition. all share one thing in common: justice, which focuses on re- Embassy of the French Republic
Embassy of the Federative
the death penalty reveals a complex The impact has been visible in the high levels of social welfare and pairing harm done to victims Republic of Germany
interplay of emotions, fear, and ret- region especially, as most recently, protection. and communities, offers a far Embassy of the Kingdom of the
ribution. Studies show that commu- Barbados removed the mandatory Considering the societal more compassionate and ef- Netherlands
nities with higher rates of capital death penalty in 2019. Recently, in impact, systemic biases, and fective alternative to the death Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain
punishment do not necessarily ex- July 2023, Ghana became the 29th evolving global perspectives, penalty. The EU Delegation to Trinidad
perience lower crime rates, debunk- country in Africa to abolish the the compelling argument in In conclusion, as society and Tobago
ing the notion that the death penalty death penalty. This global trend thus favour of the abolition of the evolves, and our understanding
acts as a deterrent. underscores a collective acknowl-
Furthermore, the psychological edgement of the need for a more hu-
toll on individuals involved in the mane and compassionate approach
execution process, including prison to justice.
staff and witnesses, raises ethical In the past few months, there
concerns about the desensitisation have been numerous calls for the
of society towards violence. enforcement of the death penalty
This issue becomes even more in Trinidad and Tobago in response
20 Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The opening scene,

titled Bound.

Dancers in
This Is What
They Do.

A dance

Healing In
Between. A scene from
Keep Calm My

bi T&T Performers
f host

bis T&T Performers
P presented In Between at south-based communities, having consistently stentlly
stently y
Naparima Bowl, San Fernando, on September and successfully participated in numerous
n merous ous
30. national and community festivals such s as the
The show was set on a fictional colonial Prime Minister’s Best Village Trophy Competition.
plantation, and followed the lives of a community The company explores various genre
genres off dance
of enslaved people in various dance scenes, and has earned several awards nationall
y,, as itss
ending with the rebellion against their master. base has expanded from San Fernando to t Siparia,
Ibis, which stands for Individuals Blended In Point Fortin and Port-of-Spain.
Synergy, was founded in 2005 by professional Guardian Media freelance photo photographer
dancer and choreographer Sherma Burke-Ford EDISON BOODOOSINGH attended the event ev nt and d
and has grown into a household name in several captured these images. Continues on papage 21
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt quik flix 21
From page 20

A scene from And So It Goes, as the slaves rebel against their owner.

Dancers in the piece Joy In Between.

A New
22 Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Our cognitive health matters at all ages

‘Our mind, our rights’
ndemic mental health How do I know if someone has a aren’t ready to talk about. Talk- Offering a lifeline
concerns and burnout have mental health problem? ing can take a lot of trust and You may also feel a sense of
skyrocketed. “Suicide is Sometimes it will seem obvious courage. You might be the first crisis, but staying calm is impor-
the fourth leading cause of when someone is going through person they have been able to tant. It is crucial that one pays
death among 15-19 year-olds,” a hard time, but there is no talk to about this. attention to the person confiding
according to PAHO/WHO. In simple way of knowing if they in them. You don’t have to agree
the working world, nearly six
times as many employers report
have a mental health problem.
Sometimes you may not know.
3 Don’t try to diagnose or
second guess their feelings
You probably aren’t a medical
with what they are saying, but
by showing you understand how
hings you
you can
can do to
support someone who may be
increased mental health issues It’s more important to respond they feel, you are letting them
among employees post pandemic expert, and while you may be contemplating suicide:
sensitively and with empathy to happy to talk and offer support, know you respect their feelings.
- post-traumatic stress disorder someone who seems troubled you aren’t a trained counsellor. Try not to take control and allow • Ask–Don’t be afraid to ask if
and burnout being among the than to find out whether or not them to make decisions. You will someone may be thinking about
most common. A CDC study Try not to make assumptions
they have a diagnosis. about what is wrong or jump in have your own limits on the sup- suicide. Check-in with friends,
found the percentage of the Although certain symptoms port that you can provide. In of- family and co-workers. Ask if you
population reporting that they too quickly with your own diag-
are common with specific mental nosis or solutions. fering a lifeline, you may wish to may be worried.
felt depressed has quadrupled. health problems, no two people lean on professional medical sup-
That may just be the behave the same way when port. Try to help them create a • Listen–Be patient and non-
beginning. Mental health experts
have predicted “a tsunami of
unwell. You may notice changes
in their behaviour or mood if you
4 Keep questions open ended
Say, “Why don’t you tell
me how you are feeling?” rather
support network of other friends,
relatives and mental health pro-
judgmental when persons share
thoughts and feelings about their
psychiatric illness” in this post- know the person well. than “I can see you are feeling fessionals who can help them too. pain.
pandemic era. very low”. Try to keep your lan- Remember that if you believe
Five tips for talking guage neutral. Give the person they are in immediate danger or • Support–Encourage persons
October 10 – to seek help before they
about mental health time to answer and try not to have injuries that need medical
experience crisis. Ask how you
World Mental Health Day grill them with too many ques- attention, you must take urgent
can support them during their
Our cognitive health is vital to
our overall health and well-be- 1 Set time aside with no
tions. action to ensure they are safe.
difficult time.
ing. Yet one in eight people
globally are living with mental
It is important to provide an
open and non-judgemental space
with no distractions.
5 Talk about self-care
Discuss ways of de-
stressing or practicing self-care
Learn the Warning Signs
Educate yourself on the
warning signs of depression and
For local emergency and crisis support:
Lifeline: 800-5588/ 866-5433
health conditions, which can im-
and ask if they find anything suicide to support those closest TOLL FREE : 220-3636
pact their physical health, their
well-being, how they connect
with others, and their liveli- 2 Let them share as much or as
little as they want to
Let them lead the discussion at
helpful. Exercising, having a
healthy diet and getting a good
night’s sleep can help protect
to you. These can include feeling
helpless or a burden to others,
In case of an emergency (suicide
attempt) : Call: 990, 811, 999
St. Ann’s Psychiatric Hospital, St. Ann’s
hoods. Mental health conditions increased drug use, changes
are also affecting an increasing their own pace. Don’t pressure mental health and sustain well- in mood and sleeping habits, Road, St. Ann’s : 624-1151-5
number of adolescents and them to tell you anything they being. saying goodbye and giving away Free Crisis and Emergency Services -
young people. Mental health For more information: www.who.int/campaigns/world-mental-health-day/2023 possessions. www.Findcarett.com
issues in teens often go undiag-
nosed and untreated.
World Mental Health Day is
observed on 10 October every
year, with the 2023’s theme
being, “Mental health is a
universal human right”
placing the focus on promoting
everyone’s mental health as a
universal human right. The Day
provides an opportunity for all
stakeholders to bring awareness
on what more needs to be done
to make mental health care a
reality for people worldwide.

Improving Access to
Mental Health Care
World Health Organization
shared, “having a mental health
condition should never be a
reason to deprive a person of
their human rights or to exclude
them from decisions about
their own health. Yet all over
the world, people with mental
health conditions continue to
experience a wide range of
human rights violations. Many
are excluded from community
life and discriminated against,
while many more cannot access
the mental health care they need
or can only access care that
violates their human rights.”
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt health 23

Rotarians encourage us to ‘Create Hope

in the World’

Left to right: AG South T&T Rotary Clubs Brian Ramatally, Past District Governor, Roger Bose,
President of the Rotary Club of San Fernando South (RCoSFS) DeCoursey Redman,
Rotary District 7030 Governor, Brian Glasgow and Past District Governor,
Dr Stephen Ramroop at the 40th Anniversary of RCoSFS.

Rotary members share a unique

passion for taking action to improve
their communities and the world.
Mere weeks ago, the Rotary Club
of San Fernando South (RCoSFS)
commemorated their 40th
anniversary and their legacy of
service and community development Her Excellency, Christine Kangaloo engaged in a read aloud session
of “Avocado and Zaboca” by Sonja Dumas.
impact were celebrated.
The Rotary International the complex challenges of a
theme for 2023-2024, as changing world, including
announced by Rotary Inter- generational shifts in
national President Gordon leadership and priorities,
Rotary District Governor 7030, McInally earlier this year is a our ability to bring hope to
Brian Glasgow. theme that resonates deeply the world takes on a new
with Rotary’s mission and significance.
our role as Rotarians in work- Let us not forget that the
ing for peace and mental essence of our work remains
wellbeing. That theme is to unchanged. It is about
“Create Hope in the World.” Creating Hope in the World,
When we think about whether by eradicating
hope, we often associate it polio, providing clean water,
with a bright outlook for the promoting peace, or fighting
future, and rightly so. Hope for basic human rights. Hope
is the force that drives us to transcends generations, and
create a better world, and it it is our duty to ensure that it
is at the very core of Rotary’s burns brightly in the hearts President Wayne Herbert of Rotary Club of POS West, President Tanya Western of
purpose. But as we navigate of all Rotarians. Rotary Club of Central POS, President Alexander Learmond-Criqui of
Rotary Club of Diego Martin, DGE Debbie Roopchand, President Kirwin Samuel of
(Excerpt from the Feature Address at the RCoSFS 40th Anniversary) Rotary Club of Maraval, Past President Veronica DeSouza of Rotary Club of POS
Rotary District Governor Elect 7030, West, Assistant Governor of the North T&T Rotary Clubs Giselle Holder
Debbie Roopchand and Secretary Roger Kirton, RCoPOS. The painting was created and donated by
Member, Peacebuilding Committee. Rotary is dedicated Literacy Past President Jaspal Bhogal of the Rotary Club of POS West.
to causes that build The installation of
international relationships, Peace libraries by the Creating a green space stools and stepping stones
improve lives and create a Rotary Clubs of Felicity/ – “Garden with Wings” made from fallen tree trunks
better world for all. One of Charlieville and Central The Rotary Club of Central that provide seating for visitors.
its seven areas of focus is Port-of-Spain at Primary Port of Spain in partnership Maintaining the “Garden with
Peacebuilding and Conflict Schools where they with Friends of Botanic Gardens Wings” is an ongoing project of
Prevention. It is an area of conduct read aloud of T&T and other stakeholders the Club and other stakeholders
focus which is linked directly sessions with the students celebrated pollinator week involved and it provides a quiet
to mental health. In Trinidad, of the Schools is an on June 19, at the “Garden space where visitors can unwind,
clubs have engaged in various initiative which exposes with Wings” located within relax and enjoy the beauty of the
initiatives to build peace our youth to books that can the Botanical Gardens by the garden.
and this article highlights assist them with managing entering into a Pollination These are just a few of the
two projects – the creation conflict, coping with issues Partnership to promote many initiatives the Rotary
of a green space that fosters such as bullying, promoting pollination within the garden and Clubs of Trinidad and Tobago
peace and peacebuilding peace and improving planted water Ollas to assist with have embarked upon. Each
through literacy/read aloud, their literacy all of which watering the plants. The garden initiative creates significant
Newly pinned Rotarian, both of which impact directly positively impact on the is filled with flowering plants positive impact as Rotarians
Dr Safeeya Mohammed delivering feature on good mental health and students’ mental wellbeing and trees and attracts many continue to be a global peace
address on Building Mental Fortitude. wellbeing. and development. butterflies. There are benches, building force.
24 comic relief Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Horoscope Eugenia
Designate time and energy to help a cause or to rectify a concern you

want to amend. Refuse to let domestic situations interfere with your


purpose. A couple of financial adjustments will put your mind at ease

and encourage you to restructure what’s essential and how you plan to
do your part. Don’t waste energy on people or situations that don’t fit
your plans. Prioritise.
You are talkative, forceful and changeable. You are unique and assertive.
6, 17, 23, 27, 35, 39, 41.

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, 45; Mario Lopez, 50; Wendi McLendon-Covey, 54;
Nora Roberts, 73.

Aries Libra

March 21-April 19 Sept 23-October 22

3 STARS Listen, assess and 4 STARS Put on your adult pants
move along. Don’t waste time on and make a stance. How you use
someone or something that has no your skills and connections to make
future. Look for solid opportunities your community better will have a
and put a contract that protects stabilising effect on what matters
you, your ideas and your long-term to you. Participation will capture
goals in place. When opportunity attention and encourage others
knocks, open the door. to do their part.

Taurus Scorpio

April 20-May 20 October 23-Nov 21

5 STARS Don’t share too much 4 STARS Revisit your options,

information. Mull over what you choose and follow through.

hear, verify facts and use what you Express your desires, and don’t
learn to secure your position. Follow back down under pressure. Change
your heart and take advantage of is necessary, but it must align with
an opportunity that offers a shift in your long-term plans. Refuse to let
how you use your skills to dominate anyone railroad you into something
the competition. you do not want.

Gemini Sagittarius
May 21-June 20
Nov 22-December 21
2 STARS Making moves based on
emotion will leave you confused. 2 STARS Take the path that
Think before you put more energy offers the freedom to follow your

into restructuring your lifestyle heart’s desire. Refuse to let anyone

and professional goals by picking infringe on you or your plans. Use
up knowledge and skills to help your intellect to pick and choose
you advance. Networking functions who you confide in and what you
will reveal what’s available. Protect pursue. Don’t let personal issues
against illness or injury. collide with financial stability.

Cancer Capricorn
June 21-July 22 December 22-Jan 19
5 STARS Take inventory before
4 STARS Stick to what you know taking on something new. Don’t
and do best. An unexpected offer fall for someone’s investment
will put you at ease and help you plan. Stick to what you know and

decide where or how you choose do your own thing. Build a strong
to live. A change will offer security base, make changes at home
and prompt you to spend less time conducive to your needs and
with people who don’t have your empower yourself.

best interests in mind.

Leo January 20-Feb 18


July 23-Aug 22
3 STARS Reach for the stars.
3 STARS Concentrate on detail and Believe in yourself and structure
expense involved before making a your day to elaborate on a plan
move, investment or contractual that supports saving, improved

shift. Get your facts straight and lifestyle and contractual protection.
find out if any updated information Don’t let someone interfere or
can help you make a difference in enforce changes on you that aren’t
how well you communicate and get necessary or in your best interest.
along with others.

Virgo Pisces
Feb 19-March 20
August 23-Sept 22
3 STARS Take a look at your 3 STARS Your discipline will pay
current situation and consider the off. Look for an opportunity to
changes that will rectify whatever partner with someone who can fill
isn’t working for you. Find a unique in the blanks regarding the skills
way to use your money and skills or experience you lack so that you
to make a difference in where or can focus on what you do best.

how you live. Make a meaningful Put everything in writing to avoid

relationship a priority. setbacks.
1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can
accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach

your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can
stop you; go for gold.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt comic relief 25
SCRABBLE 1. Mobile phone message
5. Cold hard cash
10. Walt Disney’s middle
12. There ___ accidents
13. Yoga pose
14. Have ___: Revel
15. Organizer
17. Strategy board game
with “stones”
18. Flit (about)
19. Muscle mag display
20. Couches and tables
23. Coffee, in slang
24. Tank or tee
25. Neighbor of Braz.
26. If
30. Audio technology that
often opens films
32. Arrive at
33. “The House of Blue
Leaves” playwright
34. Green-skinned pear
35. Dutch diners
36. Game piece
1. “Go, ___!”
2. “Let It Go” singer in
3. Capital of Shaanxi
4. Terracotta figurine
named for a Greek
CONTRACT BRIDGE 5. Broad, shallow crater
6. Scepter accompanier
7. More in order
8. Tie up
9. Yellow parts
11. “Cosmos” host
16. Novelist Wharton 22. Kommo ___: Australian trail that means 27. Pilgrim to Mecca
19. Small camping shelter “water walk” 28. Earth Day subj.
20. Radically strange 23. Bench warmer? 29. 20th century actor Madlyn
21. Throat hangers 26. Y-shaped objects 31. Shiverer’s sound



26 rec Tuesday, October 10, 2023

„ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 36th Annual Yajna

Fifty-ish Hottt AF! The National Council of Indian Culture
RS Productions Venue: The NCIC Auditorium
Venue: SAPA Time: 6pm
„ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 Time: 6.30pm
Fifty-ish Hottt AF! „ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22
RS Productions Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre: An October to Remember
Venue: SAPA His Legacy Lives St Barnabas Parish
Time: 8.30pm Venue: Queen’s Hall, PoS Venue: Naparima Bowl, San Fernando
Time: 6 pm Time: 6pm
Astor Johnson Repertoty Dance Theatre:
Venue: Queen’s Hall, PoS Girls Guide Association of T&T Chloe’s Christmas Wish
Time: 7pm International Day of the Girl Venue: Naparima Bowl, San Fernando
Time: 7pm
How we celebrate 12 (PLOTT) Jazz for the Holy Cathedral
Dinner & Dance Anglican Diocese T&T „ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28
Venue: Estate 101 Venue: SAPA A Teenie Tiny Halloween
Time: 7pm Time: 7pm Hosted by Little Steps Caribbean
Venue: Mille Fleur
Time: 2pm
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt 27
Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

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28 classifieds Tuesday, October 10, 2023

3 BEDROOM apartment, 10 min-

utes from San Fernando, parking
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modation for professionals or
students fully furnished, AC bed-
rooms, hot and cold water, utili- MARAVAL 1 Bedroom, 629-
ties included. $3200 per room. 2977.
Walking distance to Eastern Main
Rd and bus route, parking avail- 1 BEDROOM, $2300. San Juan. LONG TERM CROWN POINT
able inside, contact 793-7800. Single/ Couple only. 775-7824 Residential, some suitable for
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Furnished Accommodation.
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amenities included $2800. OFFICE SPACE.
Hillcrest Drive, Four Roads, Diego
Martin. 795-4448/ 769-2107
Contact: 717-4611.
WhatsApp: 393-3289/ 474-6941
3 BEDROOM 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments.
APARTMENT 776-9654
TRINCITY 3 bedroom, gated,
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Tuesday, October 10, 2023
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June 1st, 1919 - October 12th, 2015

God took her home; it was his will,

But in our hearts she liveth still.

Lovingly remembered by your children.


born on May 10, 1927, de- passed away peacefully on 1st
parted this world on Thursday, October, 2023 at the age of 55.
October 5, 2023. He was the He was the loving son of Carl-
son of the late Dr. George Hil- ton Allan (deceased) and Cleo
ton Clarke and the late Mabel Moore (deceased). Husband
Hilton Clarke (née McVoran) of Sita (deceased). Father of
and husband to Ilka Hilton Kelsey and Mariah. Brother
Clarke (née Warnars). Father of of Candace (deceased), Carol
Terence, Tyrone and Roxane. Ann, Gail, Glen, Rodney,
Grandfather of Azlan and Robert and Allison. Uncle of
Shiloh and father-in-law to Sydelle, Simone, Rayna, Jenna,
Saara (née Jadunath). He was Stacy, Craig, Jabarrie, Chela
the brother of Neville (dec.), and Cherise Ann. Great Uncle
Aldric (dec.), Carlton (dec.) and of 13. Brother-in-law of Ernest,
Allison. He was the brother-in- Mervyn, Hannifer and Hermia
law of Madge (née McMillan) (deceased). Relative of the
(dec.), Emily (née Johnson) Dhandi and Manuel families.
(dec.), Jean (née Guppy) and Close friend of Ingmarie Ralph
Violet (née De Freitas) (dec.); and Sherry Bindoo. Funeral
uncle of Von, Dawn, Susan service at 9:00 a.m. on Friday
(dec.), Spencer (dec.), Paul, 13th October, 2023 at St. The-
John, Dayne, Rory, Karen, resa’s R.C. Church, De Verteuil
Giselle and Scott. He was a lov- Street, Woodbrook, followed
ing husband, cherished father, by a Private Cremation. For
and loyal friend. He dedicated enquiries; call C&B: (868) 625-
his life to being an ophthal- 1170. To send condolences
mologist and served the com- please visit our website www.
munity faithfully. A private clarkandbattoo.com
cremation will be conducted.
For enquiries; call C&B: (868)
625-1170. To send condo- ROLAND YORKE, adoring hus-
lences please visit our website band to Sharon and loving father
of Devon, Osei and Aren passed
NAHOUS, JOHN passed away away after a brief illness on
peacefully on Saturday 7th
October, 2023. Son of the late Wednesday, October 4th, 2023.
Joseph and Latifa Nahous. Hus- He was the grandfather to Kiara
band of Angela Helen Nahous
(née Ahing). Husband of the late and beloved brother of Lynette,
Teresa Nahous (née Golia). Father Diane and Cheryl. Son-in-Law
of Anthony, Christine, Paul(dec),
Christopher and Helena. Stepfa- of Gloria and the late Selwyn
ther of Najmie. Father-in-law of Ragoonanan. Relative to the
Suzette, David, Maryse, Suzanne
and Andrew. Grandfather of 23. Yorke, Philbert, Pantin and Ra-
Great grandfather of 13. Brother goonanan families. Funeral Mass
of Lily, Nazem and the late Bahij,
Anwar and Bahije. Uncle to the for the late Roland Yorke takes
Nahous, Joseph and Raffoul place at the Church of the Nativ-
families. Funeral mass for the
late John Nahous takes place at ity, Crystal Stream, Diego Martin
The Church of the Assumption, on Wednesday, October 11th at
Long Circular Road, on Thursday 10:00 a.m. followed by private
12th October, 2023 at 10:00am,
followed by private interment. interment. For enquiries, contact
For enquiries, contact Chancellor Chancellor Walks Funeral Ser-
Walks Funeral Services, 287-
0403/04. vices, 287-0403/04.
30 Tuesday, October 10, 2023


N Zealand claims another emphatic win
after beating Netherlands by 99 runs
HYDERABAD—Mitchell Santner be- New Zealand had already avenged Mitchell was bowled by fast bowler
came the first New Zealand spin- its narrow defeat in the 2019 World Paul van Meekeren (2-59) as he de-
ner to grab a five-wicket haul at a Cup final after beating England by ceived the batter with an off-cutter.
Cricket World Cup as the Black Caps nine wickets in Ahmedabad last Spinner Aryan Dutt ended with 2-62
thumped the Netherlands by 99 runs week. after having Latham stumped and
yesterday to claim their second suc- One of the heroes of that win, Mark Chapman (4) caught at point.
cessive victory in the tournament. Devon Conway, and opening partner But Santner provided the Black
New Zealand didn’t feel the ab- Young provided a solid stand of 67, Caps with a perfect finish by slam-
sence of captain Kane Williamson for but not before the Netherlands had ming Bas de Leede (1-64) for two con-
the second game in a row as it pow- bowled three successive maidens up secutive sixes in the last over, which
ered to 322-7 on a slow, dry wicket, front. went for 23.
with top-order batters Will Young Conway, who struck an unbeaten New Zealand then dropped a cou-
(70), stand-in skipper Tom Latham 152 against England, holed out at ple of catches and Santner missed
(53) and Rachin Ravindra (51) all long-on after scoring 32 but Ravin- out with two of three run-out Netherlands’ Logan Van Beek plays a shot during the ICC Men’s
shining. dra carried on where he left off in chances. The Netherlands, though, Cricket World Cup match between Pakistan and Netherlands in
Santner, who also made a quickfire his magnificent unbeaten century never looked threatening in its run- Hyderabad, India, last Friday. PICTURE AP
unbeaten 36 off 17 balls, then took against the defending champion. chase.
5-59 with his left-arm spin as the
Netherlands was bowled out for 223
Ravindra and Young complied a
77-run stand before New Zealand
Vikramjit Singh and Max O’Dowd
were tied down by disciplined Pakistan ‘extremely
in 46.3 overs. tried to switch gears in the latter half lengths from Trent Boult and Matt
It was the Netherlands’ second con-
secutive defeat after losing its opening
of the innings. Young was caught at
mid-on after hitting seven fours and
Henry (3-40) in the powerplay.
Colin Ackermann (69) made a
disappointed’ over visa
game against Pakistan by 81 runs.
“I think we did a great job with
two sixes in his 80-ball knock and
Ravindra edged left-arm spinner
fighting half century, but the fall of
De Leede in the 17th over to a superb
delay for media and fans
the bat, built partnerships and put Roelof van der Merwe down the leg juggling catch by Boult on the edge ISLAMABAD—The Pakistan obligations and terms and
up a great score,” Latham said. “Any side soon after completing his half of the boundary at long off took the Cricket Board has expressed conditions stipulated in the
time in the middle is valuable, part- century. game further away from the Nether- “extreme disappointment” host agreement to guarantee
nership after partnership allowed us Daryl Mitchell, who was dropped lands. about a delay in the issuing visas for fans and journalists
to put good runs on the board. The on 22, and Latham then put on 53 Santner baffled the Netherlands of Indian visas to its coun- of participating teams.”
spinners were outstanding and the before the Netherlands hit back in with his variations of pace and, after try’s journalists and fans for The Pakistan players re-
big boys did a great job up front and the last powerplay with three quick having O’Dowd trapped leg before the World Cup. ceived a warm reception in
squeezed them.” wickets for 16 runs. wicket in his first spell, he returned The chairman of the PCB Hyderabad and wicketkeep-
to grab four more wickets. management committee, er-batter Mohammad Rizwan
“New Zealand have got a quality Zaka Ashraf, met with Paki- said it felt at the airport as if
bowling attack,” said the Netherlands stan foreign secretary Syrus the team had landed in Kara-
captain Scott Edwards, who skied a Sajjad Qazi yesterday and chi or Lahore after winning a
return catch to Santner after scoring asked him to take up the mat- World Cup.
30. “You are not going to chase down ter with India’s home minis- The PCB, however, said
320 with 40s and 50s ... we needed try through Pakistan’s high it has also asked its govern-
bigger partnerships.” commission in New Delhi. ment “to evaluate player se-
New Zealand leads the table on “The PCB is extremely dis- curity in India”.
four points and next plays Bang- appointed to see that journal- “He (Ashraf ) emphasised
ladesh in Chennai on Friday. The ists from Pakistan and fans that the well being and safety
Netherlands will have a week’s break are still facing uncertainty of the Pakistan squad was of
before taking on South Africa in about obtaining an Indian paramount importance,” the
Dharamshala on October 17. (AP) visa,” it said in a statement. board said in the statement.
Around 50 Pakistan jour- It is unclear how many
SCORES nalists, accredited by the In- Pakistan fans will be issued
ternational Cricket Council visas ahead of the marquee
New Zealand 322/7 (50 overs) (Young governing body, are uncer- game against India to be
70, Latham 53, van der Merwe 2-56) vs tain when they will get their played at the 134,000-capac-
New Zealand’s Mitch Santner, second from right, celebrates the wicket of Netherlands 223 (46.3 overs) (Ackermann visas, with Pakistan sched- ity Narendra Modi Stadium
Netherlands’ Roelof Van Der Merwe during an ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup match in 69, Santner 5-59, Henry 3-40). New uled to play its second game in Ahmedabad on Saturday.
Hyderabad, India, yesterday. PICTURE AP Zealand won by 99 runs. against Sri Lanka in Hydera- Pakistani Zainab Abbas
bad today. went to India as an ICC tel-

Buttler has ‘integrity’ concerns about The Pakistan team re-

ceived its visas less than 36
hours before it was due to fly
evision presenter before
flying home yesterday, five
days into the six-week long

state of field at England’s next venue to Hyderabad via Dubai last

The delay in the issuing
An ICC spokesperson said
Abbas “has not been de-
DHARAMSHALA—England captain Jos said the outfield was rated “aver- want to be as a team or as a player
Buttler believes the “integrity of the age” by the officials at that Afghan- or in a World Cup match.” of the player visa forced the ported (but) she has left for
game” could be compromised by the istan-Bangladesh game and match In an interview with the BBC, PCB to cancel a brief training personal reasons”.
state of the outfield in Dharamshala referee Javagal Srinath was satisfied Buttler added, “The powers-that-be camp in Dubai and the team Pakistan and India have
for his team’s match against Bang- with it after a fresh inspection. are comfortable... The only thing I flew straight to Hyderabad, not met in a Test match since
ladesh at the Cricket World Cup in England has had two training days would question is, if you are telling where it played two warm-up 2007 but has played against
India today. at the venue and Buttler isn’t im- players not to dive and stuff, does games against New Zealand one another regularly in
The field of play at HPCA Stadium pressed by the conditions. that question the integrity of the and Australia before beating other formats.
is causing concerns and Afghanistan “I think it’s poor, in my own opin- game? the Netherlands in its first Political tensions between
spinner Mujeeb Ur Rahman came ion. It’s not as good as it could be or “Worse-case scenario is something World Cup match. the two countries meant
close to a bad injury on Saturday should be,” Buttler said at a news bad happens, but fingers crossed The PCB said it has already India played its recent Asia
when his knee got stuck in the sur- conference yesterday. “Certainly if that doesn’t happen for both teams.” reminded the ICC and the Cup games in Sri Lanka after
face as he slid to stop a boundary. you feel like you’re having to hold Buttler was unhappy at the idea of Board of Control for Cricket refusing to travel to Pakistan
The International Cricket Council yourself back, it’s not a place you his team needing to hold back. (AP) in India of “their respective for the tournament. (AP)
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt sport 31
Phoenix to play ‘Arsenal brand’
against PVDM in Tier 2 final
WALTER ALIBEY Trinidad-based unit has not lost a
Senior Sports Reporter single match after that game. Man-
walter.alibey@guardian.co.tt ager Derek Edwards believes it was
the point where his players started
Two similar football styles with to believe in themselves. He jok-
identical desires will be on display ingly said it would be like “walk-
this afternoon at the Dwight Yorke ing through the valley of death”
Stadium in Bacolet, Tobago when against them today.
the final of Tier 2 of the T&T Pre- Since that match, the PVDM men
mier Football League takes place moved from second-from-bottom
from 5.30 pm between home team on the 10-team standings to fourth,
FC Phoenix and Petit Valley Diego with the only two dropped points
Martin (PVDM) United. coming against Police FC in a 2-2
It will be the first national title tie. Midfielder Akeil Thomas has
for either team. been the only addition to their at-
Phoenix manager and owner tacking force in an otherwise con-
Terry Williams is promising to fident team.
produce the Arsenal brand of foot- “We have really been just been
ball today, noting that the English doing the simple things while using
football club has been the style of our players in the right positions
football he has always liked and and to their strengths. Our only
taught. real challenge will be the down-
“This has been my philosophy— time in travelling to the sister isle
total football, with strength in in such a short space of time. We
attack as well as in the defence,” travel today at close to midday and
Williams explained. then the players may want to go
The Tobago-based team, hav- to the beach and so on, and then
ing played unbeaten all season, the game at 5.30 pm, so it will be a
will have the entire island behind compact day for us,” Edwards said.
them, as it has been some time The winner of today’s match
since a team from the sister isle will be part of four teams sharing
has won a national title. Harlem Strikers’ Keithen Carter wins the ball against QPCC’s Jose Antonio Centeno Parra during the Tier 2 third place
a $75,000 cash incentive from the
match in the T&T Premier Football League at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Malabar, Arima on Sunday.
“The whole of the island will be Harlem won 5-1. PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ T&T Football Association.
behind us. We have not lost for the Only on Sunday, Harlem Strikers
season, and we want to end on a “We also have a never-say-die said. could have been six or seven goals claimed the third-place prize by
high. We believe we have the play- spirit, which has been the strength In the first meeting between the against a PVDM team, which had beating Queen’s Park Cricket Club
ers to do it too, because they have of the team this season, and which teams at the same venue in July, lost two players through red cards (QPCC) 5-1 at the Larry Gomes Sta-
shown that they are ready for an- will assure that we will prevail in the Phoenix prevailed handsomely in that match-up. dium in Malabar, Arima, courtesy
ything. the end this evening,” Williams 3-1, and according to Williams, it Coincidentally, however, the of a hat-trick from Isaiah Leacock.

Scotiabank Women Against Breast Cancer 5k a huge success

gmsports@guardian.co.tt AGE CATEGORY WINNERS
Runners and walkers of all ages 19 and under: Zariah Pascal (26.22)
20-29: Sarah Guillen (24.13)
showed up for the 23rd Scotia-
30-39: Sjaelan Evans (24.40)
bank Women Against Breast 40-49: Natasha Kelshall Pantin (25.33)
Cancer 5k, its first in-person race 50-59: Shardie Mahabir (22.50)
since the COVID-19 pandemic, on Over 60: Joanne Esdale (35.27)
Saturday at the Queen’s Park Sa-
vannah in Port-of-Spain. Trinidad and Tobago so people
Some 5,000 registered partic- learn the importance of getting
ipants came out to support the screened early and of course, are
cause which affects many individ- able to detect if they have cancer
uals in our day-to-day life. earlier on so they can go on to
The race was said to be sold out lead fulfilling lives.”
within one week, prior to the race At the end of the race, with a
day. time of 20.01, Samantha Shukla
“Clearly, people missed it be- was the top female, along with
cause we were sold out a week Aniqah Bailey in second with a
ago. We have 5,000 registrants, time of 21.06, and ten-year-old
including 500 males,” said the Chennai Moore in 3rd with a time
general manager of the Scotia- of 21.55.
bank Foundation, Cindy Moham- Guswil George was the fastest
med. male with a time of 18.37.
She was pleased by the turn- The largest corporate team was
out, which included men for the given to Sagicor and the largest
first time and also appreciated Participants sprint at the start of the Scotiabank Race Against Cancer 5K at the Queen’s Park Savannah, school was St Augustine Girls
the support given to persons Port-of-Spain on Saturday. PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ High School.
who are affected by this disease realised everybody is touched by today,” said Mohammed. fited from these services. Following the finish lines, the
as the bank continues to evolve cancer in some form or fashion. This year’s beneficiary T&T The general manager said, participants were greeted with
the SWABC 5K experience, at the So people are running for their Cancer Society received a “The beneficiary of the event this entertainment from Tassa, pan-
same time saluting those who are mom, for their sister, for their $250,000 donation to aid in year is the T&T Cancer Society. A nist Joshua Regrello, and soca ar-
battling cancer or who have sur- brother, for their uncle, for their screenings throughout T&T. Sco- $250,000 donation is being made tiste Hey Choppi.
vived. dad. And we really appreciate the tiabank’s continued partnership to the Cancer Society today. And This year, the SWABC 5K had
“For the first time, we opened support of everyone who’s come with the Cancer Society, to date, that is going to facilitate screen- some new sponsors including
up the event to males because we out and supported the event over 21,000 women have bene- ing in communities throughout Dasani, the official water sponsor.
32 sport Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Trincity Nationals blast UWI 19-0

Cornwall keeps Club Sando on title path
NIGEL SIMON the ninth and T&T international at Mucurapo on Sunday, while Police Barracks training ground,
Senior Multimedia Reporter Naiomi Guerra in the 21st. Queen’s Park Cricket Club (QPCC) St James in the lone match on Sat-
nigel.simon@guardian.co.tt The win lifted AC PoS into battled past host Police 2-1 at the urday.
sole possession of the second
National player Afiya Cornwall spot with 21 points from eighth TRINIDAD CLAIRE GEORGE CONFERENCE WOLF RESULTS
came off the bench to score a matches, now three ahead of the Sunday: Molineaux 6, Ketara Munroe 4,
brace as Club Sando continued previously perfect Army/Coast- Play Fit 3 (Shenelle Jordan 2, Latoya Shanelle Warrick 3, Diamond Baptiste
their march towards lifting the Guard women combination, who Cayenne) vs AIA 2 (Nia Allard, Nkechi 2, Natisha John 2, Lee Ann Kirby,
Trinidad Claire George Confer- still have a match in hand on the Joseph) Ranelle Pascall) vs UWI 0
ence crown of the T&T Women’s top duo. AC PoS 2 (Anique Walker, Naiomi
League Football (WoLF) with a 3-0 At the University of the West Guerra) vs Defence Force 0 Saturday:
win over St Augustine/Cunupia Indies St Augustine ground, na- Club Sando 3 (Afiya Cornwall 68th, QPCC 2 (Shenelle Henry, Bianca
United on Sunday. 89th, Javanah Moreno 11th) vs St Mungalsingh) vs Police 1 (Tanisha
tional defender Crystal Molineaux
Augustine/Cunupia United 0 Palmer)
Playing at the Mannie Ramjohn banged in six goals to fire Trincity Trincity Nationals 19 (Crystal
Stadium in Marabella, Javanah Nationals to a 19-0 drubbing of the
Moreno netted in the 11th minute University of the West Indies.
for Club Sando to lead 1-0 at the Ketara Munroe helped herself CURRENT STANDINGS
half-time interval before Cornwall to a beaver-trick and Shanelle Pl Team P W D L F A Pts
who replaced former T&T interna- Warrick a hat-trick in the lop- 1 Club Sando 8 8 0 0 56 0 24
tional Khadidra Debestte on the sided victory while Diamond Bap- 2 AC Port-of-Spain 8 7 0 1 48 4 21
hour mark, added items in the tiste and Natisha John fired in two 3 Defence Force 7 6 0 1 51 3 18
68th and 89th to complete the Crystal Molineaux... scored 6 goals goals each, and Lee Ann Kirby, 4 St Augustine/Cunupia 7 4 0 3 23 8 12
win, their eighth from as many in Trincity Nationals’ 19-0 win. and Ranelle Pascall, the others. 5 Trincity Nationals 7 4 0 3 42 18 12
matches to remain the lone team curapo, AC Port-of-Spain (AC PoS) In the two other matches 6 Play Fit F.A 7 3 0 4 24 22 9
with a 100 per cent winning re- kept alive their dream of securing played, Play Fit edged Atlas Ath- 7 QPCC 8 3 0 5 11 20 9
8 Atlas Athletic 8 1 1 6 7 57 4
cord as well. the title with a 2-0 blanking of letic International Academy 9 Police FC 8 0 1 7 5 56 1
Down at the Hasely Crawford fellow title-chaser Defence Force 3-2 behind a pair of goals from 10 UWI FC 7 0 0 7 0 79 0
Stadium training field in Mu- with Anique Walker scoring in Shenelle Jordan in the first match

UWI, Rajasthan Royals partner to create educational courses

The University of the West Indies scholars and budding present ment to partner in delivering UWI
(UWI) and India’s Royals Sports and potential professionals keen courses to a franchise with a fan
Group-owned franchise, Rajast- on working in the sports industry. base much larger than the West
han Royals have signed a Memo- This new alliance, combin- Indian population.
randum of Understanding (MOU) ing UWI’s prestigious university “We were able to bring together
for both parties to work together ranking as No 1 in the Caribbean the best experts across our many
to co-create specialised educa- and among the top 1.5 per cent in faculties at The UWI to produce
tional courses for budding sports the world, will see the co-creation high-quality programmes, and
scholars worldwide. of an Advanced Sports Nutrition Advanced Sport Nutrition is
The MoU signing occurred last Programme for young athletes hopefully just the start,” he said,
month when Jake Lush McCrum, and professionals. lauding the commitment shown
Rajasthan Royals Chief Executive The programme aims to help by the franchise in deepening its
Officer, visited The UWI Cave Hill participants better understand footprint in the region, noting
Campus in Barbados. the vital role nutrition plays in that scholars have already en-
Dean of The UWI’s Faculty developing and sustaining an ath- rolled in the myriad courses on
of Sport, Dr Akshai Mansingh, lete’s career. offer at RSB.
signed on behalf of Vice-Chancel- The course will be designed by Commenting on the milestone
lor Professor Sir Hilary Beckles in industry subject matter experts association, McCrum said, “One
the presence of the Faculty’s Pro- from both entities and consist of of the driving pillars for the Roy-
ject Officer, West Indian cricket Project Officer at the UWI Faculty of Sport, Daren Ganga, Jake Lush McCrum, various assignments, assessment als School of Business has been
legend Daren Ganga. Rajasthan Royals Chief Executive Officer, Dr Akshai Mansingh, Dean of the tests, and live athlete testimonials the abundant potential for growth
Since the 2020 inception of the UWI Faculty of Sport and Dr Rudolph Alleyne, Head of The UWI Cave Hill to help prepare scholars to excel that lies within the talent that is
Royals School of Business (RSB), Academy of Sport at the MOU signing ceremony, last month. in sports nutrition. either working in or dreams of
its online platform, which offers At the signing ceremony that working in the sports industry.
educational courses covering industry, the IPL franchise has grammes contributing to the de- formalised the agreement, Dr “This exciting association with
360-degree aspects of the sports developed 16 world-class pro- velopment of more than 40,000 Mansingh expressed his excite- The University of the West Indies
comes from the vision of combin-
When De Mark Buss TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2023 LAST DRAW: MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2023 ing the best brains from various
parts of the world to create learn-
Marks Times played Marks Times played PLAY WHE PICK TWO ing modules that impart deep
10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total 10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total knowledge and live testimonials
01 CENTIPEDE 3 6 7 9 25 19 HORSE 4 9 3 5 21 TODAY’S STAR BETS 10.30 am 24 15
02 OLD LADY 4 5 10 4 23 20 DOG 7 6 5 9 27 4 (Dead Man) from professionals to budding in-
03 CARRIAGE 6 6 10 10 33 21 MOUTH 8 9 3 6 26 12 (King) 1 pm 32 34 dividuals.
04 DEAD MAN 4 7 8 7 26 22 RAT 3 4 7 6 20 23 (House) “Our presence in the Caribbean
05 PARSON MAN 7 7 8 7 29 23 HOUSE 3 6 11 4 24
06 BELLY 8 5 9 7 29 24 QUEEN 6 4 7 1 18 2 (Old lady) 10.30 am 30 (House Cat) 1 pm 34 (Blind Man) 4 pm 7 18 through our franchise group has
07 HOG 4 6 4 5 19 25 MOROCOY 8 5 5 9 27 certainly helped connect us with
08 TIGER 4 6 7 9 26 26 FOWL 8 5 7 4 24 BACKUP MARKS 7 pm 4 2 one of the best universities in the
09 CATTLE 4 6 6 6 22 27 LITTLE SNAKE 10 11 7 6 34 5-13-16-21-25-32 world, and we are delighted at the
10 MONKEY 5 3 4 12 24 28 RED FISH 4 7 3 4 18 Under: (Last Tuesday)
11 CORBEAU 9 6 4 10 27 29 OPIUM MAN 8 7 6 6 27
PREFERRED LINES 10.30 am.................................27-17 prospect of further contributing
12 KING 7 7 6 4 24 30 HOUSE CAT 9 10 7 3 29 22 (Rat) 4 pm 18 (Water Boat) 7 pm 3-4-5-7 1pm..........................................13-31
to the sports education ecosystem
4 pm........................................ 23-32
13 CRAPAUD 10 7 4 3 24 31 PARSON WIFE 2 8 8 6 24
PICK FOUR 7 pm....................................... 26-16 together.”
14 MONEY 8 5 10 4 27 32 SHRIMP 11 7 8 10 36
15 SICK WOMAN 3 1 13 4 21 33 SPIDER 12 4 5 9 30 Under: (Last Tuesday) PICK TWO SELECTIONS Following the MoU signing, UWI
10.30 am 2 1 9 4
16 JAMETTE 6 3 7 5 21 34 BLIND MAN 6 9 1 5 21 10.30 am................... 9-0-7-2 12-17 15-33 and the Royals School of Business
17 PIGEON 4 8 5 6 23 35 BIG SNAKE 5 11 6 4 26 1 pm 2 7 5 1 1 pm........................... 4-4-1-4 CASH POT have been finalising the Advanced
18 WATER BOAT 11 4 6 11 32 36 DONKEY 7 10 4 10 31 4 pm........................... 1-0-0-2
7 pm........................... 2-7-4-8 SELECTIONS Sports Nutrition programme and
4 pm 4 0 8 4
Play Whe—Under: (Last Tuesday) 1-5-7-14-20 will announce its launch in the
10.30 am: 32 (Shrimp) 1 pm: 5 (Parson Man) 4 pm: 4 (Dead Man) 7 pm: 21 (Mouth) 7 pm 2 4 6 0 0-2-7-9 1, 6, 7, 12, 16 Mx3 next few months.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt sport 33
UWI, CANOC reveal game changing
partnership for sports
Over the weekend in Bridgetown, know it to be. There are those, dent Joseph doing the needful for the Olympic and Commonwealth
Barbados, the Caribbean Associa- who have made the decision, CANOC. sport movement, and the sport
tion of National Olympic Committees that they will not change. This cooperation agreement industry in the Caribbean.
(CANOC) held its 21st General Assem- Setting the agenda. Setting the with UWI and CANOC will The leadership of CANOC had
bly and its 10th annual Workshop. stage. change the face and landscape of several meetings in respect of
CANOC is also celebrating its 20th CANOC over the weekend took the Olympic and Commonwealth collaborations and partnerships.
anniversary. Prior to the General As- some important and far-reach- sports movement. It’s a game- Areas of particular focus were
sembly on Sunday and Workshop, ing decisions that will have sig- changer. a sports policy mapping pro-
the day before, there was a Sustain- nificant consequences. CANOC Earlier this year, CANOC re- gramme and the establishment
ability Workshop held from October agreed to take the lead within ceived an invitation to attend of a CANOC monitoring, evalu-
4-5—a collaboration between the In- the region on “Sport for Climate the World Health Organisation ation and learning strategy and
ternational Olympic Committee (IOC) Change” and “Sport for Nature” (WHO) Small Islands Developing system.
and CANOC hosted by the Barbados and to lead the pack on sustain- States (SIDS) high-level techni- Getting to 20 years is no easy
Olympic Association (BOA). ability and sport and human cal meeting on the prevention feat but as CANOC heads into
This workshop entailed the “Sus- rights. The landmark signing of of Non-Communicable Diseases the next phase of its history, the
tainability, Sport for Nature, Sports a cooperation agreement with (NCDs) and Mental Health. An organisation is full of confidence
for Climate Change” action frame- the University of the West In- important embrace of CANOC’s that it’s on a positive trajectory
work. dies (UWI), a signing that was leadership position. Just as Cari- of respect, relevance and cred-
Caribbean Olympic sports leaders witnessed by the Honourable com and the Caribbean Develop- ibility with a louder and more
and delegates heard presentations Charles Griffith, Barbados Minis- ment Bank do in their respective influential voice.
from Julie Duffus, the IOC Sustainabil- right path. ter of Youth, Sports and Commu- areas of expertise. CANOC is em- Editor’s Note: The views expressed
ity manager, Noemie Metais, Youth, In addressing the challenges and nity Empowerment, Dr Akshai bracing the idea that it must take by the writer aren’t necessarily those
Education and Advocacy Officer, opportunities presented in the con- Mansingh, Dean of the Faculty of the leadership mantle for chart- of any organisation that he may be
United Nations Environment Pro- temporary environment, the CANOC Sport signed for UWI with presi- ing a new vision for the role of associated with.
gramme (UNEP), who provided an executive led by its current president
overview of her organisation’s work Keith Joseph is taking it to the next
while Hyacinth Armstrong-Vaughn, level. CANOC as it continues the jour-
Protected Areas Officer at the Inter- ney into the future is embracing the
national Union for the Conservation changed realities. The organisation is
of Nature (IUCN), shared invaluable harnessing the opportunities and fac-
information on the state of biodiver- ing them in a changed world.
sity in the Caribbean. Sport leaders, in particular, those
It was a very interesting week. from vulnerable small island states
The discussions were thought-pro- are in a veritable war for survival.
voking and might I add frank and Sport is under siege from forces in-
honest. CANOC’s brave and bold next cluding environmental, that threaten
steps will set the organisation on the the very existence of sport as we

National Boxing Champs

postponed to January
WALTER ALIBEY tional tournaments.
Senior Sports Reporter Currently, a T&T team is in Colom-
walter.alibey@guardian.co.tt bia, ahead of the Pan American Games
in Santiago, Chile from October 20 to
This year’s National Boxing Champi- November 5. They are Tianna Guy
onships has been postponed. (featherweight division), super heav-
Cecil Forde, president of the T&T yweight Nigel Paul, middleweight
Boxing Association said because of the Aaron Prince, flyweight Ortega Jokhu,
tight schedule for regional and inter- and women’s heavyweight division
national tournaments so far, coupled Angel George. They were chosen to
with unforeseen circumstances, they wear the red, white and black fol-
have had to push the championships lowing their impressive display at the
to January 18-21, 2024 at the Southern AMBC American Boxing Champion-
Regional Indoor Sports Arena in Pleas- ships in Cali, Colombia, earlier this
antville, San Fernando. year.
The local boxing boss said he be- Apart from the Pan Am Games, the
lieves the postponement will also work boxers will have two other chances
in their favour, as they have several at qualifying for the Olympics at the
foreign boxers who have expressed world qualifiers, which will be held
an interest in taking part, ahead of the next year at date and venues to be de-
final two world boxing qualifiers for termined.
the Olympic Games in
Paris, France next year.
The national champi-
onships were originally &(57,),&$7(
carded for November 2-5
at the same venue.
Local boxers were set UHSRUWHGORVW
to compete to determine
the top fighters in the 1DPHRI&RPSDQ\7ULQLGDG&HPHQW/WG
different weight divi- 6KDUHKROGHU V 6DQGRUD3RZGKDU
sions. The top fighters
were guaranteed a place
on the national teams $ 
for regional and interna- $ 
34 sport Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Dookie springs into J60 doubles in Santo Domingo

WALTER ALIBEY mingo of the World Junior Tennis L Gabin Ismelda and L Mendez Alden Russell of the United States. due to the experience she would
Senior Sports Reporter Tour in the Dominican Republic. Mancebo in the round of two. Last week, Dookie went down have garnered.
walter.alibey@guardian.co.tt She will compete in the Under- Both pairs of players got byes in to the USA’s Yael Saffar in the sin- In 2022, Dookie climbed the ITF
18 girls doubles play-offs with the the first round, but a win for ei- gles competition in the round of ranking with a quarterfinal finish
Jordane Dookie, T&T’s rising ten- tournament’s fifth-ranked player ther will earn them a place into 16s at a J60 tournament and she that saw her move from number
nis queen, will head into action Olivia Cela of Poland up against the quarterfinals against the sec- told Guardian Media Sports she is 2,304, going into the three-leg
again today at the J60 Santo Do- the Dominican Republic pair of ond-ranked Sophia Cedeno and expecting better this time around International Tennis Federation
Junior Circuit at the Na-
tional Racquet Centre in
Tacarigua, to 1,297th at
the end.
Also into the second
round, is the pair of N
Guerrero Castaneda,
the top-ranked player
in the tournament from
Mexico who will be
teaming up with Jelena
Vico of Canada coming
up against either the
team of Emma Jochnick
and Na-Hyun Baek or D
Calderon and M Vargas
Romero; as well as the
combinations of Alica
Glaser/Safina Sambaly;
Luiza Eidelvein/N Da
Silva Chulak; Michelle
Laura Damm/Karolina
Lincer; and Miranda
Bosch and Sirena Singh,
among many others.

Celtics beat
76ers in
BOSTON—P a y t o n
Pritchard scored 26
points after signing a
four-year, $30 million
contract extension, and
the Boston Celtics beat
the Philadelphia 76ers
114-106 on Sunday in
the preseason opener
for both teams.
Pritchard shot 9 for
14, including 6 for 11 on
3-pointers, and had four
assists in 23 minutes for
the Celtics.
ESPN first reported
Pritchard’s extension,
and the Celtics’ guard
said after the game he
has signed the deal.
Jaylen Brown scored
19 points on 7-for-10
shooting, Kristaps Por-
zingis scored 17 and
Jayson Tatum had 13
points and 10 rebounds
for Boston.
Tyrese Maxey fin-
ished with 24 points and
four assists to lead the
76ers. Jaden Springer
had 14 points, Tobias
Harris added 13 points
and seven rebounds,
and Patrick Beverley
scored 12.
Reigning NBA MVP
Joel Embiid did not
play for Philadelphia,
and neither did James
Harden—who has been
seeking a trade. (AP)
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt 35
36 sport Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Organisers propose T20 tournament for LA28 Olympics

ZURICH—Cricket looks set to return Following its discussion of the and the IOC emphasised the for- maica captained by Jimmy Adams
to the Olympic Games after more LA28 proposal, the Olympic Pro- mat must be one that featured a was 10th.
than a century. gramme Commission of the IOC world championship (which ruled When cricket returned to the
The International Olympic Com- will issue a recommendation to out the T10 or Hundred format), Commonwealth Games last year,
mittee (IOC) announced yesterday the IOC Executive Board, which had a compact duration (which there was no men’s competition,
that it was one of five sports that will present the proposal to the ruled out 50 overs-a-side One-day and only the top eight women’s
had been proposed for inclusion 141st IOC Session from October 15 Internationals), and had signifi- teams in the ICC Rankings under
at the Games in the American city to 17 in Mumbai, India, coinciden- cant spectator interest. the T20 format played, with reign-
of Los Angeles in five years’ time. tally where the ICC Cricket World ICC president Greg Barclay wel- ing CWI T20 Blaze champions at
The proposal is to include the Cup 2023 is taking place. comed the decision to propose the time, Barbados taking the slot
so-called “gentleman’s game”, as “The Los Angeles 2028 Olym- cricket. allocated to West Indies.
well as baseball-softball, flag foot- pics’ recommendation for cricket “We are delighted that LA28 The sport has also featured
ball (a limited-contact version of inclusion at the Games is a mon- have recommended cricket for in- in the 2010 and 2014 editions of
American football), lacrosse, and umental step that could see more clusion in the Olympics,” he said. the Asian Games in Guangzhou,
squash, a statement from the or- significant opportunities for “Whilst this is not the final deci- China, and Incheon, South Korea,
ganisers indicated. cricket and the Caribbean com- sion, it is a very significant land- respectively, and it was also part
ICC chairman Greg Barclay
munity,” Cricket mark towards seeing cricket at the of the events in the recently con-
West Indies pres- unlike its only previous appear- Olympics for the first time in more cluded 19th edition in the Chinese
ident, Dr Kishore ance at the 1900 Games in Paris, than a century. city of Hangzhou, where India
Shallow said in a France, when a team from Brit- “I’d like to thank LA28 for their won gold in both the men’s and
statement. “I share ain beat a team representing the support during the new sport eval- women’s tournaments.
my International hosts, it will not be contested as uation process over the last two Of the other sports, only squash
Cricket Council a two innings-a-side competition. years, and we look forward to the and flag football have never fea-
(ICC) colleagues’ The proposed format for final decision being taken at the tured in the Olympics previously,
enthusiasm about cricket is Twenty20, one of the IOC Session, in India, during the and LA28 organisers said they
this progress and sport’s newest and most specta- ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup next “were willing to challenge the sta-
commend all tor-friendly versions, with media week.” tus quo and think differently about
stakeholders for reports indicating that the sport’s Cricket, which has enormous what’s possible”.
advancing this am- world governing body recom- global appeal, has made recent ap- “LA28’s proposed sports ignite
bition.” mended a six-team tournament pearances in other multi-nation, the imagination on the field of
If approved, the for both men and women to the multi-sport events. play and drive culture off it,” LA28
final LA28 event LA28 organising committee. The sport made its debut at the chairman Casey Wasserman said.
programme and It was reported that the partic- 1998 Commonwealth Games in “They’re relevant, innovative,
number of athlete ipating teams will comprise the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where and community-based, played in
quotas in the ad- top-six ranked sides in the ICC’s three men’s sides from the Car- backyards, schoolyards, commu-
ditional sports will men’s and women’s T20 rank- ibbean played in a 16-team tour- nity centres, stadiums, and parks
be finalised in the ings on a cut-off date, similar to nament under the One-day, 50 across the US and the globe.
future. the process used to determine overs-a-side format, which was “They will bring new athletes
Three of the five the teams when cricket made its won by South Africa. to the Games, engage diverse
proposed sports, return after 24 years to the Com- Barbados, under Philo Wallace, fanbases and expand the Games’
including cricket, monwealth Games last year in the finished sixth and was the high- presence in digital spaces, further
have previously British city of Birmingham. est placed of the three Caribbean amplifying LA28’s mission to de-
been contested at It was also reported that the ICC sides, Antigua & Barbuda led by liver an unparalleled experience.”
the Olympics, but proposed T20s after both LA28 Dave Joseph was eighth, and Ja- CMC
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt 37
38 sport Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Eve recalls Jones, Powder,

Charles and Gill for Guatemala
Senior Sports Reporter
walter.alibey@guardian.co.tt GOALKEEPERS: Christopher Biggette,
Jabari St Hillaire, Denzil Smith
National coach Angus Eve has DEFENDERS: Aubrey David, Kareem
made four changes to his 23-man Moses, Jesse Williams, Justin Garcia,
squad that played in the opening Ross Russell Jr, Alvin Jones
two matches against Curacao and MIDFIELDERS: Kaile Auvray, Neveal
El Salvador, ahead of the coming Hackshaw, Andre Rampersad, Michel
CONCACAF Nations League A Poon-Angeron, Andre Raymond,
clash with Guatemala on Friday Duane Muckette, Kristian Lee-Him,
at the Hasely Crawford Stadium Kevon Goddard, Noah Powder
in Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain, from FORWARDS: Nathaniel James, Real
Gill, Ryan Telfer, Reon Moore, Tyrone
9 pm. Charles
Defender Alvin Jones, whose
previous omissions raised eye- game. Guatemala qualified for the
brows, has been recalled as well as quarterfinal of the CONCACAF
midfielder Noah Powder, and strik- Gold Cup, they are a very decent
ers Tyrone Charles and Real Gill. unit, and they are unbeaten in the
All have been added to a rela- zone so far, so it’s not going to be
tively familiar squad picked by the an easy game. They have a lot of
embattled coach. competent players, they are well-
Injured Malcolm Shaw, who coached, so we’re not taking any-
scored once in the two matches, thing for granted.”
has had to make way for Charles T&T players Duane Muckette, left, and Justin Garcia, right, celebrate their victory over El Salvador in their Eve is hoping to build on the
while Brent Sam, the lanky De- CONCACAF Nations League match in El Salvador last month. T&T won the match 3-2. Muckette and Garcia are on the position the team is in at the mo-
fence Force striker who did not Soca Warriors roster for Friday’s match against Guatemala. PICTURE COURTESY TTFA ment, saying with two wins in
have travel documents in time away from a quarterfinal spot in Moses and Andre Raymond—are gery. as many matches, nobody ever
for the El Salvador match was re- the Nations League. expected today after playing for “Everybody else is in good spir- thought that the team would have
placed by Gill, a skilful force up Yesterday, Eve conducted his their respective clubs over the its, no other player has any injury been in that position.
front. first training session at the Mannie weekend. so for us, we know what Guate- “So we want to keep on believ-
Powder and Jones, on the other Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, a Eve’s changes came after a slew mala brings to the table. We’ve ing in ourselves, believing in the
hand, have been preferred to the day before he is expected to switch of injuries weakened his team. been watching tapes on them so staff, believing in the work that we
injured Shannon Gomez and Dan- to the match venue to continue Guardian Media Sports learned we’re going to prepare for that,” have been doing and hopefully we
iel Phillips. preparation for the Guatemalans. that goalkeeper Nicklas Frenderup coach Eve told the media yester- can make T&T proud,” Eve said.
The Soca Warriors defeated Cu- According to Eve, six play- is nursing a shoulder injury, Levi day. He further called on the public
racao 1-0 and then El Salvador 3-2 ers—Ryan Telfer, Powder, Aubrey Garcia is down to injury, and Kes- He noted, “We want to win the to come out and support the team,
to put themselves just two wins David, Andre Rampersad, Kareem ton Julien is recovering from sur- game, it’s not going to be an easy saying the players deserve it.

No surprises on Red Force roster

Darren Bravo (captain), Joshua Da
Silva (vice-captain), Kjorn Ottley,
IAN WASON dle will have to do without the Tion Webster, Jason Mohammed,
Akeal Hosein, Evin Lewis, Sunil
gmsports @guardian.co.tt in-form Nicholas Pooran who has Narine, Yannic Cariah, Jayden Seales,
not made himself available for this Shannon Gabriel, Terrance Hinds,
There were no surprises when year’s edition. Mark Deyal, Khary Pierre.
the T&T Red Force announced Shannon Gabriel and Jayden Coach: David Furlonge
the 14-member squad yesterday Seales will lead the pace bowl-
for the Cricket West Indies Super ing department, which includes Caribbean Premier League final.
50 Cup, which bowls off next Terrance Hinds with Webster as Furlonge acknowledges the re-
Wednesday at the Queen’s Park another option for captain Bravo, sponsibility placed upon the team.
Oval in St Clair, Port-of-Spain. who can also provide a further “Up until last week Friday,
Darren Bravo has been con- option as he proved during this somebody was telling me that
firmed as the captain and he will year’s First Class competition with they don’t know where the crowd
have wicketkeeper Joshua Da Silva his exaggerated swing. support will be because the people
as the vice-captain in the eight- Head coach David Furlonge is are still disappointed with the TKR
team regional competition. happy about the fitness level of loss. But it’s a different franchise,
The bowling will be bolstered by the squad ahead of the tourna- this is Trinidad franchise here. So
champion off-spinner Sunil Nar- ment, which will be held across we hope that they could come out
ine, as he will lead four frontline three venues—Queen’s Park Oval, and give us that support and we
spinners as Yannic Cariah, Akeal the University of the West Indies hope that we wouldn’t disappoint
Hosein and Khary Pierre as the (UWI) in St Augustine and the them,” said Furlonge.
other options. Brian Lara Cricket Academy in The other teams in the competi-
The batting will be led by left- Tarouba, San Fernando. tion are defending champions Ja-
handed attacking batsman Evin “The players went through the maica Scorpions, Barbados Pride,
Lewis at the top of the innings, motions today, we still have one Guyana Harpy Eagles, Leeward
as he is back into the team after more test to do which we’ll do Islands Hurricanes, Windward Is-
a two-year absence. His opening on Thursday before practice. But lands Volcanoes, the West Indies
partner is expected to be Kjorn all the players came through with Academy and CCC.
Ottley. good results this morning,” said The top four teams qualify for
Veteran Jason Mohammed will Furlonge, yesterday. the semifinals on November 8 and
solidify a middle order that will Despite the different franchises 9, battling for a spot in the final
Mark Deyal of Trinbago Knight Riders brings up his 50 against St Lucia Kings include skipper Darren Bravo, and different formats, it seems carded for November 11.
during the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League T20 match at Brian Tion Webster and Mark Deyal, the responsibility is up to the Last year, the Red Force de-
Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba, San Fernando, last month. Deyal returns who played his last List A match Red Force players to redeem the feated Pride in the semifinals but
to the T&T Red Force squad for the Regional Super 50. in 2017 for the Combined Colleges Trinbago Knight Riders for the was beaten in the final by the Scor-
PICTURE ASHLEY ALLEN  CPL T20 and Campuses (CCC). The mid- woeful performance at this year’s pions.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
guardian.co.tt 39
Sport Tuesday, October 10, 2023

EVE RECALLS The 2023 Secondary Schools

Football League (SSFL) will
resume with a full round of

matches tomorrow.

Powder, Gill, Charles APPLAUSE

also make return to PAGE

Soca Warriors squad 38


Clean bowled top women’s runner at the
23rd edition of the Scotiabank
Women Against Breast Cancer
Netherlands’ captain Aryan Dutt is bowled by 5K in Port-of-Spain on Saturday.
New Zealand’s Matt Henry during the ICC Shukla finished in a time of
Men’s Cricket World Cup match in Hyderabad, 20.01 ahead of 15-year-old
India, yesterday. New Zealand won by 99 runs.
See page 30. PICTURE AP
Aniqah Bailey (21.06) and ten-
year-old Chennai Moore (21.55).


“We are delighted that LA28

have recommended cricket
for inclusion in the Olympics,”
Barclay said in a media release.
“Whilst this is not the final
decision, it is a very significant
landmark towards seeing
cricket at the Olympics for
the first time in more than a
ICC chairman

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co.tt • Visit our website
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Printed and Published by Guardian Media Ltd, ANSA McAL Centre, Rodney Road, Endeavour, Chaguanas, Trinidad. Tel: 235-5668

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