Observation 2

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Lindsey Pazdziorko

Career Exploration
SER 427: Exercise Science Senior Synthesis
September 14th, 2023
Dr. Brian Larouere
Tracking Form

You are required to observe and interview a total of four (2 for ER 110 and 2 for ER 427)
professionals from the Professional Categories listed on pages 5-9 and below. All career
explorations must be verified with a signature from the professional on the Career Exploration
Documentation Form. A typed one page Observation Assignment, a typed one-two page
Interview Assignment, and a copy of the thank you letter sent or emailed to the observed
professional within 48 hours of the career exploration must follow.

A Professional Category may NOT be used more than one time.

Employees of Seton Hill University, relatives working in the field, family friends working in the
field may NOT be used for this assignment.


will initial)
1. Group Fitness Instructor
2. Personal Trainer
3. Strength and Conditioning Specialist/Sports
4. Health Promotion Specialist
5. Owner/Manager of Fitness Facility
6. Geriatric Fitness Director
7. Clinical Exercise Physiologist
8. Physician Assistant
9. Occupational Therapist
10. Physical Therapist 9/28/2023 9/29/2023
11. Chiropractor
12. MD/DO
13. Exercise Science Researcher
14. Professor of Exercise Science
15. Athletic Trainer 09/12/2023 09/12/2023
16. Other
Lindsey Pazdziorko

Dr. Brian Larouere

SER 427: Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

September 28th, 2023

Interview Assignment: Physical Therapist

1. Please describe your typical day.

Is an owner and practicing PT. Runs day to day operations. Checking in and making

sure everyone is there and ready for the day, figure out patients' schedules, what they are

going to need for the day. Then moves on to her role as PT, sees her patients.

Documentation and phone calls at the end of the day. Usually running on the hour, very

busy. Enjoys her day.

2. What do you enjoy most and least about your job?

Most: Meeting patients, taking care of them, knowing I can make a difference in their

lives. Staff is incredible. Being surrounded by amazing people and variety of patients

Least: Documentation.

3. What are your typical work hours?

As a PT my work hours vary. 8-10 hour days usually. Can start at 6:45 am or 9am,

depending on the day, typically end around 5pm (Varies on clinic and population,

depending on entity.). Never stop working as a owner

4. What can an entry-level worker expect to get paid to do a job such as yours at your


55,000-70,000 depending on setting. If you are at a residency or inpatient could make

more. She has not hired anyone entry-level. All have no less than 2 years of experience,

except for her daughter who did a lot of interning prior to being hired.

5. What opportunities are there for career advancement at your facility? How would

an entry level worker get promoted or grow at your facility?

Outpatient clinical setting that is established vs inpatient, hospital based program. At

her facility, internal/personal growth, for yourself and for your patients. Cannot become

a director or manager, would need to go elsewhere to move ‘up the latter’.

6. What is your educational background? What certifications do you hold? What

degrees or certifications do professionals in this field typically have?

Bachelors in PT Washington University, a lot of continuing education.

Now need to have a masters degree or doctorate.

I don’t have residency or certification. Lots of women’s health and pelvic floor,

myofascial release, FCE, Graston continuing education.

7. Please comment on diversity within your clientele and workplace.

Treat variety of conditions; sports medicine, peds and neurological (MS), geriatric,

orthopedics, womens and pelvic health, functional movement screen (FMS) with athletes

8. Have you ever worked in a different PT setting outside of outpatient? Can you

comment on those settings?

Worked in a hospital setting. Loved it! 8 months there, learned so much from this

experience, broadened horizons

Lindsey Pazdziorko

Dr. Brian Larouere

SER 427: Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

September 28th, 2023

Observation Assignment: Physical Therapist

Jamie P. Diandreth owns and operates Jamie P Diandreth Physical Therapy in

Greensburg. In addition to her normal duties as a physical therapist which includes developing

and helping patients with individualized treatment plans to facilitate healing, she also runs her

business. The physical therapy office is located in a small strip mall with several other businesses

and is set up like many other physical therapy offices. There are several cardiorespiratory

machines including treadmills, cycle ergometers and ellipticals, strength training equipment

including a leg press machine and quad extension machine, and other equipment including

medicine balls, dumbbells, and yoga and bosu balls. There are also several tables where clients

can do exercises and the therapists can work with the clients hand on and a room where they can

do private consultations.

I visited the physical therapy clinic in the middle of the day so there was not much

diversity in clientele, there were two physical therapists working with their clients. They were

both women, one who appeared to be in her 30s and the other was an older adult. However when

talking with Ms. Diandreth said that she gets a wide variety of clients with a wide range of ages

and needs because her clinic offers so many types of physical therapy.

I am not interested in pursuing physical therapy but talking to Ms. Diandreth has made

me even more excited about my decision to pursue occupational therapy because of the

intersection between the two.

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