Your Seduction Starter Kit

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My Story
What Is a Woman?
What Type Of Women Exist?
The Magic Pussy Syndrome
Pussy Trance
Dealing With MPS
Stages Of Female Manipulation
Results Of Manipulation
Shit Tests, ASD, & LMR Counter
Female Psychology/Chick Logic Explained
What Do Woman Truly Desire?
Female Defense Mechanisms
Their Emotional Way Of Thought
Female Subcommunicating

Unlimited Knowledge

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Copyright © 2023 Unlimited Knowledge

All rights reserved.

Cannot be reproduced in any manner, except for brief

quotations in book reviews, crediting the author.

None of the content in this book should be considered

professional advice.
My Story
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,
but he who conquers that fear."

- Nelson Mandela

Allow me to introduce myself as Unlimited Knowledge.

Who am I?

Well, 7 years ago I was the prototypical nice guy. A young man in neediness and despair, constantly lovesick, wishing,
hoping, vacillating, and clingy.

If a girl even displayed the SLIGHTEST of interest in me I was all over her like a cheap suit.

I spent my early years wandering around, looking lost and confused, with sporadic, unsuccessful forays into the realm of

Despite my ignorance, ONE girl actually fell in love with the weak man I once was.

But naturally, I was so afraid to lose her, aching for her, and one hundred percent available for her, all the time, and
because of that, of course, she wanted nothing to do with me- so she cheated on me with my best friend.

I look in the mirror and wondered why.

Why did I love women so much, and why was it so difficult for me to relate to them? Or for them to relate to me?

Why were my experiences with girls not what I wanted them to be? Why was I so awkward, so clueless? Why didn’t she
want me? Why did she cheat?

Why was it so hard to be desired by a woman? Why did I feel undesirable? Why was it this way, so pathologically, and
not another way?


Relatable? Hmm, well…

..The answer... oh, how it hit me like a tidal wave, crashing into the depths of my soul: I didn't understand women.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

It’s impossible to fit all my knowledge into this free guide unlike I did in my eBook: Beyond

In this guide, I want to give you the basic knowledge I wished I had when I first started out 7
years ago, because I feel like it’s my obligation as a man to help out my fellow brothers,
regardless of your financial situation.

United we stand strong.

Before I started writing this I thought to myself:

"What things did I wish I knew before I started on my self-improvement journey, and before
entering the land of women, back when I was heartbroken, lost, and confused?"

And the answer I found was: I would’ve wanted to understand women.


Because being loved by women is nothing but a result of understanding women.

Because to be loved by women is not a set of tricks or fancy tap dancing. It’s something
you believe, not something you say. It’s something you are, not something you do.

Women love men who understand and love women.


…let me tell you about the beauty of the feminine spirit.

Let me tell you what a woman is.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

What Is a Woman?
The question every man has asked himself throughout history.

Obviously, the answer isn’t straightforward, because men keep asking themselves the same
old question over and over again: So, what is a woman?

Well, I’ve thought about it and my realization is that women (from the naked eye) are just
like children, but when you truly understand women you’ll see that there are perfectly
logical explanations behind their behavior.

Anyways, hear me out.

They cry to manipulate situations, just They ignore you when they're mad, just
like kids. like kids.

They crave and need attention, just like They love stuffed animals, just like kids.
They love sweets and candy, just like kids.
They scream when they're in danger,
just like kids. They get mad when they don't know
where you are, just like kids.
They want to be protected and
provided for, just like kids. They want to follow you everywhere, just
like kids.
They think emotionally not rationally,
just like kids. They always want to know what you’re
doing, just like kids.

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These are so undeniable that I better have your attention now.

What most men don’t realize is that women are shockingly similar to kids at their core, if you
remove their social programming you’ll find the same little girl she once was at her core, and
that’s because women are the primary caregivers of children.

That’s why most times, women seem to only have empathy for kids and other women
because they can relate to them. Whereas, they lack empathy for men.

That’s why the masculine-feminine dynamic can be so confusing at times because most men
are trying to deal with women in the same way they deal with men.

Here’s where the problem occurs:

Men think rationally, but women and kids think emotionally.

Most men are trying to give a logical response to an emotional demand.


A woman needs to be attracted to you mentally, physically, and emotionally in order to

fall in love with you.

That’s why all the techniques that are so effective in beginning a relationship violate
every principle necessary to maintaining one.

In order to get a woman you need to be a cocky-funny, challenging, polarizing 'asshole,’

but in order to keep her around you need to be sincere, genuine, and focus on building
trust, and a deep connection while maintaining your dominant frame as the leader of the

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That is why most 'bad boys' can easily get into a relationship, but can't maintain one.

And why most 'good guys' can't get in one, but could easily maintain one.

Bad boys don't attract her mentally, while good guys don't attract her emotionally and

This is why Casanova was such a successful seducer. He combined the stereotypical
traits of the ‘bad boy’ with the stereotypical traits of the ‘nice guys’.

History tells us that Casanova was clearly a Dark Triad man (Narcissism, Machiavellianism,
and Psychopathy.)

He'd been considered a criminal by modern standards, and his mentality couldn't have been
any further from that of blue-pilled simps.

The reason Casanova was such a successful seducer was that he combined this “dark
side” with feminine traits: He was an adventurer, a poet, and a writer- he spoke the
language of the feminine- he provided women with strong, deep emotions; giving an
emotional response to their emotional demands.

He attracted women mentally, physically, and emotionally, which is something only the
owners of Beyond Seduction & Casanova manage to do.

Anyway, when you have a better understanding of women it’s impossible for you to hate

It also becomes impossible for you to let them frustrate you, when you know they have the
wiring of a child.

Women are kids with tits.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

What Type Of Women Exist?
In order for you to become better with women, you first have to understand them. But
before we dive down that rabbit hole you need to understand what type of women who
exist in our current society.

I love women, with all my heart. That’s one of the main reasons why I started my page,
to spread the message: To share my love for the beauty of the feminine.

But this is no secret, some women in 2023 are fucking hoes. Yes, I said it, but what’s worse
is men who believe ALL women are hoes.

Now, that’s a lie.

This is a result of dating podcasts bringing in trashy girls; the worst of the worst and red
pill content that turns guys into women haters.

Sure, the number of OnlyFans girls, attention-seeking bitches, and disrespectful hoes at
your local nightclub is increasing, but it doesn’t mean high-quality, beautiful, feminine,
good-hearted, kind women don’t exist; you’re just looking in the wrong places.

You can’t blame a clown for acting like a clown, you need to ask yourself why you’re still
going to the circus, get it?

Let me put it this way, there are 4 types of women in the world:

Those no one cares about
Hot women
Beautiful women

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Just forget the hoes and the ones no one cares about because let me be honest:


I’m not saying that to be rude, no, it’s just a matter of fact.

Just like women don’t care about the overweight, ugly, cashier at their local gas station, we
men don’t care about those types of women.

Just like you can't expect a fish to climb a tree, you can’t expect a dork with zero value and no
game to effortlessly sleep with 9 and 10s.

Likewise, hoes can’t expect to get their hands on a high-value man, because they haven’t managed
to preserve the irresistible beauty they were dealt at birth, they have lost their value.

So let’s focus on hot women and beautiful women.

There's a difference between hot women and beautiful women.

Hot women are everywhere. Nice ass and a good rack of tits. They’re beautified, not beautiful.

Beautiful women are rare.

They have the kindness, the goodness, the gentleness of the feminine spirit.

Hot chicks speak to our impulses- “I want to fuck the shit out of you”

Beautiful women speak to us on a deeper level, they speak to our imagination- “I want to wake up
beside you, I want to protect you, I want to care for you, I want to provide for you.”

If you deeply contemplate, I think you will discover two remarkable women in your life: one
possessing stunning beauty (Beautiful women) and the other radiating irresistible allure (Hot

Your Seduction Starter Kit

The thing is: Beautiful women are lonely. Not only because they're intimidating to others, but because
others put them on pedestals.

As a result never fully included in the lives of others. Men are rarely honest with them about their
intentions and women are jealous and mistrustful toward them.

They're placed on a pedestal- in their own little magical realm, far away from the rest. They're set apart, not

Hot women get hit on all the time. Beautiful women rarely do.

As said; This is because hot women as said speak to our impulses- “I want to fuck her, therefore I must talk to

Beautiful women on the other hand are mysterious, they have depth, and complexity to them- it confuses
men, hence; they’re looked past. As a result of this beautiful women find nightclubs depressing, and most
of them don’t even want to be there because of their values and because beautiful women are often shy
and withdrawn.

Another difference is that beautiful women who act innocent in public love to be degraded in bed.

While the slutty ones who have no grace in public want to be “cuddled” and cared for.

That’s because women reveal their repressed desires sexually. It’s during sex a woman is truly in touch with
her soul. Every other time what you see and hear is just her socially conditioned side coming out.

The ‘politically correct’, sexually repressed, all up in her head and not in touch with her body.

That’s what you see coming out. The innocent ones don’t want to reveal their sexual side because they
don’t want to be seen as a slut.

The slutty types don’t want to reveal their need for love and care because they don’t want others to think
she’s not “strong and independent”

The biggest makeup women wear is not cosmetics… It’s her personality.

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Another distinguisher between hot women and beautiful women is what they’re attracted to. Hot women
are attracted to the classical ‘shiny objects’: money, expensive clothes, fancy watches, your car, social
status, etc.

They’re easy to attract- flash is better than the guy next to you she’s yours. As Zan Perrion said: “Aquire
shiny object, acquire hot women.”

Do you think beautiful women care about these things? Hmm, you’re starting to get it now?

Quality women are beautiful women, and the answer is: No, they don’t care.

They’re attracted to you- the beauty inside you, what lies beyond your social programming. They don’t
care about your superficial layers, they want you, for who you are and only you. They’re attracted to
masculine men with a lifelong passion, a passion bigger than him, a passion bigger than her, a passion
bigger than his life.

The high-value men.

The men who also are set apart by society, but by their own choice. The men that chase something more
than just the obsession to fit in, to present themselves in a certain way to please others.

The men who are authentic, something more than just captives of superficiality. The men who chase
something else than just trying to navigate the sea of filters, polished images, and hollow validation of
modern society. The men who measure their worth by something more than the number of likes,
followers, and comments they receive.

High quality attracts high quality. These are the classical ‘power couples’, when a high-value man meets
a beautiful woman.

Beautiful women are the most magical creatures on earth, and a smile graces my countenance just by
writing about them.

Stop disliking women as a whole just because you’ve interacted with one hoe. Don’t let one woman
spoil the way to feel about all women. Don’t let one bad apple change the way you feel about them
as a whole. Please, whatever you do, don't become a women hater.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

The Magic Pussy Syndrome
Magic Pussy Syndrome or MPS is a syndrome that has become popular in recent years.

"Unlimited Knowledge, what the fuck is MPS?"

Well, MPS is the belief that just because a woman has a pussy, she is entitled to special
privileges at other people’s expense.

Free drinks, free dinner, alimony, child support, you name it. It essentially means that she's
arrogant and feels superior to men- just because she has a pussy. Rolling her eyes, looking at you
as a bitch, comments to bring you down, completely ignoring you are all signs of high MPS.

It's important to note that not all women suffer from this all the time.

Most women have a bit of it in them, at least some of the time.

For example, I recently met a woman who said she had been dating two guys at the same time
except that she wouldn’t allow them to date other women.

Now this was not an otherwise bad woman, in fact, she was a good girl.

But she believed that because she was a woman, she had the right to behave this way and that
the men she dated did not.

As a man, understanding and acknowledging MPS will grant you significant power, as long as you
strike a delicate balance by not taking it too seriously.

Demonstrating that you're above a woman's MPS will disrupt her superior attitude, knocking her
off the little pedestal she has created for herself within her ‘magical realm’.

If you show this rare and superior frame, a woman will be wonderfully transformed into pursuing

Your Seduction Starter Kit

This is because MPS usually acts as a screening mechanism for women.

While many men may accept the MPS frame, only the best (Owners of Beyond Seduction) recognize this
frame of her, BUT DO NOT ACCEPT IT.

Just telling a woman “no”, disqualifying her, challenging her, and teasing her, are all ways to show
you’re above her MPS.

“Why are a pretty girl like you single? Come on, let’s find you a boyfriend.”
“You’re standing close to me - a bit keen?”
“You’re like the mom of the group? Aren’t you?”

But you must also recognize women with too much MPS as it’s an effective way to eliminate women
from your life who will prove to be a pain in the ass, and you can accomplish this very early on in your
interactions by paying attention to their MPS level.

For example: Imagine that you met an attractive woman, and you plan a day 2 (I call dates day 2), like
going to play tennis and then getting something to eat. But she shows up late without a significant

Now, her next actions are crucial in understanding her behavior and MPS. If she apologizes and makes it
up to you in some way, like offering to pay for the transportation, then you can let the lateness slide and
not worry too much about it.

However, if instead of apologizing, she follows up with a request or demand for something not on the
original plan and expects you to pay for it, this it's a massive red flag. Too much MPS, if she shows no
consideration for your time or tries to take advantage of you financially, it's a sign of MASSIVE trouble

If you don't address this behavior right away, she will continue to act in a way that tests your limits until
she reaches your breaking point. Most guys let this slide- JUST BECAUSE SHE HAS A PUSSY, but it will
only result in a painful future.

She'll officially own you.

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Beautiful women rarely have MPS.

Because hoes and hot women are so used to weak men suppressing their opinions, wants,
and desires in an attempt to gain their validation, they take it as a personal insult when a
strong man refuses.

There is nothing you can do to correct these women, and unless you enjoy pain, lol, it is best
to avoid any sort of serious relationship with them.

Any relationship with such women is a dead end in both directions.

They will react with frustration to a man who does not supplicate to their MPS because they
take it as a personal offense, and attack is usually the best defense.

It's just a dark, toxic path of being on a leach ahead.

I bet you can think of a woman you know with massive MPS, what it essentially means is that
she feels superior to you.

And when a woman feels superior to you… she can never be attracted to you.

Without respect for her man, there cannot be sexual tension.

Your only chance to knock her off the pedestal is by actively displaying your value through
your game which I’ll teach inside my 900+ long seduction masterclass Beyond Seduction.

To avoid women who will prove to be a pain in the ass in the future I have created a

First, take her looks into the equation: 1-10. Let's say she's a 7. Then you want to score her
MPS from 1-5. 1= Low MPS. 5= High MPS. Let's say the 7 have 3 in MPS: 7-3=5. This means
she's a 5/10 overall. If the girl has a lower score than 7/10 she's a no-go.

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Origins of MPS
Magic Pussy Syndrome became a thing because female sexual arousal is initiated by words,
whereas male sexual arousal is a result of visual stimulation. This is why erotic books like 50
Shades are smash hits amongst women and why porn is dominated by males.

Women are attracted emotionally, men are attracted visually.

This creates an obvious mismatch between male and female sexuality, and as a result- attractive
women become overloaded with attention from men, and this only became worse with social

Typically, men often start interactions with women by showing their attraction based solely on
visual factors. For Example: If a woman posts a picture of her ass on Instagram she will literally
get 100 DMs and 50 comments with a fire emoji within seconds.

However, relying solely on her looks doesn't work; Every guy gives her compliments on her look,
multiple times a week, several times a month, and hundreds of times a year. Women have
become immune, women want something more, something enigmatic, something deeper.

The result of this is that, over time, many women believe that they are entitled to special
advantages in our society BECAUSE WEAK MEN PUT THEM ON PEDESTALS.

With men approaching and giving in to a woman's needs all the time, and demanding nothing
more from the woman than that she looks good, it has become extremely easy for women to
exploit men's weakness:

Our desire for sex.

Weak men created MPS, so don’t blame women. Weak men are the enemy.

As long as we men don’t allow women to take advantage of our lust for sex - they’ll never be
able to control us, in any way, shape, or form.
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Pussy Trance
The effect on men who haven’t come to grips with MPS is something I like to call Pussy

Men in Pussy Trance treat all women as if their pussies are magic, and as a result, the woman
is literally carrying his balls around in her purse.

How you know that you're in a Pussy Trance:

1. If you find yourself in the company of a woman, doing something you don’t really want to
do, and you aren’t sure how you came to be doing it, you’re tranced.

2. If you approach a woman you are interested in, and she ends up leading the discussion in
directions that you don’t want to go, you are tranced.

3. If at any time, you make excuses for a woman’s bad behavior just because she is a woman

(Example: Justifying that she isn’t responding to your texts because she’s ‘busy’), you are
either tranced or in danger of being tranced.

If this bad behavior is affecting you personally and you are still making excuses for the
woman, you’re definitely pussy tranced.

If you see yourself in any of the above situations, you are already ahead of most guys, merely
by the fact that you are now taking steps to understand what’s going on.

The first step towards solving a problem is to first be aware of it.

Being pussy tranced means essentially that you're a massive, totally, utterly SIMP.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Dealing With MPS
Think of MPS as an integral psychological aspect of most women that needs to be taken
into account when interacting with them or when seducing them.

Since you never can choose a woman (only give her an opportunity to choose you) it means
that biologically, females choose for sex.

Therefore, let the woman feel as though she has free reign to choose whether or not to have
sex with you, without any pressure from you.

If she feels the need for her ego to be stroked (if she needs to feel as if her pussy is magic),
it’s no big deal, if your intentions are to cum and run.

This means that you should never, EVER allow a woman like this into a serious relationship
with you, without first ensuring that everything else she brings to the table is complementary
to or supportive of your non-sexual interests.

In other words, let the woman choose for sex, but ensure that you, the man, are the one
choosing her, the woman, for the relationship. And you must absolutely ensure that your
choice is not based on the fact she has a pussy and she happens to be physically
attractive - then I’ll personally find you and give you a beating.

Values > Looks.

Golden Rule: When dealing with women who insist on being treated like ladies, first make
sure that they are acting like ladies.

If they aren’t acting like ladies, don’t treat them as if they are, no matter what they look like.

If you do, you are officially the definition of a simp… and I hate simps.

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Female Manipulation
Manipulation is an instinctual behavior deeply rooted within female biology.

Manipulation is a learned behavior, due to one’s need for survival.

Thousand of years ago, power was gained through physical violence and maintained with

Women had no way to compete, but they realized men’s biggest weakness.

Our desire for sex.

They basically created “the game” and seduction as a way to control men, to get a
psychological advantage, since they never could get a physical advantage.

Women are physically weaker, so they had to adapt.

As individuals, we are prone to choose behaviors that support survival, and manipulation
has certainly been selected as a desirable survival skill, especially among women.

Manipulation is defined as: "The attempt to influence another person’s mind to achieve a certain

I'm telling you this because most of you don't understand women, as said you're always
looking at the world through a male perspective.

We might look the same, but we are wired completely differently.

In order to best understand and manage relationships with women, you MUST understand
that there are various stages of manipulation that a woman will go through during the
course of a relationship with a man.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

On the biological level ALL women are programmed to:

1. Elicit a strong sexual attraction in one or more strong males.

2. Feel a strong sexual attraction for such males.
3. Become impregnated by her choice of male.
4. Have a male to provide materially for both her and her infant child.
5. Afterwards, she will subconsciously tend to operate in such a way as to have her sexual
attraction for that male decrease.
6. Wash, rinse, repeat: she will tend to have more sexual intercourse and more children with
other strong males.

I like to call this "betaization," where the alpha male becomes "beta," meaning he becomes
"secondary" or "subservient" within the relationship over time.

This change happens slowly and almost imperceptibly to both.

Unless you’re blind, you've probably noticed the dark repetitive cycle:

Girl finds Alpha.

Alpha falls for girl.
Girl turns alpha into beta.
Girl leave beta for alpha.

There are two reasons why girls manipulate:

Safety and comfort for her and her children, with their survival being the primary

To thereby influence the man’s mind in such a way that he will feel compelled to
protect her and her children, especially before pregnancy, during the pregnancy, and
throughout the children’s early developmental years.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

However, for a woman’s sexuality to be satisfied, her manipulation attempts
against you mustn't be too effective.

Now, this is your responsibility.

To shut down her attempts to manipulate, and thereby create tension.

Because without tension, there cannot be sexual attraction.

You must learn to observe female behavior and give the right responses, with the
goal of making her happy on the emotional level, as opposed to responding to
manipulation attempts on a logical level.

You can't give a logical response to an emotional demand.

Women think emotionally, men think logically.

Learning to respond appropriately requires knowing the various stages of female


She'll attempt to own you mentally by following these stages:

• Testing You
• Seeking Communication
• Putting You to Work
• Evolutionary Selfishness
• Self-Determination

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Testing You- “Let me be a little bitch to him.”

A woman instinctively knows that men can impregnate multiple women with fewer
consequences, while she bears a higher risk and burden in pregnancy.

Therefore, she looks for qualities like physicality and leadership abilities in a man.

A woman will always test you if she is attracted (so take it as a compliment), and the goal is
to look for qualities that balance between survival and sexual desire.

A woman's evaluations of you are essential in choosing you as a suitable mate, hence: Shit
tests, anti-slut defenses, last-minute-resistance, MPS.

Shit tests are usually the first test you’ll have to face when interacting with women.

You might be thinking: “What the fuck is a shit test?”

Trust me, you’ve been shit-tested hundreds of times during your life, you’ve just been too
ignorant to notice.

A shit test is a challenge or obstacle that is intentionally designed to test your confidence or
resolve, a test to gauge your strength.

When most guys face shit tests they either apologize, explain themselves, or give a logical

That’s how you fail a shit test. Instead, you want to challenge her back, ignore her, be
dominant, agree and exaggerate, disagree and exaggerate, misinterpret, treat her like a little
girl, or flip it back at her.

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Shit Test: “Is that your pickup line?”

Bad Response:

“I was just trying to start a conversation, sorry.” (Apologizing)

Good Response:

“You’re welcome, doesn’t happen to you that often I guess?” (Flipping it back at her)

Shit Test: “You probably say that to every girl”

Bad Response:

“, not at all, only to you.” (Logical response)

Good Response:

“Do you say that to every guy you’re attracted to? I have a 7-date rule anyways, so keep it in your pants.”
(Challenging her)

Shit Test: “You’re short”

Bad Response:

“No, I’m actually the average size for a man” (Explaining yourself)

Good Response:

“I won’t be when you’re on your knees” (Dominance)

Hundreds of shit test examples with word-for-word response sequences inside Beyond Seduction.

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The second test you’ll face is anti slut defenses.

ASD stands for anti-slut defense and is a common technique used by a woman to abstain herself
from any responsibility during situations where intimacy is likely.

An ASD will come in the form of rejection; she will reject your attempt to kiss her and get physical
with her, or she might even suddenly appear completely disinterested in you.

Women do this as a result of the environment around them; women care more about their friends'
opinions than their own. She’s afraid of being judged by people around her, her friends, and
even you.

It’s a good thing if she’s afraid of being judged by you, she doesn't want to come off as “slutty” or

The third type of test you’ll face is last-minute resistance.

Have you ever been with a woman and had an amazing time as things progressed romantically?

Perhaps it started with a dance to a favorite song, and gradually, you both grew closer, feeling the
rising excitement.

As her kisses became more passionate and she drew you nearer, you could also sense her arousal

Eventually, one of you decided to find a more private setting, and the intimacy continued to escalate.

You felt a deep connection on every level, convinced that this moment couldn't be more perfect.

But suddenly, she pulled back and said, "Stop!" or suddenly seemed completely uninterested?

Well, that's LMR in a nutshell.

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And, like most men, you were probably left scratching your head wondering “What went wrong?”

Actually, nothing went wrong, it’s just an integral part of the biologically ingrained testing
mechanism women have.

You need to understand that a woman will rarely do anything during a pickup that makes her
feel responsible for what may happen between the two of you.

To whatever degree she feels responsible her last-minute resistance will be activated.

Thus she has a need for plausible deniability.

For example, if you were to say to her, "Hey, let's go back to my place and have sex," she would have
to say no, even though she wanted to say yes, because saying yes would make her responsible for
what is about happen.

But if instead, you were to say, "Hey, let's stop by my place on the way to that party, I have to show you
my tropical fish," now she has an excuse and plausible deniability to stop by your place, and
then, oopsie!

She’ll have sex with you.

Then she can tell all her friends that: "One thing led to another…”

If she didn't resist at least a little bit, she would feel like a slut.

What the test essentially means is: “If you can't take my crap, how in the world are you going to protect
me from other people's crap?”

Shit tests, ASD, and LMR are usually the three first stages of manipulation and testing, these will
happen before you enter a relationship, and continue for as long as you're together.

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The next phase is ‘Seeking Communication’- “Open up to me, please.”

Once a woman has tested you and is confident in your strength and suitability, her focus shifts
to making you commit exclusively to her.

Many men, who passed the initial tests, struggle to understand this next stage.

It can be challenging for the average man to recognize this stage (because he isn't aware of it),
and because women often conceal their true intentions behind seemingly innocent and
indirect attempts to communicate.

Women naturally value communication greatly, but at this stage, they often use language to
confuse you, hoping to gain your loyalty and cooperation.

Problems arise when a woman feels you lack proper communication skills, even though
she's communicating indirectly and unprecise herself… making it a totally, utterly,
hopeless situation…

A woman often places the blame on you, even though she chose you deliberately in the first

During this second stage, women pretend to seek deeper communication, but in reality, she aims
to test your strength even further.

A strong man will sense the attempt to weaken him and react with anger or withdrawal, which
she'll find sexy, but she'll play upset.

This often leads to the 'classical illogical arguments' that have no clear basis, if you have ever
been in a relationship you know exactly what I am talking about.

A weak man will give in to her request and end up as pussy tranced.

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Putting You To Work- “Babe, please take out the trash, and fix the fence and
please hurry!”

When and if a man opens himself emotionally up to a woman he's fucked.

This is usually the first thing a woman will try to do if she succeeds in stage two:

"Seeking communication."

If she succeeds in that she'll naturally feel like she can succeed in phase three:

"Putting you to work."

If she succeeds she'll from that point onwards effectively own the frame of the

Now, FINALLY, the active destruction of attraction can slowly begin, and please don't hate
women for this, it's just the way they're biologically wired.

She'll now start her attempts to take over aspects of your life that directly affect your
material interests, a man's weak point, his stuff.

For example, purchase decisions will now be made “jointly” which, in the cool light of
rational analysis, really are the result of the woman’s manipulation attempts and your
desire to maintain some peace in the household, because if it's one thing we men value:


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Female Evolutionary Selfishness- “I am never satisfied no matter what you do or
how hard you try.”

This stage begins once she has succeeded in having you (formerly strong) open up to her

In this stage, any communication with you is only for the purpose of deriving something useful for
her and her children.

At this stage, she will exhibit a total disregard for your psychological and material

You'll constantly be put under the power of a strong and constant psychological double bind,
along the lines of:

“If you don’t open up to me I am not satisfied. You don’t communicate with me.”

simultaneous with

“As soon as you open up to me I will use the information you provide in a totally selfish way for my own

Women will tell you to be vulnerable and use it against you at the first opportunity.

Other classical examples of this are ridiculous questions like:

“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”

“Do you think she’s prettier than me?”
“Would you rather have sex with Margot Robbie than me?”

She won't be satisfied no matter what you answer, these questions have one purpose: To stir up

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Female Self-Determination- “I am a full-grown, independent woman now.”
During the self-determination stage, you will encounter another double bind that's even more
powerful than before. As you start seeking the emotional communication she had been asking for, she
will express feelings of oppression, boredom, or dissatisfaction.

These expressions will leave you feeling bewildered, ashamed, or guilty.

If you decide to detach and not care about her words or actions, she will label you as an unloving partner,
leading to negative emotions within you. In this stage, women voice their resentment and dissatisfaction,
especially with men who have become psychologically weaker over time.

Men who successfully navigate these stages without a decrease in their girl's sexual attraction are
exceptionally strong. And this is simply done by not giving in, remaining in your masculine frame as the
leader of the house.

Finally, not all women have the same drive to manipulate and destroy their man, usually hoes, the
ones no one care about, and hot women are more likely to manipulate than beautiful women.

This is a result of:

Hot women usually have daddy underlying issues, having a hard time submitting to the masculine

Hoes because they were so used to attention in their 20s but as their beauty drifted with age they
received less; hence betaization of their man to feel superior again.

The one no one cares about because they were usually looked at as 'the outcast' and want to feel
some control for once in their life.

I'm not saying that beautiful women won't try, but they usually had a strong, masculine, father so they're
more used to 'being under the wing' of a man.

More feminine, more submissive, and easier to deal with.

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Results Of Manipulation
When all the sexual attraction has evaporated the outcome depends on cultural beliefs.

In cultures where women can't leave their partner the end result is usually clinical depression.

Clinical depression occurs when her sexual attraction for her man decreases or dies out
completely, and she is prevented from having sex with other men by social restraint.

The woman in this case has to face a practically impossible conflict between her emotions, which
demand sexual satisfaction, and her societally-restrained behavior, which prohibits sexual

In modern, “politically-correct societies”, the common end result of the manipulation process is the
woman ending the relationship, or acting in such a way that the man has no other choice but
to end the relationship.

Cheating is very likely to happen in either case.

There you go, gave you a completely different view on relationships, didn't it?

"Why? Why? Why?" you might be thinking, "Why slowly but surely destroy the relationship?"

Well, it's not a choice, just like you and I want to fuck every woman we walk past on the streets, it's
something we're drawn towards.

It's nature's way to ensure we, as a species, survive.

Nature creates initial attraction between partners, which eventually decreases to ensure a safer
upbringing for offspring and more sexual interactions with other partners, leading to a wider spread
of genetic material.

Long-term monogamous relationships simply aren't natural, they are a social construct, an
illusion of hope, that we humans created, in the search for meaning, stability, and happiness.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Don’t get me wrong: I’m a HUGE believer in love and long-term relationships, my point here is that
it’s impossible to maintain a healthy relationship if you don’t know how to counter manipulation

You might wonder if I have the answers to counter it, and yes I do. I have the answers to all questions
you have about women.

All waiting for you inside Beyond Seduction."What is Beyond Seduction?" you might be asking...

Well, Beyond Seduction is my 900+ page-long seduction masterclass. It's divided into three parts.

The Attraction Playbook. The Seduction Playbook. The Sex Playbook

The Attraction Playbook will change your character at the core, your identity, into one more desirable to

It will cover everything from social skills, frames, body language, tonality, eye contact, style, masculinity,
charisma, physique, social circle, personality, extroversion, alter egos.

Leaving no stone unturned in your quest to become an irresistible force in the world of attraction.

The Seduction Playbook will turn you into your most seductive self.

Covering everything from female manipulation, female sub-communicating, female psychology, female
archetypes, shit tests, anti-slut defenses, last-minute resistance, arranging dates, day twos, word-for-word-
attraction sequences, texting game, indicators of interest, online dating, cold approaches, mid-game,
closing, comfort building, tension building, disqualifying, teasing, fluff talk, cold readings, challenging, ESP
routines, my personal journey, attraction switches, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Trust me, your problem won’t be getting women anymore, it’ll be keeping them at arms’ length.

The Sex Playbook will turn you into a masculine force of sexuality that she simply cannot resist.

It will teach you the power to make her explore new realms of pleasure and joy, and the ability to give her
the best nights of her life;

To the point where every guy after you will be nothing but a disappointment.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Female Psychology/Chick Logic Explained
For ages, men have considered “Female Psychology,” or the female way of thinking, to be one
of the greatest mysteries in the universe.

Psychoanalysts, philosophers, and poets have spent countless amounts of time agonizing
over this topic.

Well, the good news is that female psychology can be explained to men in a perfectly
understandable way.

You can learn how female logic works just like you can learn the functions of a computer or
the technical specifications of a car.

Every function of the human brain has an evolutionary purpose, we can agree on that, right?

The evolutionary purpose of female logic is to achieve two basic goals:

1) To create ideal conditions for the birth of her children, and ideal conditions to protect
those children during their early years of development.

2) To influence the man and the environment around her to give her and her children
support and protection.

This influence usually manifests as manipulation which I talked about earlier, to turn her man
into a beta to make sure he sticks around during the early years of development.

Think about it, if women weren't so biologically obsessed with creating the right conditions
for their children, you and I wouldn't be her.

Mankind would have ended millions of years ago.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Female Psychology/Chick Logic Explained
For ages, men have considered “Female Psychology,” or the female way of thinking, to be one of the
greatest mysteries in the universe. Psychoanalysts, philosophers, and poets have spent countless
amounts of time agonizing over this topic.

Well, the good news is that female psychology can be explained to men in a perfectly
understandable way. You can learn how female logic works just like you can learn the functions of
a computer or the technical specifications of a car.

Every function of the human brain has an evolutionary purpose, we can agree on that, right?

The evolutionary purpose of female logic is to achieve two basic goals:

1) To create ideal conditions for the birth of her children, and ideal conditions to protect those
children during their early years of development.

2) To influence the man and the environment around her to give her and her children support and

This influence usually manifests as manipulation which I talked about earlier, to turn her man into a
beta to make sure he sticks around during the early years of development.

Think about it, if women weren't so biologically obsessed with creating the right conditions for
their children, you and I wouldn't be her.

Mankind would have ended millions of years ago.

As men, we NEVER think about it: If you’re walking down the street and see an attractive woman- Do
you think: "Damn, I want to fuck the shit out of that ass." or "In order to have sex with that woman I
need to make sure the environment and she is capable of giving our potential children the perfect

Exactly, we might look the same, but we're wired completely different biologically. Men seek to
reproduce, women seek to take care. That's why you and I are here.. millions of years later.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

What Do Women Truly Desire?
Since women’s purpose is to achieve ideal conditions for the birth of their children, and ideal
conditions to protect those children during their early years of development and to influence the
men and the environment around them to give them and their children support and protection you
don’t need to be a rocket science to realize that women want strong, masculine men, this is also
backed up by history.

Throughout history women have always chosen the resourceful alpha male, back then
resourcefulness meant the ability to provide protection and fulfill basic primal needs like food and

In today's society, safety and nourishment are relatively widespread. However, women are still
instinctively attracted to these timeless traits of the masculine man:

Strength, confidence, courage, fearlessness, independence, leadership, and assertiveness.

In other words, these traits are timeless and continue to hold significance in how women perceive
and are attracted to men, regardless of societal or cultural shifts; so don’t hit me up with “This
doesn’t work on women in my culture.”

BS, female psychology is universal.

When you narrow it down to its core; women desire a man who can handle challenging situations,
provide a sense of safety, and fulfill the roles of a provider, protector, and lover all in one.

“Ah, Unlimited Knowledge, all women aren’t attracted to the same”

To that, I say: All women are different, yet all women are wonderfully the same.

They all want a masculine man, who’s comfortable in his own skin.

A man other women want to bang

A man other men want to be.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Across generations, there has been a natural and powerful attraction between masculine
and feminine energies.

The concept of "opposites attract" holds true, as the dynamic interplay of masculine and
feminine energies has been a fundamental force in relationships and the reproduction of
human life.

The inherent differences between these energies create a magnetic pull, where each
complements and balances the other.

So, the question arises: What happens when society brainwashes young men into believing
that masculinity is toxic?

Well, unfortunately, it disrupts the natural balance and dynamic between masculine and
feminine energy. When young men are misled into believing that masculinity is something
negative or harmful, it will impact their self-perception and behavior.

This distortion has resulted in a generation of confused, insecure, anxious, doubtful,

worried, nervous, and shy young men, and has hindered the development of positive
masculine traits, such as confidence, strength, leadership, and assertiveness.

Ultimately, it has led to a distorted understanding of gender dynamics and hindered the
natural attraction and synergy between masculine and feminine energies that have existed
throughout history.

Men wearing skirts, increased rates of depression, the transformation of Agent 007 into a
female character, and a rapid decline in testosterone levels are just some of the signs
pointing toward the gradual fading of the traditional masculine spirit.

The masculine spirit is slowly dying, but if you want to succeed in the modern dating
market you need to reignite your masculine spirit.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

By getting this guide you’re stepping into the world of ‘game’.

Many young men in 2023 hold a common belief that women are solely attracted to money,
fame, and looks.

WRONG, that's a misconception.

Before delving into this new world, it's crucial to leave behind this misconception at the door;
because if you don’t everything will seem hopeless, like you’re getting into the ring with prime-
time Mike Tyson, when in reality you don’t.

Money, fame, and looks may initially catch attention, but they’re just superficial attraction
switches. They give you initial interest from women.

So yes, fame, money, and looks are helpful, but not required.

My method is based on female psychology, so it works regardless of your looks or money.

What women truly desire deep within their hearts, behind their layers of superficial social
filters, is:

A masculine man.

A man who is self-assured and doesn't seek validation from others, a non-needy man.

A man who naturally draws attention and has a commanding presence in any room, an alpha

A man who maintains strong eye contact, showing his attentiveness and confidence while
building sexual tension.

A man who treats others, including bartenders and strangers, with respect and kindness
while also being assertive.
Your Seduction Starter Kit
A man who exhibits chivalry by pulling out her chair, opening her car door, and helping
her with her coat.

A man who prioritizes the safety and comfort of his girl by walking closest to the curb,
standing behind her on the way up on the escalator, and in front of her on the way down.

A man who understands his own desires and the desires of his partner.

A man who is exciting, and evokes strong emotions by being unpredictable and fun.

A man who is strong and assertive, but also maintains politeness and kindness towards
others until shit hits the fan.

A man who values himself highly and recognizes his worth, a high-value man.

A man with layers and depth to him, for example, a man who can be dominant in bed yet
also compassionate and generous towards those in need.

A strong leader and a lover. A lamb and a lion.

A leader. A provider. A protector. A lover. A fighter.

“A beacon of masculinity, in a world that may falter,

A man to treasure, a love to alter.”

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Sure, a lot of men still have these qualities in 2023, but why are they still unsuccessful
in the dating market?

The challenge lies in the fact that it takes a considerable amount of time for a woman
to truly understand, connect and get to know you. However, if you possess money,
fame, and looks, these qualities will initially spark initial interest and provide you with
more time to demonstrate your value before rejects you.

Look, women are beautiful but ruthless. When we men scout for girls we immediately
think, “She seems cute, I could definitely fuck her” or “Nah, pass.”

We experience attraction at first sight and make instant judgments about whether we
could sleep with her or not.

However, for women, it takes much longer. They don't feel immediate attraction, only
initial interest. From that interest, they rapidly categorize men into three groups:

Potential partner/sexual partner


What I am trying to say- the crux of my argument, is that even if you possess the
qualities that a woman truly desires, she won’t be aware of it because she won't give you
enough time to show it.

This is because she has already categorized you as friendzone or creep, due to your lack
of social skills, difficulty in displaying your value (DHV), struggles to start a conversation,
poor appearance and body language, or saying something that repelled her, or the most
common reason; you lacked the confidence to approach her in the first place.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

You have the option to either learn "game" (referring to social skills or strategies for attracting
women) or focus on becoming rich, famous, and good-looking.

However, even if you achieve wealth, fame, and physical attractiveness, you still need to learn
game in order to keep her around once the initial interest vanishes, and that’s the
hardest part; keeping her around.

Unlocking the power of 'game' is the key to unlocking the door to ultimate success, not money,
fame, and looks.

Finally, to end this chapter, even though I’ve stated several times that women are attracted to
strong, masculine men, most of you will misinterpret what I actually mean by that.

Masculinity isn’t about being cold, hard, tough, and unemotional, well, sure- to some degree but
as long as it doesn’t go at the expense of being fun.

Next time you’re out take a moment and notice how some guys are trying to attract women by
being cool, tough, hard, and unemotional. That only works in Hollywood movies, unless you
already have social proof and high status in the environment. Notice how all these cool guys
are leaning against the walls by themselves, waiting for women to approach them. That shit
doesn’t work.

Women are irresistibly drawn to fun guys;

They flirt with fun guys, date fun guys, and have sex with fun guys. Being the guy who is always
enjoyable to be around makes you attractive. Don’t be the quiet guy in the corner. Get out and
be social and fun.

I’m not telling you to be a dancing monkey, you should be calm, and composed, but that doesn’t
mean you can’t be fun and exciting.

Tell jokes, tease her, disqualify her, banter, and tease some more. You should be detached
and non-needy, but not unexpressive.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Their Emotional Way Of Thought
Female psychology is deeply rooted in emotional understanding, enabling women to link their
current emotional state to a series of external factors, even if those factors seem physically
illogical or irrational. For women, the emotional significance outweighs the need for a strictly
logical or rational cause, and this is what causes confusion among men.

To women, accepting and acknowledging the emotion holds greater importance than
pinpointing a logical or rational explanation.

Think of female logic as a sequence of emotional states, connected along an imaginary chain:

While for men it's:

The elements don't need to follow what we men might see as logical or physically connected
patterns. Instead, they are linked based on how one emotion (let's call it emotion b) led to another
emotion (emotion c), and so on within the woman.

There's no requirement for any other correlation between the elements, and it's uncertain which
element may cause the next one in the sequence. So, it's not about traditional cause-and-effect
relationships but rather about how emotions are connected within the woman's experience.

Lets us look at an example: Suppose you are out on a date with a woman, and you say you have to
stop by your apartment to pick something up. Out of the blue she says: “OK, but we’re not having
sex!!!” Here the emotional significance outweighs the need for a rational cause. “my apartment”
(let’s call it emotion A) caused her to feel something out of context (let’s say emotion Z)

From a ‘male logic’ point of view, the answer should’ve been “No problem.”

But this example takes us to another critical part of female psychology.

Your Seduction Starter Kit
Female Defense Mechanism
Most men would be baffled by such a statement: “Ok, but we’re not having sex.”

However, what she is sub-communicating is something completely different than whether

or not she'll have sex with you.

Here is what’s really happening:

First, she is testing your response, this is called a shit test.

If you get flustered by it, she most certainly will not consider having sex with you
because if you can’t be composed during a little test how are you going to be able to
provide for her and her children?

(Remember: This thought always circulates her mind)

If your response is “Yeah, so, that was pretty random, who’s talking about sex here?” the door
for sexual engagement remains open because you passed the test.

Second, she is establishing a frame of interaction where she is taking no responsibility for
the outcome.

If she ends up naked in your bed, well, that’s not her fault because she said “no sex.”

Never mind that it “just happened.”

This is because women are extremely dependent on having inner harmony in order to feel

This logic also leads to notions such as “If you don’t talk about it, it never happened.”
Your Seduction Starter Kit
When you hear a phrase like this from a woman, understand that what this means in
practice is that she doesn’t want to talk about something that “causes” her to feel

Never mind whether the whole incident was captured on video, that’s completely irrelevant
to her.

As long as she never talks about it, she never has to feel those bad emotions, hence;
remaining inner harmony.

Third, the next day she can tell all her friends who ask: “I specifically told him “no sex” before I
went into his apartment.”

This is because women’s biggest fear is being slut-shamed by you, their friends, and society.
She cares more about the opinion of her friends than her own.

This is a result of evolution. You see, women can be quite promiscuous, but the
consequences have been severe throughout history.

Back in the day, women faced social isolation, death, and humiliation for being seen as

Through evolution, this has become a central part of female psychology.

All in all: This is why I always say that women are free-flowing creatures, they do whatever
she feels in THAT MOMENT OF TIME.

That's why you should never take a women's word so seriously.

Don't listen to what she says, observe what she does.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Female Subcommunication
“Don't listen to what she says, observe what she does.” is the perfect introduction quote for
this chapter.

Subcommunication essentially is communicating indirectly using various techniques like

double meanings, unclear statements, emotions, and vagueness. Women use sub-
communication for several reasons:

To keep social harmony intact.

To avoid taking direct responsibility for their words or actions.
To hint at their intentions without outright stating them.
To set boundaries and guidelines for interactions.
To avoid committing to a specific stance and keep their options open.

Subcommunication puts the burden on us men to correctly interpret the hidden meaning
behind the communication.

Sounds familiar?

Why do they do this? Well, historically men have always wanted to 'own' their partner's
body, as a result, women have created a language called womenase, also called sub-

In this secret language, women communicate their sexuality freely but in a way that most
men cannot hear or understand.

Women have learned the hard way through millennia that men have a psychological need
to create a type of distinction among women, the classical whore and madonna complex;
slotting all women into a category of either “whores” or “Madonnas”.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Just like I did at the beginning of this guide: Distinguished women into four different
categories: The ones no one cares about, hot women, hoes, and beautiful women.

Anyways, this means there's yet another huge distinguisher between men and women:

Men are more direct and straightforward in their conversations, getting straight to
the point, while women often prefer sub-communication, using indirect and subtle
cues to convey their messages.

One reason for female sub-communication is their preference for maintaining harmony in
communication rather than focusing solely on objective truth.

The more feminine a woman is, the more she values harmony.

In contrast, men express the truth succinctly, directly, and in a straightforward manner.

Think about it: Men gain social power through logic, mathematics, physical strength,
and endurance, essentially by asserting themselves in their environment.

Women gain social power through communication. They try to avoid social conflict and
use sub-communication as a tool to manipulate others to give them what they want.

For example: If you had an alcoholic friend you would solve it by being silent for as long as
possible, but then finally sitting down with him and saying: “Man, you are destroying your
fucking health, you gotta stop that drinking that shit, now.” without too much concern for
empathy or understanding.

But a woman? She would take an approach of subcommunication - she would show
empathy and make an effort to understand her friend, in the hope that she will change,
while remaining harmony.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

The takeaway, what you need to understand, is that for a woman to promote and maintain
harmony within her environment, emotional states are more important to her than physical facts.

Women may very well lie, or at least shade the truth, in order to preserve positive
emotional states or prevent negative emotional states.

So back to what I said earlier, and maybe the most important part:

Even when women “lie” with their mouths, their bodies or emotions may be telling the real truth,
so don't listen to what she says, observe what she does.

Alright, in order to deal with sub-communication besides what I said above it's essential that you
strive to cultivate a state of awareness when you're around women because sub-communication
CANNOT be underestimated.

If you allow yourself to relax too much and keep yourself in an unaware state, you will
completely miss the meaning of female communication.

Accept the fact that it is instinctual for women to express themselves in this indirect way, just like
it's instinctual for you to express yourself in a logical way.

This is also a huge part of being good with women; accept them as they are and don’t try to change

Trying to change her will strip her of her feminity causing her to resent you.

To be able to deal with subcommunication you need to shift from a mindset where you take
everything she says at face value, to a mindset where you interpret what she says and put it
through a subcommunication filter. A filter I'll teach you how to get inside Beyond Seduction.

Whatever you do, do NOT take her words seriously. Always think about what the hidden
meaning can be.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

For example: You approach a girl with a corny pickup line and she immediately shuts you down by
saying: "I have a boyfriend.", 9/10 times the boyfriend doesn't exist, and she's sub-
communicating that you're telegraphic too much interest too soon.

(Which she doesn't want because of the Madonna/whore complex, she doesn’t want to be slut
shamed for being too ‘easy’)

Another thing that is important to note is that female sub-communication often has an underlying
sexual meaning. The more a woman sub communicates in your presence, the more sexually
attracted to you she is.

She wouldn't bother to maintain inner harmony with a guy she didn't find interesting, make sense?

Finally, the best way to deal with subcommunication is to learn how to keep yourself on the edge
between masculine and feminine, but with an emphasis on the masculine.

And no, I'm not telling you to be feminine.

But in order to increase sexual and emotional arousal within a woman you will need to learn to
shift between two identities in an almost schizophrenic manner.

At times you will want to talk to women in a very masculine way: directly and logically. Other
times, you want to talk to women in a very indirect way.

This is done through disqualifying, push & pull, fluff talk, teasing, challenging, etc.

For example, disqualifying a brunette girl: "Look, you're cute, but I don't date blond girls"

Or challenging her by saying: “Why is a pretty girl like you single? Come on, let’s find you a suitable
guy!” These are both examples of sub-communicating.

(100+ word-for-word sub-communicating lines like these inside Beyond Seduction)

Your Seduction Starter Kit

To be able to use sub-communication, you will need to continuously practice the art
because it is not the natural mode of conversation for a man.

But again, it's a fine balance.

To make a woman happy whether in the context of a committed relationship or in lighter

and less-committed interaction you need to learn how to talk womanese while at the same
time keeping your focus on your masculine frame.

If you leave out the art of speaking in womanese, you run the risk of becoming a
cold, distant, and boring person in her eyes.

If you become too much of an expert in speaking womanese, she will no longer
distinguish you from a woman and she will certainly lose attraction for you.

It all goes back to what I said at the beginning of the book:

In order for a woman to fall in love with you she needs to be attracted to you
mentally, emotionally, and physically, hence;

Why Casanova was the next greatest seducer of all time, after me ;)

Women aren’t rude: They simply lack empathy toward grown men because their
vulnerable femininity needs a strong masculine spirit to lean on.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

When a woman tests you it’s not an attempt to bring you down, it’s a screening
mechanism, to reveal whether or not you’re capable of providing for her and your
potential children - this thought always circulates her mind when she’s interacting with

A woman needs to be attracted to you mentally, physically, and emotionally in order to

fall in love with you.

All the techniques that are so effective in beginning a relationship violate every principle
necessary to maintaining one.

In order to get a woman you need to be a cocky-funny, challenging, polarizing 'asshole.', but
in order to keep her around you need to be sincere, genuine, and focus on building trust,
and a deep connection while maintaining your dominant frame as the leader of the

Women value inner harmony and strong emotions above all.

Women are extremely afraid of being slut-shamed, as a result, she uses anti-slut
defenses and last-minute resistance to take no responsibility for the outcome.

At their core, women aren’t attracted to money, fame, or looks. They’re attracted to
masculine men who stir emotions in them in a way that cannot be explained.

Never take a women's word so seriously. Don't listen to what she says, observe what
she does.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Without tension, there cannot be sexual attraction.

Women will tell you to be vulnerable and use it agaisnt you at the first

Accept women as they are and don’t try to change them. Trying to change her will
strip her of her feminity, causing her to resent you.

Women will due to biological programming try to destroy the relationship, if you
allow yourself to transform into a beta, she’ll leave you eventually.

Standing up and maintaining your masculine frame as the leader might seem like
a dumb decision because it leads to unnecessary fights, but it’s a necessary step
to take.

If a woman feels superior to you… she can never be attracted to you. Without
respect for her man, there cannot be sexual tension.

Female sexual arousal is initiated by strong emotional reactions, whereas male

sexual arousal is a result of visual stimulation.

When dealing with women who insist on being treated like ladies, first make sure
that they are acting like ladies.

Long-term monogamous relationships simply weren’t intended for by nature,

they are a social construct, an illusion of hope, that we humans created, in the
search for meaning, stability, and happiness.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Without tension, there cannot be sexual attraction.

Women will tell you to be vulnerable and use it agaisnt you at the first

Accept women as they are and don’t try to change them. Trying to change her will
strip her of her feminity, causing her to resent you.

Women will due to biological programming try to destroy the relationship, if you
allow yourself to transform into a beta, she’ll leave you eventually.

Standing up and maintaining your masculine frame as the leader might seem like
a dumb decision because it leads to unnecessary fights, but it’s a necessary step
to take.

If a woman feels superior to you… she can never be attracted to you. Without
respect for her man, there cannot be sexual tension.

Female sexual arousal is initiated by strong emotional reactions, whereas male

sexual arousal is a result of visual stimulation.

When dealing with women who insist on being treated like ladies, first make sure
that they are acting like ladies.

Long-term monogamous relationships simply weren’t intended for by nature,

they are a social construct, an illusion of hope, that we humans created, in the
search for meaning, stability, and happiness.

Your Seduction Starter Kit

Next Steps
Congratulations! You've made it to the end, something I truly believe only 1% of the
people who have claimed this guide managed.

The reason? Well, people have the attention span of a 6-year-old these days.

But you? You're different. I can feel it, deep inside my core.

You're now part of the 1% who actually understand women.

Every time you're around them from now on, you'll view her actions from this
newfound perspective.

Since you're an action taker who wants to improve and done reading I bet you're
asking yourself: "Sooo, what's the next step?"

Your first step is to check out the emails I've been sending you because they're full of
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Your third step is to get my full course. My 900+ page seduction masterclass: Beyond
Seduction, which contains EVERYTHING you will EVER need to become a high-value
man who sleeps with 9s and 10s.

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