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Work 69 (2021) 775–793 775

IOS Press

Review Article

Lower limb rehabilitation robotics: The

current understanding and technology
Siddharth Bhardwaj, Abid Ali Khan∗ and Mohammad Muzammil
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, India

Received 6 October 2020

Accepted 21 December 2020

BACKGROUND: With the increasing rate of ambulatory disabilities and rise in the elderly population, advance methods
to deliver the rehabilitation and assistive services to patients have become important. Lower limb robotic therapeutic and
assistive aids have been found to improve the rehabilitation outcome.
OBJECTIVE: The article aims to present the updated understanding in the field of lower limb rehabilitation robotics and
identify future research avenues.
METHODS: Groups of keywords relating to assistive technology, rehabilitation robotics, and lower limb were combined
and searched in EMBASE, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar database.
RESULTS: Based on the literature collected from the databases we provide an overview of the understanding of robotics in
rehabilitation and state of the art devices for lower limb rehabilitation. Technological advancements in rehabilitation robotic
architecture (sensing, actuation and control) and biomechanical considerations in design have been discussed. Finally, a
discussion on the major advances, research directions, and challenges is presented.
CONCLUSIONS: Although the use of robotics has shown a promising approach to rehabilitation and reducing the burden
on caregivers, extensive and innovative research is still required in both cognitive and physical human-robot interaction to
achieve treatment efficacy and efficiency.

Keywords: Biomechatronic, rehabilitation robotics, assistive devices, lower limb, robot architecture.

1. Introduction wherein disability was most prevalent in the elderly

population [2]. Another report from United Nations
With the increase in life expectancy and the preva- reveals that prominent population of the world is age-
lence of chronic diseases, the disability rate is on the ing, and by 2050 there will be two billion people
rise. The latest available estimates of global disability over 60 years of age which will account for 21.8%
by World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that of the total world population [3]. While the elderly
there had been a marked increase in the number of constitute the majority of the disabled population,
people with disabilities from 785 million persons in the working population (20–54 years) represents the
2004 to 6.9 billion persons in 2010, of these around people with the greatest number of years lived with
110 million people were reported to be severely dis- disability mainly due to musculoskeletal and neuro-
abled [1]. In the US alone, there had been an increase logical disorders [4]. Hence, the health care system
in disability from 11.9% in 2010 to 12.8% in 2016, is required to be flexible enough to meet the grow-
ing challenges in terms of the increasing number
of patients, more chronic diseases, rising cost and
∗ Address for correspondence: Abid Ali Khan, Department of skill shortages [5]. To meet this challenge, the health
Mechanical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, care system is evolving by drawing advantages from
India. Tel.: +91 9837111865; E-mail: advances in information technology, engineering and

ISSN 1051-9815/$35.00 © 2021 – IOS Press. All rights reserved.

776 S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics

bioinformatics to provide an agile health system in shown technological superiority in providing rehabil-
diagnosis, treatment and management. itation training and movement assistance. The current
Ambulatory disability is estimated to be the most article presents a narrative review covering the devel-
common type of disability with a prevalence of opments in rehabilitation robotics for lower limb
6.5% ± 0.1% [2], wherein deformation in limb and rehabilitation, focusing on their need, state of the art
dysfunction in limb joints stands to be the promi- designs, and their architecture in particular.
nent factors contributing to the locomotor disability
[6]. Advancing age and diseases are responsible for
physical and functional losses. Various disorders have 2. Literature search methodology
been reported that contribute towards movement lim-
itations namely, musculoskeletal (e.g. osteoarthritis, To obtain a collection of publications within the
rheumatoid arthritis and back injuries), cardiovascu- scope of this narrative review, EMBASE, IEEE
lar (e.g. coronary artery and peripheral heart disease), Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, Web of Science and
pulmonary (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- Google Scholar database were searched for articles
ease) and neurological (stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal published in the past 20 years (2000-2019) with
cord injury and Parkinson’s disease) [7]. Further- the combination of following keywords: lower-limb,
more, ambulation is found to be an utmost problem to rehabilitation, robotics, exoskeleton, rehabilitation
be addressed to cope up with other morbidities and robotics, assistance, therapy, leg, knee, training, mus-
enable social and occupational reintegration of the culoskeletal, stroke, SCI, disability, human-robot,
disabled [8]. biomechanics, gait, control. In addition, some arti-
Physical therapies and assistive aids form essential cles published before the year 2000 are also referred
elements of the preventive, restorative and mainte- to present this review in a meaningful way. Out of
nance nature of the lower limb disability management 843 articles collected, titles and abstracts were scruti-
and rehabilitation. Physical therapies mainly include nized to exclude: articles peculiar to medicine but not
exercise, training and compensatory strategies. Var- related to lower limb assistance including nutrition,
ious convincing evidence is available that indicates veterinary and surgery; articles relating to manu-
the usability of physical therapies in reducing and facturing science and prosthetics; articles related to
delaying the progression of disabilities caused by completely unrelated field including acoustics and
neurological and musculoskeletal disorders [9, 10]. environmental science. After exclusion, 147 articles
On the other hand, assistive technologies are used to (all published in English) were retained and classified
increase, maintain or improve the functional capacity to bring out the developed understanding in the field
of individuals, which in turn increases the indepen- of lower limb rehabilitation robotics in recent years.
dence and participation of the user. [11]. Assistive The articles were classified according to state of the
aids are further relevant for occupational workers to art the devices, designs, involved biomechanics, sen-
reduce joint loading and promote wellness at work- sors, actuators and control strategies.
places by reducing the incidence of injuries and We begin with a brief discussion on the need for a
work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). paradigm shift from conventional methods to robotic
These assistive technologies range from a “low-tech” devices for rehabilitation (Section 3 and 4). We then
velcro tape for shoe and clothing, walking cane, move on to reviewing the state of the art robotic
etc., to a “high-tech” powered wheelchair for mobil- devices for lower limb rehabilitation (Section 5),
ity, bionic prosthetics and orthotics, exoskeletons for designing criterion (Section 6), biomechanical con-
weight assistance, wearable sensors for physiological siderations (Section 7) and their architecture (Section
monitoring, etc. [12, 13]. Assistive technologies have 8). Finally, we presented a discussion summarizing
also shown to reduce disability, thereby reducing the the future perspective and challenges (Section 9) in
need for support services and thus, the overall care the domain of lower limb rehabilitation robotics.
cost [1, 14].
The current research issues are mainly related to
the development of new therapeutic and assistive 3. Paradigm shift in rehabilitation
modes that can help in improving the rehabilitation approaches
outcome in terms of both shortening the treatment
durations, improving as well as assisting the activ- With the increase in disability rate as well as the
ities of daily living. In this direction, robotics has rise in the elderly population, there is a need for much
S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics 777

physiological variables. This has resulted in a shift

from a subjective evaluation of the treatment to a
more evidence-based, data driven, objective form of
treatment and assessment.

4. Rehabilitation robotics

Research on rehabilitation robotics began in the

late 1960s in the form of human-powered exoskele-
tons. Started with the objective of performance
Fig. 1. Factors contributing to patient satisfaction in the rehabili- augmentation primarily for military applications,
tation process [16]. subsequent research has focused more on medical
exoskeletons for rehabilitation and assistive aids.
prompt and advance methods to deliver therapeutic [19]. The later decade showed the development of
and assistive services. Also, with the growing patient- fixed base end-effector type robotic devices which
centred approach, patient satisfaction has emerged to uses industrial manipulators until the development of
be an important framework to access the quality of MIT-MANUS in 1989, which used planar manipula-
healthcare services [15]. Patient satisfaction is also tors to reduce the mechanical output impedance [20].
linked to the rehabilitation perceived by the patient. Lokomat in 1994 marks the development of rehabil-
A satisfied patient is more likely to adhere to the treat- itation robots for lower extremity [21]. Since then,
ment, receive greater health benefit and have a higher the technology of rehabilitation robotics has grown
quality of life [16]. Figure 1 shows the factors that in terms of the architecture and application domain.
contribute to a successful treatment (rehabilitation) The field of lower limb rehabilitation robotics is
process and patient satisfaction. broadly comprised of therapeutic and assistive robots,
This therapeutic alliance [17] is an important con- covering a range of different forms of post-traumatic,
tributor to patient rehabilitation. However, with the post-operative and elderly health care services where
growing health care demands and flexible needs, it is direct physical interaction with a robot system can
evident that such therapeutic alliance cannot be met enhance the patient recovery or act as a replacement
by merely increasing the number of caregivers. The for the lost functionality.
challenge is aggravated by demographic changes,
growing chronic diseases, rising health care costs, 4.1. Therapeutic robots
and skills shortages. To meet these objectives an inter-
disciplinary approach to the problem is sought. One Emphasis has been placed on the use of robotic
important element in this context is the introduction devices to achieve consistent and reproducible thera-
of robotics in rehabilitation. peutic movements. Since neuro-rehabilitation is both
With the increasing interest of robotics in physi- time and labour intensive involving a large num-
cal and occupational rehabilitation, much emphasis ber of repetitive movement practices by the patient,
is placed on assistive and training devices. On the the application of rehabilitation robot can release
one hand, these systems could provide essential sup- the therapist from heavy training tasks. Due to the
port for rehabilitation programs for both the therapist advantages of repeatability, accuracy and reliabil-
and the patient, and on the other hand, they could ity, therapy robots can provide an effective means of
help older people or persons with reduced mobility in improving rehabilitation outcome as well as reducing
their daily activities. These devices have been able to health care costs [22].
overcome the shortcomings of traditional therapeu- Assessment of the human sensorimotor function
tic approaches and capabilities of the therapist and and retraining of the human brain are two key capa-
caregivers, such as poor repeatability and struggle in bilities of such devices in improving the patient’s
providing high intensity training protocols [18]. quality of life. The rehabilitation robotics fulfil these
Apart from the ability of robotic devices to auto- functions by applying three types of therapeutic
mate the treatment, these devices are also capable of techniques: priming, augmenting and task-specific
precisely quantifying the performance of the patient practices. Priming techniques include therap-
during the exercise in terms of sensorimotor and eutic interventions (e.g. passive movements, motor
778 S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics

imagery, etc.) that prepare sensorimotor system for user in the form of bone loss, osteoporosis, muscle
increased plasticity through direct stimulation of the atrophy, skin sores, etc. For these reasons, it is impor-
tissues or joints; augmenting techniques (e.g. EMG tant to encourage the use of augmentative devices
biofeedback, constraint-induced movement therapy, in place of alternative devices, whenever possible,
etc.) that emphasizes on improving the sensorimo- considering the mobility capacity of the user [28].
tor interactions during the therapy; and task-spec- Augmentative devices for assistive aids include
ific practices which include the repetitive exercise/ external aids such as smart walkers and wearable
movement to gain the plasticity and strength [23]. robots. Smart walkers have emerged as a robotic
At present, much of the therapeutic robots are alternative to conventional walkers, promoting bet-
focused on retraining the movement abilities of peo- ter assistance in gait and balance disorders. Guido is
ple who have suffered a stroke or spinal cord injury. an example of smart walker developed by Haptica
The main reasons for this focus is the relatively large (Dublin, Ireland) that provide navigation and obsta-
number of patients with these conditions and the high cle avoidance assistance to frail, elderly, visually
costs of rehabilitation associated with them. Section 5 impaired and Parkinson patients [29]. These smart
provides details of various types of lower-limb reha- motorised walkers include sensorial setups such as
bilitation robots which have been developed in recent sonar, wheel encoders, laser, IR sensors and com-
years to assist locomotor training to improve the gait puter vision for navigation and obstacle avoidance,
function and therefore patient independence. and force sensors and haptic feedback for steering.
Walkers have great potential for assistance; however,
4.2. Assistive robots smart walkers show lack of acceptance and adoption
by patients. Ergonomics and aesthetics of these walk-
Body movement is one key area where assistive ers need to be explored to improve and achieve total
devices have emerged to improve the activities of acceptance [30].
daily living (ADL) in patients with SCI, neuromus- Nowadays, the use of wearable robots, in the form
cular disorders and ageing. Most of the researches of exoskeletons or active orthosis, is rapidly increas-
in assistive robotics are observed towards seamless ing toward lower limb assistive aids, where the robot
integration of assistive technology with the user. In is designed to promote the functional activities at
recent times, this integration has been improved by home, society and workplace. The term ‘exoskele-
developments in the mechanics of assistive devices ton’ is generally referred to a device that augments
(both software and hardware), the physical interface the performance of an able-bodied person, whereas
between technology and user, and intuitive control the term ‘orthosis’ is used for a device used to assist
strategies for device operation. a person with pathology or disability [31]. However,
Robotic assistive devices are either used as “alter- there is no clear cut difference between orthosis and
native devices” which are used in case of total inca- exoskeleton, and the two terms for most of the part
pacity of mobility, or as “augmentative devices” for are used interchangeably. In this article, the two terms
patients with residual mobility capacity. Wheelchair are used as they are referred in the associated ref-
navigation systems support patients with a total erences.
incapacity to mobility with an autonomous or semi- Exoskeletons are used to actuate specific joints and
autonomous mode of operation depending on the user thus provide an assistive advantage to the user. Typ-
ability to manipulate the controls for steering and ical objectives of wearable robots are to establish
obstacle avoidance. Wheelesley [24] and NavChair stable weight bearing, to control the speed or direc-
[25] are two mostly explored smart wheelchairs for tion of limb motion, and to reduce the energy required
their possibilities in providing mobility assistance. to ambulate. Tibion PK100 bionic leg (Tibion Bionic
Smart wheelchairs are augmented with IR sensors, Technologies, USA) is an example of partial lower
SONAR and machine vision to provide obstacle limb exoskeleton, which actively supplements the
avoidance and manoeuvring. Apart from joystick- knee movement for ambulatory assistance of patients
based control, bio-signals such as electromyography affected by neurological conditions. The device
(EMG), electroencephalography (EEG) and elec- includes a shoe with built-in force sensors to deter-
trooculography (EOG) has also been used to control mine the user-required assist torque at the knee. The
the wheelchair movement and steering [26, 27]. device can be configured to operate in assist mode
However, stagnant posture due to the continuous (continuous assistance during the task), therapeutic
use of a wheelchair poses a health problem to the mode (providing assistance as needed by the patient)
S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics 779

or passive mode (for slow repetitive motion of the safety, reducing the joint loading due to body weight
knee) [32]. and maintaining balance [34]. Lokomat, LokoHelp,
In many cases, it is difficult to have a clear cut dis- AutoAmbulator and LOPES are clinically explored
tinction between the therapeutic and assistive robots, treadmill-based rehabilitation robots.
as many devices offer the promise of combining both Lokomat is an early TBE developed by Hocoma
the assistive and therapeutic technology together. (Zurich, Switzerland) consisting of cable BWS sys-
For example, ReWalk (ARGO Medical Technologies, tem for gait rehabilitation. It consists of 2 degrees of
Germany), is not only an overground gait trainer for freedom (DOF) at each leg, assisting the hip and knee
patients with paraplegia but also facilitate them with movement in the sagittal plane. The joints are driven
gait assistance to ambulate [33]. In the future, the dif- by DC motors using ball screw transmission [21].
ference between assistive and therapeutic aids will Woodway and LokoHelp group, Germany, developed
mitigate. With the advancement in robotic exoskele- LokoHelp robot which was similar in construction
tons, patients will be able to wear them in the home to Lokomat. The LokoHelp device is placed in the
and community, receiving both therapeutic interven- middle of the treadmill, and the foot is tied to the
tions and supportive assistance when needed. With device to perform the simulated gait action [35].
this viewpoint, it is essential to stress the research AutoAmbulator developed by Healthsouth, US, is
and development of exoskeletons for the assistive and another cable BWS system for gait training. It uses
therapeutic needs of the patient whenever possible. robotic arms strapped to the ankle and thigh of the
patient to simulate the movement at the knee and
thigh. The use of robotic arm reduces the overall
5. State of the art robotic lower limb weight of the device and ease donning and doffing
rehabilitation devices as compared to Lokomat [36]. LOPES (University of
Twente, Netherlands) is another TBE consisting of
In recent years, various types of lower limb reha- 8 DOF (two for pelvis translation and three revolute
bilitation devices have been developed to enhance joints at each leg) actuated through SEA [37].
the recovery and assist the motor function of the
patients. Figure 2 gives the categorical view of these
5.2. Orthosis-based exoskeletons
lower limb robots developed in recent years. In the
exoskeleton type of robots, there is one to one corre-
Leg orthoses are actuated wearable lower limb
spondence with the human joint, while in end-effector
exoskeletons that can provide power assistance dur-
type robots the movement is generated by the most
ing walking as well as act as overground gait trainers.
distal segment with no one to one joint correspon-
These are full and partial lower limb devices based
on the number of human joints assisted by the device.
Blaya and Herr [38] developed an Active Ankle–Foot
5.1. Treadmill-based exoskeletons Orthosis (AAFO, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology) for gait training of drop foot patients. In
In a treadmill-based exoskeleton (TBE), the patient AAFO, the impedance is modulated throughout the
training is accompanied by the exoskeleton while gait cycle by biomimetic torsional spring control
walking on the treadmill. They generally consist of using SEA. The variable impedance control at the
body weight support (BWS) system for ensuring ankle joint was shown to reduce slap foot. In another

Fig. 2. Categories of lower limb rehabilitation robots.

780 S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics

approach, pneumatic muscles were used for actuation 5.4. Platform-based end-effectors
of knee and ankle joint in Knee-Ankle–Foot-Orthosis
(KAFO, University of Michigan) developed by Saw- Platform-based devices allow the patient to be sta-
icki and Ferris [39]. The KAFO used proportional tionary while the affected limb is attached to the
myoelectric control with flexor inhibition algorithm platform, which in turn is controlled to execute the
to reduce pneumatic muscles co-activation during the training program. These include stationary gait train-
simulated gait cycle. ers as in case of MotionMaker [46] and Lambda
The use of myoelectric signals is, however, diffi- [47], as well as stationary systems for ankle and
cult in case of neurologic patients due to weak EMG knee rehabilitation such as Rutgers ankle [48]
signals. To cater this problem, Suzuki et al. [40] used and High Performance Ankle Rehabilitation Robot
ground reaction force as another measure in Hybrid [49]. Parallel robots have become quite common
Assistive Limb (HAL-5, Tsukuba University) to esti- in platform-based rehabilitation devices. Compared
mate the user intent in full body exoskeleton for to exoskeleton-based devices, end-effector-based
assisting gait movement. robots can easily adapt to different patients. End-
While the devices discussed above are used to effector robots typically make contact with the
assist the user’s muscle, Berkley Lower Extremity patient’s body at specific points, making it easier to
Exoskeleton (BLEEX) is a lower body exoskeleton design and control these types of robots [50].
developed by Zoss et al. [41] to support external pay-
load mainly for military application. BLEEX consists
of 7 DOF consisting of hip, knee and ankle actuated 6. Biomechatronics design criterion
by hydraulics.
The application of robotics in rehabilitation sce-
5.3. Foot plate-based end-effectors narios encompasses multiple aspects that need to be
carefully addressed. The user plays a crucial role in
In foot plate-based devices, patient’s feet are pos- robot-aided therapy since the early stage of the design
itioned on the preprogrammed foot plates to stimu- of such systems. Rehabilitation robot design must
late various walking phases. Unlike the exoskeleton meet user’s requirements; adapt to human perfor-
where the patient is fixed to the robot kinematics, pro- mance; and guarantee safety, robustness, reliability,
viding no room for the therapist to physically access comfort and movement freedom while pursuing
the patient’s limb, the foot plate-based devices only the effectiveness of treatment or assistance. This
support the patient feet while the therapist physi- calls for a multidisciplinary approach to wearable
cally accesses the patient’s limb during training. Gait robot development, which is where the concept of
Trainer, GT-I (Reha-Stim, Germany), uses a plane- biomechatronics comes into play.
tary gear system to drive the independent foot plates Bio-mechatronics may be regarded as an exten-
to simulate the foot motion while the patient is sup- sion of mechatronics (Fig. 3). The scope of bio-mec-
ported by a cable BWS system. The device does hatronics is broader in three distinctive aspects:
not constrain the patient’s knee, thereby allowing firstly, bio-mechatronics intrinsically includes bio-
the therapist to perform correction on the patient’s inspiration in the development of mechatronic
movement [42]. systems, e.g. the development of bioinspired mecha-
A major redesign to GI-I is HapticWalker. Devel- tronic components (control architectures, actuators,
oped by Schmidt et al. [43], HapticWalker is a re-
programmable foot plate-based system with the
capability to simulate different terrain for comprehe-
nsive training of day to day activities such as walking
on a rough surface, stair climbing, etc. The system al-
so has a virtual reality (VR) mode, where the user
wears the VR display helmet and interact with the
virtual scene to augment the training [44]. To compe-
nsate for the larger size and high voltage requirement
of HapticWalker, Hesse et al. [45] developed G-EO-
System. The system was devised for maximum step
length of 0.55 m and gait velocity of 0.6 m/s. Fig. 3. Biomechatronics design approach [51].
S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics 781

etc.) [52]; secondly, biomechatronics deals with and kinetic information from the subject as control
mechatronic systems in close interaction with biolog- inputs [57]. Multimodal approaches propose diversi-
ical systems, e.g. cognitive and physical interaction fied use of these channels to gather more realistic and
with the human; and thirdly, biomechatronics com- robust information and to gain a better understand-
monly adopts biologically inspired design and ing of the phenomena through data fusion techniques
optimization procedures in the development of [58].
mechatronic systems, e.g. the adoption of genetic
algorithms and neural network in the optimization
of mechatronic components or systems [53]. 7. Biomechanical considerations
A biomechatronic approach requires a detailed
characterization and modelling of the biological sys- Since the robotic rehabilitation device work in par-
tem interacting with the robot before the classical, allel to human limb, it is crucial to understand the
mechatronic design cycle can be started. The key biomechanics of the limb joints. The joint center
aspect in the biomechatronic design process is the should be aligned with that of the limb and must
in-depth analysis of human-activity interaction and conform to the degree of freedom in the plane of
interfaces in the target application scenario to suitably movement for allowing free, unrestricted movement.
identify the subtasks and activities of interest for the
introduction of robotic technology in such scenario 7.1. Degree of freedom
The hip is considered to be ball and socket joint
6.1. Dual cognitive and physical interaction with three degrees of rotations. The major design
challenge is posed in terms of abduction/adduction
The key distinctive aspect of wearable robots is and internal/external rotation at the hip joint. MIT
their intrinsic dual cognitive and physical interac- exoskeleton used cam mechanism to adapt for the
tion with humans. In wearable robotics, a cognitive difference between biological and exoskeleton length
human-robot interface (CHRI) is explicitly developed [59], while in BLEEX the researchers opted to posi-
to support the cognitive interaction (possibly two- tion the center of rotation for abduction/adduction
way) between the robot and the human. Information in the rear part of hip joint mechanism [41]. LOPES
is the result of processing, manipulating and orga- also opted for a solution similar to BLEEX for provid-
nizing of data, and so the CHRI in the human-robot ing abduction/adduction DOF [37]. Internal/external
direction is based on data acquired by a set of sensors rotation is provided in BLEEX by a single axis of
to measure bioelectrical and biomechanical variables. rotation in the middle of the hip joint at the rear
Similarly, a physical human-robot interface (PHRI) attachment [41].
is explicitly developed to support the flow of power The knee is condyloid joint with two degrees
between human and robot. The PHRI is based on a of freedom (flexion/extension and internal/external
set of actuators and a rigid structure that is used to rotation) [60]. Despite this, for simplicity, the knee
transmit forces to the human musculoskeletal system joint is often modelled for flexion/extension due
[54]. The close physical interaction through this inter- to very limited longitudinal rotation. Most of the
face imposes strict requirements on wearable robots knee exoskeleton considers single DOF at the knee
towards ergonomics, safety and dependability. [61–64]. However, due to polycentric motion of the
knee in the sagittal plane [39], one purely rotatory
6.2. Neuromotor control DOF is argued to cause misalignment thus over con-
straining the design and causing undesirable forces at
There are three levels of cognitive interactions: the point of attachment and knee [65]. Several designs
one related to reasoning and planning, one related have been sought to achieve knee alignment. Kim et
to muscle activity and one related to the wearer’s al. [66] implemented a four bar linkage mechanism
motion. The planning level interaction can be accom- to follow the polycentric motion of the knee. Liao et
plished by monitoring brain activity using different al. [67] used a five bar linkage mechanism at the knee
techniques, e.g. EEG or brain-implanted electrodes to drive the shank part using a rack. Wang et al. [65]
[55]. The muscle activity level uses muscle electrical used the rolling knee joint with a double hinge joint to
activity, i.e. EMG, to command the devices [56]. The reduce the knee misalignment in the frontal and sagit-
movement-related level of interaction uses kinematic tal plane. Celebi et al. [68] used Schmidt coupling,
782 S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics

which self-align with the translation of the instanta- is obtained in adduction/abduction. For this rea-
neous centre of rotation of the knee. In another design, son, BLEEX, LOPES and MIT exoskeletons have
soft inflatable exosuit was designed by Sridar et al. provided assistance at the hip to augment hip adduc-
[69] to eliminate the misalignment and improve the tion/abduction [41, 81, 82]. The joint torque data is
compliance between the device and knee movement. essential in determining the actuation system required
The ankle is a complex joint having 3 rotational at the joint of interest. The system must be able to
DOF (internal/external rotation, plantar/dorsiflexion deliver the necessary motion velocity and adequate
and inversion/eversion). The use of all the 3 DOF frequency response for the dynamic task augmented
is advocated in design because the foot makes con- by the device [81]. The joint torque data is also used
tact with the ground [41]. However, to simplify the to evaluate the muscular effort. Hwang and Jeon [80]
mechanical design, the ankle is assumed to be hinge computed the active muscular effort from the mea-
joint having 1 DOF (plantar/dorsiflexion) as in the sured torque at the knees.
case of ALEX (active leg exoskeleton) [70]. Multi
DOF at ankle joint has been realized for various
mechanical designs as in the case of ankle rehabil- 8. Architecture of lower limb rehabilitation
itation orthosis developed by Agrawal et al. [71] and robots
Zhang et al. [72].
Three main aspects must be taken into account to
7.2. Range of motion develop safe, efficient and portable robotic rehabilita-
tion devices: sensors, actuators and control strategy.
Range of motion (ROM) requirement is dependent These are reviewed in the following sections.
on the application of the device and the driving mode.
Even though the exoskeleton bears anthropomorphic 8.1. Sensing
design in most cases, the ROM didn’t need to be
same as the ROM of the biological limb. Zhang et The sensors allow feedback from the device and
al. [73] reduced the range of motion at the hip, knee regulate the force, torque and position of the joint
and ankle to reduce the extra loading at the passive necessary to perform the desired movement. Robotic
hinges, reducing vibration and improving the safety rehabilitation devices developed in the past have
of the wearer. Singh et al. [74] replaced the hinge used multiple sensors and their combinations such as
joint at the knee with four bar linkage joint to obtain encoders, inertial measurement units (IMU), poten-
a desired range of motion at the knee. Kubota and tiometers, sensors to measure bio-signals (EMG and
Hasegawa [75] studied the physical feature of the EEG), force and torque sensors, etc.
exoskeleton, which may interfere with the wearer’s Ground contact force (GCF) is importantly mea-
motion. ROM reportedly tends to reduce with the sured in assistive devices to classify movement [83],
thickness of exoskeleton if the medial part of the diagnosis of abnormal movement [84], model limb
thighs increases beyond 20 mm. ROM for exoskele- [85] and for fall detection [86]. Force sensitive resis-
tons designed for overground walking is generally tors (FSR) and load cells are commonly used for the
greater than the actual ROM of the limb to ensure measurement of ground force. Sahin et al. [87] devel-
wearers safety and avoiding any restriction to the oped hydraulically actuated exoskeleton which uses
movement [41]. FSR for measurement of ground reaction force while
load cells were used for the measurement of piston
7.3. Joint torque force. The force measurements were used to drive
the exoskeleton using a proportional and integral (PI)
To assist the wearer, a robotic device must provide controller. In commercially developed exoskeleton
adequate movement torque either passively [37] or HAL, a semiconductor type floor reaction sensor was
actively [76]. Three methods are mostly used in deter- used for GCF measurement for the movement control
mining the joint torque requirements- human body [40]. Fiber-based force sensors have also been used
modelling [77], clinical gait analysis [78, 79] and to improve comfort while walking [88].
experimental test using torque sensors [80]. Mostly, Both active and passive range of motion (ROM)
the most significant joint torque is observed in the measurements are employed in rehabilitation robots.
sagittal plane, primarily in flexion/extension DOF These measurements largely employ potentiometers
except for the hip joint where the greatest torque and encoders at the joints to measure joint angles
S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics 783

[89, 90]. However, these require to have their axis elastic actuators (SEA) [103, 104], variable stiffness
aligned with the rotational axis of the joint. To over- actuators (VSA) [105, 106] and pneumatic artifi-
come the issue of misalignment in case of joints hav- cial muscles (PAM) [39, 107]. The use of SEA
ing multi-axis rotation, inertial measurement units in exoskeletons has demonstrated improved human-
(IMU) are used [91]. Strain gauge-based flexi- robot interaction, and also aids in the measurement
ble goniometers [92] and optical-based goniometers of the joint torque based on the deformation of the
[93] are also tested for their usability in providing elastic element. Linear springs, torsional springs, spi-
multi-axial measurement and lightweight applica- ral springs, Bowden and steel cables have been used
tion, however, they are fragile and not usable in daily as elastic element in SEA and VSA [108]. In VSA,
usage. A newer area is also being researched on the the stiffness of the elastic element can be modulated
use of teleceptive sensing (using stereo RGB cameras, to change the actuator characteristics thus adapting
laser, radar, sonar, ultrasonic sensors) for wearable to the environment and task [109]. The PAM has
assistive robotic devices [94]. the advantage of low weight, back-drivability and
Bio-signals have been incorporated in rehabili- high specific force [110]. Antagonist configurations
tation robotics with their potential to estimate the of PMA is also been used to obtain bidirectional actu-
human intent. Surface EMG electrodes have been ation [90]. However, these are particularly inefficient
used for the measurement of myoelectric signals from in producing a large range of motion and high torque
the superficial muscles for classification of movement due to non-linear force contraction behavior [111].
[95, 96] and to estimate joint torque [97, 98]. Fusion Both soft and rigid smart materials have found a
of EMG with mechanical sensors such as IMU is promising utility as actuators in robotic rehabilitation
found useful in improving the classification accura- devices. Shape memory alloy (SMA)-based artificial
cies [58]. Examples following the use of EEG signals muscles have been tested in ankle foot orthosis [112].
in exoskeletons are relatively few compared to EMG The use of SMA improves the tracking frequency of
due to the complicacies in EEG signal processing PMA by 12 times and reduces the tracking error by
and data mining. EEG-RoGO (Robotic Gait Orthosis) 82%. Hyeon et al. [113] demonstrated the feasibility
[99] and BCI-MAFO (motorized ankle foot orthosis) of graphene/carbon nanotubes (CNT) yarn PMA in
[100] are few EEG driven lower limb exoskeletons robotic devices for actuation. The tensile actuation of
developed for paraplegia patients. Mechanomyo- these electrochemical muscles was found to be twice
graphic (MMG) signals, picked up from dermally than coiled CNT muscle. Dielectric elastomer and
fixed accelerometer, were also used for the control polymeric molecular actuators are also promising for
[101]. actuation of robotic rehabilitation devices because of
their stress, strain and speed similar to that of a human
8.2. Actuation muscle [102].

Various actuation systems are being employed in 8.3. Control strategies

rehabilitation robotics in the past. These are classi-
fied as electric motor, pneumatic and hydraulic actua- With the complex interaction between human and
tors. Advantages and disadvantages of these actuation robot, both cognitive and physical aspect of human-
drive systems have been documented by Zhang et robot interaction (CHRI and PHRI) have been taken
al. [44]. The actuation system must suffice in both into consideration for controlling the device [114].
performance and physical aspect to comprehend the Different control strategies are required to suffice
workability of the exoskeleton. The performance req- the various operating mode of a rehabilitation device
uirement includes high specific power, back-driva- (active mode, passive mode, active assist mode and
bility, ease of control and efficiency, while the key active resistive mode) [115]. During early stages of
physical requirements are low mass, low cost, mod- rehabilitation, when patient’s voluntary movements
ularity, and noise [102]. A comprehensive review of are absent, a control strategy must provide passive
actuators of various lower limb robotic rehabilitation training, which must be changed to active mode after
devices have been documented by Huo et al. [18]. the patient would have regained the lost limb move-
Research has been shifted towards the use of com- ment. These two modes have also been reviewed
pliant actuators to improve the safety, efficiency and in literature as trajectory control or position con-
comfort of the exoskeletons. Three types of compli- trol and assist as needed (AAN) control [116]. Assist
ant actuation systems are commonly used – series as needed control have been obtained with the aids
784 S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics

Table 1
Control strategies for rehabilitation robotics
Control Methods Characteristics Outcomes Issues References
Position Trajectory The strategy is used in Help to achieve Trajectory generation [122, 130]
control tracking passive training repetitive and and high control
control mode during the continuous training accuracy are key
early period of in a passive way. issues.
rehabilitation. The device follows
a predefined
Force and Hybrid position Consideration to joint Promote user Exact knowledge of [125, 131]
impedance and force trajectories and motivated training. the dynamical
control control force interaction to Corrections to the model is essential.
provide active movement based on
training. This virtual tunnel
strategy can be approach.
applied for
Impedance It is one of the most Enhanced Tuning of impedance [107, 121]
control widely used human-robot parameters with the
rehabilitation interaction. More rehabilitation
strategies. flexibility due to progress of the
Adjustment of the adjustable patient.
dynamic impedance.
between the joint
position and the
contact force is
EMG-based Onset-based Predict patient’s Encourages No human-robot [132, 133]
control control motion intent in self-initiated interaction during
advance. The robot movement by the movement until
assistance is patients. the next EMG
triggered when onset.
EMG reaches a
Pattern Provide continuous Continuous Large computations [56, 134]
recognition- assistance based on patient-robot are required for
based EMG signals. interaction, real-time feature
control Estimation of joint detection of extraction and
torque requirement movement phase classification.
and angular instead of just
deviations based on triggering the robot
EMG. only at the onset.
EEG-based Brain Computer It utilises a generic Used as an early High sensitivity of the [99, 135]
control interface control to enable rehabilitative signal. Overlapping
the user to realise therapy after spinal of signals generated
physical cord injury or by different cortical
interactions. EEG is stroke. regions.
recorded to train
classifiers to
distinguish between
the EEG signals of
correct commands.

of various sensors and their fusions, categorizing Hussain et al. [118] devised an orthosis for gait
it into force control, impedance control, bio-signal- rehabilitation based on trajectory control. Boundary
based control and adaptive control [117]. Table 1 layer augmented sliding control was implemented to
gives an overview of control strategies for lower limb guide the patient leg. Mathematical models and pre-
exoskeletons developed in recent years. defined gait trajectories have been used for devising
S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics 785

training [119, 120]. Emken et al. [121] demonstrated [127, 128]. Hassani et al. [129] used EMG with knee
the feasibility of teach-and-replay method in which musculoskeletal model to control the exoskeleton.
the therapist first teach the system by assisting the
patient and then the device replays the movement to
provide repeated therapy to the patient. In another 9. Discussions
approach relating to the rehabilitation of hemiparetic
patients, Vallery et al. [122] used the Complementary 9.1. A promising approach
Limb Motion Estimation (CLME) approach to map
the movement of unimpaired leg on to the training Apart from the other rehabilitation robotic archi-
trajectories of impaired leg. tectures, the exoskeletons, whether tethered or un-
To augment patient motivated training (active tethered, have better embodiment with the user. This
movement training), thereby improving the therapy not only has the advantage of effectively integrating
outcome, real-time assessment of performance is the cognitive ability of human being [18] but also
required [123]. Hybrid position and force control promotes greater self-esteem compared to other aids
strategy access the position as well as the force [136], thus improving the overall quality of life of the
between the device and user to control the assistance disabled and elderlies [137, 138]. Based on the joint
during training. Simon et al. [124] used a novel force actuation, various exoskeletons have been researched
control scheme to force leg symmetry during exten- for their efficacy towards assistance and rehabilitation
sion exercise. The device responds by increasing the in different lower limb motor impairments.
load beyond target resistance whenever the leg asym- The primary thrust of exoskeleton research has
metry is detected by the force plate. In gait training focused on medical applications to support and reha-
exoskeleton, ALEX, developed by Banal et al. [70], bilitate neurological impairments. The notion of
a force-field controller was used to provide assistive using rehabilitation robotics in neurological prob-
torque at the hip and knee. This method was also lems is supported by the high prevalence rate of
called virtual tunnel approach, as the patients were mobility impairments caused by these disorders.
guided to be in the tolerance limit of gait trajectory. A WHO has estimated neurological disorders and in
similar approach was adopted in developing patient- particular cerebrovascular disease, as the cause of
cooperative control for Lokomat [21]. Impedance maximum disability and healthy life year lost in the
control was employed to regulate the dynamic rela- world [139].
tion between the device and the user. Many devices Exoskeletons in the form of with and without body
such as LOPES [37] and Lokomat [125] have used weight support (BWS) system have shown the effi-
impedance control for regulating the patient gait and cacy in gait training and assisting mobility of SCI,
promoting patient participation. A major drawback of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients and rehabilita-
impedance controller is that the impedance parame- tion of major trauma patients such as stroke, cerebral
ters must need to be changed with the rehabilitation palsy (CP), Parkinson disease, etc. [140–142]. Apart
progress of the patient [117]. To address this prob- from walking ability, exoskeletons have also shown
lem, an adaptive impedance control was proposed by their efficacy in improving secondary gait outcomes
Hussain et al. [126], which adapts itself according to viz. balance, spasticity and pain [143].
the disability level of the patient.
Bio-signals have also been used in developing 9.2. Still a long way to go
user intended control paradigm. Surface EMG and
non-invasive EEG have been used for the control. Robotic rehabilitation devices, particularly exo-
Do et al. [99] developed a BCI interface orthotic skeletons, are still lying on the curve of inflated expec-
device, RoGO. Alternating epochs of idling and walk- tations in Gartner Hype cycle with at least ten years
ing motor imaginary were analysed to generate the until reaching a steady level of productive use in
model for predicting the walking assistance. Feasi- the real world [144, 145]. Primarily, most of the
bility of EEG-based control is, however, limited to lower limb exoskeletons are tethered and used in
EEG sensitivity and classification accuracies [18]. controlled environments such as hospitals and reha-
EMG control strategies are mainly classified into bilitation centres under the supervision of medical
two types: onset detection-based control and pat- professionals. In the direction to restore the auton-
tern recognition-based control. For HAL systems, omy during training as well as gait assistance, only a
EMG was used to measure the joint torque assistance few overground exoskeletons (untethered) have been
786 S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics

researched such as ReWalk [33], Indigo [146] and to help elderly people remain independent. Healthy
Ekxo [147]. However, they are still prone to the user elderly people do not, as such, have serious problems
subjective criticism such as donning/doffing, move- which demand the intervention of medical personal
ment speeds [143], aesthetics [148, 149], prevention except the reduced physical abilities. However, if
of venous-lymphatic stasis and skin protection at the left unattended, the frailty leads to disabilities over
interface [136] as well as engineering aspects relat- time and may even aggravate the progression of
ing to sensors, actuators, control strategies, energy other musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respira-
supplies, and materials [144, 150]. tory pathologies [155]. Exoskeletons will be useful
Although the use of robotics has shown a promis- in addressing the age related inabilities to promote
ing approach to rehabilitation, two major challenges active and assisted living (AAL). Not only can
are hampering the progress. First is the incompe- exoskeletons help the frail elderly, but they can also
tence of the current system to achieve a compliant delay the onset of frailty by providing the required
modulation of the neuromuscular activity while pro- mobility, strength and endurance training [10].
moting a voluntary robotic control, and second is the
limited understanding of the disability induced mus- 9.4. Challenges
culoskeletal changes that impede the understanding
of how the patient’s motor intentions can be best With the advent of wearable sensors and advance-
formulated in a control strategy for robotic device ment in actuation technology, research in robotic
[151]. rehabilitation and in particular lower limb exoskele-
tons have experienced a sustained pace over the
9.3. Newer dimensions to explore past decade. Most of the rehabilitation exoskeletons
(assistive/therapeutic) developed in the past were,
Advances in the sensors, actuators, information however, aimed towards patients with neurological
technology and control techniques are essential to disorders (SCI and stroke), with very less empha-
accelerate the success of robotic exoskeletons. Wear- sis on musculoskeletal disorders. Although wearable
able sensors will provide a new dimension to the robotics and exoskeletons are considered as a key
human intent and motor functionality. Big data algo- enabling technology for personalized ambulatory and
rithms will need to be incorporated to mine the assistive solution, the technology is still in the devel-
vast amount of physiological signals that will be opment phase and many factors still need to be
available in the near future. Machine learning tech- addressed in this domain.
niques may bring new control approaches to robotic One broad issue in the domain of exoskeletons in
exoskeletons. Additive manufacturing will allow the detection of human intention beforehand. Control
customization and cost-effective approaches in man- strategies promoting high and low level human-robot
ufacturing exoskeleton frames and components. The interaction is very important in the drivability of
use of compliant actuators will add more safety to the device and further to encourage patient’s recovery.
operation of exoskeletons [144, 152]. Efforts have been made in enhancing the human-
Although, the use of exoskeletons for rehabilitation robot interaction using EMG signals. However, the
and assistance of neurological patients is clinically use of EMG has several limitations that are required
and economically justified [153], a wider approach to be addressed in novel ways. Firstly, The EMG sig-
needs to be explored for less researched non-medical nals are prone to inter-subject variability that limit the
use of exoskeletons as in case of occupational work- use of EMG in making a generalized muscle model.
ers, healthy elderlies, sports, exercises and even for Second, EMG is not suitable for patients with mus-
the astronauts for extra-terrestrial surfaces [154]. The cle disorders. Third, controller dynamic performance
use of exoskeletons for industrial usage will have for real-time EMG computation. Fourth, errors asso-
direct consequence of reduction in the incidences of ciated with rapidly changing direction of the muscle
WMSDs among occupational workers by defining extension during exercise/therapy. It is expected that
reachable spaces for the tasks and supporting joint EMG must be introduced in the whole cycle of robot
movement. control, which is only possible by hybrid control
Recently, due to the rapidly growing elderly pop- strategies.
ulation, attention has been started for providing Other challenges that hinder the realization of
assistance to elderly people for carrying ADLs. There exoskeletons are: requirement of compact actuators,
emerged a growing urgency for assistive technologies long term power supplies, improved ergonomics and
S. Bhardwaj et al. / Lower limb rehabilitation robotics 787

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