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When a person fails to resolve the discrepancy between how they see their position and

the behavior that is expected of them from others, role conflict may result. Role conflict occurs

when a certain role cannot be played in a different situation if it is being performed in that

position. Role conflict comes in two flavors: intrarole conflict and interrole conflict. Whenever

there are several roles being played simultaneously and there are conflicting demands for each

part, interrole conflict results. A working woman with children, for instance, is externally

obliged to fulfill multiple roles at once, such as a wife, parent, or worker.

Intra-role conflict happens when the needs of two or more roles within the same

organization conflict. It occurs when an individual participates in multiple groups at once while

taking on various roles in each group. Intrarole conflict inside a job is a form of discomfort that

happens when one receives inconsistent expectations regarding the same role from others.

Christians may experience role conflict when they are expected to share the gospel as

Jesus' disciples while also carrying out other obligations in the outside world, such as keeping a

job and providing for their family. Jesus explains the characteristics of His disciples and their

obligations in Matthew 5:14–16: "You are the worlds light. Role conflict is the term used to

describe when someone is subjected to conflicting expectations as a result of their work or

position. When a person is forced to respond to the many social positions they have attained in

conflicting ways, they are said to be experiencing role conflict.

When a person's various statuses and obligations come with demands that are either

contemporaneous, complementing, or contradictory, role conflict may occur. For instance, a

person who must be aloof in one position can find themselves in conflict with another when they
must show love. When there are discrepancies between the several roles that a person plays or

assumes in their daily lives, role conflict arises in real life.


Hussein, Abdul Fattah Farea, and Yaser Hasan Salem Al-Mamary. "Conflicts: Their types, and

their negative and positive effects on organizations." International Journal of Scientific &

Technology Research 8.8 (2019): 10-13.

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