Therapy Final Assigment

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I decided to write about nursing.

Therapeutic touch helps ease tension headaches and lessen pain from conditions like

burns, osteoarthritis, and post-operative discomfort. Additionally, it might hasten wound

recovery and enhance function in arthritis sufferers. The foundation of therapeutic touch is the

notion that people are fields of energy. When you're in good health, that energy is balanced and

unrestricted. Disease, on the other hand, is a state of energy output or dysfunction. The

Therapeutic Touch therapist strictly adheres themselves to that power using the hands as sensors.

The human energy field goes far beyond level of the skin.

Centering and bringing the body, brain, and emotion to a still, concentrated level of

consciousness are the foundations of the Therapeutic Touch Process. An inner sense of

equilibrium can be found by employing the breath, imagery, meditation, and/or visualizations to

center oneself and connect with the inner core of completeness and serenity. Keeping the hands 2

to 6 inches away from subject's body and moving them rhythmically and symmetrically from the

head to the toes during the assessment some practitioners mention sensory clues including

warmth, coolness, static, obstruction, pulling, and tingling. Taking action and assisting the field's

balanced energy flow. To ruffle, use hand motions from the center while continuing to move

evenly and continuously from the head to the feet.

Energy balancing and direction based on the characteristics of the living field; aiding in

the restoration of the system's order. The hands are moved to the places that appear to need

treatment, and energy is either transferred to the places that have a deficit or mobilized from

congested locations. Using professional, informed, and intuitive judgment, evaluate the course of

treatment and decide when to terminate the session. Cues for when to finish the TT treatment

include regularly reassessing the field to determine balance throughout the therapy and getting

the patient's input.

However, complementary medicine refers to the use of these treatments in addition to

conventional medicine. These methods are applied in place of conventional treatment, which can

be known as alternative medicine. Integrative medicine is a method of treating patients that

blends traditional medicine with CAM methods that have been proven safe and beneficial by

science. Medical treatments are substituted by alternative therapies. Alternative therapies are

sought after for a variety of reasons by cancer patients.

Alternative cancer treatments are not shown to be effective by science or medicine. Some

complementary therapies are risky and may have negative side effects. Or they might affect how

your medical care is delivered. The possibility of negative side effects could rise as a result or

could prevent the standard of care from performing as well. Giving up cancer treatment could

lower your chances of beating or managing the disease. Alternative treatments seem promising in

some cases. But the claims are not well-supported by evidence. Some people may receive false

hope from them.

According to the National Institutes of Health, understanding this patients and the

experiences they share is necessary for effective communication in nursing. This communication

"needs skills as well as the nurse's honest desire to comprehend the patient's problems. The

patient experience can be improved; complaints can be decreased; nurses' self-confidence,

professional status, career possibilities, and job satisfaction can all be increased; and finally,

stress can be decreased.


At the moment of care and beyond, nurses provide patients profound interpersonal,

intellectual, technical, and skill sets. They need interpersonal communication abilities in addition

to clinical knowledge to be able to do this. Nursing care is generally provided through discourse

using specialized verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The term "communication in

nursing" refers to the process of individuals exchanging ideas, sentiments, and emotions

The numerous components and uses of communication must be learned, understood, and

applied by nurses in all areas of nursing. The value of communication between a nurse and a

patient must be emphasized, and nurses' communication skills must be emphasized throughout

nursing education. Finally, open and honest communication between the caregiver and the

patient is essential. No questions, misconceptions, or suspicions should be raised by a nurse



Rovers, M. W., Malette, J., & Manal Guirguis-Younger. (2017). Therapeutic touch: research,

practice and ethics. University Of Ottawa Press.

Lindquist, R. (2013). Complementary & Alternative Therapies in Nursing: Seventh Edition (7th

ed.) [E-book]. Springer Publishing Company /detail?vid=8&sid=76430183-53d2-

4083-945e31471b920812@redis&bdata= JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#db=nlebk&AN=


Bartholomew, K. (2015). Team-building handbook: improving nurse-to-nurse relationships.

Hcpro. Blr, O. D. H. A., & Bartholomew Rn, K. (2014). Team-Building Handbook: Improving

Nurse-To-Nurse Relationships (1st ed.) [E-book]. HCPro a division of BLR.

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