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Good morning everyone and welcome to crime chronicles

In today’s case we’ll focus on the crime of Lola which took place on october 14 2022 in Paris. We
will decrypt this case with the help of Miss Ihssan, psychologist and Miss Mariam, lawyer of the

The victim of this crime is a young schoolgirl, Lola Daviet, who was 12 years old at the time of the

The alleged murderess is Dhabia Benkired, a 24-year-old young woman born in Algeria, homeless
and unemployed, who was staying at her sister’s place. It was the same building as Lola’s family.
The elements of the investigation indicate that the suspect was in an irregular situation and that she
had been obligated to leave the territory since august 21 2022. What is unexpected is that the
young woman was still active on Tiktok, an application for young people, four days before the
tragedy and seemed completely like a normal human being, however, behind this appearance hides
a murderess…

But what happened ?

Lola’s body was discovered on the same day she has been murdered, during the evening. She was
found in a suitcase, in the courtyard that belonged to the building she lived in. Lola’s mother rst
reported to the police station that her daughter did not return from school which was located near
her home. The father of the victim decided to view the images of the surveillance camera of the
building, on which he sees his daughter entering the hall with a woman, as you may have guessed,
it was Dahbia B. It is said that she had forced the victim to bring her to her sister’s apartment, where
the victim was forced to take a shower. This happened before she was raped, tortured, mutilated
and murdered. After that the suspect tied her up and put her in a suitcase, this led her death to be in
atrocious conditions. Dahbia.B also drunk the blood of Lola and the numbers 0 and 1 were written in
red ink under the victim’s feet. It has not been con rmed by the investigators but according to some
people it would be a rite…

Since the incident happened emotions such as stupefaction and misunderstanding has been
dominating, but in this case there is a main and most important question. Should Dhabia B. be
judged as crazy ?

With us Dr. Ihssan and Miss Mariam to answer us…

Question for Ihssan : And what can you tell us about Dhabia.B interrogation ?

Question for Mariam : Miss Mariam, according to you, why do you think Dhabia.B has the pro le of
a narcissistic pervert ?

In conclusion, the suspect admitted to be at the origin of the murder but the mobile and the
psychological balance of the suspect always raise questions.

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