Lesson Plan TEXTBOOK: English 11 - UNIT 2: The Generation Gap SPEAKING (Page 22) Talking About Different Generations

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TEXTBOOK: English 11 - UNIT 2: The Generation Gap

SPEAKING (page 22) Talking about different generations
Duration: 45 minutes
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Language competences
❖ Knowledge:
- Talk about different generations in the family;
- Know how to start a conversation or discussion
❖ Skills:
- Speak a conversation or discuss about different generation of family
3. Attitude:
- reflect on the generation gap in their family
- Recognise how family’s members behave and respect together
4. General Competences
- Self-control & independent learning: perform individual tasks
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups to perform tasks
1. Teacher’s preparation:
- Lesson plan, power point, markers, and teaching materials, hoclieu.vn
2. Students’ preparation:
- Study materials
1. Activity 1: (5 minutes)

a) Aim: Arousing students' interest in the topic.

b) Content: Filling the correct information about 3 Generations: X, Y, Z in the boxes.


1965 - 1980 Letter/text message newspaper Voice newspaper Internet - banking

Messenger (zalo /
Yahoo message 1981 - 1995 Credit card cash
telephone cellphone 1996 - 2012 smartphone

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Answer key:

Generation X Generation Y Generation Z

1965 - 1980 1981 - 1995 1996 - 2012
Letter/text message Yahoo message Messenger (zalo / facebook)
cash Credit card Internet - banking
newspaper Electronic newspaper Voice newspaper
telephone cellphone smartphone

c) Products: a positive classroom atmosphere and the tone for the rest of the lesson

d) Steps:

- introduces about the table 1.

- divides class into 6 groups and gives the handouts to each group.

- explains the rules:

+ Ss read the information about 3 generations X, Y, Z and then write them in the correct boxes.

+ Ss have 3 minutes to complete the task

+ One fastest group will submit the handout to their teacher. If they correct all the information they
will be the winner.

- T asks Ss to work small groups and complete the task.

- T gives feedbacks to the class about the task.

2. Activity 2: (5 minutes)
a) Aims: To activate prior knowledge about the topic and get Ss involved in the lesson.
b) Content:
- Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the lesson;
Tips to start a conversation or discussion:
* To start a conversation or discussion, you can:
+ present the topic.
Example: Let's talk about ...
+ ask your partner for personal information related to the topic.
Example: Ly, do you live with your extended family?/ Ly, what kind of family do you
+ ask for an opinion.
Example: Ly, do you think there are any differences between the generations of your family?/ Ly, what do you
think about your generation?
- Introducing tips to start a conversation or discussion.
c) Products:
- Students can use key language more appropriately when they speak;
- Students have an overview on how to give differences among generations in the family.

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d) Steps:
- Asks Ss to read the example and the list of suggested ideas individually.
- Checks comprehension and explain any phrases Ss may find difficult to understand, e.g. be open to different
points of view, have fixed ideas about the world, be open to new ways of thinking.
- Asks Ss think about if any of these ideas relate to members of their family. Ask them to share with a
partner. In stronger classes, has Ss give reasons for their choices.
- Asks Ss to brainstorm other ideas in pairs or as a class, and write them on the board, e.g. My sister is
very creative. My father likes to listen and accept differences.
Tips to start a conversation or discussion:
- Tells Ss to read the Remember box and pay attention to the tips, examples and useful phrases.
- Asks Ss to give more examples.

3. Activity 3: (7 minutes)
a) Aims: building structures to start a conversation or discussion;
b) Content: Put the sentences (A–D) in order to complete the conversation. Then practise it
in pairs. (p.22)
c) Products: - Students know how to talk about different generations and use structures to start a
conversation or discussion.
d) Steps:
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ask Ss to study the given jumbled speakers’ lines and the beginning and end of the conversation.
- Teacher has Ss to work in to rearrange the jumbled sentences and walks around to offer help if necessary.
Answer key:
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B
- Teacher checks answers as a class.
- Teacher gives time for the pairs to practice the conversation and calls some pairs to practice in front of the
4. Activity 4: (9 minutes)
a) Aims: helping Ss brainstorm ideas for their speaking
b) Content: Work in pairs. Talk about the different generations of your family. Use the model
and tips in 1, and the ideas below to help you. (p.23)
c) Products: Ss’ idea of their conversation
d) Steps:
- Explains the task and reminds Ss of the ways to start a conversation.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs, brainstorm ideas and write down the questions for their conversation.
- Asks pairs to practise their conversation at least twice. Encourage them to swap roles so that each student
has a chance to ask and answer questions about their family.
- Provides help if necessary.
- Invites some pairs to role play the conversation in front of the class.
5. Activity 5: (10 minutes)
a) Aims: To give students an opportunity to discuss ideas in groups and share with the rest of the class.
b) Content: Work in groups. Discuss the following question and then report to the whole class. (8
c) Products: Ss’s conversation
d) Steps:
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-Asks Ss to work in groups, discuss and give out the answers to this question “What are the most common
generation gaps in your families?”.
- Encourages them to present their ideas in front of the class.
Possible answers:
The old have fixed ideas about the world, hold traditional views about many issues.
They do not want big chances in life. However, the young are open to new ways of thinking. They want to
make their own decisions. They are also good at using electronic devices.
- corrects mistakes if necessary
- gives feedbacks.

6. Activity 6: (9 minutes)
a) Aims: helping Ss to create their own conversation
b) Content: Ss’ peer review
c) Products: Ss’ own conversations
d) Steps:
- Asks Ss to give the feedback to other groups
- After the peer review, ask the learners to reflect on their conversation and the feedback
they received.
- Give Ss to make their own conversation with their partners.

Speaking Rubric: (assess peer review)

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