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Python is an interpreter, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic

semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic

binding; make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a

scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python's simple, easy to

learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program

maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program

modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are

available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely


History of Python:

Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It was initially

designed by "Guido van Rossum" in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was

mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express

concepts in fewer lines of code.

Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in

deciding the success of an organization. Employees Management Software makes it easy for the

employer to keep track of all records. This software allows the administrator to edit employees,

add new employees, Display/Modify/Delete employees. This system brings about an easy way of

maintaining the details of employees working in any organization. It is simple to understand and

can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employees’ system. It is user friendly

and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving easy to follow options. The goal

of this project is to design and develop an employee management system to fill existing gaps in the

electronic management of employees.

Human Resource Management Software makes it easy for the employer to keep track of all records.

This software allows the administrator to edit employees, add new employees as well as evaluate

an employee’s performance.

We can check to see if there are duplicate positions/employees in the database. A flexible and easy

to use Employee Management software solution for small and medium sized companies provides

modules for personnel information management thereby organization and companies are able to

manage the crucial organization asset

– people.

In this world of growing technologies everything has been computerized. With large number of

works opportunities, the Human workforce has increased. Thus, there is a need of a system which

can handle the data of such a large number of Employees. This project simplifies the task of

maintaining records because of its user-friendly nature.

The objective of this project is to provide a comprehensive approach towards the management of

employee information. This will be done by designing and implementing an HR management

system that will bring up a major paradigm shift in the way that employee information is handled.

The objectives of this system include: Design of a Binary file-based HR management system to

fulfill requirements such as project management, report generation etc…


The existing employee management system in the organization still uses the ordinary classical

methods which are merely based on pen-paper to record the data of their employees. Large

quantities of registers are to be maintained for this purpose which results in downright waste of

time in generating reports or searching for employee’s records and loss of data if any file is lost.

The other techniques that are in the market are dependent on facial recognition, biometric scan or

card punching. But all of these require an external device to be installed in the working area, which

is again a costly process and requires regular maintenance.

This project eliminates or reduces as much as possible the difficulties of the existing system and

avoids errors while entering data. In comparison to the existing system, it is cheaper, easy to

implement, easy to use, no maintenance required, on time data and saves lots of time.

The Proposed Employee Management System is a desktop application using Binary File in which

the application serves as a bridge between the users and the Binary File, where all data is stored.

It is designed to allow the admin to create and save employee details and records. In addition, it

will eliminate the paper/file system which will overcome the challenges of the current system.

This system provides facilities listed below:

● Employer can Register their employees’ details.

● Employer can view or search their employee details.

● Employer can edit or delete their employee details.




ATHALON (3800+- 4200+ DUAL CORE)

❖ MOTHERBOARD : 1.845 OR 915,995 FOR PENTIUM or



❖ RAM : 512MB+

❖ Hard disk : SATA 40 GB OR ABOVE

❖ CD/DVD r/w : (If back up required)

❖ MONITOR : 14.1 or 15 -17 inch

❖ Key board and mouse : Any Company keyboard and Optical Mouse

❖ Printer : (if print is required – [Hard copy])


❖ Windows 7(SP1) or higher / Any OS (I.e. Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, MacOS)

❖ Python IDLE 3.6 or higher or spyder (as front end).

❖ Microsoft Word 2007 or higher for documentation.

1. Module:

This module is used to display the details of all Employees in table format. So, that Admin
can see all the Employer can see all Employees details easily.

2. Employee Search Module:

This module is used to search particular Employee details based on Employee Id

Aadhar number or their department. After, Successful search It will display that particular
Employee details on the screen.

3. Employee Modify Module:

This module helps to modify the details of Employee details based on their ID.

4. Employee Delete Module:

This module is used to delete particular Employee details from Binary file based on their ID. So,
that Admin can easily delete the patient details from the file

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