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While Luck often plays a role in the success of any business, but for Twitter,

Instagram, and WhatsApp, their explosive growth was more directly attributed to
market developments, technological advancements, and unique features.

Big Change Moment: Twitter really took off in 2007 during a big tech event
called South by Southwest (SXSW). People started tweeting a lot more, from
20,000 tweets a day to 60,000.
Why It Got Big:
Quick Updates: Twitter's short messages (only 140 characters) made it great for
fast, brief updates.
Famous People Using It: Celebrities and politicians using Twitter made more
people interested in it.
Breaking News: It became popular for sharing news as it happened, which
attracted more users.

Big Change Moment: Instagram became popular after Facebook bought it in
2012. This helped it reach more people.
Why It Got Big:
Photos and Videos: Emphasis on visual content. Instagram's success
skyrocketed due to its focus on photo sharing, tapping into the era's growing
trend of visual communication, especially after the integration of smartphone
Easy to Use: Its simple design made it easy for anyone to use.
Influencers: Instagram is where people started becoming 'influencers' by
gaining followers and promoting products, which drew in more users.

Big Change Moment: WhatsApp was growing steadily, but when Facebook
bought it in 2014, it became even more popular worldwide.
Why It Got Big:
Free Texting: It was a free way to text, which was really appealing, especially
where texting normally costs money.
Simple and Private: WhatsApp was easy to use and focused on keeping
conversations private, which people liked.
Talking Overseas: It let people text or call friends and family in other countries
without extra charges.

Free, cross platform messaging. WhatsApp filled a significant gap in the market
by offering a free, internet based alternative to SMS, appealing particularly to
users in regions with high SMS costs and those needing international
Instagram probably grew the fastest. Its focus on photos and videos matched
perfectly with people using smartphones with good cameras. Instagram also
became a place for 'influencers', making it more influential than Twitter or
WhatsApp. Twitter and WhatsApp both grew a lot and were important in their
own ways, but Instagram had a bigger effect on how we use social media and
view pictures and videos online. So Instagram, with its focus on visuals and
being easy to use, probably had the most explosive growth of the three. Another
important factor is the time per user in the platform, Instagram is currently the
most addictive social network behind Tik Tok.

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