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Under Armour: Enhancing Customer Needs and Wants

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Under Armour: Enhancing Customer Needs and Wants


Under Armour is a prominent sportswear company that has gained significant

attention in the global market. This essay aims to explore how Under Armour can enhance its

customer's needs and wants by identifying its marketing environment, segmenting potential

customers, and suggesting a marketing strategy to increase market share. Furthermore, the

potential of the Southern Africa market for Under Armour will be evaluated.

Under Armour's Marketing Environment

Under Armour operates in a dynamic marketing environment that consists of various

factors influencing its business operations. These factors include the macro-environmental

forces of the economy, technology, demography, social-cultural aspects, and legal-political

factors (Kotler et al., 2017).

Economically, Under Armour needs to consider the purchasing power of its target

market. With the rise in disposable income among consumers, there is an increased

willingness to spend on premium sportswear products. However, economic downturns can

impact consumer spending patterns, making it crucial for Under Armour to adapt its pricing

strategies accordingly.

Technologically, Under Armour can leverage advancements in wearable technology

to enhance its products. Integrating smart sensors and fitness tracking capabilities into their

apparel can provide added value to customers, catering to their needs for performance

improvement and personalization (Kotler et al., 2017).

Demographically, Under Armour primarily targets active and fitness-conscious

individuals. Understanding the age, gender, and lifestyle preferences of its potential

customers is essential for effective marketing segmentation.


Under Armour's Potential Customer Segmentation

Segmentation allows Under Armour to divide its target market into distinct groups

based on shared characteristics. By doing so, the company can tailor its marketing efforts to

address the specific needs and wants of each segment (Kotler et al., 2017).

Under Armour can segment its potential customers based on various factors such as

demographics, psychographics, and behavioral characteristics. Demographically, the

company can target individuals within the age range of 18-35, predominantly males and

females who engage in sports and fitness activities.

Psychographically, Under Armour can segment customers based on their attitudes,

interests, and opinions. For instance, targeting individuals who value fitness as an integral

part of their lifestyle and seek high-performance sportswear can be a viable segment.

Behavioral segmentation can be based on the usage rate of sportswear products.

Under Armour can target frequent purchasers who actively participate in sports and fitness

activities, as they are more likely to have higher needs and wants for premium sportswear.

Marketing Strategy for Increasing Market Share

To increase its market share, Under Armour can adopt a combination of strategies.

Firstly, the company should focus on product differentiation by continuously innovating and

improving its sportswear offerings. By providing unique features, advanced technologies, and

superior performance, Under Armour can attract customers seeking high-quality products

(Kotler et al., 2017).

Secondly, Under Armour should invest in effective marketing communications to

build brand awareness and establish a strong brand image. Utilizing various channels such as

social media, endorsements by athletes, and strategic partnerships can help reach a wider

audience and create a positive brand perception.

Thirdly, Under Armour should expand its distribution channels to ensure wider

availability of its products. Collaborating with major retailers, establishing flagship stores,

and enhancing e-commerce capabilities can enable the company to reach customers in both

urban and rural areas.

The Potential Market in Southern Africa for Under Armour

Southern Africa presents a viable and sustainable market for Under Armour due to

several reasons. Firstly, the region has a growing middle class with increasing disposable

income, making it more affordable for consumers to invest in premium sportswear brands.

Additionally, the rising popularity of sports and fitness activities in Southern Africa indicates

a demand for high-performance sportswear.

Furthermore, Southern Africa has a youthful population, which aligns with Under

Armour's target market. Younger individuals are more likely to embrace fitness and actively

seek sportswear that complements their active lifestyles.

However, entering the Southern Africa market requires a thorough understanding of

the local culture, preferences, and competition. Under Armour should conduct market

research to identify specific customer needs and preferences in the region and adapt its

marketing strategies accordingly.


Under Armour can enhance its customer's needs and wants by understanding its

marketing environment, segmenting potential customers, and adopting effective marketing

strategies. By catering to the demands of its target market and continuously innovating its

products, Under Armour can increase its market share and establish a strong presence in both

local and international markets. Furthermore, Southern Africa presents a promising

opportunity for Under Armour to expand its customer base and tap into a growing market.


Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Brady, M., Goodman, M., & Hansen, T. (2017). Marketing

management. Pearson.

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