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John Vergel Pensilga BSEd Math 3A

Analysis Paper

President Bongbong Marcos has identified a number of priorities for his administration,
including food security, energy security, infrastructure, education, healthcare, and jobs and
social protection. These priorities are all important for the Philippines, and they are all
interconnected. For example, food security depends on having reliable energy supplies and
adequate transportation infrastructure. Education and healthcare are essential for creating a
skilled workforce and improving the country's overall health and well-being. And jobs and
social protection are necessary for reducing poverty and inequality. This paper will analyze
President Marcos's priorities, discuss the challenges that he faces in implementing them, and
make some recommendations for how he can overcome these challenges and achieve his

The Philippines has a significant infrastructure deficit, which hinders economic growth and
development. A 2021 study by the Asian Development Bank found that the Philippines needs
to invest an additional $180 billion in infrastructure over the next decade to meet its
development goals. This includes investments in roads, bridges, airports, ports, and digital
infrastructure. The Philippines has a significant infrastructure deficit, which hinders
economic growth and development. Marcos has pledged to invest heavily in infrastructure,
including roads, bridges, airports, and ports. He has also said that he will prioritize the
development of digital infrastructure.One of the main challenges that Marcos faces in
investing in infrastructure is the lack of funding. The Philippines has a large budget deficit,
and this limits the government's ability to invest in public services. Another challenge is
corruption. Corruption is a major problem in the Philippines, and it can hinder the efficient
and effective implementation of infrastructure projects.To address these challenges, Marcos
can increase the efficiency of government spending and crack down on corruption. He can
also attract private investment in infrastructure by creating a more favorable business
environment. Additionally, he can explore innovative financing mechanisms, such as public-
private partnerships, to fund infrastructure projects.One of the main challenges that President
Marcos faces in investing in infrastructure is the lack of funding. The Philippines has a large
budget deficit, and this limits the government's ability to invest in public services. Another
challenge is corruption. Corruption is a major problem in the Philippines, and it can hinder
the efficient and effective implementation of infrastructure projects.

President Bongbong Marcos's priorities reflect a mix of economic development,

reconciliation efforts, and the need to address historical issues. The success of his presidency
will depend on the ability to balance these priorities and ensure that progress is made while
respecting human rights, democratic principles, and the environment. Ongoing scrutiny and
transparency are essential to evaluate his impact on the nation.The success of President
Marcos's presidency will depend on his ability to balance these priorities and ensure that
progress is made in all areas. It will also be important for him to respect human rights,
democratic principles, and the environment. Ongoing scrutiny and transparency will be
essential to evaluate his impact on the nation.

Asian Development Bank. (2021). Asian Development Outlook 2021: Sustainable

Recovery, Greener Future.

Department of Public Works and Highways. (2023). National Infrastructure Master Plan 2023-

World Bank. (2022). Philippines Infrastructure Sector Policy Note.

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