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Inttp:(/wwww-kuontine in Roll No. ‘Total Pages : 3 BID.s 31046 SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Paper-BS-115A, ‘Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Masks : 75, [Note : Attempt ive questions in ll, selecting a least one question from each unit. UNIT 1. (@)_Baplain various types of crystal system with example, a (©) What do you mean by point defects in soilds? Derive an expression for Concentration of Schottky in ext ® 2. (a) Explain the characteristics of the following unit cells with examples: SC, BCC and FCC. ® (©) What are Miller Indices? Draw the following planes (410) @TT and GTO). o UNI 3. (9) What do. you mean by wave packet? Show that the De-Broglie group velocity asociated with the wave packet is equal to the velocity of the particle. (8) ‘srose/t2001KD/2029 hese uontine in Inttp:(/wwww-kuontine in (©) Derive Schrodinger sime independent equstion for matter waves. Give physical Significance of the wave function. o (@) What is the need and origin of quantum mechanics? ® (b) Explain group velocity and phase velocity, Derive the ¢- expression for group velocity with which a wave packet travels. ® UNIT (@) Disouss Drude’ elecion gas model to explain electical conduction in meal ® (©) What are Brion Zones? Explain, a (a) Based on band theory of solids, distinguish between conductors, semiconductors and insulators, (8) (©) Whats Hall Effect? Mention applications of Hell Effect. Me unTray 7. (a) What do you mean by intrinsic semiconductor? Derive an expression for carrier Concentration in inuinsic semiconductor ® (©) Explain the working and characteristic of bipolar junction transistor o ‘s1o4srt200%KDI2029 2 Titer kuontine in Inttp:(/wwww-kuontine in 8 (a) Explain conductivity of charge carirs in m-ype and ‘p-type semicondectors. ® (@) Describe the formation of pra junction, Diseuss its current voluge characteris. o ttpe www kori ‘Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Your old paper & get 10) gem ee ae ae 10 ee, Pastm or Google Pay # S1046/1200%K0/2029, 3 Igpswaew kuontine in

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