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Quarter 3-Hybrid Module 2: How

Volcanoes Erupt and Energy From
Volcanoes:Week 2-3

SDO Taguig City and Pateros

Let’s Learn

In Grade 8, you have learned about the relationship between the occurrence of
earthquakes and the location of the Philippines along the Ring of Fire. Due to its location, the
Philippines is home to many volcanoes. This module will guide you through the study of
volcanism in the Philippines.

This module is divided into three lessons, namely:

Lesson 2: How Volcanoes erupt?
Lesson 3: Energy from Volcanoes
After going through with this module, you are expected to:
1. describe the formation and composition of magma and explain the effect of
temperature and composition on its viscosity;
2. relate the characteristics of magma with the type of volcanic eruption;
3. explain the process of volcanic eruption;
4. enumerate the material emissions of volcano and describe the effects of material
emissions from volcanoes to humans and other living things;
5. identify types of volcanoes which can be good sources of geothermal energy;
6. identify volcanoes in the Philippines which are sources of geothermal energy;
7. create a diagrammatic representation of geothermal energy flow in a geothermal
power plant;
8. explain how a geothermal energy is transformed into electrical energy;
9. illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use; and
10. identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy.

Let’s Try

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the BEST answer on the
space provided before the number.
____ 1. Which is TRUE of Geothermal plants?
A. cause major earthquakes C. disrupt ecosystems
B. produce no smoke D. take up a lot of space
____ 2. Where can you find a geothermal power plant in Luzon?
A. Ilocos Sur C. Cavite
B. Albay D. Baguio
____ 3. Which of the following is a disadvantage in using geothermal energy?
A. Geothermal Energy Sourcing Is Good for the Environment
B. Geothermal Is a Reliable Source of Renewable Energy
C. High Investment Costs for Geothermal System
D. Little to No Geothermal System Maintenance

_____ 4. Power plants are built in an area where it is particularly hot just below the surface
such as near a group of geysers, hot springs, or volcanic activity. Arrange the following steps
to generate electricity in a geothermal power plant:
1. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.
2. When the water reaches the surface, the drop in pressure causes the water to turn into
3. Wells are drilled deep into the Earth to pump steam or hot water to the surface.
4. Cooling tower cools the steam which it condenses back to water.
5. The cooled water is pumped back into the Earth to begin the process again
A. 3,2,1,4,5 B. 2,1,4,5,3 C. 3,2,,4,1,5 D. 1,2,3,4,5
____ 5. The composition of magma is determined by several things including
A. the amount of partial melting of the original rock.
B. the eruption style.
C. the type of volcano it erupts from.
D. none of these.
____ 6. The higher the viscosity of a magma, the higher its content of _________.
A. iron B. nickel C. silica D. gases
____ 7. A sign that an eruption could soon occur is __________.
A. a reduction of gas emissions coming from the volcano.
B. a decrease in the number and size of earthquakes.
C. rocks falling down the volcano's slope.
D. all of these.
____ 8. Which of the following is not an indicator of a volcanic eruption?
A. earthquake frequency
B. swelling or changing shape of volcano
C. release of different gases from volcanoes
D. weather patterns
____ 9. Which of the following is a warning signs of a volcanic eruption?
A. gas emission C. ground deformation
B. increase seismic activity D. all are warning signs
____ 10. Which kind geothermal plant is most common type?
A. Dry steam B. Flash C. Binary D. Wet steam
____ 11. The process of producing energy by utilizing heat trapped inside the earth surface
is called _________.
A. Hydrothermal energy C. Geo-Thermal energy
B. Solar energy D. Wave energy
____ 12. What is one advantage of geothermal energy from the options below?
A. Geothermal energy makes no pollution.
B. Geothermal energy works everywhere on Earth.
C. Geothermal energy relies on the power of the sun.
____ 13. Where can geothermal energy be found?
A. Underwater B. In a mountain. C. Near Volcanoes. D. Rivers.
____ 14. Wind, geothermal, and solar energy are all what type of energy resources?
A. cheap B. potential C. renewable D. chemical
____ 15. What does geothermal energy use to spin the turbine?
A. Heat from deep inside the earth C. Water from rivers
B. Wind D. Sunlight

Alternatively, please answer these questions above online!

Use the link on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop:
Write your score on the given circle.
2 How Volcanoes Erupt?
Now that you have differentiated the types of volcanoes and volcanic eruption, the next
question could be: what causes volcanoes to erupt? Let’s find out in the next activities.

Let’s Recall

Types of Volcanic Eruption

5. An eruption resulting from the interaction of new magma or lava with water and can be very
1. Eruptions with a high rate of magma discharge, sustained for minutes to hours. They form
a tall eruption column of a mixture of gas and rock particles and can cause wide dispersion of
2. These eruptions are small to moderate explosive eruptions, lasting seconds to minutes. Ash
column can be up to 20 km in height, and lava blocks and bombs may be ejected from the
3. An eruption driven by the heat from magma interacting with water. The water can be
groundwater, hydrothermal systems, surface runoff, a lake, or the sea. This type of eruption
pulverizes surrounding rocks and can produce ash, but do not include new magma.
4. Eruptions have explosions causing lava fragments.
6. Have fire fountains and lava flows

Let’s Explore

Activity 1: Is it going to Erupt?

Directions: Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow

How do we know if a volcano is about to erupt?

There are two main reasons why scientists want to predict when a volcano might erupt. The
first reason should be completely obvious; scientists want to predict volcanic eruptions to save
the lives of people who might be affected by the eruption. The second reason is to learn more
about what happens before, during and after a
volcanic eruption. Billions of years ago
volcanoes were much more active. Now major
volcanic eruptions are rare occurrences and
scientists need to have equipment at the
volcano at the right time to study more about
why and how volcanoes erupt.
The earliest way of predicting when a
volcano might erupt was to study its history.
Volcanoes tend to erupt in a pattern over time.
For example, Mount St. Helens in Washington
State stays active for 10 to 20 years and then
will not erupt again for about 120 years. Some
volcanoes erupt every 500 years or so like Mt.
Pinatubo in the Philippines.
Recently scientists have developed modern instruments that measure the earth’s
movement in order to predict earthquakes. Earthquake tremors often occur before a volcano
erupts. Measuring earthquake tremors and earthquakes is called seismic monitoring. News
reports announce earthquakes using the Richter scale which measures earthquake activity. A
higher number on the Richter scale means a worse earthquake or tremor. Geologists place
seismic instruments on and near volcanoes and constantly measure seismic activity.
Geologists also use ground-deformation instruments that measure a different kind of
ground movement in a volcano. These instruments measure movement that could be caused
by shifting magma below the surface of the earth which might erupt as lava. Some volcanoes
have a central crater where the next eruption is likely to occur. This is a good place for ground-
deformation instruments. Other scientists use GPS (global positioning devices) to calculate
the movement inside volcanic craters.
Other instruments measure the level of gases coming from the volcano. A volcano puts
out more Sulphur dioxide when it erupts. If the volcano starts giving out more Sulphur dioxide
than usual, it may be getting ready to erupt.
Scientists have had good success predicting eruptions using the latest in technology.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. If scientists know when a volcano will erupt, they can _________.
a. Warn the public of danger
b. Prepare to study the eruption to learn more about volcanoes
c. Both a. and b
d. None of the above
2. studying the history of a volcano and its eruptions will _________.
a. Accurately predict when the volcano will erupt again
b. Predict what year it will erupt again
c. Give an idea about when it might erupt again
d. Not provide any information about the next eruption
3. Earthquake activity is measured using the _________.
a. Richter scale b. Richmond scale c. Seismic scale d. Tremor scale
4. Ground-deformation instruments are valuable because they measure _________.
a. The heat inside the volcano
b. The gases coming from the volcano
c. The amount of lava coming from the volcano
d. The movement of magma below the surface
5. A good place to put ground-deformation instruments is _________.
a. Near the base of the volcano b. In the crater
c. In the nearest town d. None of the above
6. A volcano might be ready to erupt when it gives off more _________.
a. Silicon b. Sulphur dioxide c. Both a. and b. d. None of these

Let’s Elaborate

Signs of an impending volcanic eruption

According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), the

government agency tasked with monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes in the country, the
following are commonly observed signs that a volcano is about to erupt. These may vary from
one volcano to another.

1. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds; occurrence of

volcanic tremors;
2. Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from white to gray
due to entrained ash;
3. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater;
4. Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt and ground fissuring due to magma intrusion;
5. Localized landslides, rock falls and landslides from the summit area which not
attributable to heavy rains;
6. Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around the volcano’s
upper slopes;
7. Increase in the temperature of hot springs, wells, Crater Lake near the volcano;

8. Noticeable variation in the chemical content of springs, crater lakes within the vicinity
of the volcano;
9. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano; and,
10. Development of new thermal areas and/or reactivation of old ones;

What determines the nature of eruption?

There are primary factors affecting the volcanoes’ eruptive style, namely:
1. the magma’s temperature,
2. its chemical composition,
3. and the amount of gas it contains.
These factors can affect the magma’s viscosity in different ways. Viscosity is the property of
the material’s resistance to flow. It is also described as the liquid’s thickness and stickiness.
The more viscous and thicker the material is, the greater is its resistance to flow. For instance,
syrup is more viscous than water.
Let us discuss how each factor affects the viscosity of magma. First, let’s investigate
how temperature of magma affects its viscosity. The viscosity of magma decreases with
temperature. The higher the temperature of magma is, the lower is its viscosity. As lava flows,
it cools and begins to harden, its ability to flow decreases and eventually it stops.
Next, let’s look at how the composition of magma affects its viscosity. Magmas with
high silica content are more viscous than those with low silica content as shown in Figure
below. The magma that contains less silica is relatively fluid and travels far before solidifying.
Lastly, the number of gases contained in the magma affects its viscosity. Other factors
being equal, gas (mainly water vapor) dissolved in magma tends to increase its ability to flow.
Therefore, in near-surface environments, the loss of gases makes magma more viscous,
forming a dome or a columnar as shown in Figure below.

To Learn more about how volcanoes erupt, you may visit the links below.
You may take down notes and share it to your classmates in Facebook and Messenger.

Let’s Dig In
Activity 2: Under Pressure

Objective: describe the effect of high temperature on the formation of gas

two 300 ml bottled soft drinks (must be sealed before using)
two identical small basins
hot water, cold water
1. Hall-fill basin A with hot water and basin B with cold water.
2. Put one bottled soda in basin A and another one in basin B. Wait for three minutes.
3. Slowly unscrew the caps from the bottle in each basin and observe.
Q1. What did you observe in each bottle?

Q2. Explain your observation.

Q3. What is the role of hot water in the setup?

In the activity, you have seen the effect of temperature on the amount of gas that can
be produced in a liquid.
Q4. How does this affect the pressure inside the bottle?

Let us relate this concept to what is happening inside the volcano. Magma inside the
volcano has a high temperature. As the magma is continuously heated, it goes up. As it rises,
gas bubbles are developed. The gas bubbles are trapped and expand causing the molten
material to swell also, resulting in a gradual increase in pressure within the volcano. When the
pressure exceeds the strength of the overlying rock, fracturing occurs. The resulting breaks
lead to a further drop in confining pressure, which in turn causes even more gas bubbles to

Let’s Remember

Directions: Fill in the blanks. Refer to the word bank below.

A _________ has many parts. Under the volcano is a compartment of molten rock
known as the _____________. This molten rock or magma travels from the magma chamber
up through the ______ of the Earth through a crack known as a _____.
Hot ________ exits the volcano at the crater, becoming ______. If the eruption is
_________, then ash, rock and lava are launched into the air, collecting on the sides of the
volcano. After many __________ the layers of ash, rock and solidified lava build up to form
the recognizable cone shape of a volcano. On the top of the cone is the _______, or
indentation in the volcano that marks where past eruptions have occurred.
Volcano magma chamber lava Vent
Violent crater crust eruptions magma
Let’s Apply

Direction: Examine the different hazard maps and answer the questions that follow.

Mayon Volcano
Lava Flow Hazard Zone Pyroclastic Flow Hazard Zone Lahar Flow Hazard Zone

To Learn more about volcanic hazards, visit the site below.

In each “Bayan” indicate which volcanic hazards present a risk to human life and
property. Write “LOW” in the table if there is little to no risk of the hazard affecting people and
property and write ‘HIGH” if there is a high risk of people and property being affected.

Volcanic Hazards
Bayan Lava Flow Pyroclastic Flow Lahar Flow
Santo Domingo

1. Based on the hazard maps what do you think are the “bayan” should be included in the
Mayon volcano permanent danger zone?

2. If you live in Santo Domingo, what volcanic hazards will you experience if Mayon volcano

3. What advice can you give to the residence of Malilipot about the risk their community may
encounter during volcanic eruption?

3. Describe the effects of Lahar flow to humans and other living organisms.


3 Energy from Volcanoes

Let’s Recall

Who could forget the terrible eruption of Pinatubo Volcano in 1991 after 600 years of
inactivity? Based on statistics, in the first five years following the eruption, lahars destroyed
the homes of more than 100,000 people. Lahars also covered about 120,000 hectares with
sediment to an average depth of about one meter, and floods spread rock debris over a larger
area. The eruption also affected other countries as its emissions in the atmosphere lowered
the air temperature.
To recall the previous lesson visit the link below.

Let’s Explore

Directions: Create a flowchart to describe how energy is transformed to generate electricity

in a geothermal power plant. Draw your flowchart in the box below.

The following steps are followed to generate electricity in a geothermal power plant:
1. Wells are drilled deep into the Earth to pump steam or hot water to the surface.
2. When the water reaches the surface, the drop in pressure causes the water to turn into
3. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.
4. Cooling tower cools the steam which it condenses back to water.
5. The cooled water is pumped back into the Earth to begin the process again.

Let’s Elaborate

Energy from the volcano

Since our country is home to more than a hundred volcanoes, energy has been tapped
from them. The Philippines ranks second in the world’s production of geothermal energy.
According to the Department of Energy, 14.4% of the country’s total power generation is
produced from geothermal energy. The production of electricity from geothermal energy is
cheaper than the electricity produced using natural gas, coal, and hydropower.
What is Geothermal Energy
The Earth is believed to be extremely hot from within. This heat from the Earth’s interior
is a source of energy called geothermal energy. The heat of the Earth warms up water which
is trapped in rock formations beneath its surface.

In the Philippines, geothermal power plants are used to generate electricity in Tiwi
(Albay), Kidapawan (North Cotabato), Calaca (Laguna), Tongonan (Leyte), Bago City (Negros
Occidental), Valencia (Negros Oriental), and Bacon (Sorsogon). The figure below shows the
Mak-Ban Geothermal Power Plant in Laguna.

Geothermal power plants have lots of advantages.

Comparatively ecologically clean. Unlike coal-fired power plants, geothermal ones use a
renewable heat source with a constant supply. Studies have shown that only 6.5% of the total
world potential is involved in the industry, which means that energy will last for many years in
advance. In addition, the amount of greenhouse gas from geothermal power plants is only 5%
on the contrary with coal-fired power plants.
More energy. Geothermal power stations have great capacity – they can gravely help in
meeting the demand for energy that grows every year, both in developed and developing
Low operating costs. Geothermal installations require minimal maintenance compared to
conventional power plants. As a result, they are reliable and cheap in operation.
Renewable and sustainable sources. Geothermal energy will never end, unlike non-
renewable energy sources. If the earth supports our lives, geothermal energy will exist, and
geothermal power will work.
Permanent power supply. Unlike other renewable energy sources, geothermal one can
provide a constant supply of energy – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,
regardless of external factors. For example, solar panels can produce electricity only during
the day, and wind turbines produce energy only with sufficient wind.

The disadvantages of geothermal power plants.

Ecological problem. High environmental consumption of freshwater can be a loss for the
environment, which will ultimately lead to its deficit. Liquids extracted from the earth during
drilling contain many toxic chemicals (including arsenic and mercury), as well as greenhouse
gases (such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, and radon). If they are
incorrectly disposed or treated, they can get into the atmosphere or leak into groundwater and
damage the environment and human health.
Geographical limits. Geothermal activity is the highest along the tectonic fault lines in the
earth’s crust. Exactly in these places, geothermal energy has the greatest potential. The
drawback is that only a few countries can use geothermal resources.
Seismic instability. There are reasons to believe that geothermal structures have caused
underground shakings in different parts of the world. Even though seismic activity is often
insignificant, it can lead to building damage, injuries, and death.
Expensive construction. Geothermal power plants require significant investments. Although
they have low operating costs, the cost of their construction may be much higher than coal,
oil, and gas plants. Much of these expenses concerns the exploration and drilling of
geothermal energy resources.
Possible exhaustion. Studies show that without careful management, geothermal tanks can
be exhausted. In such cases, the geothermal power plant will become unnecessary until the
tank is restored.

Let’s Dig In
Activity 1: Geothermal energy in the Philippines

Directions: Study the maps and answer the questions that follow.

(Map of Geothermal Power Plants in the Philippines, Source: media.springernature .com)

(Source: www.phivolcs,

1. Identify volcanoes in the Philippines which are sources of geothermal energy.

2. Which types of volcanoes (Active or Inactive) can be a good source of geothermal

energy? Why do you say so?

3. Describe the location of the geothermal power plants in the Philippines and relate
it to the location of active and potentially active volcanoes.

4. Why do we have several geothermal power plants in the Philippines?

Let’s Remember

Directions: Supply the missing information in each boxes.

Let’s Apply

Do you think the government should invest in building more Geothermal Power
Stations in the Philippines? Support your answer with facts.

Let’s Evaluate

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the BEST answer on the
space provided before the number.
____ 1. All of the following events could indicate an impending eruption EXCEPT:
A. discovery of new hot springs around the volcano.
B. a measurable bulge or swelling of the volcano.
C. swarms of small earthquakes in the region.
D. a highly eroded, volcanic peak.
____ 2. Of the following, the magma with the highest viscosity would have:
A. a high silica content and high temperature.
B. a high silica content and low temperature.
C. a low silica content and high temperature.
D. a low silica content and low temperature.
____ 3. The term viscosity refers to:
A. how heat and pressure influence a liquid’s gas content.
B. a liquid’s resistance to flow.
C. how dense a liquid is.
D. how a liquid moves upward against gravity.
____ 4. Jane watched an old news video of the last explosive eruption of Mount Pinatubo.
She lives in Talisay Batangas and thought that Taal Volcano in the past did not erupt the
way Mt. Pinatubo did because it’s located within a lake while the other is directly situated on
land. Thus, she inferred those volcanoes erupt differently because of their composition and
location. Which among the following is not a basic feature shared by all volcanoes if you
were to explain this to Jane?
A. The magma collects in magma chambers that can be 160 kilometers beneath the
B. As the rock heats, it expands, which creates even more pressure causing the
magma to seek a way out pushing toward the surface.
C. Eruption of the magma on the surface is always violent and explosive due to the
extreme heat and pressure.
D. When magma reaches the surface, it comes out and is called an eruption.

____ 5. Why do people near a volcano need to evacuate before it erupts?
I. Hot lava can spew out in gentle streams or can erupt violently into the air.
II. Death and serious injury to people and animals may result from burns and inhalation of
hot ash and gases.
III. After erupting from the volcano, hot lava will solidify instantly once an object gets in its
way as it flows trapping anything in its path.
IV. The extreme temperatures of rocks and gas inside pyroclastic flows can cause
combustible material to burn.
A. I and II only C. III and IV only
B. I, II and IV only D. II, III and IV only
____ 6. Geothermal energy can be explained simply by its name, which derives from the
Greek words “geo,” meaning Earth, and “therme,” meaning heat. The heat is directly below
the Earth’s surface, making it a universal resource. The most active geothermal spots are
found near fault lines and volcanoes but also occur where there are hot springs, geysers and
geothermal reservoirs. It can be harnessed cleanly and efficiently. How is geothermal energy
tapped to convert heat to electricity for human use?
A. Wells are drilled. The turbine drives the electric generator. The steam turns the
turbine. Power lines deliver electricity.
B. The steam turns the turbine. The turbine drives the electric generator. Power lines
deliver electricity. Wells are drilled.
C. Wells are drilled. The turbine drives the electric generator. Wells are drilled. The
steam turns the turbine.
D. Wells are drilled. The steam turns the turbine. The turbine drives the electric
generator. Power lines deliver electricity
____ 7. In the recent past, humans have been looking for and trying out alternative sources
of renewable energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. How can the energy from
volcanoes be tapped for human use?
A. The lava can be used for cooking.
B. The energy from the magma can be used to heat water.
C. Geothermal energy can be tapped to produce steam used for heating showers.
D. Geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity
____ 8. Heat from the earth is obtained by all EXCEPT.
A. Drilling wells to bring hot water to the surface
B. Gathering Lava from volcanoes to boil water
C. Steam from high pressure underground turns turbine
D. Pump hot spring water into homes and businesses
____ 9. Which is NOT a type of geothermal power plant?
A. Flash steam power plant C. Geo moderator power plant
B. Binary Power Plant D. Dry steam power plant
____ 10. What country is the second largest user of geothermal electricity in the world?
A. Indonesia B. Mexico C. Philippines D. China
For Questions 11-15, Identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
_____ 11. Magmas of gentle volcanoes have a higher silica content and a higher viscosity
than magmas of violent volcanoes.
_____ 12. A very viscous magma tends to be less explosive.
_____ 13. Violent volcanoes are low in silica; gentle ones are high in silica.
_____ 14. Geothermal power plants can only run a few hours a day.
_____ 15. Enhanced geothermal system can cause small earthquakes.

Alternatively, please answer these questions above online!

Use the link on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop:
Write your score on the given circle. 17
Let’s Extend

Net Exploration

Visit this site and select 1 type of geothermal power plant that you want to focus and

Create a diagrammatic representation of geothermal energy flow in a geothermal power

plant you have selected. Put your drawing in the box below.

Printed Materials:
Science Learner’s Material 9, Department of Education

Electronic Sources:

Development Team of the Module

Content Evaluators: MARY CRIS A. CAGUING

Illustrator: VICTOR G. TALEON, TI
Layout Artist: VICTOR G. TALEON, TI
DR. REA MILANA-CRUZ – (School Principal IV-WBNHS)

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

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