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Review: Opinion / Argumentative

- Introduction: 3 sentences
+ Background (paraphrase)
+ Thesis (answer – go direct to the instruction words)
+ Outline

- Body:
+ Agree / Disagree
2 paragraphs (same structure)
Topic sentence, supporting sentence + example (real)
+ Balanced opinion

 Agree:
Reason 1: supporting 1, example 1
Reason 2: (supporting 2), example 2

 Disagree:
Reason 1: supporting 1, example 1 (opposite to reason 1 above)
Reason 2: supporting 2, example 2

- Conclusion:
+ Paraphrase introduction + reclaim the opinion (1 sentence band 9)
+ 2 sentences: 1st paraphrase, 2nd open the new way or link to new topic
Ex: “Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages
together. To what extent to you agree or disagree?”
 Key word: music
 Micro key word: cultures and ages
 Instruction word: agree or disagree
- Music: songs, tunes
- Cultures and ages: GOOD WAY to connect generations, tradition
- Different: not the same, range of, various
- Ideas:
Bring emotion to listeners
-> People can sympathize the emotion gotten through a song despite of the language
*Key information at the beginning of the sentence
*Focus on Noun
 Boundaries of speaking different languages cannot stop people from sympathizing the
emotion of a song.
 Concert is a common way to bring people from over the world stay together for a
common purpose.
A child or a Chinese girl can sing along to a foreign song.
Concert Coachella annually attract million music lovers from…
- Require a knowledge about cultures and languages…
- Picture / image is believed to be a better way to transfer a message to people from
different cultures

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