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Mountains are known for many things. They convey mysteries and hidden histories forever
kept in these towering mountains. These majestic landscapes have captivated our
imaginations for centuries, and their secrets continue to astound us. From enigmatic portals
leading to unknown realms to concealed chambers accessible only to a select few, the
mountains hold a wealth of enigmas waiting to be unraveled. Join us, on a journey as we
explore twenty mysterious things people found in the mountains..

Number 20: The Kapilikaya Tomb..

Introducing the Mysterious Kapilikaya Tomb! This ancient wonder from the Second Century
BC, during the Hellenistic period, has puzzled people worldwide. Located in Turkey, this
enigmatic tomb has sparked debates among experts about its origins. Some believe it to be
Roman, while others remain uncertain. The rock door, resembling a colossal entrance, is
merely a facade. Behind it lies a small Crypt, giving off an eerie atmosphere that can
accommodate only a single body.

To reach the Crypt, one must squeeze through a narrow, one-meter-high square hole in the
Rock door. It's like a scene out of an adventurous movie! Adding to the intrigue, the
inscription "i-k-e-z-i-o-s" adorns the top of the entrance. Its meaning remains unknown,
although some speculate it could be the name of a Greek Commander.

What makes this tomb even more captivating is that it welcomes all curious travelers. There
are no barriers or guards obstructing those who wish to explore its mysteries. So, are you up
for an extraordinary visit to the Kapilikaya tomb? Be prepared and let your imagination run
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [00:39]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [0.29]

Number 19: Mont Blanc's Hidden Jewels..

Get ready to hike up Western Europe's tallest mountain, Mont Blanc. This majestic peak
straddles the border of France and Italy, offering breathtaking views. While Mont Blanc has
experienced its share of tragedies, including two Air India flight crashes in nineteen fifty and
nineteen sixty-six resulting in the loss of all one hundred and seventeen passengers and
crew, it also holds remarkable surprises.

In twenty thirteen, a French mountain climber stumbled upon a treasure that would forever
change their life. Imagine finding a box worth around three hundred and forty thousand
dollars filled with precious stones! These gems were believed to have been on the ill-fated
nineteen sixty six Air India flight. Adhering to French law, the climber dutifully handed over
the jewels to the authorities. As a twist of fate, since the rightful owners couldn't be found,
the climber was rewarded with half of the precious gems.

But here's where the story takes an intriguing turn. As global warming continues, Mont
Blanc's Boston Glacier has been receding, revealing more remnants of the nineteen sixty six
crash. Among the discoveries are human remains, passenger luggage, and even a bag
carrying diplomatic mail from India. It's like stumbling upon a treasure trove of history!

Regarding the gems, they have been divided into two equal lots, now valued at
approximately one hundred and fifty thousand euros. One lot is in the safekeeping of the
Chamonix government in France, while the other half rightfully belongs to the climber who
made the astonishing find. Let's applaud Chamonix Mayor Eric Fournier for commending the
climber's integrity and for ensuring the gems were handled appropriately.

So, if you ever find yourself ascending to Mont Blanc, keep your eyes open for hidden
treasures amidst the grandeur of the mountain. Who knows what other secrets might be
waiting to be uncovered?.
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [2:30]
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [4:50]

Number 18: The Valley of the Headless Men..

Let’s delve into a chilling tale of loss in the mountains. Imagine a place of unparalleled
beauty, Nahanni National Park in Canada. However, the focus of this story isn't about what
was found in these mountains but rather what was tragically lost—quite literally, heads were

Let's rewind to nineteen oh five when the McLeod Brothers embarked on an adventure in
Nahanni. Their aim? Not to admire pretty trees but to seek gold. News of gold discoveries in
the region had attracted prospectors from far and wide. Among them were Frank and Willie
MacLeod, some of the very first to venture into the wilds of Nahanni.

Now, let's talk about the Naha tribe, said to have inhabited the region long before these
events. Although little is known about them, the oral tradition of another tribe called the
Denne people sheds some light. According to them, the Naha were an ancient and ruthless
tribe that once resided in the area. These warriors would descend from the mountains and
terrorize the Denne villages. Mysteriously, the Naha suddenly vanished, never to be heard
from again. Yet, legends and myths about the Nahanni Valley persist, featuring tales of man-
eating giants and vengeful spirits.

Back to the McLeod Brothers. In nineteen oh five, they vanished without a trace. Three years
later, their brother Charlie organized a search party, and to their horror, they discovered the
headless bodies of Frank and Willie on the riverbank. A grim and haunting warning for any
new intruders who dare to enter the valley..
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [11:52]

Number 17: Demons of Mountain Nyangani..

Forget about Robin Hood and pirates; this story is far more macabre. Meet Mount Nyangani
in Zimbabwe, also known as the "Swallowing Mountain." Its nickname alone hints at
something strange happening here.

The mountain has gained its reputation because numerous people have gone missing while
attempting to climb it. However, what adds to the intrigue are the local legends and beliefs
surrounding this sacred mountain. According to the locals, Mount Nyangani is not only
inhabited by the spirits of their ancestors but also haunted by malevolent demons. Some of
these spirits are mischievous pranksters who allegedly push climbers off ledges.

Of course, skeptics argue that the mountain's notorious reputation may stem from its
unpredictable weather. A clear, sunny day can swiftly transform into thick fog and rain within
hours. However, this doesn't explain the complete absence of any trace of the missing
individuals. What happened to their clothes and equipment?
Interestingly, many hikers have reported experiencing strange symptoms such as nausea,
hearing peculiar noises, disorientation, and even headaches. The locals have compiled a list
of precautions to take when venturing onto the mountain. For instance, they believe one
should refrain from urinating in sacred places or using profanity. If animals start behaving
oddly, it's advised to pay no attention to them. Moreover, if one encounters a colorful snake,
a fireless pot, or a gold brick, it's best to ignore them as well, as they are believed to be
deceptive tricks played by the spirits..
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [17:16]

Number 16: Hidden Chamber of Mount Rushmore..

Well, not everything is as it seems. Mount Rushmore. We all know that the monumental
stone sculpture of four U.S. presidents is an iconic landmark, but did you know it conceals a
mysterious chamber? That's right! Hidden behind the head of Abraham Lincoln lies a secret
room with a fascinating purpose that remains relatively unknown.

During the construction of the sculpture from nineteen twenty-seven to nineteen forty-one,
the visionary sculptor Gutzon Borglum had grand plans. Initially, he intended to carve a
colossal stone image portraying the entirety of American history. However, the complexity of
his design forced him to abandon that ambitious idea. Instead, he shifted focus to the Hall of
Records, a hidden chamber intended to tell the complete story of the United States.

Approved by the government, Gutzon's proposal aimed to create a chamber housing

essential documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of
Rights. However, the Hall of Records remained incomplete until the late nineteen nineties
when the project was revived. Panels illustrating key moments in American history and a
biography of Gutzon Borglum were added to the chamber. Finally, everything was securely
locked within a titanium vault.

This hidden chamber aims to provide future societies, potentially thousands of years from
now, with a profound glimpse into American history. While it's a captivating concept, tourists
hoping to visit the secret room will be disappointed. Accessing the chamber on foot is highly
challenging and not feasible. So, it's best to admire and appreciate the famous faces that
grace Mount Rushmore—the ones we know..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [8:35]

Number 15: The City of Petra..

For centuries, the ancient city of Petra has captivated explorers with its mesmerizing allure.
Tucked away in the Jordanian desert, this hidden gem showcases the extraordinary
brilliance of human ingenuity. Over two thousand years ago, the Nabateans, an ancient Arab
people, meticulously carved this stunning city into the sandstone cliffs, creating a true

Petra boasts an array of awe-inspiring monuments, including majestic tombs, splendid

temples, and a grand theater. Among them, the Treasury steals the show—an astounding
forty-meter-high facade intricately carved into the rock face that will leave you utterly
spellbound. Yet, Petra isn't merely a work of art; it showcases the practical genius of the
Nabateans. They ingeniously designed the city to be self-sufficient, boasting its own water
supply and irrigation system.

Although Petra was abandoned in the fourth century A.D., its majesty was rediscovered in
eighteen twelve by the intrepid Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Since then, it has
become an iconic destination, attracting travelers from across the globe who yearn to
witness and marvel at this magnificent ancient city..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [13:35]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [17:47]

Number 14: A Time-Traveling Portal..

Let's take a journey back to nineteen eighty-seven in Germany, where a perplexing incident
unfolded on the enigmatic Huntersburg mountain. Three individuals embarked on a hiking
trip in southern Germany, seeking a cave that held their curiosity. Little did they know, the
mountain had its own plans for them.

As days turned into weeks, both the police and local climbers searched tirelessly, yet there
was no trace of the hikers. The only remnants left behind were their abandoned car parked
at the mountain's base. It seemed as though they had vanished into thin air. But hold on, the
plot thickens.

Three months later, a bewildering twist occurred. The missing hikers contacted their families
from a ship sailing in the Red Sea. Astonishingly, they had no recollection of how they ended
up aboard the ship or even that they had been absent for three months. It was a baffling turn
of events.

Now, Huntersburg holds a reputation as the heart chakra of Europe, even catching the
attention of none other than Hitler himself. He had a vacation to get a clear view of the
mountain. But the mysteries surrounding Huntersburg predate even Hitler. Throughout
history, countless individuals have gone missing on this mountain, never to return. It raises
the question: Could the Nazis have stumbled upon a time-traveling portal within
Huntersburg? What truly happened to the three hikers who vanished? Did they genuinely
disappear or embark on an unexpected vacation? No one is sure..
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [9:01]

Number 13: A Troll Hole..

Nestled within the magnificent Troughton Mountain in Norway lies a massive circular hole
resembling a colossal donut. This geological wonder, located in the North Lynn County
municipality, is renowned for its cathedral-sized tunnel that pierces through the heart of the

But that's not all; an enchanting Nordic legend accompanies this extraordinary spectacle.
According to folklore, a colossal troll named Hestmenon once pursued a beautiful maiden
named Akamoya. Realizing his pursuit was futile, the troll king of Somna valiantly interceded
by throwing his hat in the path of an arrow aimed at Akamoya. Miraculously, the hat
transformed into Troughton Mountain, forever adorned with a hole in its center. A tale of
heroism and love, indeed.

However, science offers an alternative explanation for this intriguing tunnel. It is believed that
during the Scandinavian Ice Age, a period characterized by immense ice flows, the tunnel
took shape over time, stretching five hundred and twenty feet in length, sixty-six feet in
width, and reaching a towering height of one hundred and fifteen feet.

While scientific evidence leans toward the Ice Age theory, there's something captivating
about the legend of the troll and his protective act. After all, who wouldn't be enthralled by a
tale of giants and bravery? So, whether you choose to embrace the myth or marvel at the
forces of nature, the Troll Hole remains a captivating destination that leaves visitors in awe..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [27:45]

Number 12: Culver Hole..

Hidden within the rugged landscapes of the Gower Peninsula, Culver Hole and Port Eynon
harbor a fascinating secret. These caves, reserved for the boldest and most adventurous
explorers, have a notorious past intertwined with pirates and smugglers. Brave souls dared
to venture into these treacherous caverns.

Legend speaks of the infamous John Lucas, a dashing yet ruthless pirate and smuggler who
operated from Culver Hole in the eighteenth century. If the tales hold true, this cavern served
as a hub for his unlawful endeavors. It is said that an intricate network of tunnels extended
from the salt house where Lucas and his crew orchestrated their operations, allowing stolen
goods to be discreetly transported away from prying eyes.

Historian and Gower folklore expert Helen Nicholas describes Gower's coves as ideal hiding
spots for contraband, providing a haven for criminals and a storage place for their ill-gotten
gains. Surprisingly, the local community was not immune to the allure of the clandestine
activities, with even the vicar rumored to have been involved. There are tales of contraband
being hidden within the church itself, adding another layer of intrigue to the legends.

However, there is more to Culver Hole than its notorious reputation. Due to its castle-like
appearance, some researchers believe it may have been part of a cliff-top fortress in ancient
times. They eagerly delve into its depths, hoping to uncover remnants of prehistoric
creatures and evidence of human habitation, adding a touch of mystery to the ongoing
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [18:54]
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [15:58]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [26:27]

Number 11: Magical Lake in Slovakia..

Prepare to be captivated by the allure of a hidden gem within Slovakia's magnificent High
Tatra Mountains. Before we delve into its extraordinary nature, let's pause and bask in the
sheer beauty of this mountain range. The High Tatras offer a visual feast, boasting majestic
peaks, unspoiled wilderness, dense forests, lush valleys, and crystal-clear mountain
streams. You might even encounter foxes strolling leisurely.

Now unto the most remarkable aspects of these mountains: the enchanting lakes. Among
them, there is a lake unlike any other in the world. Situated within the High Tatras, it holds
the distinction of being both the largest and deepest glacial lake in the region. Plunging to a
staggering depth of fifty-three meters, it remains frozen for approximately two hundred and
seventy days each year. This fact alone is mind-boggling. Yet, what truly astounds is the
lake's incredible clarity, allowing visibility of nearly twelve meters into its depths.

To witness this phenomenon firsthand is a simultaneously fascinating and awe-inspiring

experience. This natural wonder remained a well-kept secret until a video emerged,
showcasing its extraordinary properties. The footage appeared so surreal that skeptics
questioned its authenticity. Do you believe it to be a clever forgery, or does this video indeed
offer a glimpse into the lake's mystique? Share your thoughts in the comments below..
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [14:36]
Number 10: 150,000-Year-Old Pipeline..
Here is an ancient alien-style mystery. In two thousand and two, researchers stumbled upon
a mind-boggling discovery in China. They uncovered what appeared to be a series of well-
arranged metal pipes deeply embedded in the rocks near Mount Baigong. These peculiar
pipe-like structures formed a pyramid-like protrusion, surrounded by a collection of organized
pipes. But here's the twist: these pipes stretched towards a nearby saline lake called Tuosu,
spanning a distance of approximately three hundred feet.

Now, the extraordinary part. They are estimated to be a staggering one hundred and fifty
thousand years old. Astonishingly, chemical analysis reveals a mineral composition similar
to smelted metal. Yet, the technology to create such pipes was far from being invented
during that era. This revelation sparks two intriguing theories. Could there have been a
prehistoric civilization possessing advanced technological capabilities beyond our
imagination? Or, perhaps, extraterrestrial beings were involved, utilizing this site as a
launchpad or research base.

Of course, skeptics offer an alternative explanation. They draw attention to similar pipe
formations found in the southwestern United States, known as the Navajo pipes. According
to them, these formations are merely natural occurrences. To unravel the truth, further
studies are essential. However, it is worth noting that the Chinese authorities have prohibited
additional research, giving rise to speculation. Some believe it's a conspiracy, while others
suggest the Chinese government aims to exploit the site for tourism purposes.
So, are these pipes purely natural formations, or do they hold a deeper, more profound
meaning? What do you think?.
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [20:06]

Number 9: Aramu Muru: The Gate of the Gods..

In Peru is the captivating enigma known as Aramu Muru, the Gate of the Gods. This ancient
stone carving has become a magnet for paranormal enthusiasts worldwide, beckoning them
to explore its secrets. Standing an impressive twenty-three feet tall and featuring a striking T-
shaped niche measuring six feet and six inches in height, it's no wonder that people are
captivated by its eerie presence.

Legend tells a tale straight out of a video game, reminiscent of "The Legend of Zelda." It is
said that the Incan priest Aramu Muru possessed a golden disc, known as the Key of the
Gods of the Seven Rays. This disc enabled him to unlock the door, revealing a tunnel
bathed in a mysterious blue light. Aramu Muru, along with a group of fellow priests, vanished
into the tunnel as the door sealed shut behind them, eluding the Spanish invaders.

Tourists visiting the site often report encountering peculiar phenomena. Whistling, laughter,
and strange music have been heard, adding to the mystique. Some even claim to have
witnessed stairs or columns of fire within the intricately carved channels flanking the
doorway. However, the brave and adventurous souls among us embrace Aramu Muru as a
popular destination for paranormal pilgrimages. Who knows? You might just sense the
energy emanating from this remarkable place..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [17:32]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [7:18]

Number 8: Apennine Colossus..

Let's take a quick trip to Italy and explore the magnificent Apennine Mountains, where a
hidden wonder awaits. You'll discover a massive pond at the mountain's base, with a striking
sculpture perched above it. The sculpture portrays a crouching man reaching out to touch
the Earth with his right hand. This stone giant, known as the Apennine Colossus, stands an
impressive 36 feet tall, sporting curly hair and a majestic beard. It's like one of those colossal
statues straight out of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings." The sculpture exudes such presence
and realism that you half-expect it to come alive and cause havoc.

This remarkable work of art was crafted in the late fifteen eighties by an Italian sculptor
named Gambolona. Originally, the idea was to create a representation of the mountains,
with the tower symbolizing the peaks behind the giant's back. However, there's more to this
sculpture than meets the eye. Have you noticed the small cave at the base? That's right, it's
an entrance! Step inside, and you'll discover a network of caves and tunnels spanning three

Among the various features, one level hosts a captivating hexagonal fountain dedicated to
the Greek goddess Tethys. However, the most intriguing surprise lies within the giant's head.
Hidden inside is a fireplace with a dual purpose. When lit, smoke billows from the giant's
nostrils, while his eyes illuminate with flickering flames..
Camera Captures High in the Mountains What No One Was Supposed to See [7:37]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [19:35]

Number 7: Passage to Other Realm..

The Goshute Cave, an underground labyrinth formed by nature's hand in the eastern flanks
of the Cherry Creek Range, is nestled within the Goshute Canyon Wilderness Area in
Nevada's Eli District, managed by the BLM. This cave system, carved into limestone, boasts
a fascinating array of formations, including stalactites, stalagmites, and shields. But be
warned, this is no spacious cavern! The passages are narrow, cramped, and enveloped in
darkness. So, if you dare to explore Goshute Cave beyond just a room or two, be prepared
to embrace the dusty air and catch your breath. Remember to equip yourself with a helmet,
flashlight, mask, gloves, and, of course, ample water.

Now, let's uncover the story—or perhaps the legend—associated with this cave. It is
whispered that Goshute Cave was once inhabited by a mysterious race of people who would
seize and ensnare any trespassers. There's a tale of two maidens who ventured into the
cave, only to vanish for years, until one day, they resurfaced, sharing a remarkable account
of their life within Goshute. They described a realm adorned with lush fields, bountiful food,
and a vibrant tapestry of plants and animals. Even today, many local natives hold wary
respect for the cave, avoiding its depths entirely. Can we blame them? Not at all..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [21:00]

Number 6: Daveli's Cave..

Now unto Greek history visiting the captivating Daveli's Cave. While some may be spooked
by superstitions, this historic site is a must-see for adventurous travelers. Nestled in Pantelli
Mountain, renowned as the marble source for the majestic Parthenon, lies the enigmatic
Daveli's Cave.

Legend whispers of its past as a refuge for a notorious band of nineteenth-century bandits,
led by the infamous Davelas himself. Some even speak of a labyrinthine network of tunnels
beneath the cave, rumored to connect to the mansion of his French duchess lover. Though
this particular tale may be more fiction than truth, the cave still holds many surprises.

As you venture inside, prepare to be awed by a rare sight—a double Byzantine church
intricately built into the rocky walls, paying homage to Saint Spiridon and Saint Nicholas. But
that's not all. Delve deeper, and you'll discover traces of Christian hermits from the twelfth
century linked to the Gnostics. Further exploration reveals remnants of ancient worship to
the god Pan, with intriguing artifacts depicting the mischievous deity and his nymphs.

However, be prepared for the mysteries that shroud this cave. Visitors have reported strange
phenomena, such as malfunctioning electronics, water flowing against gravity, and even
sightings of bipedal, feline-like creatures. And if that isn't enough to pique your curiosity, the
left wall of the cave showcases etchings left by past travelers from the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries..

This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [16:03]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [25:02]

Now, for our subscriber’s pick today..

We have an image captured by an exploring drone. Feast your eyes on what appears to be
an enigmatic rock carving perched on the side of a majestic mountain. Is it an ancient
depiction of a deity or a profound symbol of a forgotten civilization? The possibilities are
endless! We've scoured the depths of the internet, but this particular find remains a
tantalizing mystery. That's where you come in, fellow explorers! Share your theories and
insights about this mountain masterpiece in the comments below. Let's unravel the secrets
together and bring this awe-inspiring find into the light!.

Number 5: Waitomo Glowworm Caves..

The Waitomo Glowworm Caves in New Zealand. These caves are famous for one
remarkable feature: glow worms. These bioluminescent creatures emit a soft glow caused by
a chemical reaction between their secretions and the oxygen in the air. Nestled on the North
Island, these caves have attracted curious tourists since the late nineteenth century.

Not only will you encounter the mesmerizing glow worms, but the caves themselves are
adorned with intricate limestone formations. The name "Waitomo" originates from the Maori
words "wai" meaning water and "tomo" meaning shaft, perfectly describing the cave's
characteristics. Local inhabitants had known about these caves for generations, and in
eighteen eighty-seven and eighteen eighty-eight, English surveyors, guided by a local,
embarked on extensive explorations. They were captivated by the stunning limestone
deposits as they ventured deeper into the catacombs.

Word quickly spread about this extraordinary underground realm, and by eighteen ninety,
approximately five hundred tours had already flocked to witness the wonders within.
Presently, the Waitomo Glowworm Caves are protected and overseen by a scientific
advisory group, ensuring their preservation for future generations. Guided tours are
available, offering visitors the opportunity to explore the three distinct levels of these caves...
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [23:36]

Number 4: Maijishan Grottoes..

Nestled in the Maiji district of Tianchu City, Gansu Province, Northwest China, you'll discover
the Maijishan Grottoes, also known as Maiji Mountain Grottos or Magician Caves. These
grottoes serve as a grand sculpture museum, boasting a rich history and artistic wonders.

Originally constructed between three hundred and eighty-four and four hundred and
seventeen A.D., the grottoes have undergone expansions over time. Today, they comprise
two hundred and twenty-one caves adorned with an astounding ten thousand six hundred
and thirty-two clay sculptures and over one thousand three hundred square meters of
captivating murals. Often hailed as the Oriental Sculpture Art Exhibition Hall, Maijishan
Grottoes offer a remarkable showcase of ancient sculptural craftsmanship.

Rising four hundred and ninety feet tall, the Maiji Mountain derives its name from its
distinctive shape resembling a stack of wheat sheaves, as "Maiji" translates to "piled
sheaves of wheat" in Chinese. These exquisite stone and clay carvings have been
remarkably preserved throughout the ages, akin to the revered Parthenon temple in ancient

Perched on the cliff face of the mountain, reaching the grottoes requires a bit of effort.
However, the reward is beyond measure. Once you ascend to this extraordinary site, you'll
be greeted by a sight that makes the climb entirely worthwhile..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [5:34]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [14:56]

Number 3: Perplexing Pillar..

Hidden amidst the serene Georgian mountains lies a natural marvel that is perplexing.
Legend has it that this intriguing tale began with a monk's daring quest to escape the
temptations of the world, opting for the ultimate social distancing atop a towering limestone

Today, perched atop this one hundred and thirty foot pillar, you'll discover a cluster of
modest religious structures, including an Orthodox church, burial chamber, wine cellar, and
three hermit cells. However, reaching this mystical site is no easy feat. It requires a twenty-
minute hike from the nearest village and a nerve-wracking climb up a metal ladder securely
fastened to the rock face.

But here's the real marvel: the ingenious winch system employed by the resourceful villagers
below. Using this clever contraption, they effortlessly transport supplies to the peak, sparing
themselves the arduous climb each time.

And let's not forget the crypt, which adds an eerie layer of fascination to this enigmatic place.
Within its confines rest the bones of the monks who once called this pillar their home,
infusing the air with an aura of mystery..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [23:47]
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [27:53]

Number 2: Huayna Picchu - Stairs of Death..

Get ready for an epic hike up Huayna Picchu. But hey, if heights give you the jitters, you
might want to reconsider. This climb is not for the faint of heart. With a daunting ascent of
three hundred and sixty meters and a summit perched at a steep angle above the city, it's a
challenging and downright daring expedition that demands physical strength, unwavering
determination, and a whole lot of grit.
Our journey commences at the sacred rock, Roca Sagrada, where you'll encounter dense
vegetation, a narrow and steep path, and granite stairs with uneven steps. Watch your step
every inch of the way.

And here’s the fascinating history. Legend has it that Huayna Picchu served as a vigilant
monitoring center for the Citadel of Machu Picchu. The Incas, being cautious about potential
attacks from neighboring cultures, constructed this fortress to keep a watchful eye over their
precious land.

It's worth noting that Huayna Picchu is a magnet for adventurers and trekkers worldwide. To
preserve its allure and ensure safety, the number of daily visitors allowed on the mountain is
limited to just four hundred. So, if you want to experience the thrill of a lifetime, you better be
an early bird and secure your spot..
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [7:12]

Number 1: Mountain of Gold..

Congo, a land blessed with abundant natural resources like timber, diamonds, oil, tin, and
minerals. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? But wait, there's a catch. These riches, while
easily accessible, often bring chaos and turmoil to the government and its people. Let me tell
you about a peculiar phenomenon—the mountain made of gold.

In the remote region of Luhihi, located in the South Kivu province of the Democratic Republic
of Congo, something extraordinary unfolded. The locals stumbled upon an entire mountain
teeming with gold. Men, women, and even children flocked to the site, armed with shovels or
just their bare hands, eager to claim their piece of the miraculous treasure. Videos flooded
social media, capturing the fervor of these villagers as they dug into the mountain's depths,
hoping to extract that precious gold.

But as word spread and the gold rush intensified, authorities had to step in. They swiftly
banned mining activities in the area. The influx of diggers put immense pressure on the
small village that lay in the shadow of the golden mountain. The province's mines minister
recognized the need to restore order and protect lives while ensuring the proper regulation of
gold extraction in line with Congolese law.

Imagine the disappointment of the people of Luhihi when this decree was issued. They were
living through something straight out of an adventure tale, a real-life treasure hunt, only to
have it snatched away...
This Drone Made A Chilling Discovery After Spotting This On A Side Of A Mountain [11:38]

Hope this mountain exploration piqued your curiosity. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you
in the next one!

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