Telegrama - May Von Bernstorff

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nae COPRACODES!DOGUMENTOS PRIVADOS UNDO FEDERACAO BRASILETRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO ‘CODIGO DE REFERENCIA:ER ANID CD AOMCOR, A, SALE ‘AUTOR(A): Federaco Brasileira pelo Progresso Feminine aay rhutenone: m0 Sociéré Des NATIONS LEAGUE OF NATIONS. ra gute a No ey De rane re apa 20h/1/9/2 QO.ADM, COR. AVS. 54,00 2p. A dra teal: NTERLAB OENEVE «SUISSE BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DU TRAVAIL INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE Geneve QO.fDM CDRA 936.54 0.2, P-L FEDERAGAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO (AAS0CINGDES FEMMMAST MACIONAES ESTADUAES CONPEDERADAS) Edificio Odeon -"PRAGA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7 - (8.°) 8. 615 — TEL. 22-0581 Rio, 1 de Mato de 1936 PREZADA COMPANHBIRA , 0 Departamento de Avie Beonentca © Social da ngaua Vedexpcio eat coimhnde em tode 0 Erasily material sobre aa contisten do ted he Feminine, Pretendenos com love fazer um estudo o ul complete po sivel e apresonta-lo come contribuiao ae Betatute Bconenice to. BSEAT TUTO Da MULHER que esta sendeeleborado pele Bureau Internacional do Trabalho da Sookeduie dae Nagses, Gonte que nos quxilie ne que oe re fore ne @u Batado c aguardasos Confientea’a dasuutntazse. Pere ne= iher esclarecinente e fucilidade de trabuine, transcrevesos stuixe 0 suparie refergnte so Zstatute conenice enviade yete Bureau Internacio fal do trabetho} 1+ Servigog Fublices . 22 Prefituooes 3.2 as artes, :3 Omercie dericultura Strvige Donestice [ie Rauetiaa fs Previdenctas gectace Seria interessante consgguiy datos eatatisticos © as condigdes de fate do trabaino Teninino, nao 86 ofieiaea cong particuleres, neste caso sa Mentando-se 9 Gervigo Domgstico, yrefisado crandenente’ exercita poles miieres e até agora praticanent® sem nenhuna regulanentagae, Teno u cexteza de que receberenca material mereceder de catude © da Consideragae nao BS do Kinisterig dp Trabalho como do ;roprie fusede GQcunices gienentes de qie disponos ¢ mag com referencia d cada un dos fo- tades sno as Tespoctivge Constituigees, mus elias exyrien aptass una situagdo de direito e nag ade fucte eatabelecida ¢ entravaie pelo har bitg, cuJo conhecinento € 0 melhor ‘taninhe yara a pratica de reguianen tagoee ede yraxea capazea de realisarem © reajustanento necescarie. Antecipadamente agradecemos a colaborayao que nos troxer ¢ aproveitemos a oportunidade para apresentar-lhe os melhores+ votes de felicidades, a Widie Weurs Diretera do Departamento de agio Beonomica e Social. COR: L136. 54 5, p. ae ofeget wath fbb TEXTO DETERIORADO ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding Q- ADH, COR. AIZ6.5Y, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3.A, May 13th.» 1936. Federation of vYomen's Clubs, New York City, Ue3eAe Meadames: There are a number of students in Brasil wio speak Snglish and are anxious to continue their studies in the United 3tates but are unable to do so through lack of funds, Could you give us some advice on how to obtain ¥ellow-ships? Thanking you for any help you my be able to give us, sincerely yours, Finch, Secy., Snglish Corres., of weicn Relations Comittee, GG-ADHCoR. AIS.54, 022, PG ‘Bragil, May 13th, 1936. University /omen's Club, iashington, D.C. UsSehe Mesdanest= ‘There are a number of students in Brazil who speak Bnglish and are anxious to continue their studies in the ond tea States but are unable to do so through }ack of funds, Could you give us some advice on how to obtain Yellow-ships? ‘Thanking you for any help ypu my be able to give us, Sincerely yoursy A.B.Finch, Secy., English corre Foreign Relations Comittes QO. ADH COR-ATSE,5U, 29. 4 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5.A, lay 14th, 1936, International society for Crippled children, lyria, Ohio, U.3.A. Vesdames= Miss Lats wishes to thank you for your invitation but will be unable to attend personally, If you would like to have a representative of the Brazilian Federation for the Adv- ancengnt Zof Youen you might write, D. Heloisa Rocha, Anbassade de aréail, 45 Ave, Montaigne, Paris, You also might write the '3,0.3.', Praga Tiradentes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, No doubt you know of the facilities given cripples in some of the American Museums, as for instance the Pennsylvania Art iuseum at Fairmount Park’ in Pailadelphia, Wiahing you all success, Sincerely yourey A.B.Finch, Secy., English Corres., of Soreign Relations Comittee. ‘QO-RDM,CoR £936.54, 0,2, p.8 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 14th, 1936, The Right Honorable lise J.ii2kinson, 1.2. House of Commons, London, ingland. Dear Wiss Wilkinson= The Brazilian Federation for the Advancenent of ‘omen wishes to congratulate you for presenting « vill for Squal Pay before the House. How did it come out? In Brazil the women have full political rights, In our Constitution there are two articles that pre= vent women from being dismissed from Civil service because of ‘arriage and that grant them leave at the tine of Gnild Birth, these articles were put in through efforts of women, Doctor sertha lute was on the coumettee of the anti-project.and put them in first, Afterwards the Brazilian federation for the Advancement of women lobbyed for them at the Constitutional A mbly. Thus they were kept in the Constitution mostly by the efforte of Dr. Bertha Iutz and of Dona Maria Lusia Tittencourt (now graduate student at Radcliff College in the United State: Article 168 (of Brazilian Constitution). Public offices (employments) are accessible to all Brazilians independent of sex and civil status in the conditions established by Law. Article 170, The Legislative Yower shall vote the Statute of Public Employees, within the following rulei 2o, Public employees shall have anmal holi- @aya without loss of pay and pregnant women officials shall be given three months leave with full pay. Hoping you will be successful in your efforts, Sincerely yours, ‘Aertha Luts, President of Brazilian Sederation for the Adv. of ‘jonens BC-AD COR 936.54, n5 2, p38 Flo, om 20 de Kato oe 1936 7 dlustre @ presada correligionarta ¢ wig D. Maria Paraense, A fectuosas saudagces. Pela noasamiga « correzigtonaria f: ainista, Marta Sabina de Adhuquerque, recebi o lindo presente c Szcellente vidro de doce, que te oipa leer iteea de me enviar. 4 cuya tom gipalnente por parte de apune extvan, wena "eearan porque eu posttivanente rmonte ornamertadas que tenho visto at, ' samden nereceu appesvagic geral. Mey, pas, que gosta de chou exceliente 6 ce de coragao pelo seu envio, ¢, 0 muito conhece. @ mut attenta e grata = © QD- ADM COR -A9B6.5A, Ore 2; 1 QO. RDH,COR-ATZL.54, 07.2.5 p-44 ecoived your 1 pis 6 very se ° to try to do very likely 4 be very, Bae a one of the| SL © the 1sddé A oes gn ‘thon cher will bd Soh tho Hritish Unt thitile 18 the lesat resolute ae TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding QO. ADH, COR-1936.54,0-.2, 9.42 Kappa Beta Pi Legal Sorority neh, fh Gorres., of Foreien Zolations Comm. , Bederieno Brasileira Félo Progresso Foninino, Frees Marechal Floriano, 7 - (8.6) Se 815, Bio de Johetre, Brasil, 'S.A, Dear Yadent Your letter of April 29, 1936, addressed to lrs, Ieabol S, Simons, Baitor, appa Beta H, Highlond Park, Tll,, has been referred to ne us Cheire man of the Soard of Directors of apps Bott PL Legel Sorority, for reply. Kappa Beta H Legel Sorority 1s composed of chapters in various law schools in the United Ststes, Toronto, Canada, and Faris, France, In order to form a chapter (or eroup) in ary lew school, the lu achool mst be fone thet meets the requlrenents for membership in tl ciation of American Lew Schools or which appears upon the list of schools approved by the Anorican Ber Association, Wjen it 1c proposed to esteblish a chapter in a foreign lew sehool, cuch school muct meet requirenente substenticlly equivalent to those set forth for inericen low achools, In organizing @ chapter, the ninimn nun der of members ie five, two of whom mst be students in the particular Lev jchool while the other three may be graduates of that sciool, There is a fixed procedure to be followed in the ters, such as a peti- tion cimed by those vno desire to form the chapter, with supporting data sbout the {ndividual petitioners, etes, all of which is required to be submitted to the Board of Directors for’ consideration and approv f@ have no literature for distribution other than the Quarterly, which is our official publication, I can t wo are the oliest Legal vorority in the world the fi 1} and the only one ‘on the Continent of Turope. he only two women Federal Judges in the United States ~ Hon, Florence Allen and lion, Genevieve Cline ~ are honorary menbers, as well aa other wouen of prominence ani distinction in the legal profession nd in other fielde of activity. Dr. Bertha Imtz 1s en Ssscciate Menber of Omicron Chapter at National University, here in \ashinston and I em informed Dona laria iuisa Bittencourt hes recently deen elected an honorary menber of Te Chapter at Zoston University. I om sending Liss Bittencourt a cory of this letter for er information, Ig there are ayy further questions you might to ask I shall ve ‘led to hour fron yous Vong teh ey Chaiften, Hound of Directors, Qo.Aim, cn. 893 4, c9.2,>13 GRAND OFFICERS Hoviray Grand Deen Ace Cee Eocearox ‘Grond Dose Auooite Grad Dose Evasontnn Huasen Faer Braratcn Monconene Nit 009 W, Monee Street, 109 §, Spring Stree Chica Tincis Los Angles, Califor Grand Registrar Grud Chanelor Grand Merb Grand Hotoriad Macnive H: Conseten 660 Lace Steet Die, Vernon New Yk Mukono, Wisconsin Cuitaios of Rial Quarterly Editor 409 Southern Building tuaners, 286 Rope Wil Highlnd Pass ines BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3165 Segck: Avene New York City, N.Y. 2408 N. W, 1th Street Otldhors City, Okabe Euanerc F Reso, Charen saot Chery Se Si8 Rene Set NE Kans Ce Mi ‘Watingtn, D.C Taro,D. Caunaeay Cece M, Dace 9974 Wilders Avene Detroit, Michi * Tetkeley, Caters Paris XVM, Fs QM.AOn COR. ASS yh), p. Ady Rio de Janeirs, June the 6th 1936 The Right Hon. Waptain anthony Bien ‘© Secretary for Yoreign ght Kon, follow Furoyean and International Affaire with great intere your contribution to progress with evually great interest. Yow, it been br,ught to our notice that the League of liatd ons is shinking iopensing with some of the assistant commaioners doe 1 interest to women, Consequently, we take the liberty i, who ure a representative of @ great pover whose im t the service of justice, requesting that as fr-siden ne League, you will do all in your L to have orking in connection with League for betterment of social and Conditions, especially those relating to woaen,to be decreased. of tute opportubity we also vez ewe to congratulate you ss Foreign Secretary for the excellent inauguration of the nerica of lectur tue Anglo Brazilain Cultural Society, to whieh We belong, that was British Magesty's Winister to Uruguay, or Mtlington Drake, on his way to Bugland.t was a very charming Lecture a and eded by'a co ‘oduetion in portuguese, waich was appre ciated au a very deli to Brazil, ur hopes in your interest and protection of womens righte in t Nations, 1so send you our very best w wishes for auccess in the ve matters that wil up. If vouen had greater chenose of 2 in world affai 1 Confident that they would r ns osity and ma and prove helpful, QO.ADM,COR.L936. 54, 2 5 pe 45 Rio, June the 6th 1936 Iady Rhondda ani the Taitor of Time and Lady Ruondda and Bdithr of ime and Tides There ig quite a number of us who aiwaye read Time and Tid with much i t and indy Ruondda's articles especially eo. We have read " Roteon the May" about the letter written by a prominent writer asking wh women did nore for reac “e thought the answer snd explanation given, very ade= quate ind p really a0. Th re very few wonen in key powktd or even ely rtant povitions in this man nade wordy a It i dosw not, gome prominent wonen on Peace? They mig cles, or Sepuretly, like tuose very wonder edited by Ladu Rhondda herself. estion will meet with your approval, and that x @ would venture to sugsest’a fev amen: tye new subsecre’ rance for inetance. senator Franteiska Pla minkova in Theeoslovaqud: # Carrie Chapman Catt, the last surviving of the great leaders of tie wonans movment in America’and the orgeniuar of the tnternational movment. Gabi ral, the woman poet of Chile, our Lea der of all neasures of just paviij Bertha Lutz, who began t the womans wovwent here and brought ny ,who was & member of the gobernmanet committee that dr the ante project of tue new constitution of Brazil and therein secured many meausres. Victoria Gucovsky of orgentin who was thrown out of the socialist party for telling « mass meeting of fat ciutie on xnas day that militariom uns fighting were unchrietian things, @ Alicia Moreau of the same city that £ unded and maintained the House of the People and is 4 great leader od working folk.There are many others, Hoping you will receive this augseation in the construe tive spirit in which it is offered, I remain very sincerely yours "QW. ADK,COR. 1136.54, 022, p.2e Rio, Le 6 Juin Gere Usiienoinelie Gourd, git Meret vien de vorse lettres Madame Weiotaa ‘ocus fut monte par le gouvernment comne delegute Great a dire, conme con focus fut nome ken g eapere que cela vous. fait plaisir. Je lui sesivis petlier’ fie ic vous Yieiter #¢ de vous conuulter en cas de doyte. lle travaille dane 1 A,baseade du Yresil, en plus ¢' est une ponne feministe. quand, Je vouy yf norst your coneeslieg de 2a scrire auossi, ¢ etair por queries’ ingefeuse et travaille aused pgur Sorte auc t eS coffomchant # Mate Bittencourt dont je vous aués donne SOE ee aati ce n etait pas comie meubre du gouvernnent, mate coune qeabye de cebte Mercere notre Bureau, mare elie eat aussi yeabye of Guns cen egnjitions elie a plus de force pour obtneir des eau depute t§ S'dee socigués ouvriseree dans son electorat. D ailleurs cela n a as 4 importance. J ai 0 obtenu 1 anvoi Ge Madume Rocha. sjuant ce sera une conference, Je dit une Peuninion du Bel T. qui inceresse syeciaienent aux femes, 11 fyudra we Frevenir d avance et nous fernos notre possible pour aviir dew femmes de trois delegations. Je vpus prie d excuser le mangue 4 accents, le machines qu on 4 4gi sont faites pour une iungue ou on ne met geure dt a cents. .—— —x TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding Qq.AdM,coR. 1936-54522 , Pr S® Rio, June the 7 th 1936 “Dear-irs Bonne; Hany thavks for your very kind letter. It wan very 409 Of you to take so much interest in uy suggestions. 1 an not surprised that wy pomngtit Dot have hed more effect. Paopie do tumble 4ery suerte etter mae Bake for Lean (tone hand. On the other, the fery wtitt fiart Sher tee READ od eget es, CoUNEEY han ta.ght me to have much putionce ace ec! repeat aceam end seein. after all, I alao only had suggestions te cce oot not even spanwhilen Tei reacted by much reault. Never mind, I will try again waters (eanwhile, I will'see wnat can be re in the vay of applying sone of the otner sugsewtions, many of which ween to me nuch better teat facet T mad Of ‘course, to be quite candid, X feel, and fool increas’ Ft atotegeRiniat movment wanta something to give if a'goct shaking up. £ moctan"er if it is that women having conquered a certain merc ree rights, Whats eroueh the exforte of « few only,now feel they can be nctere fed, or whethwe by nature women ar incapble of effort on theie ca” chaif, but only oak fete cert, it behalf of others. I am not eure wether tt igre pres Be poverty ee gonomie orgunication of human ige, or whetine Actos to oxtre Tak are Facet hone ences bat there 1 some Zactcr, ce Tastors te wets cant Gr, cjoring down the rhytlm of conquest fer womonciey sige ge seams r gant tell.Vast changes muy come into the world and nave new victories throw in nae aeeee #t411 canges may comand expove wouen to sich Dit ter cond they will have to fignt. Perhaps nothing will come of it , a ates Vexnape in many years or centuutes humenity w Be who think do are rigut and tuat men are unfit to govern jonen more Bu.ce be wrong. Hever mind, There ure times wnen one is weary of the hex? ave tities wien oe tH discoureg But there are also tines vhen one up and goes on pextorming the tas, even wien it teens to be of no Let ug’ hang on and figit, vert and Have read 4t with care there is 1 Pr only suocking reveiations of po verty of ' ne ind ¢ of the iarge body of women and Itt tle glinps “ wld attriy reatricted imaginatipn, I wonder 4 bringing in yught to be tried, but the indiffe rence of wonen is no y of Ages Some sugcestione wade by Se baotr Flaminkova a mainly on matters of policy and tactics seem good a ’ anerican vouen for their achene of broadeastin, fo,tne bulletin, 1 wonder if 4t would not ve a good in Greet arate tj tubiiseha in some countzy where prinitng te auce cheaper th rouln as piit#in.Or whethwe a1) those auscciations that have mecrietes orga Tardy, en ettting to pool and have one aportunt oje, even if frentes quar terly, and the ot Wheir own. Would they be willing to tell how much they spend on th ‘don, how they finance and say in what way they would 21) 8p * three vounds & wonth to get out four pages and finance it f inements you wee, will send you some 8003, meanii Avout Peace and questions of Work for wonen I have a ve ry ool pence tee eceueity of working out aa outiresy new potter an f 7 {uins taut womens wor is too emotional und not ease, The ere Weriatist in the wenve of nesting condi tions, oese sae auking men ind are fried for their lives, their iiterty api tain possesions to dis te the duets’ tthe 8es.One has to elucidate ani exriton want more. As fo the question of equal conditions for work sad paternity, that also seem sqonetble to solve without a profound underlying Liey. I wish I had mor Tote tthe -Somstttments, Lever burdens and better bei cs’ ah that I might de Len of eee 0, ie problem, Z have some inklings.. seem foreee dont tr bring ometignalisn in our international organisation. f think eo one, ‘to TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAQ DEFEITUOSA | Demeged text Wrong binding QD. ADH,COR. A936,54,Ar.2, ee but starting from the Alliance and our board toward the auxiliain in the different countries with wuich we are connected. We ou:nt to pood all we have really, In one word we are all getting a little stale. rerhps at will pase.Ferhaps sonetinhg will come, ure Catt seeus ths least discouraged though she io the eldest one. Never mind let ue go right on. 1 @o thine the idea of having articles on leading quesfions in tue bulletin waa un excelle suggestion.Or tien w at least to excnange letters between the member policy, when there is a chance for action I will write I would be glad to have you show this Letter to mre Corbett Ashby. to you, 40 your wrote to me and I alwaya like to do so in any cases Tam more thin willing to vollaborate with lirs Corbett Ashby and the #11 ct. I wieh acae kind of comittece for suggesting policies, leading ideas and 80 on could be 6 efnition of principles sar} Qur natuon@l congress meets in August. After that we will ha ve our status of women readyl hope. I have some very defnitie ¥: this. I am anxious to cone to Furope, but it wont be posaitie m ce. This yer seene mpre difficult than next, perhaps, becuase ther off. I do think t h ought to have an underlying an evident statement o ples, not an underlying one, Thia is anougnt dotner for to duy ie 1t not? Many thanks fyr the letter and the report.1 would have been giat to write to fen also about the committees of tue weague, nentioned in tue reportWe must resint the efforts to oust women tat are continuowsThe feminist moves ment is a permanent revolution no doubt , if a women would nee it ap such. sincere]; are not sending anyone to, our eyuade the pero American Institute in. i ; IY gpeisty nee @ ig an angio vrazilain cultural ayessty very disgusted to Goutd you not p wir the feainiet K.P. but not an (staid saat alts TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ICADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding Dear Sir, any thadks for ting, that you were wo kind 4s the ur-Hatgh. We were very plesed il Q@. PDH, COR.ANE.54,W0.22, pat Rio, June the 7 th 1936 2 copy of the picture of the ola lady vo leave with the secretary of the Hubansy, ato get it. I wonder if we might pubd= Tien it in our Bolteim? Will permission be needed? Can it be secured? 2 aleo wish to ciated your lacture. It doe presented to one, now and agein fees ideologies and totalitarian states, lend and Frazil will increase steadily {none ean you not make the need for 1t felt? It is so very, ‘Nd civilisation that the highest standards ae well 4» th Wow you are vital to progress @ lowest be shown, If we can help glad inteed to do wo. Men yju cor Tike to havy an opportunity to of intelligent and progressive 2 small troup. You will not be omen, fron the 2d to tie 9th Wouid the tvero a send an int ith the 2 Or a progr Woping yyu will excuse us for intensify cultural rewations with Bng= efforts and fine lecture, we wish you ser to thank you und so anxious land, ai an enjoyable holiday. 30 appreciative of your tell you once more, how very much we appre ‘one good to have a really civilised country fietead of ceaseless propaganda of worthe ¥@ hope the intercourse between Bi nd a frim friendship be bare upon ie in any way, we shall be very Rio again, we would very much aipa to preasnt you to agroup not mind speaking before luring our convention of the 9th to the 16+ srican Institute in London not care to ating speaker for thie meeting, preferably 2 woman connected pipe He Pe ing as we were so en QQ. ADH,COR.AISE- SH, 2 pa? Rio de Janeiro, 9-VI-936 Son Bxeellence Monsieur Léon Blum Monsieur 1e Premier Ministre, Peymettezenous, au nom de ta "Fédération Brégilienne pour le Progrés des Vemes, de exprimer AV. axe. La trea vive Satisfaction que mous avons éyrouvée en apprenant 1a nomination de trois femmes au sous-secrétaires d'Btat. i Ja "wédration" vous prie d*étre son interpréte au prés gu Cabinet et de la Jiation, pour manifester a joie du rand progrés qui a enfin placé 1g France au méme rang des autres nations, au point de vue de 1'égalité des droite de 1a femme. Ce n'est que justice. Nous voulons esyérer que 1e vote sera accordé bientit ausui et que lee femes frangaiees preniront enfin une part acti= ve au gouvernement de leur pays et s'y distingueront gone elles Savent faire, Le sous-ecerétariat yeut et doit menor £ lea charges plus heutess , ., be Brésil et lo granje République Frangaiag ont toujours cultivg d'etroits Iens dtanitié et nore mouvonent feminin qui a precedé le votre dans lemancipation legale de,la fenme, ete hereux de voir 1a France statfranchir de ses vieux préjugés et donner ent in Sees fennes 1a piace qutelles aéritent. Veuillez nous laisses formuler nos meilleurs voeux pour le gouvernement de votre xeellence dont le prograrme ets de toute evidence un progranme de justice sociale, Agréea aussi, Monsieur le Premier Ministre 1'assurance de notre parfaite consideration. QO. ADM,COR. £936.54 or Qas Rio de Janeiro, 9-Vi-936 Madame Brynschvicg Sous-secfétaire d'ttat d'Tducation Nationale ane, Feynettes-uoi, au non de 1a"Péaération Bysilienne pour le Progrés dos Benen", de voyo exprimer ia trie sige iofaction que noye avono’é,rouvée en apyrenant votre Wont- nation au Sous-secréturdat av stat a eabiae aernanstteg” La Ops tion" vous prie d'étre con interpréte au prée du Ghof au Geuvernenont et de son Guyinet, your banizester e4 Joie du grandlyrogres gui a enfin place 14 frines,au mene ang des cutres nitions, au point de vue de 1'égalité aes asoits de 1a femme. Ge n'est que justices Yous voulons espérer que le vote werd accordé bientdt aucus et que les femmes Zrangaises prendront enfin une part netive au g@uvernement de leur pays gt uty distingueront come’eiies savent le faire, Le sous-secrétariat peut et doit mener \ des charges plus ludtess Veuiliex nous 1sisse& forruler nos meilleurs voeus your le nouveau gouvernement,dont ie programe ets de toute @vidence un programe de justice sociales 4% Brfuii ot 1a grande ASpy>iique Frangaiso ont gou- jours cujtivg d'étroits Liew dramitié et notre mouvement féninin gui a yréosaé Le vatre aans Liemanciyation idgiie de 19 fegne seat Horeum de voir 1a France s'arfranchir de ses vieux préjuste ot donner enfin A ses fennes la place quteiies aéeivente 1, Nouiliez ageeptor nadame, notre souvent bien dietangdé et noo téiseitations eeu & ERI /OU TEXTO DETERIORADO E/O! ENGADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text | Wrong binding QO.ADM,COR.AIE 54 hv. 2 p.29, Rio de Janeiro, 9-v1-936 Madame Iréne Curie Sous-seoréiaire d*¥tat de Recherches Scientiriques. Uadane, Pornettez-not, au non de 1a *Pédération Brésileime pour le Progrés des Fenmes, de yous exprimer la trés vive sa- tisfaction avor é:rouvée en apprenant votre nomination au wous-veerétar cherehes Seientif iques. i La "Rédération " vouo prie d'@tre oon interpréte au prée du Chef du Gouvernement et de son Cabinet, pour rianifeotor fa Joie du grand progrés qui a enfin piseé 1a range au méne zang des autres nations, au point de vue de 1'égalité ses ocoite de lu feume, Ce n'est que justice. Nous voulons espérer que le vote sera accordé bientét aussi et que les fenneu frangaises prendront enfin une part active au gouvernement de leur pays gt sty distingueront comme eiies suvent le faire. Le sous~seorétariat peut et doit mene & des charges pius hautes, Veuillea nous laisser formuler nos meilleurs voeux Pour le nouveau gouvernement dont lz programme eta de toute evidence ua progranme de justice sociales Le BySsi1 et 10 granite République Frangaise ont tpujoure sultivé dveyroits Liens atamitid“et notre mouvenent sininin gat ay le votre dans 1'emancipation légile a 1a fomey cat heroux 4e voir 1a France etaftgancnir de dea het: tind ges feanes 1a plage qu'elles néritent. eulllez agcopter Madame, notre souvenir bien dietingué et nos f61icitations enubs, PRESIDE QO-PDH,COR.AI36 54, 07-2, pad INSTITUTE of INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Tarpon ‘TWO WEST FORTYFIFTH STREET * NEW YORK CITY as ee Match es FINS sp: jt ec con me i Bets eh en te ts Ame Soneticont i Came =a ae June 17, 1936 Miss Ae B. Pinch Federagio Brasileira pelo Progresso Feminixo Praga Marechal Florieno, 7 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Dear Miss Finch: Your Letter of April 30th stated that there are s mumber of English- speaking students in Brazil who are anxious to continue their studies in the United States but do not know where to apply or what it is necessary to do. The Institute is only too glad to let you know what advice should be given to them. Miss Douglass, the Secretary of the Student Bureat, vill write to you about the matter this very week. Je are delighted that the Brazilian Aseociation for the Advencenent of Tonen finds our News Bulletin of such interest and yould like to have a cory sent to each one of the states in Brasil. Hereafter we ehall have trenty-three copies sent to you for distribution, to the twenty-one states, one territory. and Federal District. With all best wishes, I am Sincerely yours QO.ADH,COR.ATS6 54 , WW.2, p. wy FEDERAGAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO (ASSOCHROOES FEMNINAS NACIONAES ESTADUAES CONPEDERADAS) Eaificlo Odeon - PRAGA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7 - (8.0) 8. 815 — TEL. 22-0561 ee to Me Taneiro, 30 Junho de 1956 oN Wa TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding QD. ADH, COR. L736. ott —Ppr TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU | ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA " | Damaged text Wong binding QQ. ADH COR, ABE. 5Y DEPARTAMENTO DOS CORREIOS E TELEGRAPHOS TEL! GRAMMA [el = Indieapo eventual [8 Destnatario— Zusunacaey | bewne 92. 8. Preveca bre Soho 2 hiee ra lus tute g1aLilarne Palavras Data — pimepecrnme alos tee chs og Hora Aooet Re fel a Ha da treiséo | aa oe a beso Scoct lassie. aeatadcn. Ince eroreosdo. | y aelzase Cin pLeco Veminir, [Nome do expedidor. Residencia TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA QP. ADM, COR.4936.54 052, P28 DEPARTAMENTO DOS CORREIOS E res (>) TELEGRAMMA Indicapto eventual a} Destinata Candat C a Patavras Data Hora Hota da trensissio TEXTO © ASSIGNATURA Insite do empreosdo Nome do expoidor____Pebaarcraarlr ——Lordet Residorcia___ ee bce Kas f- Coase . QO-ADM,COR, 4136.54, (0.29 99 FEDERACAO BRASILEIRA RELO PROGRESSO FEMININO (ASSOCIACOES FEMNMNAS NACIONAES E ESTADUAES CONFEDERADAS) Balticlo Odeon - PRAGA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7 - (8.*) S. 815 — TEL. 22-0581 40 de Jano!ro, the maa 9°. ‘ence Co! Q0.ADM, cor £936.54, 2, p.3o . nothing to offer you beyond en opportu ity for sorvice to ponco in a new field ond the edvodetine of your ideas and ideals by the wonon of this coutry to the wasen of all countries and to the nen, If under those con= Qitions you vould be willing to cend up sugee"tions “or thoughts we would ae ean beat foe @ would be deeply creteful to you,Tais gratitude we « vould chow by ra'sing one more voice to svell the chorus of your contri~ Yutdon to the Pence of the World. I enclose 0 sumary of the-ains of the different oi bodies working for peace, The acendi the Fuenos Aires eonfere eons aus Anitiel statenont , jen Federation 7 n non) 1% tentae o he raft it again ington to Unis to plored v 4% end * 1 Te you will 1a 146 to toll you how indienont T Felt at the article of y anoyering Yours. How o such a blntent exhit: to seize on calnmiti - " QPADM.COR.ABE. 5H, 00-2, pay] FEDERAGAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO. FEMININO (AEe0ciA¢OES FENINIAS HACIONAES ESTADUAES CONFEDERADAS) Ralficto Odeon - PRAGA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7 - (8.°) 8. 815 — TEL. 22-0561 duly QO. ROH, COR-AISE-54, 0.2, 3g FEDERAGAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO (aseccincbes Pree HACIONAES X ESTADUAES COMFEDERADAE) Ralticto Odeon - PRAGA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7 - ( S15 — TEL. 22-0581 Rio de Janeiro, July the 6 th 1936 Austen Chanberlain, Ang lotel QO.ADM,COR-A936 54,02 a FEDERACGAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO (Ass001NcOES FEMNMAG NACIONAES € ESTADUAES COMFEDERADAS) Ralticlo Odeon - PRAGA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7 - (8.0) S. 815 — TEL. 22-0561 TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAQ DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding Q0.A0h, COR 1936.54, 0.2. p.34 peakers mecorted by ne, ecpecielly on as on export, to guide fu timo I want to tolk to you about the refom of the whole niet be mde very much core effective and be orcantcod Dione 4f 4t fe to be effective in those changing tines, fond the stiggections ebout the Informtion b letter n QD.ADH,COR.AI36.54, 10,2 spe 36 Rio de Janeiro, 7 de July de 198 QO.ADM,COR. £936.54, tr.2, pbb Janeiro, 14 Juillet 1936 La Fégération Brésilienne pour le Progrés dew 2. 1aguneus de pz igen 1. er Wadenoteelie Glos{ige Cavaloanti, deleguse du Bréeil an Gongrée International de 1a ¥idération des Foum La ¥édératjon voit dans oe veyage de Mlle Cavalcant’ unique @*établir et d'approfundir ses relations avec tons féminines des quielle visiters et principal noe Internationsie pour le Ar ainsi une coopération plus étroite La Fédération pric aussi 1 publications périodiques de vouloir hé notre Bulletim, "MULHBR". Blle remero: nalités qui vondront bien fuctliter la tache de Mlle lui donnent toutes lew informations, documentations et pourront lui*étre uti QG, ADH, COR- AIZE.S4,07.9 | p, Spe Alo de Janeiro, Srazil, S.A, Taly 15, 1936. irector Labo# Bureau, Thank you very mich for you letier, I was very frou you, Mra, Rocha algo wrote to ue and told ne Joyed meeting you. I wrote you a letter last woex and sent you what I the way of postal material you asked for, ter you enolosed, e Stevens’ anmen Buenos Aires Jonférence, 1 sineerely wild do gome-thing about It seems essential to got a representative women plenipotentiary delegate on the American Delegation to os MMrea, the program algit well be reduced and civil and en rights of n substituted vy women's ¢o-Laboration in tu cnange of Jeace, would v yh appreciate it if a bore atters, I have uritte e Ne Rochelley KeYs ve to hear QO.ADN,COR- £936. 54 fr, (DY Rie de Janeire, Brazil,5.h. Tuly 15, 1936. going to Burepe te represent ‘of tue Federation of Univer sity Women at Oragew, Poland and of Students at Sofia, Bulgaria, We would be glad to have the Alliance intreduce her to tae Auxiliar= fes in these countries, Also in Switzerland, We would like te ave her and her sister Mme. Helotea Racha, wno was at the Labor Conference, represent the Brazilian Federation Advancement ef Women at the Peace Conference that Rosa Manus organizing. They would a! who at present is in Rerlin attending If there are uny speech ation, she sheuld make then her~self er cheese the one to speak. We have just received a letter from Mrs. Bompas about Brasil angwer to the League as to the Status of Women. By the sane mail we get one from Heloiea Rocha, saying that Brazil's answer was just knowledgement ef the questionaire. We will look inte this and write about it again, nking you for any attentions you may ve able to give our Very sincerely yours, Ae “yl i ij ee i \ QO.Aon COR .4936,54 0.2, p-BF Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, S.s+ July 15, 1936. ules Clotilde Cavalcante fa geing to Furope to repr prazti at the international Congress of tue Federation of baer! arty tonen at Grade, Poland and of Students at Sofie Bulgaria Youla be giad to have the Alliance introduce her to tie ‘auxi liar fn these countries, Also in Gwitzerland. We would 1ike to nave hex and her sister line, Heloiss Rochas yao was at’ the iabor Conference, represent the Brazilian Fegesatloy Vio wae i vancewent ef Wouen at te Peace Conference thet Soe, Manus Fer eeentsinge. Hey would alee like to have Dr: “1% oes? one at eee enee ia Rerlin attending an international Congeoes ‘of Throat Specialists as Gove: , on eur delegation. havi written to all of them and ka Reen to le vricten, fo ere are any spesones to ve nade on behalf of t ia Feder= ion. ihe should make thes her-self or chase tne one te speak. we have juet reeeived a letter from ura. Bompas about Brazil's answer to the Teague ae to the Status of Women. | By See Sere taal anwver Sue fron Meleien Rooha, saying that Rrasti'e susres wir. just we get one Ggenent of the questionaire. We Will Leek into this and write about it agains thanking you for any attentions you may ne to give eur Very sincerely youre, Yarthe late, Trestaent. TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU NCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Dar Wrong binding QO. ADKCOR. £736,546, pA? Rie de Janeire, Brazil, 3.4. Tuly 2let, 1936. Dear Mise Testa:- Please find enoleded the minutes of the Beard meoting ef the International Alliance ef Venen fer Suffrage und Mqual Ostisensnip wuien va held at amsterdam, ay 1936. Will yeu please read it and make a mete fer eur Bulletin alos any sug- Bestions yeu may think feasable. Hew have yeu been? and yeur brethe I se often heurs my nieo Davies, When are yeu coming te Rie again? We With kindest wishes te you and your brether, Sincerely, a;Bovinon, Seoy, Taglish oerres gn Relations SD, ADH, COR-ATSE.54, 073, p. 4h Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, S.A, uly 235 1936, Dr, Well, Posthume-van der Coot, Secr, Intornationagl Arehief voor de Vrouve: Keizersgracht 264, Anaterdam-C Dear Drs Posthumusevan der G We are in receipt of your card of May 29th regarding an/Information Bureat fe wil) be pleased to submit a plan regafding it within a few days, 7 / Sincerely yours, roatden Q9-AdH,COR.AI3GS. 54, 0.2, PAD Rio de Juneixo, Brasil, 3.4, Taly 29, 1936, norable Margaret Bondfield, ivy Counoil of itis bajesty, of Munietpal eral Yorkers, utz has now gone 4 Maneat and for interests of Yorking vouen and would on 2rotective Legislation, luo on liater= cing you for y: Sincerely youre, Ton gorrea. Relations Committee. QGADM, COR.2936.54 0.2, 9.48 des BLL ingon, House of Comsona, ear isa /illcinaon- or. dertha Ly egislation for iews on °rotective Legislati Thanking you our 1 Sincerely youra, dttee, QO ADM, CORNISE 54, 7-2, PAH aio de Janeiro, Tuly 299-1336. Jornstorff= 3 von Benatorlt= cannot advocate, Howse to Dra. ourées Pinto Aiveiro, 91 Rio de or Dra. Paulo. range things ery sincerely TB. Finch, Seay, sasileh Sorres, of Foreign Relations Jomittee, 0.40 CDR AFH54 2, pd Mo de Janeiro, Brasil, 3A, Tuly 29, 1936. ‘iso Constance Snith ome Office, mitehall, ondony Tngland, Bertha Lutz has now gone inte Parlianent ants to present Legielation for interests of forking orien ld Like to have your e as aternity Tuguranee. Thanking you for your interest, I an, Sincerely yours, finch, sc0y. sgiieh Corres of Soreign telations Comtt QO.ADM COR. £936.54, ra, ont Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 3. A. August 20 1936 Miss vr. Aller, Director, Hew York favor ureaus 80 center street, Mew York city, de 3. Dear Wiss Niller, Dry lute Visi you for your icters which were te Lf Lt would be posaibie ne once Gonference (without it hho are not members of thg Govern not aliwed to cone on the floor, s.e15 Lobby. 2nd That ofgauigations not m s ¢¢ the Zonference De not ve offices oo the grevises of the @onterehee or to ro ationed there. Dr. Bertha has 3p0% pamgador fadsell avout the matter. nother leter, with further {nforaa\ioney follows by xb week's steanor ‘ith very best wishes, i, De Singh Tagish corres Voreign elations Comittee QO. ROM, COR-AIRL 54, 07.2, 4 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3, August 20, 1936. 490 lary Anderson, Director, Dept, of Labor, ‘omen's Bureau, ‘ashington, D,Gy 1 ear Miss Anderaon= Dr, Lutz wishes to ken it would be ible for you to obtain a reguiation of the Peace Conrerence nout Miss Doris Stevens getting to know about it ° lot, That persons who are not nenbers of the vavernnent Delegations be not allowed to come on che floor, 2nd. That organizations not members of tue Jonference ve not allowed to have offices on the prenises of the Jonference or to remain stationed there? ww, Bertha has gpoken to Ambassador faddelL atter. Another letter , with further informe tion, follows by next weok's ntoaner, Dre Lute al letters. ABs Finch, Seoy, Snglioh corres. » Foreign Re: Gorins 0. ROM, COR A354, 073, P5 2 FEDERACAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO t (ASSOCIACOES FEMININAS FEDERADAS) “Viribus unitie Eudificle Odeon-PRACA MARECHAL FLORIANO, 7- (8.-) $, 817 - TEL. 22-0581 RIORADO E/OU GAO DEFEITUOSA Wrong binding Ae & “ Zl QP. POM COR. 1936-94402) PAA " FEDERACAO BRASILEIRA PELO PROGRESSO FEMININO (AssociagSes fomininas nacionaes © estaduses confederadas) RUA PEDRO I N°. 7 - (2°) TEL, 2-0581 Syfreater Dear Mr ketnemta w For some tine, I have bee anxious to - qibiiitisse! a systentic ani organized stsmenis of i Seiten coupperation and griendly relatiqns. ae saben Soap EDTA Pe hioon ebvmthune WY 1 ae Mea apelin. Prost So qhie te a subject on which I heve often talked ‘with antGssador Morgan and we meant, some time, to organise something. It seemed to us most Useful initiatives vould be to have ameptean 3 on social, aconouic and continental subjects. Tt might be just ae : en Lecture on egype tian religion and persian litte 3 ch greater 062. Gr tnens if wee Gould occusionally G Tire of’Brasii, or active in social fo go, to, americas tna 1ite oe revargat atinulus fo thie coustry.” I can tell that frog the fai 2 a8 ret tat ay OWN contacts with your country have had on the progress of women liere. or/we wight think of something, cles. It seems more than ever soyortant 0 Asay op atrammron sortigesial youiey now tat, South tportant te mee) trentive for ro faacest und communiut propaganda. Brasi men feel a: t. bassador Morgan's name Sh a ‘and the great syupatiy ui OE uj MM. Brasil and nof be allowed to laps e living, he ¥ bitily have re to his help Bea 1 would be very glad if to,se(to wake an appoigntgment. My (morning and ewenings),. In the midd. Museum 5-2829 and after 4h.30 ae this Office BoveES ch Hour frou you soon, Tas Peggg——— "sain fir Yo Keead Mach DManaa de 48> see TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENGADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrong binding TEXTO DETERIORADO E/OU ENCADERNAGAO DEFEITUOSA Damaged text Wrang binding

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