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UNIVERSITY OF LORIN, ILORIN, NIGERLA FACULTY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Sc. DEGREE E “AMINATION 2021/2022 ACADEMIC SESSION HARMATTAN SEMESTER) COURSE TITL Geochemistry course cope: GEM 307 (2-credits unit) TIME ALLOWED: 2HOURS INSTRUCTION: | a a) Expatiate on the Goldsehmig b) Explain the term “geochemical snomaly c) Compare gnd contrast the asthenosphere and the jit 4) Briefly differentiate between 2yeeous geochemisrry and organic geochemistry Se (15 marks) frected directly on a limestone (15 marks) orium method Uranium metho n Track method Iguuad ly ald (15 marks) ly comment on their field applications: 6 i a) Hydrogen 4b) Carbon ) Nitrogen d) Oxygen : ©) Sulfur (15 marks) 5. (a) Define the term Global Méteorie Water Line (GMWL) (b) Given the GMWL equation as written belo ¥: 8H = 8*5""O + 10 %o () Plot the GML map {ii) Plot the Hydrogen-Oxygen relationship of the groundwater on the GMWL map using the following/values: (iii) ) ) Sample aa B ec D E F c H 1 J 8TH (%e) [7 24 285 2 32 6 365 aE A az 0 |S 20.5 cage RD PTH 302 Gs) Deduce the following from your graph: Source of recharge to the aquifer Comment on the infilmation and evaporation status of the groundwater with reference to specific groundwater samples. Using the sample ID, attempt classification of the groundwater into enriched, moderately enriched/depleted, and depleted groundwater. List the index minerals im metamorphic rocks? 3 ‘Attempt the classification of metamorphic rocks under the following headings: i Rock name, ii, Crystal size, Mineralogy. Metamorphism (25 marks) s Zs" UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN, LORIN, NIGERLA FACULTY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION 2021/2022 ACADEMIC SESSION HARMATTAN SEMESTER) COURSETITLE: Igneous Petrology COURSE COD! GEM 311 (2-credit units) time ALLOWED: — 2HOURS INSTRUCTION:. ANSWER FOUR QUESTIONS ONLY, QUESTION I IS COMPULSORY ie short notes on the following: d i, Magma ii, Volcano iii. Porphyritic Texture iv. Rock cycle 1b, With well annotated diagram describe the intrusive structures Ie, Write brief note on tholeiitic Basalts. Comment on their origin and tectonic significance (25 Marks) isi the process of magma crystallization Comment on the terms “Crystal Settling and “Assimilation”. ~ (15 Marks) 3. Desoribe the classification of igneous rocks. (15 Marks) 4, Attempt the description of the petrology of intermediate group of igneous rocks. (15 Marks) i Write an essay on the economic importance of igneous rocks (15 Marks) 6. Discuss the phase relationship between the Diopside-Anorthite components of a cooling magma. [What is the significance of Eutectic Temperature. (15 Marks) Kb ejoctaca4 a os[on3 (Ymoto UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN B.Se. DEGRE EXAMINATIONS (HARMATTAN SEMESTER) 2020/2021 Academic Session GEM 327 Course Title: Metamorphic Petrology Credit: 3 ‘Time: 21 Irs Instructions: Answer question one and any other three questions Question 1 is 25 marks; others are 1S marks each, 1a, Attempt the classification of metamorphic rocks on the basis of textural and structural features fx Der b. What do you understand by metamorphic dureole? folly plain the geological reactions involved in metamorphic processes «<_+ Write brivfiy on the following: b, Types of metamorphism 4. a. Mention seven metamorphic rocks, indicating their protoliths and metamorphic grades. »b, List five tectonites and three non-teetonites and briefly discuss the origin of any two of cach category. 5. at. Comin! faily on "End-member" protoliths and give relevant examples, b, Explain the following terms Bulk chemical composition ili, Fol ions. iv, Dolostone UNIVERSITY OF ILORLi, ILCRIN, NIGERLA FACULTY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Sc, DEGREE EXAMINATION 2021/2022 ACADEMIC SESSION (HARMATTAN SEMESTER) COURSETITLE: —— Geotectonics COURSE cope: — GEM309 TIME ALLOWS 1HR:4SMINS INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Discuss in details the concept of Plate tectonics. (15 Marks) 2. Describe paleomagnetism under the following: a. The earth magnetic field b. Magnetic minerals (15 Marks) can Ridge. Support your answer with appropriate diagram(s)/ (15 Marks) 3. Discuss in details, the Mid- 4f- Deseribe the concept of Subduction and Voleanic arc formation. Support your answer with / awell labelled diagram. (15 Marks) 5. Discuss in details, the evidences of plate tectonics. (15 Marks) Briefly describe Island Are and highlight its generalized features. Illustrate your answer with a well labelled diagram. (15 Marks) 7. Briefly comment on the concept of sea floor spreading.,/— (15 Marks) ere. befp.02.3 lhp Karoo basin & 6ted HH? Soule ffi 4s UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN, ILORIN, NIGERIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2021/2022 SESSION COURSE CODE: GEM 321 CREDIT: 2 COURSE TITLE: REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF AFRICA INSTRUCTION: ANSWER QUESTION 1 OR 2 AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS TIME: 2 HOURS ae uss the tectonic evolution and geological setting of any known sedimentary basin in a. Comment also on the mi ation in the area. 30marks 2. Highlight the geological setting, tectonic evolution and mineralization of any known basement complex in Aftica. 30marks (a). How does radiocarbon dating differ from the other methods of radiometric dating? (b) Why is the disintegration of ®K-—— “"Ar preferred to disintegration of 0K ——> “Ca in dating rocks? 20marks fs (a) Carefully derive the rate equation (0) If we start out with 8g of 733P, what quantity will remain after the passage of one haif — life, two half — lives and three half'— lives. A well annotated sketch of the scenario will attract extra marks. 20marks 5. (a). What is radiometric dating? (b). Discuss any four methods of radiometric dating (c). What are the applications of radiometric dating in geological studies? 20marks UNIVERSITY OF FLORIS, ILORIN, NIGERIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2021/2022 COURSE CODE: GEM 327 CREDITS: 3 COURSE TITLE: METARMORPHIC PETROLOGY TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTIONS Nad QUESTION CARRIES 25 MARKS) n ad Ja. Highiight and justify the basis for differentiating between metamorp/sie rocks Ib. Differentiate between lineation and foliation 2a. Discuss any three agents of metamorphism 2b. Differentiate between cataclastic and berided textures PB Explain the terms metamorphic facies and facies series 3b. Discuss high and low grades metamorphism \X Write on geological reactions involved in metamorphic processes 5, What are index minerals and of what ir metamorphic rocks stance are index mineral assemblages of ‘safosf2>? (a CAI ie lhp Karoo basin & OR¢d #? Soul fifa 4S UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN, ILORIN, NIGERIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Se. DEGREE EXAMINATION HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2021/2022 SESSION COURSE CODE: GEM 321 CREDIT: 2 COURSE TITLE: REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF AFRICA INSTRUCTION: ANSWER QUESTIGN 1 OR 2 AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS TIME: 2 HOURS FF Discuss the tectonic evolution and geological setting of any known sedimentary basin in ica. Comment also on the mineralization in the area. 30marks Highlight the geological setting, tectonic evolution and mineralization of any known basement complex in Africa 30marks ). How does radiocarbon dating differ from the other methods of radiometric dating? (b) Why is the disintegration of “°K +> “Ar preferred to disintegration of 49K ——> 40CQ in dating rocks? 20marks fp (a) Carefully derive the rate equation (b) If we start out with 8g of 733P, what quantity will remain after the passage of one hy life, two half— lives and three hal lives. A well annotated sketch of the scenario will attract extra marks. 20marks 5. (a). What is radiometric dating? (b). Discuss any four methods of radiometric dating {c). What are the applications of radiometric dating in geological studies? 20marks (URetod UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN B.Sc, DEGRE = EXAMINATIONS (HARMATTAN SEMESTER) 2020/2021 Academie Session Course Code: GEM 327 Course Title: Metamorphic Petrology Credit: 5 ‘Time: 2Hrs Instructions: Answer question one and any other three questions i Question 1 is 25 marks; others are 15 marks each 1 a, Attempt the classification of metamorphic rocks on the basis of textural and structural features: Der telly appropriate examples.» vey between tectonites and non fectonifes gi geological reactions involved in metamorphic processes b, Types of metamorphism ca. grade b. List five tectonites and three non-tectonites and briefly discuss the origin of any two of p catego: A a Coes fully on "End-member" protoliths and give relevant examples. b. Explain the following terms Bulk chemical composition ions. iv. Dolostone ee ee oA UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN, ILORIN, NIGERIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION (HARMATTAN SEMESTER) 2020/2021 COURSE: GEM 311 CREDIT(S): 2 COURSE TITLE: IGNEOUS PETROLOGY TIME ALLOWED: 2HOURS IONS ONLY, QUESTION 1 IS COMPULSORY ANSWER FOUR QU a. Definethe following tert? 0) Feldspathoias{ii) Phenocryst (is) Volcan Gy) Leucocratic Rocks (v) Vessicular Basalt —___ Ib Draw a geologic diagram and jn it label the following Sysil on Lopoliths (i Laccoliths ty) Phacoliths “ic, Draw a table and on it discuss the various types of igneous rocks (25marks) @)escribe the mode of classification of the major igneous rocks. (15marks) “33 With the aid of suitable sketches describe the process of magma crystallization. Comment on the terms ‘Partial Melting and Assimilation’. a (1Smarks) \\4. \Deseribe the Petrology of intermediate group of igneous rocks. ww (15marks) \\_ 5. With relevant examples attempt the classification of Igneous Minerals (15marks) t g % 5 @ Discuss the phase relationship between the Diopside — Leucite components of a cooling magma. Comment on the significance of the Eutectic Temperature. (1Smarks) eG) fae a wlasay

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