Anne Frank

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Anne Frank is a Jewish girl born in 1929 in germany,she is tall and thin.
She has got straight dark hair and dark eyesshe is lively,smart,reflective
and kind she loves readingthere are three peaple in her family her father
Otto, her mother Edith and his sister Margot. During the World War 2 she
moves to Amsterdamto hide from the Nazist, cruel soldier of Adolf Hitler.
When the nazist arrive in holland the Franks go to live in the attic of
father place of bussines. The entrance of a secret small house behind the
bookcase, they can’t go outside or live a public life. She can’t go to school
or play with her friends. Her only friend is Peter who would fell in love a
year later. For her 13th birthday Anne gets a diary. She likes writing about
her life. But in 4th august they have been betraied .anne ends her short
Life in a concentration camp.

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