Romeo and Juliet Movie Reflection

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the play’s dominant and most important theme. The play focuses on romantic love,
specifically the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet.
In Romeo and Juliet, love is a violent, ecstatic, overpowering force that supersedes all other
values, Love, in is a grand passion, and as such, it is blinding; it can overwhelm a person as
powerfully and completely as hate can. LOVE is a powerful emotion that captures
individuals and catapults them against their world, and, at times, against themselves. LOVE
IS BLIND to the fact they’re supposed to be enemies, they’re understandably shocked and
disappointed after learning each other’s names, but still strive to be together in spite of the
hatred that threatens to keep them apart. The movies shos us that love stories are not always
have a happy ending . The powerful nature of love can be seen in the way it is described, or,
more accurately, the way descriptions of it so consistently fail to capture its entirety .
however love can cause of violence as what the movie shows that because of love of Romeo
and Juliet caused the trouble of their family and tribe. And because of love we might make
some decision that may effect our family and not only in our self . Romeo and Juliet shows
battle between the responsibilities and actions demanded by social institutions and those
demanded by the private desires of the individual. The movie shows that our actions have
consequences and not to allow your decisions to be motivated by impulse because even the
smallest choice can start a chain reaction, leading to the most disastrous consequences. friar
lawrence shows us that even wise men can make foolish mistakes. Romeo shows us not to fall for
any girl based on impetuous love. hatred brings out the worst in us characters, while love
only ever brings us the happiness and hope for a peaceful future, But despite everything the
most important message of the movie is love is still stronger than hate.

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