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Chapter 5 (Microbes and diseases) Dr. Mrs. R.N.

Ahmed (test)

1. A disease is (a)medical condition (b) pathogenic forms (c) alteration in the host function*
(d)microbial incidence
2. micro-organisms can only be observed with the aid of (a)electroscope (b)telescope (c)
microscope* (d) horoscope
3. All of the following are not true of pathogens except (a) are only bacteria (b) live
exclusively within the body (c)are detrimental to their host* (d) all of the above
4. host specificity means (a) microflora (b) different hosts have different range of micro-
organisms* (c) ubiquitous (d) options A and b
5. To elicit disease condition, microbes must first (a)adhere (b) establish contact (c)invade
(d) all of the above*
6. Which of the following is an example of a microbe causing a sexually transmitted disease
(a) Nissesia gonorrea (b) Nisseria gonorrhea* (c) Nisseria gonorrea (d) Nissesia
7. micro-organisms exist as (a) single cell, (b) cell clusters (c) single cells or cell clusters*
(d)none of the above
8. microbial activities include (a) Reduction of host immune response (b) Confiscation of
host tissue (c) options A and b are correct* (d) none of the above
9. Reservoirs are (a) human, domestic and wild animals but not water (b) water, soil,
human and domestic animals but not wild animals (c) water, human and wild animals but
not soil (d) none of the above*
10. micro-organisms bring about the sustenance of all ecosystems through (a) ubiquitous
nature (b) interaction between living and non-living components* (c) synthesis and
degradation of cells (d) all of the above
11. zoonotic diseases are (a) contractible by animals from other animals (b) contractible by
humans from humans (c) contractible by humans from other animals* (d) contractible by
animal from humans
12. successful transmission ensure (a) movement across reservoirs (b) establishment of
progenies* (c)disease outbreak (d) all of the above
13. microbial activities are aimed at (a)increasing food acquisition (b) avoidance of the host's
defence actions (c) improving their survival chances (d) all of the above*
14. The transmission of infection by contaminated food and water with faeces is by what
route (a) Oral-faecal* (b) Respiratory (c) Direct contact (d) sexual intercourse
15. sputum is associated with which of the following route of transmission (a ) Inoculation
through the skin (b)sneezing (c) Respiratory* (d)none of the above
16. Which of the following set best represent microbial groups (a) bacteria and protozooans
(b) bacteria, fungi and viruses (c) bacteria and viruses (d) bacteria, fungi, viruses and
17. polio is caused by (a)paramyxovirus (b)none of the options (c)picornavirus* (d)all of the above
18. ______ is prevented when you avoid mosquito bite (a)polio (b)yellow fever* (c)common cold
19. Microbes get access into the host through (a) skin lacerations (b) obscured spaces (c)
producing chemical enzymes that break host barrier (d) all of the above*
20. measles affect (a)skin and blood (b)skin and nervous system (c)intestine and blood (d)skin
and intestine*

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