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Philippine Proverbs

(Salawikain) - Short sayings that

convey traditional wisdom,
values, and cultural insights. (e.g.,
Literature - The artful “ Ang hindi marunong lumingon
expression of human thought, sa pinanggalingan ay hindi
the written word, stands as a makakarating sa paroroonan.”)
timeless testament to our
capacity for imagination, Philippine Riddles (Bugtong) -
creativity , and storytelling. Traditional form of wordplay that
challenges the listener to solve a
Philippine Literature - It is puzzle or find the hidden
a captivating and diverse tapestry meaning behind a description.
that weaves together the rich (e.g., “Dala mo, dala ka. Dala ka
cultural heritage and complex ng iyong dala.”)
history of the Philippines.
Spanning centuries, it Philippine Folksongs
encompasses a wide array of (Kundiman) - Traditional songs
literary forms and genres, from that have been passed down
the vibrant oral traditions of pre- through generations and are
colonial time to the written works deeply rooted in Filipino culture.
that emerged under Spanish, (e.g., “Harana, Pasyon, etc.”)
American, and Japanese, colonial
Philippine Tales - Encompasses
a wide range of traditional stories
Philippine Pre-Colonial and narratives that have been
Literature - It refers to the passed down through
body of written and oral works generations within Filipino
created by the indigenous people culture. (e.g., “Myths, Legends,
of the Philippines before the Folktales, Epics, etc.”)
arrival of Spanish colonizers in the
Philippine Spanish
16 th century. These literary
traditions were diverse, reflecting
Colonial Literature - It
refers to the body of literary
the rich cultural tapestry of the
works produced during the more
archipelago, which was
than three centuries of Spanish
composed of various ethnic
Colonization in the Philippines,
groups and languages.
from the 16 th to the 19th century .
Religious Writings - A Letters and Correspondence -
significant portion of the Often express grievances,
literature produced during the concerns, or requests to higher
Spanish colonial period in the authorities.
Philippines was religious in
Secular Prose and Poetry -
Secular works that explored
Doctrina Christiana - Published themes of love, nature, and
on 1593, and is one of the earliest everyday life. Some examples
known books printed in the include the works of Jose Rizal,
Philippines. It was a religious such as his novels “Noli Me
primer written in Spanish and Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo.”
Tagalog, deigned to teach
Filipinos the basics of the Catholic Spanish Influence on
Faith. Language - Many Spanish
loanwords and idioms were
Pasyon - A narrative poem that incorporated into Filipino
recounts the suffering and languages, and these linguistic
crucifixion of Jesus Christ. influences are still evident today.
Corridos - Narrative poems or The Impact of Colonialism -
ballads that was originated from Spanish colonialism had a
Spain and were adapted to complex impact on Philippine
Filipino culture. They often Literature.
narrate heroic deeds,
adventures, and love stories.
(e.g., “Ibong Adarna”)
Awit and Florante at Laura -
Francisco Balagtas, a prominent PROSE & POETRY
Filipino Poet during the Spanish PROSE
Colonial Period, wrote the epic
poem, “Florante at Laura.” This 1. Fictional Prose
work, along with his other
Novel - A long, fictional narrative
poems, demonstrated a blending
work that typically explores
of native and Spanish influences
complex characters, intricate
in Philippines Literature.
plots, and various themes.
Short Story - A brief work of observations, and reflections
fiction that focuses on a single during their journeys.
character, event, or theme, often
with a surprise or twist ending.
3. Journalistic Prose
News Article - A factual and
Novella - A shorter narrative
objective report of recent events
work than a novel but longer than
or developments, often found in
a short story, offering a compact
newspapers and online
yet detailed exploration of
characters and themes.
2. Non-Fictional Feature Article - A more in-
depth and descriptive piece of
journalism that explores human
Essay - A short to medium- interest stories, profiles, or
length non-fictional piece of analysis.
writing that explores a specific
topic, often with a personal or
4. Creative Non-
persuasive tone.
Personal Essay - A non-fictional
Memoir - An autobiographical
piece that combines personal
narrative that focuses on a
reflection and narrative
specific period or aspect of the
storytelling to explore a particular
author’s life.
topic or experience.
Biography - A detailed account
Literary Journalism - A style of
of a person’s life, often
journalism that incorporates
highlighting significant events
elements of storytelling and
and contributions.
creative writing to engage
Autobiography - A person’s readers on a deeper level.
own account of their life,
providing insights into their
5. Historical Prose
experiences, thoughts, and Historical Texts - Non-fictional
emotions. prose works that provide
accounts, analysis, and
Travelogue - A form of travel interpretations of historical
writing that describes the
events, periods, or figures.
author’s experiences,
Historical Fiction - Fictional repetitive structure and strong
prose is set in a specific historical emotional appeal.
period, blending real historical
details with fictional characters 3. Dramatic Poetry
and events. Monologue - A poem in which a
single speaker addresses an
audience, revealing their
1. Lyric Poetry thoughts, emotions, and
character .
Sonnet - A 14-line poem, often
with a structured rhyme scheme, Soliloquy - A dramatic speech
exploring themes of love, beauty, delivered by a character in a play
and human emotions. or poem, usually when the
character is alone, expressing
Ode - A formal and often their innermost thoughts and
ceremonious lyric poem that
celebrates a person, object, or
abstract concept. 4. Satirical Poetry
Elegy - A poem written in Satire - Poems that use humor,
remembrance of a deceased irony, and sarcasm to critique and
person or as a reflection on mock vices, follies, or societal
morality and loss. issues.

Haiku - A Japanese form 5. Descriptive Poetry

consisting of three lines with a 5-
7-5 syllable pattern, traditionally Pastoral Poetry - Poems that
idealize rural life often portray
focusing on nature and seasons.
shepherds and the simplicity of
2. Narrative Poetry nature.

Epic - A long, narrative poem Nature Poetry - Poems that

that recounts heroic deeds, celebrate or reflect on the beauty
adventures, or historical events, and majesty of the natural world.
often featuring legendary or
mythological characters.
6. Metaphysical
Ballad - A narrative poem that
tells a story, often with a
Metaphysical Poetry - A style
of poetry characterized by
intellectual and philosophical Experimental Poetry - Poems
exploration, often employing that challenge traditional forms
intricate metaphors and conceits. and conventions, pushing the
boundaries of language and
7. Free Verse structure.
Free Verse - Poetry that does 12. Spoken Word
not adhere to a strict meter or Poetry
rhyme scheme, allowing for
greater flexibility in form and Spoken Word Poetry - A
expression. dynamic and contemporary form
of literary expression that
8. Concrete Poetry combines the art of writing with
Concrete Poetry - Poems in the power of performance.
which the visual arrangement of
the words on the page
contributes to the overall
meaning or theme.
9. Confessional Central Idea of a text
Poetry focusing on 2 points:

Confessional Poetry - Poems in - Reader’s thoughts on the

which the poet openly discusses text.
personal experiences, emotions, - Thoughts on the text to be
and struggles, often blurring the passed onto the readers.
line between poetry and Many of the literary works in
autobiography . the 21st century will give a glimpse
10. Lyrical Poetry of literary works produced way
back before this era.
Lyrical Poetry - Poetry that
expresses personal emotions and The infusion of technology led
feelings in a musical and Contemporary Writers to talk
evocative manner . about futuristic concepts that
one may dream of .
11. Experimental
Poetry Different avenues and portals
helped these writers to explore
more into writing, most
specifically on the Themes found Depiction - Difference of what
in their works. one knows to what actually
THEMES IN THE 21ST Technology - Has let the
CENTURY readers dream of what
technology could potentially help
Identity - Has become the people become and how it would
most common theme of this
be of use for humanity. It mainly
generation because of the fast-
focuses on the following:
pacing intersection of cultures
and philosophies. It mainly Future - Futuristic Events /
focuses on the following: Gadgets / More kind of being /
More kind of places
Gender - LGBT Rights /
Homosexuality / Orientation / Utopia - Imaginary Community /
Choice / Femininity / Masculinity Society / Citizens / Escape to
Age Group - Role in the Reality
Community / Role in a Family / Integration - Usage on one’s life
Hobbies / Likes & Dislikes / Travel / What’s new and What’s better
Social Status - Level of Intertextuality - Has let
Profession / Poverty contemporary writers recognize
a piece of work as being one
History & Memory - Has let
among many throughout history
the readers explore the notion of
making a broader conversation,
multiplicities of truth and
context and body of work. It
acknowledges that history is
mainly focuses on the following:
filtered through human
perspective and experience. It Textual Relationship -
mainly focuses on the following : Similarities and Differences /
References or parallels to other
Beginning - Origin of multiple
concepts and Ideas / Theories
Cause & Effect - Results of the Making Meaning - Original &
Parodies / Reenactment
works of the past unto the
present events Derivations – Prequels /
Sequels; Series / Volu mes

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