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BSc Past Papers Physics (2006-2019)

Q. No. 1: what is Electric Dipole? Calculate the torque on and energy of a dipole in uniform electric field?
Q. No. 2: What is an Electric Dipole> Calculate the work and energy stored in the Dipole?
Q. No. 3: Define dipole and dipole moments? Calculate the relation for torque and potential energy of an
electric dipole when it is placed in electric field?
Q. No. 4: What is an electric dipole? Calculate electric field due to a dipole?
Q. No. 5: Determine the electric field due to a ring of uniform +ve charge distribution?
Q. No. 6: Define electric field intensity? Also calculate the electric field due to a disk of charge?
Q. No. 1: An alpha particle, the nucleus of a Helium atom, has a mass of 6.64 x 10-27kg and a charge of +2e.
Q. No. 2: What are the magnitude and direction of the electric field that will balance its weight?
Q. No. 3: A proton placed in a uniform electric field. What must be the magnitude and direction of the field
if the electrostatic force acting on the proton is just balance its weight?
Q. No. 4: An alpha particle has mass of 6.64 x 10-27kg and a charge of +2e. What are magnitude and
direction of electric field that will balance its weight?
Q. No. 5: An electric dipole consists of charges +2e and -2e separated by 0.78 nm. It is electric field strength
3.4 x 106 v/m. Calculate the magnitude of torque on (a) parallel to (b) anti-parallel to electric field.
Q. No. 6: A neutral water molecule in its vapor state has an electric dipole mole moment of magnitude
6.2x10-23 cm. How far apart are the molecules centers of +ve and charge?
Q. No. 7: Define electric field in terms of continuous distribution, Also determine electric field setup by a
uniform sheet of charge of infinite extent.
Q. No. 8: What meant by charge conservation? Give at least one example.
Q. No. 9: What special characteristics must heating wire have?
Q. No. 1: A point charge is moving in an electric field at right angle to the lines of force. Does any force act.
on it?
Q. No. 2: A point charge is moving in an electric field at right angle to the lines of force, does any force act
on it?
Q. No. 1: Apply Gauss Law to capacitor with dielectric and show that the induced charge is always less in
magnitude than the free charge?
Q. No. 2: State and explain Gauss Law. Calculate the electric field inside and outside a spherical shell of
charge by using Gauss Law.
Q. No. 3: Define Gauss’s law? Calculate electric field intensity inside the spherical distribution of charge.
Q. No. 4: Define and prove Gauss’s Law and write its integral and differential form?
Q. No. 5: State Gauss’s Law. Show that an excess change placed on an isolated conductor always moves
entirely to the outer surface of conductor?
Q. No. 1: A point charge ‘q’ is placed at centre of a cube of edge ‘a’. What is the electric flux through each
of the cube faces?
Q. No. 2: A Gaussian Surface in the form of cylinder of radius R immersed in a uniform electric field E, with
the cylinder axis parallel to the field. What is the flux of the electric filed through this closed surface?
Q. No. 3: A point charge causes an electric flux 750Nm2/c to pas through a spherical Gaussian surface of
10cm radius centered on the charge. If the radius of the Gaussian’s surface is doubled, how much flux is
passed through the surface?
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Q. No. 4: A point change of 1.84πc is at the center of a cubical Gaussian surface 55cm on edge. Find electric
flux through surface.
Q. No. 5: What will be the electric flux of a closed cylinder of radius R immersed in a uniform electric field E
parallel to its exis?
Q. No. 1: Why is the electron volt offer a move convenient unit of energy that be in joule?
Q. No. 2: Can two different equi potential surfaces intersect?
Q. No. 3: How can you ensure that the electric field potential in a given region of space has a constant
Q. No. 4: What will be the value of net e3lecttric flux of the closed surface encloses an electric field?
Q. No. 5: What will be the value of flux if the surface encloses –ve charge?
Q. No. 6: How coulomb’s law can be derived from Gauss’s Law?
Q. No. 7: A surface encloses an electric Dipole what can you say about electric flux for this surface?
Q. No. 1: What is electric Potential? Calculate the potential at a point on the axis of a circular plastic disk?
Q. No. 2: What is Electrical Potential? Calculate the electric potential at a point due to a point charge?
Q. No. 3: Explain how electric potential can be calculated from electric field?
Q. No. 4: Calculate electric field from potential E = grad V?
Q. No. 5: What is electric potential? Find electric potential at a point ‘p’ on the axis of charged disc?
Q. No. 6: Define electric potential and its units. Calculate the electric potential from electric field and due
to electric dipole?
Q. No. 7: Define electric potential and calculate electric field from the potential. E=-grad. V.
Q. No. 8: What is electric Potential? Calculate the electric Potential of a point due to a Dipole?
Q. No. 9: Write note on following (i) Equipotential surface (ii) Electric Potential Due To Dipole
Q. No. 10: What is electric Potential? Calculate the electric potential of a point due to a Dipole?
Q. No. 11: Write note on following (i) Equipotential surfaces (ii) Electric potential due to Dipole.
Q. No.12: Derive an expression for electric potential at a point on the axis of a circular plastic disk of radius
R, one surface of which carries a uniform charge density a.

Q. No. 1: Consider a point charge with 9 = 1.5x10-8C. What must be the magnitude of an isolated positive
point charge for the Electric Potential at 15cm from the charge to be +120?
Q. No. 3: What must be the magnitude of an isolated positive point charge for the electric potential at
15cm from the charge to be +120?
Q. No. 4: The potential at centre of uniformly charged circular disc of radius R=3.5 cm is V0 = 550 V what is
the total charge in the disc?
Q. No. 5: What is electric potential at the surface of a gold nucleus? The radius is 7 m and atomic no z = 79?
Q. No. 6: What must be magnitude of an isolated positive point charge for the electric potential at 15 cm
from the charge to be +120V.
Q. No. 7: What is the electric potential at the surface of a gold nucleus? The radius is 7 fm and atomic
number z is 79.
Q. No. 8: Can two different squipotential surfaces intersect?
Q. No. 1: Why is the electron volt offer a move convenient unit of energy that is in joule?
Q. No. 2: Can two different equipotentials surface intersect?
Q. No. 3: How can you ensure that the electric field potential in a given region of space have a constant
Q. No. 4: Why is the electron volt often a more convenient unit of energy than the joule?
Q. No. 5: Why it is possible to shield a room against electrical forces but not against gravitational forces?

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Q. No. 6: Define Equipotential Surfaces. What is the potential difference b/w two points on a equi-
potential surface?
Q. No. 7: Why is the electron volt often a more convenient unit of energy than joule?
Q. No. 8: Can two different Equipotential surfaces intersects?
Q. No. 9: What must be the magnitude of an isolated point charge for the electric potential at 15cm from
the charge to be +120V.
Q. No. 1: Describe current density and resistivity?
Q. No. 2: Define current density. Establish relation between drift velocity and current density.
Q. No. 3: Write note an super conductors.
Q. No. 4: Give microscopic view of Ohm’s law?
Q. No. 5: Define current density and Resistivity. Derive relation between current density and electric field?
Q. No. 6: Discuss the Growth of charge in R –C series circuit and define capacitive time constant?
Q. No. 1: A small but measureable current of 123 PA exists in copper wire whose diameter is 2.46mm
i. The current density.
ii. The electron drift speed.
Q. No. 2: When a potential difference of 115 V is applied between the ends of a 9.66m long wire, the
current density is 1042 A/cm2. Calculate conductivity of wire?
Q. No. 3: A rectangular block of iron has dimensions 1.2cm, 1.2cm, 15cm. What is the resistance of block
measured between the two square ends? The resistivity of iron at room temperature is 9.68 x 10-8 ohm
Q. No. 4: A wire 4m long and 6mm in diameter has a resistance of 15mΩ. A potential difference of 23V is
applied between the ends. What is current density?
Q. No. 5: A current of 4.82 A exists in a 12.4 Ohm resistor for 4.60 min. How much charge and how many
electrons pass through any cross section of resistor in this time?
Q. No. 6: A 5.12A current is setup in an external circuit by a 6V storage battery for 5.75min. by how much is
the chemical energy of battery reduced?
Q. No.7: One end of aluminum wire whose diameter is 2.5 mm is welded to one end of a copper wire
whose diameter is 1.8 mm, the composite wire carries a steady current of 1.3 A. What is the current
density of each wire?


Q. No. 1: Why does an incandescent light bulb grow dimmer with use?
Q. No. 2: Discuss the difficulties of testing whether the filament of a light bulb obeys Ohm’s law?
Q. No. 3: State Ohm’s law in macroscopic and microscopic form?
Q. No. 4: Under what circumstances can the terminal potential difference of battery exceed its EMF? (2

Q. No. 1: Discuss the growth and decay of charge in an R.C circuit. Also define the capacitive time constant?
Q. No. 2: Discuss decay of charge in R.C series circuit. Calculate decay current and define time constant of
the circuit?
Q. No. 3: Discuss growth of charge in RC circuit and also define its time constant?
Q. No. 4: Discuss decay and growth of charge in RC circuit?
Q. No. 5: The discharging of capacitor in Rc-circuit circuit also calculates the current? (2 times)
Q. No. 6: What is Rc series circuit? Discuss growth of charge and growth of current in Rc-series circuit?
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Q. No. 1: A capacitor C discharges through a resistor R.
(i) After how many time constant does its charge fall to one-half its initial value? After how many time
constants does the stored energy drop to half its initial value?
(ii) When 115V is applied across 9m long wire the current density is 1.424cm-2. Calculate the conductivity
of wire material?
Q. No. 2: A capacitor of capacitance C is discharging through a resistance R. In term of time constant t = RC,
when will its charge be one-half of its initial value?
Q. No. 3: A resistor R = 6.2 MΩ and capacitor C = 2.4 µF are connected in series and a 12V battery of
negligible internal resistance is connected across combination. What is capacitive time constant?
Q. No. 4: A capacitor discharges through a resistor. After how many time constant does the stored energy
fall to one half of its initial value? (3 times).
Q. No. 5: Discuss the growth of current in RL series circuit.
Q. No. 1: Do the junction and loop rules apply to a circuit containing a capacitor?
Q. No. 2: Under what circumstances would you must be connected batteries in parallel and series?
Q. No. 3: What is the origin of internal resistance of the battery? Does it depend on the age and size of the
Q. No. 4: What do you mean by a node in DC circuit and state Kirchhoff’s node rule.
Q. No. 5: Show that in Rc circuit the product of Rc has the dimensions of time.
Q. No. 1: Calculate the magnetic force, on a current carrying conductor?
Q. No. 2: Calculate the magnetic force on a moving charged Particle?
Q. No. 3: Calculate the magnetic force acting on a moving charge in a magnetic field?
Q. No. 4: Define magnetic force and calculate the magnetic force between two parallel current carrying
Q. No. 5: Derive formula for magnetic force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a region when
uniform magnetic field B exists?
Q. No. 6: Derive the expression for Torque acting on a current carrying loop of wire in magnetic field?
Q. No. 1: An electric field of 1.5Kv/m and a magnetic field of 0.44 T act on a moving electron to produce no
force. Calculate minimum electron speed V?
Q. No. 2: A proton traveling at 230 with respect to magnetic field 2.3mT experiences a magnetic force of
6.48x10-17 N. Calculate the speed and KE of proton in Ev?
Q. No. 3: An electric field of 1.5 KV/M and magnetic field of 0.44T act on a moving electron to produce no
net force calculate the speed of electron?
Q. No. 4: A straight Horizontal segment of copper wire carries a current I=28A what is the magnitude of the
magnetic field needed to balance its weight. Its linear mass density is
Q. No. 1: Is B uniform for all point into the circular loop of wire carrying current?
Q. No. 2: Does the induced E.M.F always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit?
Q. No. 3: What do you mean by strength of magnetic field and what is its unit?
Q. No. 4: If an electron is not deflected in passing through a certain regain of space, can use be sure that
there is no magnetic field in that region.
Q. No. 1: State Biot savant law/ Determine the magnetic field at a point distance R away from the long
straight were carrying current?

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Q. No. 2: State Biot sevart’s Law. Determine magnetic field at a point on the axis of perpendicular to plane
of current carrying loop of wire.
Q. No. 3: State Ampere’s Law and derive relation for magnetic field due to a toroid?
Q. No. 4: State Biot-Savart Law? And calculate magnetic field due to long straight wire using biot-Sarart
Q. No. 5: State amperes law and apply it to calculate the magnetic field inside a current carrying solenoid?
Q. No. 6: What is solenoid? Determine magnetic field due to solenoid by applying the Ampere’s Law?
Q. No. 7: Show that tow parallel wires carrying current in same Direction attract each other.
Q. No. 8: Using Biot-Savart’s Law derive formula for magnetic field at a point near long straight wire?
Q. No. 1: In the Bohr Model of the hydrogen atom, the electron circulates around the nucleus in a path of
radius 5.29x10-11m at a frequency of 6.63x1015 Hz (or revels) (i) What value of B is set up at the centre of
the orbit? (ii) What is the equivalent magnetic dipole moment?
Q. No. 2: A 200 turns solenoid having a length of 25cm carries a current of 0.30 A. Find magnetic field B
inside the solenoid.
Q. No. 3: In hydrogen atom electron circulates around nucleus of radius 5.29x10-11 m at a frequency of
6.63x1012 Hz. What is the value of B at the centre of orbit.
Q. No. 4: In the bohr model of hydrogen atom the electron circulate around the nucleus in a path of radius
5.29x10-11 m at a frequency of 6.63x1015 Hz. What value of B is set up at the centre of orbit?
Q. No. 5:Find the value of magnetic field at a distance R =2cm from along straight wire in which 2mA
current flows?
Q. No. 6:A solenoid 1.33m long and 2.60cm in diameter carries a current of 17.8A. The magnetic field
inside the solenoid is 22.4mT. Find the length of wire.
Q. No. 7: By using Biot-Sarvart Law determine the magnetic field due to a current carrying coil on a point
lying on the axis of the coil.
Q. No. 1: Discuss analogies and differences between Gauss’s Law and Ampere’s Law.
Q. No. 2: Discuss analogies and differences between Coulomb’s Law and Biot-Savart’s Law.
Q. No. 3: What is difference between Gauss law and Ampere’s Law? Define Ampere’s law?
Q. No. 4: Is B uniform for all points within a circulate loop of wire carrying current? Explain?
Q. No. 5: What charge in the magnetic field inside a solenoid carrying a steady current if (i) The length of
solenoid is double but number of turn’s remain same. (ii) The number of turns is double but the length
remain same.
Q. No. 1: Describe Motional emf. Derive a mathematical expression for it?
Q. No. 2: Write a note an (i) Motional emf (ii) Eddy Currents.
Q. No. 3: Find an expression to find electric field at a point on the axis of Ring of charge.
Q. No. 1: At a certain location in the Northern hemisphere, the earth’s magnetic field has magnitude of 42
µT and points downward at 570 to the vertical calculate the flux through a horizontal surface of area
2.5m2? (2 times)
Q. No. 2: An electron is accelerated at 1.86x108ms-1 by an electric field. Determine magnitude and
Direction of magnetic field?
Q. No. 3: A long horizontal rigidly supported wire carries a current of 96 A. Directly above another parallel
wire carries the current of 23 A and weighs 0.073 N/M. how far above the lower wire should this second
wire be stung if we hope to support it magnetic repulsion.
Q. No. 4: What is the Lorentz Force?
Q. No. 5: What do you mean by strength of magnetic field and what is its unit?
Q. No. 6: At a certain location the magnetic field has the magnitude 42µT and point downward at 570 to
the vertical. Calculate the magnetic flux through a horizontal surface of area 2.5m2.
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Q. No. 1: How can you summarize in one statement all the ways of determining the direction of an induced
Q. No. 2: Under what circumstances can the terminal potential difference of a battery exceed its emf?
Q. No. 3: Does the induced emf depend upon the resistance of the circuit?
Q. No. 4: Define (i) Electric Dipole (ii) Electric Dipole moment

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