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ECCS - Technical Committee 7 - Working Group 7.6

Composite Slabs

Good Construction Practice

for Composite Slabs


1993 NO73
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Copyright owner :

ECCS General Secretariat

CECM Avenue des Ombrages, 32/36 bte 20
EKS 8-1200 BRUSSEL (Belglum)
Tel. 32/2-762 04 29
Fax 32/2-762 09 35

ECCS assumes no liability with respect to the use for any application of the material and information contained in this
This document is written for designers, architects, site engineers, foremen, operatives, building owners
and potential customers. This includes personnel concerned with steel, concrete and other sub-contractors.
Only a general knowledge of building construction is assumed. As such, every effort has been made to
eliminate all formula and background theory. Construction techniques, practices and values are not
particular to any decking. This document contains rules and practices covering most decking available
on the European market and for the majority of their potential uses.

A list of essential infcimation that should be available to site personnel is given. Example drawings
specifically for composite slabs are provided. Instructions on the proper way to receive, store and lift
decking bundles are reviewed. Good practices for panel placement and fastening to the underlying frame
are presented. Additional fastening needed when panels are used as in-plane bracing are included. Typical
construction loads that are placed on the decking when used as a temporary working platform are listed.
Essential information on permanent and temporary supports is presented. Proper installation techniques
for shear connectors are reviewed. This review includes both shot-fired cold-formed angles and welded
headed studs. Shear connectors needed when constructing in seismic regions is covered. Typical interior
and exterior edge details are given. Common practices for openings, both large and small are reviewed.
Reinforcement practices and requirements are listed. This includes mesh reinforcement, additional positive
and negative moment reinforcement, reinforcement near openings and additional reinforcement for fire
resistance. Concrete types, concreting practices and concrete construction loads are detailed. This includes
concrete placement by pumping and by skip. Practices which should be observed when attaching brackets
and services are reviewed. Typical construction loads that may be placed on the composite slab after
curing are reviewed. Lastly, the proper installation of thermal, acoustic and fire insulation are presented.

Ce document est redig6 pour les concepteurs, architectes, ingenieurs de chantier, personnel de chantier,
maitres d'oeuvre, maitres 'd'ouvrage ainsi que tous les utilisateurs potentiels des systkmes de dalles
mixtes. Cela inclut le personnel des entreprises de construction mCtallique, des entreprises de gros oeuvre
et de second oeuvre.

Seules des connaissances generales de la technique du bfitiment sont necessaires. Dans cette optique, tous
les efforts ont ett? faits pour eliminer du texte les formules et references theoriques. Les techniques de
construction, les pratiques et les valeurs indiquees dans ce document ne sont pas particulikes a des t8les
nervurges spdcifiques. Le document contient les regles et les pratiques couvrant la majorit6 des produits
disponibles sur le march6 europeen ainsi que la majorite de leurs utilisations potentielles. I1 donne une
liste des informations primordiales qui doivent etre accessibles au personnel de chantiers et contient des
figures presentant des situations specifiques de dalles mixtes. I1 fournit les instructions sur la rnanikre de
receptionner, stocker et lever correctement les fardeaux. Les techniques de pose et de fixation sur la
structure sont presentees. Lorsque les t8les nervurdes sont utilises pour produire un effet diaphragrne dans
la structure, des fixations supplementaires sont necessaires et les informations correspondantes sont
donnees. Le document fournit une liste des charges courantes de chantier il utiliser lorsque les t8les
nervurees servent comme plate-formes temporaires de travail. Les informations essentielles sur les appuis
provisoires et ddfinitifs sont presentees ainsi que les techniques d'installations specifiques pour les
ancrages. Cela comprend il la fois les techniques relatives aux connecteurs du type cloues, aux goujons
soudds et les ancrages necessaires pour utilisation en region sismiques. Des details constructifs sont
present& pour la realisation des costikes exterieures et intkrieures. Les pratiques courantes de realisation
de tremie, petites ou grandes sont passees en revue.
La mise en oeuvre et les rkgles relatives aux armatures sont presentees. Cela inclut les treillis, les
armatures de renforts sous moment positif et negatif, les armatures de renfort p r b des ouvertures et
tremies ainsi que les armatures pour la resistance 2 I’incendie. Les types de beton, les methodes de
betonnage et les charges de beton en phase de construction sont discutes. Cela inclut la mise en oeuvre
par pompage ou par tremie. Les charges courantes de construction qui peuvent exister sur le plancher
mixte a p r b la prise du beton sont presentees. Les pratiques qui doivent &re observees lorsque I’on fixe
les crochets et appareils de service sont repenoriees.

Finalement, les installations specifiques pour l’isolation thermique, I’isolation accoustique et pour la
resistance A I’incendie sont proposees.

Dieser Leitfaden wurde fiir Konstrukteure, Architekten, Bauleiter, Poliere, Facharbeiter, Bauherren und
sonstige potentielle Anwender geschrieben. Dazu gehoren das beteiligte Personal von Stahlbau- und
Betonbaufirmen sowie anderen betroffenen Subunternehmen. Es werden nur die Grundkenntnisse des
Bauwesens vorausgesetzt, d. h., es wurde besonders darauf geachtet, die Angabe von Formeln und
theoretischen Grundlagen zu vermeiden. Die hier genannten konstruktiven Ausfiihrungsarten, Praktiken
und Daten sind nicht spezifisch fiir einen bestimmten Profiltafeltyp, sondern dieser Leitfaden umfaRt
Regeln und Praktiken, wie sie fiir die meisten Profiltafeln des europaischen Marktes und deren
Hauptanwendungsgebiete gelten.

Die wesentlichen Informationen, die dem Baustellenpersonal zur Verfiigung stehen mussen, werden
aufgelistet, und die fiir Verbunddecken typischen Ausfiihrungszeichnungen werden in Beispielen
vorgestellt. Fur das geeignete Vorgehen bei der Annahme, der Lagerung und dem Heben von
Profiltafel-Paletten werden Anweisungen gegeben. Ebenso werden die Praktiken beim Verlegen und
Befestigen der Profiltafeln auf der Unterkonstuktion beschrieben. Zusatzliche Verbindungen, die fiir die
Ausbildung von Schubfeldern benotigt werden, sind dabei berucksichtigt. Die iiblichen Lasten, die im
Bauzustand auf den voriibergehend als Arbeitsbiihne dienenden Profiltafeln abgestellt werden, werden
ebenfalls aufgelistet.

Fur die Ausbildung der Auflager und der Hilfsunterstutzungen der Profiltafeln werden wichtige Hinweise
gegeben. Es werden geeignete Montagetechniken fiir Verbundmittel beschrieben. Dies schlieRt sowohl
die mit Setzbolzen befestigten, kaltverformten Schenkeldubel, als auch die geschweiRten Kopfbolzendubel
ein. VerankerungsmaRnahmen, die bei Bauten in Erdbebengebieten erforderlich sind, werden ebenfalls
behandelt. Fur die konstruktive Ausbildung der inneren und auReren Deckenrander werden die typischen
Details vorgestellt.

Es wird ein Uberblick iiber die gebraulichen konstruktiven MaRnahmen bei kleinen und groRen
Deckenaussparungen gegeben. Praktiken und Anforderungen bei zusatzlicher Bewehrung aus Betonstahl
werden aufgeziihlt. Dazu gehoren die Schwindbewehrung, zusatzliche Bewehrung zur Aufnahme positiver
und negativer Momente, Bewehrung an den Randern von Aussparungen sowie zusatzliche Bewehrung aus
Brandschutzgrunden. Die Beton-Festigkeitsklassen, Betonierpraktiken und Lasten infolge des
Betonierbetriebs werden genannt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch das Fordern des Betons durch
Pumpen oder durch Kubel erwahnt. Konstruktive MaRnahmen, die bei der Befestigung von Konsolen und
Installationen 211 beachten sind, werden beschrieben. Es werden die typischen Lasten angesprochen, die
nach dem Betonieren auf der Verbunddecke wiihrend des Baubetriebs abgestellt werden. SchlieRlich
werden geeignete Verfahren zur Anbringung von Warme-, Schall- und Feuerisolierungen genannt.
FLOORS WITH PROFILED STEEL SHEET was published in September 1974 by ECCS Committee 11
"Multi-Storey Buildings". This ECCS document No. 14 was subsequently used as a reference publication '
for Section 15 of the "Model Code for Composite Structures" prepared by the Joint Committee on
Composite Structures (CEB-ECCS-FIP-IABSE) and published under the title COMPOSITE
STRUCTURES by the Construction Press, London, in 1981. This Model Code was finally used as a draft
format for the preparation of the Eurocode No. 4 "Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures,

In 1987 a technical group TWG 7.6 "Composite Slabs" was created within the ECCS Technical
Committee TC 7 (Cold-formed thin-walled sheet steel in building), with the following tasks:
- To propose comments to Eurocode No. 4 (1985).'
To revise the document ECCS No. 14 (1974).
To coordinate research efforts in the field of composite slabs.

The present document represents part of the revision of ECCS document No. 14, concerning practical
considerations for construction site personnel. It was prepared by Dr. Byron J. Daniels, TNO Building
and Construction Research, Delft, NL. Reference was made to the publication "Good practice in
composite floor construction" issued by the Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, GB (1990) [l], to the
construction site guide "Mise en oeuvre des planchers collaborants Sollac", issued by PAB-Sollac,
Paris-La-Defense, F (1991) [2] and to good practice rules contained in the documentation of other
European profiled sheeting manufacturers.

Another document is currently in preparation by TWG 7.6, which represents the second and last part of
the revisions to ECCS document No. 14. This document is entitled "Design Manual for Composite Slabs"
contains design information and examples for designers and architects.

The working group TWG 7.6 is at present composed of the following members:


BEGUIN Phi1ippe France
BLAFFART Henri Belgium
BODE Helmut Germany
CAJOT Louis-Gu y Luxembourg
CRISINEL Michel (Chairman) Switzerland
KOUKKARI Heli Finland
O'LE ARY David (Tec.Sec) Great Britain
SCHUSTER Reinhold Canada
STARK Jan Netherlands
TSCHEMMERNEGG Ferdinand Austria
Corresponding members are:

BAEHRE Rolf Germany

BREKELMANS Jan Netherlands
DANIELS Byron (Tec. Sec) Netherlands
JANSS Jost? Belgium
KELLNER Th. Germany
KREUTZ Gilbert France
MAGNIEZ Georges France
MELE Michele Italy
MOREAU Gerard France
PATRICK Mark Australia
SOKOL LCopold France
WOELFEL E. Germany
WRIGHT Howard Great Britain

The working group gratefully obtained contributions from:

BUCHE Heinrich Germany

ENGEL Pierre France
HEDIN Johan Sweden (former member)
LAWSON Mark Great Br i tain
SAUERBORN Ingeborg Germany

Thanks are also due to many more colleagues who took part in working group meetings or offered

Chairman of TWG 7.6

Byron J. DANIELS and David O’LEARY

Technical Secretaries of TWG 7.6

Michael DAMES
Chairman of TC 7

Lausanne, Delft and Salford, May 1993.

Chapter Page

1. Introduction 9

1.1 What is a composite slab? 10

1.2 What are the advantages of Composite slabs? 10
1.3 Where are composite slabs normally used? 12
1.4 What safety procedures should be observed? 13 ~

2. List of essential construction site information 14

2.1 General 14
2.2 Decking bundle identification 14
2.3 Information for steel sub-contractors 15
2.3.1. Decking layout drawings 15
2.3.2. Shear connectors 17
2.4 Information for concrete sub-contractors 17
2.5 Construction loads 19

3. Reception, storage and lifting of decking bundles 20

3.1 Reception and verification 20

3.2 Storage 20
3.3 Lifting 20

4. Decking placement and fastening 22

4.1 Proper panel placement 22

4.2 Fastening panels to the underlying frame 22
4.3 Seam fasteners 28
4.4 Decking used as temporary in-plane bracing 28
5. Construction loads prior to concreting 29

5.1 General 29
5.2 The support of heavy loads 29
5.3 The distribution of concentrated loads 29

6. Support details 32

6.1 Permanent supports 32

6.2 Temporary supports 33
6.3 Special support details 33

7. Shear connectors 36

7.1 General 36
7.2 Headed studs 36
7.2.1 Proper positioning and orientation in decking ribs 37
7.2.2 Welding of headed studs 38
7.3 Cold-formed angles 38
7.3.1 Proper positioning and orientation in decking ribs 41
7.3.2 Shot-firing of cold-formed angles 41 .
7.4 Special considerations for seismic regions 41
7.5 Special considerations for permanent in-plane bracing 41

8. Edge details and openings 43

8.1 Exterior edge details 43

8.1.1 Edge trim and tie backs 43
8.1.2 Filler blocks and stop-ends 46
8.2 Interior edge details 46
8.3 Openings 46
8.3.1 Small openings 46
8.3.2 Large openings 49

9. Reinforcement 50

9.1 General 50 .
9.2 In-span reinforcement 50
9.2.1 Openings 50
9.2.2 Fire reinforcement 50 I

9.3 Support reinforcement 51

10. Concrete, concreting and concreting loads 53

10.1 Concrete types 53

10.2 Concreting 53 I

10.2.1 General 53
10.2.2 Concrete by pumping 55
10.2.3 Concrete by skip and barrow 56
10.3 Loads during concreting 56

11. Construction loads after concreting 58

12. Attaching cladding and services 60

13. Other considerations 61

13.1 Thermal insulation 61

13.2 Sound insulation 61
13.3 Fire insulation 61
1. Introduction
The use of composite slabs in buildings has increased considerably in Europe in the last 20 years. This
is particularly true in the United Kingdom and France. Already several national codes specifically address
this type of construction.

Today the European Community is about to establish common unified rules for building construction, the
Eurocodes. These rules include steel, concrete and composite steel-concrete construction. The introduction
of such rules pose potential problems in countries where unfamiliar construction practices may now be
allowed. It is important to ensure a minimum level of quality in countries where composite construction
is common and to provide guidelines for countries where such construction will occur in the future. The
aim of this document is to provide such guidelines for composite slabs. It is hoped that this document will
answer many practical and safety related questions, thus ensuring composite slabs an increased share of
the flooring market throughout Europe in the future.

This document is in agreement with the Eurocodes and in particular the Eurocode 4 for composite
building construction. Where values or practices for composite slabs are not given in the Eurocodes, this
document indicates values and practices that are not in conflict with the Eurocode design philosophy.

Clipon dry fire protection

or encased column

11I Recast pre-faced cladding unit

FIGURE 1: Typical composite slab in a steel framed building

1.1 What is a composite slab?

All composite slabs consist of decking (thin-walled cold-formed steel panels), a light mesh of
reinforcement and concrete, see FIGURE 1. The decking provides three essential roles:

- Temporary working plarform. Once intlivitlual panels have been properly assembled the
decking is capable of supporting substantial live loads. I

- Formwork. The decking supports the weight of the concrete slab, preferably without the help
of temporary supports.

Positive momeizt rei/forcement. The decking acts as the positive (sagging) moment
reinforcement for the slab once the concrete has hardened.

Decking geometries can be roughly divitletl into two types, those with re-entrant ribs (dovetailed) and
those with open ribs (trapezoiclal). Examples of these two rib geornetries are shown in FIGURE 2.
Most panels are available in several wall thicknesses, with nominal values from 0.75 to 1.5 mm.
Normally the steel core material is protected on both sides with a 20 prn thick zinc coating which
corresponds to 275 g/m' (total on both sides). Decorative coatings are available if the underside
of the decking remains visible.

Several methods may be used to increase the longituclinal shear resistance (interlock) between decking
and concrete. These are listed as follows:

Re-entrant clecks withoirt emhosstiieiits. Some re-entrant decks rely only on their rib shape to
provide interlock. Examples of decking i n this category are shown in FIGURE 2a.

Embossed decking. Embossments are small cleformations in the webs or tlanges. Typical
embossment patterns are shown in FIGURE 2b. In some panels, the enibossments may be
placed in the bottom tlanges o r in specially formed joints.

- Decks with erid anchorage. Some clecks are provided with ribs that are specially deformed at
the ends, refered to as bent rib anchors. Shear connectors placed at supports can also be used
as end anchorages. Examples of this are shown in FIGURE 2c.

Other. Other interlock mechanisms may be used but are not covered in this document.

The minimum total slab depth for a composite slab is 80 mm. The thickness of concrete
above the ribs of the decking must be greater than 40 mm. If the slab acts compositely with
the beam or is used as a diaphragm, the minimum total slab depth is 90 mm and the minimum
slab height above the decking is 50 min.

1.2 What are the advaiitages of coniposite slabs?

The basic advantages of this type of construction may be listed as the following:

- Transportariort costs. Panels are light, pre-fabricated elements that are easily transported.
Often one lorry is capable of carrying up to 1500 in? of tlooring.

(a) Re-entrant Ribs (Type I)

(b) Embossments (Type 11)

(c) End Anchorages (Type 111)

FIGURE 2: Typical forms of interlock in composite slabs

Rapid construction. Panels quickly installed by hand (about 400 m2 for one group or team per
day). Decking makes an excellent working platform which speeds the construction process for
other trades. This is done by reducing, or eliminating, the need for temporary supports. Lastly,
the slab is easily poured.

Wind bracing. As soon as panels are fixed in place they can act as an effective in-plane bracing.

Reinforcement. Substantial reductions in the quantity of slab reinforcement over conventional

concrete slabs can be achieved.

Services. Services such as electricity, telephone and computer network cables, etc. are easily
installed. Re-entrant ribs allow for the convenient installation of false ceilings and ventilation.

Weight savings. On average, composite slabs are lighter than other floor systems. This can in turn
result in substantial savings in foundation, beam and column costs.

Other advclrrtages. Composite slabs act as good vapour barriers and generally have good fire
resistance and acoustic potential.

1.3 Where are coniposite slabs nontially used?

Composite slabs are often used in the following types of buildings:

- Industrial buildings.
Office buildings.
- Commercial buildings.
Housing, both single and multiple family structures.
Renovation of existing buildings.
Multi-storey car parks (for these structures careful attention should be given to specification and
detailing in cases where corrosive conditions may exist)

Spans of 2 to 4 metres, without temporary supports, are considered normal. Longer spans, with
temporary supports are available. Slab thicknesses normally range from 80 to 300 mm.

Generally, composite slabs are most frequently used in combination with multi-storey steel-framed
buildings. Recently composite slabs have also been used in concrete, masonry and wooden framed
structures. Composite slabs are ideal for interior applications under normal environmental conditions.
In other circumstances the specification of composite slabs should be based on the consideration on any
adverse effects which may exist.
1.4 What safety procedures should be observed?

When using composite slabs special attention should be paid to the following:

- Gloves should be warn by all personnel handling or placing panels.

Panels should be attached to the underlying frame as soon as possible. Panels are light and may
become airborne in strong winds. In windy conditions care should be taken to ensure that panel
drops and cut-offs are collected and disposed of in skips. Unused decking bundles should be
securely fastened at the end of each working day.
- Workers should not be allowed directly underneath panels which are being installed.
- Workers should not walk on panels not yet attached to the underlyingframe. Guard rails and
netting should be placed to increase worker secitrir)l.

Heavy and concentrated loads should be carejirlly placed on the decking and the composite slab.
For jitrther itformation on loads and load placement refer to Chapters 5, 10 and 11.
- Long span cantilevers using decking should be avoided. When using long cantilevers the decking
should be propped along the free edge.
- Heavy moving concentrated loads (generally due to vehicles with axle weights less than 3 tonnes)
may be applied to composite slabs only fi their efsects have specifically been taken into account
by the designer or architect. jr32is should be clearly indicated on construction documents.

Dynamic loads should be avoided. Oiily a f e w decking gpes allow dynamic loads to be applied.

Throughout this document additional references will be made to safe and unsafe practices for each
construction stage.
2. List of esseiitial construction site iiiforiiiatioii
2.1 General

This chapter contains the minimum amount of information that the designer and/or architect should
supply to construction site personnel. Most of the information contained in this chapter is used by the
designer and/or architect when calculating decking and composite slab resistances. Ignorance of this
information by field personnel can thus lead to situations that the designer and/or architect has not
foreseen. Any variations from the conditions specitied hy the designer and/or architect should be
brought to their attention.

If any of the following information is not available on site, the designer and/or architect should be

2.2 Deckiiig Butidle ideiitificcitioti

An identification tag should be attached to each decking bundle delivered to the job site. An example
tag is shown in FIGURE 3. Actual tags may look somewhat different but should contain the following

- Total birriclle weight.

- Deck ope, suifoce contlirion.

- The nuniber, leiigrh uiitl thickness of ecrcli patiel.

Bundle identification
Location Job No. Deck type Galvanised code

0 0
0 M A R K A21 0
0 10 x 10075.0 x 0.75 0
0 4 x 7295.0 x 1.00 0
0 Bundle weight
3 x 3335.0x 1.00 0
0 . 0.967 tonnes / \ \ 0

/- \ ' Thickness (mm)

No. of sheets Length (mm)

FIGURE 3: Example Decking Bundle Identification

The bundle identification code should also appear on the decking layout plan, and can thus be used to
identify the bay(s) for which the bundle is designated. A product description including the following
should be available on site or from the decking manufacturer's technical information service:

Rib height.
- Embossment depths.

- 'Ihe yield strength of the core material.

'Ihe o p e of coatings (ifany) and coating thickness.

2.3 Infonnation for steel sub-contractors

The steel sub-contractor should be provided with a decking layout drawing which divides the floor into
bays. A bay consists of panels from the same decking bundle that are to be laid out and fixed to the
underlying frame as one unit. Each bay of each floor with composite slabs should be contained in this
drawing. Information not included in this chapter may also be specified in this drawing. Such information
may be necessary because of variations from standard practices. All such variations should be clearly
indicated (highlighted) by the designer and/or architect.

2.3.2 Decking layout drawing

Bay definition

Bays may be defined using dashed lines and a diagonal solid line, such as are shown in FIGURE 4. A
reference number may be placed in a circle on the diagonal line to indicate that special bay instruction
are given elsewhere on the drawing. The approximate location of the first panel to be placed in each bay
and the direction in which layout should continue is indicated. Other information given for each bay is:

Decking rib orientation.

- 'Ihe nitmber of panels.
- 'Ihe biuidle identification code.
The panel length.

Columns and supporls

The location and orientation of each column should be indicated as shown in FIGURE 4. All supports
(permanent or temporary) should be included. Permanent supports are drawn using a solid line, temporary
supports are drawn using a dashed line and the letters TP (Temporary Prop-line). The minimum width
of the temporary support in contact with the decking should be given (the minimum bearing width).

Openings and edges

The location and orientation of all openings and edges with respect to permanent supports should be
given. This includes both permanent and temporary edges. Such information should be indicated in boxes
identified by the words "Edge trim", see FIGURE 4.

FIGURE 4: Exainple Decking Layout Drawing

(Fasteiier details not shown)
There may be more than one reference box for each edge. The following information should be contained
in each reference box:

- A reference letter (or number)for details which appears elsewhere.

- n e decking rib height.

- n e distance behveen the edge of the decking arid the centreline of the nearest permanent

Details should be available for all exterior edges and edges next to openings. Details may also be
necessary for temporary edges. Temporary edges include changes in the orientation of the decking ribs
and edges between concreting. Examples of support and edge details are given in FIGURES 17 and 19
of Chapter 6, and in FIGURES 24 and 25 of Chapter 8.

Pariel fastening

Panels may be fastened only to permanent supports and to adjacent panels (seam fasteners). Fastening
should be undertaken immediately after each panel or bay has being laid out. For each bay special
fastener information may be given. Fastener information is indicated on the decking layout drawing using
information boxes identified by the word "Fasteners", as shown in FIGURE 5. Each information box
should contain the following:

Fastener qpe.

Number of fasteners needed to fix each panel to each support, or the minimum number of seam
fasteners per metre leiigth or the maximum spacing.

2.3.2 Shear connectors

Shear connectors are normally shown on structural drawings for composite beams. This information need
only be included in the decking layout drawing if holes must be cut in the decking, or if shear connectors
are to be installed using through deck welding or through deck shot-firing. In these cases the location,
type and length of each shear connector should be indicated on the decking layout drawing. The
orientation and location of the shear connector relative to decking ribs should be clearly indicated. The
minimum distance between the centreline of the shear connector and the end of the decking should be
given. Installation and quality control procedure information from the shear connector supplier should
be available on site. Further information on shear connectors is given in Chapter 7.

2.4 Information for concrete sub-contractors

A reinforcement layout drawing should be made available to the appropriate contractor for each bay of
eachj7oor. The location, length, minimum overlap and minimum concrete cover of all reinforcement in
the composite slab should be indicated. The specified grade of all reinforcement should also be indicated
on this drawing. This grade should be checked against the identification tag for each reinforcement
bundle. Important reinforcement details (such as near supports, openings and edges) should be referenced
and placed on this drawing or on the decking layout drawing. Any special preparation needed to ensure
that excessive leakage does not occur during concreting should be indicated.



FIGURE 5: Example Decking Layout Drawing

(Fastener details only)
Information concerning the concrete mix should be provided in the same manner as for other reinforced
concrete components. Minimum necessary concreting information includes the following:

The minimum concrete compressive strength.

- Maximum aggregate size.
- v p e s of admixtures. (Admixtures which contain Calcium Chloride are not permitted.)

2.5 Consfrircfionloads

The design load that may be carried by the decking as a temporary working platform, as shuttering and
by the composite slab should be clearly indicated on the decking layout drawings and on appropriate
concreting drawings (in kN/m?). Special loacling limitations should be clearly indicated for each bay. In
addition the following values may be necessary:
- Ihe minimum concrete compressive strength at which temporary supports may be removed (can
be given in terms of days afier coricreting).
Ihe minimum concrete compressive strength at which temporary construction load may be
applied (can be given in terms of days aJer concreting).
- l7ie maximirm allowable vehicular axle weight.
3. Reception, storage and lifting of decking bundles
3.1 Reception cind verifictilioii

Panels are normally packaged into decking bundles about 1 metre wide and up to 1 metre deep.
Lengths are variable, and cut as specified. Each bundle can weigh as much as 4 tonnes. Average
bundle weight, however, is closer to 2 tonnes.
The information on each bundle tag, see FIGURE 3, should be verified upon arrival at the job site.
In particular, the sheet thickness should be verified. Following this verification, a visual inspection
should be made to ensure that individual panels are not damaged. Only after the above inspections
have been completed should acceptance of the delivery be made. Remember, it is much easier to
check delivered panels than to remove installecl ancl/or concreted decking.

The concreted surface of the each panel is normally protected by a zinc coating. Other coatings may
be specified, howeverl aluzinc protection is not allowed.

3.2 Storage

Decking does not store well for long periods of time at construction sites. Decking bundles should
not be delivered more that one month in advance of their anticipated use. Bundles are best stored for
long periods in a warehouse with low httmitlity ancl small variations in temperature. When stored
outside for short periods of time they should be placed and covered as shown in FIGURE 6. This
ensures that the intlivitlual panels are not directly exposed to rain and sun and any condensation is
allowed to drain.

3.3 Lifiiiig

Decking bundles are norinally encased in wooden packing. This packing is usually designed to allow
lifting slings to be inserted. It is recomnientlecl that each bunclle be lifted using the frames provided
by the manufacturer, and not to place lifting slings directly in contact with the panels. Decking panels
have sharp edges that can clamage the lifting slings. Short bundles, up to 3 metres in length, may be
lifted with sloping slings as shown in FIGURE 7a. Long bundles should be lifted using a spreader
beam as shown in FIGURE 7h.

FIGURE 6: Correct site storage of decking bundles.

21 I

(a) Short bundles

1- 4000 B
2750 2750

(b) Long bundles

FIGURE 7: Correct lifting arrangements for decking bundles.

4. Decking placement and fastening
4.1 Proper decking plucenient

Before panel placement begins, the tops of the underlying beams should be clean and dry. This is
particularly important when through deck welding of studs is specified. Note that when through deck
welding is specified, flange tops should be cleaned of mill-scale and remain un-painted. Once cleaned,
walking on the top flange should be avoided.

Bundle identification tags should be checked to ensure that panel lengths and thicknesses correspond to
those shown on the decking layout drawings.

No work should be permitted below the area where panels are being installed. Guard rails should be
provided at the edges of the finished platform. Netting, supported by the bottom flanges of the underlying
beam, can also be provided at the working edge. Temporary guard rails should be provided at the end
of each day at all unfinished edges. This is best placed 2 metres behind the unfinished edge.

A typical installation sequence is shown in FIGURE 8. Panel placement should begin at the locations
indicated on the decking layout drawing. When the decking bundles are lifted into place care should be
taken to ensure that all panel overlaps are in the same direction (overlaps are special ribs provided along
the longitudinal edge of each panel which fit over the last full rib of the adjacent panel). This eliminates
the need to manually turn each panel. Manually turning of panels greatly slows the installation procedure.
Caution should be observed to ensure that panels a r e not installed upside down. This is easy to do
if a decking with open trapezoidal ribs is used. For most open ribbed decking, embossments should be
oriented such that they project rorvurds the concreted surface. The consequences of placing the decking
up-side down can be quite severe. Panels should be lifted and slid into place, as shown in FIGURES 8a
and 8b. If necessary, panels may be field-cut using a grinder or nibbler. An example of this is shown in
FIGURE 8c. Normally, field cutting is only necessary where a column or other obstructions interrupt the
decking, FIGURE 8d. Field cutting should be kept to a minimum.

Panel ends should be butted together or overlapped as indicated on the layout drawing, FIGURE 4.
Maximum end gaps are normally limited to 5 mm to minimise concrete losses. If specified, panels ends
may be taped as shown in FIGURE 9. All interior panel ends should be centred over permanent
supports. Exterior edges may be cantilevered. Long cantilevers (greater than 600 mm) are rarely used
and should be avoided. Further information on support details are given in Chapter 6. Edge details and
openings are treated in Chapter 7.

4.2 Fastening panels to the underlying frame

Panels are fixed to the underlying frame to prevent their moving prior to or during concreting. Normally
each panel should be connected at least twice to each permanent support. The number and placement of
each fastener is given on the decking layout drawing. When possible each panel should be fastened before
moving on. For setting out purposes it may be necessary to layout an entire bay before properly fastening
each panel.

FIGURE 8: Typical decking installation procedure.


FIGURE 9: Proper taping of butted decking ends.

Preferred fastener types vary depending upon the material with which the underlying frame is
constructed. These are listed as follows:

- Steel fi’ames. Three types of fasteners are used, shot-fired nails, self-tapping screws or
circular plug welds. If shot-tired nails are used, the steel grades should be compatible. A
typical self-tapping screw attachment is shown in FIGURE 10a.

- Concrete and masortty. For concrete and masonry supports shot-fired nails are preferred. An
example shot fired nail and installation gun is shown in FIGURE lob. Fasteners should be
at least 80 mm from the edge of the support to avoid splitting. If splitting occurs, drilling
and plugging or other proprietary systems can be used to fasten the decking. If significant
uplift forces are foreseen a wooden or metal insert must be placed in the support. The proper
placement of such inserts is shown in FIGURE 11.

- Wood. For wooden slipports screws or nails may be used. A typical wood screw is shown
in FIGURE 1Oc.

Several simple rules should be observed when using fasteners:

- Initial trials should be performed. These trials should be done on the same day, using the
same materials to be fixed.
- Correct fasteller installation. The correct visual inspection procedure for shot-fired pins is
shown in FIGURE 12. This procedure ensures that the pin has not been over or under
driven. When using screws check that the panel is firmly pressed against the support.

nie placement of fasteiiers relatiw to the iinclerlyiirg siipport. In general, fasteners should
be placed not closer than 20 mm from the edge of a metallic support and 80 mm from the
edge of a concrete support. Correct support placement for shot fired fasteners are shown in

,-.-. -.-.
I 1

Nail Hilti Enp 2 21 L 15

FIGURE 10: Typical attachments used between decking and the

underlying support.

1 - 2

Minimum Values (mm)

. .
c 3
1 1 h




FIGURE 11: Recommended wooden and steel inserts for concrete


4 mm I

Good - washers are Bad - over driven both washers

correctly placed and sheet are punctured

1 !


Bad - over driven the Bad - under riven the two

washers are punctured washers are not tight

FIGURE 12: Visual inspection procedure for shot-fired fasteners

(b) Concrete

80 mm min.

FIGURE 13: Minimum edge distances for shot-fired fasteners on steel

and concrete supports.
4.3 Seam fasteners

Connections between panels (seam fasteners) are normally required every 500 mm for single span decking
and once every metre for continuous span decking. Actual requirements for each bay are indicated on the
decking layout drawing. Reasons for specifying connections between panels are to guarantee the required
load-carrying capacity and robustness of the decking. Proper seam fastening minimises concrete spillage.
Seam fasteners between panels are particularly important if heavy construction loads are expected or if
the decking spans more than 3 metres.

The preferred methods of attaching panels are blind rivets or self-tapping screws. These two fastener
types are shown in FIGURE 14.

4.4 Decking iised as temporary in-plane bracing

When the decking is to be used as temporary in-plane bracing for the unfinished building, additional
fasteners will be called for on the decking layout drawings.

Some decks which have a clip system do not need seam fasteners; the seams are secured with pliers.

0 4.8.

Blind rivets
Self-tapping screws

FIGURE 14: Typical attachiiieiits between decking.

5. Construction loads prior to coiicretiiig
5.1 General

Decking is a robust working platforni when properly placed and fastened. Such platforms can often
support loads well in excess ofthose envisaged by the designer and/or architect. This does not excuse,
however, abusive and clangerous practices that inay be avoided by observing several simple rules.
Generally, continuous span decking is more robust than single spans. Continuous spans should be
used whenever possible: however, single spans niay be present near l i f t shafts, openings and other
changes in bay geometry. These areas should he avoitletl for the storage of heavy materials.

If props are called for, they should be placed before the decking may be used as a working platform.
Inevitably the decking will be cluttered with a wide variety of stored material and tools. This is taken
into account by the designer, who assiitiies that these loads do not exceed 1.5 kN/m?.

5.2 The sirppori of heavy locids

Heavy loads should be placed near supports ml their loads should be distributed over a number of
ribs using wooden blocking. Often supports can h e easily located by noting the location and
orientation of shear connectors. Typical heavy construction loads include the following:

- Sracks of nresh /.c.ii! 1 metre high stack of A 142 mesh reinforcement weighs 2.2
kN/m’. A 1 metre high stack of A 193 mesh reinforcement weighs 3 kN/m2.

- Reirtforceurenr biindles. A buntlle of 100, 12 niin diameter, reinforcing bars weighs 1

kN/metre length: such bundles should not he placed in a deck rib as shown in FIGURE 15a.

- Decking bwidles. A decking huntlle consisting of 20 panels weighs about 3 kN/m’. Note that
the decking bundle shown in FIGURE 151) is supported on wooden blocking between the

5.3 The distributioti of cotrceiitroted locitls

Typical construction loatls are:

- Compressors aiitl generafors. A stanclartl light compressor has a wheel load of about 10 kN.
Extreme care must be used when placing electrical generators on decking. A static generator
weighs approximately 40kN. A inohile generator niay weigh 150 kN and the power control
units 4.5 kN.

- Skips. A stiintlartl 2.5m x 4.5 in skip with lightly packed panel cut-offs, drums or timber
weighs 4 to 8 kNlm’.

- Drrims of shear cowuxrors. A typical tlruni ftill of shear connectors weighs 5 kN. Notice that
the drunis of shear connectors shown in FlGURE 16 are placed on wooden blocking and
near a support.

FIGURE 15: Examples of heavy construction loads.


FIGURE 16: Exaiiiple of coiiceiitrated construction loads.

6. Support details
Bearing width (also referred to as support overlap) is the longitudinal length of decking in direct contact
with the support. Minimum bearing widths have been established to ensure that excessive rib deformations
near supports will not occur. Minimum bearing widths are thus very important and should be checked
and respected for all supports: permanent and temporary.

6.1 Permanent supports

Minimum bearing widths, and support details, differ depending upon the support material (steel, concrete,
etc.). Minimum bearing widths are different for interior and exterior (end) supports. Typical values and
details are given for the following:
- Steel and Concrete. Composite slabs on steel or concrete supports should have a minimum
bearing width of 75 mm for the slab and a minimum end bearing width of 50 mm for the sheet,
see FIGURE 17a and 17b. For overlapping and continuous sheets the minimum bearing width
should be 75 mm, see FIGURE 17c.
- Wood, composite, masonry and other support rypes.Composite slabs on supports made of
materials other than steel and concrete should have a minimum bearing width of 100 mm for the
slab and a minimum end bearing width is 70 mm for the sheet, see FIGURE 17d and 17e. For
overlapping and continuous sheets the minimum bearing width is 100 mm, see FIGURE 17f.

Concrete & Steel

100 I

Other materials
FIGURE 17: Minimum bearing widths for permanent supports.
33 I
6.2 Temporary sicpports

Temporary supports normally consist of wooden blocking and/or a steel plate supported by adjustable
length steel tubes. Decking layout drawings should be closely examined for the number and location of
temporary supports. There may be small areas where propping is necessary whereas the main areas of
the floor remain un-propped. Such cases may include bays infilled after the removal of climbing cranes
and lift shafts which have non-standard span lengths. In some cases, usually for spans above 4 metres,
it may be necessary to install the temporary supports before panel placement.

Normally, temporary supports are placed at mid-span (one prop), at third points (2 props) or at quarter
points (3 props). Panels should never be interrupted (cut) at the location of a temporary support. No
fasteners should be provided between the temporary supports and the panels.

The minimum bearing width of wooden blocking depends upon the thickness of the slab, the span length
and the panel rib geometry. Blocking widths in the 50 to 100 mm wide range are used. Larger bearing
widths should be used if the decking is exposed in the finished building. This is done to avoid leaving
unsightly marks or deformations on the decking. Typical temporary support examples are shown in
FIGURE 18a. An alternative method of propping the slab is to place a steel beam between the bottom
flanges of adjacent supports. Again wooden blocking with a minimum width of 100 mm should be used.
This alternative is illustrated in FIGURE 18b.

Props may be placed on the composite floors directly beneath the floor being concreted, provided the
design capacity of the floor is not exceeded. The supporting tloor, however, should achieve its design
strength before props are installed. If not, further propping is needed. Props should never be placed
directly on the decking alone. Props should not be removed until the floor has reached 75% of its design
strength. This is normally achieved in 7 to 8 days.

6.3 Special sirppotf details

Other support details may be used for special situations. The wooden blocking shown in FIGURE 19a
is used for the rehabilitation of existing buildings. The bearing width for the wooden blocking should be
100 mm.

The wooden blocking shown in FIGURE 19b is used for connections between composite slabs and
concrete shear walls. The detail should only be used for decking with dovetailed (re-entrant) ribs and
provided with additional reinforcement, thus ensuring that the decking will remain connected to the
concrete slab after the removal of the temporary blocking. No decking bearing width is thus required.
The type, quantity and emplacement of additional reinforcement must be clearly indicated on the working
drawings, as it is essential for ensuring adequate load carrying capacity. A minimum temporary blocking
width of 100 mm is recommended.

elescopic steel beam

FIGURE 18: Typical details for temporary supports


m min
Temporary support
(timber blocking)
.. .

bars '

FIGURE 19: Special temporary support details.

7. Shear connectors
7.1 General

Shear connectors are generally used to provide shear connection between the iinderlying steel beam
and the concrete slab. Two types of connector are wiclely used in buildings:

- Welded, headed srirtls: nosinally henvccn 7.5 to 150 trim in height and from 16 to 20 mm in

Shot fired, cold-fosined angles: norinally betweerr SO and 140 mm in height.

Shear connectors are often installed in decking ribs on the job site after the decking has been placed
and fastened. Their behaviour depends upon their proper orientation and positioning in the decking
ribs. Regardless of the shear connector type, the following rules should be observed:

Deckirig ribs shoirlcl Bc less rhan SS tiitii hixli.

- Vie top of the coir~iectosshoirll csreitcl nr kast 35 trim above the sibs and should have a
mininiiun coticsere COWJS of 20 ~ n r niJsoqirisc~d.
- Vie derailirig of [he shc~as coiiiimoss shall be sirch that concrete caii be adequately
compacted asoiiiid rlir bcrse o j rhe co~iiiecroi-.
- Vie mnsiniinn longitudinal (in ihe tlisocrioii of the 0 m n ) ceiitse-to-centre spacing of shear
coiinectoss slioirltl iiot c.scec4 6 titires rlre iottrl slcrb thickness or SO0 mtn .

Shear coiiiicctos locatioiis slioirltl IXJ laid oirr irsiiig lines tnasketl on the cleckirig.

If shear connectors are installed prior to their delivery on site, beam erection and panel placement is
delicate. The studs should not he tlamageil prior to concreting. The decking may be placed in one of
two ways (this information will be indicated on the decking layout drawing):

Holes are piindied iii the docking to ciccotiitriotlcrte the shear coiiiiecrors.

7.2 Headed studs

The most popular foriii of stud type is shown in FIGURE 20. For studs with a diameter larger than
19mm through panel welding is not recoiiimendecl. In general, the following limitations should be
respected when studs are placed in decking ribs and through-deck welding is called for:

Vie irpper jlaiige of rlre steel hrcrins slioirltl he clean, dry and unpaiiired. Any foreign
eletnerirs sirch as Iriiiskiiig rape slioirltl be seirio~ctlbcjose placing individual panels.

Weldirig is perniirretl rlir-oirglt oiie pcirrel only, thus pnnels caiirior be overlapped.
- 'Ihe maximum deck thickness is 1.25 mm for galvanisedpanels and 1.5 mm f o r non-galvanised
- 'Ihe maximrrm thickriess of galvanizing (on each side of the deck) is 30 pm.

- The jlange thickness of the srrpportiiig beams should not be less than about 6 mm for 16 mm
studs and 8 mm for 19 mm studs.
- The distance behveen the edge of the stud and the edge of the jlange of the beam to which it is
welded should be not less than 20 mm.
- lRe minimum longitudinal spacing of studs is 5 times the stud diameter (in the direction of the
- The minimum transverse spacing of stiirls is 4 times the stiid diameter.

FIGURE 20: Typical headed studs

7.2.1 Proper positionitig and orientation in decking ribs

The following general rules have been developed for positioning shear connectors in the decking ribs:
- Shear connectors are usually attached in ever), decking rib, in alternate ribs, or in some cases,
in pairs in every rib. Additional shear connectors should be positioned in equal numbers near
the hV0 ends of the span considered.
- Some tnoderii decks haw a cnirral stiJfiniv ill rho rib which mealis tliat it is impossible to
attach centrally the shmr coiiiiector. 111 sircli cases it is recommeiided that shear connectors
are attached to the side ojeaclz stijiwcr closest to the eiid of the beam. This means that a
change in placemelit of stirds at midspan is needed. Shear coniiectors caii be 'staggered' so
that they are attached on each side of thc st(@ner in ndjaceiit ribs. The agent and designer
shoiiltl be consirltetl if clrawings are itof clear.
- At disconrinirities in the decking the stirds shoiild be attached in such a way that both edges
of the decking at the discontinirity are properly 'anchored '. This may mean placing shear
connectors in a zigzag patterii along the beam. The minimum distance from the shear
coniiector to the etlge of the decking is 20 mm. Bccniise of this, beams with jlange widths less
than 120 nim are iiot recoiiilneiidd. See FIGURE 21 for spacings arid covers to headed

7.2.2 Weldirig hecided studs

Through deck welding niay he perforinetl in a single operation using a hand operated 'gun' which
welds the stud through the deck or edge t r i m to the steel beam beneath. A generator or a 400 kVA
three-phase main power supply may he used to power two such guns. The generator should not be
more than 7.5 metres from the earthed frame. The distance between the stud welding guns and the
power control should nut exceed SO metres because of power losses in the connecting cables. This
implies that provisions for re-locating the power supply should he made as work progresses. Before
welding clear all flanimable material away fi-om near or below the working area Before welding the
studs to the steel frame several preliminary trials should be made. This allows the operator to properly
adjust the power controls for the studs, decking. steel heam. humidity, temperature and operator
conditions (luring the same clay ancl the siiiiie shift a s studs are to be weldecl to the structure itself.
Studs norinally shorten by ahout 5 miii (luring the welding process.

A "bend test" is normally used to check weld quality. This test consists of bending the shear
connector using a 1.3 nietre long scaffolding tiihe (or equivalent). If the weld does not fracture after
a 30 degree bend then it is cunsitlzred acceptable. Studs tested should be bent towards the nearest
column, and left in their bent position. This test should be repeated at random on a small number of

7.3 Cold-foniied crngles

The most popular types of colcl-fornietl angles are shown in FIGURE 22. When shot-fired
cold-formecl angles are used, the upper flange of the steel beams need not be clean or dry and may
be painted. In general the fullowing limitation should be respected:

- The flarige thickliess ojrhe siipporting beams shoirld not be less than 6 mm f o r 80 mm high
angles and 8 trim for a 140 niin high ciiigle.
- Angles may be orieiitatecl longitiitliiicrlly or traIiswrse to the beam.

I i
Stud details
I DlmsMs/ons h mm
Nomlnal 13 16 19 22*
K 8 8 10 10
dk 25 32 32 35

Height 1 = h, 75 75 80 90
loo 100 100 100
125 l50 125 150
I *22 mm diam studs arerarely used In buildings I
I Spacings and minimum covers I
I Composite beams with sdid slabs

I .

U2 0 mm non-corrosive conditions
U? 20mm corrosive conditions

Composite beams with composite dabs

Ribs perpendicular Ribs parallel I

' W I
FIGURE 21: Recommended headed stud placement in decking ribs

HVB 125

‘ L 5 0 4
HVB 110

FIGURE 22: Typical cold-formed angles

7.3.1 Proper positioiiiiig (ml orientation in decking ribs

The following information concerning the proper orientation of cold-formed angles in decking ribs
is based upon manufactuiws tests and inforination (see figure 23). For fiirther information the
manufacturer should be consulted:

- Oiie nvo or tliree angles niny be placed in (I rib.

- When one aiigle is iristnlled in n rib, the wticnl leg may be either centred in the rib or
positioned to give a 40 nini riiiiiiiiririn clearance to the decking.

- With nvo or tliree aiisles per deckins rib, [lie verticnl legs may be either centred in the rib
or alteriintetl (rholit tlic cciitre.

- Miiiiniiiiii spacings loii~itiitliiialto rlie ilcckiiig ribs are 50 mnr f o r rib depths less than 50
rim, arid 100 iiiiii fhs rih doptlis greater thcin 50 rtiiii.

- Angles slioi~ldhe plrrcccl CIS to rlie c'mr-c of t l i ~rib as possihle. The vertical leg of the
aiigles mist be in the inner half of the silb-ribs.

- Aiigles may be plncecljliisli with the edg(J of [lie topjlaitge of the steel beam.

7.3.2 Shot-jin'ng of cold-formed ciiigles

The equipment used for colcl-formecl angles is similar to that shown in FIGURE lob. Before
shot-firing cold-formed angles to the structure itself. several trials should be made to determine the
correct cartridge size. Once this is tleterminecl fiirther tests are not necessary unless the decking or
upper flange thickness change. A visual test is noimilly used to determine if the shot tired pins have
been correctly set. This can be done by comparing observed results with those shown in FIGURE 12
of Chapter 4.

7.4 Specid considercrtioris for seisriiic regions

The seismic forces generated during a n earthquake are directly related to the weight of the composite
floor. Thus the forces generated in ii composite slab are generally smaller than those generated in a
normal slab of the siiine thickness. All floors (composite slabs, reinforced concrete, pre-cast
pre-stressed concrete. etc.) may act as an in-plane bracing during an earthquake, thus significant
additional force iiiay he generated.

Construction details should be adaptecl to allow for these forces. Specifically, the floor should be
attached to all underlying beams using shear connectors (either studs or cold-formed angles). A
minimum of 2 shear connectors per sheet and per support is recommended for light seismic regions.

7.5 Special corrsiderrrtioiisfor pertiiiiiient ill-plane brcrciiig

When the composite slab is used iis permanent in-plane bracing, atlclitional requirements may be

i u i O m m noncorroslveconditlons .
U2 20 mm corrosive conditions

sheet thickness max. 125 mm of 2 l.0 mm
Flange thickness min. 8 mm
Connector height min. hD h + 35 mm ( In general )
n d7ha(f~wlh,<l.8)

Ribs parallel to the beam (or solid Slab)

.lto 3 Hiltl connectors
positioned 6ymmetricelly
about the axis d the

Ribs perpendicular to the beam

1HitU connector
m r rib over the
U web of alternately
facing le?tand

2 50 2 so E 53

2 or 3 connectors per rib

FIGURE 23: Recommended cold-formed angle placement in decking ribs

8. Edge details and openings
8.1 Exterior edge cletciils

Exterior edges may be broadly classitied in two groups:

- Decking ribs traverse to the siipports.Short overhangs, GO0 mm or less, will be stiff (small
deflections). Edge trim will be easy to fix in place and will not detlect excessively if tie
backs are correctly installed. Overhangs longer than 600 nim are not commonly used.

- Deckiiig ribs parallel to tlie si/pports.Short overhangs, 160 mm, are flexible (large .
deflections). If the overhang is less than 160 mm, tie backs are normally sufficient. If longer
overhangs are needed it is iisually necessary to install additional supports (such as stub

Proper edge details are necessary to seal the area to be concreted and to provide edges to which
cladding may be attached. Simple exiiniples illustrating typical details, for steel supports, are shown
for the following contigurations:

- \Velded hea(let1 stiiils aiicl lotig o ~ ~ ~ r l i (ribs

m i p trcitisicrse to tlie sipport), FIGURE 24a.

- Welded hecrclccl stiiils n i i t l sliost owliongs (ribs partillel to the siipport), FIGURE 24b.

- No shear coiiiiectorJ3,110 overlicing (dockiiil: pcitdlel niitl tratisverse to the decking ribs),

Examples of exterior edge cletails ( a s they may appear i n the edge detail plan drawing) should include
reinforcement, expansion joints. etc. Examples of such drawings are given for the following cases:

- Tlic iise of a striictitrd aiigle as edge trini, FIGURE 2%. A neoprerie pad aiid a tie back has
beeii provided b e n w n the c o l r i p i r e slob arid rei/Jjorced concrete walls.
- Reinforcemuit details cuid shear coiiiiectors cire indicated for the composite slab supported
by n coniposite beam, FIGURE 25c.

Exterior edge details for concrete supports are similar to those shown in the previous figures. For
concrete supports, however, there is a strong preference for using standard wooden formwork when
the sheet is supported on an end beam.

8.1.1 Edge triin arid tie Backs

Edge trim normally consists of thin strips of galvanized steel or hot-rolled angles. Typical edge trim
and tie back placement relative to supports and decking, are shown in FIGURE 24. Edge trim is
normally delivered to the .job site pre-cut t o the required depth but in standard lengths, and cut to suit
on site. Edge trim mist be correctly positioned and secured so that it does not move or deflect during
concreting. Most motlern curtain walls do not have provisions for large tolerances (more that 25 mm).

FIGURE 24: Simple exterior edge detailswithtie backs for steel supports.


FIGURE 25: Typical exterior edge details for steel supports.


Tie backs are iisecl to hold the upper part of the edge trim in its correct horizontal position and to
reduce vertical edge trim tleforniations. Tie back spacing should be small for thick slabs and for long
overhangs. Minimum tie back spacings are typically 250 min and maximum values are 1.0 metre. Tie
backs are normally fastened to the decking and edge trim using panel seam fasteners.

8.1.2 Filler blocks niid stop-eitrls

To limit concrete spillage most decking manutictures produce foam rubber filler blocks or stop-ends
that have the same cross-section as the decking. Exiimples of these are shown in FIGURE 26. These
materials should be installed when lay ing-out the decking.

8.2 Interior edge defciils

Interior edge details may be necessary clue to a change in the orientation of ribs, temporary edges
between concretings or expansion joints. These edges are normally not visible after concreting. Proper
edge details are necessary to seal the area to be concreted. Simplified examples of typical interior
edge details are shown for steel supports. with joints between panels longitudinal and transverse to
the support, for the,following cases:

- For two panels butted against each other, FIGURE 27a. Note that a light gauge cold-formed
steel sheet fornieil as a "2" is fiistenetl between the adjacent panels. This helps support the
joint and limit concrete leakage.

- For two panels not butted together, FIGURE 27b. Again a light-gauge cold-formed steel
sheet is usecl.
- For two panels nut butted together? and with a shear connector on the support, FIGURE 27c.

8.3 Opetiiiigs

Openings are normally planned prior to cuncreting.Nsrmal practice is to "box-out'' openings using
metal sheeting or tiller blocks as shown in FIGURE 28. Cutting the concrete slab after concreting
introduces significant vibrations which may ilamage the bonding between decking and concrete.0ne
exception to this general rule are small circular openings, with diameters less than 200 mm. These
may be drilled out.

8.3.1 SmciN opeiiiiigs

Small openings are those that require no special attention (additional supports or additional
reinforcement in the concrete slab). Small is normally cletined as holes not exceeding one decking rib
in width (about 200 x 200 mm). Most small openings are needed to allow for piping or other
conduits. Isolated ribs that hove hceii t l r t r i a ~ c ~sliould
tl he coiisiilerecl OS small opeiiings.If two or
more adjacent ribs are damaged, the tlamagecl area should be considered as a large opening.

(a) Filler block

(b) Stop end

FIGURE 26: Examples of filled blocks and stop-ends


FIGURE 27: Examples of interior edge details for steel supports.

FIGURE 28: Typical examples of "boxed-out"openings.

8.3.2 Large openirigs

All openings not classitietl as sinall shoultl be consicleretl as large. For large openings, it may be
necessary to strengthen both the decking sntl the composite slab. This is normally done as follows:

- Decking. Atlditional supports may he atltlecl near the opening. It is essenrial thar when
additional supports ore notpi~ovirl~~d,
all panels are I@ in place dirring concretirig.The effect
of cutting panels can weaken the decking so that it can no longer safely support the weight
of the wet concrete.

- Composite slab. Aclditional transverse and longitudinal reinforcement is placed near the
opening. Note: Reinforcement tletails near large openings are treated in Chapter 9.

After concreting the panels which cross the opening are normally burnt away. Panel edges can be
ground smooth or bent up and tlilttenecl against the exposed concrete. Alternatively, a light gauge steel
sheet may be installetl to provide ii quality tinish.
9. Reinforcement
9.1 General

This chapter includes normal reinforcement requirements in positive (in-span) and negative (support)
moment regions. Additional reinforcement near concentrated loads and at large openings is also discussed.
Typical reinforcement details at supports and edges, however, are shown in Chapter 7.

All reinforcement should be properly supported. This implies that it should not be allowed to sag
excessively or displace prior to or during concreting. Sagging up to 15 mm is considered normal and will
not effect the performance of the composite slab. When calculating the number of supports that should
be used, the construction phase should not be neglected. Remember that the decking is used as a
temporary platform. Workmen from several trades and their equipment may be located on the decking.
Recommended supports are stools such as those shown in FIGURE 29.

9.2 In-span reinforceitlent

A minimum mesh reinforcement is generally required. The mesh is normally placed at least 20 mm, but
not more than 45 mm, beneath the top of the slab. Mesh should be overlapped in the direction of the
decking ribs by at least 300 mm. The purpose of this mesh is to:
- Provide transverse reinforcement spreadirrg loads benveen decking ribs and to prevent splitting
along the lines of shear connectors, ifany.

Counteract the effects of concrete shrinkage. This jiuiction is also performed by the decking.

Heavier meshes may be required due to large concentrated loads, slender slabs or when terrazzo or other I

brittle floor coverings are used. I

9.2.1 Openings I
If large openings are present in the slab additional in-span reinforcement may be specified. A typical
example of such reinforcement is shown in FIGURE 30. Note that the longitudinal reinforcement is
placed in the decking ribs. This reinforcement is meant to replace the decking (positive moment
reinforcement) which has been removed. Transverse reinforcement has also been added. This
reinforcement is used to ensure that high forces near the corners of the opening may be distributed over
an adequate number of decking ribs. It also improves the bending strength of the slab in its weak
direction. This should be placed just beneath the normal mesh reinforcement.

9.2.2 Fire reinforceitlent

For some applications the natural fire resistance of a composite slab may not be sufficient. One method I
of increasing tire resistance is to place additional in-span reinforcement in the decking ribs.When placing I
fire reinforcement it is of utmost importance to ensure that the minimum specified concrete cover is

For additional information about the fire resistance of composite slabs refer to Chapterl3.
9.3 Siippott reiirforceiiient

Minimum support reinforcement is norinally required. This is typically placed above the mesh
reinforcement and continues at least one third the distance to the acljacent supports, as shown in
Additional support reinforcement is not necessary if concrete cracking is not considered unsightly.
Such cases woulcl typically be storage fxilities or factories. Additional negative moment
reinforcement may he necessary if brittle tinishes are used.

FIGURE 29: Typical supports used for reillforcement


-. \
Trough /

FIGURE 30: Typical reinforcement details near large openings.

FIGURE 31: Orientation of typical support reinforcement.

10. Concrete, concreting and concreting loads.
10.1 Concrete types

Concrete is normally classified according to its characteristic cylinder compressive strength, fck.This is
measured at 28 days using a minimum of three tests on 300 mm long by 150 mm diameter cylinders
prepared during concreting and subsequently stored under water (cubes may also be used). The same
procedure is used for both light-weight and normal-weight concretes. The term "Lightweight" refers to
concretes with weights between 17 and 19 kN/m3. "Normal weight" concrete typically weighs between
23 and 25 kN/m3. Wet concrete weights are between 0.5 and 1 kN/m3 higher than dry weights.

If early concrete strength is needed (as may be the case if props are to be removed or construction loads
applied prior to 28 days) an alternative procedure is used to determine concrete strength. Additional
cylinders or cubes should be concreted and stored in air. Tests should be performed the day prior to prop
removal or load application. Normally, 75% of the design strength is reached in 7 to 8 days.

A minimum concrete design strength for composite slabs has been specified as 15 N/mm2. If the slab is
also used as part of a composite beam, higher requirements may be imposed (25 N/mm? or above). Upper
limits for concrete resistance may be specified if shear connectors are used.

The nominal dimension of the largest aggregate should be smaller than the smallest of the following
limits, see FIGURE 32:
- 40% of the concrete cover height, or
- of the average width of the decking ribs (ope11 ribbed decking), or
- oiie third of the smallest rib width (clovetoil ribbed decking), or

30 mm.

These limits are set to ensure that the concrete inay be easily placed into the decking ribs and between
reinforcing bars.

10.2 Concreting

10.2.1 General

Before concreting, the surface of the decking should be clean. If the decking is not clean, this can be
done with a normal water hose. A thin film of surface grease on panels, as delivered to site, is acceptable
and does not effect bond of the concrete to galvanized steel.

Concrete should be placed in such a manner as to reduce decking deformations. This is particularly
important for spans greater than 4 metres. If concrete is poured parallel to the ribs, it should be first
placed near the supports and then moved towards mid-span. If concrete is poured transverse to the ribs,
it should first be placed at the end where the panel overlap is supported by the adjacent panel. This
ensures that longitudinal seams between panels remain closed. Lastly, the concrete should be well
compacted, particularly near and around shear connectors.

ribwidth ,
Height of
above ribs

(a) Open profile


Height of
above ribs

(b) Dovetail (re-entrant) profile

FIGURE 32: Nominal cross-sectional dimensions used to determine

maximum concrete aggregate size.
If the bottom, or soffit, of the slab is to remain visible after construction then it should be cleaned after
concreting using a water hose to remove cement paste leakage.

Slab depth is determined by levelling from tamping rails, which should be rigidly supported. Hence the
floor will follow the deflected shape of the supporting beams. In cases where a more precise floor level
is required, the tamping rails should be adjusted to accommodate expected beam deflections. Formwork
at slab edges (if any) may normally be removed the day after concreting. If propped construction is used,
further deflection occurs upon prop removal, although self-weight loads are now applied to the composite
structure. Deflection will increase the earlier the props are removed because of creep effects.

Tamped concrete surfaces are acceptable where raised floors or an additional screed is to be used. A
better quality surface is achieved by "power floating" once the concrete surface has sufficiently hardened.
The weight of the power-floating equipment should be added to the weight of the wet concrete. This is
often done 2-3 hours after completion of the pour. To allow for this operation, concreting should not be
carried out too late in the day. Early age grinding, within 2-3 days of concreting, is commonly used to
provide a smooth finish. This is a slower operation and produces dust. Early grinding can also be used
for light-weight concrete.

Concrete can be placed when the air temperature exceeds 5°C. Composite slabs are thin with a large
exposed ares (including the metal decking). Heat losses due to radiation can be significant, particularly
at night. It may be necessary to use space-heaters when air temperatures fall below 5°C. Modern
concretes gain strength rapidly and are able to resist damage due to low temperatures if kept above 5°C
for the first three days after pouring. Some heat is generated during setting or 'hydration' of the concrete
(typically 3°C to 5°C).

In warm or windy weather it may be necessary to prevent excessive moisture loss on the slab surface.

10.2.2 Concreting by puiiipitig

Both normal and light-weight concrete can be pumped, although it is necessary to use additives to achieve
workability. Adding additional water to the mix is not allowed as this reduces the concrete strength.

Concreting by pumping is the modern method of construction. Flow rates in the order of 0.5 to 1 m3per
minute can be achieved if the equipment is functioning efficiently. Clearly, the longer the pump lines and
the higher the concrete is to be pumped, the slower the operation. Pumps are normally used for 'lifts'
up to 30 metres. Secondary pumps on intermediate levels may be necessary for higher lifts.

Typical pour sizes are 1000 m?/day. No upper limit to pour size need be established because the decking
acts as shrinkage reinforcement. If the concreting operation should be terminated before completion of
the whole slab, then it is suggested that concreting is stopped at one-third the distance from the nearest
intermediate support. Never stop concreting above an intermediate support.

Pump lines are normally 150 mm in diameter and connected in segments. These lines should be supported
on timber blocks at intervals of 2 to 3 metres. The force exerted at bends can be significant and therefore
straight line pumping is preferred. Re-setting of pump lines is required at frequent intervals as the pour
progresses. The first part of the pump mix is normally of low quality and should be discarded. Often the
lines become blocked and flushing out is necessary. Flushing out water and cement paste should not be
deposited on the decking but discarded in a suitable container.
The outlet pipe should be moved frequently and carefully so that concrete heaping is minimised. Two
operatives are necessary, one to hold and manoeuvre the outlet pipe, the other to shovel away excess
concrete. Outlet pipes should always be manned and never held higher than knee level above the decking
when discharging concrete.

The traditional slump test may not be used on site for pumped mixes. A flow-test should be substituted.

10.2.3 Concreting by skip and barrow

Placing concrete by skip from a crane may be difticult because of obstruction from the decking on the
levels above. However, it is sometimes necessary to use the skip and barrow technique for small infill
bays. This is time-consuming and progress rates rarely exceed 5 m3 per hour.

Skips should have a controlled rate of outlet and not be discharged more than 0.5 metres above the
decking or barrow. Discharge onto a barrow should be over thick (30 mm) boards covering a 2m x 2m
area or on a finished part of the slab in order to limit impact loads. Barrows should be run over thick
boards placed on the mesh which should be supported locally to prevent it from being depressed.

The traditional slump test may be used for non-pumped concrete mixes.

10.3 Loads diiritrg coricretiiig

Loads usually arise during concreting from all of the following:

- rite coiicrere gang. Typically consists of 5 or 6 men. The weight of the concrete gang is
equivalent to a local load of about 1.5 kN/m’. At any one time no more that 4 of these men
should be less than 2 metres from the pump outlet. An example of overloading due to the
ignorance of this rule is clearly illustrated in FIGURE 33a.

- Piimped coizcrere. Concrete should be poured froin no higher than knee level above the decking
to avoid excessive impact. Over the shoulder placement, such as that shown in FIGURE 33b,
is dangerous.

Pump lines. A 150 mm diameter pump line filled with concrete weighs about 0.4 kN per metre
of length.

- Heaped coIzcrere. A cone of heaped concrete 200 mm high and 1 metre in diameter weighs
approximately 2 kN/m’. Heaping can and should be avoided.

All of the above loads are carried solely by the decking, and for design purposes, are taken to be
equivalent to a uniform load of 1.5 kN/m’ in addition to the self-weight of the finished slab (typically 2
to 3 kN/mZ). Given the nature of the concreting process, 2 to 3.5 kN/m2 loads will occur, but only on
local areas. Adjacent areas of less heavily loaded decking are able to provide adequate support.

Measuring poured slab depth is important. Each 10 mm of concrete adds 0.25 kN/mZ to the weight of
the slab. If the decking deflects excessively, this increases the ponding effect above that allowed for in
the design.

(a) Bad-
(b) Bad

(c) Good

FIGURE 33: Examples of concreting practice.

11. Construction loads after concreting.
Construction loads are often applied to the slab soon after concreting. Examples of commonly
occurring loads are bags of fire protection, skips o r debris, pallets, blocks and other equipment. If
these loads are not greater than 1.5 kN/m? (i.e. the construction load used in the decking design) then
the slab is not overloaded. It should he noted that props can not be removed or additional loads
applied to the slab until 75% of the concrete design strength has been reached.Example construction
loads (assumed to be placed on pallets) are listed below:

- Concrere blocks. A 1 metre high pallet of blocks weighs about 10 kN/mZ.

Bricks. A 1 metre high pallet of bricks weighs 15 kN/m'.

- Bogs of jiw prorocfio/i urnforid. A 1 metre high pallet of fire protection material weighs
about 2.5 kN/tii'.

- Bags of cetrrenr nrorfur. A 1 metre high pallet of cement mortar weights about 10 kN/mZ.

All of the above loacls should only be placed near permanent supports as shown in FIGURE 34(a).

Examples of gross overloatls, loads that shoiilcl never be placed on a composite slab without specific
permission,are the follo\ving:

- Gmerarors. \Veltling generators often weigh its much as 50kN. Generators are best placed
directly on the structur;il frame. Note: the stritcturiil frame itself should be designed for such
a load!
- Fork liji friickx.Fork lift trucks can weigh up to 100 kN, not inclutling their live load. In
general, vehicles with axle weights ithove 3 tonnes should be used only if the slab was
specifically designed for such a purpose.

Crow coiuifor wi,yhfs.The \\,eight of each counter weight is always indicated (Figure 34(b)).

When in doubt as to the correct positioning of ;I heavy load always contact the site engineer.

... . ............
. ..
. . . ..

.. . ..
... ... ... ....
t .: * e.

. * . .. ..
....*. . ....
.- .

FIGURE 34: Examples of construction loads on the finished slab.

12. Attaching cladding and services
Many composite slabs have 'clove-tailed' slots or pre-formed tags to connect hanger wires. Some
examples of these are shown in FIGURE 35. The decking supplier should be contacted to ensure that
the attachments are correct. He can also confirm the safe loatl-carrying capacity of the slots and tags.

Loads should never be directly applied to the exposed metal decking unless designed especially for
this purpose. This can pull the decking away from the concrete slab thus causing structural failure.
For heavy services it may be appropriate to use expanding anchor bolts.

It may be necessary to cast-in bracket supports for the cladding system. These should allow for
tolerances of at least 25 mm as the hrackets can move (luring concreting. Alternatively, drilled
attachments may be positioned much more accurately. These are much more time-consuming to

Remember that loads applied tu the bottom of the slah reduce the allowahle load that may be placed
on top of the slab.

Heavy Suspension

FIGURE 35: Examples of' 'dove-tailed' slots and pre-formed tags

13. Other considerations
13.1 Thennal insulation

The level of thermal insulation provided by a composite slab is proportional to its minimum thickness.
Thermal insulation, not to be confused with fire insulation, is needed to ensure energy cost savings in
heated buildings. Adequate thermal insulation also prevents condensation problems.

Improvements in thermal insulation can be obtained by providing false ceilings. Another method of
increasing thermal insulation is to use light-weight concrete in place of normal weight concrete.

Most manufacturers publish the thermal properties of their products. Values are given as a function of
panel type, concrete type and slab depth.

13.2 Soiind insidation

The acoustic insulation provided by a composite slab is related to its mass (i.e. weight). The higher the
weight the higher the phonic protection. As a general rule a composite slab will provide about the same
acoustic insulation as a normal slab with a thickness equal to the average height of the composite slab.
High levels of sound insulation are typically required in:

Resideritid buildings.
- Hotels.

- Ofice buildings.

- Hospitals.

- Other health related buildings.

Several decking manufacturers produce specially designed products to increase the sound insulation of
composite slabs. The decking manufacturer should be contacted if problems are foreseen.

13.3 Fire insidation

Under normal conditions, and without any additional protection, a composite slab provides a 30-minute
fire rating. This implies that the composite slab is capable of supporting its design load during a "normal"
fire for 30 minutes and that hot gasses will not penetrate the slab during this same time period.
Continuous span composite slabs usually have higher fire ratings than single span composite slabs due
to their natural redundancy. The most critical tire for a composite slab is one on the floor directly
Three methods are commonly used to improve the fire rating of a composite slab, if necessary. These
are listed below:

Fire protection material. Insulating materials can be applied directly to the exposed decking.
The fire rating obtained depends upon the material chosen and the thickness of application.
Spraying steel work is messy and some overspraying can be expected. It is important when
spraying that expensive glazing, cladding panels and other finishes are protected. This may have
implication on the construction schedule if cladding cannot be installed until after spraying.

Supplementary reitforcement. A 90-minute fire rating can normally be obtained using standard
mesh reinforcement. Higher fire ratings require reinforcing bars placed in decking ribs.
Minimum concrete cover for all fire reinforcement must be strictly checked. Fire ratings of
composite slabs can be increased to about 240 minutes using additional reinforcement.

Suspended ceilings. In many structures the slab is protected from direct exposure to a fire by
suspended ceilings. These may already be in place due to aesthetic, acoustic or thermal
requirements. The constructional details for fire resistant suspended ceilings, however, tend to
make this option relatively expensive. With correctly installed ceilings a fire resistance of 120
minutes can be achieved.

[ 11 Good practice in composite floor construction.

Steel Construction Institute (SCI), Ascot, GB, 1990.

[2] Mise en oeuvre des planchers collaborants Sollac.

PAB - Sollac, Nanterre. F, June 1992.

[3] Eurocode 4, Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, Part 1.1: General rules and
rules for buildings. CEN document ENV 1994-1-1: 1992, Comitt? Europten de Normalisation,
Brussels, 1992.

[4] European Recommendations for Good Practice in Steel Cladding and Roofing, ECCS document
No 41, ECCS, Brussels, 1983.

(51 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1.1 : General rules and rules for buildings:
CEN document ENV 1992-1-1:1991, ComitC EuropCen de Normalisation, Brussels 1991.

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