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Name: Tradio, Jacob Blou I.

Date: 9/29/23
Activity # 1: Common Lies
Instructions: Recollection of Statements.

1. What are the common lies that you commit? List down at least 10.
1. Lying that I don't have money even though I have.
2. Lying that I don't have time or I’m too busy to meet up.
3. Lying that I’m on my way, while still getting ready and not even out the door.
4. Saying that I’m fine but I’m not.
5. Lying that I’ll pay you back later, but the repayment never came.
6. Lying that I never done this before although in truth I already did it before.
7. Lying that I did not study, but I’m really studying I just don’t want my classmate or
friends to rely on me or I just want to suprise them.
8. Prentending that I’m not feeling well, to make an excuse or reason.\
9. Lying to myself that I’ll start my diet, but I can’t control sometimes my hunger to eat
more than my diet.
10. Lying to my Teacher that I understand what he/she discuss.

2. To whom do you usually tell a lie? List down at least 10 in a particular

1. To my close friends sometimes
2. To my classmate
3. To my cousin
4. To my Mother
5. To my Father
6. To my Sisters
7. To my Grandmother and Granfather
8. Other people
9. Online Interaction, some individuals lie on social media
10. Sales people

3. Why do you tell tie and what cause you doing it? Give 10 reasons.
1. For protecting Others, to protect the feeling or reputation of someone else.
2. Maintain privacy, to keep my personal information hidden and avoid someone
else to use my info for wrong purposes.
3. Avoiding consequence, to avoid punishment of my action.
4. For benefits, to gain something.
5. As a means of self-preservation in scenarios where revealing the information
might be harmful to me.
6. In order to avoid conflict, I don't want to create trouble, but it depends on the
situation, for example if I know someone is accusing or spreading something I did
not do.
7. Peer acceptance to be accepted by a particular group.
8. I want to gain financial gain so I can have money to spend on myself
9. Desire for attention to garner attention or sympathy from friends.
10. Covering up my mistakes in order to cover up my errors or failure.

4. What is the most serious lie you have done in your life? Narrate your story in not less
than 500 words.
In the early days of my elementary school years, I stumbled upon a secret that would shadow my
conscience for years to come. It was a simple deception, yet it felt like the most serious lie I had
ever told. My parents, devoted to my education, believed that I was diligently attending every
class, eager to learn and grow. Little did they know that behind their trusting smiles and
encouraging words, I was weaving a web of deception. As the school bell rang each morning,
signaling the start of another day of lessons, I would slip out the back door and embark on my
clandestine adventure. Instead of heading to the school, my feet led me to a different destination
– a dimly lit internet cafe, where rows of computers beckoned with the promise of virtual worlds
and epic battles. Hours turned into days, and days into weeks, as I honed my gaming skills while
neglecting my studies. The thrill of victory and camaraderie with online friends seemed to
overshadow the guilt that gnawed at my conscience. I was living a double life, one that my
parents were blissfully unaware of. With each passing report card, the facade became harder to
maintain. My grades suffered, and my parents, growing concerned, sought answers. But I was a
master of deception, crafting elaborate tales of challenging coursework and strict teachers, all to
explain away my plummeting academic performance. I watched their worry deepen, knowing
that I was the cause of their sleepless nights. The truth, heavy and burdened with guilt, loomed
over me like a storm cloud. How could I confess to the people who had showered me with love
and support? How could I admit that I had betrayed their trust, all for the allure of pixelated
adventures on a computer screen? As time passed, the weight of my secret grew unbearable, and
I realized that the most serious lie I had ever told was not the deception itself, but the hidden
distance it created between my parents and me. The time had come to face the consequences of
my actions, to reveal the truth, and to beg for their forgiveness. It was a difficult path, but it was
the only way to rebuild the trust I had shattered and to heal the wounds of my most serious lie.
One evening, I mustered the courage to sit down with my parents and confess my transgressions.
The room was filled with tension as I stumbled over my words, tears welling up in my eyes. I
could see the shock and disappointment in their faces as I recounted the months of deceit. They
listened in silence, their expressions shifting from disbelief to hurt. After what felt like an
eternity, my parents finally spoke. They admitted their disappointment and concern, their voices
laced with a mixture of anger and sadness. But as the conversation unfolded, I could sense their
love and understanding. They recognized that my actions had been driven by a misguided
passion, a love for gaming that had spiraled out of control. We talked late into the night,
discussing the consequences of my actions and the steps I needed to take to make amends. It was
a painful and emotional process, but it was also a turning point in our relationship. My parents, in
their wisdom, forgave me, understanding that I was still their child, flawed but capable of
change. In the days that followed, I made a promise to myself and to my parents. I would
recommit to my studies, make up for the lost time, and prove that I could be responsible. It was a
challenging journey, but with their support and guidance, I began to mend the rift that had
formed between us. Years have passed since that pivotal moment, and the memory of my most
serious lie still serves as a reminder of the importance of honesty and trust. My parents'
forgiveness and unwavering love transformed a dark chapter in my life into a valuable lesson
about the consequences of our actions and the power of redemption. Today, I am grateful for
their understanding, and I carry the weight of that lie as a reminder to always choose the path of
honesty and integrity.

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