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1. store a marked down a $50 perform to $40 with markdown of 10$ .the %markdown is

10% 30%

20% 40%

%markdown = markdown/costprice*100 = 20%

2. given net price of a shirt = $20 discount = 10$ list pric e will be


net price = l (1-d%)



20/0.9 = l



3. if the cost price and the selling price of a pen are rs 12 and rs15 respectively profit percentage is

answer is 25%

profit = selling price - cost price

profit = profit / cost price * 100

4. return the depriciation of an assest for

zero period one period

two period any arbitrary period



THE EXAMPLE RETURNS costs rs 10000 with a salvage $8000 the useful life is 5 years the dispreciation is
third year and 10 month


question. Return the depreciation of an asset for

Any arbitrary Period

6. which of the following function is not related to financial analysis





6. 2^-2 = 0.25

1/2^2 = 1/4 = 0.25

7. dimensions of a matrix means

column space row space

order of a matrix none of these

8. if there is a -30 change inthe pricce of an item ,what does thae negative sign shows?

price is decreasing

9. according to the taxication rule , the amount of allowances is treaated tax free if it is upto 50% of
the basic salary

10. write a formula to find the simple interest if $5000 id invested at 4$ for 2 years.

i= prt ,i =prt/100, r/100

11. every percentage is converted into

1 decimal

2 ratio

12. monthly installaments of a leased car are calculated by using the techniques of

compound interest method

13. suppose thaat you are spending 1500 dollars in an investment and accamulated factor is 15 then
accumulated value will be

answer : 22500

acculated value = payment * accamulation factor

= 1500 * 15

14. what is the interest on rs 1600 for one year at the rate %?
answer : 56

i = prt

= ( 1600) ( 3*1/2%) (1)

= (1600)(7/2%) = 1600(3.5/100) = 56

15. a man borrows $39000 for 1and half year at a rate of 1.65%. what is simple interest rate .
I= prt

p=39000$ , r=1.65% , t = 1.5

i = (39000)(1.65/100)(1.5)


16. the value of x

-2x+6 = 4x-2 answer = 4/3

q.1 the sequence of payments at equal interval of time is called

answer. Annuity

q2 . ali has improved his typing speed from 40 w/m to 60 w/m


= change/initial*100

= 20/40*100

Answer 50

Question 3. Markdown means a reduction from the

Orignal sale price

Question 4. Markup is amount added to

A cost price while calculating a selling price

Question 11 . interest calculated upon principal amount added to the interest on it called

Compound interest rate

Question 12. Contribution margin is the rs amount that is equal to

Contribution margin = net sales – variable cost

Contribution margin = s-vc s maeans netsales and vc means variable proce

Question 13. Reduction from orignal proce is called


Question 13. What is the simple interest earned on an amount of rs 16800 in 9 months at the rate of
6*1/4% pa ?

I = prt =(16800)(6*1/4%) (9/12)

= (16800)(6.25/100)(0.75)

= 787.50

Question 14.

A percentage is a way of expressing a number as

A fraction of 100

Question 15. 12.5 % of a circular plot as a expression is expressed as

12.5/100 = 125/10*100 = 1/8

Queation . to convert a number in percent from a fraction

Multiply by 100

to convert a number in fraction from percent

divide by 100
Question . interest paid on only the orignal principal borrowed is often refered to as

Simple interest

Question . the formula for finding bep in units is given by

Fc(s_vc) bep(units) = fixed cost/contribution margin

= fc/cm = f.c/s-vc

Question . if A is a matrix whose determinant is zero then its inverse is given by

Cannot be determined

Question . percentage of a ratio of given number with standard number is

Same number = x/100*100 = x

Questions : 45% of what is 9 ?

45% of x = 9

45/100 *x = 9

X = 100/45*9

X= 20

QUESTION : AFTER A MERCAHNT BUYS mearchandise , it is sold at a higher price called the

Cost price

Question : in case of partial ; payments sthe is the partial payments plus the partial cash discount

Answer : amount credited

Question : in a friendly cricket between india and pakistan is scoring at a rate 7% more than india in
35 overs. Of the india’s score after 35 overs was 230 what palistani scores now
7/100*235 = 16

235 + 16 = 246

Questions : 0.20%

Answer = 0.002

Question : What will be the base of 25% rate and percentage is 65%.


65 = b * 25/100

B = 65 *100/25

Answer = 260

Question : the formula for compound interest for n number of periods is

S = p (1+r/100)^n

Question : According to the local laws the allowances are considered tax free if they are up to

Half of the basic salary

Question : amount of discount is obtained as

Percentage of discount x list price

Question : in which trust fund , the company does not deduct but only contribute 1/11 th of basic
salary of employee per month ?

Answer : gratuity fund

Question : the value of x for the equation –(-x-5) = x-2 is …………………

No solustion

Question : what will be the simple interest earned on an amount of rs 16800 oin 9 months

At the rate of 6*1/4% p.a?

Question : this example returns valie of an investment that pays rs 250 at the end end of every month
2 years . the money paid out will earn 7.5% annually.

Pv ( rate , nper , pmt ,fv , type )

Pv ( 7.5%/12 , 12 x2 ,250 , …….,0)

Rate = rate epr period

No of payments periods

Pmt = payment ( rs )

Fv = future value

Type = 0 ,1 (end , start )

Question ; all formula in exel starts with

Question : a percentage is a way of expressing a number as

A fraction of 100

Given list price = 5500 rs , discount = 850 rs , then net cost price will be

List price = lp
Discount = dis

Net price = lp-dis

= 5500 – 850 =

Question : if c = cost price , s = selling price then the margin on the cost is equal to

Markup on cost = s – c/c x 100

On sale

S –c /s x100

S –c /s x 100

Question : the net price of a computer table is 2500 and list price 3000 . the trade discount will be

L = 3000

N = 2500


N = l ( 1-d% )

2500 = 3000 ( 1 – d/100 )

2500/3000 ( 1 – d/100 )

5/6 = 1 – d/100

d/100 = 1 – 5/6

d = 0.17


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