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Having fun with

Articles: A/an, the


Picture and lies
Blankety Blanks

Article Story

The Definite
Author: Giang Le
Complete the tags with one of the words below. Write down how
many times you use each option, and fill in the missing code on the
lock when you think you have found it.

a / an the no words

___A__ bo
x of choc
makes ev olates
erything _____ pa
in _____ ir of sock
world be s is in
tter! _____ bo

_____ bo
ok _____ Bounce _
keeps __ day, ____ bal
___ mind _____ wa l against
at ll - your
play! mum
won't min
d at all!

A bear's
hug is __
warmest ___
hug you
can get!

When __
___ peop
what the le write
y see, __
world is

Fill in the code


a / an the no words

| | | | | |
|| |

|| |

___A__ bo
x of choc
makes ev olates
erything ___ pair
in _t__h_e_ of socks
is in
world be ___a__ bo
tter! x!

__A___ book
___a__ da Bounce _
keeps _t_h
__e_ mind
y, _a
___ ball
at _t_h_e
__ wall -
play! your mum
won't min
d at all!

A bear's
hug is _t_h
warmest __e_
hug you
can get!

When __-
___ peop
what the le write
y see, _t_h
__e_ 6
world is
5 1

Fill in the code

The Definite
Capture a photo of your choice.
Write a short description using articles.
Share and discuss the photo in your group.

I took this photo from my roof
in Tan Phu district 1 week ago.
It was a cool evening.
In this photo, there is a
rainbow in the sky. There are
plenty of buildings. There are
a few plants. You can see few
stars. Every house has a roof.
The Definite
Blankety Blanks
Fill in the blanks with words, and remember to add "a", "an", or "the" if
they're needed. If more people in your group choose the same word,
your team gets more points! So think hard, get creative and aim for the
same word as your team.

1. I haven't visited ______ in such a long time.

2. She didn't have time to eat ______ before leaving for school.

3. Last summer, we went on ______ in ______.

4. He was so tired, he fell asleep on ______.

5. My favorite food is ______, especially when it's cooked by


6. On my birthday, I received ______ from my best friend.

7. We saw ______ while walking in ______ yesterday.

8. I want to be ______ when I grow up, just like ______.

9. During the trip, we stayed at ______ near ______.

10. Every morning, I take ______ for a walk in ______.

11. She was surprised to find ______ in her backpack.

12. At the party, I met ______, who came with ______.

13. He saved his money to buy ______ from ______.

14. After school, we go to ______ for ______ lessons.

15. When I visited my friend's house, I met ______ in their


16. At the picnic, my friend brought ______, which we all loved.

Article Story
Teacher starts a story. When it's your turn, add to the
story with a sentence using 'a', 'an', or 'the'. Let's see
how wild our story can get! When everyone's had a
turn, we'll chat about our amazing tale.

During a casual class trip to

the zoo, the monkeys decided
they wanted to swap places
with the students for a day...
Picture and lies
Each group will have a picture. Take some time to describe your picture.
Try using article where possible. Then you need to identify which group
does not have a picture. Interview the group about the picture, trying to
find out as much as they can about it.

Sorry you don't get a picture :)

You should imagine a photo of
a "fun day out" with people and
activities. To help you, answer
these questions:
Where is the picture?
What time of day is it?
Do they seem happy? Why?
What is happening?
Picture and lies
Each group will have a picture. Take some time to describe your picture.
Try using article where possible. Then you need to identify which group
does not have a picture. Interview the group about the picture, trying to
find out as much as they can about it.

Sorry you don't get a picture :)

You should imagine a photo of
kitchen activities with family. To
help you, answer these
Where is the picture?
What time of day is it?
Do they seem happy? Why?
What is happening?

Can I have
Please buy me
____ book on
____ orange.
the top shelf?

____ sun is He is good at

very bright ____ tennis.

She is ____ I would like

best player on ____ egg for
our team. breakfast.

____ Eiffel
I see ____ cat
Tower is in
in the garden.

We're going on He has ____

____ holiday sister who lives
next week. in New York.

I saw ____ I have ____

movie big test
yesterday that
tomorrow so I
recommended need to study
to me. tonight.

Go ahead 2
Go back 2 steps

Go ahead 3
Lose a turn steps

Lose a turn Go back 1 step

Can I have the
Please buy me
book on the top
an orange.

The sun is very He is good at

bright today. tennis.

She is the best I would like an

player on our egg for
team. breakfast.
The Eiffel
I see a cat in
Tower is in
the garden.

We're going on He has a sister

a holiday next who lives in
week. New York.

I saw the movie I have a big

yesterday that test tomorrow
so I need to
to me. study tonight.
Two truths and a lie
Tell the students to say or write two true sentences and one
untrue sentence about themselves using articles, e.g. I have a dog.
I don’t have an umbrella. I have the same birthday as my best
Students then read out their sentences. The rest of the class tries
to guess which sentence is a lie.
You can play this game in two teams, if you like, with students
from each team in turn reading out a set of sentences for the
other team to say which is a lie.

Find somebody who …

Write three prompts on the board, using articles, e.g. … has a pet /
… plays an instrument / … likes the same movie as you.
Tell the students to move around the class asking questions until
they find one person for each prompt.
Invite students to tell the class about the people they found, e.g.
Anna has a cat.

Think Fast!
Divide the class into two teams. Ask students from each team a
question in turn, using articles, e.g. What three things do you have
in your backpack? / What are the names of your favorite books?
The students have 30 seconds to give as many answers as
possible, e.g. I have a pencil case. / I have an apple. / I have the
homework., etc.
Give one point for each answer. The team with the most points

Try to empathize with your students and imagine

how you would feel if you had to do a worksheet
or a fun activity with the grammar.

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