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Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372


A review of the
occurrence, Occurrence of furan in foods
Initial findings by the US-FDA
In 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
formation and reported the first results of tests for furan in selected foods,
mainly heat-processed foods sold in jars and cans (FDA,

analysis of furan in 2004). The FDA reported the results for 334 selected foods,
including many repeat purchases. The majority were baby
foods, and a large proportion of the remainder were infant
heat-processed foods formulae. Other foods included canned vegetables, fruit,
meat and fish, pasta sauces, nutrition drinks, fruit preserves,
beers, and coffees. The analytical method used had a limit
C. Crews* and L. Castle of quantification of about 5 mg/kg (parts per billion) for
most foods and 2 mg/kg for most liquids including coffee.
Defra Central Science Laboratory, The FDA found that many heat-treated foods contained de-
Room 10GA11, Sand Hutton, tectable furan, including almost all of the baby foods sold
York YO41 1LZ, UK (Tel.: D44 (0)1904 462549; in jars and many of those sold in cans. The highest levels
fax: D44 (0)1904 462111; e-mail: were for vegetables, particularly beans, squash, and sweet
potatoes, packed in jars or cans.

In 2004, the US-FDA announced the findings of its exploratory

European data
surveys of furan in selected foods. In the 3 years since, there
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) followed
have been a number of publications on furan in foods. This re-
the FDA initiative and began to collect information on the
view looks at furan in foods, its metabolism and toxicity. The
methods of analysis, occurrence and formation in food,
important factor of heating is explored along with the precur-
exposure through consumption, and the toxicity of furan.
sors and chemical mechanisms that may be involved. Finally,
EFSA reported provisional findings (EFSA, 2004a,b) which
prospects for limiting the occurrence, formation and retention
included concentration data for some European samples.
of furan in foods are discussed.
The data were summarised with the FDA data and expressed
as ranges over 11 food categories with quantification limits
of 1e2 mg/kg.
Furan is a small cyclic ether with aromatic character and
EFSA has subsequently issued a call for more informa-
a low boiling point of 31  C. Early reports of furan in food
tion on the occurrence of furan in foods (EFSA, 2006).
were collated by Maga (1979) who reported that furan was
A revision of the tabulated data compiled from the
present in a number of foods, with the highest levels being
annexe to the EFSA report (EFSA, 2004b) and updated
found in coffee. This has been followed by a series of food
(November 2005) results from the FDA (FDA, 2004a) is
surveys of heat-processed foods and studies into its formation,
provided in Table 1. It covers an enlarged range of food cat-
toxicity and analysis which are summarised in this paper.
egories and provides average furan levels for most of the
Furan is carcinogenic in rats and mice and has been clas-
positive samples calculated from the data available. Furan
sified as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’ (International
levels of over 100 mg/kg were found principally in three
Agency for Research on Cancer, 1995). The European
categories of major foods; coffee, baby food, and sauces
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has expressed the opinion
and soups. Furan was detectable in 262 of the 273 baby
that ‘furan is clearly carcinogenic in rats and mice’ and
food samples reported (96%) with an average level of
that ‘the weight of evidence indicates that furan-induced
28 mg/kg, and in 70 of 71 infant foods at similar levels.
carcinogenicity is probably attributable to a genotoxic
These data alone were too few to draw firm conclusions
mechanism’ (EFSA, 2004a).
on the tendency of different foods to form furan, because
exact details on food composition and the heating condi-
* Corresponding author. tions of time and temperature were not known. Both the
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
366 C. Crews, L. Castle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372

Table 1. Levels of furan in foods (mostly canned and jarred) reported by EFSA and FDA

Sample type Number Furan mg/kg

Total Negative Minimum Maximum Average of positivesa
Baby foods 273 11 1 112 28
Infant foods 71 1 1.3 87.3 27
Infant formulaeb 42 14 2.5 27 12
Coffee beans/powder 19 0 239 5050 1500
Coffee brewed 38 4 3 125 50
Beers 14 4 0.8 1 6
Bread 13 12 30 30 30
Bread, toasted 6 5 18 18 18
Crisp breads/crackers 4 0 4.2 18.6 12
Candy and chocolate 20 8 0.5 10.3 3
Desserts/puddings 12 1 1.5 13 4
Fish 9 3 1.5 8 6
Fruit 28 2 0.9 11 4
Fruit juices 51 27 0.5 31 5
Fruit preserves 47 2 0.9 37 7
Gravies 8 0 13.3 174 48
Malt 6 1 16 195 91
Convenience meals 32 0 3 94 35
Meats 15 9 1.7 39 18
Miscellaneous 47 9 1 420c 28
Nutrition drinks/shakes 22 2 1.1 174 29
Sauces 41 4 3.3 46 11
Soups 58 7 3 125 32
Soy sauces 12 0 17.2 91 50
Maple syrup 3 0 8.6 88.3 45
Tortilla and potato chips 6 1 4.4 39.1 16
Vegetable juices 8 0 3.2 40 10
Vegetables (in cans and jars) 50 9 0.8 48 9
Baked beans 26 0 23.3 122 59
Data taken from EFSA (2004a,b) and FDA (2004a).
Some values are approximate (estimated from ranges).
Includes ready to eat samples and concentrates prepared as for consumption but with cold water.
Two samples (caramels) contained 192 and 400 mg/kg with all remaining samples below 100 mg/kg.

US and European surveys were restricted to specific prod- Sullivan, and Robertson (1963) reported that 6.5% of the
ucts thought likely to contain furan on account of being volatiles were furanic compounds. The number of volatile
heated in sealed containers, and frequently several samples furans identified in roasted coffee has increased in line
of the same brand were analysed. The data therefore prob- with improvements in analytical techniques with more
ably do not represent the actual distribution of furan in than 800 reported by 1994.
foods. EFSA has called for further concentration data for High levels of furan are found in roasted coffee beans,
furan in food, in a database that will be used to estimate probably on account of the roasting process where the
consumers’ exposure (EFSA, 2006). high temperatures exceed most other food processing pro-
cedures. However, even after accounting for dilution, losses
Foods not cooked in closed containers are substantial during coffee brewing by all of the usual
Substantial levels of furan (20e200 mg/kg) have been re- methods such as expression or filtration, and in the prepa-
ported in foods not cooked in closed containers, including ration of instant coffee. Table 2 shows furan in coffee prod-
potato crisps, crackers and crisp breads (Hoenicke, Fritz, ucts as reported by Kuballa, Stier, and Strichow (2005).
Gatermann, & Weidemann, 2004) and toasted bread Automatic coffee machines produced brews with the high-
(Hasnip, Crews, & Castle, 2006). This area is worthy of fur- est levels of furan, because a higher ratio of coffee powder
ther study, particularly with regard to the levels of furan to water is used giving a lower dilution factor, and because
present in these products as consumed. It might not be ex- the closed system favours retention of furan. Much lower
pected that furan persists in toasted bread and its behaviour levels were produced by standard home coffee-making
in packeted potato crisps for example is unknown. machines and by manual brewing. These limited data
show the substantial reduction on brewing coffee from
Coffee coffee powder. Apart from this clear trend, the data are
Furans have long been known as normal components of too few to draw any firm conclusions on, e.g. differences
coffee flavour volatiles. For example, Merritt, Bazinet, between countries.
C. Crews, L. Castle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372 367

Table 2. Furan in coffee beans and its transfer into brewed coffee Metabolism
Furan is absorbed quickly into the body but is also ex-
Coffee type Brewing method Furan in Furan in
the bean brew
creted with high efficiency. Radiotracer experiments have
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) shown that a 84% of a single oral dose of furan was metab-
Whole beans Home machine 3600e6100 9e33
olized within 24 h in rats, and the remainder exhaled.
Whole beans Manual machine 3600e6100 17e24 Twenty percent of the radioactivity was contained in over
Whole beans Automatic machine 3600e6100 57e115 10 compounds excreted in the urine with a further 22%
Whole beans French press (cafetiere) 3600e6100 33e66 excreted in faeces (Burka, Washburn, & Irwin, 1991).
Regular powder In cup 800e3400 9e66 Repeated doses accumulate in the liver. Absorbed furan is
Decaffeinated 1000e2800 8e31
metabolized rapidly by cytochrome P-450 enzymes (princi-
Espresso 1500e2000 28e60 pally CYP2E1) via ring opening to form carbon dioxide
Instant 200e700 3e15 and cis-2-butene-1,4-dialdehyde (Chen, Hecht, & Peterson,
Instant 2000e2200 14e25 1995; Ravindrananth, Boyd, & Burka, 1984), which binds
Data summarised from Kuballa, Stier, and Strichow (2005). to protein and nucleosides (Burka et al., 1991; Byrns,
Predecki, & Peterson, 2002), and has been found as
a mono-glutathione conjugate in the urine of rats exposed
Other possible dietary sources of furan to radiolabelled furan (Peterson, Cummings, Vu, & Matter,
Various minor sources of furan in the diet are listed in the 2004).
review by Maga (1979), including canned meats. Miscella- Experiments with human hepatocytes in primary culture
neous foods shown by EFSA and the FDA to contain rela- have shown that metabolism by the CYP2E1 is so rapid that
tively high levels of furan include malts (16e195 mg/kg), the rate limiting step in elimination of ingested furan is the
gravies (13e174 mg/kg), caramels (220e400 mg/kg) and speed of its delivery to the liver (Kedderis & Held, 1996).
soy sauce (17e90 mg/kg). Malts, gravies and caramels are
consumed in relatively small quantities but soy sauce may Toxicity
be consumed in larger quantities, particularly in Asian coun- Toxicity studies have shown furan to be a potent carcinogen
tries. The FDA survey included 31 infant formula products affecting many organs. Tests carried out under the US National
(with many duplicated samples). Furan was found in 11 of Toxicology Program (NTP) used furan applied by gavage to
13 samples with added iron and in 6 of 18 samples without rats and mice at doses of between 20 and 160 mg/kg (NTP,
iron, typically at 8e10 mg/kg. 1993). Mortality was increased in both species over 16 days.
Administration of low maximum doses over 13 weeks caused
The effects of domestic cooking on furan formation weight loss, increase in liver and kidney weights, decrease in
Most of the results in the literature to date are for heat- thymus weight and toxic lesions of the liver and kidney in rats
processed foods tested as purchased. There have been a few and mice which increased in severity with dose. There were
studies to investigate if furan persists in food during normal mortalities among the rats (9 of 10 males and four of ten
preparation processes leading to eating. Initial thoughts females) but not for the mice (10 of each sex).
were that such a volatile substance may simply evaporate Furan administered to 50 mice at 8 or 15 mg/kg bw
from the food, e.g. when cans or jars were opened. These 5 days per week for 2 years caused loss of body weight
thoughts proved to be naive. Furan is in fact rather persis- at 15 mg/kg bw, and significantly increases in hepatocellu-
tent in foods. Furan formed in foods following heating in lar adenomas and carcinomas.
sealed containers during industrial processing, is not lost Administration of higher maximum doses (30 mg/kg
to a very significant extent when the foods are warmed furan by gavage 5 days per week for 13 weeks) induced
ready to eat (Hasnip et al., 2006). The exceptions are cholangiocarcinoma of the liver in all of 50 male rats.
vigorous boiling or cooking where furan can be lost, pre- Hepatocellular carcinomas were found in 6 of 40 rats that
sumably by evaporation and by entrainment in the large survived beyond the dosing period, at 9 months. Cholangio-
volumes of steam that are released. On the other hand, carcinomas were found in all 10 surviving male rats at
warming the food even in lightly lidded containers can in- 9 and 15 months.
crease furan levels, so any additional formation appears to
be balanced by evaporative losses (Hasnip et al., 2006). Genotoxicity
Studies have shown furan not to be mutagenic in some
strains of Salmonella typhimurium both with and without
Toxicology S9 metabolic activation (NTP, 1993). Some evidence of
A risk assessment of the toxicity of furan was published mutagenicity has been shown in strain TA100 (Lee, Bian,
by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2004. & Chen, 1994). Furan was mutagenic to mouse lymphoma
The crucial conclusion was that furan is carcinogenic to cells with and without S9 activation (McGregor et al.,
rats and mice with a clear dose-dependency and probably 1988) and, in another study, with and without S9 activation.
acting by a genotoxic mechanism. High doses of furan (250 mg/kg bw by i.p. injection)
368 C. Crews, L. Castle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372

induced structural chromosome aberrations but not sister Normal headspace procedures involve heating the sam-
chromatid exchange in mice bone marrow cells. Single ple to promote volatilisation of analyte into the headspace
oral doses of 200 or 100 mg/kg bw furan did not induce un- gas phase. With furan, excessive heating is both inadvisable
scheduled DNA synthesis in mouse or rat hepatocytes and unnecessary. Becalski et al. (2005) showed that in-
in vivo (NTP, 1993). creasing the headspace incubation temperature from 30 to
cis-2-Butene-1,4-dial is similar to a,b unsaturated com- 50  C caused only a 50% increase in the furan peak area
pounds that react with DNA and are known mutagens. It of an aqueous standard. Addition of salt more than doubled
was directly mutagenic at non-toxic concentrations in a the furan signal. In view of the danger of forming extra fu-
S. typhimurium strain (TA104) sensitive to aldehydes but ran even at quite low temperatures, most workers have set-
not to several other strains (Peterson, Naruko, & Predecki, tled on an incubation temperature of 50  C or below and
2000). It is likely that furan or cis-2-butene-1,4-dial reacts this gives adequate sensitivity, about 1 mg/kg.
with DNA in target cells and can play a role in furan- Senyuva and Gokmen (2005) demonstrated furan forma-
induced tumors. tion in green coffee (4 mg/kg) and in tomato and orange jui-
Furan causes loss of ATP after bioactivation to metabo- ces on incubation at 40  C for 30 min. For any new sample
lites which cause an irreversible uncoupling of hepatic type, it is necessary to check that the analytical procedure,
mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, this activates and especially the headspace incubation temperature used,
cytotoxic enzymes, including endonucleases that produce does not cause the formation of extra furan.
DNA double-strand breaks prior to cell death (Kedderis
& Ploch, 1999; Mugford, Carfagna, & Kedderis, 1997). GC conditions
Many different GCeMS conditions have been used but
Analysis for furan they are mostly simple variations on a common theme
The FDA published the first quantitative method for fu- (Becalski & Seaman, 2005; Bianchi, Careri, Mangia, &
ran in food (FDA, 2004b). It used sample preparation under Musci, 2006; Cerny & Davidek, 2003; FDA, 2004; Gold-
cold conditions and headspace sampling following incuba- mann, Perisset, Scanlan, & Stadler, 2005; Hasnip et al.,
tion at 80  C. Chromatographic separation used a PLOT 2006; Ho, Yoo, & Tefera, 2005; Reinhard, Sager, Zimmer-
(porous layer open tubular) column with mass spectromet- mann, & Zoller, 2004; Senyuva & Gokmen, 2005). Most
ric detection in selected ion monitoring mode. The PLOTQ workers use PLOT columns or an equivalent. With a starting
column used has a bonded polystyrene-divinylbenzene temperature of 20e50  C these columns give adequate
based phase which separates small volatile molecules effec- retention and separation of furan from other volatiles.
tively. Quantification was based on standard additions and
used a deuterated furan internal standard. As interest in Identification using GCeMS
furan testing grew several variations of this procedure The identification of furan is assured by checking for the
were tested and introduced by other laboratories. correct GC retention time (e.g. 2% of that of standards)
along with the correct ratio of the molecular ion for furan
Sample preparation at m/z 68 compared to its fragment ion at m/z 39, again
Because of its volatility, headspace sampling is the obvi- compared to the ratio seen with standards (e.g. agreement
ous method for the analysis of furan. To avoid losses, the to 10%). The low abundance of the m/z 39 ion constrains
food samples need typically to be chilled (ca. þ4  C) be- the detection and quantitation limits.
fore handling, and to be homogenised briefly but effectively
using a chilled blender with the sample sitting in an ice- Quantification using GCeMS
bath. Puréed and liquid samples can be weighed directly Quantification has been based on standard additions
into the headspace vial and mixed with chilled water prior or external calibration graphs, both incorporating
to addition of internal standard and spiking solutions. Solid a deuterium-labelled internal standard. High levels of inter-
samples may need homogenisation with cold water using nal standard must be avoided to prevent a contribution to
a top drive homogeniser. the m/z 68 analyte signal from the [M-d2]þ$fragment ion.
Analytical recovery for the major matrices, brewed
Headspace analysis coffee and baby food, is consistently better than 90%
Partitioning of furan from the food sample into the head- with limits of detection of less than 1 mg/kg. A number of
space in the vial is affected by time, temperature, and the method performance characteristics, typically measurement
mobility of the sample. Effective partitioning has been uncertainty and trueness, have been reported in detail and
ensured by prolonging the equilibration incubation time show that with care the current headspace methods perform
(Becalski et al., 2005), or improving the efficiency of auto- very well.
mated shaking by adding glass beads to the headspace vial
(Hasnip et al., 2006). In any event sufficient water must be Headspace sampling by SPME
present or added to ensure that the sample is completely Several authors have reported SPME (solid phase micro-
mobile before analysis. extraction) methods for furan. This includes testing for
C. Crews, L. Castle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372 369

furan in coffee (Ho et al., 2005), orange juice (Fan, 2005a), model Maillard systems containing serine and cysteine and
foods in general (Bianchi et al., 2006; Goldmann et al., later studied simple sugar/amino acid combinations heated
2005) and model reaction mixtures (Cerny & Davidek, at 250  C. Highest levels of furan per mole of starting mate-
2003). In direct headspace analysis a portion of the head- rial were produced from mixtures of glycoaldehyde with
space gas is taken and injected directly into the GCeMS. L-alanine. Serine produced about 30% of this quantity
In contrast, in SPME a needle coated with a polymeric ma- when heated with sucrose or ribose, and about 10e25%
terial is first exposed to the headspace vapours to absorb when heated with fructose or glucose. Cysteine and alanine
volatiles (for 10e60 min in the references cited), and is also produced significant furan on heating with glucose and
then desorbed thermally (1e5 min; 90e300  C) in the in- some other mixtures formed low levels.
jection port of the GC to drive off the volatiles onto the The reactions between several amino acids and carbohy-
GC column. SPME allows sample concentration and drates on heating form aldotetrose derivatives in an aldol
affords higher sensitivity. Limits of detection in the low condensation. In the example of serine it has been shown
ng/kg range can be achieved for furan (Bianchi et al., from 13C labelling that pyrolysis of the acid forms acetalde-
2006; Goldmann et al., 2005) although in practice the effec- hyde and a glycoaldehyde which undergo aldol condensa-
tive detection limit can be constrained by background levels tion leading to the aldotetrose intermediate of furan. The
of furan in method blanks. aldotetrose undergoes cyclisation to form furan.
Labelling studies carried out using serine mixtures with
glucose show both serine and glucose contribute to furan
Formation of furan formation (Perez Locas & Yaylayan, 2004). The major
There appear to be many pathways to furan, with the pathway is through initial formation of 1-deoxyosone in
major routes beginning with sugars, ascorbic acid, or unsat- the presence of amino acids. The 1-deoxyosone undergoes
urated fatty acids. Simplified versions of the proposed ma- cleavage to form an aldotetrose which can dehydrate to
jor routes are shown in Fig. 1. The thermal degradation and form 3-furanone which leads to furan via reduction and
rearrangement of carbohydrates is encountered in non- dehydration. An alternative route via 1-deoxyosone begins
enzymic (Maillard) browning reactions during food pro- with retro-aldol cleavage of glucose.
cessing and cooking. Even in simple component mixtures, An important route to furan from glucose begins with
large numbers of furanic compounds are formed. For exam- dehydration and retro-aldol cleavage forming 2-deoxy-3-
ple, in a heated mixture of serine, threonine and sucrose (as ketoaldotetrose which leads to 3-furanone. The third route
found in green coffee) about 350 furans were identified is from 3-deoxyosone (produced with 1-deoxyosone on
(Baltes & Bochmann, 1987). Substituted furans are familiar pyrolysis) which forms 2-deoxyaldotetrose by a-dicarbonyl
products of Maillard reactions but furan itself has been re- cleavage and oxidation. The 2-deoxyaldotetrose cyclicises
ported less often because its polarity and volatility placed it to furan. The final stages of furan formation from sugars
outside the working range of chromatographic systems ad- and Maillard type reaction appear to involve reduction of
justed to monitor larger, less volatile compounds. Perez 3-furanone by formic acid, itself formed in the pyrolysis
Locas and Yaylayan (2004) studied the formation of furan of sugars.
in simple sugar/amino acid systems heated at 250  C.
Ascorbic acid formed the highest level of furan, with dehy- Formation of furan from ascorbic acid
droascorbic acid also forming considerable quantities. In browning reactions ascorbic acid behaves in similar
Heating sugars or amino acids alone did not produce signif- manner to reducing sugars. It degrades by two parallel mech-
icant levels of furan, with the exception of erythrose. Furfu- anisms (Yuan & Chen, 1999). In acid aerobic conditions as-
ral is a common product in browning and other reactions. corbic acid is oxidised to dehydroascorbic acid and is then
Small molecules such as furfural and furoic acid are un- hydrolysed to 2,3-diketogulonic acid (DKG) by ring
doubtedly part of the route to furan from the larger precur- cleavage and addition of water. Decarboxylation of 2,3-
sors chemicals (Becalski & Seaman, 2005). diketogulonic acid forms xylosone which is ultimately
Studies on the efficiency (molar yield) of furan formed dehydrated to 3-hydroxy-2-pyrone and 2-furoic acid, or
from some precursor chemicals in models systems (Becalski 3-deoxypentosulose and ultimately furfural. Ascorbic acid
& Seaman, 2005; Mark, Pollien, Lindinger, Blank, & Mark, can form 2-deoxyaldotetrose and then furan as described
2006) have tended to be sometime contradictory and diffi- by Perez Locas and Yaylayan (2004). Dehydroascorbic
cult to interpret. It does seem that ascorbic acid/dehydroas- acid cannot be formed in anaerobic conditions, where ascor-
corbic have the highest potential to form furan, followed by bic acid can undergo hydrolysis, b-elimination and decar-
polyunsaturated fatty acids and then sugars. The molar yield boxylation to 3-deoxypentosulose which is an intermediate
can be up to about 1% (Stadler, 2006). of 2-deoxyaldotetrose. Furfural can also be formed from
ascorbic acid in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Shi-
Formation of furan from carbohydrates noda, Komura, Homma, and Murata (2005) have proposed
Yaylayan, Keyhani, and Wnorowski (2000) and Yaylayan, pathways for the formation of the furan precursors fural-
Machiels, and Istasse (2003) reported furan formation from dehyde and 2-furoic acid.
370 C. Crews, L. Castle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372

Ascorbic acid

- H2O
OH Furan





oxidized fatty acid

Fig. 1. Furan formation from sugars, ascorbic acid or fatty acid.

When heated in the absence of water dehydroascorbic are formed. A study of the formation of furanic compounds
acid can form a cyclic hemiketal, preventing furan formation (not including furan) in orange juice and juice models
(Perez Locas & Yaylayan, 2004). Ascorbic acid produced (Shinoda, Murata, Homma, & Komura, 2004; Shinoda
a number of substituted furans on heating at 300  C in dry et al., 2005) confirmed that the furan precursors furfural
systems (Vernin, Chakib, Rogachev, Obretenov, & Parkanyi, and 2-furoic acid were derived from ascorbic acid in a reac-
1997). The major compounds were furfural (about 70%) and tion stimulated by the sugars or chelating agents.
furoic acid. Heating orange juice to boiling for 5 min produced 1.4 ng/
When ascorbic acid was mixed in model systems with ml furan, and more was produced on autoclaving for 25 min
single amino acids (glycine or serine), sugar (erythrose) at 121  C (Fan, 2005a). Very little furan was produced on
or unsaturated fatty acid (linoleic), the mixtures produced warming apple juice but on autoclaving, far more furan
far less furan on heating than did ascorbic acid alone was produced than when autoclaving orange juice. These
(Mark et al., 2006). effects were correlated with decomposition rates of ascorbic
Ascorbic acid contributes to the browning of orange juice acid. Subsequently, it was shown that furan formation by
on storage, when 3-hydroxy-2-pyrone, 5-hydroxymethylfur- heating or irradiation was affected by the pH and concen-
fural (HMF), furfural, 5-hydroxymaltol, and 2-furoic acid tration of sugars and ascorbic acid in solution (Fan, 2005b).
C. Crews, L. Castle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 365e372 371

Formation of furan from fatty acids Prospects for mitigation measures

Furan is formed from unsaturated fatty acids and in Since the carcinogenicity of furan is probably attribut-
model systems the yield increases as the degree of unsatu- able to a genotoxic mechanism (EFSA, 2004) levels in
ration increases. Becalski and Seaman (2005) showed that food should be kept ALARA e as low as reasonably
monounsaturated acid (oleic) did not form furan. Linoleic achievable. The obvious way to reduce heat-induced toxins
acid heated for 30 min at 118  C in water formed 125 ng/g in food is by changes to the heating regime or by reduction
furan and linolenic acid formed 625 ng/g. Similar levels in the content of precursors.
were produced when the acids were present as triacylgly- Reduction of furan in foods is likely to be more chal-
cerols. Mark et al. (2006) showed that furan is formed lenging compared to other process contaminants, for two
from linolenic acid at lower temperatures (110e220  C) reasons. First, there may be little room for manoeuvre to
than from ascorbic acid or Maillard systems. Formation lower heating times and temperatures because the processes
of furan has therefore been linked with the process of of pasteurisation and sterilisation are for the microbiologi-
free radical autoxidation (Perez Locas & Yaylayan, 2004). cal safety of foods. Second, furan has a wide range of pre-
The effects of lipid oxidation catalysts such as Fe(II) or cursors. Ascorbic acid shows the highest potential to form
of antioxidants, are sometime contradictory. Metal ions can furan, followed by polyunsaturated fatty acids and then
promote the oxidation of fatty acids and consequently en- sugars (Stadler, 2006). Ascorbic acid and polyunsaturated
hance formation of furan. Ferric ions increased furan for- fatty acids are regarded as desirable food components
mation in linoleic acid by 79% and in trilinolein by 29% because of their health benefits.
(Mark et al., 2006). However, the data for linolenic acid A third mitigation measure that could be explored is to
are less clear, with decreased formation reported by Mark make use of the volatility of furan. However, again this
et al. (2006) but an increase reported by Becalski and may be of limited applicability because for microbiological
Seaman (2005). Given the complicated and competing reasons canned and jarred foods have to be sealed hermet-
reaction pathways available in autoxidation processes, ically and for coffee it would be technically difficult to
some of which may lead to furan and some not, limiting purge coffee of furan whilst retaining all the flavour and
autoxidation may not always lead to a corresponding reduc- aroma substances that the consumer demands.
tion in furan formation. The best approaches appear so far to involve interven-
Epoxidised linseed (ELO) and soya bean (ESBO) oils tion in the reaction mechanisms. For example, formation
are used extensively in the food packaging industry as plas- of furfural from ascorbic acid in model orange juice was re-
ticisers in the plastic seals fitted to metal lids for jars. ELO pressed by the presence of ethanol and mannitol acting as
and ESBO contained more furan than the unepoxidised oils free radical scavengers (Shinoda et al., 2005). Reduction
and produced more furan on heating (Hasnip et al., 2006). of atmospheric oxygen reduces the autoxidation of unsatu-
However, the quantities of ELO and ESBO used in food rated fatty acids and also reduces furan formation from sev-
containers mean that any transfer of furan from this source eral precursors, notably ascorbic acid, as does the addition
into foods is insignificant. of sulphite (Mark et al., 2006). Therefore, modification of
In a similar vein, foods heated in cans and jars make the atmospheres within heating systems might be effective
contact with lacquered metal surfaces. Foods heated in con- in reducing furan in foods.
tact with normal can-coating polymers, including polyester
urethane, epoxyphenolic, organosol, and epoxyanhydride Acknowledgements
coatings, did not form more furan than when the foods This work was co-funded by the UK Food Standards
were simply heated in the absence of any coating material Agency and the European Union HEATOX project.
(Hasnip et al., 2006).
Dietary exposure
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