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Name:__________________________________________ Date:__________



This document is intended to help you do your own review across all topics seen in class
during the second period. It is your responsibility to check your notes in your notebook and
other material posted in Classroom.

This document needs to be printed and answered by hand. All handwriting must be legible.
The completion of this guide is part of you grade, so make sure to do it.

Finally, you will hand in your completed work on the day of the exam. It will not be accepted
any other day.

What to study
● Compund adjectives
● Past Simple
● Modal Verbs
● Connectors
● Relative clauses
● Using Synonyms
● Pronouns (subject, object, possessive)

Activity 1

Complete the table.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive adjective





Activity 2
Rewrite the ideas using the correct pronouns (subject, object, possessive) in sentences 2.
● Rick was born in Australia, but Rick doesn't live there.
● Even though Sharon loves pizza, Sharon hates Hawaian pizza.
● I always see my friends after school. I play with my friends in the park.
● Sussy has a white cat. Sussy's cat is 13 years old!
● Karen went to Cancun for the holidays. Karen went with Karen's family.
● Matt saw Jenny at the park, and Matt waved to Jenny.
● Josh borrowed Sam's pencil, but Josh forgot to return the pencil to Sam.
● Mike, Sussie, and I watched a movie together, and the movie scared Mike, Sussie, and I.
● Jill gave the twins a gift for the twin's birthday, and the twins really liked the gifts.
● Ashley showed me Ashely's artwork, and I absoulutely loved the artwork.

Activity 3
Read the next biography about a famous singer. HIghlight all the pronouns you can find.
Use YELLOW for subject pronouns. Use GREEN for object pronouns. Use PINK for
possessive adjectives.

Taylor Swift is a singer-songwriter from the United States. She was born in Pennsylvania in
1989. Her family moved to Nashville, Tennessee when she was a teenager so that she could
pursue a career in music.

Swift began performing at local venues and caught the attention of music executives. She
signed a record deal with them and released her debut album in 2006. The album was a
huge success, and she quickly became a rising star in the country music scene.

Over the years, Swift has released several more albums and has gained a massive following
around the world. Her music is known for its catchy melodies and heartfelt lyrics, and she
has won numerous awards for them.

In addition to her music career, she is also known for her philanthropy. She has donated
millions of dollars to various causes and has used her platform to raise awareness about
issues like education, healthcare, and disaster relief.

Swift is one of the most successful and influential musicians of her generation. Her fans
adore her music and her relatable personality, and she continues to inspire and entertain
people all over the world.

Activity 4
Read the text below. You can see that the text repeats the names a lot. Use a RED pen to
circle all the names. Think of a pronoun that can substitute the word. Write the pronoun
above each word.

The Spice Girls were a popular girl group from the United Kingdom. The Spice Girls were
formed in 1994 and quickly became a sensation with the Spice Girls' catchy pop songs and
colorful personalities.

The group consisted of five members, who were each given a nickname that represented
their individual style and personality: Mel B (Scary Spice), Mel C (Sporty Spice), Emma
Bunton (Baby Spice), Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice), and Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice).

The Spice Girls released several hit singles and albums, including "Wannabe," "Say You'll
Be There," and "Spice World." The Spice Girls also became known for the Spice Girl's bold
fashion choices and girl power message.

In 1998, Geri Halliwell left the group to try a solo career, and the other members continued to
perform and release music. But, in 2001, the group announced the group members were
taking an indefinite break to focus on the group's individual endeavors.

Despite the Spice Girl's relatively short time together as a group, the Spice Girls had a huge
impact on popular culture and continue to be remembered as one of the most iconic girl
groups of all time.

Activity 5
Describe the nouns using compound adjectives.
● A child who is 10 years old is a ________________________________________.
● A car that moves fast is a ___________________________________________.
● A girl who has back hair is a ______________________________________________.
● A device with a high value is a ____________________________________________.
● A smell that makes you mouth water is a _____________________________________.
● An experience that wracks nerves is a ___________________________________.
● A person who has confindece in himself is a __________________________________.
● A movie that has a fast pace is a _____________________________________.
● A pick-up truck that can do heavy duty is a ___________________________________.
● Food that is fried deeply is _______________________________.
● A person who has two faces (hypocrite) is a ______________________________.

Activity 6
Join a word from column A with 1 in column B to make a compound adjective.

Column A Column B

hard plate

hand ended

old hearted

fast made

high centered

broken fashioned

quick term

gold witted

self growing

long headed

open tech

Activity 7
Here there's a short paragraph about a regular weekend for a young girl called Emma. The
sentences aren't in order. Put the sentences in order. Write the numbers on the lines.

1. In the afternoon, she might meet up with friends to hang out, play sports, or go to the
2. In general, a normal weekend for a Emma is a time to relax, have fun, and enjoy being
with friends and family.
3. She might spend the morning eating breakfast and watching TV or playing video games.
4. She might also have some homework or chores to do, but she usually tries to get those
done quickly.
5. A normal weekend for a Emma might start sleeping in and waking up late.
6. For dinner, she usually goes out to eat with her family or order takeout.
7. She usually goes to bed later than she does during the week, but she still tries to get
enough sleep so she is rested for the next school week.
8. She might spend the morning eating breakfast and watching TV or playing video games.
9. After dinner, she spends more time with friends or family, watches a movie, or reads a

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Activity 8
Use the verbs in the box to complete the text below. Use past simple.

go fall become build play (x2)

adopt run decide love know

love roast name tuck be (x2)

snuggle pack begin

Samantha _______ animals, especially dogs. Last summer, her family _______ a puppy
_______ Max. Max _______ a golden retriever with soft, golden fur and big, brown eyes.
Samantha and Max _______ best friends right away.

Every day after school, Samantha _______ with Max in the backyard. They _______ around
and _______ fetch with a tennis ball. Max _______ to chase after the ball and bring it back
to Samantha.

One day, Samantha's family _______ to the beach. Max _______ so excited to see the
ocean and feel the sand under his paws. Samantha and Max played in the water, splashing
and laughing. They _______ sandcastles and collected seashells.

As the sun _______ to set, Samantha's family _______ to have a bonfire on the beach. Max
lay next to Samantha, watching the flames dance in the fire. They _______ marshmallows
and made s'mores.

After the bonfire, Samantha's family _______ up and headed home. Max was so tired from
all the running and playing that he _______ asleep in the car.

When they got home, Samantha _______ Max into his bed with a cozy blanket. He _______
up and _______asleep, dreaming of the fun day at the beach.

From that day on, Samantha _______ that Max was not just a pet, but a beloved member of
her family. They would always have adventures together and create wonderful memories
that would last a lifetime.

Activity 9
Write about your best birthday party. Only use 75 words.

Activity 10
Write the regular verbs in past simple and in their correct pronunciation of -ed.

scroll down open boot turn on mark

kick jog ask answer return

need push clean pack pull

save turn off place text brush

/d/ /t/ /Id/

Activity 11
Write the past simple of the irregular verbs.

Irregular verb Past simple







sit down

stand up











cut out




come back

go back


Activity 12
Write some of the actions that these profession do. Use modal verbs of obligation, ability,
and prohibition.
● Dentist
○ _________________________________________________________________
○ _________________________________________________________________
○ _________________________________________________________________

● F1 driver
○ _________________________________________________________________
○ _________________________________________________________________
○ _________________________________________________________________

● Actor
○ _________________________________________________________________
○ _________________________________________________________________
○ _________________________________________________________________

Activity 13
Use modal verbs to complete the sentences. They can be repeated.

Can Can't Have to don't have to Must Mustn't Could May Will Might

● I _______ swim very well..

● She ________ ride a bike without training wheels.
● We _______ go to school every day.
● He __________ eat his vegetables.
● You _________ clean your room before you go out and play.
● People _________ talk in the library.
● I _________ hear the music from my room.
● She _________ come to the party later.
● We _________ visit our grandparents next weekend.
● He _________ play basketball with us after school.
● We _________ go on vacation this summer.
● She _________ do her homework now, but she needs to do it soon.
● You _________ be kind to others and treat them with respect.
● Students _________ cheat on the test.

● I _________ see the stars in the sky at night.
● She _________ need help with her math homework.
● We _________ have a picnic in the park if it's sunny.
● He _________ need a ride home from the party.
● I _________ finish my project before the deadline.

Activity 14
Convert the questions from Could you..? to Would you mind…?
● Could you please stay in your seats?
● Could you print this document and bring it tomorrow?
● Could you go and look for miss Gaby?
● Could you get a chair from another classroom?
● Could you please turn of the lights of the classroom at the end of the class?

Activity 15
Link the senteces using an appropriate connector.

and but so because even though

● I like pizza. I like ice cream.

● She wanted to go to the park. It was raining outside.
● Mark studied hard. He did well on his test.
● I'm not hungry. I already ate lunch.
● Her best friend has one. she's afraid of dogs.
● We went to the store. We bought some groceries.

● He wanted to go to the movies. He didn't have enough money.
● I cleaned my room. Now it's spotless.
● The movie was scary. I closed my eyes during the scary parts.
● She likes to read books. They take her to different worlds.
● It was cold outside. We still went for a walk.
● I'm hungry and thirsty. I will get a snack.
● He's really good at soccer. He's not very good at basketball.
● I woke up early. I had plenty of time to get ready for school.
● She didn't like the movie. It was too sad.

Activity 16
Use relative clauses to join the sentences.

● The boy won the race. He is my my cousin.

● The car is now parked outised. We saw it earlier.
● The movie was scary. We watched it last night.
● The teacher gave us homework. He is absent today.
● I borrowed the book from the library. It is due next week.
● The team won the game. It scored the most points.
● The dog belongs to my neighbours. It barks all night.

● The computer is still working . We bought it last year.
● The city is far from here. My grandparents live there.
● The girl is my best friend. She sits next to me in class.
● The park was beautiful. We visited it last weekend.
● The cake was delicious. My mom made it for my birthday.
● The time was unforgettable. We went on a family vacation.
● The musician was very talented. She played at the concert.
● The athlete trained every day. He broke the record.
● The mountain was challenging. We climbed it last summer.
● I listen to music at the gym. I work out at the gym.
● The restaurant had amazing food. We ate there last night.
● The river is polluted. It runs through the town.
● The painting was breathtaking. We saw it in the museum.

Activity 17
Read this review of a famous movie and do the following:
● What is the error in this text? _____________________________________________
● Highlight all the repeated words.
● Find synonyms that you can use to make the text more emotional.
● Write all the text but substitute the repeated words with use your synonyms.

Lilo Crocodile is an incredible movie that is perfect for kids who love adventure and fun. The
movie is about Lilo, a crocodile who lives in a swamp with her friends. When a group of
hunters come to the swamp, Lilo and her friends must use their incredible skills to outsmart
the hunters and protect their home. The animation in this movie is incredible, with bright
colors and fun character designs. The story is engaging and will keep kids entertained from
start to finish. Overall, Lilo Crocodile is an incredible movie that is perfect for a family movie

The incredible characters in Lilo Crocodile make this movie a must-see for kids. Lilo is a
brave and adventurous crocodile who will inspire kids to be brave too. Her friends, including
a frog and a snail, are also incredible and add to the fun and excitement of the movie. The
incredible music and sound effects in the movie help to bring the swamp and its inhabitants
to life. With its incredible animation, engaging story, and lovable characters, Lilo Crocodile is
an incredible movie that is perfect for kids of all ages.



Activity 18
You received the following email from your maths teacher because your are behind in work.
Answer the email. Your email must mentione the followoing points:
● Thanking for the concern
● Explanation as to why the problem exists.
● Suggest a time when you can talk to your teacher.
● A commitment of when you will have everything done.

Subject: Your Mathematics Classwork

Dear student,

I hope you're doing well. I am writing to talk to you about your work in math class. I
have noticed that you are a little bit behind, and I am worried that you might fall
further behind if we don't take care of this.

Math class is important because it helps you understand new ideas and builds on
things you already know. It is really important that you keep up with your work so
you can be successful in the class. If you need help, just let me know! I can help
you after class or during lunch, so that you can catch up on any areas that you are
struggling with.

Please try to work on catching up on your math classwork as soon as possible. Let
me know if you have any questions, and we can work together to help you


Mathematics Teacher


Activity 19
Write a 4 paragraph articles about why exams are not useful.
Your articles must have introduction, body, and conclusion.
Remember to use examples to support your ideas.


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