CBR Final Report

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Consumer Behaviour

Project Report


Group - 8
Name Roll Number
Sehgal Kunal Amitabh 22PGP025
Ankita Kumar 22PGP028
Saloni Yadav 22PGP033
Ekta Singh 22PGP060
Shivangi Aggarwal 22PGP044
Samiksha Jain 22PGP077
Anugya Chouhan 22PGP095

Submitted To

Dr. Indirah Indibara

Assistant Professor (Marketing)
Indian Institute of Management Raipu
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Objective ................................................................................................................................ 2
Actions ................................................................................................................................... 3
Consumer Survey ................................................................................................................... 3
Perceptual Map .......................................................................................................................... 4
Cost vs. Quality ...................................................................................................................... 4
Price vs Availability ................................................................................................................. 5
Taste vs Convenience ........................................................................................................... 6
Roast Level vs. Taste ............................................................................................................. 7
Packaging vs Availability ........................................................................................................ 7
1) Value Analysis .................................................................................................................... 8
2) Competitive Analysis .......................................................................................................... 8
3) Innovation Opportunity Analysis ......................................................................................... 9
Implications for marketers....................................................................................................... 9
Brand Personality - Aacker’s Model ..........................................................................................10
Nescafe Classic.....................................................................................................................11
Sleepy Owl ............................................................................................................................13
Bevzilla ..................................................................................................................................15
Laddering Theory ......................................................................................................................18
Consumer Decision Making ......................................................................................................23
Findings ....................................................................................................................................27
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................28

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Coffee is a popular beverage consumed by people all over the world. The global coffee market is
expected to reach $495.73 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period.

Consumer behavior towards coffee brands is influenced by a variety of factors, including taste,
price, convenience, and brand image. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards
premium and specialty coffee brands, as consumers are becoming more discerning about the
quality of their coffee.

This report examines consumer behavior towards coffee brands, segmented into premium (Sleepy
Owl), medium (Bevzilla), and low-level (Nescafe Classic). The report is based on a survey of a
few respondents among the authors' peer groups.

The primary objective of this report is to dissect the intricate web of consumer behavior within
these coffee brand segments. We aim to explore the factors influencing consumers' choices, be it
quality, price, brand loyalty, or lifestyle preferences. Through in-depth analysis, we endeavor to
gain a comprehensive understanding of what drives individuals to select premium, medium, or
low-level coffee brands. Furthermore, our goal is to unravel the psychology behind brand loyalty
and the critical touch points where each of these brands captures the consumer's heart and wallet.

Here are some specific data points that we collected and analyzed to achieve our objective:

● Consumer demographics: Age, gender, income, education, location, etc.

● Coffee consumption habits: Frequency of consumption, preferred type of coffee, brewing
method, etc.
● Brand preferences: Most popular coffee brands, factors influencing brand choice, brand
loyalty, etc.
● Lifestyle preferences: Travel habits, hobbies, social media activity, etc.
● Social media data: Brand mentions, hashtags, sentiment, etc.
● Market research data: Market size, growth trends, competitive landscape, etc.

By analyzing this data, we were able to gain a deep understanding of consumer behavior in the
coffee industry and identify the factors that drive individuals to select premium, medium, or low-
level coffee brands. We were also able to identify the critical touchpoints where each of these
brands captures the consumer's heart and wallet.

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To achieve this objective, the following actions were taken:

● A survey was conducted among a few respondents among the authors' peer groups.
● The survey data was analyzed to identify the key factors that influence consumers' choice
of coffee brand, as well as their preferences for each of the segmented brands.

Consumer Survey

Our insights are derived from surveys conducted among respondents within our peer groups, aimed
at unraveling the intricate web of factors that influence consumer choices in the realm of coffee
consumption. The survey findings suggest that consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-
quality coffee. However, they are also price-sensitive. Convenience is also an important factor in
consumer decision-making.

The survey found that Sleepy Owl is the most popular premium coffee brand among the
respondents. It is known for its high-quality coffee and convenient delivery options. Bevzilla is
also a popular brand, particularly among younger consumers. It offers a wide range of flavored
coffee products at a relatively affordable price. Nescafe Classic is the most popular low-level
coffee brand among the respondents. It is known for its affordable price and wide availability.

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Perceptual Map

A perceptual map is a visual representation of how consumers perceive different brands based on
a set of attributes. It is a valuable tool for marketers to understand their brand positioning and
identify opportunities for differentiation.

Sleepy Owl is positioned as a premium coffee brand, with a high price point but also a high-quality
taste and convenient delivery options. Bevzilla is positioned as a medium coffee brand, with a
more affordable price point and a wider range of flavored coffee products. Nescafe Classic is
positioned as the low-level coffee brand, with the lowest price point and the widest availability.

The perceptual map shows that there is a clear gap in the market for a coffee brand that offers a
high-quality taste and convenient delivery options at a more affordable price point. This could be
an opportunity for Bevzilla or another medium coffee brand to expand its market share.

Here are the perceptual maps of the three coffee brands based on the survey conducted:

Cost vs. Quality

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This perceptual map shows that Sleepy Owl is the highest-quality coffee brand, but it is also the
most expensive brand. Bevzilla is a good alternative for consumers who are looking for high-
quality coffee at a more affordable price. Nescafe Classic is the least expensive brand, but it is also
the lowest-quality brand.

Price vs Availability

This perceptual map shows that Nescafe Classic is the most affordable coffee brand and the most
widely available brand. Sleepy Owl is the least affordable brand and the least widely available
brand. Bevzilla is in between Sleepy Owl and Nescafe Classic on both dimensions.

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Taste vs Convenience

This perceptual map shows that Sleepy Owl is the highest-rated coffee brand on both taste and
convenience. Bevzilla is a good alternative for consumers who are looking for a high-quality coffee
that is also convenient. Nescafe Classic is the lowest-rated coffee brand in both taste and

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Roast Level vs. Taste

This perceptual map shows that Sleepy Owl is the highest-rated coffee brand on both roast level
and taste. Bevzilla offers a wider range of roast levels than Sleepy Owl. Nescafe Classic is the
lowest-rated coffee brand on both roast level and taste.

Packaging vs Availability

This perceptual map shows that Nescafe Classic has the simplest packaging and the widest
availability. Sleepy Owl has the most elaborate packaging and the least availability. Bevzilla is in
between Sleepy Owl and Nescafe Classic on both dimensions.

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There are three main ways we can use the perceptual maps of Sleepy Owl, Bevzilla, and Nescafe

1) Value Analysis

We can use the perceptual maps to make inferences on perceived value and create estimated value
curves based on current market norms. For example, we can see that Sleepy Owl is perceived as a
high-quality coffee brand, but it is also the most expensive brand. Nescafe Classic is perceived as
a low-quality coffee brand, but it is also the most affordable brand. Bevzilla is in between Sleepy
Owl and Nescafe Classic on both dimensions.

We can use this information to create estimated value curves for each brand. For example, we
might find that consumers are willing to pay more for a coffee brand that is perceived to be of
higher quality. We can then use this information to develop pricing strategies for each brand.

2) Competitive Analysis

We can use the perceptual maps to understand how a certain brand stacks up against the
competition and to conduct possible competitive scenario analysis. For example, we can see that

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Sleepy Owl is the only brand that is positioned as a high-quality coffee brand with convenient
delivery options. This gives Sleepy Owl a competitive advantage over Bevzilla and Nescafe

We can also use the perceptual maps to conduct possible competitive scenario analysis. For
example, we might want to understand what would happen if Bevzilla were to launch a new coffee
product that is positioned as being of higher quality than its current offerings. We could use the
perceptual maps to simulate the impact of this new product on the market and to develop strategies
to respond to it.

3) Innovation Opportunity Analysis

We can use the perceptual maps to look for open spaces or territories where a new product could
be positioned successfully. For example, we can see that there is a gap in the market for a coffee
brand that offers a high-quality taste and convenient delivery options at a more affordable price
point. This could be an opportunity for a new coffee brand to enter the market and challenge the
established brands.

We can also use the perceptual maps to identify opportunities for innovation within existing
brands. For example, we might find that Sleepy Owl could expand its market share by launching
a new coffee product that is positioned as being more affordable or having a wider range of flavors.

Implications for marketers

The perceptual map can be used by marketers to develop more effective marketing and branding
strategies. For example, Sleepy Owl could focus on emphasizing its high-quality taste and
convenient delivery options. Bevzilla could focus on emphasizing its affordable price point and
wide range of flavored coffee products. Nescafe Classic could focus on emphasizing its wide
availability and affordability. Marketers could also use the perceptual map to identify opportunities
for new product development. For example, there is a gap in the market for a coffee brand that
offers a high-quality taste and convenient delivery options at a more affordable price point. This
could be an opportunity for Bevzilla or another medium coffee brand to expand its market share.

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Brand Personality - Aacker’s Model

Aaker's Brand Personality Model, developed by marketing expert Jennifer Aaker, is a framework
designed to understand and analyze how consumers perceive and relate to brands on a human-like
personality level. This model identifies five primary dimensions or traits that make up a brand's
personality. These dimensions are Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication, and

● Sincerity: This dimension reflects the degree to which a brand is perceived as honest,
genuine, and down-to-earth. Brands with a high sincerity score are often seen as
trustworthy and honest.
● Excitement: Excitement measures the level of thrill, enthusiasm, and daring associated with
a brand. Brands that score high on excitement are often perceived as dynamic, adventurous,
and innovative.
● Competence: Competence assesses a brand's perceived capability and expertise in
delivering its products or services. Brands with a high competence score are seen as
reliable, knowledgeable, and proficient.
● Sophistication: Sophistication reflects the extent to which a brand is perceived as refined,
elegant, and cultured. Brands with a high sophistication score are often associated with
upscale and luxurious qualities.
● Ruggedness: Ruggedness gauges the degree of toughness, resilience, and authenticity
attributed to a brand. Brands with a high ruggedness score are seen as sturdy, durable, and
perhaps a bit unconventional.

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By using this model, we are trying to understand how consumers connect with the 3 Coffee brands
(Nescafe Classic, Bevzilla, and Sleepy Owl) on a personal and emotional level, and analyzing
whether the brand's intended personality matches the personality perceived by consumers.

Nescafe Classic

Intended Brand Personality

● Sincerity:
○ Description: Down-to-earth, honest, trustful, and cheerful.
○ Assessment: High on sincerity.
○ Nescafé's history, starting from its development to meet the needs of soldiers during
World War II, reflects a commitment to providing a convenient and reliable product.
The emphasis on convenience and affordability also aligns with sincerity.
● Excitement:
○ Description: Imaginative, up-to-date, inspiring, edgy, and spirited.
○ Assessment: Low on excitement.
○ Nescafé is known for its reliability and consistency, which may not align with the
characteristics associated with excitement. It focuses more on providing a reliable and
familiar coffee experience.
● Competence:
○ Description: Reliable, responsible, intelligent, and efficient.
○ Assessment: High on competence.

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○ Nescafé's long history of providing a consistent and convenient coffee experience,
backed by Nestlé's reputation as a reliable company, supports its perception as a
competent brand.
● Sophistication:
○ Description: Upper class, romantic, charming, pretentious, and glamorous.
○ Assessment: Low on sophistication.
○ Nescafé is known for its affordability and accessibility, which may not align with the
characteristics associated with sophistication. It is more focused on providing an
everyday coffee solution.
● Ruggedness:
○ Description: Outdoorsy, tough, masculine, and western.
○ Assessment: Low on ruggedness.
○ Nescafé's focus is on convenience and accessibility, which may not align with the
characteristics associated with ruggedness. It doesn't convey an outdoorsy or tough

Perceived Brand Personality

Nescafe is often perceived as having a brand personality characterized by Sincerity and


● Sincerity: All of the respondents used positive and warm language to describe Nescafe,
suggesting that they perceive the brand as sincere and authentic. Respondents believe that
Nescafe is honest and sincere, as it consistently delivers a comforting and dependable
coffee experience.

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● Excitement: Respondents 2, 5, and 6 all express a lack of excitement associated with
Nescafe. The brand is seen as stable and predictable, often linked to peaceful, quiet
moments, and is not perceived as thrilling or dynamic.
● Competence: Most of the respondents used language that suggests that they perceive
Nescafe as a competent brand. They described it as "reliable", "affordable", and
"convenient." For example, Respondent 2 said that Nescafe is their "go-to coffee when they
need a quick and easy cup."
● Sophistication: Only Respondent 3 suggested that they perceive Nescafe as a sophisticated
brand. While it embodies a classic and timeless quality, Nescafe may not be considered
highly sophisticated in terms of cutting-edge or upscale features.
● Ruggedness: None of the respondents used language that suggests that they perceive
Nescafe as a rugged brand. It is more associated with straightforwardness and authenticity
than ruggedness.

In summary, the responses collectively painted a picture of Nescafe's brand personality as one that
excels in sincerity and competence. It is perceived as dependable by its consumers. However, it
lacks excitement, sophistication, and ruggedness, aligning with the brand's classic and
straightforward image.

Sleepy Owl

Intended Brand Personality

● Sincerity:

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○ Description: Down-to-earth, honest, trustful, and cheerful.
○ Sleepy Owl's commitment to customer satisfaction, money-back guarantee, and
availability of a customer service team demonstrate sincerity. However, it may not be
perceived as extremely sincere, as it is also a business entity aiming for profitability.
○ Perception: Medium on Sincerity.
● Excitement:
○ Description: Imaginative, up-to-date, inspiring, edgy, and spirited.
○ Sleepy Owl's innovative marketing campaigns, partnerships with influencers and
celebrities, and engaging social media presence contribute to an exciting brand image.
○ Perception: High on Excitement.
● Competence:
○ Description: Reliable, responsible, intelligent, and efficient.
○ Sleepy Owl's focus on convenience, affordability, and customer satisfaction, as well as
its competitive pricing, reflects competence. However, it may not be perceived as
extremely competent compared to brands known for exceptional product performance.
○ Perception: Medium on Competence.
● Sophistication:
○ Description: Upper class, romantic, charming, pretentious, and glamorous.
○ Sleepy Owl's emphasis is more on convenience and affordability rather than projecting
an upper-class or glamorous image. It doesn't align strongly with characteristics
associated with sophistication.
○ Perception: Low on Sophistication.
● Ruggedness:
○ Description: Outdoorsy, tough, masculine, and western.
○ Sleepy Owl's brand image is not primarily focused on outdoor or rugged characteristics.
It is more aligned with convenience and accessibility, which are not strongly associated
with ruggedness.
○ Perception: Low on Ruggedness.

Perceived Brand Personality

Sleepy Owl is perceived as having a brand personality characterized by Excitement, Competence,

and a touch of Sincerity.

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● Excitement: Respondents 1, 3, and 5 consistently describe Sleepy Owl as an exciting and
lively brand. They associated the brand with terms like "millennials" and "innovation".
This perception reflects the brand's ability to inject excitement and enthusiasm into the
coffee experience.
● Competence: All of the respondents used language that suggests that they perceive Sleepy
Owl as a competent brand. They described it as "high-quality", "reliable", and "consistent".
This perception highlights the brand's reputation for delivering a quality product.
● Sincerity: While not as dominant as competence and excitement, Respondents 2 and 6
suggested an element of sincerity in Sleepy Owl's brand personality. They perceive the
brand as sincere and authentic. For example, Respondent 2 said that Sleepy Owl is a "fun
and trendy coffee brand" with a "playful social media presence."
● Sophistication: Respondents 4 and 6 both suggest that Sleepy Owl lacks sophistication.
They appreciated the fact that it's made with "fresh, roasted beans" and that it's available
in a variety of "brewing methods." This indicates that the brand doesn't prioritize an upscale
or refined image.
● Ruggedness: None of the respondents perceive Sleepy Owl as a rugged brand.

All of the responses collected show that Sleepy Owl has a brand personality that is a mix of
excitement, competence, and a touch of sincerity. But in terms of sophistication and sincerity, it
falls short.


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Intended Brand Personality

● Sincerity: Bevzilla appears to score high on sincerity. The brand's focus on natural
ingredients, health and wellness, and commitment to sustainability align with
characteristics associated with sincerity. The use of date palm jaggery instead of
refined sugar and the emphasis on ethical and sustainable sourcing of coffee beans
contribute to this perception.
● Excitement: Bevzilla seems to score low on excitement. While the brand is
innovative in its product offerings (instant coffee cubes and iced tea powder), there
may be room for more vibrant and imaginative branding strategies. Incorporating
more colorful and unconventional elements in their marketing and packaging could
potentially boost their excitement factor.
● Competence: Bevzilla is likely perceived as competent, but perhaps at a medium
level. The focus on natural ingredients, convenience, and commitment to
sustainability suggests reliability and responsibility. However, additional emphasis
on quality assurance, certifications, or partnerships with recognized health
organizations could further strengthen this perception.
● Sophistication: Bevzilla appears to score low on sophistication. The brand's
emphasis on health and sustainability, while admirable, may not align with the
characteristics associated with sophistication, which often include notions of luxury
and upper-class appeal. Bevzilla's branding and product positioning seem more
grounded and accessible.
● Ruggedness: Bevzilla is perceived as low on ruggedness. The brand's commitment
to health and wellness and its focus on convenience do not align with the
characteristics typically associated with rugged brands, which tend to be more
outdoorsy and tough.

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Perceived Brand Personality

Bevzilla is perceived as having a brand personality characterized primarily by Excitement while

falling short in terms of Sincerity, Competence, Sophistication, and Ruggedness.

● Excitement: Respondents 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 consistently describe Bevzilla as exciting and

thrilling, associating the brand with "innovation", "new and exciting products", and
"trendy." For example, Respondent 2 said, “Bevzilla’s instant coffee cubes are a unique
and innovative product that makes it easy to make a delicious cup of coffee on the go.”
● Sincerity: Across all responses, there's a notable absence of attributes associated with
sincerity. Bevzilla is not seen as a brand that exudes honesty, simplicity, or a down-to-earth
● Competence: Three of the respondents used language that suggests that they perceive
Bevzilla as a competent brand. They described it as "convenient", "easy to make", and
"great tasting".
● Sophistication: Respondents 1, 4, and 5 imply that Bevzilla lacks sophistication,
projecting an image that thrives on excitement and doesn't offer elegance or a refined
● Ruggedness: None of the respondents associate Bevzilla with ruggedness. The brand
doesn't project an image of authenticity or toughness.

Bevzilla's brand personality is still primarily defined by excitement but also has a slight
competence component. It remains low in sincerity, sophistication, and ruggedness.

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Laddering Theory

The laddering technique fosters self-analysis of behavior and motivations, aiding market research
in collecting a comprehensive list of "consequences" and reaching valuable "values" that are
essential for predicting behavior and identifying new potential opportunities.

Respondent 01 - Nescafe:

This individual values convenience in their coffee choice. Nescafe offers quick preparation, which
translates into time-saving. They also derive pleasure from Nescafe's rich flavor. Moreover, the
wide availability of Nescafe makes it easy to find in various locations, adding to its accessibility.
This suggests that for Respondent 1, the key values associated with Nescafe are time-saving,
pleasure, and accessibility.

Respondent 02 - Bevzilla:

For this respondent, Bevzilla appeals because it offers unique flavors, leading to exciting taste
experiences and a sense of adventure. This suggests they seek novelty and variety in their coffee
choices. Additionally, the sustainable sourcing of ingredients aligns with their ethical values,
contributing to sustainability, which is important to them. The fact that Bevzilla is a local brand
allows them to support their community, reflecting a sense of community involvement. Overall,

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the key values associated with Bevzilla for Respondent 2 is adventure, sustainability, and
community involvement.

Respondent 03 - Sleepy Owl:

This individual is health-conscious and places importance on the quality and composition of their
coffee. Sleepy Owl Coffees caters to this by offering a cold brew, which is less acidic and
refreshing. The use of organic ingredients ensures a clean and pure taste, emphasizing naturalness.
The artisanal brewing process aligns with their appreciation for craftsmanship, representing quality
and authenticity. For Respondent 3, the key values associated with Sleepy Owl Coffees are health-
consciousness, naturalness, and quality/authenticity.

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Respondent 04 - Nescafe:

For this person, affordability is an essential factor in their coffee choice. Nescafe offers a budget-
friendly option at an affordable price. Instant coffee provides a quick caffeine boost, which is
convenient for those who are often on the go. The variety of blends caters to different preferences,
providing choice and customization. Respondent 4 values budget-friendliness, convenience, and
choice/customization in their coffee experience.

Respondent 05 - Bevzilla:

Respondent 5 places a high value on staying up-to-date and being part of trends. Bevzilla's trendy
branding aligns perfectly with this preference, making them feel connected to the latest coffee
trends and enhancing their sense of being up-to-date. The unique packaging with its eye-catching
design adds an aesthetic dimension to their coffee experience, promoting a genuine appreciation
for aesthetics. Furthermore, Bevzilla's specialty coffee offerings cater to their desire for an elevated
and sophisticated coffee experience, which resonates with their sense of sophistication. In
summary, the key values associated with Bevzilla for Respondent 5 are trendiness, aesthetic
appreciation, and sophistication, making Bevzilla an appealing choice that aligns with their
preferences for a trendy, visually appealing, and sophisticated coffee experience.

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Respondent 06 - Sleepy Owl:

This respondent values a coffee experience centered around flavor, quality, and customization.
They appreciate single serving packaging, which ensures they always have a fresh cup of coffee,
aligning with their value for quality. The emphasis on premium Arabica beans and unique products

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likely enhances the flavor aspect of their coffee experience, satisfying their value for flavorful
coffee. The attribute of a variety of blends allows for customization, catering to different
preferences, and further supports their value for customization. Overall, this respondent's
perspective suggests they seek a coffee brand that delivers a premium, high-quality, and
customizable coffee experience.

These detailed explanations reveal how different individuals have distinct preferences and values
when it comes to coffee brands. These preferences are driven by various factors such as
convenience, taste experiences, sustainability, budget, aesthetics, ethics, and more. Understanding
these nuanced perspectives is crucial for brands to tailor their marketing strategies and product
offerings to resonate effectively with their target audiences.

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Consumer Decision Making

Consumer decision-making is the process by which consumers become aware of and identify their
needs; collect information on how to best solve these needs; evaluate alternative available options;
make a purchasing decision; and evaluate their purchase.
We used 2 types of methods:
1. Compensatory
2. Non-Compensatory
2.1. Conjunctive
2.2. Disjunctive
2.3. Lexicographic
To gather insights into consumer preferences and rankings for the brands Nescafe Classic,
Bevzilla, and Sleepy Owl, we conducted interviews with six respondents. These interviews aimed
to uncover the respondents' perceptions and preferences regarding these brands.
Our research focused on analyzing and comparing the decision-making processes employed by
individuals when evaluating these brands.
The Compensatory method involves weighing both positive and negative attributes of alternatives,
while the Non-Compensatory methods, including Conjunctive, Disjunctive, and Lexicographic,
provide distinct approaches to decision-making that do not necessarily involve trade-offs between

Respondent 1
Compensatory method: A compensatory decision-making strategy weighs the positive and
negative attributes of the considered alternatives and allows for positive attributes to compensate
for the negative ones.

● The first column shows the attributes that consumers look for while buying coffee brand
● The second column mentions the weights based on the importance of each attribute
according to the consumers, which total sums up to 1
● The third, Fourth, and fifth columns consist of rankings given by consumers out of 5 for
all the 3 brands, i.e. SleepyOwl, Bevzilla, and Nescafe Classic.

To calculate the total summation of the ranking of these 3 brands, we will multiply the weights
of each attribute by its ranking and add it to find the total sum.
(eg. Sleepy Owl - 0.11*5 + 0.15*4+0.08*4.5+0.1*3.5+0.2*5+0.25*3.5+0.11*4 = 4.175)

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● After calculating the total value (preference) by total summation, we chose the brand that
has the highest total value, which means Sleepy Owl is the preferred brand.

Non-compensatory method: Non-compensatory rules provide consumers with distinct decision-

making strategies that focus on specific aspects of a product's attributes rather than balancing
positive and negative features.

Respondent 1

Conjunctive Rule: This rule entails the establishment of minimum performance standards for
each attribute considered important. Brands that exceed these minimum standards across all
attributes are deemed acceptable and included in the selection process.

● The first column shows the attributes that consumers look for while buying a coffee brand
● The second column mentions the weights based on the importance of each attribute
according to the consumers, which total sums up to 1
● The third, Fourth, and fifth columns consist of rankings given by consumers out of 5 for
all the 3 brands, i.e. SleepyOwl, Bevzilla, and Nescafe Classic.

For the conjunctive rule, we set a cut-off score = 3.5 and looked for brands that either equate or
surpass the minimum cut-off score in ranking.

● As we can see Sleepy Owl clears the minimum cutoff as all the ranking equates to or is
more than 3.5, so it is the preferred brand by the consumer.

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Disjunctive Rule: In contrast, the Disjunctive Rule sets a minimum performance level for each
critical attribute, often requiring a relatively high standard. Any brand that surpasses this
performance threshold for at least one key attribute is considered acceptable and eligible for

● The first column shows the attributes that consumers look for while buying coffee brand
● The second column mentions the weights based on the importance of each attribute
according to the consumers, which total sums up to 1
● The third, Fourth, and fifth columns consist of rankings given by consumers out of 5 for
all the 3 brands, i.e. SleepyOwl, Bevzilla, and Nescafe Classic.
For the disjunctive rule, we chose a cut-off score = 4, so we will look for brands that at least
clear one key attribute.

● As we can see, the cut-off score of 4 is mentioned in brand reputation & availability for
Sleepy Owl & in availability for Nescafe Classic, so these two brands are preferred.

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Lexicographic Rule: Under the Lexicographic Rule, consumers prioritize a single, most
important attribute. They select the product that excels in meeting this specific attribute,
regardless of performance in other aspects.
● The first column shows the attributes that consumers look for while buying a coffee brand
● The second column mentions the weights based on the importance of each attribute
according to the consumers, which total sums up to 1
● The third, Fourth, and fifth columns consist of rankings given by consumers out of 5 for
all the 3 brands, i.e. SleepyOwl, Bevzilla, and Nescafe Classic.

For lexicographic, we arranged the attributes based on their importance as said by respondents
and then looked for the highest ranking in attributes starting from top priority, i.e. Price in this

● As we can see, Nescafe Classic has the highest ranking in price (5), so it is the preferred

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Our investigation into consumer behavior regarding three prominent coffee brands - Nescafe
Classic, Bevzilla, and Sleepy Owl - unveils significant insights into the factors driving coffee
choices. Conducted through surveys among respondents within our peer groups, our study reveals
that consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality coffee while simultaneously being
price-sensitive. Convenience also emerges as a crucial determinant in consumer decision-making
within the coffee market.

One of the most revealing findings stems from our analysis of perceptual maps. Sleepy Owl,
positioned in the top-right quadrant, stands out as the most popular premium coffee brand among
respondents. It is esteemed for its high-quality coffee and convenient delivery options. Bevzilla
occupies an exciting and innovative niche, particularly appealing to younger consumers, offering
a variety of flavored coffee products at a relatively affordable price point. Nescafe Classic, situated
in the realm of affordability and widespread availability, remains the most popular low-level coffee
brand among respondents.

Further exploration of brand personalities using Aaker's Model underscores these findings. Sleepy
Owl emerges as a brand associated with excitement and competence, mirroring its premium quality
and convenience attributes. In contrast, Bevzilla, while highly exciting, falls short in terms of
competence, sophistication, and ruggedness. Nescafe Classic is perceived as sincere, although it
lacks the elements of excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness associated with the
other two brands.

Laddering theory interviews reveal deeper consumer motivations. Sleepy Owl consumers value
the brand's commitment to quality and convenience, seeing it as a way to enjoy a premium coffee
experience effortlessly. Bevzilla consumers are drawn to the excitement and variety the brand
offers, with a focus on trying new flavors and experiences. Nescafe Classic consumers appreciate
the brand's affordability and wide availability, choosing it for its consistency.

The Consumer Decision Making part of our project helped us identify how a consumer can come
up with the final decision using different rules (Compensatory, Conjunctive, Disjunctive, and
Lexicographic). We found that for the same respondent, there were different results if we used
different rules on the same set of data given by the consumers. We have taken responses from 6
consumers of the brands we chose and applied all four rules for each of the 6 consumers. In the
report, we have explained how we came up with the conclusion to decide a particular brand for
our first respondent using all four methods. For the rest of the respondents including the first one,
we have attached the Excel sheet for reference which has the data of all the respondents with all

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the four rules applied to the data. The Excel workbook has 6 sheets with the name Respondent 1
to Respondent 6 and each sheet shows the result with different rules applied to the data of different

Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bmzs23HrYw3DyVvg9-


In conclusion, our research sheds light on the complex dynamics of consumer behavior in the
coffee industry. The findings underscore the significance of quality, price, and convenience in
shaping consumer preferences.

Sleepy Owl's success in positioning itself as a premium brand with a focus on quality and
convenience has resonated strongly with consumers. Bevzilla, on the other hand, has tapped into
the excitement-seeking nature of younger consumers by offering a wide array of innovative coffee
products at an attractive price point. Nescafe Classic maintains its popularity through affordability
and widespread availability, catering to consumers who prioritize budget-friendly options.

Understanding these consumer insights and brand perceptions is pivotal for coffee brands looking
to thrive in a competitive market. Brands can leverage this knowledge to refine their marketing
strategies, enhance their product offerings, and connect with their target audience on a deeper
emotional level. As the coffee industry continues to evolve, staying attuned to consumer
preferences will be the key to success for both established brands like Nescafe Classic and newer
players like Bevzilla and Sleepy Owl.

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