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What is the potential consequence being studied when the criterion is set too low,
leading to the erroneous detection of non-existent illnesses by doctors?
a. Miss b. Hit
c. False Alarm b. Correct Rejection

2. What cognitive process involve the ongoing decision-making regarding which stimuli
to focus on and which to disregard?
a. Divided Attention b. Selective Attention
c. Selective Vigilance d. Signal Detection

3. What type of human error is exemplified in this scenario where you opted to bring
only a comforter to a camping trip, assuming your friends would bring a tent, but later
found out you should have brought a tent yourself?
a. Miss b. Slip
c. Mistakes d. Correct Rejection

4. What is one factor that impacts our attention? It restricts our focus, whether it's due to
inherent anxiety or specific situational factors.
a. Anxiety b. Controlled Processes
c. Arousal d. Task Difficulty

5. What term describes the phenomenon in which the response to a stimulus decreases
after repeated exposure to it?
a. Automatization b. Automatic Processes
c. Habituation d. Dishabituation
6. What kind of preconscious processing is demonstrated in this scenario where you
were unable to recall your mother's contact number when asked by your teacher to write
it down?
a. Blindsight b. Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
c. Priming d. Neglect

7. What term describes the duration it takes to inspect an item and make a decision
about it?
a. Reaction Time b. Alerting
c. Orienting d. Inspection Time

8. What is the definition of readiness for incoming events and the sustained focus on
them, which encompasses the preparatory process as well?
a. Orienting b. Alerting
c. Inspection Time d. Reaction Time
9. Individuals suffering from this disorder would find it challenging to concentrate in a
way that would allow them to adjust to their surroundings as best they could.
a. Change Blindness b. Spatial Neglect
c. Dyslexia d. ADHD

10. What kind of attention is essential to resolve conflicts when faced with multiple
competing demands for attention?
a. Executive Attention b. Selective Attention
c. Divided Attention d. Automatic Processes
11. When experienced drivers can comfortably hold a conversation while driving in
various situations, which aspect of attentional function is being demonstrated?
a. Divided Attention b. Search
c. Signal detection and vigilance d. Selective attention

12.What is the term for a search process that combines multiple features to create an
object representation at a specific location?
a. Conjunction search b. Feature search
c. Transactional search d. Guided Search

13. What is the theoretical framework that make how our minds perform visual
searches, employing a mental map to represent various features across the visual field
for each potential stimulus feature?
a. Selective Filter Model b. Broadbent’s Model
c. Treisman’s Model d. Attenuation Model

14. Could the findings from Treisman's data be reinterpreted to suggest that it is more
challenging to detect targets that closely resemble distractors, as opposed to targets
that are distinctly different from distractors?
a. Similarity Theory b. Similarity model
c. Feature-Integration Theory d. Guided Search Theory

15. What is the term for the active process of concentrating on a limited amount of
information among everything we perceive, remember, and think about?
a. Actively looking b. Vigilance
c. Attention d. Signal Detection

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